Archived: Final Fantasy XIV: Shattered Dawn-1

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The Nation of Garlemald though the smallest of nations in the world of Hydaelyn, it has become the most feared. Its technological might is beyond all other nations and its military power is one that can hardly be challenged. As Garlemald grew power, it started to conqueror its neighbor's land and then from sea to sea. This was until it hit a road-block of a heavy magical nation known as Eorzea. It is here that the Garlean Empire was halted of it conquest progress and it was here that they started to work on the ways to take over Eorzea. However the first time was a failure and as for the second-- things went horribly wrong.

The mighty Emperor, Solus zos Galvus turned his favor from his greatest Imperial Legatus, Gaius Van Baelsar to that of Imperial Legatus Nael Van Darnus. Where he entrusted the conquering of Eorzea by the hands of Nael. The hands of a man corrupted by power and by the madness that plagued with the power of mystical beings known as Primals. For Nael would use a great ancient technology that would pull Dalamud, one of the moons of Hydaelyn, upon the world. Yet lying within the red moon, was none other the greatest of Primals, Bahamut, who had been chained away there eons ago and now had a grasp on Nael's corrupted mind. Though Gaius went behind the Emperor's back in attempt to stop the madness by seeking out Mercenaries from Eorzea itself, it was not enough to stop the moon's descent and though with Nael Van Darnus was killed-- the moon still came.

It would be then that the moon cracked open and released the Bahamut upon Eorzea sealing not only the fate of the nation in the Primal's great fire, but by that same sheer power ripped apart the very fabric of the universe to freely break the chains that were attempting to rebind it. It is when the echoes ceased and the ripples of time ended. When the land became still again, did the world of Hydaelyn find peace in that moment. Yet with the peace, it found itself in a mysterious place. Among the places of many other worlds. For the world had shattered into many sections across the great multiverse and it is here that the new chapter unfolds.

The new Chapter of struggles, dreams, and adventure. For while Eorzea may find herself sided with the Union, the great nation of Garlemald have sided themselves with the Confederates.. and the war will soon be sparked once more but with both sides fighting under the powers of even two greater factions.




(( More to come soon! ))