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Haseo      Anime recaps don't work too good in text format, so just imagine a slide show of black and white character line art with OP1 playing and a series of key voice clips explaining what happened last time.

     The strange, almost zombie like knight opens their mouth. Instead of words, it's just breath. A strange breath that doesn't really try to imitate human speech in the slightest, but there's also accompanied text to go with it.

     "L#@^E... 7reS&@$*Er(. o^E w&Rn*&g."

     It's equally not as helpful. But it's a warning. Not because it sounds like one, but by the fact they swing their sword back, causing the texture of the room to peel off in strange hexagon panels as the tension noticably increases.

     They don't follow up with any other sort of movement after that, instead just standing there motionlessly as they wait.

     Yata's voice cuts in, heavy static distorting it, though it's still capable of being made out.

     "I'll repeat it again, though I think it goes without saying. This is the 'man' we've been after. I'll leave whatever method you wish to employ up to you, though if I can make a request, try to take your time. The more data I can get from this, the better."
Guzma "What the heck did he just say?" Guzma asides to Gladion as the zombie-like knight speaks. As their sword swings and peels off the room, Ariados skitters, and Lycanroc growls. Guzma decides immediately what to do, conferring with Gladion for a second as the trio groups up.

Gladion immediately starts creating new rocks from where former ones were destroyed, so that they have cover. This should help if the guy is swinging swords enough to cause a problem.

The actual attack, though..."Ariados! Toxic Thread!"

Ariados starts spraying the swordsman with webs, hoping to poison him and wrap him up, making it painful for him to attack or defend. At the same time, Zubat, Golisopod, and Garbodor start spraying poison at him, just upping the stacks!
Yuuki Kuran Yuuki thinks to herself, considering the garbled phrases of the corruped knight.

"L-E-A-V-E..." She begins. "Treasure? Treasoner? Prisoner? Researcher?" The third phrase she just snaps her fingers at. "One warning."

As Yata's voice cuts in, Yuuki lets her snapping fingers curl slowly into a fist. "I'm sorry. I know you're hurting. I want to understand you, but unfortunately I can't end this quickly. Please, endure it." She announces.

To the party, she reminds: "Don't kill him, under any circumstances. We need him alive."

With her un-clenched-into-a-fist hand, she draws a one-use scroll out of her inventory, waggling it like a magic wand at the corrupted knight. With the chime of item use, the spell scroll vanishes, and a flaming explosion detonates over the knight.
Tomoe Tomoe's eyes narrow at this and she puts up a hand.

"Keep behind me."

Tomoe will pop several of her skill off which cause her to glow for a moment.

"Alexis? Guzma? Got any friends who make for good artillery or hampering mobility? That would be very useful."

Yata's words have Tomoe thinking about how to better keep this thing tied up? She has some abilities that could hamper its balance. She looks at Zero and Yuuki.

"Do you have anything that could help slow it down?"

With that Tomoe's going to move in as she attempts to charge right into the mysterious man shield first trying to knock him off balance.

The force of the impact if it works? Tomoe will follow it up with several sword strikes calling out.

"What was that big guy? I can't hear you!"

It looks like Guzuma is one step ahead of her not that that bothers her at all.
Alexis     "Aw shit."

    That is Alexis' first reaction to the abrupt interruption to the initial fight, and the layer of reality around them distorting because of the new presence. "Looks like the threat level of this little venture just escalated big time."

    Then glanced down at her pokemon. Flygon drained their reserves pretty hard on that Draco Meteor, was was the nature of the attack. She didn't need to be told, Alexis could see it in the way her hovering faultered a bit, wings not buzzing with the same intensity as before. Yata wants this drawn out, sure, but continuing with a pokemon already feeling some burnout isn't the right way to go about that. "You better make this one a round-trip, girl." Mirage nodded in understanding, tilting up a bit so Alexis could slide down her back, using her tail not unlike a fireman's pole to get to the ground without the dragon-fly landing. "Looks like Team Skull is already on the immobilizing," she replies to Tomoe.

As she's dismounted Flygon bursts back into motion, speeding towards the glitched knight while nimbly avoiding the sticky and poisonous webbing being spew about. At the last moment Flygon sharply pulls up, kicking at the figure with her back legs. It's not very strong but it does allow her to springboard off the attack and launch back towards Alexis to be scooped up in the retrieval beam of a pokeball.

"But if we're looking for artillery..." A different pokeball snapped out, releasing a stocky, shaggy camel-like creature. If camels had volcanic craters for the humps. Though since he's coming in on the end of the switch move, he just stands defensively in front of Alexis ready to take whatever retaliation is made head-on.
Zero Kiryu "That depends on what 'it' actually is." Zero Kiryu responds to Tomoe. He is as of yet uncertain whether this thing has a recognizable mind to attack, or the biology required to be afflicted with his soporific. Though, he's fairly certain anything he does in regards to the latter is at least in some way supported by the mechanics of the game. It might just get translated to a normal result, like a Poison or Slow mechanic. Whichever actually exists in this world.

"I'll need to take it easy, then." He asides to Yuuki, stepping up next to her and raising a hand. In his palm a seed forms, which he takes between thumb and forefinger and flicks towards the glitched-out swordsman.

The seed bursts with unnatural speed, vines and flowers and even whole trees spilling forth and engulfing the surroundings. Immediately afterwards a sudden haze of soporific powder begins to drift down from the tree canopy over the swordsman.
Haseo      Guzma's pokemon put on stacks of debilitating poison string, resulting in a weird icon of purple bubbles appearing above the knight's head on top of their model gaining a slight purple tinge. They obey game mechanics, sorta. They however, don't seem to care about the damage ticks, even as Tomoe comes to accost them with a shield.

     Their blade comes to meat their shield, a surprising amount of inhuman force greeting the slab of metal as they push them back.



     As opposed to their weird groans before, their voice is clear. There's a series of three, extremely fast slashes performed in succession on Tomoe, massive white particles filling the room with each hit, as the last one slams into them with enough force to send them flying.

     Sadly, as they turn their attentions to the rest of the group, they're assaulted with Yuuki's magical pocket fire, causing them to reel back just a tiny bit, enough to allow Alexis' Flygon to ram into them as they make a move that would make competitive poke battlers proud.

     The trees that Zero planted also do their things, releasing a cloud of powdery spores that deal damage. The swordsman doesn't seem to be particularly concerned with any follow up after coming in contact with a bunch of unknown spores, instead responding by simply swinging their blade through the air to release a shock wave to attack the rest of the room.
Zero Kiryu Trees and brush are cleaved through all about, but even as this occurs they bend totally around defending Zero and Yuuki's position-- the end result for Zero Kiryu himself is that he only receives an appropriately dramatic cut along his left cheek, a splash of blood dripping down his face before the wound re-closes and seals over.

"Its mind isn't entirely there. It also isn't entirely absent." Zero informs the others, flicking a wrist to prompt the damaged jungle zone to be renewed. A droopy tree with numerous vines strung through its branches leans over and attempts to grab the knight to drag "him" up against its trunk and exert a crushing force against him. It might also coincidentally give the others a decent opening.


Hey, says a stylized image of Zero, nudging Yuuki lightly, If we need to subdue it, your ability to command might do the trick. I think mine wouldn't be strong enough.
Guzma The webs are working, but not enough. The shockwaves blast the team backwards, stunning them and causing generic anime grunts and groans and 'oh no!', as they take pain. Ariados keeps spraying them, trying to keep up the poison, when Gladion grabs the side of his face in a pose, and shouts out.

"Lycanroc! Show him the meaning of fear."

Lycanroc howls, and then charges the swordsman. It jumps onto one of the rocks, and then moves to grab the giant rock and slam it into the swordsman while he's tangled in the vines, crushing the rock and hopefully some of his digital bones. It won't kill him - but it'll certainly hurt.

The Goonzmas, meanwhile, stop attacking in order to dance, cheer, and be Fortnite kids. "Yo, yo, you can do it!"
Tomoe Tomoe takes heed of Yuuki's efforts to figure out what was said, she'll trust in her to figure it out. She keeps in mind they need the guy alive and will reply.

"Right, I'll hold back as much as I can."

Gunzuma's team is already hard at work using webs to try and tie the target up. Also, are they trying to poison the target somehow? It looks like this may be the case. She will see it's about to launch some sort of massive attack with a call out. She will bring up the mourning wall to attempt to protect herself. Even with all of her ability to take damage? The outcome is pretty damn bad. The impact comes it forces Tomoe down the sheer amount of damage. Wireframe damage can be seen all up Tomoe's arms. Then the last blow comes and she's sent flying.

Tomoe is forced to flare out her wings to break her fall.

Her breathing is ragged at this point she's gets back to her feet as she stares down the target for a moment.

"Yata? I hope you have something that can contain someone like this."

She starts chanting and launcher a barrage of light spells at the hulking figure, the bolts of light will dodge their way around any of her allies as they seek out the hulking mountain of an enemy.
Alexis It's hard to tell if the Team Skull efforts aren't having an effect, or if this entity is just really good at not giving a spit about being afflicted with them. Alexis frowns a bit more, having to shift tactics a little more than initially planned.

    She ducks down behind the bulkier pokemon as the glitched knight heaves his sword in an arc. Camerupt in contrast just stands there, looking as if continuing to stare bluntly at the threat. The shockwave impacts, briefly visibly rippling around the camel's stout form. Thick feet grind into the ground to brace himself, weathering out the roughest part of the attack.

    Once it's passed Alexis gets back onto her feet. "This going to take making the earth move, big fella!" She rolls back the right sleeve of her jacket, crystal orb imbedded in the wrist bracer underneath shimmering as she clenches her fist. Energy manifests around her pokemon, an image of a double-helix wound to look like a flame briefly appearing in the surge before it breaks away and dissolves.

    Leaving the even large and bulkier Mega Camerupt in its wake, his form now a looming conical shape to a single hump crater already bubbling over with a bit of lava amongst the rocky protrusions around the base. A scowl creases his face and a deep growl not unlike the rumbling of rocks together emits from the beast.

"Now Caldera... Ancient Power!" Alexis commands, pointing his attention back at the bizarre foe. That rumbling sound gets stronger within the pokemon as he leans forward just enough to tilt the crater on his back at an angle, and the explosive force produced within hurtling several large stones out like primordial mortar rounds.
Yuuki Kuran The corrupted knight seeks to blast her away with Generic Anime Pressure Blast #52, but the wind and force do not reach her. Broken like a wave around a dome-like invisible shield, the difference in air currents and (pixellated) dust surrounds zone of absolute calm.

"Trespassers. That was the word. I'm sorry, Sir Knight. But we'll have to impose on you for a while." Yuuki announces with just enough volume to carry.

"Yes. We all will, Zero." Yuuki nods, at the sentimet Zero would have to go easy. "We have two burdens on us: We need to drag this out *and* we need him alive. That's a lot of time for people to--" Yuuki notices Tomoe's condition. "Tomoe! Are you okay?!" She frets.


Yuuki crosses her legs in the chair near Yata. "--to get hurt on our side, which happens any time things get long. It really is th worst when you want a long and restricted fight. It's an even larger ask from someone who refuses to help out for risk reasons."

Yuuki tilts her head and frowns. "Aren't the AIDA and Tri Edge's whole risk that of mortal peril?"


Advancing, it's convenient for Yuuki to use the spellcasting of Tomoe and volcanic cover of Alexis's pokemon to run up Zero's constricting vines, lunge from them into the air, and deliver a fierce spin-kick to the Knight's head with all the spryness of a superpowered anime highschooler.

The smoke and explosions and shattering rocks give her an easy opportunity to land and turn after.
Haseo      YATA''S PAD: "Ha. It is rather selfish of me to ask you all put your lives on the line while I sit back. It's why I've already accounted for people acting outside of the parameters I've set. Still, I've been up front about everything regarding this operation, including the massive waste of time it might end up being. So far however, I've gotten enough data to break even from the hours I poured into this already. I'm just hoping to do more than break even at this point."

     Yata's sliding floating hologram panels and typing away on floating keyboards and otherwise doing things that would be considered very sci-fi cyber-y. There's several panels focused mainly on their mysterious knight arrival rather than the gratuitous amounts of live combat data, though that's not completely sidelined either.

     "AIDA as is, is a threat. I have yet to acertain the full scope of Tri-Edge. Our friend's appearance here has, as of this moment, made me reconsider some facts."

     Zero's vines constrict the ghoulish knight, preventing them from taking more action. Enough to let Gladion's Lycanroc slam it's head into a rock and also into them. Unfortunately, they don't seem to have digital bones, but it still hits their HP bar.

     There's then a barrage of light and ancient rocks that pelt into them, followed by Yuuki's powerful spin kick to their head.

     At this point, their avatar is having some weird static effect on it, but it's only for a brief moment as they flicker out of their restraints, taking the form of a glowing ball of blue flame before reappearing. There's a grunt, followed by the flick of their sword.

     " ORGRE SWORD! "

     Despite standing in one place and only disappearing for less than a fraction of a second, a single flash (attempts) to hit everyone in the room. If the knight had a sheathe to put their sword in, surely, this would be the part where they did that. Sadly they don't, nor do they don't even imitate doing so.
Zero Kiryu Injuries finding purchase on Zero Kiryu has proven to be a difficulty, not merely in this fight but in several others immediately prior. He treats the flash of light seriously, a sheath of plant matter suddenly extruding out of his body with surprising rapidity. By the time the slashing effect makes contact, it has several layers of metallic vines to go through. The vines shriek as contact is made, their surface being worn and eventually blown away, permitting a solid blow to land against Zero's chest underneath.

But it doesn't penetrate his skin. It tears a hole in his shirt and impacts, but the damage is highly limited. An instant later he's gone, transporting himself through the foliage spread across the battlefield to immediately close range with the knight.

"You're playing too rough." He says as he materializes from a tree, swinging a fist towards the knight.

Within a psychic communication, Zero compliments Yuuki's kick just now. There's an uneasy sense that he wants to add something, but it sort of lingers at the edges of possibility instead of materializing properly.
Alexis     Mega Camerupt is built like the mountain it resembles, and about as mobile as one too. As in not very. It's as ponderous as it is powerful. There's not really much Caldera can do against an enemy that moves like it has some form of Extremespeed and hits like a truck with it. Whatever the barely visible attack was its enough to actually make the beast thud to the ground. Several swaths of thick fur are torn away and some of the stone modules around the base of the back crater show signs of cracking from the force.
    At the same time the crater bubbles and smokes more profusely as ever as he stomps back onto his feet, mirroring the burning short temper motivating the beast. Anyone standing too close to the monster would feel the heat rising in its vicinity. Alexis is use to this though. "He's not making dragging this out easy... but that just makes it a proper challenge!" She deals with the anger powered heat spike by adjusting her hoodie a bit. On the other hand, Caldera has taken enough damage in the fight that she can put more of that volcanic force to use, which makes her smirk a bit at the thought. "Now Caldera... Let it blow!"

    And blow it does. Heavy hooves stomp into the ground to brace himself, the entire pokemon vibrating as his crater smokes and boils, more lava dripping down the slopes. Smoke belchs from it, and then it does what volcanos do best -- erupt! Smoldering ash and superhot lava rock spew from Camerupt's crater-hump to rain down on the glitched swordsman. Even with the damage being scaled back from injury it's a very dangerous attack.
Guzma The slashing effect comes flying out. The trio panic, but Lycanroc is the one to react, without a command.

Lycanroc punches into the ground, rocks jutting out. The slash shreds through them, but it slows the assault, allowing Lycanroc to protect the gang from any damage, just barely.

"Hmph." Gladion says, appreciatively, as he flicks his hand out. "Now, despair! Crunch!"

The werewolf Pokemon's jaw opens, as it suddenly charges the knight again. Super sharp fangs move to crunch down on him, trying to mash up his armor and just inflict strong damage. Ariados prepares for an attack on top of one of the webbed up rocks...but doesn't make it.

Not yet. Needs an opening.
Tomoe "Don't worry I'm supposed to take his so people like you don't. I'll live don't worry about it."

Some of this Tomoe locked in I am the tank mode pretty hard here, still, she seems able to for the moment to keep moving. Though she will likely need some help later, for now, she's focusing on the fight. This time? Tomoe has a few tricks in mind she pops one of hee defence abilities which helps her endure this new assault a bit better this time. She's pushed back a bit.

"So how to disable this guy without killing him..."

There are other people here far better at that than. Everyone has survived the latest round of attacks but she's looking concerned.

"Does this thing not even have a threat table?!"

She's got a few more wireframe lines for her trouble though the damage is adding up. As Zero makes his move she'll strike launching into a combo of rapid sword strikes.

"On me big man."

She'll then leap and make a strike for his sword arm, maybe that will slow him down. She will dart off as Gumza and his team makes move trying to leave them a clear path for them.
Yuuki Kuran <You're playing too rough.>
Yuuki felt the way her foot cracked into the head of the knight. The odd feeling she had in the inside of her ankle from hitting the quasi-zombie made her skin tingle.

"Yata wants more data, so let's play around a few m--"

The blade burst, a ripple through the air that carried physical force like a blade's swing whipped through the air towards her right side. Looking mostly like a flinch, she shies back, bringing down her right elbow elbow and knee up to present a strong side.

The blade impacts her high, on her forearm and bicep, and clashes there against her body as she endures it.

But it just 'hits' her. Even the blade, at an invisible velocity, does not cut her. Her sleeve, instead, slides off her arm as she lowers her foot back to the ground.

Zero steps up for a blow, and Yuuki chases behind him to join in a combo punch-out, chasing his blow with a high-torque punch that spins into a rolling elbow. Rotating on that axis, she finishes with a roundhouse kick to the knight's chest.

"I figure going easy looks something like this!" She asides to the mental praise of her kick.

Tomoe goes to try and get the knight's attention again, and cautions her with a "Be careful, Tomoe!"
     Zero and Yuuki team up to deliver a punch across the knight's face, Lycanorc's fangs bite into their armor, a series of sword slashes dig into them caused by Tomoe. They ghost away to catch their footing as they try to recover from the damage.

     There's an ungodly long pause as they just stand there. Not enough to take advantage of them, but long enough to realize they're probably thinking.

     There's another growl from the swords man as they bring their sword back. There's a massive quake as the rest of the room begins to peels away, revealing blinding light, so blinding that it obscures everyone's vision.

     "This is...I advise everyone, get out of-"

     Yata's clearly 'distressed' by the current situation, but his already distorted voice eventually completely cuts out.

     An empty room with no walls. No features. Save fo some weird square box off in the distance. Where once there was one swordsman, there now stand two. Though unlike the anemic looking knight, this one is massive, and less armored, though equally as tattered looking.

     There's no greetings, no introductions. The two knights don't even really acknowledge each other, though they're already working in tandem, both dashing through the group to make an X pattern to deliver massive slashing damage.
Guzma The crunch works. But Guzma and the gang are shocked as tit forms into an empty room, they lose contact with Yata...and there's a second knight. Less armored, larger, tattered. They both have swords.

The swords slice into the group with an x-pattern, the mark of a protagonist. The rocks are gone, as is any cover, so the slashes cut up Ariados and Lycanroc and force the humans back, causing bleeding, as the Pokemon squeal in pain. Guzma's jacket is cut up, causing him to yell loudly.

"Ariados! Give it your all!"

Ariados fires a web at the anemic-looking knight, the first one to attack them, the target. It moves to latch onto him, pull itself in...

And let loose a venom-filled bite, to collaborate with everyone's attacks! The poison's not going to kill, but it is sure as hell going to damage him!

"NOW! TAKE HIM DOWN!" Guzma raises his bloody first and gestures. "We're not going to be made into fools by some glitched-out punk!" "YOOOOO!"
Zero Kiryu "Well..."

"Even so," Zero admits to Yuuki as she pulls even with him and executes her combo in tandem with his own punch, "I think we're approaching the limit of reasonable ability to draw the fight out. There's only so long that you can hold back against a serious opponent before you're just putting yourself at undue risk."

This is immediately followed by the environment being "deleted", and their presence being relocated to a literal white room scenario. Zero immediately handles the transition by firing seeds into the surroundings from either hand, causing the white room to more-or-less instantaneously adopt his own terrain.

I'm going in first. Be ready, and follow me up. He thinks at Yuuki.

Zero flickers forward, intercepting the portion of the "X" headed in their direction at the center of its path. He raises a hand to meet the blade of the swordsman -- whichever it is -- that is currently charging in his particular direction. Sheer strength momentarily strains against incoming force, like the charging "man" was directed by the force of a rocket engine. There they stand momentarily at a standstill, Zero's sheer durability and strength allowing him to halt the X as a badly-drawn Y.

But then the surface of his hand begins to crack and fray, the force traveling up his arm and drawing forth blood in fissures that open all the way up to his shoulder. He sends a warning message to Yuuki to let her know that he's about to disengage-- and then he breaks off, and the X is allowed to proceed along the path of becoming an X.

Again his form flickers, putting him squarely behind Yuuki's form. However she chooses to approach his suggestion of a team interception of HEROIC X ATTACK, he comes in from behind her, extends an arm, and sends wave of lacerating vines fanning out around her, making the entire attack corridor of the X a vicious, piercing, bloodsucking mess.
Alexis     Well damn. Not only is more of the relative state of reality peeling away, but now there's two of them, and their outside source of info got canceled out before he could finish. "This place is turning into a freaking Glitch City," Alexis mutters, then orders, "On the defensive Caldera!" Before grabbing on and hoisting herself up off the ground, toughing through how hot the crater still feels, using the rocky structures to get up onto the monster's head.

    As commanded Mega Camerupt defends.... by just standing there. Or at least that's how it looks, since his grumpy expression rarely changes as is. But his body is tensing, legs stiffly locking into place and bracing, the lava running down from his crater starting to cool and harden. The fur matting into a sort of armor is going to farther limit his movements, but he's already slow. So using Curse to sacrifice that to shore up his defenses is the better trade off.
    It pays off, as the dual swordmen slash into the pokemon with the strikes. The improvised coating is cracked and splintered, leaving rubble and shred hair in its way. Sparks fly where swords strike stone, mere inches from catching Alexis on her upward climb.

    Rather than expose herself needlessly at this point Alexis scoots forward so she's over the beast's head and can still speak to him. She takes a quick scope of the situation, everyone is going in big, piling on top... aha. "They're going high. Hit them low!"

    Camerupt nods and snarls, and slams his hooves several times into the ground, venting both his frustration and the elemental forces of his volcanic body into, well, the visual representation of the ground is gone. But the energy is still, zigzagging forward in jagged lines that look like cracks tracing the path. Up until it's under the swordmens' position.

    Then all that geothermal power explodes upward in a gushing plume of force and mighty seismic roar.
Yuuki Kuran "If we were looking for a unique threat, I believe this is it. Watch out, everyone!"

It's fine. Everyone has their stuff under control. These aren't some randoms - these are, more or less, heroes! Also, apparently the Knight is some hero too, with a powerful X-CUT team attack.

Drawing her baton in a smooth motion from her left hip under her coat, the cylinder crackles with an electric snap as it extends into a long staff. Joining Zero in clashing with the X-Cut by meeting the two hands with her braced staff, she struggles and grunts against the damage, hair flaring out behind her. The pressure against her feet slowly skids her back with the audble smear of shoerubber against the formless terrain.

But as the energy washes over her, she eventually through great effort deflects the energy that doesn't bleed off into her 'off' and past herself and Zero.

When he thrusts his vines out, Yuuki is tossing Artemis back into Zero's hands as she makes for the head of the mass of surging vines, landing with a crouch on the crest of the wave and riding it towards the two knights.

Sniffing once, and then picking one of the two out of instinct, the crouched coated girl hurls herself at the neck and throat of one of the knights.

Like a flying wrestling move, as her fingers make contact, she grips and guides with the crook of her elbow against the neck of the knight, flying lariat'ing them and holding on with a powerful grip.

With her other hand, she places a hand on the crown of the knight's head and whispers into his ear. "It's time to stop resisting and go to sleep." Urges her voice, laced with compulsive power.
Tomoe The party is still dealing out some serious damage yet the boss is still up it's not done yet or in a state that it can be captured in. She sees the boss making another move, she pops the majority of her cooldowns this time as she finds the odds of enduring the attack are far better than trying to evade it for her. She glows gold for a moment as her skills trigger and she endures the brutal assault. She watches Yuuki make her move as does Zero.

Alexis, Guzuma and their pokemon also make their moves. It's time for Tomoe she'll take her shield up and then throw it like a boomerang aiming for the Knight, her intent to help distract it so the others can finally and hopefully disable it.

Haseo Zero momentarily blocks the HEROIC X ATTACK, stopping the new, second member for a brief moment before disengaging while also terraforming part of the white void.

     Alexis' Camerupt causes the featureless ground to erupt with GEOTHERMAL ENERGY, and Guzma's Ariados fires off some poisonous strands. The massive knight appears to take the sticky, venomous, attack, on top of Tomoe's lobbed shield, given that it's clearly in better condition, but they're both damaged in the end regardless.

     And then Yuuki comes in and flying lariats the anemic knight, the buff, less armored knight letting out a grunt in confusion as it watches.

     She's grabs onto the knight's head and whispers her commanding words, and although it doesn't seem to work right away, it's clearly having some sort of effect as they aren't struggling.


     There's no audible voice. There's no text. But it's felt. The air vibrates. It feels tired. And forced. Whatever it is, it's clearly expending a lot of energy to be 'heard'.

     The knights seem frozen in place, like they're unable to act, as people one by one start getting whisked away in rings of light. Starting with Yuuki. Then Alexis, Tomoe, Guzma. Until Zero's the only one left.

     A blue flame appears in front of them, before materializing as pale, red clad boy. They have the same patchwork aesthetic as the other two knights. A pair of three edged blades a gripped firmly in both his hands, though one of them briefly dissapears as he reaches out to hand them something. Whether they hold out their hand to obtain it themselves, it doesn't matter. Nor is there much room to say anything, as Zero too, is whisked away.


     There's a brief loading screen for everyone, followed by the words (Delta) Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground, in the corner. German music begins playing in the background, and the group is now clearly standing in a spot that is neither glitched or 'outside'. They're all, miraculously, restored to full 'HP'.

     "Welcome back to the land of the living... Well, no, I suppose now isn't the time for jokes. Anyway, I respect of a full report of what happened in the brief time I was unable to track you. You are also free to swing by for compensation, though I won't question what worth there is to be found in digital gold and weapons. Regardless. You have all performed above my expectations. Congratulations. I'll keep you all updated on part two of my plans, now that I have the data /I/ needed."
Tomoe Tomoe is not sure how much more she can take with the amount of damage that was being dished out, thankfully this seems to be the end of it. She feels the word for lack of a better term and she just halts for a moment. She's one of the last ones to be ported away she looks to Zero for a second and then she is gone. She finds herself healed and somewhere else she looks around for a moment.

"Thank you for the welcome back, and I will be swinging by for that, just what the heck was that thing?"

Tomoe seems to flinch at the word Congratulations she recovers fast but Yata might notice that. Odd really what could cause her to react to that word like that?

"Right, I'll be seeing to my payment now and if you have more let me know. I might be able to hit up some more of the Gatecrasher's Union as if things are starting this wild it may only go up from here."
Zero Kiryu Zero Kiryu catches the object flying back at him-- which turns out to be Artemis. There is a moment of identification, during which time Artemis doesn't know who is holding it but /does/ know that it's a vampire. It doesn't like that very much. Or it didn't, until it realized the particular "who". Once that occurs an accord is reached, and the crackle of repelling energy against the flesh of his hand ceases abruptly.

Let's go. He communicates to the baton, allowing it to re-extend back into a staff.

He's never been able to prompt it to adopt its war form, but Zero can do this much, at least. He leaps forward after Yuuki, barreling down the tunnel of vines that he sent down the field only seconds ago.

It isn't directed at /him/, but the authoritative pressure of Yuuki's command still reaches him. Violet eyes gleam red in the whiteroom-turned-jungle, standing out sharply from the surrounding backdrop. Zero is /just/ about to step in and assist with pinning the warrior that Yuuki is handling when things get... weird.

He draws Artemis in defensively, only to find that there's no need to do so. A bunch of cryptically named items that Zero doesn't understand the context for are issued, and then they're gone.

As they arrive back in the "outside", Zero collapses Artemis down to a baton and hands it back to Yuuki.

His psychic comm with Yuuki comes alive with low-key disappointment at the abrupt change in atmosphere.

"I don't want digital gold and weapons. We'll discuss what I want later." Zero replies, dully. His eyes stop glowing a moment later.