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Sheena Armstrong was just a highschool student from America, living in japan as part of an exchange student program. When some of her friends from the previous round of exchange students invited her to join them in the launch of Sword Art Online, what she had hoped to be a form of relaxation between her school work and exploring Japan turned into a living nightmare in the world of Aincrad. She became known the Iron Lily in game as a reliable and solid tank with the Clearers and is a foreigner of interesting reputation. She was also one of the ones that finally freed everyone from the digital nightmare. Still it isn't over, there are things left undone and once more she plays ALO for sake of her friends of which several still have not woken up.



PLAYER CHARACTER: See +themelist/powers Sword Art Online-1

ALF SALAMANDER HERITAGE: See +themelist/powers Sword Art Online-1

MAGIC: See +themelist/powers Sword Art Online-1

SWORD SKILLS: See +themelist/powers Sword Art Online-1

VOLUNTARY FLIGHT: With some time, effort, Tomoe has mastered the use of her wings without the need for the off hand controllers. She's able to execute high speed maneuvers but while she's not quite mastered max speed, she is no slouch.


IRON LILY: Tomoe's main spec is made for defence. Heavy metal armour, a heavy shield and a one handed sword or the sword and board setup as she is known to call it, it focuses on blocking, parrying or just simply being able to soak damage for teammates. Combining this focus on tanking and her light coloured armour she favours got her a nickname with her fellow players, that of the Iron Lily. Her off spec gives up being able to take hits for speed and a focus on attacking. Light metal armour and a two handed Assault Lance. Coupled with athletic ability and good sense from her Parkour, her mobility becomes such it sometimes surprises her fellow players.

COOKING: Tomoe is a mid level cook able to make passable to good meals out of most common materials in ALO, she's pretty specced into fish dishes and other sea food however.

FISHING: To help supply her cooking she's taken to fishing both as a hobby and as a mean of making money for herself. It's also good to help out the other raiders with buff food and the like.

PARKOUR: Sheena was a Parkour enthusiast before SAO started. Parkour is an athletic and mental art of constant self-improvement and unshackled mobility, teaching one to look at difficult or strange terrains as tools and challenges rather than something to get in the way. In short it is running, jumping, and maneuvering over, under, and around pretty much anything as creatively and showily as possible. This has given Tomoe a very strong sense of athletics that has proven to be very useful in ALO to use terrain to her own advantage and to attempt acrobatic feats few other players would consider or even pull off with the right skills.


YMIR: Tomoe is one of the founders of YMIR the group that now maintains ALO and runs the game. While she does not have much of a hand in the game's day to day affairs she does have a fair bit of stock in the company, due to her investing the majority of her SAO settlement into the group. This gives her access to a fairly nice and steady income to support herself. Additionally she does have input on development on new content with in the game but not overall control of such.

EQUIPMENT: Tomoe inherited a small fortune of Yurd (in-game currency) from SAO character conversion. While these funds are not endless and take time to replenish, she maintains a fairly well stocked inventory of various items and decent gear, particularly high quality weapons and armor, and a supply of food, sundries, buff items, revival items, and other necessities.


JAMES ARMSTRONG: Tomoe's father known online as Pendragon a long time MMORPG player. He'd been involved with the SAO Crisis team given his experience as a player and understanding the mechanics and cultures of such games. He's also a pretty heavy ALO player as a Gnome. He has been playing it since it launched perhaps for some insight into what happened to SAO. He's a minor elite (PL24) when he's in his Avatar form.


REAL BODY:Tomoes real body is vulnerable while shes playing ALO she can be caught unaware as she still uses her original NerveGear to access VR environment still which can render he unaware of the real world and the goings on there. While shes had failsafes installed by the Union the price of the better interface is shes unaware of the world around her. Also her real form is weak by elite standard and she would be very vulnerable in a fight.

REPUTATION: As a Clearer she became very well known to the point she picked up the nickname the Iron Lily. Additionally adding to her reputation is she is clearly not a native of Japan and was quick to garner attention. From fans to stalkers or less savoury types while much of that has subsided after her escape from SAO it still applies still at the school shes attending made up of SAO survivors. This can still leads to her being rather curt at times to people she does not associate often with as well.

NON-NATIVE: She's not from Japan, she was an exchange student so she's going to miss what would be normal social cues with other players. She might end up insulting someone or giving them the wrong impression, without the intent to do either. Such as her habit of handing out buff food before major fights or dungeon crawls has lead to a misunderstandings during her time in SAO. This continues into the real world unfortunately.

VENGEANCE: She's not normally a hateful person but red players and red guilds have become something that's somewhat of a focus for her. Having lost several friends to PKers she's become quite merciless to red players should she encounter them its still hard to adapt to that no longer being an issue in ALO and sometimes she forgets. In the multiverse at large should he run into similar 'malicious crime' in the multiverse it could push her over the edge.This can distract her from more important things or even be used to mess with her head by someone's who knows enough about her to make use of this.