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Latest revision as of 03:50, 28 January 2015

A Visit From Flowers
Date of Scene: 27 January 2015
Location: Dun Realtai
Synopsis: Sir Bedivere receives a visit from the medical ninja, Sakura Haruno.
Cast of Characters: 134, 482

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
Somewhere along the line, Dún Reáltaí has been transformed into a winter wonderland. Constant howling blizzards have left the region buried in man-high snowdrifts for months, burying the village and the plain until it's come to resemble an ocean of blinding white. There's no point in shovelling snow; it just comes back overnight, and it's easier to dig tunnels to get to doors.

A sort of broad tunnel is what Sakura Haruno would find into the citadel's door. No doubt a few servants were drafted for the job, to welcome visitors to the place. Fortunately, inside there's a great hall with an enormous hearth along one wall, blazing with warmth and light; and tea is almost a guarantee in this place, thanks to the tastes of its lord and lady.

Bedivere himself is in the great hall, sitting in front of the fire at a table and chair. He's wearing commoner clothing for warmth, and a pile of ledgers and papers are on the table beside him; untouched. Instead, he's holding a small bauble in his hands, suspending it by its chain between thumb and forefinger at roughly eye level, staring very hard at it. His expression might look sleepy, eyes half-closed, but there's deceptive intensity in those violet eyes.

Practising magecraft, in his own way... he is, if nothing else, a diligent student.

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
In spite of her bold words, Sakura is actually kind of terrible at cold weather. However, she's very, very good with both tunnels and large amounts of material, so she's able to get inside eventually. She's completely freezing though, having worn clothing far more suited to spring than to winter, and will move over towards the fire instinctively.

It's pretty obvious, even with the winter effects on her and the red that brings to her face and fingers, that she's been crying. Still, once she gathers herself from the cold, she'll stalk down towards where Bedivere awaits, her footsteps echoing through the hall as she stalks that way.


Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
Although he was a knight, once upon a time, Bedivere has been forced to grow into many other roles during his time in the multiverse. Although once the marshal of Camelot's armies, and the personal aide and bodyguard to the king, his roles have become much more diverse: Here he has become the lord of a castle, the guiding figure to a people in need, and even a magician; the very thing he had once feared and shied away from.

It's that last that he seems to be working on now, working to make up for lost time, embracing his lost heritage as a filidh, the bard-magicians of the ancient Gaelic kingdoms, to better serve his king as a Master.

In spite of his laser-like focus on the trinket he holds, Bedivere's chief talents as the Left Hand of the King were unerring senses and observation. He notices when he hears the door open, and he notices when Sakura's footsteps carry her across the hall. He looks up from the trinket; blinking once or twice to focus on the physical again, finally squeezing his eyes shut for a moment to banish the dancing lights.

"Lady Sakura?" He half-twists to get a better look as she gravitates towards the hearth, still blinking to focus. "Ah. I hope it was not too difficult to gain entry."

Tactfully, he says nothing about her reddened eyes, but if she's observant, she might note a flicker in his expression that suggests he did, indeed, take note of it.

"Please, warm yourself before the hearth. Have a seat. Tea will be out momentarily." He raises a brow. "Is there anything else I might offer you? Something to eat, perhaps?"

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
Luckily for Sakura, she has not become a magician – unless using the definition of someone who has magic, in which case she's totally a magician – and so does not spend too much time staring at trinkets of her own. However, she does certainly have problems. She misses the flicker of his expression; she is not particularly observant at her best, which she isn't at presently.

She's silent at the initial mention, though the entry hadn't been that difficult, really. She'll instead look over once he's asking if there's anything he can offer, and..

That flash of rage in her eyes presumably can't actually be directed at him. He's just in the way of it. "You can just go ahead and tell me where you're hurt. You're just like him, you've probably done something stupid and you're ignoring it now and you'll just go on ignoring it until it ends up infected. Or infested!" The last is said almost as a curse, before she manages to.. bring herself in a bit. Though she'll just ignore the reaction this outburst has probably brought, feeling marginally embarrassed.

"..Ah. Tea would be nice. Thank you."

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
Thankfully, the marshal has some experience in dealing with emotional people. Camelot's nobility were a high-strung bunch. Not reacting to their petty nonsense wasn't just a point in his favour, it was a survival skill, and one that comes in handy in the multiverse... an angry Elite could mess him up plenty worse than an angry nobleman.

Bedivere gives no outward reaction at that outburst. He just raises an eyebrow, otherwise unmoved by the rage directed at him. He doesn't so much as move in his seat, instead regarding Sakura with a faint, almost imperceptible tilt of his head.

He could state the obvious and say that something's troubling her, but that would be unnecessary. That slight gesture of his says it all on its own.

"Actually," he states calmly, "I am not injured at this time, and have not been ill for some months."

Will wonders never cease?

"However, as you can see, we have had some challenge in maintaining the village throughout the winter storms, as well as managing the import of food and supplies. That has kept me largely uninvolved in matters beyond these walls." He tucks the trinket into a pocket at his tunic, regarding Sakura with that same air of calm. "You may examine me if you like, if you do not believe my words."

There's a short pause; he continues to watch her, thoughtful.

"If you should like to talk about it," he offers gently, "I have been told I have some modest skill in listening."

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
The good news – for Bedivere – is that Sakura's skills at hurting people have slipped a little bit from lack of practice. She's mostly been healing people, not hurting them. And even at her craziest, she probably wouldn't assault an ally.

She sighs a bit at the response. "Well. Of course I'll give you an exam. I came all this way for it, after all. But if you've been keeping safe, then at least that's something."

Her hands stay in front of the fire. Sakura was very not good at cold weather. Her original home was called the land of Fire for a reason.

"I don't think I should talk about it. It's sort of confidential." That wasn't but so true – it had played out on various bands, after all, with quite a few people able to hear. Of course, she doesn't wait five seconds before shaking her head and continuing. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I can't just watch him get himself and the rest of us killed, but I don't know if I'm strong enough to kill her, and I didn't even think it through, and I'm homeless again, and.." She presses her hand to her forehead, just over her eyes, starting to trail off and looking incredibly drained.

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
Bedivere might have harboured a tiny little glimmer of hope about squirming out of an exam. It goes out like a snuffed candle when Sakura confirms she's going to do that anyway.

It's not that he likes to neglect himself, but it turned to habit in Camelot. Back then, he couldn't afford to look after himself. He couldn't afford to show any vulnerability. It's something he'd just gotten used to. It might be that he feels a little uncomfortable doing what he perceives as showing weakness, or it might be that he simply doesn't think about it; that his own condition is insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

"As you wish," he murmurs, in response to the denial. When she continues on talking anyway, he just blinks slowly; a gesture of subtle acknowledgement.

To the tirade, he only tilts his head, very slightly. "Hm? You are not homeless." Matter-of-factly, he gestures to indicate the great hall. "There is always a place for you to stay, here, Lady Sakura. Dún Reáltaí's gates do not close but for oathbreakers and those who would ignore Brehon Law." He offers a faint smile. "Although I am sorry that I cannot offer you much advice for the rest. But if you require time and a place to clear your mind, and heal, I find that Dún Reáltaí is most excellent for that purpose."

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
That takes Sakura aback, having not expected such an offer. She probably should have; she's simply not used to the quick offers. And she'd had a couple of them, of course, in her blowup with – or at, more accurately – Psyber. She's even quiet for a few moments as she tries to work up to a response.

"Aah. Thank you. It's a little bit colder than I'm used to.. but maybe somewhere I can hide away for a little bit to figure out how to fix things would help. I just don't know how I could do it." She says, rather despondantly. Her previous plan had been to return to camping away in Spring, though, so a roof is a vast improvement.

She pauses. "Of course, I'll help out. I wouldn't just leech on your good will. But it's greatly appreciated right now, thank you." She manages to say it straight enough, even if she looks like she might break down in tears again at the slightest provocation.

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
"Then we have that much in common. Dún Reáltaí is far colder than any place I have ever been, and I have never seen so much snow in one place." Bedivere shakes his head, reaching up to clear some of his hair away from his face. He cocks one of those faded eyes toward Sakura, studying her for a moment as she tries to puzzle through her problem. "Mm. Sometimes, time is the best solution to our problems, I have found. Stay here for a time. The Good Lord will show you the answer in time, I am certain."

To her offer, he shakes his head. "Only as much as you feel comfortable doing. There is little to be done, at the moment; the weather is simply too inclement to do much, and with so much snow, no construction work can be done. Even if there were, I do not require anything of you. I ask no price of my guests; I would be a poor host if I did."

"Come." He smiles, gently. "Rest here for some days, and you will find that whatever problems you face are not so insurmountable, I think."

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
"I'd never lived around snow that stuck until moving into.. And even there, I eventually had a portal to somewhere warm." Sakura says, whistfully. "I don't know that it's going to work itself out, though. It's a pretty severe set of differences. He thinks someone can be redeemed who I know is going to kill him. And probably the rest of them."

She'll sigh a bit. "I meant to help out more when the weather was nice. I apologize for not making it out here. Too many demands on my time, too many things left undone." She doesn't really pause, in transitioning back to her own troubles, continuing to be a bad guest and laying them on Bedivere. Who is at least listening. "I let it seep in because I never saw the way to stop it. And he told me he wouldn't make a choice between trying to 'redeem' her and everyone's safety, gave me a shitty false apology.. I couldn't watch it anymore, but part of me wants to go back and beg for forgiveness even though I don't think I did anything wrong." She admits.

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
"There was snow in Camelot, and enough to pose a problem for the commonfolk, but never so much as this, and never such cold as this." Bedivere glances over toward the front door of the keep, securely barred against the wind and weather. "It does takes some acclimation, I must admit, but it is worth it when the effort is made." The pale-haired knight bows his head, slightly. "I am humbled to serve such a resilient and independent people."

To the frustrated admission, he seems to go still again, watching her calmly; studying her posture as much as the tone of her voice or the words she chooses.

"It will work itself out," he repeats, with such calm, calm confidence that it's nearly a palpable thing. "What good does it do to agonise over such things, especially if you are in no position to involve yourself? It is kinder to yourself to let it go, if you must. Spend time here. Rest. Be away from that which troubles you, and return when you are more inclined to face it."

To her apology, he merely shakes his head in silence; saying without words that there's nothing to be forgiven for.

"Hm." The sound he gives in response to her troubles is a thoughtful one, and he cocks a faded violet eye to the ninja. "How familiar are you with the history of the Knights of the Round Table, Lady Sakura?"

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
Her posture is almost defeated, slumped in on itself; her strained mental state giving at least an echo of the madness she'd been completely wrapped in a few years before. She'll offer the wanest of smiles to the comment about the people, as she hadn't spent much if any time with civilians here.

"Mm. There's a solution, if I could pull it off. He wouldn't even hold it against me, he claims. But the last time I made an attempt, she made me look rather foolish. And I do not think I've gotten any better since then." She admits, obviously pained to give that idea up. "But I will appreciate it. Maybe it will help to take some time."

The question about the history of the Knights throws her off. "Not at all." She finally says. "There's nothing like that where I'm from, and I usually just try to keep up on anatomy of various races and current events when worlds unify."

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
Although Bedivere watches Sakura closely, he doesn't immediately comment on it. He knows what it is to feel that kind of despair, to feel one's roads closing before them by the moment. That wan smile is answered with a faint twitch of his mouth, not quite strong enough for a proper smile, but no less sympathetic for it.

"You will have such time and peace as you may require, here. Think it over before you act, whatever your plan may be," the knight murmurs. "To act in haste is worse still than not acting at all, I have found, for we do not always see the wisdom in our actions when we act in haste."

He settles back in his chair a little, and though he moves with a certain stiffness, it's more indicative of old injuries than fresh ones. "I thought it best to ask. There are some who know of us, but it is difficult sometimes to anticipate who."

"To make a very long and wearisome story short, Camelot was a kingdom ruled by a just king, and whose knights, whose loyal soldiers, sought to uphold justice, peace, and the equality of the people."

He shrugs one shoulder, indifferent. "Perhaps we failed in that, for most of the tales agree that in the end, Camelot fell to rebellion and betrayal from within. Yet it was a dream we all shared; knights and king alike, and a dream I hold still." He indicates the front door and the village beyond it with a jerk of his chin. "This place... it is no Camelot, but it is a place I hope to establish as a bastion of justice, peace, and equality for the people living here."

"To that end, it is a place that all who come can find rest and solace, or so I humbly hope. You are welcome here, Lady Sakura, for as long as you wish to stay. Dún Reáltaí is a place of healing as Camelot could never be." He looks into Sakura's green eyes, with a faint smile that seems almost melancholy. "I cannot turn away a guest in need... and I am sorry if I overstep my bounds, good lady, but you are in need, even if you cannot put voice to it; you are suffering, and I cannot stand by and watch someone suffer, not when there is something I feel I can do to assist them."

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
The medic will shake her head at that, not to deny it so much as courtesy of her own regrets about hasty actions. Still. "I made a promise to kill her.. years ago now. Three? Four? Time is hard for me to track, sometimes. Before this, at least." She says, gesturing vaguely at the Scar on her face.

That unobservant eye suddenly sharpens up at his slow movement. Sakura takes old injuries as a bit of a personal challenge, so just because it's not recent doesn't mean he'll get to ignore it.

"Mm. Well. Rebellion and betrayel is a history I know about. But.. it isn't something you have to do. I'll take your help, and thank you for it." She says, a bit stiffly. Taking the help did rather pain her, even if it should not.

She'll move a hand up to wipe at the corner of her eyes. "There was a time when I was past really crying anymore. Is it good that I do again, and over something so petty as losing things I never expected to have? Noone's dead, yet."

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
"I understand well matters of honour." Bedivere looks back to the fire again, frowning thoughtfully. "When a knight gives his word, it is binding. To break it would be akin to a criminal act, for if a knight's word cannot be trusted, what has he then to his name? Yet many times I found myself caught between honour and something else. I understand what it is to struggle with that."

If he notices her sudden sharper focus, he must be ignoring it. The poor man probably has no idea of the challenge he's just waved in front of Sakura's nose.

"No, it is not, but it is something I do nonetheless." Bedivere's eyes fall back on Sakura, studying her closely for a moment or two. "A host is obligated to offer aid to his guest, so long as it is something within his means to offer. This is hardly something that will ruin myself or this household, hmm? I offer the same to any of my Union allies, and you have shown initiative in assisting with this place's struggles – I consider it a fair trade for that, at the very least."

He looks away when she moves to brush the corner of her eye with her fingers, studiously avoiding looking at her; considerate, perhaps, for he surely senses that she's proud, to a certain extent. "Then I will allow you the confidance of a secret, Sakura Haruno: I do as well. There is no shame in it. It would be more troubling, I think, if you could not."

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
"I couldn't for years." Sakura admits, to the mention of struggles with not being able to cry. "But a lot of the people who brought me back from that are the ones with the place I just left. Even if I didn't leave the Union as a whole, of course, it still hurts."

She starts to avoid his gaze to some degree, looking back towards the fire. "There's no real trade to it. Even before now, the only home I had was hardly large enough for me to have guests. But I'll do what I can while I'm here, whether you ask it from me or not." Which includes that examination she'd promised that he might be putting her off of. Still..

"...Aah. I think I may take you up on food and drink, if that's still open." She finally decides, trying to move her focus past her current miseries.

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
"That, too, I understand. For as long as I remained in Camelot, I could not show emotion; it was too great a risk to me, and to my king's rule. I was an... unpopular choice of civil servant, shall we say, and could not afford to show any vulernabilities." He leans back in his chair, eyes hooding as he regards the hearth, firelight reflected in his gaze. "It has been... difficult, sometimes, to learn how."

To the matter of trade, he only shakes his head, mutely. It still isn't a particularly big deal to him, and a small price to pay for the help she's given both him and the people here.

"Certainly." The pale-haired knight climbs to his feet, still a little stiff. "I will be back shortly."

It's a few minutes before he comes back, but when he does, it's with tea and a tray of bread and butter, as well as two cups. The bread smell fresh, and the butter looks much the same. Steam wafts from the kettle and cups, aromatic with some form of black tea. The cups and kettle themselves look like they originally came from a much more modern world. Clearing his ledgers and papers out of the way, he sets the tray down, buttering a piece of bread and leaving it on Sakura's side of the table; pouring her a cup of tea and leaving that as well.

His own he prepares more slowly, leaving the teapot between them.

"There are a number of accomodations if you should wish to stay the night here. Guest rooms are in the second through fourth floor of the castle, and there is also the village inn, though it is a great deal less private. The guest quarters of the third floor are common, as well; but the second and fourth floors are individual rooms, if that is what you prefer." He takes a sip of his tea, sighing into the steam. That's good. "And, of course, what supplies we have here are yours to use as well. Worry not about the food stores. It is all being imported, at the moment, until we can become self-sufficient on our own harvests once again, which I intend to see to come the spring."

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
Sakura doesn't really want to dredge up old memories further, and not being in a mood to explain her past in full, she'll just make a soft noise in response. She's not certain why he'd have been a particularly unpopular civil servant, after all! She leans in towards the fire as he wonders off, still looking pale but at least not quite as obviously distraut as she had been.

Taking the cup of tea, she'll breath gently on it, sipping lightly at it once she's cooled it off as such. "It is.. best if I stick to an individual room. I still have occasional nightmares, and it would not be good for the rest of other people. There are things I could do to help a little bit with the harvests, when that time comes, whether I'm still here regularly or not." She wouldn't want to overstay her welcome, after all.

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
The knight is silent as he regards her, and something telling flickers across his face at the mention of nightmares – it seems he isn't without his own personal demons on the subject. But he doesn't press, simply nodding in both acknowledgement and understanding.

"Then you shall have them. The fourth floor would be best, I think, for it is the most sparsely-populated, if you do not wish to be near others." He leans back in his chair, eyes closing momentarily as he indulges in his quiet cup of tea. "You would be welcome to stay for as long as you wish, of course, but you are also free to go if that is what you choose. Whatever you believe best, Dún Reáltaí will remain here for you."

After that, though, the knight will fall silent – content to let Sakura relax as she likes, and enjoy his own simple cup of tea, the silence broken only by the comforting crackling of the hearth-fire.