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WMAT C4 Material-S vs Procyana
Date of Scene: 03 August 2014
Location: WMAT Arena - Devil's Hand
Synopsis: The tech raccoon against the Material of Wisdom, in a blowout, shootout fight that has plenty of fireworks for everyone!
Cast of Characters: 177, 353, 365
Tinyplot: WMAT

Procyana (365) has posed:
The eerie calm of the Devil's Hand plains is puntured by the subtle rumble of a growling beast. From the fogs a pair of eyes illuminate the mists like a haunting gaze...

And then you realize this is just decorative imagery as the 'beast' that arrives in the clearing is not a monster, but Procyana riding up on her hovercycle. There was no marked off arena in this region, but there was a designated starting point so the cameras can get all the best shots before the throwdown starts.

"Huh. Looks like I'm the first one here this time." She swings a leg over and slides off the hoverbike, tail flicking up after her. After a few steps away she holds up what looks like a keychain remote over her shoulder and presses its button. The bike rumbles to life again, and then speeds off in auto-pilot.

"Oh well, may as well make myself comfortable." She pulls one blaster from its holster and holds it up, making sure its fully charge. Barrel is clear, digital sights are clear, so on. Typical pre-mission prep.

Material-S (177) has posed:
    It isn't much of a wait. An orange streak in the air rockets across the sky, then bends abruptly so that the dark-clad figure can sweep to a halt, skidding along the grass to leave a brief wave behind her. The small girl carries the blue-tipped staff ready and waiting, and she quietly sets down some distance from her opponent.

    No words are exchanged, at first, only a small and polite curtsy. When she straightens, Material-S plants the butt of her staff into the ground and speaks her first words of the day. "I am ready."

Laer (353) has posed:
Laer is present, and she seems very happy to be broadcasting today, possibly thanks to having avoided Serori interfering. Screaming into a radio, she says, "Greetings, ladies and gentlemen, this is Laer Azati welcoming you back to the WMAT! Today, we have a super exciting match for you, pitting a small child against one of the most dangerous agents in the multiverse, located in the most desolate location the tournament organizers can find, all for your entertainment! You monsters. On this side, Material Ess! And on the other, Procyana! Join us in person, or follow my broadcast on 900.2/WMAT2!"

Procyana (365) has posed:
Ears flick at the overhead sound, and Procyana lifts her gaze to follow the form's descent to arrive on the starting point opposite of her. Then one ear flicks at the commentary on the radio. "Small child? Pfff. Don't mean nothing in the multiverse." Twirls the blaster around her finger idly. "Looks, deceiving, yadda yadda. Trust me, in my line of work I know all about deceiving appearances." Flicks the gun back into a proper grip. "But if you're ready, kiddo..."

Now one would probably expect her to just use the gun already in her hand... You would be wrong if you did so! Just like she said moments ago about deceiving, the whole gun twirling thing was no more than a flashy distraction.

Up until she moves with lightning reflexes to grab its twin from the other holster and whip it up towards Ess to snap off a quick shot.

Material-S (177) has posed:
    The shot snaps off, and Material-S(better known as Seikou) just... kinda tanks it. It strikes her shoulder, burning through the fabric and causing her to jerk a little bit, smoke rising from the hole. A vaguely curious look is given to the hole, while Seikou rises with a fluttering lift of the orange wings on her ankles, rising up from the ground while the tip of her Device shimmers and forms an angular, spearlike tip. 'BLAST HEAD,' the Device pings loudly.

    Then, abruptly, Seikou is on the move. Zigzagging back and forth, she starts an evasive pattern that jinks about the sky above Procyana to provide a more difficult target. She barely even pauses to sweep Luciferion, her Device, toward her opponent, sending out a bolt of flaming orange magical power. It burns like fire, if it hits, but it's a stun-only attack... somehow.

Laer (353) has posed:
Laer says, "Oh, and we're getting right out on the front foot of aggression, with Procyana pulling out two pistols and taking one shot! Seikou gets shot! And that's probably it for her. Wait, no, it looks like she's going to come back to fight back! Which probably isn't a surprise, given that by my unofficial estimate this is the eleventh round of the tournament and both of them are massively favored warriors. There's a bolt of fireish orange mess, and the fight is on in earnest!"

Procyana (365) has posed:
Admittably even Procyana's augmented senses have some trouble keeping up with the erratic movements, if it wasn't for the tactical software that was part of them she might of never noticed the leap into the air. As she she's barely quick enough to turn her side to the attack and hold up one arm in front of herself. The fire-like magic bolt slams into her arm-guard, sending embers licking around it in the wake of the scorching impact.

"I guess you like to bring the heat, huh?" She doesn't lower her arm, instead using it to brace the other against to accomidate for the angle she's got to lean back at to try and get a bead on the girl in the air. "Then maybe you oughta cool off a little."

She flicks the setting on the blaster she's aiming, causing it's trace-lines to turn to an icy glow to match the bolt of anti-thermal energy that fires from it this time.

Material-S (177) has posed:
    The shot from the raccoon slams into Seikou's left gauntlet, causing it to frost and ice over. Cracks appear along the armored plating and up her arm, but other than the sluggishness of her fingers that would be normal from getting hit by that, she doesn't seem overly put out. Apparently, despite using fire, she has no elemental weakness to cold. It was still a good hit, though, and it forces her to hold her staff one-handed until she can regain feeling.

    One hand is all she needs for most attacks though. Darting left and right, Seikou suddenly stops in midair, an open target... but she's surrounded by a cluster of small orange lights, swirling around her erratically. "Mn."

    'PYRO RAIN,' Luciferion pings, sending a swarm of blazing bolts down all at once, showering the area with flames.

Laer (353) has posed:
Laer says, "Puns rain down upon Seikou, undoubtedly causing her a great deal of psychic pain to go along with what appears to be a cold-based attack! But she parries in the vicious wordplay with a mighty among of indifferent grunting, though the cold appears to be rather more effective. Still, in response, more flames; a veritable shower of fire on the area! Luckily, there's nothing worth burning out here other than each other!"

Procyana (365) has posed:
Of course not, that would be too easy. Especially for this far into the match-ups. But it was one of those things that you just have to try to be sure. At least it didn't look like it was resisted any, either.

She's got a better track on Seikou now though, so when the girl stops and forms clusters of orange lights Procyana responds in kind by shifting her stance to bring up both of her blasters. The fiery rain is unleashed, and she fires off several shots to intercept some of the bolts. However one still manages to slam into her, causing the raccoon woman to stagger backwards while several more alight the ground around her with bright, burning flares.

"Tch, keep that up and I'm gonna burn out all my fire puns!" Like a smartass she complains about that instead of actually getting burned. "But two can play at that game." With a cybernetic thought she activates the mod system for her weapons and in a crackle that almost looks like pixels assembling a pair of larger rectangular enhancements appear over the barrels of her blasters. As Procyana raises both of them up the rectangles split open to reveal numerous emitters that take the energy of the guns and instead of single blasts unlease two large spreading clusters of energy bolts, the angles of their scatter spread in such a way to make it very difficult for an airborne target to have clear maneuvering to evade all of them.

Material-S (177) has posed:
    Seikou is still jinking all over the place, and then suddenly the air is filled with blasts! They impact /something/ with a surprising plume of magic and smoke, exploding around the small form in an apparent direct hit... and the faint 'AH' that slips out said that something /did/ connect with the stoic opponent who seems immune to puns.

    When the air clears, though, a scorch can be seen on her front... but a shimmering barrier of orange energy is before her, doubtless blocking a large portion of the attack. Worse yet, though the damage to her gauntlet remains, her fingers seem to have lost their numbness and left her flexing them with light thought. Then...

    'AIR DASH,' Luciferion pings, causing Seikou's form to blur as she darts forward and /toward/ Procyana. The raccoon will doubtless feel a buffet of wind from the movement boost passing her by, aiming to engage her flank with a sudden surge of energy: 'BLAZE IMPACT.'

    It's a punch? More like an open palm strike from the tiny girl, with a heated plume of mystical fire backing it up. Just an explosion of power to try knocking Procyana flat-footed.

Laer (353) has posed:
    Laer says, "Another exchange of blows follows that sick burn! A number of lasers seem to seek out and find Seikou, who looks like she manages to block some portion of the attack. Ninty percent? Ninty-nine percent? It's impossible to tell! But her strike in return is a little bit less impressive, I think she may have missed entirely."

Procyana (365) has posed:
At the speed she's moving Seikou would see Procyana rapidly expanding in her view as she closes in, thrusting out her glowing limb to ram into her.

That never connects as Procyana pulls off a move that only someone with cybernetic reflexes and experience would be able to manage. At nearly the last possible moment she jukes out of the way, skimming just to the side of the glowing hand as she spins around.

A spin that also brings her boot clad foot flying back at the girl with the same lightning speed in an attempt to kick her before she's sped past entirely.

Material-S (177) has posed:
    Seikou was expecting a counterattack, at the very least. She didn't expect a clean miss, but oh well. She still has her staff up in just the right place to block, soaking the kick with a jarring impact that runs down her arms and knocks her away. It's a solid hit, she was just prepared for it... so prepared there's no visible damage, even if it probably stings a bit. It also knocks her back a dozen or so feet, skimming the ground with a wooshing noise.

    "Fast," she compliments quietly. Maybe she's been talking this entire time and it's just been hard to hear? Either way, her staff is pointed toward Procyana now, and quite suddenly-


    It's a blossom of orange power and flame, bigger than the little bolts she's been fired, and shot from the hip rather than a charged attack. At this range, she's hoping the sluggishness of the shot will be countered by the short distance.

Laer (353) has posed:
Laer says, "It's another quick exchange, and in this one Seikou seems to get the upper hand! A reversal of the previous set of blows, a block with her staff lets her be in position to just blast the living daylights out of Procyana with it! Oh, there's going to be quite a dry cleaning bill after that one."

Procyana (365) has posed:
Tch. That counterattack didn't follow up the awesome dodge as well as she had hoped. She managed to knock Seikou off her course but that was about it. Needless to say the girl is back on her feet and bringing up a bigger blast faster than she had anticipated. "Ah f--"

The fiery explosion cuts off whatever she was about to say, though to the audience it is probably pretty obvious what it was going to be. The girl was probably right in thinking the lack of distance wouldn't give her opponent a chance to evade a second time.

As the fire magic is dying off the audible *CHA-CHUNK* of a weapon being pump-action cocked can be heard. Procyana emerges back into view, seemingly ignoring the fact that her protective jacket is still on fire in several places. The source of the noise is probably the large shotgun looking weapon she's holding in place of her previous blasters. People that have watched her previous matches or encountered her in the field would of seen the double barreled 'streetsweeper' version of the weapon. But this one is a single, almost exagerratedly large barrel and muzzle -- a choke mod to reduce its shot spread and keep the blast focused.

This results in not a scatter of small glowing bursts but large explosive blast of superheated energy erupting from the weapon at Seikou with enough recoil that even with her augmentations Procyana's arms still jerk a bit.

Material-S (177) has posed:
    'ROUND SHIELD,' Luciferion pings, throwing up a circular barrier in front of Seikou. The blast still manages to shatter it and slam into her chest, but Seikou's maneuver considerably lessened the force, meaning it scorches her front and probably cracked some ribs(or would if she HAD ribs), but otherwise merely tossed her back a few feet in midair with a grunt. A solid, but not devastating hit that leaves her smoking in front. It even caused numerous motes of orange power to be flung out from her body!

    Or... wait. Those motes hang in the air and clump together, forming several larger spheres. Seikou shakes her head, then makes a small gesture.


    Just like it says on the tin, the spheres all start streaking toward Procyana while Seikou tsks softly, shooting up in the air to gain some altitude and consider the battlefield.

Laer (353) has posed:
    Laer says, "And it seems that the ice agent can also use fire! Or explosions. Are they actually different? Seikou, on the other hand, seems to be launching a complex attack, with large spheres of energy. Both of these attacks find firm homes, and I have to think that this kind of abuse on both sides will lead to one or the other falling sooner rather than later! Who it will be, though, is a more complex question."

Procyana (365) has posed:
Procyana pumps the shotgun's action again and a now glowless energy vial ejects out of it as a new one is loaded. But before she can get a chance to crack off another shot to follow up the first Seikou is already forming more of those spheres. This little girl's recovery time is impressive, to say the least.

This time, however, Procyana knows not to just stand still and try to shoot the projectiles down. Tail flares to keep her balance as she spins around and starts running in the other direction, mentally cursing the lack of scenery in their location she could use to her advantage. As the first shot homes in on her she abruptly dives to the side, managing to move faster than it can readjust and slams into the ground behind her. Procyana rolls back onto her feet and moving as the other homing spheres reorient to follow after her.

She turns to fire the plasma shotgun at the second one, but it's too close and the resulting blast knocks her over all the same. She skids on her back, just in time to see another sphere coming towards her. Improvising on the fly she brings up her legs to 'kick' it, igniting her energy dash-jets to blast it away from her. The sudden boost also flips her over to get off the ground, landing in a handspring to push off the ground again, and mid-air throws the shotgun at the last sphere to intercept it. Boss will be pissed about her having to raid the armory to replace it, but what else was she suppose to do.

The spycoon lands on her feet and stands up slowly to dust herself off. "Well that was interesting. Now, where were we... oh yeah. Getting out the -fun- stuff."

Was that a giggle from her? Maybe a little. Seikou should probably be more concerned with the fact that as she turns to face her the crackle of nano-storage retrieval manifests a launcher onto her shoulder. Missile? Not quite. This one fires a spark arcing ball of electricity at high speed towards the high flying girl.

Material-S (177) has posed:
    The launcher fires, and Seikou... doesn't try to dodge? That's weird. 'ROUND SHIELD,' chimes Luciferion, causing the electricity to smash against the summoned orange barrier that's... moving toward Procyana? Looks like! Arcs and crackling energy leak around and through the shield, scorching Seikou and her jacket badly, but she powers through it despite the damage to draw Luciferion backward as she moves in at high speed to...

    'AIR SLICER,' the Device pings suddenly. If Procyana was expecting another flame attack, she's disappointed, as instead it's a vacuum cut that thunders through the air, scoring a wide cleave through the ground on its way to cut the raccoon woman.

Laer (353) has posed:
Laer says, "One of the shots of plasma is going astray, and I'm pretty certain we may have just had a spectator killed by the wild shot, but the competitors fight on! There's a missile.. no, a blast of lightning from Procyana, which Seikou tries to just fight through, eating it head on! But that might give the opening she needs, because it certainly looks like Procyana has just eaten a completely devistating strike. She might lose a kidney with that kind of blow!"

Procyana (365) has posed:
Procyana throws the launcher aside after the attack. It's one of those weapons that only has one shot so it's useless to carry it around afterwards. With her hands free she draws her blasters again, only for Seikou to come cruising down for another attack. It looks like a dive, so Procyana flexes her legs and crouchs down, likely trying to time some sort of jump.

Which proves to be a miscalculation on her part when she does jump, only for Seikou to suddenly throw off a slicing attack of nothing through the air, the vacuum effect as effecient as any blade when it strikes. Bits of technoweave fabric scatter about as the attack tears off entire portions of her jacket and shorts as Procyana is thrown to the ground roughly. Ugh, the switch-up caught her off-guard.

None the less she pushes herself onto her feet with a deep exhaling, giving her augmentations a few seconds to accomidate for damages so she can keep fighting for the time being. No time to check what sort of internal harm that actually did. Or she's just ignoring whatever internal warnings her bionics are producing. Either is likely. She flicks her head back to shake her long hair out of her face, then turns back to her opponent.

That her blasters are charging can be visible seen as she moves, even when at her sides. Their channel trace-lines are glowing red hot as matching motes of energy as consolidating at the muzzles. There's no witty remarks this time, Procyana just turns, raises both guns side by side, and fires the combined thermal blast at Seikou.

Material-S (177) has posed:
    Though she uses fire, Seikou is not vulnerable to cold. It also seems she's not particularly resistant to heat! Well, she can control flames, sometimes, but it doesn't look like that helps her at all here. She has to jink to the side in a shimmer of an orange-lit afterimage... but it's not fast enough. One of the beams sizzles right through her upper thigh, taking out a chunk of it. A big chunk. Now it's a little more clear why she's so stoic about her injuries, as it doesn't look like she's actually /bleeding/ or anything in there.

    She still takes damage just like anyone else, though... and stoic doesn't mean implacable, because she flinches at the gouging hit. Of a bit more concern is the clattering noise of cartridges rolling into place and discharging, sending empty casings flying as Seikou streaks to the side.

    'STUN MODE RE-ENGAGED. BLAST REPEATER,' Luciferion pings, sending a series thundering orange bolts toward Procyana's position, exploding in massive blasts attempting to just saturate the battlefield with power.

Laer (353) has posed:
Laer says, "And Procyana's kidney, having been sliced out, enters the battle as a third contestant. Oh, it's got a chair, and it's going straight at Seikou's head with it! This can't be legal under the rules of the tournament, especially with Procyana continuing to fire guns at her as well! But there are a series of explosions, and the organ gets caught as colateral damage as Procyana takes those hits. I have to think the next exchange may be the last."

Procyana (365) has posed:
More multiple blasts? And people complain -she's- the one that's too eager to sling ammo? Sheesh. Is this irony, or just coincidence? She's never sure about the use of that phrase. Not really important anyways.

Procyana breaks into a run towards Seikou's position, pushing the remaining strength she has to the limit. Though despite her efforts she doesn't have as much trying to evade the blasts raining down this time. She manages to avoid a few direct hits, but the blasts that result from hitting the ground still slam against her, tearing apart her waning defenses.

Yet she manages to somehow stay on her feet. She lunges through the last couple of blasts and comes skidding to a stop just underneath the girl. Some point in her dash she put away her guns. Why?

Instead she points up and fires her HookShock grappler beam at Seikou. That proves its name upon latching onto the girl by deliverying a large discharge of electricity not unlike being hit with several tasers at once.

Followed by Procyana yanking down on the grappler to hopefully whip the small girl out of the air and slam her into the ground.

It gives off another electrical discharge, and then instead of retracting it Procyana uses it to reel herself in close before Seikou can get back in the air hopefully. It lets go at the last moment, leaving just enough of an energized charge around Procyana's fist for her to aim for the girl's face.

If anything, this is one woman that does not give up just because she's slipping behind in the damage department.

Material-S (177) has posed:
    A grappler beam. That's new. Seikou blinks, then lets out a startled cry as electricity surges up toward her. She grits her teeth and manages to erect a shimmering barrier around her to tank most of it... but that does nothing against the slam into the ground that comes next, shattering the globe around her.

    The small girl's form is flung about, convulsing wildly from the second charge, and then the fist connects with a satisfying /CRACK/ against her face. It should have broken bone, and it seems like it did... but her jaw snaps back into place bloodlessly, if not painlessly, leaving her dizzied and hurt but not crippled and unconscious. It does leave the question of what she's going to do, though.


    The chime of Luciferion is the only warning Procyana will get... and it's a spell she hasn't used much this battle. Seikou darts her hand up, releasing a potent explosion of flaming mana to attempt to put some distance between herself and the raccoon. Forcefully.

    "That was unexpected," Seikou says quietly, finally commenting some on her opponent's attacks.

Laer (353) has posed:
Laer says, "It seems that we've gotten tired of all the attempts to dodge and manuever around each other, and it shifts from an organic battle to a bit more fixed one as Procyana grapples with Seikou. She doesn't take that sitting down, though, because she's smashed a bit, and I think things are momentarily broken! Of course, Seikou is powered by love and joy, which are unbreakable, and so is quickly mended and striking back, trying to buy a bit of distance, and doing some damage in the process."

Procyana (365) has posed:
The weapon speaks when she attacks. Procyana has picked up on this thruought the fight, but it's not always been at a point she can capitalize on the warning. This time is a little different.

She draws her blasters, but holds them so they're tucked back against the insides of her arms as she crosses them in front of her. The energy projectors in her bracers activate, creating a small energy shield in front of her arms. That is what the attack slams into, shattering the shield but keeping the attack to a blast that skids her backwards from how hard it hit, some sort of vapor rolling off her form. Could be from the electronics in her suit being fried by the constant barrage of attacks.

It becomes clear that the way she was holding her guns was to have them ready but protect them, as she flips them around into a proper grip as she pulls her arms back from the defensive stance, and then just holds them out and opens fire. No fancy tricks, no elaborate combo technics. She just unloads multiple alternating shots in a manner that's almost one big blast in the end.

Material-S (177) has posed:
    Seikou is rising with a bit of effort... the damage she's taken has taken its toll on her, overall. Her Barrier Jacket is in tatters, and chunks of her ar missing... but her face still holds that quiet, neutral expression. She doesn't try to fly, though... she instead tries something else to deal with the shots.

    Shimmering barriers, smaller and more concentrated, pop up to catch the shots. At least, that's the idea. The first few work, but she's too injured to keep up that pinpoint focus now, so first one snaps across her shoulder to stagger her, then another slams into her chest, the Jacket the only thing that keeps her intact. "HN!" She's hurting pretty bad, her voice slightly pained now. Not quite unstoppable, huh?

    Abruptly, a loud clatter sounds from her Device, and an eruption of orange flame blasts out, roaring toward Procyana. It's another pillar of orange mana and fire, burning hotly while still somehow not doing permanent damage.

    A few seconds later, Luciferion chimes, 'BLAST FIRE.'


Laer (353) has posed:
Laer says, "And that's it, ladies and gentlemen! Luciferion wins this matchup! Oh, and I suppose Seikou helped; she overcomes a strong resistance from Procyana to burn gloriously into the fifth round! This was an excellent match, and Seikou's reign of terror will continue one more round. Can she go all the way? Find out next time!"

Procyana (365) has posed:
The guns just go until they're entirely out of charge, and eject the cells that serve in the same function as magazines. Alas, no chance to actually eject the magazine -at- her opponent this time. She's been overusing that trick anyways.

For a few terse seconds after the guns stop firing that they're just standing there, staring and silent other than Procyana's heavy breathing.

Until the Device decides to be an a-hole, and shoot out an attack BEFORE its chime. The flames slam into her, and Procyana reels over backwards. She slams to the ground with a groan, and falls still. No fancy tricks to get back up this time.

Material-S (177) has posed:
    The cartridge casing pops out of Luciferion, and steam vents from the Device as the phlanges open up. Seikou waits a few moments for victory to be declared, then she nods firmly. "Excellent match. Perhaps I will see you again next year."

    Not a sore winner, this one. Just... really damn quiet. Though perhaps, if Procyana is still conscious, she could catch the quick glare Seikou gives Luciferion to keep the Device from chiming in obnoxiously.

Procyana (365) has posed:
Procyana manages a vage wave without actually getting up. "Yeah. Good luck with ending the next guys winning streak too." ... Okay she's not so bad off if she's still making snappy remarks despite being beat up. It's sincere, though.

Hey, semi-finals is nothing to sneeze at. She'd entered for the challenge and that she got plenty of.