Wuyin Tsai

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Wuyin Tsai (Scenesys ID: 515)
"Either that's an oblique reference to post-Vedic Hinduism and a metaphor for an organization's sprawling cell structure, or opening this door could be the worst decision any of us have ever made."
Full Name: Wuyin Tsai
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Theme: (OC) The Secret World-1
Function: Chaos Factor
Status: Active
Factional Information
Faction: Syndicate (6-Recruit)
Other Information
Physical Age: 25 Actual Age: 25
Still Aging? No Voice Actor:
Height: 5'9" Weight: 170 lbs.
Hair Color: Black Eye Color:
Theme Song: Jem -- They


Once, Wuyin would have described himself as a completely average college student with nothing in particular going for him. Now, he would describe himself as a slightly less completely average college student with a little magical power -- and he would be lying. An agent of an ancient and secretive conspiracy known as the Dragon, Wuyin "Hex-16" Tsai has been drawn from his life of mediocrity into a secret war older than recorded history. In the process, he's been granted immortality, along with the ability to control the power known as Anima in order to protect Gaia from an infectious menace, two abilities he takes full advantage of with little reservation. The Dragon's influence and the power he now has has exacerbated certain personality traits he already possessed, making deception the norm and leaping before he looks a standard tactic -- because after all, if something happens, he's just going to come back. Ultimately, Wuyin travels his world and others to save them from both colossal threats that threaten their whole and from themselves, believing that order and harmony can be achieved through chaos, collapse and rebuilding -- and he's more than willing to do what he has to in order to make that happen.



GAIAN ANTIBODY: Wuyin has been empowered by The Buzzing, a sapient techno-organic hive-mind that simultaneously resides both within the boughs of the World Tree and outside linear time and space altogether. As a result, Wuyin has been made into something more than human, putting him in excellent physical condition, allowing him to recover from non-mortal, non-maiming wounds in anywhere from moments to minutes, and granting an exceptional resistance to pathogens and poisons, especially the supernatural kind. Should he be killed, The Buzzing removes his Anima form (functionally his soul) from his body and returns it to the nearest Anima Well or similar point of natural power (ley line nexus, druid's grove, etc) where he may recorporate in a new body or locate and regenerate his dead one. While in Anima form, Wuyin is vulnerable to any effects that specifically target incorporeal spirits, and while he can view the physical world, he cannot interact with it except in the case of specific special objects or entities.

THE BUZZING: As a direct result of being empowered by one of their number, Wuyin has access to the collective knowledge of The Buzzing, a hive-mind that collects information from all of space and time. Wuyin generally gets random broadcasts in his mind from The Buzzing, usually explaining background information about the area or whatever horrible thing he's dealing with. It can be great for picking up context and figuring out just HOW things got this bad, but it has its drawbacks, including being rarely straightforward and somewhat random in timing and content. Even if it's related to the area or phenomenon he is dealing with, it won't always be obvious. (See +info Wuyin/The_Buzzing for more information.)

ANIMA WIELDER: In addition to secret knowledge and the ability to recover from even death, Wuyin's empowerment grants him the ability to control Anima, a source of magical power that flows directly from Gaia. Through the use of either a weapon or a talisman, Anima can be used to enhance Wuyin's capabilities and grant new abilities entirely. This power is channeled through weapons or magical devices as foci to create various offensive effects, while it is used in worn talismans of various types in order to make them stronger and tougher than any normal human. Anima may be used (primarily offensively) without a focus, but the unfocused release often proves dangerous to more than just the wielder's foes. (See +info Wuyin/Anima for more info.)

WORLD-TREE CACHE: An Anima Wielder, connected to Agartha as they are, is able to exploit that connection in another way: They can open a tiny channel to a space in the great world tree, and store items there. This can happen functionally anywhere, as Agartha touches all places and times. The space is not very large, but it's large enough to hold a couple hundred items (RPG rules about stacks apply). The storage is also not... entirely... secure. While no one has ever reported finding another's cache, some Anima Wielders find that their stuff is rearranged, or an item or two might be missing... Or there might be a mysterious glob of honey where there wasn't one before. (See +info Wuyin/Agartha for more information.)


ACADEMIC: Wuyin was a college student before being pulled into a secret war for the future of humanity. While he never graduated, this gives him a more extensive if non-specialized background in a "normal" Earth's history, means he knows how to do research, and is no slouch with computers, either. With the knowledge of The Buzzing and the GHOST app backing him up, Wuyin is capable of compensating for his incomplete education and putting his skills to good use.

DRAGON TRAINING: As a member of the Dragon, Wuyin has received basic training for a number of situations from the more experienced members of his organization (more specifically, the people who they pull the strings of), or as it's more locally known, his "conspiracy." This includes basic survival training, Anima usage, highly varied weapons training and small unit tactics, and instruction in stealth and misdirection... as well as a number of esoteric mental and martial exercises meant to hone the body, mind and spirit. Wuyin suspects these other exercises are not part of the other conspiracies' training regimen, but they sure do help keep him from going crazy sometimes. (See +info Wuyin/Conspiracies for general information about his world's major players.)

SWORDSMANSHIP: While not quite a master swordsman, Wuyin has shown remarkable aptitude for use of the blade. He has taken advantage of the Dragon's apparent appreciation of the weapon to learn a number of fighting styles and techniques that, with the addition of Anima infusion, make him a deadly foe in close combat.

MAGICAL CHANNELING: The Dragon's truly favored art is that of using Anima to weave various forms of magic. While Wuyin is a capable user of Chaos and Blood magic, his true talent lies in the art of Elementalism. By using Anima through the appropriate focus, Wuyin is capable of casting fire, ice and lightning from his hands, manifesting high-Anima constructs that project elemental forces, and creating and chaining huge blasts of all three when necessary.


THE DRAGON: An astoundingly ancient conspiracy formed around the words of a perpetually-reincarnating child prophet, the Dragon is a chaotic, secretive group that manipulates world events to bring it into harmony. The Dragon is incredibly adept at predicting events and locating the best points for inciting chaos and change, and its intelligence network extends far and wide to facilitate this. Wuyin is a trusted agent in their employ, known to his handlers by the alias "Hex-16" (the Dragon has a thing for numerology). Despite this apparent trust, the Dragon's services of intelligence, equipment, training and the like only rarely come without a cost in either cash or a favor to someone or other. For all he does for them, one would think that he'd be able to get a freebie now and again... (See +info Wuyin/Conspiracies for more info.)

CELL PHONE: Standard issue among the agents of the Dragon is a handy dandy cell phone with an unlimited data plan and ridiculous reception ability. The phone functions cross-dimensionally (yes, even there!) and can reach all but the most remote locations. It takes actual dedicated shielding to stop them, but mere distance or odd dimensions won't do it. They also have a number of handy apps, Bluetooth so you can use a neat earphone setup that lets you pester people using a telephone-radio app instead of using a different apparatus, and are even more nigh-indestructible than most phones advertised for the same.

G.H.O.S.T.: A common-use phone app among the Dragon, GHOST allows Wuyin to plug his phone into a computer system (including phones, tablets and the like) and casually bypass common security measures... except, for some reason, basic password locks. Effectively, this functionally reduces most attempts to hack a computer down to figuring out a login and/or password combination or cracks them entirely, and on especially old and outdated computer systems, GHOST is capable of overpowering all but physical limitations for electronic security. Technology beyond the limits of modern computing, however, or computers that use systems alien to Earth, will be unable to be cracked, and key card readers and other forms of physical security are unaffected. The proliferation of GHOST is (theoretically) tightly controlled, and whatever installation method the conspiracies use to put it on a device prevent it from being casually shared beyond Wuyin's person.

AGARTHA CONDUIT: A seemingly brass and iron object about the size of a baseball, an Agartha Conduit allows Wuyin to return to Agartha, the Hollow Earth of his home world from anywhere in the Multiverse -- albeit on a one-way trip. When a Conduit is used, it's very obvious, and requires a short period of focus that is capable of being interrupted (typically with violence). Use of an Agartha Conduit may be prevented with wards against teleportation and cross-world travel. (See +info Wuyin/Agartha for more information.)




BRIGHT AURA: The process of making Wuyin an Anima Wielder and his bonding with an element of The Buzzing has left its mark on his soul. Anyone with the ability to perceive auras or any form of souls or "soul power" reveals Wuyin's nature. There is no known way for him to hide this, which makes it quite difficult if he wants to avoid detection. While other Anima users have similar effects on their auras, his in particular is best described as blindingly bright.

CHAOS FLOWS LIKE WATER: A firm believer in the principle that something must break down to be built higher, Wuyin takes whatever opportunity may present itself to send ripples across the pond. Even when he's not on a mission, if Wuyin sees an opportunity to shake things up, chances are he'll take it and run with it before anyone has any idea what's going on.

DECEPTIVE: Wuyin has a tendency to withhold the truth from people when he has little to no reason to. Other than his name, any details of who he is or what he does is up in the air for a given person -- though he tries not to give too many stories, lest conflicting evidence give him away.

IMPULSIVE: During his time as an agent for the Dragon, Wuyin has picked up an alarming tendency to skip things like the planning phase of a given mission and go straight to the meat of it. Rather than construct elaborate contingencies like some Dragons do, he relies on his ability to be situationally flexible and to improvise wherever he can... and as a result, he ends up leaning on his immortality more than most of his fellows. As might be expected, this has a tendency to backfire spectacularly -- but then, chaos always adapts, and he'll be sure to take that into account the next time he tries something, assuming he hadn't already completely ruined everything on the first go.

SECRET MASTERS: Though he's proven his worth as a member of the Dragon, Wuyin continues to be treated like a piece in a game whose rules he doesn't know. As a result, Wuyin is often directed to perform seemingly unrelated and inconsequential acts -- both violent and benign -- wherever he goes, often without any explanation whatsoever and with an expectation that he'll do it without question. While he does sometimes question these orders, and while he is equally-often simply given vaguarities and expected to produce results, he never finds himself defying them -- and the more the Dragon's predictive mathematical models require Multiversal data to back them up, the greater the odds that he'll end up on the wrong side of one or both of the super-factions on more than one occasion.



  • This space for rent.



To be added!


Title Date Scene Summary
A Good Spook October 31st, 2018 A trip to retrieve some kind of 'Engine' turns out to be a whole different kind of trip. (TSW Halloween '18)
Urban Mythos November 7th, 2016 ...or, A Talk With The Bogeyman. TSW Halloween 2016, final(?) part.
The Sweet Laughter of Children (2) November 4th, 2016 TSW Halloween 2016, part 2.
The Sweet Laughter of Children (1) October 27th, 2016 Children go missing. They turn up in the Park. Nothing good happens. (TSW Halloween 2016)
Cemetary Gate October 9th, 2016 Drowned Ophelia is going to save Inga from her Gods - by drowning her in the Sea of Black Tears, and claiming her forever after for the Dead Gods of Metal.

Some heroes raise objections in a sensible and violent manner.

Forged From The Soul January 6th, 2016 Wuyin Tsai pays a visit to the kitsune swordsmith and strikes her with inspiration.
Counting Up To Zero November 8th, 2015 The signal is tracked to an old Soviet bunker in Transylvania, and the man behind the curtain is revealed. Part two (and finale) of The Broadcast arc.
This Is Only A Test November 5th, 2015 A mysterious signal breaches the Solomon Island fog and is doing who-knows-what in the process. Two groups investigate. Part one of The Broadcast arc.
The Broadcast November 2nd, 2015 A numbers station reaches out to the Multiverse. Secret Worlders suspect foul play. Prelude to The Broadcast arc.
Eels, Bugs, and Foxes October 29th, 2015 Hagane Town comes under attack, and it's pirates to the rescue.
In Defense of Blood ft Harry, Inga, Riva, Wuyin and GOONS May 14th, 2015 A smug fukkin vampire comes calling to Harry's Apartment. Sadly he does not get ashed.
Sweetly The Piper Played January 28th, 2015 Investigations lead to the location of Joe Slater. Questions are answered and answers are questioned. Chaos ensues.
Apocryphal Entrails November 23rd, 2014 TRANSMIT - initiate New England signal - RECEIVE - initiate the Caledfwlch frequency - THE WEATHER STARTED GETTING ROUGH, THE TINY SHIP WAS TOSSED - initiate echinoderm syntax - WITNESS - Lady Margaret.
Deep Breaths November 16th, 2014 London. Downtime. Tacos.
Let Me Go ft. Wuyin and Inga November 1st, 2014 Harry and Inga fight off the Filth infection with the help of Wuyin and his drugs from the res.
The Ghost of Stingy Jack October 30th, 2014 Who is that selling pumpkins. Who dies? Who lives. You get what you give - you get what you give - you get what you give! (TSW Halloween, part 3 of 3.)
You Get What You Give October 23rd, 2014 The story, has three layers, to hear dearest Andy tell it. He'll leave out the bit about his urine-soaked pants. Surely, he will. (TSW Halloween, part 2 of 3.)
Of Sorcerors And Elves October 20th, 2014 Lezard Valeth comes to Mirkwood to seek out Elves to find research specimens. He finds a lot more than he expects, as Bahamut moves to protect Mirkwood alongside Thranduil, and Wuyin Tsai seeks to profit from the chaos...
Spooky Stories of Solomon Island October 16th, 2014 Once upon a time, there was Stingy Jack. Heaven and Hell barred their doors. Be careful how many lanterns you gather. Never know what you're guiding in out of the dark. (TSW Halloween, part 1 of 3.)
TSW: Let Me In October 4th, 2014 Inga brings Harry to Kingsmouth, where they meet Faruja and co. and Riva and Wuyin. Upon investigating a mysterious black substance, Harry becomes infected!
INTRO: The Concert That Wasn't ft. Red and Johnny September 19th, 2014 Swank learns a bit about booking random acts from the Multiverse, and Red gets a chance to shine!
See You, Chuck... September 9th, 2014 Mizuki suspects John is inside Staren's head. She dives into his dreams to Initiatiate Investigation Protoc@! AND IF YOU GO CHASING RABBITS!@!#^%#! Staren finds he's mentally time traveled to before the Tolkeen war. He must prevent it -- but as if getting anyone to listen to a little kid wasn't hard enough, there turns out to be far more going on than %#@ Pleased to meet you. I'm the message. I want to help#_!@%######See you, Chuck...
Morality in Absentia September 5th, 2014 A bunch of Elites gang up on a poor, helpless librarian.

Now, the part you didn't see: the helpless librarian was defended by a bunch of possessed books with swords. And an elite level knight.

It's Always 3 AM... September 5th, 2014 The Orochi Group's Solomon Island science team asks for a group of brave souls to discover the source of what's mutating the local undead into hulking brutes. The truth is much worse than they initially feared.
Fortress of the Ancient Gods September 3rd, 2014 A suicidally brave team of Elites tackle the hallowed grounds of Sen's Fortress, only to find Oscar and his companions have gotten there first.
Elemental Judgement August 22nd, 2014 "Adventurers" are called upon to aid the troubles of Gridania, in the way of protecting some Conjurers while the preform a purification ritual to the Central Shroud.
Evolution of the Species August 16th, 2014 Investigations in Kingsmouth continue. The local Orochi Group research team asks for a problem to be solved. Explosions occur.
That Local Flavor August 13th, 2014 Trying to find the high ground for a look around brings our heroes nothing but draug and misery.
Advent of the Kingseeker August 12th, 2014 Having rung both Bells of Awakening, Kingseeker Frampt awakens from his slumber to elucidate the fate of the undead.
The Blight That Man Left Behind August 5th, 2014 The final Bell of Awakening is within reach. After an extraordinarily dangerous foray into the underground waterways of the Undead Burg, the Union has come upon the last belltower deep into the mire that lies at its outlet. Reportedly, this place was once a settlement for the unwanted and outcast who could find no place in the city above, but was ravaged to the last man by a deadly plague. Something is down there however, and it must be a lot more dangerous than just more Hollows.
Recovery Time at House Lamb feat. the Secret World cast and Kirika August 3rd, 2014 The aftermath of Xiang's assault, recovery time at House Lamb
Xiang's Return August 2nd, 2014 Xiang and Galen Marek attack a town and research facility. Heroes stop them.
More Like Culture Electrocution July 31st, 2014 Inga gets a helping of delicious exposition. Her head doesn't explode. Progress!
Dawning of an Endless Night July 31st, 2014 Strange interference turns out to be a signal, leading a group of Elites to discover a strange new world... with old, terrible dangers.
Digital Exploration July 25th, 2014 Tatsuto Satou and company explore a forest in the Digital World! And what do they discover...?


Title Date Scene Summary
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