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Latest revision as of 01:16, 25 July 2015

A Test Run
Date of Scene: 24 July 2015
Location: Galianda
Synopsis: Xiao Li Yu calls in Sanary Rondel to help her test a prototype flight device, to favorable results. Nothing explodes. This time.
Cast of Characters: Sanary Rondel, 823

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     Between Academy assignments and research projects, Xiao Li Yu had spent the week studying and doing research for her impending Spellcard Duel with Marisa Kirisame. She'd gotten the hang of Spellcards more or less. But flight was still a persisting issue.

     Of course, she simply could just use a Float Matrix, as Souji said before. But that presented it's own problems. Xiao needed a flight method that would allow her to control her own body. And thus, she'd been working on a flash research and development project of a flight unit.

     And it's for that reason that she called over one Sanary Rondel to the FUJIN Research Facility in Ramuh! She needed a guinea pig! She'd given the other ample directions, so hopefully she wouldn't get lost. "...She should be arriving in the lobby any time now..." The girl mumbled, glacing at the time on her computer monitor from where she sat in her lab... She was pretty much done. She just needed to test subject.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     If there's one thing Sanary's good at, it's doing dumb things without asking too many questions! Well, as long as they don't involve actively killing herself. That's... Probably something she'll ask questions about if it ever comes up.

     Even without the magitech eye activated, the healer's gotten fairly proficient at navigating the Zaibatsu's facilities. It's not until she reaches the lab itself that she pumps some energy into the eye, activating her sight and stepping inside carefully.

     It's a lab. Who knows when someone would be running around with vials of deadly, deadly poison? "Xiao? Or... Uh. Yu? Hey there." She raises her hand in a quick wave, looking around slowly just to get a better idea of her surroundings before approaching. "Which name should I use, anyway?"

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "Xiao, Yu. Whichever. I have no preference." The scientist responded, looking up from her computer and over to the doorway at the just arrived Sanary. She smiled pleasantly in the process. "I'm glad you could make it, Miss Rondel." She stood up. "You've been asking about flight for a while now, haven't you?"

     She stepped over to a nearby table, upon which a number of wristband or anklet-like devices were placed. Some of them looked complete. Others were still in the middle of being assembled. As evidenced by the various tools, screws, bolts, and computer chips strewn about.

     "Well, I have just the thing for you to try out today! A flight unit that should theoretically allow you to fly without riding anything." She picked up a pair of those rings and beckoned for Sanary to follow her further into the lab, over to the testing bay. "This way. Wouldn't want to ruin my research notes by testing in the working area.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     "Xiao, then. Yu might get confusing." Sanary chuckled briefly before following Xiao to that table, eyeing the devices curiously. "Yeah, it's a... Weakness I gotta get around. Especially after seeing other people do it. Being all... Useful against threats that aren't just walking around."

     Surely that wasn't a sore spot! Nope. Not at all.

     Tilting her head slightly, Sanary followed Xiao further into the testing bay while looking around rapidly at all the shiny... STUFF around. "Haven't been in here before. Hmm... I get the feeling I'm going to be after today, though." The girl laughed lightly and rolled the sleeves of her coat back.

     "How's it work, anyway? Do I gotta press anything or do I just... Feel it?"

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     The lab was...kind of a mess. There was a method to the madness to the observant eye. Everything was section off into their own sub messes, but to the untrained eye, it was just a mess! A simple work desk with multiple computers was up front, closest to the door. Past that were several large tables holding various lab equipment and prototype devices as well as other unfinished works. Shelves of books and binders containing research notes, blue prints and other such things were off to one wall. And past that was the testing bay.

     Xiao stopped some ways into the testing bay and turned around, kneeling down and fasting both devices to Sanary's ankles. May as well speed the process along. "My, it sounds like you've really wanted to overcome this little issue, hm? Well, hopefully after today, it'll be solved. Now then..." With a click, the device locked into place, then Xiao stood and stepped back.

     "The way you use it is simple. Much like the way you use your eyes, just focus your magic energy and pour it into the devices at your ankles. They should then activate the embedded spell contained in the device and lift you." Xiao smiled as she explained, waving a finger this way and that as she did. "It's been optimized to consume as little MP as possible for basic flight, while extended flight may consume more. If you want a burst of speed, then pour in a large amount at once."

     All that said, she took a few more steps back. "Now give it a try! Just be careful!" She got out a tablet, prepared to take notes.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Luckily, Sanary's had some experience with organized messes! Mostly with the assorted medicines and solutions in the medical wings she's worked in, but still. There was... Probably some reasoning behind why this place was sorted the way it was. She just had no expectation of ever figuring it out herself.

     Blinking at the devices on her ankles, she hunched over briefly to peer at the things before looking back up at Xiao with a broad grin. "Yeah, I figured it'd be easier to do... Anything if I could fly on my own. Maybe even learn how to do it without these things after a while if I can figure something out."

     She listened to the explanation intently, nodding every now and then and even following the finger movements. "I think I get it... Okay. I'll start slow first. Then.. Left and right." She might not have been a scientist herself, but she at least knew the value of describing things ahead of time.

     Stepping back to give herself a little room, Sanary took a deep breath before starting to pump a slow, steady flow of magical energy into the anklets. If that didn't launch her into the ceiling, she would next adjust the flow of energy to put it mostly into the left anklet, then right as stated earlier.

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "Oh my. Aiming to learn how to do it without assistance? How admirable. These may as well be training wheels then." Xiao spoke jokingly as she watched Sanary begin. Thankfully, she wasn't dumb enough to pour a huge amount into them right from the start, else she WOULD have been launched into the ceiling. No, with only a reasonable, steady amount given to start, Sanary would find herself rising slowly off the floor.

     Channeling more energy to one side than another would have the effect of causing her to veer off to right. Seems like that could be a viable steering technique! Xiao nodded and took notes of this. "Good, good! It seems to be functioning well so far. How does it feel, Miss Rondel?"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Sanary certainly wasn't expecting it to work so easily! Grunting lightly while trying to keep herself balanced, the tricky part for her was keeping herself from flipping over. "Training wheels? Are those a... A thing? Wh-whoa. This is kinda weird, but..."

     It took a while for her to even speak up again, wobbling back and forth while trying to keep herself mostly in place without going too high nor just dropping back to solid ground. Probably not enough to actually hover, but bobbing up and down gently in the air.

     "... I think I like it. How long did it take you to come up with this?" Laughing again, a curious look crosses her face as she starts lifting her foot in a very slow kick in the air, hoping to see what happens when her feet aren't quite level with each other with the constant input of energy.

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "Of course. ...Oh, wait, you come from a different sort of world." Xiao tapped her head playfully as she said that. "I keep forgetting that not everyone comes from a world filled with technology, hehe~" She chuckled a bit and shook her head before resuming her studies. The scientist was silent for a while as well, simply observing Sanary's movements.

     "Hm? Oh, how long? ...A few weeks? I've been going over the theory in my mind for while. I only just applied that theory to practical technology in the past few days." She smiled sheepishly at that. "I've been quite busy, so applying it was put on the backburner for a while. But that's over now!" Clearly. Sanary was flying with it now after all.

     Her kick caused an expected reaction, from a logical standpoint. With both legs out at uneven angles, Sanary began to spiral downwards and into the floor, propelled by the flight devices. "I see, I see." Xiao noted casually. "That could be a fine evasive manuever when higher in the air." She nodded to herself and lowered her tablet.

     "Okay! I think I've seen enough. I would like you to continue testing this device on your own time though. You can keep that pair. Just let me know how it works out for you in the long run. Sound good?"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Maintaining control over herself was significantly harder once Sanary kicked her leg out, and her spiralling motion gave her a too close view of the floor. She still laughed despite that, however, picking herself back up after a few pained grunts.

     "Interesting.. O-ow. Think I'm kinda getting how it works, though. Still, to come up with this kinda thing in a couple of weeks..." Taking a deep breath before focusing some of that energy into her face to alleviate the pain, the healer beamed another grin at Xiao.

     "Definitely gotta remember that move for combat, though... Ah. You don't want to hold onto this for making the next one though?" Another chuckle escaped her. "If you're sure, then... Yeah, I'll hold onto this one. Get some more practice, maybe figure out some good ways to use it. Hell, I'll even test any other stuff you need me to if you got anything else."

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "Yep. It's fine. Hold onto it. I'm almost finished crafting the next pair anyhow. I don't need that one for reference." She tapped the side of her head with a pen. "Everything I need to know is already in here." That said, she tucked her tablet away, finished with this round of observation.

     "For now though, your flying problem is tentatively solved. Get some practice and use it however you see fit. All I ask is that you occasionally come back so I can extract usage data from it."

     Xiao smiled and wagged a finger. "Try not to break it however. I used the sturdiest materials I could realistically condense to that size, but you know how the multiverse is. Something will always find a way. Hehe~" All of that aside, the girl walked back over to her computer workstation, bringing up a window and proceeding right into other work.

     "I can fix it if it breaks though. As for testing other things. There's nothing pressing at the moment. So you're off the hook." Xiao looked towards Sanary then. "Thank you for coming. And I hope that device suits you well!" A pause followed, as she seemed to realize something. "Hmn...it needs a name, doesn't it?"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     That's all the confirmation Sanary needed. Still standing normally on her feet, the cleric brought a foot up and wobbled slightly to get a better look at the anklet, even giving the device a light tap just because. It was hard to hide the excitement in her face, and she wasn't trying very hard to hide it in the first place.

     "Will do. I've got armor and stuff, so I'll keep it in good shape whenever I go out to fight or whatever. Usually take hits up higher even then, anyway." Following Xiao to the workstation, she resisted the urge to outright hug the researcher once she started her work. It didn't stop her from giving the girl a light pat on the shoulder, though!

     "Thanks so much for this. I'll make sure to come back with whatever data and stuff that comes up with this thing." She tapped a finger on her chin and eyed the anklets again. "A name, a name... Er. Ankle flying... Things?"

     If it wasn't clear before that Sanary wasn't hired for her wit or her knowledge, it was probably clear now.

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:

     Xiao resisted the the urge to burst out laughing through sheer force of will. "Ankle...Flying Things." She shook her head. "Functional, but boring. Hmmm..."

     She brought a hand to her chin, pausing her work momentarily.

     "A. A. N. S. Advanced Aerial Navigation System." A moment passed, and then Xiao nodded. "That will do for now. I'll record that one." She typed that down and then looked towards Sanary. "Okay then, Miss Rondel. You're free to go. Make me proud!"

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     "Wh-what? You didn't ask for a /good/ name." Sanary laughed lightly despite the embarrassed blush coloring her face. She crossed her arms behind her head as she listened to the next name suggested, a low hum escaping her moments later.

     "Yeah... That one's probably better. Just a little, though." The healer tapped two fingers to her head in a salute to Xiao, then approached the door. "I'll let you know if anything big comes up between reports, Xiao. Thanks again!" And with that, she...

     ... Walked out like a sane person. Flying out of there would just be tacky and needlessly dangerous.

Xiao Li Yu (823) has posed:
     "Just a little. I claim to be no expert at naming myself. Maybe we should ask Kyra." She chuckled a bit and rolled her eyes. "Alright then, see you around!"

     Sanary was given a wave, and left to walk out on her own. She didn't need to be escorted anywhere. She wasn't really a guest now. Not like her last few visitors. ...Speaking of. She should get back on reverse engineering the mechanics of Wesley's blood.

     She was going to be busy for quite a while yet.