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Latest revision as of 05:08, 6 August 2016

Green Living
Date of Scene: 24 July 2016
Location: Dun Realtai
Synopsis: A Visit to Dun Realtai's greenhosue
Cast of Characters: 272, 639, Inga, Eithne Sullivan, Sir Gawain, 482

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:

    Yunomi Stadler hadn't been to Dun Realtai in... quite some time. Somewhat on purpose, in fear of wrecking what she thought was a delicate friendship with its lord and protector, Sir Bedivere, so when she comes by it's now without fanfare and without announcement, just a quiet appearance in the greenhouse itself as she shifts from some innoculous creature tothe form of a gardener. She was wearing a simple cream-colored shirt and brown leggings, though the shirt's sleeves sported the occasional burn hole visible when the sleeves weren't rolled up. She had a tool belt on, and her goggles hung around her neck, the only thing sporting the colors of her Ravnican Guild.

    Her hair was done up in a corona braid, similar to Saber's hair, save that it is glossy black, with her red and blue bangs woven in giving flashes f color.

    And so, without announcing her presence and being rather low-key, the young mage begins to tend the garden of the greenhouse, cutting back some of the growth of the spring plants that have fallen past their prime.

Merlin (639) has posed:
    Ah, summer. A fine time for strolling about and savoring the sweet nectar of spring's bounty. It was a time when Dun Realtai seemed quite livable, and the frightening nordic nightmare known as winter was far from peoples' minds. The wizard ambles through the keep, circling around and taking in the day before finally settling on his way to the greenhouse.

    And pausing once more to marvel at its construction. He'd grown used to the thing, and knew in his special way that men would achieve advancements such as this soon enough - but the multiverse had ways of surprising even the faeries. A mere great wizard was all too simple to impress.

    Equally impressive was the produce within. There had been simpler ways of protecting crops from the cold, though burlap tarps and stakes to make tents had to be carefully controlled in a wind - and couldn't be left on during the day. The end result was that food had never been quite so plentiful as it was now. It's even enough to distract the pale blue-haired wizard from his ruminations on Bedivere's new maid.

    And yet there seems to be someone new. Entering silently in his wizard's ways - one must always practice sneaking up on Bedivere, of course - he approaches the gardener and takes a bite. Of an apple! The loud juicy crack might just be enough to startle the poor girl doing her tending of the plants, and see what kind of amusingly cute squeak of fright he can coax from her.

    You really do have to make your own entertainment some days.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Good day," the friendly girl says, as she peers over her shoulder. Rounded, furred ears pop up at the top of her head, and she flicks her left ear a bit curiously a she straightens up, wiping some of the dirt off on her leggings. The gardener doesn't seem to be peturbed at all by Merlin's sudden appearance.

    "Was there something you were looking for today? The blackberries are coming into season, against the brambles of to the side, and there are some in the wild that are much sweeter, if a little bit harder to reach for the birds." she states, and then she raises her eyebrows. "Although, in my opinion, the apples could have taken another few weeks, even for the early varieties."

Merlin (639) has posed:
    Hmpf. Not even a twitch, but a pleasant friendly reply? "Good day to you, miss." And then there's a moment of amused surprise as Yunomi's ears become visible. Between that and her pepsi-cola bangs, there is certainly a sense of the exotic around her. About as much as Merlin had expected, listening to the stories of the 'neat garden builder lady' from the townsfolk.

    Merlin shakes his head. "I seek nothing in particular, my lady. Merely enjoying a fine day's weather and the beautiful sights to see." Irrepressible flirt? Totally. At least he's being subtle. "I prefer the apples slightly early, myself. There's a slight tang to them that can be quite pleasurable. That said, blackberries eh. Hm." He considers a few things; the voice is certainly the same that he'd heard earlier.

    The thoughtful pause gives him a moment to really size up the young lady, and cast an exploratory eye over her features. Definitely not one of any local nature, even discounting the curious ears and bangs. Yet she dresses like a local, and is careful not to be seen...and is quite polite. The more paranoid might well scream assassin - but the clear-thinking would realize an Elite when they see one.

    There is a bow, grand in its gesture as the wizard steps back. "I am pleased to finally meet you, Dame Yunomi. Word of the color of your thumbs has long been passed around town, and I must say your skill at both construction and farming are rivaled only by your beauty."

    Oh, to hell with subtlety.

Inga has posed:
The greenhouse is a wonder, and even though her own garden is producing very well now, there are a few things that grow here that do not grow in her garden. But she need not have a particular purpose to come strolling through. It is a pleasant place to be, even with the heat. She's come prepared for the warm, moist air of the greenhouse, wearing her usual style of dress but with shorter sleeves and a light, breathable fabric. Cotton is really rather amazing. Her hair, per usual, is braided, though today in two braids, one long plait over each shoulder. She has a basket in hand, which to those who know her means she was likely visiting the villagers. She went down with remedies and charms and came back with various foodstuffs. She has a couple of zuccinis, some sausage, a few potatoes and a handsome head of lettuce for her trouble.

She is strolling leisurely through a section of the greenhouse when she hears voices. Seems she's not alone. They are voices she recognizes of course. She'd expected to find Yunomi here, and she supposed this was as good of a place for Merlin to be as any. There's a pretty girl about, after all.

Inga grins, shaking her head. Flirting already. She wonders if she should help Yunomi or let her fend for herself for a bit. She's only met Merlin a few times, but a few times is enough to know what he'll be up to.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    The young woman gave a smile, and an embarrassed rub of the back of her head as she drops her other arm. "The day certainly is lovely, though it seems like the fields could do with a little rain..." she trails off, having the good grace to blush a little bit.

    Oh, she knew the voice from the radio, once or twice. And she gives a wry little smile as he considers, hereyebrows rising before he bows and steps back. Well, subtlety wasn't everything

    Yunomi herself bows from her waist, as is the custom among her countrymen, but there is a gentle smile on her lips.

    "Shameless complementry and balderdash will get you nowhere with me, good sir." Yunomi replies with a slight smile.

    The greenhouse itself is a marvel, built of steel and glass, twisting through trees specifically grown by the green-thumbed mage to act as supports, and inside there was a cornecopia of foods, from apple trees to lemons and oranges, to stands of carrots and mellons and cucumbers climbing poles, beans and peas climbign string trellises, and a pair of apiaries, whose bees produce honey all the year long in the warmth.

    "I'm afraid I am at a bit of a loss, I know your voice, surely, but do not have a name to attach to it."

Eithne Sullivan has posed:
    There was a greenhouse, she'd been told. Eithne's natural love of everything floral was a little disappointed when she realized it was 'just' vegetables - such are the frivolities of someone who takes the existence of grocery stores for granted. But still, it's a real greenhouse! The most land she's ever been able to claim for her own flowers is a sunny windowsill.

    So of course she wants to investigate it!

    And if she meets some new people in the process, isn't that a good thing too? To that end, 'Bedivere's new maid' has donned the clothes provided for her - a simple dark dress and long apron - and set out across the grass. "Huh... hullo, mind if I look around a bit?" she asks them all, because she doesn't always pay attention and isn't sure whose greenhouse it is.

Merlin (639) has posed:
    Two pretty girls about, it seems. And for his ways, Merlin is being quite subtle. It isn't as if Yunomi is fangirling him and begging for a kiss after all. He notes Inga's approach with a small smile before returning his attention to the gardener.

    "And what of shameless honesty and respect, my dear?" The smile is returned, this one for Yunomi's own sake. "I merely observe the truth and comment upon what I see; is this not the scientific method?" There, Yunomi. You're scientifically cute. "As for balderdash, there is always a need for a warm wind on a summer day. Though..." He pauses a moment, ignoring her first question to consider something she'd said.

    It only lasts a moment. "A little rain, eh. Such a thing might be good, after a day such as this. I suppose that might be what's needed...might tomorrow at dawn be suitable? It would rise as a mist, saturating the fields and their crop."

    And then the new maid arrives, much to Merlin's pleasure. Three pretty girls! That dark dress suits her, and matches the girl's hair well. Though there's also a sudden narrowing of Merlin's eyes as he takes her in in more ways than one - before nodding very, very slightly to her. His voice, however, is just as jovial as when he'd addressed Yunomi previously.

    "Come in, child. There is more than enough room, and all of Dun Realtai are welcome. As are those who cherish it from afar," he adds, with a nod to the gardener. To your question, young miss..."

    Well, it's understandable. For some reason, all of his fans seemed to cherish his appearance as being quite old and bearded in a way to give ZZ Top pause. "I suppose I should not be disappointed in being unrecognized, but it seems those who have read of the Court of Camelot know me as a bespectacled geriatric caricature of intelligence and wisdom. I am Merlin, once advisor to King Arthur of the Round Table, and now best friend and close confidant to the Steward of Dun Realtai."

    And to prove his point, a red rose appears in Yunomi's hair, somehow carefully woven among the woman's long tresses. It compliments the red bangs nicely.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
    "Aaah, in that I am understanding now why Sir Bediverse is vexed by your name. Very few men in Dun Realtai must match him for his fine features and gentle demeanor."
    And to compliment the red rose that appears in her hair, Yunomi raises her hands, and with a little swirl of green mana produces a flower of her own, this delicate rose, just this side of being in blossom, is a blue to match Merlin's own hair.

    "Appearances are often not what others preceive them to be; I myself know the importance of a... proper appearance." she gives a small, wry smile to Merlin. "I am pleased to finally meet your aqauintence; your skill transcendes the centuries." she states, and offers the blue rose to Merlin.

    Tothe newcomer, she gives a smile. "Do come in; I was just inspecting and doing some clean-up... can't let the green house get /too/ hot."

Sir Gawain has posed:
Outside, there are loud stomping sounds. They sound like they belong to a very big creature, but don't sound 'smashy'. If someone actually /looked/ outside the greenhouse, they'd see a very big boar. And on top of it, on a saddle, is Sir Gawain!

The Knight of the Sun leaps from his steed, dressed in full armor as he lands at the Greenhouse door. Boar parked outside, he walks in, grinning radiantly as he sees everyone there. "Master Merlin! Lady Yunomi! Wisewoman! Someone I don't know! It's a pleasure to see you all today! How are you all doing?" The Knight greets them, before looking over the plants briefly. "Lady Yunomi, welcome back! Do we have any burdock? My personal supplies ran low, and I'm trying to make a stomach tonic!" He doesn't elaborate on /why/, though, before turning to Eithne. "Greetings, milady! I am Sir Gawain, Knight of the Round Table, Dun Realtai, Camelot, America, The Union, and Joe's Pizzeria. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. What is your name?"

Inga has posed:
Inga smiles to herself. Merlin knows she's there. He'd be a very poor wizard if he didn't. Another new voices piques her curiosity, so Inga supposes she may as well join the party. Someone needed to be around to hit Melin with blunt objects when he misbehaved, after all.

"I for one cannot blame the storytellers for wanting to make you seem more...venerable," she says, stepping out from behind some large plants. She's wearing dark green, it blends in well with the surroundings.

Inga then smiles to Yunomi. "How nice to see you again Yunomi. I worried I might need to save you from this cad, but I see you have it well under control," she says, nodding to Yunomi.

The wisewoman then looks to Eithne, tilting her head slightly in curiosity, studying her. "Greetings."

The appearance of Gawain would save Eithne from Inga's unnerving gave. Gawain is just... a thing that /happens/. The witch cannot help but smile. "Sir Gawain! I see your mount is doing quite well," she says, grinning. You just can't help but like Gawain, even when his giant boar is trampling your mugwort. "Burdock? I think perhaps you should leave the makings of remedies to me...are you having loose stools?" she asks conversationally.

Eithne Sullivan has posed:
    What was that look for--? What a strange man.

    "Oh, /that/ Merlin?" she asks, like he's got some kind of reputation with her. Just what could Bedivere have told her already?! What a rude baby crow! "Nice to meet all of yeh. I'm Enya Sullivan. Uh... student, housekeeper... that's about it," she trails off, conveniently neglecting a few extra details that aren't very important.

    Her eyes pass over Gawain, the shadow of the stupidly large boar outside, and settle on the spontaneous bloom that sprouts from Yunomi's hair. "Pretty~" she murmurs, and does her best to tune out the mention of things that are loose. God help her.

Merlin (639) has posed:
    The mention that Bedivere is vexed at all by anything to do with Merlin gives him a smirk. He can't help it, admittedly. "Those of Dun Realtai are of a different stock, perhaps, though in Bedivere's case I believes he relishes it secretly. He is, after all, a bard at heart; his skill with the instruments is almost equal to his skill at chess and the battlefield." He just needs a little ex-lax of the soul now and then, Merlin doesn't add. But that's what the wizard is here for.

    The blue rose is accepted graciously. It may come with a gentle caress of Yunomi's hands, dirty or not. After all, he wouldn't want to drop the flower. And then there's a pause as he answers. "Your appearance is quite proper, as is your skill in many talents it seems. As for what others percieve...some might have understanding deeper than others. To learn of someone, listen, and say little." And then his hands slide free of hers, weaving the blue rose in his hair to match where her rose had appeared.

    "There. How do I look?" This to both Inga and Yunomi, before Gawain approaches. Burdock? He shakes his head. "Gawain, you did not actually /eat/ that foreign pizza. It seems a travesty to the name." He sighs. "Miss Inga, I trust your skills to keep our wayward knight alive. A pleasure to see you again, as well."

    There's a smirk of amusement that crosses his face again as the Spawn of Morrigan approaches. "Unless there are pretenders to my name, I suppose I am guilty as charged." A bow greets the young lady, a little deeper and longer than at Yunomi. It isn't disrespect to her, but merely to pacify the mother of the newcomer. He can sense that divine strength in her easily, being once upon a time so close to its source.

    "Miss Sullivan. Ah, the new help that Sir Bedivere acquired. A pleasure." Oh yes, hm...there might be some alterations he'll have to make to that dress though. It's a little too plain, really, but that can wait. Meanwhile, her attention on the rose in Yunomi's hair has been noticed - and he gives the tanuki a sly wink. She's all yours, it seems to say. Impress her.

Yunomi Stadler (272) has posed:
"Inga! How are you my friend?" Yunomi gives a smile, reaching to clasp the woman's hand in hers a moment before she registers the stomping, tromping of something.... large.

    And her lips purse a moment as she regards the very large boar's arrival, and then to Gawain. "Sir Gawain." She gives a nod of her head to him, ears pricking up a moment before she tilts her head "Ah, stomach trouble--- the burdock should be on the other side of the clover, near the apiar---" she pauses.... begins, and then her mouth seals "... just... mind the bees, Sir Gawain. I would not like to see you stung." she states... and then she turns to Merlin. She gives a sweet smile to the older mage. "Fetching, as usual; the green compliments your color just so." she replies to him, and she gives a small smile at the 'playing chess', colors about her cheeks and gives a bit of a cough to clear her throat.If the mageling is offended by the deep, longer bow to Eithne, she doesn't show it, but she does turn to Merlin and catch that wink.

    So, she steps away from the group, and takes a deep breath.

    And she draws out her hands, green mana swirling between her fingertips as she exhales, and the ground gives a small mumble before it breaks. Dark green vines swirl into being, curling around one another, cruelly curved thorns catching, causing the vines to bend and turnn as Yunomi orchestrates it like a piece of music, turning her fingers and twisting her hands.

    And at the finish, dark red blossoms, roses red like rich wine draw outwards from the newly formed rose topiary, and Yunomi clips one flower from it, turning, and offering it to Eithne.

    "To a new friend." she gives a slight smile to her.

Inga has posed:
"Like the prettiest girl at midsummer, about to dance around the maypole," she answers Merlin with a grin. "Yes, I am sure you have missed me," she says with a bow of her head. She places her basket down someplace out of the way, hoping the sausage will keep for a little while.

The wisewoman takes Yunomi's hand, smile widening. "I have been well enough, and yourself?" she asks.

Inga turns her gaze back to Enya, bowing lightly in greeting. "A pleasure to meet you, I am Inga Freyjasdottir, wisewoman..." she tilts her head again, her eyes seeming to darken slightly. "I see black feathers...I hear the crows when I look at you, blood of the battlefield..." she adds quietly, dark eyes unblinking and distant.

A few moments pass, Inga still staring into nothing as Yunomi grows the thorny roses before their eyes. Inga blinks, coming back to herself as she looks around, watching as Yunomi presents Eithne with a beautiful, blood-red rose.

Appropriate, Inga thinks.

"Well now, I feel a touch left out. All I've been given today is vegetables and sausage," she smiles.

Sir Gawain has posed:
"It's not for me! It's for Florence! Poor boy ate something he wasn't supposed to and now he's having a stomachache. Was gonna whip him something up and put it inside some peanut butter!" The Knight grins despite being accused of eating bad pizza and having stool issues, before turning to Inga. "Oh, Wisewoman! I actually used to do herbalism back in Camelot! It was the only edible ingredients they'd let me work with! I didn't want to bother you with this, Florence is my dog after all! And yes, Lovell is doing quite well! I've learned how to get him to stop trampling the flowerpots, too!" From Gawain's tone of voice, this is a grand achievement.

When Yunomi indicates it, Gawain heads over to the burdock. Gently taking some root, he avoids the bees, before putting the root in a small bag. "Thank you! So, what are we discussing in here? Is Merlin up to no good? He does that often! He once turned me into a dog!"

Inga has posed:
Inga looks intrigued, smiling to Gawain. "Is that so! We will have to have a talk...come by my cottage sometime hmm? We can trade knowledge. I'll make you dinner and see to Lovell if he's still not feeling well," she offers. Oh gods, a giant boar with the runs... what a terrible thought!

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
  Of the Steward of Dun Realtai, there has been no sign for the better part of the day. According to Arturia, he had left on some manner of business, taking with him his armour, his sword, and the war horn he had borne into the Battle of Camlann. He must have been expecting trouble, wherever he was going; that, or he was just going somewhere far away, and the horn makes for an easy signal. Its bellow carries for miles.

  Now, hours later, indeed most of the day, there comes...

  ...no sign of the armoured steward. Cicadas buzz languidly in the late summer evening, and crickets chirp here and there. A light wind ruffles the wild wheat just beyond the greenhouse, and the more orderly crops beyond it.

  The group inside might gradually become aware of a strange, low sound. It's almost like an earthquake, so low it can be felt as much as heard -- something striking the earth, or a lot of somethings, and a plume of dust rising in the distance, from the direction of the warpgate.

  Something whitish streaks past the greenhouse. It's bigger than a draught horse, whatever it is, and it flashes by with all the speed of the wind itself. It makes nary a sound, so that's not the source of that distant thunder.

  Then, cresting the next hill, the source of the sound is made obvious.


  Dozens of horses are being driven towards the spire of Dun Realtai. They're a rainbow of different colours. Grey, black, chestnut, brown, and even the odd reddish or golden hue make an appearance. Sitting astride the biggest horse of the bunch, a giant of black hide and iron muscle, is none other than Bedivere himself. The knight wears his armour, his sword at his hip, and the cracked war horn he had carried into Camlann, which bounces against his chestplate with every stride.

  He controls the horse easily, despite its occasional shuffling sideways or dancing in place; when he draws it to a halt, the other horses, somewhat uneasily, shuffle to an awkward slow and then stop, milling about.

  The white thing flashes by again. It resolves itself into the form of a huge whipcord-lean hound, white as snow -- the size of a draught horse, with a face of bare skull, silent as a ghost. Its eyes are dancing yellow lights in its empty eye sockets, and it gallumphs to a halt, cavorting around Bedivere when he stops. If it were a mortal dog, it might be yapping in the way of a puppy wanting to play.

  "Hea, friends!" Bedivere lifts a gauntleted hand, calling to the greenhouse, keeping his hoofed charges away from the structure. It's clear; he can see there are several people inside. His voice is loud; accustomed to being heard over the thunder of battle -- enough to carry into a well-built greenhouse. "Come outside!"

  He's got something to show them all, but that much is probably patently obvious.

Inga has posed:
Inga looks intrigued, smiling to Gawain. "Is that so! We will have to have a talk...come by my cottage sometime hmm? We can trade knowledge. I'll make you dinner and see to your dog if he's not recovered," she offers.

Eithne Sullivan has posed:
    It's possibly a mercy that Eithne doesn't know much of the probably-sordid history between Merlin and her mother. It was awkward enough when she a met a cousin sired by the Dagda! Still, she's got enough manners to return his bow with one of her own.

    But even if she doesn't know anybody yet, Eithne can't help but feel well-received... she watches Yunomi as the yokai calls up an energy that she herself can't manipulate so well yet, tugging and coaxing greenery up through the rich earth. She knows the plant's name before the first leaf unfurls, and the sheer delight on her face rivals a kid's at Christmas. She so rarely gets to see anyone use a gift like this... "Ah, thank yeh," she blurts out, taking the bloom with careful fingers. "It's so gorgeous..." And so she doesn't buck the trend, Eithne threads the stem behind her ear, heedless of the thorns.

    But crow's feathers, blood soaking into the soil... "That's--" she trails off when she sees that Inga's eyes aren't looking at her physical self. She's seeing something else, something older than Eithne, and the pale girl fidgets a bit, blue eyes casting about for an explanation or perhaps some help. She doesn't know what to do about people seeing past her! "Are yeh all right?" she asks instead when Inga comes backs to herself. "I'm sorry if it was a bit spooky..." She gets called that all the time.

    And speaking of spooky...

    "Is that a wight--" IT'S A PUPPY *_*

Merlin (639) has posed:
    Wonderful! They know each other after all, which means then that it's time to bring the new girl into the fold. But Yunomi smiles, and Merlin returns it. "I recall someone present mentioning something about balderdash and flattery...I suppose it might be simply the case that you too speak the truth." A wink, before the gentle smile returns. "I thank you for your gift, and will treasure it."

    And then Yunomi does /magic./

    It's quite impressive, and more than Merlin had quite expected. The flow of mana, the green color of life and growth's own energy, is handled as if the young woman were a conductor at an orchestra. Merlin, quite suitably impressed, claps softly when she finishes. The new maid's look of delight brings a laugh. "I see you have both made a new friend, then."

    Merlin frowns a moment as Inga begins to 'read' Enya, but she manages to break off herself - he'd heard of her ability, and did not expect such a thing to crop here. Perhaps he should have anticipated...but she showed the control to draw herself back. "Inga."

    The word is a question, if she is well - and to focus her attention on him. Eithne's own concern is shared on his face, though he nods. It isn't hard to see she that she is herself, though, and he nods - then smiles. "Perhaps a day to remember new friends, then. And old." There's a flourish, as Merlin touches one fingertip to one of the topiary's vines. Drawing it back, a different rose appears - peach in color, though shot through with pale gold. The stemmed blossom is retrieved, and Merlin offers it to Inga. "There. We are now...the Order of the Rose. I suppose Lord Bedivere might not mind."

    "You rather enjoyed it, Gawain. I seem to recall you were quite energetic, and it was only for a moment anyway. No good indeed!" But then the discussion is interrupted by a stampede and a skeletal dog outside, as the aforementioned Steward arrives. Bearing...quite a number of horses, it seems. "Shall the Order go and see what the good knight has for us?" Though he gets a feeling that the newest member of their group is going to be inseparable from the ghost...for a moment Merlin wonders if she's going to try to ride him at some point. And then realizes that the canine spirit would probably be trying to get her to the entire time. Kindred spirits, eh.

Inga has posed:
Inga looks to Merlin upon hearing her name. She nods to him and his unspoken question, only for a moment letting the struggle she felt show in her gaze. Yes, she was herself and she was here, in the now. But it wasn't easy to pull herself back. She accepts the rose with a small smile and perhaps the slightest heightening of color in her cheeks. She tucks it into one of her braids, near her ear but not behind it. It would stay better this way. "The Order of the Rose, hmm?" Fancy.

Inga looks back to Enya, taking a deep breath. "I apologize. I am quite accustomed to ah...spookiness, myself," she answers. "I am--"

Well. Someone sure knows how to make an entrance.

Inga frowns as she feels the vibration beneath her feet, recognizing it as the feeling of many horses approaching. Usually not a good sign. In her experience, this has been a herald to terrible things about to happen. A battle or a raid. Memories rise and are quickly stuffed down again. It is Bedivere's voice that comes thundering, and he may be the least likely man in all the multiverse to try to take her as a slave. The only man who'd ever tried to do that deeply regretted it. He was dust now. Very old dust, at that, but the memory still lingers in the form on an uneasy feeling. She reaches up to touch the iron hammer pendant that hangs on a silver chain around her neck in a well established gesture of reassurance.

"Yes, I think we should go see," Inga agrees. She knows what she'll find, but not /why/ and that is always an important question. So, Inga takes up her walking stick and heads outside to see the horses. Her eyes widen, then look to Bedivere expectantly. She's secretly hoping she can keep one. She could pay. She'd been saying she needed a mount!

Sir Gawain has posed:
"Of course, Wisewoman! I'd be happy to talk whenever!" Gawain smiles gently at her, before turning to Merlin. As Merlin creates the Order of the Roses, and gives all the ladies a rose, Gawain looks up at Merlin expectantly. Puppy dog eyes, almost. Maybe he really /did/ enjoy being a dog! "Sir Merlin, for it to be a real order, it needs a knight in it! To protect it, of course!" He's trying to weasel his way into the Order of the Roses.

And then Bedivere arrives with the horses! Gawain heads out, waving to his knight-brother. "Brother! How far back did you herd these from? That's quite the number! If I still rode horses, I'd want to pick one!" And then he looks at his boar. Boars are better than horses, forever. Gawain kneels down to Kepas as he spots him, moving to pet him. "Who is a good herd? You are, you are, Kepas! Good boy!"

Sir Bedivere (482) has posed:
  He can see there are people inside the greenhouse, but Bedivere can't see whom it is from such a distance; not through the distortion of glass. Waiting patiently astride a horse that looks distinctly impatient, he sits the saddle easily, a touch here or a tug on the reins there sufficient to keep the stallion from fidgeting too much. His restlessness seems to carry through to the rest of the herd, but the fey-hound with its breath of ice keeps them in line by pacing around them in a wide circle.

  The funny-looking, draught horse-sized hound does pause and pick up its head, staring with unsettling directness at Merlin with those yellow lanterns. Despite having a literal skull-faced visage, it does have fuzzy greyhound ears, and for a brief instant they're pricked forward at the wizard.

  The moment of scrutiny passes, though, and Kepas goes back to his task, apparently needing zero guidance from Bedivere to do this. Maybe there's really some hound to him, despite being a creature of the Otherworld... if those ears were red, the white creature might seem a little familiar to Eithne. But no, those ears are white. So is its skull-face, white as drifted snow; just like the short, greyhound-like fur that starts just past it, running down its neck and back and flanks. It also radiates cold, breath silently misting whenever it exhales. Whenever it grins that doggy grin, icy mist spills from its open jaws. And though it makes not a sound, it does wag its whipstaff tail at Gawain in clear recognition, play-bowing briefly before returning to its patrol.

  Admirable self-restraint for the creature. Its reputation in Dun Realtai sometimes preceeds it.

  Bedivere shifts in the saddle, and the half-smile he wears seems more alive than any of his usual subtle expressions, surrounded by horses and dust. He's in his element, as he had been in Camelot when working with the animals in his charge. He had been Arturia's master of horses, and he had been a very, very good judge of the beasts, as well as a top-notch horseman... as any Knight of the Round Table had been expected to be.

  "Not far!" he calls, to Gawain. "Two warpgates back, there is a sizable farming community. A bit of trade, and I was able to bring these back. Say hello to the foundation stock of Dun Realtai's cavalry!" One arm sweeps to indicate all the horses, and it falls to give the big black stallion he's riding a companionable slap on the neck. "And its founding sire! Ah, mind you keep your distance from him. He will bite," Bedivere cautions.

  "All we've here are farm nags, and they'll do no good. I've a mind to breed us a cavalry, brother, even if we've no need for it -- best to be prepared if we should ever need it." He sobers, mouth a grim line. "Our king's success was, indeed, her cavalry. And it is a duty I know well, aye? Failing all else, they will be of help in exploring this place, once I've a mind to assemble a group to set out. I would know what lies beyond the wealds and hills. And I would know why this citadel was /built/. For what was it made to defend against, I wonder...?"

Eithne Sullivan has posed:
    Prophecy then, Eithne supposes. Or a form of it, or maybe she's just wearing her mother's influence a little more heavily than she thought. Either way, Inga seems to be all right, and Merlin doesn't seem too concerned. It must be all right, then.

    The Order of the Rose, huh? Even if it's a bit of a joke she can't help but feel pleased - roses and secret societies! It's like something out of a fairytale... one of the nice ones, not the Grimm kind.

    "A Cu Sith?" Eithne murmurs, squinting at Kepas. But then where are its red ears?! And it's got ice breath, so... "Not a Cu Sith," she sighs, but watches the hound (HOW DID IT GET SO HUGE?!) work. "Welcome back, Sir Bedivere~" she waves to the knight. He seems in much better spirits than the last time she saw him...