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Latest revision as of 20:41, 16 November 2014

This Weird Day...
Date of Scene: 09 November 2014
Location: Dun Realtai
Synopsis: A weird day.
Cast of Characters: 560, 617

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    What a hell of a day it's been. And early evening. And late evening too. How the heck did a fight with a Dead Apostle suddenly involve DRAGONS FROM THE BLACK LAGOON? And Death himself.

    Shirou's really not sure. But he hurts so much right now that he couldn't think about it too much if he tried. Approaching Dun Realtai after etting some basic treatment from Assassin, Shirou was easily and quickly spoted by some of the villagers, who helped him to get to the keep. But he's been making his own way through the great stone structure, never mind how chunks of his side are kinda GONE and every step's a stagger that makes him feel like vomiting up.

    His clothes are half-shredded too, and will probably need replacing. That can wait, however, for him to stop feeling like vomiting up whatever Balmung did NOT vaporize.

    Thankfully the longer he walks towards his room, the easier his steps get... if only slightly.

    The room he's heading for is in the upper reaches of the castle. It's a small guest room that he's done very little to decorate. But he always keeps the simple bed neatly made (he'd prefer a futon, but as that would look pretty weird with a bed already in the room... he hasn't gotten one.)

    There IS an elaborate portable kitchen however, in one of the corners. It's setup on a collapsible table and all cooking is done via those newfangled induction heaters, thanks to some futuristic power pack ganked from the Union equipment.

    It's a very plain room indeed.

Chloe von Einzbern (617) has posed:
Shirou, you seem to have a visitor. Though not apparent at first, the room might not be entirely empty by the time the youth makes his way back to his quarters. The spartan settings are fine- cozy enough for the invader, though. No sooner than the door opens there's a stir. A rustling shift of something faintly moving. Things are about to get much worse, considering the fact that the bed isn't empty.

Snuggled in and comfy under the sheets is a small figure; dark skin, pink hair, and... She is taking up the whole bed. Sprawled out, with her face on the pillow and dozing away like she owns the place. Thing is, there was no mistake or anything. This IS Shirou's room. The only problem is, like some kind of cat, this girl has decided it is now her territory, apparently.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Shirou is almost too out of it to notice the difference. Almost. He is normally an extremely tidy person who would properly prepare himself for bed even if his guts were threatening to break loose and slap him in the face. But right now, he just doesn't have the energy. He tiredly limp-slumps towards the bed... makes it halfway there without even bothering to shut his door... and just stops to look blearily at the sight before him. "....hn......?"

    Wearily the redhead peers at this incongruity. There's someone... in his bed. Weirder, it's a girl... "D-did I--" he doesn't get those words out very loudly, as he doesn't want to wake whoever this is.

    The first thin he does is gather his wits and glance around. Yes, this is his room. Despite all of his agony, and the fact that parts of him are wrapped up tightly in bandages, he ends up scratching the side of his head and staring bewilderedly at this predicament.

    ONly to, moments later, develop INTENSE feelings of 'you really shouldn't stare at sleping girls, no why are you even in the same ROOM AS HER?'

    The consternation and even some guilt starts showing on his face. But something nags at him...

    Without thinking about it much, he reaches down to adjust the covers to keep the girl warmer, and tries to turn around and sneak out without waking the girl.

    He'll just... stumble into another uguest room or something, maybe.

Chloe von Einzbern (617) has posed:
Well, the bed isn't so tidy anymore. Not with this sudden and strange mystery-girl rolled up in the sheets, as comfy as can be. Try as Shirou might to keep quiet though, the sound of his voice gets her stirring again, threatening to wake up any second if he utters another sound or lingers too long. Good thing once he's gotten his bearings and regained composure, he's already on the way out, right?

That doesn't seem to be the case. The sudden grasp of one hand takes ahold of Shirou by the shirt when he moves to tuck her in, golden eyes snap open with a flash, as lips curl into a grin. "... There you are... I've been waiting for you, but you were taking forever." She utters through a groggy yawn, with a stretch. "... Big brother."

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Whumpf. Shirou's tattered shirt is grabbed.

    "e-eh?!" Even pained and all bandaged up, for this one brief moment the way he blinks down at Chloe is pretty comical. He's just THAT BEWILDERED by this development.

    "Sorry, there wasn't any helping it." He answers warmly as if it's the most natural thing in the world.

    And yet a few moments later... the bewilderment and friendliness turns into SHOCK.

    "E-EH?! W-wait a moment, who are you...?!" He's not quite yelling, buuuut he does raise his voince some.

Chloe von Einzbern (617) has posed:
That's such a Shirou answer, isn't it? 'There wasn't any helping it'. And now that he's not going to try and sneak off, and she's already awake, fingers unclench, relinquishing their grasp on the youth's shirt, as she rolls off her side and takes the most immensely lazy stretch, before sitting herself up.

That grin widens, apparently relishing in the boy's bewildered shock as the question of who she is comes flying. "That hurts. You don't remember me~?" Lashes are fluttering for a moment, before she finally gets a view of the state Shirou's in. Battered. Bandaged. Bloodied. Already she's scootching over, the look on her face briefly flickering. "What happened."

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    Shirou seems. reluctant, but he can't quite stay standing much longer. With Chloe sitting up, he seats himself at the edge of the bed and IMMEDIATELY has to clamp down on a wave of nausea. His whole body's involved in that, shuddering while he clamps his eyes shut and just tries to breathe.

    "Some of the craziest stuff I've seen in the Multiverse." he grunts, only to add in what's SUPPOSED to be a reassuring tone, "For some reason I heal well here, so don't worry." It's supposed to be reassuring, and would, if he didn't seem like he's about to fall apart.

    Even with that though, he peers more carefully at Chloe now, a troubled expression flashing over his face. He's trying VERY HARD to remember her. even if she's teasing, this is troubling. She's pretty distinctive. He's sure someone like her wouldn't be easily forgotten.

    In the end, he can only sigh. "Not at all. Sorry. I can't believe I'd forget anyone like you though."

    Apparently, he genuinely believes he might've forgotten. ... or is willing to apologize for it anyways.

Chloe von Einzbern (617) has posed:
He does look like he's been through the ringer. Unfortunately for Shirou, it's not going to come to an end or get any easier now. When he settles in on the edge of the bed and visibly starts to look sick, the girl is already holding him up by the shoulder. "Mmmmmmmmm..." It's a thoughful sound, though concerned as he tries to get a good look and put a finger on identity...

"Well now *I* guess there's no helping it." Repeated with an almost dramatic sigh. "And here I was hoping to spend time with my big brother, but it looks like I'm going to have to let him get his rest." Something about that is teasing, but at the same time it IS pretty true. But then the girl's nose scrunches right up in a mock pout, "Hmmm? Daddy never told you about Illyasviel?"

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    The sigh Shirou lets out is much relieved compared tot he last one. "Thanks." Well, whoever this invader is, whether or not they feel like a Servant, Shirou's grateful for the consideration. It helps clear his head too! He manages to smile at her, even!

    ... Apparently he's far more concerned at being the supposed big brother she was expecting than the weird Servant Vibes.


    He can't help but snort exasperatedly at what she brings out though. "Never - not until the one I just met did -- HUH?!"

    He did totally answer without thinking.

    But he peers all the moreso at Chloe now. "..... So you're Illyasviel? Did my old man tell you where I was?" He smiles now, a bit ruefully. Regretful, really. "Sorry, I'd've liked to meet you in better circumstances." Even so he maintains a warm and friendly tone. Very positive, and appropriate for a kid Chloe's apparent age!

Chloe von Einzbern (617) has posed:
    Of cours she'll have to leave Shirou to his rest. The teasing and making him miserable can come later, when he's not spilling his guts everywhere. For now though, as pieces begin to come together and Shirou begins putting two and two on his own, those golden eyes stare fairly intently, an almost cat-like grin never leaving the girl's face the whole while.

And when it seems to click and dawn on him mid-sentance that grin widens several fractions. "It's complicated." Technically yes, she is Illyasviel, but the other one back home got to keep THAT name. "I found you on my own, big brother~. But you can call me Chloe."

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    "UN! You can say thaaaat again." Shirou blurts out - in an uncannily merry tone, considering the situation. Anyone should be really confused and possibly furious or downhearted by the crazy amount of braintwisters that've been dumped on Shirou these last few weeks.

    But for whatever reason, he seems to be taking Chloe's addition in very good spirits. Admittedly, seeing her SMILING is doing a number for him.

    After so much hell, a smiling face is very welcome no matter whose it is!

    The boy inhales deeply, finally regaining SOME of his composure. That healing thing IS working, whatever it is. Just being here, near Saber, is doing wonders. Not so much he can't go without a rest though!

    Just... he no longer feels like baring every other breath. "Chloe...?" He experiments with the unfamiliar name, blinking a few times. But apparently he's satisfied by it, given the sudden smile. "Then... pleased to meet you, Chloe. .... Hmmm........ so I really do have a sister." Well he's not directly naming Chloe as them, but he is finally thinking about it at all now!

Chloe von Einzbern (617) has posed:
That went easier than expected. Sure there was confusion and bewilderment, but the fact that Chloe hasn't gotten kicked out of the room and decried is a good step forward. And to be fair, Chloe isn't trying to kill Shirou or cause problems for him. ... Right now. So.

That hand now rises to plant on Shirou's chest. And gives him a push. A light shove to make the boy lay back, and she's already climbing off the bed to stand and stretch arms over head. "Of course you do. I'm right here, aren't I?" Mused once he's gone on to start thinking about it. "Buuuuuut I should probably find somewhere else to sleep. Others might think you're some kind of pervert if I stayed in here with you." She gives in a vicious jab of a tease.

Emiya Shirou (560) has posed:
    'The one who climbed into my bed when I wasn't here is saying that?' Flickers through Shirou's thoughts, though thankfully never reaches his face. A certain Counter Guardian might voice his insights, but Shirou? nah. He just disregards them.

    Still, what is a girl her age doing making such adult comments? Weeeeeeeird.

    Yeah. Instead, he sort of flops backwards onto the bed. "Yeah, so you are. Sorry, just talking's taking all my energy right now. And it's really late. I'll make something in the morning... if you're hungry there's some leftovers in the fridge."

    There is a microwave in his little collapsible kitchen, though he's not fond of such a gizmo. There's also one of those neat little mini-fridges.

Chloe von Einzbern (617) has posed:
Funny Shirou should mention the fridge. As soon as he does, Chloe is already raiding it, and casually popping said leftovers in for a re-heating. "Mmmmmhm. I'll just fix this up and be on my wayyyy." Leftovers or not, she clearly is not passing up on the chance for something Shirou likely whipped up.

"Get some sleep, big brother, I'll be seeing you in the morning~." After likely invading someone else's room to sleep while unoccupied.

Probably Gawain's.