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ID State Owner Title Description
5715 Finished Kyoko Takada DR: Moving Castle's Howl In which a castle is destroyed, a princess slain, and a dragon rescued.
5678 Finished Kyoko Takada Distorting Reflections: House-Hunting In which people are found, as are unexpected myths.
5644 Finished Kyoko Takada Distorting Reflections: On Your Mark In which people dig up dirt on a cop through legal, illegal, and semilegal means.
5594 Finished Kyoko Takada Distorting Reflections: Castle in the Sky In which a castle air-drops monsters, a check point is placed upon it for later, safer exploration, and a retreat is made.
5589 Finished Kyoko Takada Distorting Reflections: No Need for Deumans In which an alien crime gang is rooted out from an increasingly cosmopolitan Japan.
5581 Finished Kyoko Takada Distorting Reflections: Enter the Dragon In which an improbable school is discovered in the wastelands, and monsters are fought in defense of it.
5463 Finished Kyoko Takada Monster Pharming
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