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WMAT BQ1 Zephyr Windstar vs Target Sparktail
Date of Scene: 05 August 2015
Location: WMAT Arena - Devil's Hand
Synopsis: Wind Dancer vs Target.

Mage versus Ranger.

Read on, dear reader, and view a tale of epic combat.

Thanks to: Target for being a brilliant opponent
Cast of Characters: 162, 770
Tinyplot: WMAT 2015

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    The Announcer stands in a secured booth with a forcefield around it, to protect against any stray shots from the competetors. His sunglasses glint in the light of the rocky terrain, and he grins broadly. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, Welcome to the first round qualifiers for B-Bracket! Today, we have a returning favorite, third place in last years B-Bracket, and a new comer, hailing from a world of steam and clockworks! It's the Wind Dancer, versus Target Sparktail! Who'll win! Tune in to find out!"

Target Sparktail (770) has posed:
    The first round of the World Martial Arts Tournament! It was an event heard of by the people in Brimsteel, but not an event that had been offically entered by someone. This year, they have two representitives! Today, representing the VEX Ranger Corps, Target Sparktail makes his appearence with no amount of fireworks or fanfare, just a surprisingly -small- entrant waiting to have his battle with an opponent. Just make surey ou don't call him short. You'll be sooooorrryyyyyyy..

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr arrives with a pulse of music. It's My Life - Bon Jovi(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SKFwtgUJHs).

    Her arrival is heralded by a flash of light high in the sky, the girl freefalling with a trail of purple magical light in her wake. She flourishes in the air, flipping her Device out of her bracer into her other hand. "Divine Wind. SET UP!" she cries, becoming engulfed in a sphere of purple light. This slams down into the ground with a blast of wind, then collapses down to reveal the girl in her Barrier Jacket. A sweep of her left hand flourishes her battle-ax around, then over her shoulder.

    She waves her free hand to the camera drones, then points at Target. "You ready to rumble? Lets put on a good show for the people."

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    The Announcer jumps up, shouting into the microphone. "Target arrives on the field! Don't let his small stature fool you folks! I'm sure he's a powerhouse!"

    Then the crowd goes wild as the Mage appears and skydives into the area. "And there she is folks! Give a big cheer for the returning third place, but don't forget to cheer the challenger! You paid for you whole seat, but I can tell you'll only need the EDGE!"

Target Sparktail (770) has posed:
    The distant crowds, and the viewers at home, are given a friendly wave by the Brimsteel native before he turns toward Zephyr, offering a nod, "A'course! I wouldn't have it any other way!" comes his reply, likely causing a nice reply from the crowd. "Lets get to the dancin, then!" And like a shot, the VEX Ranger starts across the field but takes a sharp left turn before drawing one of his sidearms, unloading the weapon in rapid succession like something out of the wild west. ... Visit Brimsteel sometime, it's pretty wild, and all west!

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr grins, and sets her stance as the Ranger starts off. Eyes track him, and when that sidearm comes out, she pushes her right hand forward. <KITE SHIELD!> announces her Device, forming a diamond-shaped spell seal between her and those bullets... only to have them punch straight through, nailing her in the armoured chestplate of her Barrier Jacket. "... gffh."

    Staggering a moment, the mage smirks, then with a twirl, sweeps her axe in a wide arc. <TEMPEST RAZOR!> chimes Divine Wind, as two spinning 'boomerangs' of condensed wind magic spall from the twin head of the axe, arcing out and aroung to try and pincer the Kobold.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    The Announcer hops up and down, "And they're off! Target opens up with a quickdrawing revolver salvo! And it looks like a direct hit! Wind Dancer returns with her trademark boomerang blades! This is getting intense already!"

Target Sparktail (770) has posed:
    Satisfied with his opening, Target gets to reloading the gun simply by holstering it. A sharp eye may notice some tiny clockwork construct setting the bullets right into their chambers. Handy, isn't it? With the weapon tucked away, Target's able to notice the pair of spells he's going to have to deal with. He manages to hop one windy blade but that puts him in the path of the second, sending him stumbling across the field for a moment. The next action, pulling loose a shotgun, may not seem to be the smartest move at range, but seeing as the shot is a slug, and not buckshot, it may help put a little more damage on Zephyr's jacket. A pair of slugs are sent her way!

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr sees the shotgun coming, and leaps into the air, a quartet of purple wings sprouting with a burst of magic. She soars over the slugs, then sweeps her axe around with a kiai, and surges directly down at the kobolt, her axe head trailing purple contrails. <TEMPEST SABER!> announces the Device, as Zephyr attempts to slam Target with the entire force of her strike.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    The Announcer cheers. "It's a miss! Target's shotgun doesn't find purchase as Wind Dancer leaps into the air! She comes on down with an axe sweep, but her opponent shows Agility to rival his opponent!"

Target Sparktail (770) has posed:
    The nice thing about having a VEX system is how it enhances things. For Target, it enhances his natural agility that has NOTHING TO DO WITH HIS SIZE. When the weapon comes screaming for his noggin, he darts away, only getting the faintest of scrapes along his shoulder. With Zephyr so close, now, he crouches down, lunges, and simply takes a hard swing at her with a metal-clad fist.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr staggers, that fist slamming into her midsection, knocking the wind out of her and sending her flying backward, to slam into the ground in a heap. She recovers, fairly quickly, and stands back up, showing the spiderweb of cracks in her armoured chestplate from that punch. "Not bad! I think I'm starting to enjoy this."

    She sets her stance, axe held behind her as she kicks forward, screaming in again to melee range. This time, she goes all out, sweeping the axe blade in, then following around with the spiked haft cap, and even kicking with those armoured boots.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    The Announcer shouts wildly. "I TOLD YOU HE WAS A POWERHOUSE! A single punch knocks Wind Dancer away! But that doesn't deter the spunky Magic user! She's getting right in his face again with a flurry of blows!"

Target Sparktail (770) has posed:
    "Well, c'mon then! Lets show the folks what we got!" Target yells as Zephyr rushes in. Arms are thrown up, the blows are slightly deflected, but it looks like Zephyr got a few solid knocks in on the ranger and his armor. "I like it! KEEP IT COMIN', s'my turn now, though!" he calls with a smirk before lashing out at his opponent. A swift right, an upper with his left, a sweep with his tail before the momentum carries him around to try and deliver the classic boot to head!

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr shifts fluidly from offense to defense, but the flurry of blows is too fast for even her to deflect fully. She staggers back a little after the boot slams into a hastily erected Kite Shield, shattering and earning her some breathing room.

    A wipe of her sleeve across her mouth turns the grimace of pain into a smirk, the blood staining her Barrier Jacket only fueling her determination. "Pretty fancy. You're tougher than y'look, an' y'look pretty tough." she compliments, then flourishes her axe, before holding her right hand out, palm forward. <IMPACT BULLET!> a pulse of raw kinetic force, like a shotgun blast without the pellets slams out from that palm, then with another flourish, light motes appear in the air around her. <IMPULSE SHOOTER, CONCUSSIVE SHIFT!> the motes expand to about pool ball size, then fire off with a gunshot-like sound, seeking the Kobold if he dodges.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    The Announcer cheers, "Blow for blow! Target's just as agile as the crowd's favorite! He's earning those cheers with each hit he lands!" the crowd does indeed roar in approval at that. "But now we see what Wind Dancer is famous for! The lights aren't just for show! THose are dangerous balls of energy and they're seeking!"

Target Sparktail (770) has posed:
    And here Target was thihnking Zephyr's arsenal was going to come from just the weapon! The sudden blast from her palm sends him skidding back. The follow up lifts him off his feet and sends him skidding along his back for a yard or two. There's a cough, but then there's a laugh, "Aye, now that's the stuff," he calls out before kipping up, rolling his shoulders, and flashing a smile toward Zephyr. "You aren't that bad! I like it!" he follows up before starting back across the field. As he closes distance his left revolver is unloaded, holstered, then his right follows suit. Most of the shots are going either over or along Zephyr's sides. Why? Supression fire! When he gets close he just lunges forward, actually just trying to spear his opponent with a VEX-boosted lunge. With any luck, he'll conntect and drive her down!

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr tracks those shot vectors, Divine Wind giving her the prediction lines, meaning the Mage can see the lunge coming. She skips her stance, then leaps over the lunging Kobold, allowing him to go sailing through where she just was. A landing, a quick hop and she chases after, drawing her axe back behind her for an overhead CHOP down against that armoured back, trying to spike him into the ground. She follows up with a pirouette kick, trying to send him smashing through the castle wall.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    The Announcer is out of his seat again. "A barrage of bullets, and a body tackle go sailing past! Wind Dancer shows how she got her name with a graceful leap over Target's lunge! She follows up with a combination of attacks that send the poor Kobold smashing through the castle wall! Hold on, folks, we're switching to the internal camera drones! You won't miss a thing!"

Target Sparktail (770) has posed:
    "Ah hell," is probably heard as the Kobold goes -sailing- past Zephyr. Misjudged that one, he knows it, and he pays for it after as Zephyr unloads on him, ending up on the ground with a pretty painful sounding -thump-. "Won't lie, that stung a bit," he manages to compliment before scrambling out from under her shadow. With the woman still close, Target comes around with the shotgun in hand. The shots that follow are all buckshot, all the time, and are close enough that some damage may be an issue! He's emptying the entire shotgun, too! Four rounds, one right after the other!

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr lands with her boots making solid clanks on the ground. She was expecting that to be it, so the first buckshot shell slams into her Barrier Jacket. <REACTOR PURGE!> announces her Device, the battered chestplate explodes outwards like reactive armour, negating the remaining damage, for the most part.

    "You're a good opponent. Lets spar sometime, I'd like another crack at ya with some of my other tricks!" she replies, as she brings her axe around, leveling it on the Kobold as the blades snap open, and begin to rotate around the haft ominously. <MAELSTROM BUSTER, GEAR FIRST.> annouces Divine Wind, before a relatively confinded beam of purple magic lances out at Target.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    It takes a moment for the view to come up on the screens, but it's just in time to see the beam missing... mostly. "Buckshot and Laser Beams! We're getting to the final stretch here folks! I don't know how much longer these two can hang on!"

Target Sparktail (770) has posed:
    "I'm all fer it!" Target replies before finding Zephyr's axe coming his way again. Wait. Is that thing a blender on a stick? At least Target doesn't gawk at it too long. He's quick to leap back, barely being scraped by the weapon. "Come visit Brimsteel sometime! I kin show ya what the VEX systems can do a bit better'n here!" Seriously, trying to transform the VEX in this fight would be difficult at best.

    For a moment, the kobold considers his follow up assault. The shotgun is put away, though the look on his face tells he probably won't be using it again. Instead, the ranger seems to lunge, but he isn't going for a spear. He's actually grabbing for the axe, yank, and then he would try to connect with the opposite fist, a swift kick, and a firm pull from his tail... if it can find a leg or something else. "Lets give'm what for!"

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr grins a bit. "I'd like t'see that." she replies. Then grunts as Target grabs her axe. She does something that might be unexpected. She lets go of the haft, and uses her hands to block and parry those strikes.

    You'd think she's unarmed now, but that would be a mistake, as the Axe itself sends a shock through its frame, while Zephyr herself channels energy into her hands, and pushes back into the offensive, hammer-punching, and spin-kicking, her boots sheathed in the same purple energy.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    The Announcer presses his face against the view screen in his booth. "They've fallen back on good old fashioned fisticuffs! Punch, Kick, it's all in the mind! It looks like Wind Dancer has the upper hand! Lets see how long her opponent can hold out against this onslaught!"

Target Sparktail (770) has posed:
    Oh of -course- it has a anti-theft system. What proper weapon doesn't? The shock is enough to cause Target to be easily hit from the start to the end of the assault. By now he's looking pretty worn down, but not quite out. Not juuuuust yet. "I'm thinkin' yer gonna get better'n third this time around, lass," Target compliments before drawing a revolver, though rather than firing with it, it's flipped around before the handle comes swinging down. With any possible strike, Target would follow up by emptying the weapon's chambers again.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr jinks back from the pistol whip, but then takes an unarmoured chest full of bullets, the fabric is enough to stop them penetrating, though she definitely feels them. Her hand reaches out, and the Axe lifts up, and flies back into her grasp. She sweeps it back, over her head, and with a Kiai, sweeps it down to slam it into, either Target himself, or the ground. Either way, the blades are encapsulated in a sheath of unstable wind-magic which explodes on contact. <IMPULSE DETONATION!>

Target Sparktail (770) has posed:
    Blasted back by the spell, Target is on the brink, now. The fact he's down on a knee shows that the battle is cetainly coming in for a landing, but he has at least one last card up his sleeve. Time for those 'special' rounds, right? Why not? Give the folks a show, right? This time the kobold actually reloads the revolvers himself with a pair of quickloaders from somewhere on the VEX system. Both barrels are brought to bear, and when -these bullets are shot off, they go screaming across the field with a trail of energy arcing behind them. Looks like the rangers figured out how to make pulsarium rounds! Though, after the bullets are sent sailing, one thing's clear for Target. "Time to get some new sidearms, oh well!"

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    The Announcer practically loses his mind. "Pistol Whips! Bullets! Wind Dancer's looking in a bad way, but with a pull of her axe, she's exploded the ground under Target! It looks like he isn't done yet! Those bullets look different And they seem to overwhelm Wind Dancer's defenses! Both fighters have given everything they've got... does Wind Dancer have any tricks left?"

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr blinks at the manual reload, but by the time she's realized what that means, those pulse rounds have slammed into her Barrier Jacket. Again they don't penetrate, due to the layers of protection spells underneath, but they BLAST her back, through the castle wall and out into the open again. She smashes into one of the castle turrets, and it looks like she's down for the count.

    Except for the brilliant glow of purple that begins to engulf the tower. "That was a pretty fancy shot... lets see how y'like this one! Ragios, Razgriz, Lethim. I call upon the Great Winds." she emerges, her Device spinning rapidly as a great sphere of magic forms in front of it. "Parijium, Gralith, Horaph. Bring unto me a Maelstrom!"

    Chime <MAELSTROM BREAKER.>The sphere distends, and with a baited moment, pours forth not like a beam, but like a liquid torrent of destructive force, washing down on Target like a waterfall.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    The Announcer leaps up. "IT'S OVER! WIND DANCER QUALIFIES FOR THE NEXT ROUND! Everyone give a round of applause and cheers for the challenger! Lets hope his next qualifier goes in his favour!"

Target Sparktail (770) has posed:
    Welp. Target knows what -that- means. Somewhere, a stat sheet can have placed upon it +10 XP and +2 GP because Target is sent flying off into the sunset! Well, maybe not -that- far, but the strike is solid enough for the victory to be called!

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr pants for breath. "Dee, track his trajectory... I'm gonna make sure he gets to medical." she says, then surges off into the distance to catch the Kobold. A flick, a turn, and she heads towards the Medical area, both for herself, and for her opponent.