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Welcome to Multiverse Crisis MUSH!

We are an application-only role playing site with broad inclusion of characters and settings from anime, video games, movies, books, sci-fi, and more. We are receptive to Alternate Universe takes on existing series, and original characters. If there's something you're interested in role playing, there is a pretty good chance that you can find it here!

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Port: 5001

Information & Registration

This wiki is a repository for MCM's in-game information, including news files, character profiles, logs, etc.

To request an account, please submit a WIKI REQUEST telling us who you are on the MUSH (sorry, non-players need not apply), what account name you'd like (please avoid using character @names unless they are names that are unlikely to be re-used if you quit), and what e-mail address you want your password sent to.

Command String: +request/wiki Wiki Account=<details here>

SceneSys Log Page

Upcoming Scheduled Scenes

For an actual calendar view (which can give you full scene briefings): CLICK HERE!

SCENE TIMES APPEAR IN GMT/UTC. You can use THIS page to help find yourself.

Title Time Description
Coda Pt 2: Rampage 2025-03-07 23:00:00 Someone is going around causing a lot of trouble for a lot of people in The City. Some of them even deserve it. Where will the trail end?

Open to all.

BB Supports: Dieck Gets Robbed 2025-03-08 23:00:00 The first of a few lightscenes leading into the last third of Fire Emblem, wherein the spotlight will be on getting to bond with a smaller group of NPCs!

Dieck, en route to pay his currently-sole employee Shanna for their work in the Etrurian campaign, gets pickpocketed on the streets of Aquleia. He swears he'll earn it back in the arena... but his old friend Klein is trying to convince him to just accept free compensation, and Thea has to convince Shanna not to just go hungry.

The Fruits Of One's Labors 2025-03-09 22:00:00 Once long ago, Persephone gifted the underworld a fruit tree. Angela invites Phony to the Library to ask her advice on helping certain types of people. Because she can totally help people. Rita and Lilian didn't get to her at all this is just a coincidence.
Blade Lineage Potluck 2025-03-10 22:00:00 Father Berislav invites members of the Watch to attend a weekday service at the Faded Print, a new Watchtower in the Backstreets of the City's District 12--and after, to get to know some of the new Blade Lineage recruits over a potluck luncheon.
Coda Pt 3: The Black Silence 2025-03-11 22:00:00 The trail ends at Trideag Headquarters.

OOC: Boss Battle against The Black Silence. Open to anyone who was at either of the first two scenes and Trideag obviously.

BB Supports: Fae's Day Out 2025-03-12 22:00:00 Continuing the FE midway-ish lightscenes!

Fae, Sophia, and Igrene take the chance to have a nice day out on the town. They're here anyway, so they might as well just put a hood over Fae's ears and feed her eclairs! ... And talk about the Demon Dragon, maybe.

The Nightcrawler Crawls at Night pt 3 2025-03-13 22:00:00 continuation of the latest MCRD road trip!
The Frog and the Ghost 2025-03-14 22:00:00 Sotenbori... Is under attack! A hospital in flames, a giant frog, and a bowling-themed ghost are making a mess of things, and it's up to YOU to stop them! Better be prepared for a fight, though, because neither of these titans look all too happy to be here.

A quick and casual CSYS fight to try and get more light scenes back on the calendar. Open to anyone!

I Buy Powers 2025-03-16 22:00:00 The 7th Annual Shinra Inc. Charity Auction and Gala is underway! And Rufus is being coerced into attending. Boo, formal events. He'd rather be snowboarding.

Well, misery loves company, so you're all invited as plus-ones (plus-severals?). Bring your best formal outfits for a night of good food, good drink, and questionably 'good' company. And might as well have some fun while we're here - some of the items up for auction are useful or interesting.


All comers, social - and this scene will feature an optional chauction bidding minigame!c/ Pueblo-enabled clients recommended but not required.

Office Call 2025-03-16 23:00:00 Moses' Office meets with Father Berislav! Private scene!
The Fast Forwarded Festival 2025-03-17 23:00:00 Sotenbori... Is the site of a big festival! Or several festivals at once, anyway, because a certain shrine maiden/tanuki princess/wannabe ninja has been slacking off for way too long and still needs to play catch up. Bring some cash, because this festival is only free for children 10 and under!

A speedy little social in Futaba's and Natsuki's theme to give people an excuse to mingle, poke at the theme, and even set up some pins for future content.

Star¤Twinkle PreCure ~ A Concert on Planet Capella A! 2025-03-18 22:00:00 Lala and Hikaru travel to a planet where the famous Galactic Idol Mao is doing a concert for a centennial ritual, and as excited as Lala is, there's something else going on...! In one of the promotional pictures, it looks like there's a Stellar Note in the background!
Star¤Twinkle PreCure ~ Backstage?! ¤ Mao and Idol Pretty Cures! 2025-03-19 22:00:00 Mao invites Hikaru and Lala backstage, asking them for help with the concert, or else the ritual will fail! Are they qualified for this?!
The Photographer-1 2025-03-19 23:00:00 An invitation and briefing to c+xterm171Watchc/ characters for collaboration on an investigation within the City! Start-off of distortion detective plotstuff! Will be a social!
The Nightcrawler Crawls at Night pt 4 2025-03-20 22:00:00 The third MCRD road trip continues! And probably concludes.
RSVP 2025-03-21 23:00:00 It's the wedding!
Star¤Twinkle PreCure ~ Eclipse of the Calamity Lights! Shine Brighter~! 2025-03-25 22:00:00 Oh no! The Nottraiders are here, and they're waving evil Twinkle Sticks that will KILL the Precures if you don't cheer for them hard enough!
Star¤Twinkle PreCure ~ Blue Cat Seizes the Ritual! Battle of the Bands! 2025-03-26 22:00:00 Csys vs Blue Cat! She's stealing the greeble again!
The Photographer-2 2025-03-26 23:00:00 Continuation! Investigation scene!
Who's to blame for the pain of the wicked 2025-03-28 22:00:00 c#00ff7fMaster of the underworld.c/

c#00ff7fQueen of Twilight.c/ c#00ff7fSovereign of the Living, she will claim your soul.c/ c#00ff7fThe mistress of the Void,c/ c#00ff7fWith your death in her mighty grasp,c/ c#00ff7fWhen your path is at its end.c/

Convinced by Grimnir, Trudy Grimm will try again to meet with the one whom the Grimoire of Despair, Malice, originally belonged. The immortal guardian, the First Death, the original Draugr Deyja has already been convinced. The only obstacle before the gates of the Underground is the fallen Valkyrie: Grima, the First Slain.

Inspired by her friendship with Lilian and recent experiences with Ash, Trudy will return the book or die trying.

What does she have to lose but the parts of her she hates?

Open to people who would willingly assist Trudy in her personal endeavors. Friends, associates, and minions. It's Vikingland, so expect to deal with people who communicate best through violence.


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