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Latest revision as of 06:29, 31 January 2015

A Meeting With the Mednin
Date of Scene: 31 January 2015
Location: Dun Realtai
Synopsis: Sir Bedivere and Sakura Haruno have a brief chat in the castle.
Cast of Characters: 134, 482

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
Sakura had had a few days since storming out of her home now, time enough to try to calm down. She has not really succeeded at calming down, but she's managed to cool off in a far more direct sense. Her option if she'd been homeless in truth had been to go back to camping out in Spring. That would not have been the greatest, but she's lived in temperate climates her entire life, and lived outdoors for large stretches of it. On occasion, that had been while she was completely mad, rather than merely super emotional.

All of this is a prelude to explain how she's dressed while wondering the premises, having left her room to both shop and 'break in' to her old home. Pajama pants are jutting out from underneath long pants, which are under a dress, which she has a jacket on over. With a scarf, which is partly wrapped over her head. It looks both tremendously unfashionable and very warm, in total, but she's still wondered out of her room to look around. Also to get something to actually eat.

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
Sometimes there's just no getting used to a climate so harsh and cold. One might wonder how people could ever acclimate to something like this, but the village folk of Dun Realtai seem to have no problems at all coping with their uniquely harsh winter... indeed, to hear them talk about it, it's not particularly bad. Modern insulation and construction techniques have gone a long way to helping them cope with it.

Not everybody likes it, though. Such as the lord of the land. Sir Bedivere of Dun Realtai is far and away used to much warmer climates. While he never would have thought about Camelot's winters as mild, they certainly seem that way compared to what he's been forced to endure in this place. Day after day, the snow falls, the wind blows, and even the sun seems to have turned its back on this land. At least, that's how it seems.

Fortunately, he's kept himself busy through the thick of it. When he's not handling domestic tasks or the sort of managerial thing he has such a knack for – figures and document, mostly – he's been practising his music. The haunting strains of Uilleann bagpipes have been audible throughout the castle today, largely from the great hall, echoing from that central point.

Slow airs, lively jigs, fast reels; all of it has been heard, on and off, and despite being rusty, Bedivere's playing is nonetheless melodic and seems to speak of a land far away and far different from many a thing in the multiverse.

It stops as the layer-wrapped Sakura goes meandering by, and the pale-haired knight glances up curiously. He himself is dressed in commoners' clothing; rough, homespun linen, in several layers, with a rough, homespun grey-blue scarf wound loosely around his neck.

"Ah, Lady Sakura." He shifts, leaning over the pipe's long drones, cocking his head curiously. "I trust you are settling in well? I am sorry it is so cold, here; I was not expecting such weather, myself..."

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
Sakura is not much of a music person, herself. She likes it well enough, but no ability with it. Still, it'll draw her attention eventually, and down that way she'll go, coming across Bedivere along the way. She won't approach until he speaks to her, uncertain of whether her her interruption would be welcome.

Once he opens that door, the medic won't hesitate, though. "Ah, yes, by and large. I did have to make a trip out to import some things." She admits, gesturing at herself. "I should have gotten a hat as well, but didn't think it through and the only ones I own would be a little.. out of season." She says.

This is because they're santa hats, leftover from a curse of a Christmas past.

"It's not as though I didn't know it was cold here when I accepted. There's no sense apologizing for the weather; instead, just accept my gratitude. I'm really not certain where I'd be staying if you hadn't offered. But I am starting to go slightly stir crazy. I may need to try to find something to help with, or accept more missions from the Union." Ones seperate from her companions in Heaven or Hell, she thinks.

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
"Alas, that is the way of this place, at least until the spring. We survive on imported food, and on imported supplies. It is my hope to restore the self-sufficiency these people are accustomed to, for their own good." Bedivere's half-smile is almost apologetic. "There is a great deal we are lacking, here, but at least we have protection from wind and weather alike."

When she says she should've gotten ahold of a hat, he simply shrugs. "Ask of the tailors. There are but a few, but they would be pleased to craft something for a guest of the Union Elite. They feel in our debt, even though I have tried to explain that it is simply our duty to assist... or I will find you something, if you like. It is no trouble to me, or to the villagers."

He folds his arms over the drone pipes, absently running a thumb down the glossy wood. It's the set Arturia had had commissioned for him, and it's clear by the way he handles the pipes that he has a great deal of reverence for them. "There is always shovelling snow," Bedivere says, half-smile now turning sardonic, "though I do not know how much you would like that."

"More seriously, there are always patrols to be run. I would see that the village roofs do not collapse under the load of such snow. I am certain I can come up with other tasks, if you insist; there is always something to be done, although not all of it is appropriate to ask of a guest."

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
"Oh, I brought most of enough, and I don't know that I did enough to expect them to do something like that for me. I do appreciate it, but the room and the warmth is plenty, at least." Sakura says, smiling slightly at the thought of troubling someone for a hat rather than making the trip.

"Aah. I'm not good enough with water to move large amounts of snow yet. I could manage underground tunnels quite easily, if you wanted them carved out rather than the temporary ones through the snow?" She suggests, rubbing a hand along the Scar on her face.

"A patrol I can likely do. Or if there are those in the village in need of a healer? I don't mean to sound arrogant, but there's little chance there's been another of my abilities in that area in this place." She muses, in spite of managing to sound incredibly arrogant. "Still, don't worry too much about it. Failing anything else, I'll try to bother someone into a spar or something of that sort."

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
"It would be no trouble, but if that is what you prefer, I do not mind either way." Bedivere twitches one shoulder in a loose approximation of a shrug, not quite committed to the gesture. "I do not think they would mind, however. I am certain there are some in the village as restless as you, who would be glad for a task to put their hands to."

He rubs a long-fingered hand along his jaw at the mention of tunnels, considering. While it would certainly help, he's the kind of person who would feel better if reinforcements were made, and a more permanent structure created. Actually, that's a good idea to entertain on another snowy winter's day; plans for some kind of semi-permanent structure that would allow for tunnelling in the snow—

"A healer? Certainly." Bedivere raises a brow, looking interested at that possibility. "Such is always welcome in the village, for there are always minor complaints to be seen to, and occasionally more major accidents. There are a few who have offered such services, as the Wisewoman Inga, but I will always welcome healers who wish to exercise their talents."

He folds his arms over the pipes, considering. "Spar?" He lifts a brow. "My apologies. I did not know you were a combatant. If you should like to cross blades, at some time, I would welcome the opportunity. I have tried to seek out such sparring with my Union allies, the better to be prepared for what is out there in the multiverse."

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
"Oh, yes. Not as often I used to be, but I was a ninja before I became a medic." Sakura says, at the offer of a bit of minor sparring. Also, she's going to skip the part about having been useless and terrible before she became a medic. That would spoil her point.

"Though it's been a while since I used an actual sword. Sentimental reasons for putting it down. I hope you wouldn't object too much if I worked with other weapons?" Especially given that it's a bit doubtful they have a katana here, and her practice with other styles of sword can be roughly summed up as 'none'. As to the rest of it.. "Well. Regardless, I appreciate feeling helpful. There's nothing quite so painful as being called useless, to me."

That's completely true and cuts fairly deep, as she looks away for a moment. "It'd be different if I had something a little more artistic to spend free time on." She finally says, wanting desperately to move past old wounds. "You play.. Well, I have no idea, because I've never heard anyone else play that instrument. But you can hear it from the fourth floor, so that must be good."

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
The ninja's given a blank look when she explains she used to be a ninja. Those kinds of warriors aren't familiar to him at all. Most of the men Bedivere had commanded had about as much stealth as a braying ass... and at times, about the same personality as one, too.

"Hm. I am not familiar with a 'ninja,' but presumably it is something capable." He rubs his jaw again, studying Sakura thoughtfully. "You move like a warrior, even if you profess not to be one. I had thought I had been wrong about that, at first, but I see now I was not. No, I do not mind. Most knights were taught to wield a variety of weapons; the longsword is merely what I wield in service to my king."

He considers her for a moment, though he does look down when she indicates the bagpipes. "Ah? Oh. Uilleann pipes, my lady, an instrument of my homeland. They are not something most bother to learn. I have knowledge also of the wire-strung harp, and if need be I believe I could play a frame drum adequately." He runs a hand along the drone pipe, eyes falling to regard the instrument. "They were common, in the place I am from – not Camelot, that is," he clarifies. "I was an outsider of the king's court, and came from a more northerly land, where such instruments were common. Only recently have I been able to pick up such a thing again, for which I am grateful."

"If you have love of music," he murmurs, "an instrument could be found for you, or perhaps supplies of other artistic pursuits. Music is merely what I am comfortable with, myself. There is plenty of room in the castle, for such things. Although," he adds, thoughtfully, "I am surprised you could hear this from the fourth floor. These are loud, but not so loud as that to pierce solid stone. Ha," he laughs, softly; self-consciously. "I suppose I allowed myself to be carried away. My apologies if I disturned you, my lady."

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
"Aah. Well. I acquired something of an affinity for the other side of music in a quest." A quest to the top of a mountain, as it had happened to be. Sakura wasn't going to get into too much detail there, because it was a little bit on the embarrassing side, and explaining only tended to make that worse. "Abilities and magic and.. Well, you know how it can go!"

This is rather incomplete, naturally; for the full story, Bedivere will just have to pry a bit. It's clear from how she looks around and studies the floor that it's something vaguely embarrassing, though not really in a serious way.

Easier to focus on other aspects of his reply. "Oh, it wasn't that loud up there. Ninja are very focused on stealth and perception of what's going on around them." This isn't so much wrong or a lie as blindingly not applicable to either Sakura or the team she came up as a young ninja with, but Sakura herself is a bit blind to that fact.

"I'll probably just go with gloves for a fight, then. Do not worry, I won't strike to actually cause harm." She says, reassuringly. "And I can probably heal anything you do, so long as you're not actually trying to kill me."

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
"Actually, I do not." The knight only gives a shake of his head, and his expression is slightly bemused. Music does indeed have two sides, to him, but one never knows if the differences one speaks of are the same throughout the multiverse. "But I will not pry. I can see that you are uncomfortable speaking of it."

Leaning back slightly in his chair, he absently thumbs the gleaming finish on the drone chanter, toying a moment with one of the bright silver fastenings. It's a quality instrument, and it's obvious that no expense was spared in its crafting.

"Is that so?" Bedivere tilts his head, cocking a faded violet eye toward Sakura. His gaze is mild, as so much of his mannerisms seem, but there's a quiet intensity in that gaze that suggests he's not quite as sleepy-eyed as he looks. "You and I are not so different, then. While it is true that I led my king's armies, it was also my duty to remain more observant than the men around me. Including my own king." His sudden smile is rueful; almost shy. "Perhaps I was too observant."

Bedivere tilts his head, regarding the ninja almost blandly. "Aye? Good. In truth, I mislike fighting, although I can usually be convinced to indulge in a friendly sparring match." Again, that almost shy smile. He's not very intimidating outside of his armour or the duties and burdens of his post, is he? "I am a poor knight, in truth. I have no taste for battle."

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
"It's just a little bit.. not uncomfortable, exactly, just.." She flounders for words for a few minutes, before finally coming out and just saying it. "Aah. Fine. I wound up gaining the ability to use certain techniques to support others using dance."

She'll just let that sit there a moment, because it's something she's always found vaguely ludicrous herself. Still works, though.

"Well, I never was in command of others on any kind of regular basis. I held the rank that might, briefly, before... there wasn't anyone let to really command." She finishes, lamely. "And it doesn't really take a taste for battle to be good at it. There have been times in my life where I wanted nothing more than revenge, yet that did not make me any better at it. If anything, it made me a lot worse. Keeping calm can mean a lot."

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
The knight takes that in for a moment, before gradually cocking his head to one side. His expression is somewhat uncomprehending, but after a moment he dismisses the matter with a faint shake of his head. Vast is the multiverse, and endless is its variety. She seems content to leave the matter behind, and so is he.

"Mm." Bedivere rubs at his jaw again, thoughtful. "No, it does not. There were many more suited to battle among the Knights of the Round Table, but mine was the calmest of minds. I suppose that is why my king chose to appoint me as Marshal of the Realm." He sighs, looking away. "I did not enjoy my service. That is to say, the military aspect of it, as marshal... I much preferred to help those in need, directly if need be, or act as advisor to the king."

He shrugs, faintly. "I suppose that is why I do not mind serving here. I need not bare steel in the course of a day, for there are no enemies to be fought in Dun Realtai. Aye, there are those of the Confederacy... but they do not trouble me here, for which I am grateful. Indeed, several of my guests are of the Confederacy, those who have agreed to abide by Brehon Law."

Sakura Haruno (134) has posed:
"Well, it's important to have people running things, of course. But you have to stay sharp, too. The hokage.. the ruler of the village I came from. He was in charge of things, and mostly did administration, but in the end when we were attacked he had to lay his life down for the village."

Of course, things hadn't gone so well from there, either. And the mention of confederate guests... "I will not say the Confederacy has no honorable people. I will say that you should be careful to guard yourself against betrayal. They will not take your guest law as seriously as you do, and some of them will do anything... Though I admit, I can't really see what they would stand to gain here."

It's too cold to take over, is what she won't quite say. Though tugging the jacket tight might give the same impression.

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
"Oh, aye. Leaders are always necessary." The knight inclines his head, somewhere between a gesture of respect and an acknowledgement. "Particularly in a situation like this, when the people have had no worthwhile guidance for some time, although I am not accustomed to being relied upon quite in this manner."

He climbs to his feet, mouth twisting briefly as one of his knees pops; carefully, he lifts the pipes, shrugging out of their restraints and tucking them carefully under an arm. "However, let me not trouble you any further, Lady Sakura. We will speak again, I think, but I grow weary, and the hour grows late."

"As to those Confederate guests of my hall, do not trouble yourself." He smiles, but there's something dark in those mild violet eyes. "I am not so naive as many of the Union seem to think that I am, and I am content to let them think that, for it is to my advantage when I am underestimated. Master Loros and I have something of a tacit agreement. He is a creature of bargains and pacts, and he can no more go against them than the Tylwyth Teg, the Fair Folk, of my homeland, whose very being was steeped in such things. As for the other..." His expression turns thoughtful, briefly. "I am not certain about Lady Kagenashi, but I am certain she can be trusted to her word. Too, I am certain she knows that if she were to violate those laws..."

"Let us just say there are a great many Elites here, of considerable more power than my own, who would be very unhappy with her conduct. And if she were to violate that law, they would no longer be obligated to tolerate her presence."

He nods, briefly. "Good eve, Lady Sakura."

And with that, provided the ninja doesn't need anything more from him, the pale-haired knight will steal back upstairs with his pipes, and with great dignity; ignoring the occasional pop from a stiff joint or the complaint of an old wound.

Maybe, if he doesn't pay them any mind, the medical ninja won't, either...