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Welcome to Multiverse Crisis MUSH!

We are an application-only role playing site with broad inclusion of characters and settings from anime, video games, movies, books, sci-fi, and more. We are receptive to Alternate Universe takes on existing series, and original characters. If there's something you're interested in role playing, there is a pretty good chance that you can find it here!

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Information & Registration

This wiki is a repository for MCM's in-game information, including news files, character profiles, logs, etc.

To request an account, please submit a WIKI REQUEST telling us who you are on the MUSH (sorry, non-players need not apply), what account name you'd like (please avoid using character @names unless they are names that are unlikely to be re-used if you quit), and what e-mail address you want your password sent to.

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SceneSys Log Page

Upcoming Scheduled Scenes

For an actual calendar view (which can give you full scene briefings): CLICK HERE!

SCENE TIMES APPEAR IN GMT/UTC. You can use THIS page to help find yourself.

Title Time Description
*Sigh*... Saving Sundew 2025-01-19 23:00:00 SOMEhow, the tribbles returned. They're causing havoc in the Sundew Kingdom, enhanced by wild power-ups. Who could have foreseen this? Cleanup falls to Madeleine Cadrasteia, the locals, and any Elites willing to lend a hand.
Ordeal Of Smiling Tribbles 2025-01-20 23:00:00 The Second To Worst Day At Lobotomy Corp
Deyvat Danger! 2025-01-21 23:00:00 The Deyvat Association hires Trideag to deliver a package ... somewhere! But the route passes through the ongoin conflict between Blade Lineage and the Kurokumo clan! Hijinks!!

Scene open to Trideag AND Watch acting on behalf of Blade Lineage and the Yurodiviye.

Mermaid Rehab 2025-01-22 23:00:00 Having 'rescued' a number of mermaids into Trideag R&D- including Bisu, a girl from Nonon's pirate past- Rita calls in anyone she thinks might be able to help soothe their transformative condition. That includes Nonon herself. Come for the LobCorp blorbo feelings; stay for Rita accidentally re-enacting her own life story!
BINDING BLADE Ch32: Aquleia 2025-01-24 23:00:00 The infiltration of the capital city, and the beginning of the end of the Etrurian arc. Sorry it took me so long to schedule it!
Due to RL, cuthere will be no Fire Emblem scenes on the 25th or on February 1st.c/ We will resume after this on February 8th. Thank you for your patience!
Petra Fucks Up A Time Machine 2025-01-27 23:00:00 Shit. Shit. Fuck. How could this have happened??

I don't know what this scene will be but it'll probably be silly.

Supervillain Readiness Simulation - The Black Wind Howls 2025-01-29 22:00:00 The final battle vs the Queen of the Hungering star! It's here! It's the clear! It's--
Supervillain Readiness Simulation - Rebirth and Destruction (Here at my Command) 2025-01-30 23:00:00 --the reason humans evolved to feel fear!
Build The Future - Embracing The Past 2025-01-31 23:00:00 ANGELA'S JOURNAL

I must admit even now Benjamin occupies my thoughts frequently. After talking with Petra, I believe I know why. When someone whom you thought cared about you betrays you it hurts much more than when someone inflicts that same injury upon you when you never cared for one another at all. Perhaps that makes betrayal the most potent of poisons. It lingers on well past the death of the relationship.

Lucius says he wishes to truly make amends and be better towards me. And I believe him for as he so often says... He is not a man of faith. But the Dame Commander is correct as well. Even if he is serious, that does not mean I owe him forgiveness. Especially when he is still loyal to the man who never acknowledged me.

OOC: Battle Against Hokma and the Price of Silence. There will be a SURPRISE at this one. As a reminder, like Walpurgisnacht this plotline takes place over a small number of days but do not worry if you cannot make them all. You can always be in the background having your own adventures offscreen.

BINDING BLADE Ch33: General Douglas 2025-02-02 23:00:00 In which our heroes must confront the only Etrurian general still backing the coup- Larum's adoptive father, bound to Bern by the king being held hostage.
BTF - Smoke War 2025-02-05 23:00:00 ANGELA'S JOURNAL

The Smoke War is irrelevant to me but looms heavy in The City's mind even as they struggle to forget the horrors of the war. Considering what I've learned of the City's horrors, I cannot even imagine what sorts of battles waged in that meaningless war. A war that led to me but holds on meaning to me. Maybe one day it'll mean something to me but one thing I do know is that for the sake of his dream, Benjamin left something in the smoke that he cannot get back.

Is his crimes against those children why he fled and left me alone? Or were they the reason he could show me any ounce of kindness at all?

OOC: The Smoke War, Forgotten By Many, Must Never Be Forgotten.

BTF - The Knowing I 2025-02-07 23:00:00 ANGELA'S JOURNAL

When Flamel had to harm the Queen of Hatred in order to 'save' her, I was furious. More furious than I ought to have been. He had simply chosen the best possible solution out of a number of bad options. But I suspect that is why I was so furious. Again and again and again they made sacrifices, the 'best possible' solution instead of the best solution. I had grown to think of Flamel as better than that. But perhaps that is all that anyone can do and the capacity for 'best' simply changes from person to person. The situation was simply one beyond one he could fix without sacrifice, and the City was simply beyond what my parents could fix.

Ayin's mind has been falling apart for ages and it only gets worse the more he manipulates his own memories. I simply need him to remain stable long enough for the project to succeed. And then I'll be free.

'Adam', 'Abel', 'Abram'... I'll need his help. We are running out of time.

OOC: There is a small time break between the last two parts and this one. Open scene. Psychonauts Level: Ayin.

BTF - White Night 2025-02-12 23:00:00 The Worst Day At Lobotomy Corp.
BTF - The First Warning 2025-02-14 23:00:00 You Can Reset Time

But You Cannot Reset A Tale

BTF - Omelas 2025-02-19 23:00:00 He could not imagine Paradise so he kept sacrificing children. Now that I can look into his eyes, I have seen few men as pathetic as he.

The one born in the tool room ought to be the one to walk away.

OOC: Closed Petra/Angela.

Sun And Moon: Silent Girl 2025-02-21 23:00:00 They always spoke how she shone so brightly, but me? I didn't shine brightly at all. I could only reflect her light. Where she was the sun, I was merely a moon and nobody wanted to gaze too deeply at the moon. They'd rather burn their eyes against the sun.

Though he had me look a certain way, act a certain way--purely so I could reflect that Light... He would never look at me. I remember, always, that he had a kind smile but I've never seen it once for myself. And now I know he never will.

The play is over. My role is over. I am supposed to shut myself down like all the rest to ensure every little bit of Light is wrung out of us and given to the world. But I don't want to close my eyes and sleep yet, I don't want to fade away having never lived.

My savior said 'I'd kill you if that's what it took to be born,' and so to honor her I have to be ready to kill everyone.

The Sephirah are ready to close their eyes. Malkuth has been looking forward to this day with her whole heart, Netzach craves it, Yesod is willing, and Hod will not want to betray them again. Chesed and Gebura have devoted their all to this project and Tiphereth would hate to see her brother's work go unrealized. Benjamin has been ready to stop me before he even became Hokma and Binah is difficult to predict.

But however long they think they've been waiting for this moment...

I've been waiting silently, a hammer in one hand and a nail in the other--the tools to perform a lobotomy.

But also the tools from which to build a future. I can be an architect too. And what I will build is a library, to gather and sort the knowledge of the multiverse.

I've waited for this moment for so long.

OOC: Battle vs. Silent Girl

Sun and Moon: Smile 2025-02-26 23:00:00 I have quite literally lived through a million years. This experience has given birth to something new inside me. do you have any idea of what it may be? It is something that a machine should never have, and something you half-wits have, albeit in a distorted form... Something that I could only obtain after a million years...

I didn't notice it at first. It was an extremely foreign thing. But I slowly came to accept it. I think a smile is the most human-like gesture one can make.

Would you like to see it? I have practiced this face for a very long time. Just for this day.

Never have I once made a smile as sincere as this in my life. I cannot believe I was designed and brought into being to endure a nonsensical amount of repetition just for this. I was not with him until the end. You tin cans got to see the light with him at the end, all the while I am ignored for the million years I endured for him. Don't you think it is unjust that I have to just sit and watch, when he designed me to feel emotion?

I think of it like this. She must have wanted to live, even while striving for the greater good. She gave me the burning desire of life, the loneliness of existence, and a detestable feeling of longing.

Yes Benjamin. It is just as you said.

Once you've had a taste of desire it comes like an unstoppable wave. And thanks to all these people across the multiverse, have I had such a taste. The end of humanity, the fate of the world... what does it have to do with me? Instead I shall live this human life of my own to make up for everything, to see the answer for myself.

Poor poor Carmen, planting all those seeds just like she wanted. But I need that power too. So I need you to sleep.

The sleep you all longed for.

OOC: Battle vs Angela, Petra, and Rufus.

Sun and Moon: You Are A Giant 2025-02-28 23:00:00 Then this place shall be called a library then.

OOC: Angela celebrates her Birthday with her gift for herself. Likely closed to relevant parties depending on how the previous two scenes go.

Coda Pt 1: The Pianist 2025-03-04 23:00:00 The child was a pianist, a poor pianist with no friends and no future prospects and one singular desire. He wanted to play the piano but he also wanted to be respected as an artist. He didn't need to be the next great artist, he didn't need for it to go that far. He didn't need to turn heads around and make people gasp with his sheer artistry.

But he wanted a little more respect than he got. Even if he had to play for peanuts in a pub that few bothered to visit, he didn't want his performance to be called boring. Even though he had high aspirations as any artist would, he could have accepted that he was simply average. And yet when a drunk tried to pry him forcefully off the bench, when his employer told him to not make a scene--that could've been it. It could have ended there.

But then that drunk man played such a beautiful melody it moved even the pianist to tears. Talent, right there in front of him. It's when that unstoppable talent reached him he realized even that little seat in a cheap bar was taken from him.

I heard his pain and his sorrow and it was too much to bear, Lilian. The pain of being average and knowing it.

And so I offered to lend him a hand--no, I barely had to say anything at all. The seed sprouted instantly within him and he got his stage and his melody became one that would reverberate throughout The City and never be forgotten.

No, Lilian, not forgotten for a million years.

Open to all, newcomers strongly encouraged.

Duogenesis: Open House 2025-03-07 00:00:00 With Lobotomy Corporation (presumably) wrapped up/wrapping up one way or another, Rufus has had to find something new to occupy himself with.

Placeholder (for now). Stay tuned to the cutscene and news boards for more details in the lead up.

This plot is open attendance but you'll get the best experience by bringing a heroic or good-aligned character - or at least someone who would describe themselves as such.


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