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Latest revision as of 20:51, 27 November 2014

Little Student Lost
Date of Scene: 24 November 2014
Location: The Central Valley
Synopsis: After happening upon the multiverse and finding himself hopelessly lost, Quentyn Whitewind is rescued by an unlikely figure. Lucatiel of Mirrah is hardly a knight in shining armour...
Cast of Characters: Staren, 66, 635

Staren has posed:
    It takes some time to nail down someone's location from their radio transmissions, but it's possible. After however many 1000km hops as are needed to get from the nearest warpgate, Staren appears in a flash of light. He looks between the two here and immediately concludes the one /not/ riding a horse is from Galianda. Lucatiel gets a nod and then he extends a hand to Quentyn. "I'm Staren, pleased to meet you mister...?" he prompts for a name.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Armor-clad warrior RIDING a madpony? Quentyn turns and nearly runs for the trees and hills. But when the figure speaks he pauses midstride, cautiously turns back. "Ride THAT?" he asks it like she just suggested riding a manticore, and takes a step or two back.

    Eyes glued to the horse and rider, Quentyn doesn't notice Staren until he speaks... but he brightens when he recognizes the voice. "Um. Quentyn..."

Lucatiel of Mirrah (66) has posed:
The horse, when indicated, lazily flicks an ear and champs at the bridle. Its rider looks less than impressed; there comes from beneath that mask a long, drawn-out sigh of what seems to be exasperation.

"I can see you have things well in hand." This is given to Staren, and the knight abruptly turns her horse around, with a flick of its tail. "I will leave this 'rescue' to you, then. There are other matters I can tend to."

And with that, she spurs the horse, sending it into a smart gallop right back the way she'd come, provided they don't stop her first. Masked Knight, awaaaay!

Staren has posed:
    Staren blinks at Lucatiel. "I, um... I wasn't trying to steal your rescue or anything..." But she's gone. After a moment he turns back to Quentyn. "On many worlds, chocobos don't exist, so humans domesticated horses. Although there are a few worlds in this sector where horses themselves are the local intelligent race... those look different, though."

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn jumps a little when the horse champs, but when the rider leaves... he sags just a little and lets out a long, slow breath of relief. "They can be domesticated..?" the teen asks skeptically, stepping over to Staren. Looks like he's ready to be a little more trusting of the one not dressed for war.

    Quentyn fiddles with his glasses for a moment as he looks at Staren. "Are you a morpher?" he asks curiously. If Staren is familiar enough with Galianda, he might place the accent as faintly Shivan.

Staren has posed:
    Staren shrugs and looks after the retreating Lucatiel and her horse. "Horses can. Madponies might be different in all but appearance, all I know about them is they're monsters on Galianda that look like horses." He looks back to Quentyn. "What's a morpher?" He's nowhere near familiar enough to place accents. "Do you mean a shapeshifter?"

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn reluctantly nods. He curls a finger and taps it against his chin, and then simply shrugs. "Yah, I guess, close anyways." He looks around at the surrounding landscape cautiously, then back to Staren. "Can we start back before anything else finds us?"

Staren has posed:
    Staren blinks and looks around. "Sure... doesn't seem to be anything dangerous here, but you never know..." He looks back to Quentyn. "But if you can't handle yourself against monsters, you shouldn't randomly wander through warpgates." Staren extends a hand expectantly. If Quentyn takes it, there's a glow and they teleport back to the local warpgate. "I'm just curious though: How'd you know I was a shapeshifter?"

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn looks away, embarrassed, "I was just going to take a quick look and go right back..." He takes the hand, and blinkblinkblinks and looks around at the sudden change of locale. "That's neat, I don't think anyone's hacked teleport magic back home." He looks back to Staren and gives a lopsided grin, "Your ears and tail are a dead give away."

Staren has posed:
    Staren blinks, and looks back at his tail. "Oh, I see. Like if I were a bakeneko or a tanuki or something. I never thought of it that way, I'm not those things."

    Staren turns to the warpgate. "Teleportation seems to be pretty rare, warpgates aside, but there are some worlds where they have machines that can do it. Anyway..." He explains how, given coordinates, to choose the correct warpgate branches, and starts leading Quentyn back to Galianda.

    As they move from gate to gate, the scenery outside changes, becoming more mountainous, and then coastal or even underwater cities and the like.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    The teen listens carefully to the instructions and the punctuates it all with a big nod. For a lot of the trip he's quiet, simply drinking in the diverse surroundings. Probably paying more attention to that than the gate route, which might be how he got himself in this mess in the first place.

    "Can't wait to get a team together and really explore these places." Quentyn grins. He looks over to Staren. "Where're you from anyways? Have you been to the academy?"

Staren has posed:
    They step out of a warpgate onto a floating island in the clouds. "Almost there." Staren takes a moment to enjoy the breeze as they stop to talk. "I'm from one of the many Earths. About four hundred years later than usual, though. We had an apocalypse, and magic came back... Things are still kind of a mess, but there are cities again now, and my home is a center of magic and learning." He shakes his head. "I just got to see the world bridge. Well I mean I saw a lot from there, but I didn't get to actually visit any of the world plates... What do you call it? Bifrost? Spur?"

    Staren points up at the sun. "See, that's what a sun normally looks like. ...Don't more than glance at it, it'll hurt your eyes."

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
Quentyn tugs his sweater a little closer at the sudden transition. He listens, doing that chin tap motion again. "Sounds like a lot of history... and then there's thousands and thousands more worlds..." He looks up to Staren again, pushing up his spectacles slightly and a grin tugging at the edges of his mouth. "Stop by the academy sometime, sounds like your kind of place." He glances off to the side, "I mean if they let you, I heard there's travel restrictions for foreigners right now..." Then back to Staren again, "Anyways, if you're into magitechnology I can show you around the machine shops sometime, and if you're not, there's loads of other stuff."

    At the mention of the sun Quentyn tugs at his sweater again, but this time to pull the hood more closely about himself. But then he looks, holding up a hand to shield himself from most of the sun's bright rays. And then he looks away agin. "We're not normal..?" He wonders faintly to himself.

Staren has posed:
    Staren shrugs. "Yeah, Kamon said we're allowed on Ramuha and Chocobo right now." He turns to Kamon. "Magic, technology, I like it all, I wanna figure out how the whole multiverse works... you never know when a new world's magic might turn out to be useful...."

    His ears twitch and he looks a bit apologetic. "I'm sorry, 'normal' wasn't the right word to use... still, a sun that's a giant bird? I've never heard of anything like it. But every world is unique in its own ways." He turns back to the warpgate.

    After a few more floating islands, cloud cities, and the like, they eventually arrive back on Galianda!

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    "..Kamon--?" Quentyn's eyes turn back to Staren and he perks up. "Chocobo? That means you /can/ visit the academy," Quentyn grins. Then he curls his finger and taps his chin again, "Is your world pretty open with sharing stuff? Maybe we could learn a bit from each other..." He shrugs, but looks more optimistic than the gesture suggests.

Staren has posed:
    Staren shakes his head. "Most of my world isn't. Lazlo, the city I live in, is, however -- although, of course, manufacturers still have trade secrets and mages are unlikely to share high-level spells without getting something more interesting than just money in return, though."

    "Here we are!" Staren announces, as they step out of the gate.

Quentyn Westwind (635) has posed:
    Quentyn shrugs helplessly, "Even small things could be useful." He breathes another sigh of relief at arriving at home sweet home. Looks around for a moment, then to Staren again. He grins, "Thanks." Then he turns and points to the bridge to the moon, AKA Chocobo. "If you wanna visit, just keeping going up." Turning back, "It's a big place, grab a map too if you visit."

Staren has posed:
    Staren nods. "Will do. You never know what we might find! But right now, I've actually got an important meeting to go to at gome, so... I will definately visit Galianda again later. Seeya!" He waves for a few moments, then walks back through the warpgate.