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Hyurtarian aid in Garlemald.
Date of Scene: 21 July 2015
Location: Hydaelyn <HD>
Synopsis: Picking up the pieces after the Dravinian assault on Garlemald's capital. Mihk, Mantigora and her sidekick, Ariah and Valentha all pitch in picking out survivors from the wreckage, and treating the wounded.
Cast of Characters: 56, 573, 583, 834

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    It's been a few days since the massed assault by Nael's followers and their Dravinian allies. In those days, the Garleans have been hard at work, sifting through the rubble and wreckage, seeking out survivors and excavating the dead to give them proper funeral rites.

    This process is painstaking and long winded, meaning there's still plenty to help with. Many civilians remain in makeshift hospitals, pitched under tarporlines or within the half gutted remains of buildings, sheltered from the weather.

    It's raining currently, making the search and rescue both more perilous, and more urgent as anyone trapped could drown in flooding basements... or die from exposure.

    Mihk is here, coordinating the triage efforts, haggard and soaked, her robes are torn where she's ripped strips off to apply makeshift bandages, and she's caked in blood and spilled potions. "Healer! I need a poultice over here now! We can save this one, the other is too far gone!" she cries holding the hand of a wounded Legionaire, squeezing it as his grip slowly weakens. "No, No no, stay with me. WAKE UP SOLDIER!"

Valentha Summers (834) has posed:
    "Hold on!" Shouts a voice from nearby Mihk. Said voice belongs to Valentha Summers. Why she, a known (if new) member of the Union is here is quite a mystery, but she's been in and out, actively helping with only brief outings, since the attack.

    And... as far as anyone can tell? she hasn't slept a wink. She's not slept a WINK, but she's just trucking on. She's hoisted up toppled buildings, rescued trapped people, and healed injured. There doesn't seem to be any limit to her stamina - physical, magical, or emotional.

    And now she barrels over from another part of the medical tent, not even out of breath. Chanting something under her breath, the young woman spreads her hands out across the dying soldier. Bluish-white light streams between her fingers, thick and bright. Immediately those hands are lowered and pressed against the man's wounds. Pure rejuvenation and vigor flows from Val's hands to stem the flow of blood and restore vitality, hopefully stabilize the wounded so normal medical treatment can take over from there.

    It's not as though she cannot fully heal a person in one go, but that would drain nearly ALL of her magic in one go, leaving nothing for the other injured!

    Pacing is important.

Mantigora (583) has posed:
    Typically the 'clean up' after a large battle wasn't part of Mantigora's repitoir. She knew people much more suited to the task, but that meant making a trip back to Nexus, which is why she hasn't been around the last couple of days. She did however leave Skuzzler behind when she did, who has been putting his research of the Garlean technology to use in helping them start rebuilding the infrastructure. If they were going to rebuild safe structures and heal the weak and injured, they were going to need things like power and whatever basic supplies they can salvage from the wreckage. Fortunately rain didn't matter much to robots, and the crimson colored Repair Bot and Diminisher Bot continued to pick through rubble with little concern for the droplets splattering down their metallic surfaces.

The downside is every time they dug open a lower level people had taken shelter in, the kids would always try to pick up the three foot fuzzball and try to snuggle him like an oversized plushie. Much to the protest and squirming of Skuzzler. "Stop that! Skuzzler is not a toy! Your undying admiration is gotten plenty without being touchy-feely about it!"

Ariah (56) has posed:
     Ariah's talents like in magic and magical healing. But the white-haired witch has no minor skill in basic triage as well. "Not yet..." she hisses, taking the place of the aide who dashes for Mihk with the poultice. The 'too far gone' soldier is the woman's target. Her staff is dug into the ground, a crackling energy shield keeping the rain off and giving a small aura of heat, but only to a precious few injured. It seems the vampiress has only arrived just recently, her uniform is only slightly spattered with dirt and mud, her fingertips having dried blood on them but not caked in it like the Miqo'te arcanist.

     So she tries. She has some supplies rquisitioned from COnfederate medical, but it's mostly just her and the warm, hard pulse of mana she forces into the wounded individual, knowing full well that it'll take a lot more of her energy to keep this up. The blood pouches in her satchel aren't for tranfusions...

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Valentha's timely arrival makes the Legionaire gasp in surprise, life refilling him. His wounds do begin to slow bleeding and close, but the mage would feel more and more energy being drained out of the spell than normal. The aide skids over on the wet ground, and offers the poultice pack.

    Mihk nods, takes the pack and begins applying fresh coverings. "Good, this one will live." The Miqo'te sounds exhausted. She's not slept much since the attack, making sure the civilians in the shelter were protected, then helping drive off the remaining Dravinians and now this. She stands, pulling a small bottle only partly filled with a clear red liquid, quaffing the remaining contents before replacing it in the pouch. "I will need to replace that..." she says to herself, before going over to check on others. She spots Ariah working on the Legionaire that she deemed 'too far gone', and instead of chastizing the vampiress, she moves over, pulling her book and channeling her magic. "Your skills will likely be of better use elsewhere." she says softly, turning the glowing green energy out onto the wounded man. "All we can do for this one is make him comfortable..." she sighs softly, eyes closed as she can feel the magic slipping, her 'grip' coming loose as the life drains out of the Legionaire's eyes.

    Skuzzlers efforts are met with a renewed vigour from the search parties. As the robots clear the wreckage, teams dive in to pull wounded from under the rubble. It seems the Engineers managed to get some Vanguards back online, retrofitting them for rubble clearance to help speed the process. "Blue team clear the area! Demo-1 is coming through, follow in and pick up any survivors." calls the team leader, who can't help but chuckle as Skuzzler is hugged one after another by a procession of younglings who were extracted from a collapsed school basement.

Valentha Summers (834) has posed:
    one life saved, another lost. Valentha sighs quietly to herself, retracting her hands. This has been incredibly draining, day after day, and soon she really WILL run out of energy. But so long as she's an erg to spare, it'll go towards the wounded.

    Every soldier is someone's spouse or sibling, after all. Or could be!

    ".. had I gone over to HIM instead..." She's frowning ever so slightly. But also squinting at Ariah. Squinting peculiarly.

    The expression's gone in a flash though. "If only they weren't so resistant to magic."

Ariah (56) has posed:
     Ariah feels the man's life slipping, and instead focuses her mana on warming him instead of healing him. "...there are no wasted efforts. Be it healing, or simply succor, every one deserves a moment." She wipes her hand clean on a cloth and reaches out, closing the deceased man's eyes and placing a small plastic token on his chest. It's simply a marker for the teams to know that he's passed and will need burial rites later. And not check up on him. After all, clean burial shrouds could better be used for bandages at the moment, if Mihk's robe is any indication.

     THe witch takes up her staff and frowns, the runes on it flickering, several having winked out. "Direct me to where I'm needed most, Mihk," she states to the arcanist at her side. She sounds cold, but not abrasive, her voice thickly accented of a French sort. Absently, she starts to channel power back into her staff, the runes reigniting, the umbrella against the rain shining a little brighter. Her free hand reaches into her medical supplies, drawing a blood bag out. It's quick, but it's not kept hidden. There are lives at stake and her pride is far less important. Fangs sink in and within moments, the pack is drained and stuffed empty into the pouch.

     Her eyes flicker purple and the glow in them seems to grow brighter as she's rejuvenated. A perfect moment to meet Valentha's gaze and give a respectful nod in her fellow mage's direction.

Mantigora (583) has posed:
    It doesn't help the matter that Chua look like giant chubby hamsters. By the end of it he's just sitting there with his stubby arms crossed, doing his best to not wig out and cause a scene.

    Mostly because Mantigora threated to gut him thrice over if he made them look bad while she was going 'home' to try and garner some additional help with her connections.

    As is once its done he licks a palm and uses it to smooth down his hair some, then does the same to his Evil Scientist(tm) moustache and goatee. "Scanbot!" Shoots a scowling look at the floating metal spheroid. ".. You weren't recording that were you?"
    "Of course not," the robot lies through it's diodes as the file is saved away for later. The bounty hunter would get a laugh out of it at least. "Shall I resume search parameters?"
    "Of course!" Skuzzler slaps the bot to spin it around, then pushes it back towards the heaps of wreckage with enough force to actually make it wobble in the air. "Stop asking so many questions like dumb minion and get back to work." As the robots return to searching Skuzzler pulls a couple of medishot hyposprays from his toolbelt and hands them off to the recovery team. "Here, these are non-magical. Use 'em to stabilize wounded until get to triage." Hopefully Mantigora remembers to bring more supplies for him so he can make more. Then he picks up his laser pickax (it's really a laser drill but Chua have weird naming conventions) and waddles off after his 'bots.

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk nods. "I meant only that fresh healers would be better pressed into saving lives, rather than providing succor to those who will not live." she says, rather subdued. She gestures to the area marked with that universal red + sign. "The newly arrived are taken there... see if you can help them... I will remain out here with the Legionaires. They gave everything to protect this city and its peopel and I will do the same in trying to save /them/."

    The teams nod and thank Skuzzler as they move off after the robots. Clear, and sweep. They make good use of the sprays, stabilizing wounded that would have died in transit to the medical tents.

Valentha Summers (834) has posed:
    In other circumstances, Valentha would be -extremely curious- about Ariah's aid. Something about her is giving her the willies. But with lives on the line, now is not the time to complain. Valentha flits about the medical tent, casting shimmering healing spell after rejuvenating incantation. Even if it drains her down to near nothing, she won't stop, as long as it's working.R
    "Does ANYONE know why Garleans are so resilient to magic? This is ridiculous..."

Mantigora (583) has posed:
    "What a waste," Skuzzler grumbles to mostly himself as he starts digging through another pile of rubble. "A -proper- invasion would of not been so careless. What is the point of invasion if you have nothing to reciprocate from afterwards? Sloppy sloppy sloppy!" He pauses as his Bots grab a fallen support frame and lift it out of the way. "This is why demented zealots should not be sent to do job of a REAL military." The flash of the laser digging device gives a weird backlighting effect to his scowling goggled features. "Pathetic waste of time and effort! Even Chua at least know to leave behind what you want to plunder of resources afterwards. Bet if these scrags saw the harvesters used on Aboria they'd prematurely soil their under-armor garments with their bodily waste matter!"

Ariah (56) has posed:
     "If I may, I would be keen on aiding the soldiers as well. The more able bodied men and women we can heal, the more can be brought to bear to save the civilians. Let alone help repel any sort of counter-attack," Ariah states, "I am a soldier as well, after all." She moves to plant her staff in the ground where the umbrella and warming effect will be most useful, instead setting about channeling magic through her bare hands and the runes etched in her bones.

     At Valentha's outburst, she looks over her shoulder, calling out surprisingly clearly for her cold, quiet voice. "Though it may be a question best left for Mihk to answer, pure-blooded Garleans cannot channel the Aether. They cannot use magic, and thus their bodies are less receptive to it. Do what you can, as best you can, and pace yourself." Then it's back to work...

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk looks to Ariah, and offers a tired smile. "Then do what you feel you are able." she says in reply, moving about the wounded. Her satchel is light, but what precious few potions she has left are given to those that need them, and when they run out, the Ether she has in reserve would come out, forcing more energy to course through her body to help channel her Aetheric magic. The Miqo'te is running herself right to the very edge of her endurance.

    The Legionaires are thankful for the aid, as are the civilians and other new arrivals as Valentha dances about the area. The other healers mostly keep out of her way, following her wake with mundane potions and other healing items.

    Skuzzler earns the attention of the search team leader that was nearby. "They weren't here to occupy or conquer. They were here to destroy, both the Empire and our spirit." he says, pushing up his goggles to reveal the third 'eye' of a pureblood. "The Dravinians were after only one thing, and that was to break the Garlean Empire... but will will not break so easily. We have dragged ourselves from the ashes once before, we will do so again, and as many times as we need to."

Mantigora (583) has posed:
    The answer gets a dour snort from the Chua as Skuzzler kicks another chunk of rubble out of his way after cutting it loose from a trapped piece of building frame. "That just prove Skuzzler's point. Stupid, destructive waste of resources." Despite his small stature his boot does make a satisfying crunch as he stomps on a piece of rock and grind his heel against it. "Crushing enemies under heel all well and good, but what point if no one left to gloat over? Or fresh bodies to use for farther resear--awch!"

    A tail almost literally appearing out of thin air slaps him, sending Skuzzler tumbling down the side of the rubble pile. The rest of Mantigora phases into view just afterwards, grinning faintly at the search team. "Don't mind him. Chua have very... strange cultural ideals." Snort. "Even by our standards."

    Skuzzler just shakes a fist as the Repair Bot grabs him with one claw-arm to pick him up. "How long has she-draken been back without saying anything?!"

    "Long enough to keep you from making an idiot of yourself," Mantigora replies flatly. Technically she just got here, but it doesn't take much to know where one of the space gerbil's rants are going.

Ariah (56) has posed:
     "If your magic is more effective, I can see about attempting to.. recharge you.." Ariah offers Mihk when they next pass each other. The witch is moving about less frenetically, going down the line of Legionaires, tending to them one by one, having to pause once again to drink. "I regret not being able to be here to repel the Dravanians. If not to fight, but to shield and mend as necessary," she states quietly.

Valentha Summers (834) has posed:
    "The invasion COULD have been much worse." Valentha points out, twitching a finger, while still administering a heck of a healing spell with just one hand. "We're lucky the defenders were so skilled and numerous. There still is a city left to repair and recover..."

Mihk Lihzeh (573) has posed:
    Mihk blinks at Ariah. "Recharge me...? My magic is not more effective than anyone elses..." she trails off the light of a healing spell fading out, before the Miqo'te simply keels over, dropping like a stone to the floor.

    The search party leader nods to Mantigora. She may recognize him as one of the Legionaires in the palace. "It is good to see another friendly face, Huntress. Have you had any luck procuring aid? If not, we can always use another pair of hands in the search."

Mantigora (583) has posed:
"Unsurprisingly, everything needs to deliberate over everything," Mantigora replies with a hint of annoyance in her voice. Clearly the political side of things isn't her particular cup of tea. "However in the meantime I've pulled a few strings, cashed in a few favors. I know a few people that owe me and can at least put forth more supplies, basic necessities and the like." Since she's technically not part of the Dominion military (officially) any more, she doesn't have to sit around waiting for an answer to everything.

She considers a moment, then shrugs and turns to follow after the soldier. "If nothing else I will make sure those arrogant bastards don't sneak someone in to sabotage the recovery work."

Valentha Summers (834) has posed:
    Down goes the Miqo'te, leaving Valentha blinking. "... Not more effective, maybe... but definitely more exhausting. One more body for a bed. ... Good work, girl..." Valentha would be toppling several times over by now, if she was human.

    She'll probably sleep for another few months the next time she gets the urge to lay down for weeks though, at this rate....

    Oh well. On with the healing!