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Welcome to Multiverse Crisis MUSH!

We are an application-only role playing site with broad inclusion of characters and settings from anime, video games, movies, books, sci-fi, and more. We are receptive to Alternate Universe takes on existing series, and original characters. If there's something you're interested in role playing, there is a pretty good chance that you can find it here!

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Information & Registration

This wiki is a repository for MCM's in-game information, including news files, character profiles, logs, etc.

To request an account, please submit a WIKI REQUEST telling us who you are on the MUSH (sorry, non-players need not apply), what account name you'd like (please avoid using character @names unless they are names that are unlikely to be re-used if you quit), and what e-mail address you want your password sent to.

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SceneSys Log Page

Upcoming Scheduled Scenes

For an actual calendar view (which can give you full scene briefings): CLICK HERE!

SCENE TIMES APPEAR IN GMT/UTC. You can use THIS page to help find yourself.

Title Time Description
3AM-2: 3PM Scramble 2024-10-22 23:00:00 Ever since the brawl on the bridge that left a bridge looking both more and less flammable than it was the night before, things have gotten tense in Sotenbori. The people of the city (or at least those living near the bridge) have been wary of anyone going near the bridge at night for fears of a second incident, and those calling themselves the Metal Priests are using the situation to push a human supremacist agenda to try and rally public (human) opinion against the spirits living in the city.

Futaba's plan, then is to host a festival to brighten up Sotenbori and get everyone working together on a common goal instead of letting anyone foment division in her home city. There's only one little problem: She forgot to actually tell anyone about it, and the festival is tomorrow!

(Social time! Hang out with Futaba and company while scurrying around the city, mingle with the townspeople while digging into scattered lore deets, and chat up strange children while watching your wallet. Open to anyone!)

Star¤Twinkle PikCure 2 ~ Onward! Exploring The Forest of Hope! 2024-10-23 22:00:00 Hikaru and Lala explore the forest around the crash site with the Elites. Get to know the world, and also the girls-- apparently, there's such things as magical girls who are nice!

PikCure continuation.

Hunter X Hunter X Monster 2024-10-24 22:00:00 Solace takes on a job to clear out a ruin harvesting town of monsters and has asked Madeleine and Rita to come along.
Tairngire Lily 2024-10-25 22:00:00

Lilian has a special gift to offer Tamamo. She also has a special request to show close friends something important, 'just in case'. Something about if it becomes impossible to reach her? And to put someone's mind at ease.

Restricting attendance to people who actually know Lilian well and can be trusted with information.

Everhood Movement 6: Squid Jazz 2024-10-25 22:00:00 It's time to embark on the most ultimate of rituals: MEDALLION. Get your character sheets and dice ready.

... Huh? What do you mean it's not a ritual? It seems ritualistic enough to me! I'm pretty sure some mom somewhere wants to ban it, and that's the ultimate indicator.

Lower energy, social-ish scene.

BINDING BLADE Ch22: The True Friend 2024-10-26 22:00:00 Timebubbled social from last week's events! Have a cozy little conversation in a damp poorly-lit basement with a purple sadgirl and a Cecilia who is coughing up blood. Also get big lore revelations that will overturn most characters' understanding of the world they live in, secondarily!
The Mothman Travesties pt. 1 2024-10-27 22:00:00 The famous cryptid Mothman has been spotted by a number of Demon Marshals reportedly heading west along I-10. Meanwhile, Calvin has been tasked with spearheading an expedition to the ruins of Oglethorpe University just outside of Atlanta, where a time capsule containing potentially viable seeds and various other materially or culturally significant artifacts is said to be.

(Social scene, start of a plot! Meet with Calvin at the HQ on Ossabaw Island to discuss logistics, objectives and the itinerary.)

Bespoken-3 (Finale?) 2024-10-29 22:00:00 The nature of the Darkmancer's true evil plot lies revealed: Capitalism. Selling fake 'hero' opportunities to rich families, using real people and their homes as disposable props to do so.

For reasons that are entirely altruistic and not at all based in acquiring personal revenge for unknowingly being lead on a fake adventure, Sarracenia, Merelisa, and their friends (and Angela) set out to take the Darkmancer down - for real.


Very likely CSYS. Open to newcomers, but you should get Sarra, Merelisa, or Rufus to read you in on the situation first.

Star¤Twinkle PikCure 3 ~ Enemy Pursuit?! Escape The Burrowing Snagret! 2024-10-30 22:00:00 The generals of the evil empire catch up to the Precures-- and turn the wildlife against them! Moreso than it already was, at least.


Syzygy: The Second 2024-10-31 22:00:00 The crew of the Syzygy continues through the inner system. What could go wrong?
Everhood 6.5: Bubblegum Road 2024-11-01 22:00:00 There's two Kales here. (Some people would say that's two too many!)

One of them claims to be from the future, and is back here trying to set some things right for his past self. The other one, the Kale you all know, isn't really having it. Some things need to be hashed out between them.

Around the same time, Rasta Beast and Zigg drop in, with something to say. Maybe it's an apology from Zigg, finally! (Spoiler: It isn't.)


This scene is more focused on Kale (and some side content) than Everhood plot progression and can be missed if needed.

Haunted Castle 2024-11-02 00:00:00 Alucard has opened the doors of Castle Dracula for a Halloween party. Wear your costumes and come prepared to eat his food, drink his booze, and have a much needed night of low stress fun.

Of course, you could also explore the castle and see past the fresh repairs to the scars underneath if you're nosy.

Laws of Hospitality apply. Don't start none, won't be none. These Eastern European guys take this stuff seriously.

(Open Social. Everybody welcome. Mind what rooms you go in!)

The Mothman Travesties pt. 2 2024-11-03 23:00:00 Placeholder for ongoing plot.
Star¤Twinkle PikCure 4.1 ~ Castle Polaris ¤ Hikaru's Story 2024-11-04 23:00:00 Hikaru uses the Pikmin she's built a bond with to construct a castle of twigs and leaves, to stage their next expedition from. Attendance is mutually exclusive with 4.2, unless you're a split actions gumbo.
Star¤Twinkle PikCure 4.2 ~ Hologram Tactics ¤ Lala's Story 2024-11-06 23:00:00 Lala uses the still-functioning abilities of the spaceship's AI to model out a plan of attack on getting back the next few pieces to repair the ship. Attendance is mutually exclusive with 4.1, unless you're a split actions gumbo.
Luigi's House of Not-Jumpscares 2024-11-08 00:00:00 Luigi has set up a haunted house! A traditional one, where it's not literally haunted but it is still full of scary things.

Caution: Luigi has filled it with things that terrify him. You *will* be scared! Someone *will* break down in tears! The laws of hospitality *will* not apply!

(Huh? What do you mean 'you missed halloween'? Haunted houses aren't halloween specific, they're seasonal to all of fall, like corn mazes, which are also scary.)


The Mothman Travesties pt. 3 2024-11-10 23:00:00 Placeholder for ongoing plot.
Star¤Twinkle PikCure 5 ~ Cave-in! The Nottraider's Return! 2024-11-13 23:00:00 Without agreeing on a plan, the expedition into the underground spring is cut short by being blindsided by the Nottraiders again-- this time, having the passages both forwards and back blocked off by falling rocks.
Everhood Movement 7: Euthanasia Rollercoaster 2024-11-16 00:00:00 It's time, finally, to go confront Gold Pig, recover missing arms/legs/etc, and bring this whole matter to a close.

Expect CSYS combat. This scene and Movement 8 are at some risk of being moved if needed. (Grace has kindly coordinated with me so that I can run this on a weekend that shouldn't have Fire Emblem, but it's all up in the air a little bit.)

Everhood Movement 8: Frogs are Friends 2024-11-16 23:00:00 Strange frogs sitting in swamps distributing banjos is no basis for an adventuring questline.

A direct continuation from Movement 7 - and the probable finale. (But it's fine to attend even if you can't make Movement 7.) Possibly or possibly not CSYS, depending on choices made.


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