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Latest revision as of 07:22, 27 January 2015

Powdered Snow
Date of Scene: 20 January 2015
Location: Dun Realtai
Synopsis: In Dun Realtai, music is magic, and magic is music. The Dancing Samurai, Gakupo Kamui, could even hear its song even from across the multiverse, leading the Vocaloid to the broken yet healing land.
Cast of Characters: 346, 482, 686

Saber (346) has posed:
The warpgate which deposits multiversal travellers, quite fortunately, now faces a village which is no longer destroyed, though the surrounding landscape still recovers from a previously artificial winter. Much of vegetation is dead, rather than dormant, and the air is curiously devoid of the sounds of wildlife. Yet, there is life here, and the land is slowly recovering. The village – what appears to be a medieval European castle town – bustles subtly with life, the townspeople starting to rebuild their lives from some manner of cataclysm before the current lord assumed responsibility for it. Under his auspices, the land is slowly returning to life.

Today is one of its rare clear days, the air crisp and cold, and a layer of snow blankets the landscape. The town's children engage in typical children's games in it, tossing snowballs at one another and shouting in glee while the adults carry on with various chores, clearing paths around the restored buildings. In all, a lively, if slowly recovering place.

Beyond the village lies the keep with its central tower, the residence of the resident lord and his guests, those mysterious travellers from other lands who have come to help in the restoration efforts. Though by outward appearances the village is a primitive one by current standards, there are tell-tale signs of modern technology, enough to improve the lives of the native residents: insulation, plumbing, LED lights stand out where they could not be adequately blended in.

To hear the villagers speak, the doors of the keep are open to all – be they from the Union or even the Confederacy. Effectively neutral ground, it would seem.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
Gakupo Kamui is not unaware that his world now shares space with worlds that are of less technological bent than his.For this reason he has foregone the techno-samurai outfit.Instead he wears the typical outfit of a man in feudal Japan– a light blue inner kimono, with a royal blue outer kimono, white hakama, and a purple haori closed with a lavender himo.His sword, the Gakuto Miburi, is tucked in his hakama's sash.

Though it isn't a perfect disguise; the blue bodysuit can still be seen at the neck, and he still wears the attached boots.And not only does he still have his headset, but his hair is still purple.So he can't really blend in too terribly well.But it keeps him from looking too terribly out of place in the village.

Saber (346) has posed:
Once, the people of the village might have acted with suspicion over the curiously-dressed visitor, but now they merely react with a mild curiosity, pausing for a moment to look up from their chores. Should their latest visitor stop to ask any questions, they were ready with polite answers. As isolated as the place seems to be, they certainly don't seem very insular...or even particularly surprised by what fragments of technology the vocaloid carries with him.

The children, however, are a different matter, openly curious and perhaps a little too friendly for some. Yet before they have the chance to crowd the samurai and assault him with all manner of questions and grabbing at his hakama to admire the foreign attire, the more well-behaved adults warn them away from pestering their visitor, offering apologetic smiles and welcoming him to their village: Dún Reáltaí. The multiversal translation effect translates the name into "Fortress of the Stars."

And perhaps what might be most inviting of all are the faint strains of music, though likely strange to the android's ears. A the soft sound of a recorder, and the uncertain way it was being played sounded like a child was learning how to play it, halting and unsteady. That sound ended at a ruined fountain buried in snow, where a petite blonde woman clad in a thick blue cloak over a leather tunic, leggings, and boots with her hair bound up into a bun circled by a braid and bound with a simple blue ribbon attempted to play the instrument, surrounded by a few more of the village's children, who giggled at her attempt. The smile she gave them was a wry, slightly embarrassed one before she looked up, regarding the newcomer with sea-green eyes.

Excusing herself from their circle, she smiled faintly. "Forgive me for not welcoming you properly. I am called Saber," she greeted with crisp speech that, though translated, could be identified as an archaic form of Welsh.

Those green eyes flicked to the katana at his side, her head tilting in curiosity. "You are a samurai, I take it? If you are a follower of the Bushido code, I would be happy to extend Hospitality to you."

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
Children!Human-pups!Or kits.Kittens?Something like that.Either way Gakupo doesn't seem too upset with weird questions.The apologies from the adults are accepted warmly, but he explains that he understands children need to learn somehow.He will make his way through, engaging in polite conversation, until he hears that recorder.Oh, he recognizes that instrument!He will indeed follow the sound.

Once he finds the source, he remains quiet in respect to the one playing the song, until she stands to greet him.Then he bows politely as she introduces herself."I am Gakupo Kamui," he offers pleasantly in return."It's good to meet you."He also nods to his following of Bushido."I try to.I can only do my best."A smile.

His voice has an electronic quality to it, a slight synthesized buzz to it.It doesn't become particularly grating or painful, but it's definitely there.

Saber (346) has posed:
"Well-met," Saber replied, smiling warmly as she turned slightly to return the instrument to one of the children before they go running off, laughing as they join their friends for more snowball shenanigans. The single red stone set in bronze on her right earlobe flashed briefly as her head had turned to regard them for a moment, before turning back with a soft chuckle. "It is good to see such things return to the people of this land. They have lost much, and winter here has proved to be as harsh as we feared it would be. Still, we have lost none to it, due to what preparations we were able to make."

Her smile remained faint, yet warm. "Our supplies are modest, but we possess enough to entertain guests, should you have need of anything. As a knight, I cannot turn away any in need, in accordance with the Virtues of chivalry." Ah, so she was a knight? But she barely looked like a girl in the middle of her teens! And an exceptionally short one, at that.

His answer appeared to be satisfactory to the diminutive blonde. "Indeed. One must always strive to abide by his code. In chivalry, this is, in part, the virtue of Exercituim." The term appeared to transliterate into a general feeling of lifelong commitment and practise of one's skills and maintaining of proficiency.

His voice might have seemed curious, but strangely, the slight tilt of her head and thoughtful expression seemed to indicate that the knight didn't seem to find it as strange as someone from a more primitive society might find it. Moreover, she was polite enough not to ask rude questions. But perhaps even more strange was what she spoke. "If you do not mind my saying so, you have a pleasant voice. Unique, but pleasant."

Her smile seemed to warm a few degrees. "The people here are somewhat musical...it has suited us quite well." Wait, so the knight – or was that knights – weren't from around here? Where could they have been from?

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
"It's good that none have been lost.Are your people warm enough?" he asks.Space heaters aren't a hard thing to get hold of where he lives, and he can see that there's at least a little bit of electricity here, even if it's not very widespread.As for needing to entertain guests?"Thank you.I don't need to eat, so I shouldn't drain your resources if I were to stay a little while."

The comment of his voice brings a happy smile."Thank you very much, Miss Saber.I take that as a very high compliment."He bows.He catches that– the indication that the people are from elsewhere.He also catches something else."Musical?"He seems quite surprised."It must be fate that led me here then, music is... a very important thing to me."

Saber (346) has posed:
The Servant nodded, a slight movement what with her rather prim and proper bearing, but noticeable enough. "Aye...we have had more modern insulation imported and installed, and some of the materials used in the reconstruction are in truth composites and polymers." So it would seem that for all appearances, Saber was quite knowledgeable about the multivere's current time-frame. "They have been kept warm and remained indoors through the blizzards...regardless, we would be most grateful for any further assistance rendered."

Perhaps she should ask Gawain to request that Caster of White look into outfitting them with modern wiring...or relatively minor, given that the Caster was Nikola Tesla. He might have need of updating his own knowledge base...though maybe not by much.

Saber wasn't terribly surprised by the revelation that the android had no need of food. There were a great many beings out in the multiverse who didn't, but it was proper to offer. And besides, that sort of refreshing consideration was always welcome as far as she was concerned. "Be that as it may, you are welcome to remain here for as long as you like. There are guest quarters on the second and third floors of the keep, should you have need of them," she offered, indicating the tower within the inner bailey just beyond.

Saber in turn was also surprised. "It is?"

Then, her smile most definitely warmed. "So it would seem. The lord I have appointed over these lands himself hails from a family of fili." The word – strangely not Welsh, but an old form of Gaelic – transliterates into a number of different meanings: bard, poet, seer, magus, judge. The calling would seem to have juggled several different functions, but above all, music and magic were the central core of it. "He left his training to become one of my knights, but here, he is free to play as much as he wishes."

It was an odd way for her to refer to the lord, as if she in fact outranked him. Even a knight of a higher rank would not have referred to subordinates as hers. Not to mention the peculiar switching of languages ...they were both old forms, but from different parts of Great Britain altogether.

"Are you yourself something of a fili, or similar?" she asked, tilting her head slightly in curiosity.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
Gakupo looks pleased that at least the people have stayed warm and the blizzards haven't taken anyone."I'm not sure I could provide much assistance aside from possibly manpower," he says."My sphere of experience is a little limited.Though I will do what I can to help."He doesn't sound self-derisive when he says this, either.

He tilts his head at the strange word.Then he seems to freeze in place.The reflection of light in his eyes sweep across their surface, first one way and then the other.Someone familiar with computers might recognize that as 'loading' or 'processing'.The whole thing lasts only a few seconds and then Gakupo begins moving again."Hm... that word seems to have connotations that both do and don't apply to me," he observes."I write and sing songs.But that's what I was created to do.I'm a Vocaloid."He places a hand on his chest and bows his head, as a sort of a salute.

Saber (346) has posed:
Even if Gakupo's help was limited, the offer did nothing to dampen Saber's gratitude. "As it is said, 'Every little bit helps'. There are many whose capabilities are also limited, but together, the efforts of all have contributed to preventing any losses."

A hint of sorrow flickered across her features for a fleeting moment before her slight smile returned, though now with a hint of steely resolve. "In my kingdom, each winter brought with it many deaths, regardless of how well we prepared. We have been determined to ensure that it does not happen here. It is true that any assistance however small would be most welcome."

The jade-eyed knight was not as familiar with computers as some, perhaps, but she knew enough to recognise some of what she witnessed. But while she was slightly surprised, she wasn't taken aback or regard the Vocaloid with suspicion. If anything, the mild curiosity remained, along with a slight bit of recognition of his true nature. "so then, a bard, perhaps?" The word this time was its Welsh equivalent, and implied a master musician and songwriter, but without the magical connotations and of a slightly lower rank in society. It was, nevertheless, a highly valued position. The people of her lands must have placed high value on music.

However, the precise word for what he was eluded her. "Vocaloid?" she asked, her head tilting slightly with the question.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
Gakupo smiles at the expression 'every little bit helps'."If nothing else I can help with building, carrying things... things like that."His strength is higher than a normal human's after all.That might be all he can do.Though maybe if he talked to his mother... hm...

He also nods to the mention of the winter months bringing death."The cold makes it harder for humans to fend off disease, I'm told."So he's not human."And the weather makes people that are sick end up in close confines with those who aren't."At least, those are the reasons he was told about.But they do make sense.

As for what he is?"Vocaloid, yes," Gakupo confirms."It's a combination of the words 'vocalist' and 'android'."

Saber (346) has posed:
"You help would indeed be most welcome, in whatever you might do," Saber answered with a faint smile which was, for her, bright and cheerful. While she could not completely erase her regal bearing, at least maintain a stoic mask was no longer necessary.

Something occurred to her then. "However, there other ways, as well. Spirits are uncommonly light for now, given how well we have withstood the season thus far. But there are days where it seems the winter is without end, and the people will need something to lift their spirits. It is during those days when music and levity will be as important as any manual labour." In other words, his very talents might be just the very thing the people would need.

Saber nodded slightly. "Indeed. And what illnesses do not claim, others still fall to exposure. Even a mild frostbite can be potentially deadly for mortal beings, particularly the very young and the elderly." Apparently, neither was she. At least, not any more.

"Ah, I see," the Servant replied, her faint smile not so much as wavering. "Then I was not mistaken in thinking that you must sing exquisitely. And you can play instruments, as well?"

For all his artificial nature, she seemed to continue to treat him no differently than a human being. Which, to her, he was; human beings were far from the only living beings inhabiting her world. In fact, that might have even been the case here....was that a priest's gong with stubby little legs and a hammer tail waddling by, 'goooong'-ing softly along the way for all the world like a bizarre turtle?

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
Gakupo offers a smile. "I can try to lift spirits," he confirms. "It's worked in the past, and I've been able to help people improve their moods. It's hard to be upset when you have music, isn't it?" He does seem quite shocked about the notion of frostbite, though, and places a hand over his mouth briefly. "Goodness. I didn't know that. I knew frostbite was unpleasant and dangerous, but I didn't realize it quite that that bad."

As for his singing and playing of instruments? He nods. "That's right," he confirms. "I also have an on-board synthesizer, so what instruments I can't play with my hands, I can duplicate the sounds of– er...?"

He trails off because... what the heck? Is that a gong? He looks at the 'turtlegong', catch lights sweeping across his eyes. That's... definitely something he needs a moment to process!

Saber (346) has posed:
With a slight nod, Saber agreed. "The people here had been through a great ordeal before our arrival...I believe that the population is now a third of what it had been. Yet, even with our aid, they have been determined to do what they can for themselves. They are proud, independent...but one an see the tragedy within them. As simple as it may be, music has been much more than simply entertainment. It has lifted the spirits as only music can."

A thoughtful expression crossed her face, along with a slightly nostalgic, wistful smile. "Rather as it had been in Britain, it would seem."

Her expression turned slightly grim, remembering just how harsh winters had been in her kingdom. "Indeed. In the current era, it is, for the most part, rarely life-threatening. But for a place as simple as this village – as it had been in Britain during my era – it is a grave threat. Many were lost each winter due to such things...mostly young children and the elderly." The petite blonde clasped her hands, almost as if in prayer, her tone relieved. "Though flawed, the current era has been a miracle. Without the Union's supplies, there would have been at least one casualty. Yet, we have prevented that."

As the Vocaloid bean to describe the extent of his musical capabilities, the Servant's expression – though subt;e by most standards – was one of fascination. At least, before their 'pet' tsukumogami waddled by.

With a slight sigh, Saber plucked the animated gong up from the ground, its stubby legs drooping before a muffled strike of its 'tail' on it's 'shell'. And there seemed to be strange tooth-like gouges on that shell, as if some giant creature had been gnawing on it. "Escaping Kepas, hmm?" she asked the strange creature before she noted Gakupo's puzzled expression.

"Ah...this is a tsukumogami which returned with us from a land called Azuma." Strangely, the word she used was the exact Japanese term...not that there was really a Welsh or Gaelic equivalent, anyway. "Though I do not know its name...if it has one. However, it seems..relatively content here."

Well, except for a certain puppyish ice-hound treating it like a chewtoy...

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
A few questions here and a few questions there led the marshal to his errant lady. Word had it that she had borrowed a recorder from one of the children, and had proceeded to clumsily teaching herself how to play it... at least, before the arrival of a certain stranger. Word spreads fast in a small village!

So it is that the lord of the land comes around the corner, strolling down the hill toward the open marketplace. The square is really more of an oblong, and its ruined fountain marks its centre; situated exactly halfway between the castle and the base of the hill. He's wearing the blue steel hauberk gifted to him over the holiday season, shining in the sun; the leather pauldrons and gorget he wears accent the bluish steel in gleaming dark brown. Trailing behind him is his white cloak of office, much-mended and fur-trimmed to cope with Dún Reáltaí's cold.

He pauses as he catches sight of Arturia and the stranger, arching pale brows. He approaches, though, before folding his arms; standing behind Arturia where she's seated on the fountain's edge... but she'd know his approach, of course. It's impossible for one to be unaware of the other's presence.

"The best I can understand is that a 'tsukumogami' is an object left for a hundred years that gains its own spirit." He pronounces the unfamiliar word a little clumsily, stumbling over the Japanese; he himself seems to be speaking Gaelic, voice lilting, almost itself musical. Bedivere tilts his eyes, studying Gakupo with evident thoughtfulness. His eyes are a mild colour, somewhere between violet and blue-grey, and despite their slightly melancholy, almost sleepy cast, something about them suggests he misses very little. He offers a faint, slightly crooked smile and inclines forward in a formal bow.

He looks familiar in an uncomfortable way – a faint, passing resemblance to Sasaki Kojirou – but this one is not the same. He lacks that air of stillness and peaceable calm, and those disconcerting tattooed scars. Indeed, this one seems friendly.

"I am Sir Bedivere of Dún Reáltaí, and lord of this place. Be welcome here, traveller."

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
Gakupo seems surprised at hearing that the population got cut so drastically. But he nods to the mention of the people being proud and independent. "Humans seem to have that in common everywhere," he observes with a smile. "When things are really bad, that's when they seem to shine the brightest."

A tsukumogami? Gakupo's eyes widen a little. Not in fear or horror, though. In surprise. He offers a polite bow to the gong-creature. "It's good to meet you, Tsukumogami." Since he doesn't know the thing's name, he's just being as respectful as he can. That is, after all, how one keeps them from being angry– treat them with respect!

Bedivere's arrival draws him to turn slightly. He bows politely to Bedivere as well. "Hello," he greets as Bedivere introduces himself. "It's very good to meet you, Lord Bedivere. My name is Gakupo Kamui. Thank you for allowing me here."

Sharp senses can probably pick up a number of odd things about him that sets him apart from a normal human being. There is a very soft whirring sound when his body moves. The light pulse of a pump can probably be heard too, like a heartbeat. And he breathes. But not to speak, as the light breathing can be heard behind and despite his words. There's also a very faint 'overcorrection' wobble to his movements, particularly in the faster ones. It's nearly undetectable, but someone who's particularly observant can pick it up.

Saber (346) has posed:
The comment earned a slightly different sort of smile from the Servant; she definitely approved of that answer. "There are some who would claim that humanity has become tainted in its superfluousness," Saber said, recalling a certain Archer who had earned her ire quite some time ago. "It goes without saying that I disagree. Though I believe in saving as many as I am able, adversity is something which seems to bring out the best in it."

The gong, for its part, might understand, or might not. But it seemed to perk up a little, its tail striking the back again in what was probably its own form of greeting before Saber set the peculiar creature back on the ground and back to its awkward waddling. If Kepas came hunting for it, she could pick it back up easily enough.

As she sensed the approach of her Master, Saber's smile widened slightly, but noticeably, into a clearly fond expression. It might seem strange that she was smiling for apparently no reason until Bedivere's arrival, turning slightly to regard him thoughtfully. He would be able, through their way of silent communication, easing him off his protective mode. You need not worry, she 'told' him. I am safe...he is a knight, or perhaps a knight-aspirant.

Not that he was ever going to completely relax when it came to his bodyguarding duties.

"I have not been the best of hosts, I shall admit," answered out loud, a little sheepishly. "Sir Gakupo is...it would seem that he is a bard of no small skill."

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
The knight slowly tilts his head. In spite of his seemingly nonchalant stature, those faded eyes never quite leave Gakupo. He seems to be listening, and very closely; it seems he can pick up on those subtle cues and sounds. They're not human, and while Bedivere is hardly prejudiced against the non-human, he does tend to be a little more wary – his experiences with those not human have not been pleasant, overall.

To the thanks, he only inclines his head in polite gesture, still watching closley. His eyes don't narrow, but it's clear that he doesn't find that stuff normal, because his eyes never leave the vocaloid.

His eyes flick briefly to Saber, just in time to acknowledge that unspoken comment. His brow furrows, very slightly, but he doesn't say anything out loud. I will always worry, but, as you wish.

Stubborn man. Almost as stubborn as the King of Knights.

Regardless, whatever was passed between them must have put him at ease. His posture relaxes a little afterward. It's not enough that he relaxes completely, but his posture is less visibly tense when he looks back to Gakupo, and there's a new interest in his eyes; interest that grows by the second.

"A filidh?" The word is unusual, and Gaelic. It seems to imply a bard, a musician, a poet, a singer of tales... but it also seems to imply a magician, an advisor, a judge – many things, all wrapped into one station, one calling. Gradually his interest dims a little, though. "No... a bard, perhaps." Music only, then; he seems not to sense any magic about Gakupo at all. "Hmm. Still, that is interesting. What manner of bard are you, if I may ask...?"

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
"Likely a case of 'want to' as opposed to 'need to', as far as being superfluous and frivolous," Gakupo agrees, chuckling slightly. "When one CAN live in comfort, why wouldn't one, right? But when necessary, one can <rough it>." It's kind of funny, he says 'rough it' in English, and his English is... bad. It sounds more like 'raffit'!

Gakupo chuckles as Saber places the the gong-creature on the ground and it begins waddling away. "Take care," he says in farewell to the creature, giving a merry wave. "I would have expected a tsukumogami to garner a lot more negative attention." He doesn't say it to mean that he himself disapproves, no. Just that he'd expected it to be less accepted. Though he does seem suddenly sheepish at Saber's comment of his bard skills.

Now, he IS visibly armed. The dark blue sheath of a katana is visible in the band of his hakama. But he doesn't seem inclined to use it. He's got an easy smile on his face, and there seems nothing contrived about the expression. Bedivere's question gets a somewhat sheepish smile. "I'm a Vocaloid, sir," he answers politely. "A portmanteau of 'vocalist' and 'android', though I started as just a vocal synthesizer program on the computer of a normal user of the program."

Perhaps he's implying that he wasn't always sapient? A normal computer couldn't possibly hold the code necessary for an AI, could it?

Saber (346) has posed:
Saber chuckled softly. "Aye, I cannot fault anyone for enjoying certain things," she admitted. Such as, in her case, food. As much as she needed large quantities to maintain her physical form – her link with Bedivere was strong enough to keep her anchored, but usage of her powers required some supplementation using food – she did so enjoy a good meal, particularly spicy ones. Britain was never praised for its cuisine...quite the opposite, in fact.

And she couldn't help but chuckle softly at the phrase; it was, after all, a foreign language to the three of them...even if it originated in the general area of her homeland. it was still more than a thousand years into her future.

"It is not so strange, truly," she remarked, though Bedivere had certainly found the little creature to be downright odd, if charming in its own way. "Even that which was created rather than born have souls...or can acquire them. It is not unheard of even in my own world, if somewhat rare." Though the purple-haired aspiring samurai was clearly artificial in some ways, the nature of his being was not terribly strange to the Servant. Five years in the multiverse tended to inoculate one to the idea of created living beings...particularly when one of the stranger things about was a living priest's gong.

True, the marshal was a stubborn man, just as stubborn as his king. But she wasn't put out or aggravated, seeming to not only accept him as he was, but appreciate that part of him. It was a valuable trait in the knight who would be her Left Hand, but even now as merely a knight serving the Union and a caretaker of this small village, she appreciated it just as much. It probably wouldn't scare off friendly visitors.

Thank you, love, she implied as the tall knight relaxed. A dessert involving apples and pastry would likely be in the offing as a reward.

She could already see the confusion on Bedivere's face, as well-hidden as it was. Though her own understanding of technology left quite a bit to be desired, there were a few things she understood well enough to 'translate'. "What he means is that...I suppose you could think of his creation as similar to that of a homunculus, though mechanical rather than flesh. A living instrument, if you will."

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
The katana is looked at for a few seconds, long enough that it's obvious the knight's noticed the sword and recognised it for what it is. He offers no comment, though, evidently deciding to trust in Saber's judgement of character. If she believes he isn't a threat, then he isn't a threat. Bedivere may perhaps still worry, but that's no reflection on Gakupo; merely a reflection of the marshal's own mistrust of... well, pretty much everyone who isn't Saber, really.

Gakupo's explanation only earns a blank stare.

It is by that bland expression pretty obvious he didn't understand any of that. At all.

Artificial life isn't a foreign notion even in the era of knights, though. After all, homunculi could be created by a skillful magician. Sir Mordred was one such example, and she was capable of feeling just as much passion and depth of feeling as a biological human. Aside from her occasional problems with anger or immaturity, one would never know the difference, to look at her through mundane senses.

Quietly, Bedivere makes a mental note never to look at the Traitor Knight with his magecraft-enhanced Sight. He probably wouldn't like what he saw there.

Those violet eyes settle on Gakupo again, studying intensely where he hears that faint servo-buzz of movement, or the other subtle tells.

That explanation from Saber, however, leaves him blinking very slowly as he studies the vocaloid, somewhat blankly.

"Perhaps it is better to show than to tell," he suggests, somewhat cautiously. "What sorts of music do you know, Master Kamui...?"

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
At Saber's words of created things having souls too, Gakupo nods. "That's true. I did, actually." He, however, needed a little more time to acclimate to things he might have considered to be 'weird', since he'd only been there for a short time. Then again, one man's 'weird' is another man's 'wonderful'!

Gakupo also notes the blank stare from Bedivere, and gives a sheepish look. Oops. He needed to figure out a way to explain that to people whose technology was different than his. Saber's mention of a homunculus gets a nod. "Or an automaton, or a golem?" he suggests helpfully. "Clockwork automaton perhaps?"

And then comes the question of what kind of music he knows. "A lot of different kinds, though mostly what I'd call 'modern' music. Although... I know a few that have a more 'classical' sound. Would you like to hear one?"

Saber (346) has posed:
"I find it is best to simply assume that all are in possession of a soul, and to treat them accordingly," Saber replied, keeping an eye on the wandering tsukumogami in case it became stuck on an obstacle it couldn't surmount. Which happened quite often; it wasn't unheard of for her to have to turn the creature right-side-up again after it had flipped itself over. Or distract Kepas from chewing on it. Unfortunately, there wasn't a tree trunk to throw for the ice hound to run after.

The Servant recalled something, some snipet of conversation over the radio. "I believe there are other 'androids', as well, who are also self-aware."

She smiled slightly. "However, none that I know of can write their own music. Such acts of creation are, I believe, an indication of a soul."

It didn't take special insight for Arturia to tell that Bedivere couldn't help but think of Mordred at the mention of homunculi. Though they had reconciled for the most part, it was still a sore spot for him, and she lightly touched the knight's hand reassuringly. In truth, he would probably never heal from it completely. But she could be there for him, at least.

She remained curious over the katana; to draw a weapon was not an indication of combat, by itself. Moreover, her Intuition which would have warned her of killing intent remained silent. But the weapon itself was of a peculiar sort, and even the Heroic Spirit could honestly say that she had never seen its like before. "Is this, in fact, a type of instrument?" How fascinating!

And with that, the proverbial carrot was dangled in front of the knights' noses. "I should like to, yes," Saber admitted with a smile. Almost as much as Bedivere, she enjoyed hearing new types of music. The more melodic types, that is. Saber wasn't terribly fond of...what was it called? 'Autoclthonian techno?'

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
The knight watches their guest in silence, although the touch to his hand doesn't go unnoticed. Even through the leather and steel of his plate gauntlet, he can feel her hand, as though fine-tuned to notice it when he shouldn't. More likely, he's simply aware of the touch.

They had been connected even in the days of Camelot, with a unique understanding between them; now, with the bond of a Master and Servant, there are no subtleties that escape them. His hand tightens subtly around hers, though mindful not to grip too hard with the steel around his own hand; silent thanks for her unspoken support.

It may be that he will forgive Mordred in time, but he will never forget what was done.

"Aye," he says instead, preferring to focus on other matters. Bedivere smiles, faintly, though he doesn't let go of Saber's hand. "To create music is a great indication of a soul, for did not the Lord God grant us the ability to fashion such wonders as art and music, thanks be to and as a reflection of His glory?"

A brief glance is flicked at Saber. Yes, he noticed the recorder.

"Please do," he indicates, dipping his chin at Gakupo in friendly, encouraging gesture. "I should be curious to hear what the bards of other worlds consider as their cherished repertoire."

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
Gakupo nods in agreement. "Better to assume the best and be wrong than assume the worst and be wrong," he reasons, a smile on his face. Saber mentions other androids, and he seems pleasantly surprised. "Really? I should try to make their acquaintence at some point. And... well, yes, that was how my mother became convinced of it. She found a song that I wrote." He looks sheepish about that, in fact.

As for his katana being an instrument? "Eeeh?" He looked to the sheath. "Oh!" A chuckle. He looks back to Saber. "No, that's my katana... Gakuto Miburi." 'Music Katana Miburi'. His left hand went to the blade– notably, the weapon is sheathed on his left side; if he intended to draw it against someone, he would probably have used his right. Also his movments were slow enough not to be taken as a threat. His left hand settled on the sheath and his thumb pushed the blade out just a little. Just enough to see a glimpse of the rainbow-colored blade.

He lets the sword slide back into the sheath, though, as he's asked to sing. With a nod, he agrees "I can do that, certainly. Now, let's see..." He thinks a moment, catch lights sweeping side-to-side again. He's looking through for a song. Then he blinks. "Ah! There's one." He takes a step back, so he's not singing in their faces.

Suddenly, music! He's not visibly playing anything, there's no instrument in his hands, but there is music, and it's emanating from him. It sounds almost like folk music, but... not quite. It has a synthesized sound that makes it obvious it's not folk-type music. His voice soon joins it, though.

Saber (346) has posed:
The Servant nodded. "Yes, quite. To do otherwise would be terribly rude." She was certainly big on proper manners. She smiled, however, at the mention of the song his creator had discovered, noting how he referred to her as his mother. Yes, that would be a much better word for her. "Your mother must be very fond of music. Wise, as well, to understand the creative spark."

She couldn't help but be a little embarrassed for the misunderstanding. "Ah, I see," Saber remarked. "It is a most unusual blade, and I have never seen one quite like it." Certainly not a Noble Phantasm, but the rainbow-coloured light would have inspired more than a few legends years ago.

She also tilted her head slightly, observing his movements intently. Though they were mechanical in nature, she had nevertheless seen those particular styles before...somewhere. That, just as much as the music, piqued her interest. There were fewer things the knight liked better than a good spar, and many a fond memory came from matching steel with Agrias, Lancelot, (other than in the Holy Grail War after he had become a Berserker) Bedivere...testing strength and skill in friendly competition was another pleasure she had permitted herself. It was almost like a child peering into the window of a candy store. "If you do not mind my saying so, I would like to match blades with you sometime. Your technique is quite good, from what I have seen of it."

The holding of Bedivere's hand had been a subtle gesture, perhaps not especially meaningful to those more accustomed to more direct displays. But it was nevertheless something neither of them would have dared in Camelot. Not when Arturia had needed to hide her true gender and conceal herself behind the stoic image of the perfect king, and Bedivere supporting her through his own stoic demeanour. It was much more than they had ever been permitted, so much that even such small tokens of affection meant the world. She couldn't help but smile, and she would never stop being grateful for the opportunity.They had been through hell, and the Battle of Camlann would be a lingering scar for as long as they could remember it. But those wounds were healing, and they now had a true home where she no longer had to pretend and Bedivere was no longer forced to deny his Dál Riata heritage and his filidh background. And when there was music...

Gakupo had certainly picked a fitting song, and not simply for Dún Reáltaí, but for their past in Camelot, as well....though her marshal's music had been silent back then. Now, into the evening one might hear the strains of uillean pipes that the pale-haired knight never would have dared play for fear of casting further doubt on the king's reign. But though he was free now and at the side of his king once more, there remained an element of sorrow and loss.

Even the peculiarity of all the music originating from a single musician did nothing to break the enchantment cast over the townspeople. Though Saber and Bedivere were not quite affected the same way, the non-Elites making up the village were irresistibly drawn to the sound...and there might have been a few eyes in that audience which had misted over. All there had lost something, and even a foreign song spoke to them of that loss.

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
"Such would not be wise," Bedivere comments thoughtfully, on assuming that things don't have souls. "Better to be proven wrong with the more generous option, I agree. And with such variety in the multiverse, one never quite knows where one will find more sensible folk. Why, I have even heard of a race of intelligent horses." In pastel colours, no less. "To presume ignorance only reflects ignorance itself."

Shifting his weight, he adjusts the lay of his cloak, wrapping it about himself as though he were cold. His eyes flit to the sword displayed, focused as the eyes of a hawk for a fleeting moment. He is a warrior, no matter how much he might not wish to be, and there's no doubt that he's internally figuring out the strengths and weaknesses of such a weapon by appearance and shape alone.

A little like Monohoshi Zao. Not so long as a dechevalier, though, and certainly more structurally sound... it is possible he could break such a blade with his own weapon, but it might cost him his blade in the effort. A slashing sword; not meant for thrusting, with a broad cutting blade. Damage increased by the subtle curve of its length–

He's startled from his reverie by the sound of music, blinking as though out of a daze, eyes flicking back to Gakupo himself. He simply stares blankly at the vocaloid for a moment, trying to figure where that music might be coming from. Yet he can find no answer to that, for all his powers of perception, looking faintly confused. The voice is understandable enough, but the rest is a mystery.

The pale-haired knight murmurs a quiet agreement in response to Saber's comment about Gakupo's mother. He finds his own thoughts drifting as he listens, eyes falling away from Gakupo, watching the villagers as they quietly risk coming a little closer to the lord and lady's visitor.

Arturia might feel his hand twitch, subtly, in hers; not out of distress, but as though he were silently ghosting the movements of fingering the pipe chanter, as though he were already playing accompaniment in his head to the tune; anticipating movements and chord changes with ease. His eyes fall half-closed, and without thinking about it he leans a little closer to the tiny king.

He's silent for a long moment, even when the last of the music fades away; his eyes remain half-closed, contemplative.

"Thank you," he says at length, dipping his head and straightening. "It is... not entirely what I am accustomed to, but there is beauty in it, as well," he adds, dubiously. The vocal was nice, but the synthesised instruments are apparently a bit jarring to his tastes.

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
As he's singing, Gakupo will need to wait until the song is done to answer questions. But he's fairly certain no one is going to hold that against him given why his voice is otherwise occupied. It's slightly ironic... Gakupo himself has never really experienced the sensations spoken of in the song. Truth be told, it's not really even his song. But it's his voice, here, that brings it to Dún Reáltaí and her people.

The music seems to be coming from his headset, more precisely. Could be odd that once he starts singing, so is his voice. Indeed, rather than coming from his mouth as it had been doing while he spoke, as he sings it now emanates from his headset with the music. That actually makes sense, given the small boom mic that had extended from the earphone on his right side. It makes his voice blend much better with the music than if the two had been coming from different sources.

Once the song's done, he bows to Bedivere's words. "Thank you," he returns. "I thought a song that had a similar sound to what I know to be music from your world might go easier."

Now he answers the question of Saber from earlier, giving a slight, though still polite, bow. "Please pardon me for the delay. Regarding matching blades, I would very much enjoy that. Unfortunately all of my knowledge comes from downloading information rather than practice, so I doubt I have the skill of someone that's been training since youth. Since I'm technically, er..." He pauses, to count on his fingers. "...Seven years old." He looks sheepish about that.

Saber (346) has posed:
With a slight tilt of her head, the little blonde regarded Bedivere with a curious expression. "Might you refer to those of Equestria? I have visited their world to exchange some books with Lady Twilight Sparkle. However...there is a peculiar enchantment over their land." Mainly, she was turned into a unicorn when last she visited. It was a little strange.

It was Bedivere's constant analysis of potential threats around her that had enabled Arturia to concentrate on other matters during her reign. Once she had been summoned as the Servant Saber, she had needed to rely on Kiritsugu's tactics and Irisviel's abilities...but to the latter, she had been nothing but a tool for his goal. A noble goal, assuredly, but it was not enough to instil the complete trust she had in her lieutenant. And now, he was in a position of having to learn to trust in others. She could empathise completely, and it had been his job for nearly two decades, after all.

But when his fingers ghosted the movement of playing the pipe chanter, Saber smiled softly – and almost shy expression – at the unconscious movement. He might find synthesised instruments a little too disconcerting, but the beauty of the song couldn't be denied. Likewise, he no longer needed to worry about hostile eyes observing him and spreading further rumours of the witchcraft of the foreign-born marshal. Though he had never expected nor even so much as asked for reward for the long years of service, Saber was nevertheless grateful for the chance for even small things which might have brought him some measure of happiness. Whether they took the form of French toast with apples or listening to music, she was more than eager to provide these things.

The jade-eyed knight had nearly forgotten that she had questions. And while there were some parts of the song which were not precisely descriptive of her, perhaps Irisviel would have resonated with them. She had, after all, been created as a mere tool, a vessel for the Holy Grail. Though the one living there now could not have remembered her, Saber was still grateful that this Irisviel could be spared. Arturia was more than willing to sacrifice possessing Avalon – the scabbard of Excalibur – if it could prolong her life.

"It is all right," the Servant replied with a slight wry smile. Synthesised instruments were not jarring for the Servant, not after five years of getting used to them, and Bedivere had only been in the larger multiverse for close to seven months. "And yes, it was quite similar in many ways. Yet, different...but not unpleasantly so."

She blinked a little in surprise. "So then, not entirely unlike homunculi," she mused. "They are created fully-grown, with some exceptions." Most notably, Ilyasviel and Mordred. "But even those who are effectively born grow at a much faster rate than human beings. A few of our guests are barely a few years old, themselves."

At his acceptance, however, she smiled. "Regardless, I should very much like to see your skills. The best way to hone them, we believe, is through constant application and practise." Not that she really had to push herself to practise; though she hated war and killing, she genuinely enjoyed swordplay for its own merits.

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
The pale-haired knight dips his head, but he doesn't comment any further to Gakupo. His eyes remain hooded, still distant and focused on somewhere else – or perhaps somewhen else. When Gakupo discusses the finer points of practising swordplay, or rather not practising swordplay, Bedivere remains distant for a few seconds longer. His mind is still on the music.

After a few seconds more he shakes his head, though the movement is slight. His eyes return to focus, settling on Gakupo, as though taking a moment to rewind and remember the question, or the topic.

"Ah. Yes, different. Perhaps the, ah, instruments are not what I am accustomed to. But there is beauty in it, all the same." He dips his head, fingres tightening faintly, almost imperceptibly, around Saber's hand. "Aye. I should like to see your skill with such a blade, myself. And we would be pleased to offer practise. As my king says, it is constant application and pratise that hones the skill, as a whetstone hones the blade." King? "Still, it is a handsome weapon. Well-crafted, I would imagine."

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
Gakupo thinks about that. Equestria? "Where is that?" he inquires. He blinks. "What enchantment is that?" He doesn't know much about magic, since... android. He's technological, so magic is a little outside his scope. And he smiles at her assurances. "Since I can't be the same, I might as well celebrate the differences, hm?" A chuckle.

He nods to the question of being 'born' fully grown. "That's right. I was built, much like you'd build a machine, the way I am now." That might also make it even more interesting that he calls his creator his mother then– she wouldn't have had to contribute anything of herself apart from time and labor if he's essentially just a sophisticated machine.

He's also thinking about that mention of practice. "I... actually don't know if practice would benefit an artificial lifeform?" he hedges uncertainly. "Most of what I know, I had to download. I'm not sure if practice helps that." A pause here, to tap his chin thoughtfully. "Though maybe... something like muscle memory? I can store the proper positioning of my body during the style in practice rather than just theory?"

Bedivere's mention of a 'king' gets Gakupo's attention. He blinks, looking to Bedivere and then Saber. "'King'?" he inquires. He seems a little confused. He seems as though he wants to say something, or perhaps ask something– the soft electronic whine of his voice engaging and then shutting off just as quickly. Politeness wins out over curiosity this time.

Saber (346) has posed:
A slight concerned frown marred Saber's brow; thoughts of long ago were not entirely pleasant. In fact, how many truly good memories did they truly have from Camelot? She had seen into his dreams of Dál Riata when he lived with his family, just as he had doubtless seen into her life with her foster father and brother, of times when they were permitted smiling and laughing and getting openly upset at brothers. All that he had ever seen of her had been the aloof King of Britain, and she had only caught glimpses of the idealistic knight-aspirant before the stoic mask of the Marshal of the Realm had replaced it upon his knighting. What memories they had shared had been of battles and reports and the delicate dance of court politics. Nothing in the way of truly happy memories.

No, as unpleasant as a great many things in the multiverse had been, their masks had finally fallen away, and they had truly been able to smile.

Her own hand tightened a fraction around his in response. The violet-eyed knight might have seemed well enough on the outside, but that hardly meant she wasn't going to worry. Perhaps he had simply been caught up in the music...which in itself was not bad by any means. And perhaps later, she could ask him to play something if it was not too much trouble...

But that was getting ahead of herself. "A-ah..." as if she suddenly remembered that she had mentioned Equestria. "I am uncertain how it affects those not from that world, precisely, however..."

Saber scratched her cheek slightly. She hadn't been especially disturbed at the time, but now it seemed somehow embarrassing. "I found that, upon entering, I had somehow been transformed into a unicorn."

Still, she regarded the violet-haired android with a bit of curiosity. "The same could be said of Irisviel...a guest of our here. She was created as a fully-formed adult, though from something called 'dee-en-ay'." She pronounced the letters curiously, as if she thought it was a true word rather than merely the first letter of each word. "Homunculi are created from this substance...not built, though perhaps a better would would be "mixed" through alchemy. But I fear I do not understand the process, myself. My half-sister was far better at understanding it than I."

Bedivere likely wouldn't want to think of Morgan le Fay any more than Mordred – perhaps even less-so, given that it was her plotting which had truly ended the kingdom – but Saber wasn't entirely sure how else to really describe the odd magic of their world.

Fortunately, there was a far more comfortable topic. "I am also uncertain how Exercitium would benefit a mechanical being," she admitted, the multiverse translating the Latin word into several different meanings to include lifelong honing of skills and dedication to perfection of those skills. "However, by doing, I believe that anyone capable of learning can improve, and learn to simply do things without the necessity of concentrating. In battle, having to recall the precise how of something can cost precious seconds."

She smiled faintly. "No effort is truly wasted in such endeavours." In other words, can't hurt to try, right?

Right back to an uncomfortable topic, apparently. Saber lifted her fist to her mouth and coughed slightly in what appeared to be an almost embarrassed gesture. "Ah, I should explain. In accordance with chivalry, I should name myself properly. I am Arturia Pendragon, King of Britain in my era. I had no choice but to disguise myself as a man in order to ascend the throne and attempt to bring some measure of peace to my kingdom. Hence, I ruled as a king, rather than a queen as it might have otherwise been."

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
"I have personally not been to Equestria," the pale-haired knight murmurs in answer, shaking his head. Explanation of that will have to be given by Saber. That he seems entirely unfamiliar with magic is also noted; perhaps, given his status as a Master, of potential interest. He simply studies Gakupo for a moment in silence, thoughtful.

Of course, the mention of practise is... mostly gibberish. Download? It's an unfamiliar term, and so Bedivere mentally glosses that over. He responds instead to the vocaloid's confusion.

"Aye. My king," he says simply, looking at Gakupo for a moment before his gaze slides sidelong to Saber.

Yup. King.

Even so, he falls silent, perhaps thinking of days past as Saber does. It wouldn't be surprising. Often their minds turn to the same things, whether they intend to or not; they are similar in personality, and they tend to follow similar tracks.

His eyes half-close again, and he returns that faint pressure against his hand. No doubt he'd be happy to unpack the Uilleann pipes, later; perhaps he might even try to recreate the vocaloid's melody.

To his credit, Bedivere doesn't scowl at the mention of Morgan le Fay. He wants to, but he doesn't, keeping his expression carefully blank.

A happier topic is the virtue of Exercitium, and how it might apply to a mechanical being such as their guest. The knight nods, faintly. "I must agree. No effort need be wasted in such an endeavour, and perhaps in the endeavour itself, new ways of doing things may occur to you. More efficient ways. Granted, I do not know how you or your kind would practise, if it is unnecessary..."

"Indeed." He nods, too, at Saber's explanation. "Some few of we Knights of the Round Table were aware of the king's secret, and strove to protect it. With our lives, if necessary, for the stability of the realm depended upon such a secret. The noble houses would not have accepted a woman astride the throne. Not all were aware, though, for the secret was never spoken of; merely figured out by a few." He shows that faint, almost sardonic half-smile. Like him. "I suppose it worked. No tales have I heard describe my king as anything but Arthur of legend."

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
Gakupo blinks at Saber's account. "Interesting! I don't think I've heard of that before." Pause, chintap. "Then again I'm still very new to the wider world... er, Multiverse, is it called? There are people who I've never met who know me! Not like fans. They personally know me, but I've never met any of them!" This seems to surprise him.

"DNA? As in deoxyribonucleic acid?" It doesn't occur to him until he's already said it that the word might be understood about as well as he understands the concept of magic– i.e., very little. But he recognizes his mistake soon after. "Er... I mean. Cloned?" Would that be understood? He doesn't blush, so it's hard to tell that he's embarrassed. Though he twitches and fidgets like an embarrassed human, even if it produces those odd, barely heard sounds from the parts that are responsible for his movements.

Then Saber explains the 'king' title. "Oh! That does explain a lot," he confirms. He doesn't know much about Europe and England, but back then wasn't it not allowed for women to rule alone? So that made sense to him.

Especially when Bedivere confirms it with further explanation of pretty much what Gakupo was thinking anyway. "Ah-ha! Yes, that does make sense." He seems far less confused by it now. It's probably helping that he's far less familiar with the legend of the 'Once and Future King' than a westerner might be. Otherwise there'd be all KINDS of uncomfortable questions he'd be asking...

Saber (346) has posed:
That promised to be an interesting trip, should Bedivere's curiosity override his usual nearly paranoid caution. On the other hand, being forcibly transformed into another kind of being would likely not make the beleaguered marshal very happy, to say the least.

Actually...that might make him panic if he wasn't properly prepared. Or even if he was properly prepared. The pale-haired knight was especially sensitive to any strange magic, particularly if it affected him directly.

As for the part about multiversal duplicates...oh yes, that part had been especially disconcerting. "Ah, yes. There must have been a different version of your reality which Unified prior to yours," Saber attempted to explain. "I have encountered the same; there have been those who had known of my identity in spite of never having met them, to my recollection. Apparently, they had known a different version of myself prior to my version's Unification. Therefore, there may have met a version of you from a different reality."

To be fair, it was more than just a little confusing. She didn't particularly understand it, herself.

Likewise, she was not even going to try to pronounce that word. Still, it seemed familiar. "I believe that is the proper word...forgive me, the science of the current era is not a subject I am especially versed in. I only have very limited knowledge of it, enough to understand certain aspects of technology, such as computers, but much still eludes me." As for cloning? "I believe that is similar, yes...when it is performed without the use of magic. I myself was 'cloned', in this way." She was still reluctant to talk about Mordred in too much detail, given Bedivere's presence.

She was relieved, in fact, that Gakupo was not quite as well-versed in Western legends. That made things considerably less awkward for her, and she relaxed slightly, but visibly. "Moreover, my title means little in this era. Now, I am simply one of the caretakers of this place. My duties are now to the people of Dún Reáltaí and their lord," she explained with a slight nod to the tall knight at her side.

That might cause some embarrassment for bedivere, but a knight must be as honest as possible...gender deceptions notwithstanding.

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
Once again, the pale-haired knight finds himself staring blankly at the mention of particular acids. The building blocks of life they may be, but the world of the mediaeval knight was not well known for its advances in the fields of science and medicine, not at the time of King Arthur's reign. Injuries trivial in the modern era could be lethal in that time, and even known treatments were often a gamble. Most would not even have survived the wounds Bedivere had been stricken with, but for his unusual fortitude – and stubbornness.

...Needless to say, Europe of the Middle Ages most certainly didn't know about an important concept like DNA.

He remains silent on the topic of multiple instances of a particular person, and offers no commentary, spoken or unspoken, on the topic of strange enchantments. Perhaps someday he may visit Equestria, either in an official capacity or not, but that day isn't here just yet. He's still coming to grips with his own heritage as a kind of magician... he'll have to handle things like that little by little, or it would do more harm than good.

When so indicated, Bedivere coughs a little, awkward. "Aye. Our duty now is to the people of Dún Reáltaí, though we be not of this land. Origin has no bearing on the knightly virtues, and we have been asked to protect them, and so protect them we shall, to the best of our ability and honour." He dips his head, as though in affirmation. "I someday hope this place bears a reputation that we strove for in Camelot, as a bastion of chivalry and safety, and peace for its people." He allows himself the faint flicker of a smile. "It is our new dream."

Gakupo Kamui (686) has posed:
Gakupo puts a hand to his mouth in surprise as Saber explains other realities. "To think I have a clone! Or... maybe many clones!" Though that might eventually happen in his world anyway. Since they don't know there that he's self-aware, plans to mass produce the Vocaloids might end up being put into motion someday. But he asks, "Do you disappear if you meet yourself from another reality?"

...Maybe that's a silly question, in retrospect.

Saber's explanation of how it happened gets a nod. "Oh, I see. Admittedly my understanding of magic isn't that good, but I understand that it was involved." That's about as far as he's going to think about it too. No sense popping a microchip over it!

He notes Bedivere's confusion with the talk of DNA and supplies meekly, "Sorry..." though he chuckles at Bedivere's sudden awkwardness. But he does listen to the confirmation of Saber's statement. "It's a wonderful dream," he agrees. Offering a hand for a handshake– informal for a Japanese man, but more familiar– he adds, "If you will allow it, I'll offer what help I can, as a samurai and a follower of the code of Bushido."

Saber (346) has posed:
Though her smile was slight, the pride in it was clear when she regarded her lieutenant, the lord she had appointed to the land when its temporary guardian had requested her to watch over it. Bedivere had done such an excellent job that the winter-witch, Alaia, had given them stewardship indefinitely, much to their puzzlement...and relief. They had both hoped to stay on as residents, at least.

That...wasn't precisely what Saber had in mind, but well, she hadn't exactly explained the whole multiversal multiple realities bit very well. It was hard to explain when one didn't really understand it all that well. "I would not say 'clones' so much as different versions..."

Oh. Well, that was something she hadn't thought about. "I do not believe so....there are some who have met these different versions, yet nothing happened other than simple confusion..." At least, that was what Fate had said. As far as she knew, there were still those two other versions of her about...one of them even in the Confederacy.

"Magic is rather....strange," was all she could really say, and Bedivere would certainly attest to that.

Arturia was, admittedly, a little surprised by the offer of a handshake. Nevertheless, after that pause she smiled and took the offered hand firmly. "We would me most grateful. As a knight on the path of chivalry, I welcome you to Dún Reáltaí."

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
"Why would one vanish if one met another version of oneself? Though, I cannot say that I know. I have not experienced meeting myself in the multiverse." Bedivere reaches up and rubs at his jaw, as though he were nonplussed by that possibility. The multiverse is a richly varied place, and while that makes for great wonders, other times it's just really confusing. "I do not know."

Hopefully not. That would be terribly inconvenient. Statistically speaking, in such a huge place, one's bound to one across an individual sharing one's history and name, right?

The pale-haired knight merely shakes his head at the vocaloid's apology. There's nothing to be forgiven; such confusion is simply a way of life in this place. He can't inherently understand everything. In his view, there's only one person afforded that right, and that's the Lord God who made them. Besides, what fun would be knowing everything? Life would be a terribly boring and predictable affair.

Probably right up his alley, actually. Boring and predictable are usually mutually exclusive to danger.

At the offer of a handshake, though, he yes the hand offered him somewhat dubiously. Bedivere is a withdrawn man, given to avoiding contact or even proximity to others most of the time. Yet this is a guest he had welcomed in his hall, and it would be rude of him not to at least shake hands. Thanks to his multiversal experiences, it's a gesture not entirely unknown to him.

His grip is strong when he clasps Gakupo's hand, but not crushing; mindful, at the very least, of the armour he's still wearing.

"You are welcome to stay as long as you like. There are guest quarters in the inn, over there—" Bedivere points out the large two-story building off the square, "—or in the citadel itself, on the second and third floors. Your assistance would be most welcome, Master Kamui."

His other hand gives Saber's a faint squeeze. With every new guest interested in the way of chivalry... it takes them a little closer to the dream they share.

Hopefully, someday, this place truly will be the bastion of fairness and justice that they wish for.