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Marisa Checked Out The Precious Thing
Date of Scene: 23 July 2015
Location: Galianda
Synopsis: Marisa infiltrates the Kramer Memorial Library in order to acquire rare books, but Eleanor DeSalle stands in her way. How will she deal with this problem, and what will her rampant curiosity uncover?
Cast of Characters: Ayako Hasekawa, 626, 627, 633, Lyria Mason, 671, 675, 823, 829

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
The Kramer Memorial Library is a massive affair. You have a lot of room when you have an entire moon for your college town. Multiple stories, spacious with skylights and bright lights available to preserve the eyesight of desperately researching students, the library is open all day, every day for your research needs.

Well, most of them. Unless you want to go into the RARE BOOK ROOM. That requires authorization.

But that's all right, because like usual the library is buzzing with activity, some minor chatting going on as students and study groups meet for needs from research papers and projects to relaxation and surfing the MogNet. The Tonberrians (short for Tonberry Librarians) continue to keep the peace, dressed in their Alexander Academy themed robes and cowls, with bright camp-style lanterns swinging from their hands (classic lanterns being banned ever since a certain incident occurred). They shuffle among the stacks, replacing books at a sedate pace and making sure no one is breaking the rules. More than one student has underestimated them to their own detriment.

But surely, nothing untoward is going to happen, right?

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     Despite the craziness some of the students at Alexander Academy went through out there in the multiverse, they were still students in the end. That meant they had HOMEWORK and PROJECTS and OTHER ASSORTED SCHOOL RELATED TASKS to see to. And thus, Xiao could be found in the Kramer Memorial Library on this fine day, seated at a table, laptop set in front of her, and a pile of books on other side.

     She had one open in her lap, occasionally thumbing through it and skimming the pages while typing into her laptop. "......." She was silent, and her mind was focused on the task at hand. Which fortunately meant that no one was going to be bothered.


There was no way any sort of SHENANIGANS would be taking place today. It was just a typical day in the school library. Nothing more, nothing less.


Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako Hasekawa is here! Why? Mostly because she loves books! She spends more than enough time at the library in Njorun reading through the shelves. So of course the Student Nurse of Alexander Academy sometimes comes here to read as well. Although she's reading in a normal, human-like fashion. Trying to read in her usual way tends to get people alarmed. Especially any librarians that happen to see how Ayako usually reads. Don't want to get the faculty (especially the Tonberries) on her case!

    Still, she reads quite fast. The pages of the book are almost constantly turning.

Lyria Mason has posed:
the Kramer was a work worthy to get off world traffic to see such a thing. She's heard the stories about Tonberries in general and if these ones don't want to trouble her? She's going to not break the rule,s for the moment she's up to her eyeballs in magitech engineering texts. She's also got several off world texts she's going over but thankfully she's got most of her stuff on her M-pad as she works away.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Gathered around one of the tables placed around the library is a small study group, the majority of which seem to be white mage types based on the various embellishments they have on their Alexander Academy uniforms. Not all, of course, for this is a study group for the Pattern Genetics course-technically an elective but a very attractive class to those of the more biologically science-minded. Charts remain strewn over the table and the students work from a combination of laptops and tablets.

    Kyra Hyral sits at this little gathering, both flipping through a book and scribbling something on her mPad with a stylus. Words she writes are converted into typed text while diagrams remain in their original form. She still has her hood up despite her being inside and for some reason she's wearing a unicorn horn on her forehead.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra Constantine is one of the few B ranks at the school at this time. And she's already here in the library writing the written component to prepare for an A rank exam which shouldn't even be possible at this grade level!

    How much of a workaholic IS she?

    Seriously though, she knows better then to get on the bad side of the toneberrians and merely gets a book from the stacks about Dungeoneering.

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     Soan Sagittarius is here. Whenever it is a possibility to spot where he is at this current or not is another thing entierly. He was warned, before hand, that Things May Be Visiting at some time to the library. He's informed people that ought to know... And theses people pretty much told him to keep watch if he was that much worried about it.

     Thus, Soan has.

     The young Thief is around the various long lines of book shelves, nose stuffed into an history book as he mindlessly observes thing around. Waiting.

Cassandra Dolet (671) has posed:
Cassandra Dolet is, perhaps strangely, deep in the books of the business section. A table nearby is clearly marked at her, but she's also getting glares from the Tonberrians on occasion due to the bells in her hair, but they ring so very rarely that they haven't managed to throw her out due to complaints, yet.

Finding the book she needs, she heads towards the table, jingling gently on her way.

Marisa Kirisame (829) has posed:
    This place- an archive built not just for a castle, but for an entire moon, a library overflowing with knowledge, brimming with scholasticism- is pretty much heaven. Marisa Kirisame has more or less confirmed it by now. If she died and could have anything in her awesome heavenly palace that she could ever want, it would be a library like this.

Books upon books upon books. Books as far as the eye can see. Books all the way down.

But, wait, how does a Witch from a backwater pocket-reality on the far side of the multiverse find her way to a library like this one, anyway?



    MARISA KIRISAME, THIEF SUPREME, whistles as she strolls into Alexander Academy's campus store. She's spinning an /ID CARD/ between her fingers! Hopefully this 'Biggs Wedgelstaff' won't miss it for too long. She only needs it to pick up a few things, anyway!

Like... A uniform. And some other stuff.

It's an undercover mission, after all! It'd spoil the fun if she got caught just straight away.


Biggs Wedgelstaff is having a bad day. First, he gets up and his alarm clock's busted, so he's both down an alarm clock AND late. Next, he realizes he's forgotten his homework halfway to class, so he has to go doubleback and make himself even /more/ late, and now, he's missing his damn ID card right in time for lunch!

Ah. At least he got to meet that pretty blonde girl this morning. Blindsided by a strange girl on the way to school. Isn't that kind of like how some of those comics start?

Oh. But nobody can find out that he reads that kind of thing. Still, maybe they'll meet again someday~?


Marisa Kirisame is NOW DECKED OUT IN PROPER UNIFORM. All that's left is to deal with the evidence. Not too hard, considering all the people going to and fro. She'll just ditch it with the first schmuck she sees! That'll work fine, right?


S-she found his ID Card! That crazy-fast blonde girl from this morning just walked right up and handed it back! Biggs Wedgelstaff is having a wonderful day! This-- is this what they call destiny!?



    "Man, that guy was kinda creepy," Marisa mutters as she makes her way through the main library. "Now, let's see. Accordin' to the rumors, there should be some kinda... Rare books section or something..." She taps her chin, squinting up at the signs littering the bookshelves. There's a suspiciously dark and shadowy bookshelf-corridor to her left, and everyone knows that Dark and Shadowy means Loot, so... "Thiiiiis way? Hmm."

Well, whatever! Even if she gets lost, there'll probably be a pretty decent haul, right!? Right.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Cassandra doesn't really have anything to worry about. It's not like the little bells in her hair could possibly replicate the Head Librarian's Bell. That would be a /super crazy coincidence/. *_*

Meanwhile, the students are generally behaving themselves, with a Man on the Inside waiting for potential shenanigans, having gotten a hot tip from a local snitch.

Marisa doesn't know or care, having promptly jacked a guy for an ID card with which to buy supplies at the school store and then returned it to him, narrowly avoiding getting roped into either a slice of life school hijinx series, crazy shounen, or harem anime. Truly, fates worse than death.

In the meantime, Marisa navigates her way through the sprawling stacks, making her way towards that most shadiest of corners, the way that inevitably holds the Rare Books Section (and possibly Mirielle Edelweiss).

She finds the entrance, a locked door with the sign RARE BOOKS SECTION: BY AUTHORIZATION ONLY over the entrance. There's a bored-looking volunteer student shuffling papers and messing with the MogNet at the desk next to the doorway. He doesn't seem to have any obvious tells as to what his Job is, though maybe it's below the counter.

So she'll have to get past him and the locked door first. Hmmmmmm.

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "....Hmn...." Xiao eyed the growing pile of books on her table, and the lingering stares of passing Tonberrians. "....Hehe, maybe I should put some of these back." Yes. Before she got Tonberry'd. That would have been annoying. And painful. And annoyin, wait she already used that one. Well- Time to move!

     "Hup!" She stood, hefting a sizable stack of thick books with her. They were mostly related to advanced forms of magic theory and application to melee combat. What? She was a Spell Fencer! They did those things! Off through the various aisles she went, looking for the right shelves and occasionally slipping a book back where she got it.

     Her stack got smaller and smaller as she made the rounds, but eventually, she caught sight of a familiar individual. "Eh?" Xiao slowed to a stop. "...Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me, but..." She could /swear/ she just saw Marisa Kirisame pass by. It was only for a moment. But there was no mistaking that blond hair and that braid! ...But she was wearing a uniform.

     A lookalike?

     Nah, no way! That's too convenient! The girl grinned a little and proceeded to tail after her. She had to make sure. FOR SCIENCE.

     Oh, whoops. Better not forget to put away the rest of these books. She did away with any whose shelves she passed by on the way, keeping an eye on her target from a fair distance.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako cheerfully closes 'The Big Book of Chocobos' and reshelves it. She then grabs the book right next to it. Looks like this next book is on Moogles. Seems Ayako is on a binge of Galianda's creatures!

    Still, she reads very quickly. And just a few minutes later, closes the book and reshelves it. Her amber eyes glance about... what to read next?

Marisa Kirisame (829) has posed:
    The only Shounen, Harem Anime or Slice of Life that Marisa is interested in has her front and center as the main character! She ain't got time to be playing second fiddle or love interest!

    Which is why she's here to begin with, come to think of it. Fish swim, birds fly, and Kirisame Marisa does dumb and risky bullshit in the name of ADVENTURE and magical achievement. Now that she's found her way to the place she was looking for, all that's left is to find a way through.

    The Uniformed Witch strolls merrily up to the front desk and flashes a winning, UTTERLY INVINCIBLE grin. "So, hey!" She sing-songs, "I've got some stuff I need to look up back there. I don't suppose you'd be willin' to do a girl a favor and open that there door, would'ja?"

Anyone who could sense such things would note a slight buildup of magical energies in and around this strange new student's personal space. WHAT IS SHE UP TO!?

Not that she's quite noticed Xiao yet, either. Marisa's busy puttin' on the moves.

Cassandra Dolet (671) has posed:
There's a soft jingle of the bells as Cassie dives back into the stacks for her next book, this one taking her down to the section it should be in, and not finding it. Cassie frowns, pulling out her mPhone to do a quick search of the library and where it should be--

Ah, the Restricted Section.

She sighs and turns to head that way, expecting to run into a Tonberrian on the way as her bells jingle away.

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     Soan is not one of such people. He can senses Chaos, Evil, Darkness, sure. He can get their putrid stench. Particular magical build ups, however? It is not quite his specialty. What IS his specialty, however, is spotting things.

     And right now, there's someone trying to get to the RARE BOOKS ARCHIVE. Soan slowly lifts his gaze above the rim of the history book he's reading -- A Digest's History of Ifrit --, narrowing his eyes in the diurection of the Uniformed student.

     Quietly, the Thief makes his way closer, unconspiciously hiding behind a large pile of unsorted books to observe the situation for the moment.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Alright. I think that's it for the day." Kyra mutters to the other students in the study group. She closes the book in front of her but leaves it on the table, not bothering to reshelve it. Hey, she knows the Tonberries would put it back /just right/. "Same time next week, ri-"

    "Hey Kyra." One of them, a white mage with glasses and a sniper rifle slung over his back, interrupts. "What's up with the horn? Just...why?"

    "Narwhals. Where's /your/ horn?" Kyra says as she scoops up her mPad and puts it into her backpack. "Anyway, I'm out." Without leaving much time to respond, she turns away from her bewildered study group members.

    As she moves to leave, Kyra sees Xiao skulking by, being creepy as usual. She doesn't know that Xiao is actually stalking after the Marisa-lookalike. Grinning, she strolls over to the Spell Fencer. "Hello my /bestest friend/." Kyra greets jovially just loud enough to be slightly 'library annoying'. "Whatcha doin'? How come you didn't come to the study group with us today?"

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Ayako seems to be left in the land of bookish bliss. The Tonberrians don't bother her, and several passind students give her waves and smiles of greeting. She works as a nurse after all, and Ayako might be surprised how many people get hurt at Alexander Academy.

In the meantime, she reads up on Moogles. Interestingly enough, no one's actually seen a live Moogle. They're all over Galiandan mythology and popular culture, but according to the book she's reading there's been no confirmed Moogle sightings. Many people consider them 'urban legends' at this point.

Meanwhile, the bored kid looks up at Marisa and blinks. "Hey, you new here? Um... Do you have a permit? Without one I can't let you through. Sorry, those are the rules. Last time I broke them DeSalle hit me with a Blizzaga. I couldn't stop shaking for a week."

Meanwhile, Cassandra and Soan conveniently take up places to look at Marisa's progress or lack thereof.

They also happen to be in a position to watch a Tonberrian quietly and slowly walk past, approaching Marisa's back.

Meanwhile Xiao and Kyra chat. To those who know the pair, this is potentially more dangerous than what's forming up around Marisa.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason had just been well been working on her school work. However something seems to be up at this point. SHe's not aware of who Marissa is for now though she's putting a few of the books she no longer needs away for the moment of it. She seems to have had enough for today she'll put the books that belong here back where they should go. Handing one off to one of the Tonberries before picking up her own personal books, along with the M-pad. She just happens to find her way through the maze of books nad people, to find Kyra and Xiao.

"Xiao! Kyra! Hey didn't expect to see you both here on your own? Wasn't there suposed to be a study group today?"

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:

     Xiao jumped at the near double team of unexpected greetings from Kyra and Lyria. She whirled around and dragged the two of them with her behind a bookshelf. "Shhhh!" She brought a finger to her mouth, making the universal motion for quiet. Then she spoke in a low voice. "Look over there." She said, peeking out from around the shelf tentatively. "Marisa Kirisame is totally here and wearing our uniform. Odd, don't you think? She's trying to get into the restricted section"

     And then she spied the Tonberrian ambling past their aisle and over towards Marisa... "Oh dear. It seems they're already on the case."

     Xiao had SERIOUS doubts that a single Tonberrian would be able to put a stop to Marisa though. "...This isn't going to turn out well. She's preparing a spell already." Given her subjob, she was able to sense vague amounts of magic energy. Not as much as a dedicated black or white mage, but enough.

Marisa Kirisame (829) has posed:
    Ah, and the roadblock gets roadblockier. She can't blame the guy, though. It's not like it's his fault that she can't get inside! No, he's just an innocent guy who's getting caught up in business way over his head is all. Too bad, too bad.

    "Ohh, that's too bad," Marisa answers with a bit a dramatic sigh, flipping a little octagonal block of wood in and out of one hand like it were a coin. "I really need to get in there, too. Ah well." She gestures vaguely towards the entrance of the Library--

"Guess I'll have to do it the old fashioned way. Hey, buddy, y' might wanna duck."


Why duck!?

    The strange blone-haired girl's grin suddenly goes ELEVEN KINDS of manic. Kind of like a shark about to chomp down on an unsuspecting preyfish. With no further warning, she LEAPS INTO THE AIR and lands... On her broom.

Her broom, which has now mounted the Hakkero as a magical thruster.

    "Here we go! MAX SPEED--" She cackles, lowering herself onto the shaft of her CHOSEN STEED. "BLAZING STAR!" There's a dull thunderclap as a thruster cone of magical energy suddenly erupts from the back end of Marisa's broom! That poor unsuspecting Tonberrian that Marisa DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE sneaking up behind her might just get knocked right on his ass! Marisa charges forward, broom-tip first, straight for the locked door with all the might of her most battering-ram-like spellcard behind her!



Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "I'm afraid you juuuust missed it, Lyria." Kyra shrugs her shoulders before Xiao suddenly drags her back into one of the stacks. "Oh!" Kyra grins mischeviously, "I admire your proactiveness, Xiao, but I can't ma-" Her teasing is silenced by Xiao making shush noises. Being in the library, Kyra instinctively looks around for any Tonberrians that might be slinking their way.

    "What, it is her?" Carefully, Kyra peeks around the bookshelf as well, looking at the mysterious student trying to get into the restricted section. Kyra narrows her eyes, "Yep, that's her, and yep, she's about to-"

    Suddenly RAMMING SPEED ROCKET BROOM. "FFFF-come on-" Now it is Kyra's turn to get grabby! She grabs them both and pulls them back out from around the bookshelf. "-we have to stop her!!"

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     Then /EVERYTHING EXPLODES/. In hindsight, he should've seen a spell coming. He couldn't predict THAT MUCH firepower just being rammed out. Soan spots on the corner of his eyes Cassandra coming around from another direction, the thief himself careful to not knock over the books he's hiding against.

     Then things explodes. Books fall off anyway, a few landing on Soan's head as he rushes out of his hiding spot, covering his eyes from the rushing air of explosion as the Witch rushes for the door with her broom as a battering ram! "What the heck!" Soan cries out, dashing out after the witch directly, ready to leap after her!

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Yay for bookish bliss! Ayako practically sparkles as she looks around the shelves to find her next target to read. She makes sure not to actually sparkle, though. It's too bad no one has actually seen a live Moogle. A Moogle plushie would be a great thi-.

    Oh! Other students! A cheerful smile and wave is given to each of the students that she does pass that greet her.

    Err... Ayako's footsteps pause as she blinks her eyes slowly. She very slowly turns in the direction of where Marisa and the Rare Book section is. Magical energy? Normally, this wouldn't get much of her attention, but this is the library! No one really needs to gather magical energy here unless... wait. The Rare Book section is over there.

    Yes, Ayako may be a bit water-headed, but she can put one and one together (maybe not two and two together) and so she changes direction towards the magical energy being gathered. And then said walk turns into a fly when she suddenly hears Marisa shouting! Not to mention the sound of the Marisa's magical energy as her rocket broom blasts off! Her own broomstick, that normally accompanies her witch or maid outfits has been quickly formed out of water and she flies off in the direction of the sound, riding side-saddle.

    While she's not particularly fast, she wasn't too far away either! And is in time to see the broom impact with the door! "Whooaa! What in the world is this?!"

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason grins at Xiao for a moment she pauses wait Marisa ? She'd not heard anything about them joining the school. She'd heard them over the radio a few times but nothign else than tht. She does think she's finding this strange.

"Ah I got working on my off world tech project. Mr. Green thinks I'm full of it about batteries and the like. I intend to make him eat his words."

She pauses things go by aand she just kinda starea for a second.

"Well today just got fun! Let's go!"

Lyria doesn't need to be told twice as she takes off like a shot. After them hopefully Kyra and Xaio are as well!

Cassandra Dolet (671) has posed:
Cassandra groans slightly as everything goes to fudge.

The dancer moves her way around towards the restricted section, before she shifts her weight, her hips twisting before she suddenly throws her hands out towards Marisa, a swift gust of wind escaping her hands in an attempt to knock her from the door into the wall.

"Who is the stranger danger?"

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
"Aw hell. It's your funeral, crazy girl!" The sudent dives behind the counter as instructed, and Marisa goes MOSTLY RETARD. Because you never go full retard. The massive wash of the blazing broom booster causes the approaching Tonberrian to look up at the gleaming light for several moments...

(O O);;

And then the Tonberrian is blasted backwards, flailing, asas it impacts a bookshelf and plops to the ground with a bruise. The lantern lands beside it, the light turning purple.

Meanwhile, Marisa doesn't even care. She blasts towards that door at full speed and impacts it! The door is locked. It's a /good/ lock but it's just a lock. As such, the door blows open , being taken right off its hinges and flying into the room to herald Marisa's arrival with a shower of splinters. Should she not stop, she'll ram into the wall on the other side of the Rare Book room, which /is/ warded with a nasty-looking Pattern which sparks and glows when someone draws near it.

"Oh, I see we have a visitor."

Marisa gets brought up short by the voice, giving her a chance to look through the area. The room is smaller, more intimate than the rest of the library, only a couple small reading tables with some hanging lanterns for light. The walls are full of hermetically sealed cases that each hold an aged-looking book within, many of which have unusual or seemingly gibberish titles.

There is a desk to one side, at which sits a woman garbed in Black Mage's garments with the insignia of Alexander Academy over the breast. The wide hat competes with even Marisa's witchiness, as the woman looks up under the brim. "Very impressive. Very nice, little lady." There is a dangerous gleam in her eyes then. "Now go put up a new door and get out of here, or the Detention Zone will be the leasy of your worries."


Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     Kyra does what Kyra does best. Makes split second terrible decisions.

     "Are you crazy!?" Xiao whined, almost screeched. "You know who's in there and you want to follow!?" Despite this, dragged she was getting. "The last time I snuck into the Restricted Area, I didn't last three turns against Desalle! Let me go! Lemme go! I need to go grind before this!"

     But no. Inside she was dragged. They were in the RESTRICTED AREA.

     "Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap! Kyra you owe me!" Xiao growled, getting out her gauntlets in a resigned manner. "Let's just get this over with!" No longer resisting, the Spell Fencer began to run along with Kyra and Lyria at a fast clip.

     And eventually, they came upon the beginnings of the faceoff. Marisa and Eleanor. Xiao swallowed a lump in her throat and waved. "Ahaha! Would you look at that! We totally got lost and wound up in here! Hello Mrs Desalle! Nice day for a break in, huh? And Marisa! I didn't know you enrolled!"

     They were going to lose ALL of their HP, weren't they?

Marisa Kirisame (829) has posed:
    Marisa hits the door! THE DOOR EXPLODES. She goes sailing in, leaving Soan and the others to catch up to her! Cassandra has other plans, however, as a gust of wind suddenly buffets the girl on the broom. This actually turns out to be to her benefit though, as it imparts her just enough lateral force to peel away from the NASTY, CRACKLING PATTERN one the wall. She gets close enough to score some MAJOR GRAZE POINTS though. Her score just keeps going up and up!

And then she feels a... presence.

It's a familiar presence. One that she's encountered at least once before. Marisa cranes her head over her shoulder to find...

    LADY MIM--

Wait. No. That's not right. This lady's hair isn't green. No. This is...



    "Heh. Sorry," Marisa's grin spreads wider, /somehow./ "Your guard outside did a good job of not lettin' me in here without the right papers. You should totally get a better lock for that door, though. Barely felt it on the way in. Speaking of which," her eyes narrow dangerously. Marisa hops, landing feet-first on her broomstick, "I hear you've got quite a collection in here, Miss Librarian. I'm here to check out a few books, if you don't particularly mind."

"Though I've got a feeling that I'm gonna have to go through you to get at the--"

    Oh. Hey. There's a voice she recognizes! "Oh! Hey Xiao. Nah, I just bought this uniform to get close enough to the door. You guys REALLY need better security. They didn't even check the ID I used. Now!"

BACK TO THE LIBRARIAN, who Marisa hadn't actually ever taken her eyes off of. "You gonna step aside, or are we gonna have'ta get VIOLENT?"

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako flies over to the... well okay, what's left of the doorway that lead into the Rare Book section. Broken hinges and non-existant door. "Uhh... looks like someone knocked really, really hard." She flies on in and glances around slowly at the people through the door. Yes, she's not going through said door. She has no clearance to!

    "What's going on? Is everyone okay? There was a big bang, and..." Ayako just blinks her eyes quickly. What's this pressure?! And why does she get the odd feeling that things are about to get... colorful?

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "/We have to stop her/!" Kyra insists. "You've seen her, she's a maniac. They're both maniacs! They'll level a giant portion of the building!" Well except for the wards protecting the rare books. Those will probably still be there even when the rest of the building is rubble. She pushes Xiao forward-namely /in front of Kyra/. "C'mon, make with the DPS!"

    Kyra follows, quietly casting Shell on Xiao. Louder, she speaks up, "Marisa! I warned you! Remember that! Somehow I knew you wouldn't be paying attention to that! You better listen to DeSalle or /yes/. This. Is gonna get violent."

    Ayako peeks in the room and Kyra waves cheerfully, "Hi Ayako! Marisa came to rob us just like I thought she would!"

Marisa Kirisame (829) has posed:
"Oh my Thousand Gods, Kyra," Marisa groans, rolling her eyes, "I just SAID I wanted to check out books! I'll return 'em when I'm done! Promise!"

Which is... Probably years from now.


Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Yeah /when you are done/. Which is probably going to be NEVER!" Kyra shoots back, waving her balled up fists at Marisa. Grr!

Cassandra Dolet (671) has posed:
"Someone evacuate the main library." Cassie says from the doorway.

No, she's not in the restricted section.

She does jerk her head at Marisa though. "Who's the oddball?"

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     Oh great! She had Shell cast on her!

     Now she'd last four turns.

     Xiao sighed, cracking her knuckles as she stood in front of Kyra. Oh boy. The fun of being a melee class! You get hit first! "Miss Kirisame, somehow, I get the feeling that we'll all have graduated by the time you finish with them."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
It's about at this point that Eleanor vanishes from her position, reappearing before the MYSTERIOUS WARD on the wall. "Security has a way of getting in the way of important things. You know how it is." She flicks a hand nonchalantly as a gnarled staff pops in from her Inventory, carved and laquered ebony inset with mythril bands and spread batwings of obsidian. Definately not a schmuck weapon. "Usually the examples I make tend to be security enough, but there always seems to be someone who doesn't get the memo." It's hard to tell much about Eleanor's figure in those robes she wears. It's hard to even see much of her face under the hat. It's like her wardrobe is specifically designed to be as intimidatingly 'Black Mage' as possible.

Case in point, when Xiao drags in Kyra, it's like a shadow has completely fallen over her face, only two burning YELLOW EYES looking back at the pair. "You have until I activate the barriers to get out of here." She says, ominously.

Then she looks back to Marisa, the shadow lifting from her face just enough to reveal a sharp-toothed grin of her own. "Your associates inform me you have problems returning books on time. Besides, you broke in. It's time for some /discipline/."

She seems to practically relish the word, as she cracks the staff on the floor. There is a flash, and a hum as barriers begin to go up all over the room that block both magic and physical movement, forcing the battle to remain confined to the area of the Rare book Room. The books are similarly protected.

It looks like anyone who wants to get involved better make their choice where they want to stand fast, becuase Eleanor is about to open fire.

Literally. As soon as the barriers are up, Eleanor surges with Black Magic. "FIRAGA!" Power and flame churns up her staff, culminating in a massive fireball that she hurls towards the other side of the room like her staff was a lacrosse stick!

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako blinks her eyes quickly and returns Kyra's wave just as cheerfully. "Hello Kyra! Nice headband." She inclines her head to the side gently. "Huh... so she's Marisa, huh? Not a bad witch outfit." A soft giggle escapes. Another cheerful wave is given to Cassandra. "Helo Cassandra! Oh. Right." She glances about quickly. "I think... I'll go get on that."

    Ayako yanks the handle of her broomstick back and quickly begins flying about in a patrol of the library to tell the students to get out of the library before it's too late!

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:

     Xiao would have hightailed it out of there, but....but...god damn it Kyra.

     She resisted the urge and stayed put, holding a defensive position as the two magicians commenced with HIGH SPEED MAGICAL WARFARE. She smiled a little, nervous beads of sweat forming. "Oh yes, Lyria, that makes me feel so much better." Her eyes were fixated on the ensuing battle however. "You know....I have no idea who to target. Ideally, it should be Marisa, but....I get a vague feeling that friendly fire has been turned on for this battle."

     That was a MASSIVE fireball, case in point.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason says "Hey it might be extra credit if we stop her!"

Also some notice in the school as well. That's never a bad thing right? She's not ulled any weapons out yet then she gets an idea of who Marisa has got the attention of.

"Well if that doesnt' deep six it. Xiao you might be getting a corpse you can experiment on. Marisa's pretty much dead meat here now, on the other hand Kyra we need top stop them."

She looks at Marisa and she smirks.

"Your really certain you intent to do that that they won't have to send the reclaimer units after them?"

Well it's too late for that as the Fireagas are flying and Lyria's just trying to figure out what she can do element wise she spots Ayoko.

It hits her Ayako may be able to help but she's doing the more imporant thing she's getting people out.

"...I'm going to say we deep six Marisa."

She's kept back from the Fireball and is now going get into a ready stance. She shifts her body about and attempts to turn the air on Marissa making it sharp enough to cut her up several blade like gusts of wind.

Marisa Kirisame (829) has posed:
    "Lady, there ain't nobody in the world who gets to lecture Marisa Kirisame 'bout discipline," the witchiest witch smirks, tugging down the rim of her tremendously broad hat. She glances over her shoulder as Alexander Academy's GREAT ARCHIVIST erects her barrier, and winks to the students who followed after her, "Welp! Looks like we're all in this together, so let's have some fun, eh?"

There's a rush of heat. A spell forming. Marisa glances back over at the black mage, only to see...


    "Aww, yeah," she actually CACKLES, "That's what I'm talking about! Let's do this!" Marisa surges out of the way, sweeping out in a broad, evasive arc. The fireball explodes, but she meets it with four glowing orbs... Each of which seem to be blasting cones of impossibly cold water vapor. "COLD INFERNO!" Marisa roars, meeting flame with frost as her other hand goes to conjure a cluster of magical missiles to bombard the librarian!

Marisa can use ice magic!?


    "Come on, teach," Marisa smirks, her eyes narrowing. "I know a raven who shoots bigger fireballs. Show me what you've got, and I'll give you the fight of your year!"

    She glances aside at the gusts of wind chasing after her, then. Marisa's lips pull together to produce a shrill whistle as the air cuts at her position. One cuts a line into her cheek, but the shed blood doesn't stop her from dodging the rest-- or grinning all the way. "Man, I might just have to do somethin' drastic if this keeps up. Hahahaha! Come on! Don't you guys wanna see what she's keeping behind that huge-ass ward of hers?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "But we're /helping/!" Kyra insists to Eleanor, annoyance in her tone. Naturally, that being a command from an authority figure (albiet a very scary one), Kyra is inclined to disobey and not leave the room, remaining firmly put as the barriers activate to protect the building and books from magical wrath. She's not even thinking of the trouble she's going to be getting in afterwards.

    "Just hit someone!" Kyra insists, giving Xiao another shove forward from behind before the fireball is loosed. Kyra yelps and dives sideways, the massive spell singing her behind and burning her clothing. "And scatter! Or she'll wipe us out with those spread spells!"

    Marisa starts to chat about the wards and what's hiding behind it. "Oh, I think I know what they're hiding back there in the back room-" this is probably the point where her fellow students and Eleanor start shouting at her to shut up but she keeps going, "It's probably the /forbidden/ section."

    As she picks herself up, she murmurs another spell, summoning more defensive magic-only this time, it's the bane of black mages everywhere. Kyra casts reflect on herself.

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "Gah! Fine!" Xiao tucked into a roll after being shoved forward, just barely, dangerously avoiding the fireball passing overhead. "My god! It's worse than I remember it being!"

     With no time to look back, she hammered her fists together, a surge of electricity building up along her body. It grew stronger and stronger as she ran, and once in range, she jumped into the air, arm craned back.

     ....Who should she target though? One one hand, Marisa was the obvious choice, but...on the other, they were totally going to get in trouble anyway. May as well ride the train all the way to the detention zone!

     "Hammer of Lightning!" She shouted, making a swift chopping motion with the same arm. The built up lightning surged forth, taking on the vague form of a massive hammer or an axe as it barreled through the air, aiming to bear down upon ...Desalle(!?) from above. "Sorry Teacher, but I think I want to see how far I've come since the last time I fought you!"

     She wasn't sorry.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason is very not on Marisa's side /at all/ she's intenidng to take her down and get some points with the school. Also not to have one of the staff at the school after her head for this.

"Honestly no, if I need to get in there for a project I'll get clearance."

She notes and now she's got one of her Magitech pistols out she dials it to water to avoid issues with fire in the place like this. She doesn't shoot why? She's pulling out some sort of sphere, just what could tht do?

"Kyra we got an intruder to stop! Enough with this."

She thrors the sphere it will explode and perhaps if it strikes Marissa cover her in a goo that would make it harder for her to move.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Fire meets ice in a cataclysmic, mutually-annihilating blast that sends Elenaor skidding back slightly. However, her back was more or less already to the barrier, so she didn't go far. "You're helping all right." Eleanor replies to Kyra. "You're helping to /break the rules/. Typical Kyra Hyral. You've got a nice long stay in the Detention Zone waiting for you when I'm through with you!"

The Hammer of Lightning crashes down on Eleanor, and it impacts her staff as she raises it in a defensive motion, a magical barrier forming as they seethe against each other. "You're not sorry at all, Xiao Li Yu! You're going to find out you're a hundred years too early to break into this area!" Lyria's assistance is noted, but not commenting as she begins channelling MP into her staff again. A series of putple, crackling circles begin to appear through the barrier room. "THUNDAGA!" Eleanor calls out, and crackling, massive ropes of lightning surge betweem pairs of points, cutting off mobility while sprays of powerful sparks fountain through the room! It looks almost... Danmaku-like.

As bolts strike Kyra's shield, hoever, they are sent blasting back towards Eleanor, shocking her repeatedly! "AGH! You think you're clever, girl..." She begins muttering, clearly agitated.

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     Soan, indeed, has to make a choice. The Professor is going to unleash some hell on the studentry -- and the invading book thief! Kyra and Xiao decides to go against the teacher, probably to turn one on another afterwards. The choice he makes is very simple.

     This is another Thief. Not from here. This is his turf he's defending right now. The other Thief is going to need to learn how they do things in Galianda's Moon. The Ifriti Thief skulks around the thinning shadows of the rare book section, keeping himself out of sight. A nice good ol' fight against a Teacher. He can get behind that.

     What worries him more is access to the Forbidden Books. That's something he definetively don't want to happen.

     Out of the last moments of the barrier coming up is just a small ball of metal rolling beneath Marissa.

     It explodes. It's not doing much in exploding, beyond unleashing a short-lived, short-range dark yellow purple wave. To the Magically Inclinded, this dangerously looks like a DeShell.

     The Thief Himself, don't sho up just yet.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako flies on back on her broomstick. "Okay, everyone's evacuating!" She peeks through the doorway and eeps softly. "I... well. I guess stuff is going on. On down. Or up. Maybe to the sides a little." She opens her mouth to say something else, but then just closes it and... watches!

Marisa Kirisame (829) has posed:
    The thing about attacks that take a while to charge up is that people can see them coming. Marisa grins down at Lyria as she lobs her sphere-- only to extend a finger and lance the ball with a distinctly RAINBOWY laser beam! "C'mon. Gonna have to move faster than that."

    She grins as Xiao DROPS THE HAMMER on the librarian, though! "Alright! I knew I could count on my fellow book enthusiast! Once we're through here, to this..." She /licks her lips/ like she can TASTE the knowledge, "Forbidden Section, we're gonna make out like bandits!"

    Kyra's defenses elicit a low whistle. "Not bad, Hyral! Now let's--" Lightning! But the patterns, they're... They're familiar. Marisa's expression seems to harden somewhat as she lunges into the forest of electrical chaos, bolts of lightning arcing all around her. Shocking tendrils leap from the ones she gets too close to, sending scalding electricity surging through her body, but it's nothing she can't deal with.

But it also means she doesn't see Soan's grenade coming.

    Marisa yelps as the thing goes off, shedding its Debuffing Power all over her! But... No defenses fall? What does that even mean!? Could it be that--

Could Kirisame Marisa rely entirely on DODGING MAGIC!?

    "Alright, counter-attack time," Marisa grins as she darts between another few dozen bolts. She snaps her fingers together, conjuring a quintet of multi-colored, orbiting spheres, "Xiao! Kyra! Watch out, I'm FIRIN' MAH LASERS!"

"Specifically," she grins as the orreries blaze with prismatic light, "MY NON-DIRECTIONAL LASER!"

    Just as she promised, the orbs erupt with destructive power, filling the inside of the arena with wild, scything lances of technicolor light. The orbs spin all around her as she dodges between lightning bolts, making the lasers as unpredictable as they are dangerous! They seem to do their best to avoid Kyra and Xiao, at least!

In the mean-time, Marisa's also taking the liberty to fire YET MORE BULLETS.

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "...Ahahaha! You got me there!"

     Not at all sorry. With her spell dispersed and the counter being prepared, Xiao landed and jumped back to prepare herself. ...She was expecting Blizzaga or Thundaga...she was half right. The lightning spell erupted, creating huge ropes of electricity that spread out across the arena. "Ahhhhhhh this looks oddly familiar!"

     "Whoa! Whoa! Ow! Whoa!" Xiao was fast enough to avoid direct contact with the lightning itself. But a few of the vaguely danmaku-like bullets did strike her here and there. "Oh boy, this is like practice!" Xiao laughed, in both terror and glee at the rush she was feeling from the action. It was like David running headfirst at Goliath!

     But she needed to act as well. Diving aside to avoid Marisa's latest issue of BEAMSPAM 2020, Xiao focused, calling up ice magic from deep within. Skidding to a stop, she spread her feet and clenched her fists. A deep breath was taken, and then exhaled. Ice built up along her gauntlets.

     And then she stamped the ground, gaining footing as she lurched forward a step. "Twin Dragons!" Both palms were thrust forward and from them, burst out a huge pair of ice crystals, taking on the form of crystalline dragons made of ice. With sharped jaws opened wide, they weaved through Marisa's Non-Directional laser spam, rocketing through the air straight for Desalle.

     One hundred years too early? Yes. Was she still going to try? SURE!

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
The Tonberrians help Ayako keep an orderly movement of people out of the building. A couple of them even put on cute little hard hats in order to help people see them as they wave lanterns to direct traffic!
    SAFETY FIRST! (^ ^)/o

IN THE MEANTIME, inside the battleground Eleanor gets hammered by focus fire from Xiao and Marisa. Unlike them, however, she seems to depend on powerful magical defenses in order to tank her way through incoming attacks instead of using the ancient Graze Arts. There is a crash as the pair of ice dragons impact Eleanor, forcing her to struggle with them by trying to hold them back with her staff while Marisa blasts her repeatedly with her Non-Directional Laser, the orbs scything her with beamspam. Her robes begin to smoke and smoulder as she shows visible signs of damage. "You think this is going to be enough to stop me? You kids! I'm going to blast you into... THE NEXT DIMENSION!"

She leaps to the center of the room, slamming her staff into the ground as the air around her begins to seethe with power.


>>> D-FLARE <<<


A tiny sun lights up in the air above her. "No more tricks! No more reflections! There will only be... DETENTION!"

As she channels the spell, spheres of energy form on the edges of the room and begin to travel towards the central spell. They appear to be dangerous on their own, but what will happen if they reach the spell itself? WHAT DO?

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason is not having a good time of it, she was not expecting crazy laser show from her. She does't seem to be grining she's also noticed someone else is here. She knows the books are sealed for a reason. AS much as she enjoys hunting for things, leanring things? The nature of what's in there makes her pause hopefully she can keep things under control here or at least. Oh dear Gods lasers, so many lasers. There's are lasers going everywhere.

She was hit by the laser and just goes flying from it shes also sizzling a bit. She was not ready for a laser duel, and that took a lot out of her she's trying to get back up now too. The Spheres makes her pull out a gadget which while it burns out it seems to cast shell on Lyria.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "I didn't come here to /do/ that!" Kyra argues back with Eleanor, a frown quickly appearing on her face. "I came here to get her out of the library!" Of course, that is not to say what she was doing right now, her mind apparently...changed to some degree? Perhaps she was feeling confident in the group they had here and their potential skills against the teacher.

    Reflect does exactly what it's supposed to. Kyra laughs, "Ha ha ha! Can't hit us now, can you!?" she taunts.

    Then the teacher starts casting D-FLARE. Kyra stops laughing and suddenly looks panicked. "Reflect won't stop that!" she warns, apparently completely unsure what to do for a moment before she looks like she's got an idea and steps forward, quickly moving as the spheres come in, trying to not be in their way. She chants her own spell, though it's not nearly as flashy and impressive-looking.

    "Dispell!" she finishes, hurling it at the center. She actually has no idea if this would work or not but it was worth a shot.

Marisa Kirisame (829) has posed:
Man, Xiao's not bad! Marisa makes a mental note to definitely not take her lightly on their Monday Duel. Congratulations, Xiao! You've merited LUNATIC MARISA.

But, there are more pressing matters at hand than that.

Matters like D-FLARE

    Marisa knows this feeling. She recognizes that purely psychological warning klaxon. The pattern is familiar- painfully familiar. "Man, you really are like the crow," she murmurs, "But this Sun doesn't look Subterranean. But... I've learned some tricks since then, too."

    "GUYS!" The witch yells, clutching her hat to the top of her head as she suddenly rushes BOLDLY towards the center of the gathering Flare. "Hit her with everything you've got! Or hit those orbs comin' in at her from the corners! I'll delay the spell as long as I can, and..."

"Maybe," she smirks, holding what looks to be a small paper talisman alight, "Just maybe, I'll get a chance to show off a little~*!"

    She weaves around Kyra's own ~DISPELL~ as it crashes in. Seems like she's got a similar idea. Marisa waits a moment for it to do whatever it's going to do before finishing her BOLD CHARGE right in to the heart of the flare!

But she doesn't go in without protection.

The talisman.

    Just as she reaches the periphery of the spell and the heat and power threatens to overwhelm her, Marisa crushes the scrap of paper. Suddenly the air around her BLAZES with gold and blue light. But this is no offensive spell... This is a--


    True to her word, the spell begins devouring whatever magic crosses into its area of effect. The resulting power unspools into red motes and emerald stars that surge into the Witch's right hand.

Where the Hakkero begins emitting an ominous thrum.

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "Oh crap."

     It's THAT spell. Nope! No way! Not this again! She wasn't going to get washed away by this spell again!

     "Already on it!" Xiao yelled to Kyra and Marisa, hammering her fists together and closing her eyes. "Drain!" A shimmering green aura began to build up around her body. It grew stronger, and brighter, till it was deemed ready.

     Then Xiao opened her eyes. "Rage!" A purple-black darkness immediately began to flood from her heart, causing her vision to blur immediately. But she ignored it. With the dual setup complete, she dove forward, skidding to a stop in front of Desalle in an instant.

     Then she simply grabbed the teacher's arms, dark energy funneling into her superior, and HP draining back into her from each attack, sustaining an indefinite assault. At least until Xiao was actually parted from Desalle. In one form or another.

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
The Professor is going to lose this one, Soan feels. Non-Galiandan Magic is already hell to deal with, but when you're stacking /debuffs/, that's just going to be nasty. This brings one last thing for Soan to do. He stops helping directly in the fight.

     To instead head straight for the Forbidden Section, to both prepare and get ready for the girls. He don't touch the door itself, PRETTY SURE they've got wards already on it. Instead, he get to work on more basic, physical annoyances.

     He don't precisely know what the heck IS in the Forbidden Section, but he's pretty sure, as a Dragoon, he don't want things that are in there to really get out.

     May not be anything big or nasty. But more importantly...

     Like heck he's gonna let another Thief steal shit under his nose. HE should be doin' the stealing!

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
The spheres roll towards the tiny sun, and every time one of them hits the sphere... It grows, magnifying in size and intensity. It looks like this is how the spell gains in power!

Kyra gets the idea to Dispell the sphere. While the attack is too powerful to be shut down that way, it does slow the channelling power of Elenor, giving Xiao essential time to begin setting up her berserk HP drain loop, racking up DPS on the boss in an attempt to race her to the finish.

Marisa, in the meantime, engages her Magic Absorber. The field of antimagic washes out, dissolving several of the incoming spheres and tapping itno the core massive sphere, shrinking it....

But the spell still completes. "NOW FALL, AND MAY THE FLAMES OF MY WRATH FOLLOW YOU INTO A LONG STAY IN THE DETENTION ZONE!" With that, Elenaor cries out, the D-Flare exploding outwards to consume everything with intense, banishing force....

Unless something happens right the hell now.

Marisa Kirisame (829) has posed:
Not enough. She can't absorb all of that power- not enough to stop the spell completely. All she can do is delay it, and...

"Excuse me," Marisa grins from way at the top of the little arena, flicking the Hakkero playfully through the air. It's... GLOWING. Almost as brightly as when she was pissed the hell off at Diabolos, in fact. "But only ONE person's goin' down today, and it ain't any of us!" With a deft swipe of her hand, Marisa snatches the little block of wood out of the air and levels it at the immobilized woman below.

Turns out super-final-spells that keep you in one place aren't actually a great idea.

The Hakkero flashes. Twin magic circles etch themselves into the air immediately underneath it, forming a pattern immediately identifiable as the Eight Trigrams in brilliant, prismatic light. That light blazes most brightly in the center of the array as Marisa's eyes glint with a victorious shine. "XIAO," she yells, "BACK THE FUCK UP, I'M GOIN' IN HOT!"

The twin circles crackle and begin revolving. "Here it comes--" There's a sound that is UNMISTAKABLY that of a laser charging to full power. It's time!


    A thunderclap! A DOUBLE RAINBOW! A column of technicolor madness erupts from the Hakkero's core and expands to consume the black mage and her ULTIMATE DETENTION MAGIC entirely! The light swells as the resultant shockwave expands, engulfing Marisa herself in a blinding wall of ALL THE COLORS IN THE RAINBOW. Plus a few that AREN'T.

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     Xiao heard that.

     She looked back up at Marisa.

     She paled.

     "HOLY SH-"

     She immediately let go of Desalle and followed Marisa's advice to the letter. She backed the hell off. A single jump, and then another, just barely avoiding getting roasted by that ridiculous laser beam. She could feel the heat just inches away from her face for a split second before she sailed backward, landing by Kyra.

y ".....If this doesn't work, we are all dead." She asided to the White Mage.

     Dead, Detention, same deal.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
The D-Flare and the Master Spark collide, the two massively powerful spells fighting for supremacy. The Rare Book Room shakes with the power being unleashed here...

But the D-Flare was weakened. The sphere begins to cave in... And then implode, the Love-Colored Master Spark punching through it as it detonates with a silent wash of white, Eleanor taking the strike and being propelled backwards with a yell. She impacts the back of the room, the barrier vanishing as she hits the floor.

"Ugh..." She says, smouldering. "... Looks like... I have to give you permission... /This/ time. Don't think... Next time will be so easy..." She hisses, before she flops over, unconscious.

A few Tonberrians enter the room, hoist her up, and carry her off to the medical area.

In the meantime, the ward on the back wall flares, and then goes out, the wall opening up to reveal a dark, cavernous stairwell beyond.


In the meantime, you can probably borrow a couple of the Rare Books and come back when you're not post-almost-flash broiled.

Ayako Hasekawa has posed:
    Ayako just stares. Staaaaaares. That was... that was quite the laser. Beam. Bewm. Definitely lives up to the name 'Master Spark'. But wait! She's startled out of her riverie by the Tonberries and follows after them to the medical area! She is a volunteer school nurse, after all!

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    When the Fighting Arena dissapaites a silver haired girl in school uniform stands with her arms crossed. Silver hair flipping up slightly as if lifted by some breeze. This not magic, this is Cirra Constantine pissed that her work on her paper was interrupted.

    "Kyra Hyral." she speaks in a chilly tone. "Who are your /cohorts/?"

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     Soan, up ahead, hard at work at creating annoyances, suddenly has a chill running down his spine. Oh gods. Cirra.

Marisa Kirisame (829) has posed:
The light from the Master Spark fades, sure as it blazed into existence. As it dims, its caster descends some distance away from her GREAT OPPONENT. "Yeah, next time," Marisa grins, wiping the grime and soot from her cheeks. "That was a pretty awesome spell you cast there. Don't worry teach, you did good. Gave me some new ideas, at least."

But... Something about this doesn't quite seem right.

Marisa raises a finger and focuses on its tip, scrunching her face up a little bit, and then...


A little flare shoots out from her finger and explodes overhead like a miniature firework. "Well," she grins as Professor LaSalle is hauled off- and begins floating towards the Rare Books, "I think we've earned these! I'll just borrow a few and--"

She glances back towards the new opening, and the stairway beyond... And smirks.

"Okay, we'll go down there the next time. I bet there's all KINDS of goodies down below! Oh man, I can't wait!"

Then, a new voice!

Marisa craaanes her head over, a trio of books stacked up in her hands. She waves! "Hi!" Marisa chirps, "I'm Marisa Kirisame! Good to meet you. I was just about to check these out."

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:


     Once the smoke cleared, Desalle said her piece, and then the Tonberries came and carried her off, did she finally let her head cant aside in a bit of a stupor. "...We won. WE WON! HA! Ahahahaha! Oh my! We won!" She clapped her hands happily.

     Oh wait, Marisa was here to take rare books, wasn't she? Well whatever! She'd return them in a few years! They won! How much EXP did they get from that fight!? ....Oop. Here's Cirra.

     Xiao calmed down a bit and smiled, waving in a faux cute manner. "Cirra, my lovely! Fancy meeting you here of all places. ...In the Restricted Area. ...After having just coincidentally defeating Professor Desalle..." She averted her eyes, smiling innocently.

Lyria Mason has posed:
Lyria Mason is dazed comming too, she knows there's some possibly dangerous things in there. She also got a feeling raw terror comming down her spine. Oh hey there it's Cirra. Ya she's going to sitter out of here. There's nothing she cna do at this point, and it's time to go. She's a bit extra cripy and she's going to slink away now. She's going to make some matters to deal with Marisa and any of those books that get lose.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "It's too powerful, that magic can't be sto-" Kyra starts to scream, fearing that there's no way to pevent them from all being tossed into the DETENTION ZONE. But the very, very colorful magic of Marisa breaks the spell and KOs the librarian, resulting in a gasp from the white mage. She sees the cavernous Forbidden Wing beyond and suddenly beams. "Woohoo! Great work everyone!" she says cheerfully.

    Then she hears Cirra say her name. She freezes and sloooowly turns around to look at the Dark Knight. "Eh...heh heh...hi." she doesn't introduce her cohorts, they've got that covered herself. "So we were about to step out now." She too is of the mind that they won't be running into the forbidden wing today.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    Cirra narrows her eyes a the three of them, looking at Kyra, Xiao and Marisa.

    "Do you have an Alexander Academy library card?" she holds up one hand. "It's against the rules to check out books for other people. If it's late, you'll be held responsible."

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
Upon hearing that they will NOT be going through the forbidden area, Soan feels a little cheated. They won't get to go through his gauntlet of DEATH AND CARNAGE.

     "You know," The Thief says, stepping back to the group that's beated the professor, looking down with his eyebrows narrowed. "That was some nice casting, there. What ARE you gonna do with thoses books, anyway?"

Marisa Kirisame (829) has posed:
    "Nah," Marisa says with a bit of a shrug, "Honestly, my plan was just to bust in, grab some books and get out, return 'em on my own time later. BuuuuuuuUUUUUT~*" She grins, "As a favor to my good friend Kyra over there, I guess I could open up a card or somethin'."

Plan B is, of course, getting the hell out.

Soan gets a glance, and then a shrug. "I was planning on reading 'em, personally. Maybe get some ideas for new spells, you know? Fun stuff!"

Cassandra Dolet (671) has posed:
Cassie leans over Soan's shoulder. "Is there a book about ancient Leviathan myths in there?"

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "Speaking of that..." Xiao turned away from all the ruckus. "I believe I'll have a look at the books in here myself. I think we earned the right to check them out. ...For today!"

     And then she scuttled off before Cirra could repeat the actual rules from the Alexander Academy Rules and Regulations Guidebook 5th Revision!

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     Soan shrugs at Marisa, shoving his hands into his pockets. "You know, if you wanted books, we could've gone to an arrangement." He comments, nodding at Cassandra. "I dunno, it's not like I stalk around here."

Marisa Kirisame (829) has posed:
"Well, we coulda, I guess," Marisa admits to Soan before gesturing at the books in her arms, "But I think this way was way more fun, don't you? Xiao seemed to get a kick outta it, at least."

Except Xiao was gone. GONE TO THE WINDS with her books. Marisa contemplates doing the exact same thing. Perhaps this would be wise, yes.

Cirra Constantine (675) has posed:
    You mean Alexander Academy Rules and Regulations Guidebook 5th Revision Annoted Edition.

    "I see."

    "So you attacked a school Library, one of the faculty and the poor, defenseless Tonberries..."

    "And inturrpted my term paper. Because you couldn't be bothered to be patient?"

Cassandra Dolet (671) has posed:
Cassie hears Cirra and she slooowly slides away from Soan and towards the exit.

Soan Sagittarius (633) has posed:
     Soan watches Xiao make a run for it with the books, a small frown drawning up on his face. Smart. "Well, see, this is mostly selfish, I find. Rather dissapointing. As long you return them promptly. Okay?" The Thief says, pointing his eyes with his fingers, then pointing them at Marisa.

     Annnnnd goes to make an exit. Even if he didn't take a book, he'd rather not have Cirra going down on his case.

Marisa Kirisame (829) has posed:
"Uhhhh Ton-whatties?" Marisa inclines her head. You can almost see the question mark pop up over her head. She shrugs a little then. "But yeah, more or less. Nobody gets anything just by sittin' around, you know? I mean, jeez, that would have taken FOREEEVER. I've only got so many days to live! I gotta spend 'em properly!"

She winks at Soan as the thief vanishes, leaving HER ALONE to deal with Cirra and her lectures.

"Aaaanyway," she sing-songs, "I just earned the rights to these books by vicious magical combat with a crazy awesome sorceress, so I think I'mma mosey on home."

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    There's a blinking dotted line where Kyra was once standing. She must be taking tips from Soan lately because she snuck out during that lecture directed at Marisa.