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Trench Wallyfare
Date of Scene: 24 February 2015
Location: TARGET: Phase Rock (PR)
Synopsis: Wally West attempts to take Phase Rock from the Confederate-held forces of the Garlean Empire. Yari Takane and her men prove dedicated foes.
Cast of Characters: 428, 691, 694

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
When Yari Takane got handed the orders to hold and defend Phase Rock, she knew that her life was about to get irritating. Lots of pondering, and quiet cursing led to something of a plan for defending the area. The Centurion's unit is primarily a scouting one. And the barren little rock with it's big barren hill is exactly the sort of thing that a scouting unit shouldn't defend.

But the Centurion is dutiful, and puts her engineers to work. Through backbreaking labor, quite a few shattered shovels, and some creative use of their duo of functioning Reaper armors, the Centurion has carved a veritable trench maze out of the rock leading up to the important spire. Soldiers walk the trenches, armed with standard bows, swords, and occasionally Garlean rifles. Three main 'rings' of stonework lead up to the Garlean's main camp. In between the multiple connecting and escape routes large enough to field their armors, barbed wire and metal spikes make traversing them directly difficult. Two of the reapers walk near the main attraction: the great spire.

As for herself, dressed in her red and black armor, is leaning up and over the second ring's trench to spy outwards upon a little ladder built into the sides just for the purpose. A pair of black binoculars are set at her eyes.

Another soldier, a cat-eared mi'qote, sighs and sharpens a pair of daggers.

"...Still nothin', Centurion?" She says in a bored tone.

Yari lets out a little hiss. "Correct. Do not worry. This place is too valuable to remain unassaulted."

The mi'qote sighs. "Need to get their asses here, then! I hate this damn rock. Not even a bug to stab!" The mi'qote spits onto the rock.

Yari can't help but smirk. Such personalities she's been given to work with.

Wally West (694) has posed:
Yari and her team has done a nice job trying to defend the location. However when your dealing with a speedster who can break the sound barrier– Trenches are almost a laugh. It would not be long till there is a speeding blur of black and red.

It runs right over the trenches, kicking off dirt, around a few of the Reapers, then leaps right over some of the barb-wire fencing with simple ease. He then slows down and leans up against a Reaper's leg, looking at his gloved fingers. "So. You guys ready to go home yet?" He asks with a smirk on his face.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
The seemingly bronze, metallic lumbering monstrosity that is a reaper armor unit is ferocious, but there's a reason they're always accompanied by soldiers. They aren't made to hit things /under/ them. The pilot of the armor leans from it's top, crying out in surprise. Drawing a pistol, he tries to shoot Wally several times, but his accuracy while leaning down at such an angle is sketchy at best.

"For the Empire!" The man yells, and all throughout the camp soldiers are gearing up for alert. It'll take them a few seconds to reach the rock where Wally is standing, and the other Reaper can't fire for hitting their compatriot.

Sadly, the soldiers meant to guard the armors here went on an early break with their commander down in the strenches. She'll skin them for it later, but for now, Yari has important things to do.

While she couldn't match Wally's own speed, the young Au Ra Centurion is definitely above human speed. But more importantly, it's how she moves. Keeping to the shadows of the trenches at first, she moves with speed and grace, all flowing turns and her body held close to the ground as she runs silently in her leather-and-cermite armor. A kunai in her hand, she races through her camp. Rather than directly meet Wally, she circles below after opening her magitek wristlet. A scan for heat signatures above: only when she's assured of Wally's position, does she finally leap up.

Meanwhile, soldiers in the trenches with rifles appear in little pill boxes and other outcroppings for observatin and sniping. Her disciplined soldiers are already carrying out her orders: sweep the trenches, keep alert. It seems Yari isn't of the opinion that Wally is acting alone. Only a fool would so brazenly enter her camp and announce themselves. A distraction, but a dangerous distraction.

Orders finished, Yari lands in the shadows of the massive Reaper armor, her man finally stopping his firing to walk it backwards two steps. It's almost perfect concealment for the lean, small Centurion, as she all but fades out of the shadows of the thing with her blade half out of its sheath in a swift draw. Aiming for the neck, her eyes are focused and body full of killing intent, if not malice in them. Her unremarkable katana's edge glistens with her trademark numbing poison, designed to deaden pain in those struck and cause numbness in the body in general.

Only once she's struck, hit or miss, does she speak.

"Centurion Takane, Sir. Thank you for not killing my men. Unfortunately, you must be slain or driven off. Sleep."

Wally West (694) has posed:
Drift dances around the bullets with simple ease. Each step is a blur of motion, till at one point he may even tap the barrel of it to throw the shot off completely. Seeming to screw with the man. "Come on, is this really the best you can do?" He says with a laugh to match his mocking.

It is when the man stops shooting and backs the Reaper up does the Speedster get that bad feeling. He spins around to see Yari coming at him with a Katana blade. His eyes go wide behind the reflective mirror visor as he observes the movement with a bit more faster then human speed. "Whoa!"

He leaps back, her blade tip catching his arm, and cutting the fabric, nicking his skin. He can feel the effects of the poison, but his body recovers quickly from it. He sneers in pain slightly as he slides back. "Takane huh? I'm Drift." he shakes his arm a few times, before flexing his fingers. "A Mercenary and I've been hired to take this place into Union hands."

The Speedster then rushes past her, before coming back around to be on the other side of her, with his hands on his hips. "..Also why is it always cute women that I have to fight? I mean, seriously– does the Confederate have any men? Or are the women the only brave ones?"

Before Yari can react, Drift is gone again, before he suddenly comes back in with a great deal of speed, planning to up end her and plant her solidly on the ground. "Maybe I can take you out to dinner after this as a make up."

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
The poor soldier is reduced to cursing and spitting as he runs out of ammo, eventually just throwing the thing at Wally in frustration. "Jackass!"

But the intervention of Yari has greater results, giving the pilot time to start wheeling about and backing off. Realizing the futility of fighting Wally with the weapon, Yari simply orders them to converge and guard the spire more closely.

Said Centurion's eyes can scarcely follow the man's massive speed as he simply moves around and to her side so casually. It catches her off guard, his pure speed. It simply shouldn't be possible. Not even her master can move that fast.

Thus there's a dazed lizard-girl slammed into the ground. It knocks the breath from her lungs in a cute little gasp as she sees stars for a moment.

"...It is a pleasure, Mister Drift." She replies in that quiet voice as she regains her breath. The long scaled muscle of her tail then decides to lash out, trying to wrap about one of his arms and tug him down on top of her! Has she been smitten with uncontrolled love on the battlefield!?

No, it seems she's imply trying to yank him down, roll atop him, and wrap those armor-clad legs around his neck. She might be small, but there's some muscles in that form of hers as she starts squeezing hard.

"I will take your offer into consideration should we both survive this battle. Prove yourself worthy. I can't speak to the Confederacy personally, however, if it's worthy for the Emperor to ally with, no doubt there are many powerful, brave men within it. You will not be taking this place if I've anything to say of it."

Squeeeeeze. By now, a few more gutsy archers and rifle-soldiers have scrambled atop the innermost ring, trying to get a bead on Wally as their leader tussles in a grapple with him. It might be to his benefit, as right now, they can't fire or risk hitting her.

Wally West (694) has posed:
"Hey. Don't call me mister. I'm not even that /old/ yet." Drift declares easily, though his novice ways in combat shows up as she easily gets a hold of him and yanks him down on top of her. "Look. I know I'm fast about things, but don't you think this is to quick. Not that I'm complaining here..."

Then her legs come around to try and choke him. "But I will complain about this!" She starts to squeeze down and his tries to break free. He takes note of the arm and looks ta her. He speaks through gritted teeth. Even as she continues to put the pressure on him. "..sorry about this.. babe.. but.. your leaving me.. no choice.."

Drift reaches over with his hand and snatches a hold of her robotic arm. Then his hand starts to vibrate, shaking up the arm. He wasn't trying to make it explode or anything, but he was trying to shatter it– hoping maybe the sudden shattering will get her to back off when the parts go flying at her!

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
"...Ahh. These are things you do while dating? I shall keep this in mind." No, Yari Takane does not have much experience dating. She might be misinterpreting things slightly.

Also trying to squeeze Wally to unconsciousness. Unfortunately for her, that arm is both unsuited to combat and highly experimental. The white ceremite arm vibrates as it's shaken, there's the sound of tearing metal and joins, and Yari screams. Seems the thing transmits pain. Parts shatter, and while it doesn't break off, it goes very limp like a loosely attached piece of string. She lets go, easily pushed away as she rolls off and grabs her false arm as pain briefly overwhelms her.

Which gives a quartet of archers and riflemen just enough time to start firing off arrows and bullets alike now that their leader is clear, intending to pepper the man full of holes and sharp pointy bits.

Hit or miss, it gives Yari enough time to get ahold of herself. A kunai is flicked out at Wally, coated with a more concentrated poison. She aims for the knee, intending to slow down the super-fast mercenary. Should it work, the poison would try to lock up muscles like one hell of a bad cramp. Like before, it also seems to be intended to deaden pain in the victim.

Wally West (694) has posed:
Drift moves about the arrows and bullets. He actually catches one of the arrows and even seems to deflect away the bullets by simply 'moving' them. Though he shakes his hand a bit after he does that. "Never will know how he did that without getting scuffed up." He says to himself.

Yet the bullets and arrows were enough distraction that when Yari throws the Kunai he doesn't have the time to properly react. All the young man can do is step around and try to leap out of the way. However he mistimes the leap, the kunai impacts his knee as he goes to jump and he goes flat onto the ground with a gruff of pain.

Drift grits his teeth then, his hands sliding into the dirt as he leg locks up and can be seen vibrating at times as the muscles randomly spaz out. He then takes hold of a few rocks and starts to throw them at her as he tries to get back. Tossing them at rather quick speeds, but trying to not like– overly injure her much. "Call them off!"

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
Rocks, especially at super-swift speeds, hurt. The woman is forced to roll back onto her feet, arm up protectively as she weathers the flurry of bits of rock so common around here. She's left with bruises and cuts, barely avoiding getting one in the eye! Grunting at the attack, the serious soldiers' lips quirk upwards for a moment.

"Did you expect to announce yourself in a military outpost and fight a duel? I'm not just your opponent. Yourself and any of your comrades must fight myself and my subordinates. We are all proud warriors of the Empire. We're all willing to die for this barren patch of rock, if it is the Emperor's will."

Then, she rises and rushes for Wally! Hand up defensively as she does so, she'll aim a flurry of spinning kicks for the visor, neck, and especially his other leg, trying to wound and slow him down further. Her movements are swift, full of leaps, tumbles, and constantly moving in uneven patterns.

But finally at least one melee soldier has arrived. The Mi'qote knife wielder awkwardly clambors up the side of the rock rather than use the ladder. Knife waving, her tail poofed out, she yells aloud.

"'Oi! Centurion! Don't hog all the fun, I wanna stab 'im too! Heyyyy, jerk! I'll cut off your fingers and use 'em for paper weights! Haaaah!" With that, the crazy Trooper cat rushes along. She's far slower than her superior, but a nimble little thing, and true to her words seems to be trying to stab Wally in the hands with wild, if rapid, swings of her military knife. The two coordinate their attacks, Yari and the cat-girl never seeming to be in each others' way as they strike at Wally.

Wally West (694) has posed:
Drift holds his ground, even as the poison wears off and he yanks the Kunai out. Holding it in his hand. When Yari unleashes her attacks, he moves with them as he speaks. "What? You crazy lady? I am a mercenary. I work alone!"

He then ducks under one of the cat girl's strikes, blocking another with the Kunai he took from Yari and then throws that at the Miqo'te's thigh as he moves around to avoid another strike from Yari. Though when her kick comes, it his him square in the jaw and he nearly flips around.

Though when Yari comes in for another strike, he blocks it and when her leg comes for his visor, this time he catches it. He also doesn't let go. "Nice spread." What? There was also a boysih, but not friendly smirk on his face.

Once a hold of Yari's leg he then goes to spin her around, he doesn't spin her around as violently as he could, but enough around in a circle that when he releases, she may go flying right into the female Miqo'te.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
"Mmm. Admittedly you do not seem a liar...or are a very good one. Either way, I will pay due dilli..mmph!"

Then she's grabbed, and twirled about like a rag doll. /This/ is not a tactic Yari Takane has trained for, and so it's a swirly-eyed Au Ra that goes careening towards her associate. The fiery mi'qote's own eyes go wide.

"H...hey, that ain't normal! You don't just start throwin' around commandin' offic...AWW YA GIT I'LL CUT YER GABBER MATE! AGHHH!" WHAM! The two collide, the cat-girl dropping her knife in favor of bodily catching Yari. The pair go down in a tangle of limbs and a cursing kitty-soldier.

"R...respectfully Centurion ya weight m...more than ya look. C..cut out the culinarianism! Ugh..." With that, knife-kitty is out for the count. After a dazed moment, Yari slowly rises. She settles into a defensive stance, protective of her downed subordinate. She quickly speaks into her communicator.

"Medicae, now. Where are those spearmen?" Said spearmen slowly start filtering in from the ladders and upraised portions of hill, allowing Yari to let them tug away the downed kitty and generally start to make a phalanx. A healer is swiftly tending to the concussed kitty girl, muttering something about fish and beer.

It's only then that Yari Takane once again strikes for Wally. Instead of flying at him, her empty hand goes for that ruined arm. With a scream of pain, she rips it off, and tosses it at Wally.

"If you value your life, retreating would be optimal. This place won't be taken by a single man. Forgive me, this will be painful."

Then, she tosses trio of kunai right at her tossed arm. An impact, a hissing sound, and then the ceruleum within meets high concentrations of oxygen and a spark. The explosion is enough to take a small chunk out of the hillside, tossing up rock and smoke alike from the unstable prosthetic. Yari gasps, going to a knee, vision swimming from pain and growing exhaustion. Wally is not one to be underestimated.

Wally West (694) has posed:
Drift sneers softly. "Do I look like I am lying here? I have a contract to make happen and I have had no luck in keeping that. My career is going to tank if I keep running away!"

Drift quickly backs up, unaware of what Yari may down next with those lancers. "Besides! Do you think I honestly enjoy beating up on a beautiful woman like yourself? It hurts me inside really." Though that is when she goes to yank the arm off, "Hey– wait!" Then she throws it at him!

The Speedster isn't sure what to make of this until the Kunai comes and then the blue explosion. His eyes go wide behind the mirror visor. He shoves off with his good foot to get away, only for the explosion to catch him.

It shoves him away and into one of the ditches. He oufs loudly and then lands down on the ground below. Coughing as rocks and dirt tumble down around him. Yet slowly, carefully, he picks himself back up. "..man.. I swear some women can be so explosive.." Drift then shoves himself out of the hole, but nearly trips over when he gets back on the same area as Yari. About falling over cause of the damage to his knee.

Drift then grits his teeth, before he shoves himself off and goes right at her, to tackle her to the ground once more an then use his good leg to actually throw kick her right over into the ditch across the way. "Al-ie-oup!"

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
"I don't intend offense, Miste...mm. Drift. And I am unfamiliar with the life of mercenaries, so I won't comment on that matter. But a soldier must be vigilant. Particularly when a threat to those under her command appear. I am not so insightful as to discount the possibility."

The explosion and subsequent landing of Drift gives Yari a moment to catch her breath.

"We have just met. I could not say either way. For now, I will take you at your word. Thank you, I have been told my scales in particular are of above average attractiveness." Here? She can't help a slight blush at the compliment. She tries to brush it off with that serious demeanot, but it sticks.

The combination of trip and rush joins nicely. Yari reacts to the trip prematurely, hand going for her sheathed blade, but then she's tackled down the hill. Rolling several times, she lands hard, 'oomph'ing' at the impact. It's hard enough to knock her unconscious for a moment.

But it's about then that the spear-soldiers make themselves known. They come for Wally in a rush, a wall of sharp pointy implements both defending and seeking to stab into the man. It's a professional formation that advances slowly but steadily. Even if the mook soldiers can't hit him, there's a renewed volley of arrows and bullets as they make their advance. Even the Reaper armors are forming up for an attack, but hold their fire.

A Medicus throws some smelling salts at Yari's nose, and she's up with a gasp. A potion applied, and she shakily gets to her feet. A long, deep sigh to relax her aching muscles and now abused sense of smell, she's back up upon the ridge. As spear and arrows and bullets fly, Yari beats a jagged path for Wally. Suddnely, that wall of spears pulls back and the barrage of projectiles ends.

Yari makes several hand-seals in rapid succession, and points her finger at Wally. A lance of electric-blue lightning crackles and seeks out the visored man, along with a thunderous sound as the air ionizes with her aetheric ability.

Wally West (694) has posed:
The bullets and arrows fly, leaving Drift on the move. The injury to his knee is already seeming to fade, as his speed starts to increase again. It seems like any and all attacks aimed his way are hitting his after image. Making this perhaps a frustrating battle for the troops.

It when Yari comes back into the fray is the speedster thrown off his game. The Lightning comes for him and he can see the arches of electricity, but he doesn't have his mentors speed– night yet. The lightning then impacts him and throws him a few feet into the air and then he lands on the ground with a hard impact.

Drift slides back a bit, before he rolls back up on his feet. Wincing a touch. "..but I'll say one thing babe.. your full of surprises.." He tsks softly and shakes his head. This fight starting to wear thin on his already sparse energy reserves. He doesn't get fed well and he hasn't been overly successful.. so burning through the calorie intake is well– very easy for him to do.

The Speedster then goes at high speeds before starting to encircle her. He moves faster and faster, before the area almost becomes like a tornado, yet perhaps worse. She may feel the ground start to lose gravity, the air trying to be taken away– almost like a vacuum cyclone really.

The faster he goes, the worse it gets, it isn't till he screeches to a halt does the air come back and worse– everything, including her if she didn't act fast enough, may come crashing hard back into the ground. Though he /does/ walk over to her one way or another. "Just surrender already, so I can get my pay.. you want to know how Mercenaries work, sweet heart. We work to get money– we live to get paid. I don't get paid.. I really don't get food. I'm sure you have some sweet paycheck coming in, but this /is/ my paycheck."

Wally crosses his arms over his chest. "And I don't do switch-a-roos either."

He then extends out his hand to Yari, "But I am not a jerk to a lady." And this may be a mistake.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
"The element of surprise and adaptability are the hallmarks of a scouting century. Even in static defense, we must be able to quickly adapt to our opponent's tactics. Don't think we rely on brute force like a heavy infantry unit!" There's growing fire in her voice, despite the pain, fear, and pure adrenaline of the battlefield. Indeed, Yari feels more alive with pain and adrenaline in her veins than in her most peaceful moment. Some people thrive in fights.

The spearmen swiftly pull back at a low, barked order from their Centurion. They remain at the ready, however, an occasional enthusiastic Trooper tossing a sharp javelin likely uselessly at Wally. If nothing else, it's something else that he has to watch for. The Garleans here act as a well oiled machine of war in concert, Yari playing the conductor very well. By her reckoning, Wally's threat is equal to that of a full armored unit, and she's treating him with such tactics.

A hand is offered as that whirlwind first draws her breaht to the point of causing her to go blue, then slamming her down with enough force to fracture ribs. A hand is offered.

Delirious, she takes it. Slowly, she pulls herself to her feet. Looking Wally in the eye, for a moment, those soldier's killing eyes recede. For a single moment, she's just a young woman filled to the brim with horrors and unfortunate circumstances. She doesn't bother hiding her moment of weakness, and his words even have her mouth quirking into a smile. She turns her back on the man, slowly walking a distance away as if fully trusting him to not strike her in the back.

Then, she turns about. "You're a strange man, Drift. But you have honor in a unique way. I can respect that, if nothing else. If we both live, we will definitely have dinner. Consider that an incentive. Still. I am a soldier. My 'paycheck' means little. I fight for a cause greater than myself. That, I think, is our difference. I'll use that paycheck to buy a good meal for a man who spares my precious comrades in a dream."

Her hand raises. And then the soldiers back off. Those eyes harden once more, and she dips into a striking stance. "We are both weary. Let us finish this."

Her hand reaches for her blade, her legs tense as if waiting to charge...and then as she rushes forward, half way through, she utterly stops. A feint! Five shuriken appear in her hand, and she flicks them at Wally. Several handseals mid-flight, and each one multiplies tenfold, a rain of sharp poisoned implements falling upon the man!

"Fuma Shuriken!"

Wally West (694) has posed:
Drift watches her walk away, yet he is on guard to move. So when she turns around to speak, he lowers his head ever so slightly, but he doesn't exactly run either. "You'll buy me dinner huh? I guess that is a bit different then the norm." He says with a mild smirk. "Hope you got deep pockets, babe.. though I admit, I already owe /one/ of you ladies of the Feds a debt of payment... don't make this two."

When she spins around with the feint, he actually flips back with great speed, but it was a played attack. He can see those shurikens come as he lands down and he can't help but bark a laugh. "..Well played.." He says softly.

While his speed allows him to knock at least two away, the three get him square in the chest and knocks him flat over. He lays on the ground, gritting his teeth in pain as the poison tries to take hold, but as the knee shows– he is quick at regeneration.. including down to the cellular level.

He reaches up and yanks the three out. He coughs as he goes to stand back up, before he flicks those in his hands. "Catch your own!" He then goes to throw those right back at her, before he attempts an escape move with those weapons being the distraction.

Though his run does stagger from time to time from the poison itself still being fought off.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
"I admit to a certain amount of pay. The Legion and now the Confederacy's medical devision ensures my...fullfillment of my vices. So long as I have booze, tobacco, and strong warriors to fight I am personally sated."

Yari bites her lip, tilts her head, and considers.

"...Would you consider a 'home cooked' meal? I have some skill in the culinarian's art. Frankly put, I prefer food to blades, poisons, and guns. I promise the best quality ingredients and my dedication to pallete, temperature, and mixtures of spices."

Yari finally fully smiles. It's brief, but a rare thing. She returns to her stoic demeanor swiftly.

"...My apologies. The battlefield makes me ramble on frivolous subjects."

Yari watches as the man once again overcomes her poisons. Her head tilts.

"...Are...you immune to my works? No. Your wounds are lessening." A sigh.

"...So this is fighting an 'Elite'? What abilities. Perhaps you are the equal of myself and all one hundred of my subordinates. But...I am not finished."

Her own shuriken are tossed back. A slice in the leg, her arm,and one embeds in her side. Her world is bleak, numb, from her own poisons.

But she puts a hand to her blade, and rushes forward as she blade-draws in a swift, desperate motion. A wild strike, but it's not meant to hit. Merely to drive him back.

As the sound of a magitek Reaper's cannons whirr up, and fire a plethora of bullets at Wally.

Yari smirks. "Fire~."

Wally West (694) has posed:
The explosions come and Drift runs for his life, however the last ones catch him and send him flying off into the air and then over the edge. If any of her men go to check, they will not find the Speedster anywhere or anyplace around them.

It seems the successfully defended the area. If barely.

Seems to be the story of Wally's career as Drift. So close– yet so far.

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
And then the power of the Reaper ride-armor strikes, and there's nothing left...seemingly. Yari Takane walks over to the edge, and looks down. She slowly smiles.

"...Mercy. Manners. Bravery. I'll be ordering a sum of Garlean Garlic and pasta at this rate, Mister Drift. Well fought. Honor...how rare." She mutters, and simply falls backwards to the cold, hard rock with a laugh that's utterly our of her character. A spearman walks up, looking monst confused and a little frightened.

"C...Centurion? Are you alright?"

Yari smiles.

"...Right as the weather of our home. Get me a Medi...nevermind. Well done. All of you. Optio, you are in charge until I am healed. Beer...someone light my pipe."

The woozy soldier lays there, a bottle brought to her lips and her pipe lit soon after. She lays there, laughing, tail weakly holding her pipe as she blows rings amidst half-conscious words to the Confederacy.

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
There is a sound in the area that has nothing to do with the battle. It's a curiously high-pitched whine, as though electrical in nature. At first, it's a subtle thing that could easily be written off; easily ignored by combatants too busy battling one another to notice background elements.

It gets louder.

After a few moments, something gradually becomes visible through the bleak skies of Phase Rock. A dark shape, shimmering unevenly against it, trailed by a bright blue glow. The electrical whine seems to come from it, and as the dark shape gets closer, the whine is joined by a fast, powerful oscillating sound.

Starship engines. Familiar ones, to Yari Takane – for this unmarked, plain-looking ship with the asymmetrical engines is none other than the Rogue Shadow of the Galactic Empire, and an ally of the Confederacy.

The ship swoops low, hovering over the barren land. Dust is thrown up in great clouds as the ship touches down gently over the rough terrain; the mark, perhaps, of a skilled pilot. The forward hatch slides open, casting a square of light over Phase Rock's barren rock, and a ramp slides smoothly down to admit the wounded Confederate soldier.

It simply waits, although the sleek and predatory lines of the ship suggest that it may or may not have weaponry; and the idling engines suggest it's not going to wait forever.

Shake a leg, Centurion!

Yari Takane (691) has posed:
With their enemy departed, a spearwoman helps her Centurion to her feet and board the hovering Rogue Shadow. Yari is slowly offered to whatever medical facilities or accompanyments for the wounded as are on the Rogue Shadow, and they depart the vessal. A red-and-black pipe is re-lit with Yari's magitek armlet, and she smiles.

"...Mission accomplished." Then she keys up on her communication device.

"I am secure. Lift off, Rogue Shadow, with the Empire's thanks. Glory...and...honor.." With that she falls unconscious, sure in her Emperor's and Optio's grasp.

Juno Eclipse (428) has posed:
Fortunately, the Rogue Shadow is ready to leave as soon as its passengers are on board. The ramp retracts, the hatch slides shut, and the engines kick up another cloud of dust as the odd-looking transport rises up smoothly on ion engines.

The engines kick up from a whine to a scream as the ship pivots neatly in midair, gaining speed as the pilot pushes it into a full retreat back to the atmosphere – and, further beyond, the solitude of hyperspace.

All that's left is the settling dust.