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WMAT BQ1 Taylita vs Ms. Fortune
Date of Scene: 06 August 2015
Location: WMAT Arena - Devil's Hand
Synopsis: Taylita takes on Ms. Fortune in the WMAT qualifiers!
Cast of Characters: 180, 422
Tinyplot: WMAT 2015

Ms. Fortune (422) has posed:
    A figure walks out into the plains, body concealed by a brown longcoat and a wide-brimmed hat of some sort, making them almost look like a noire detective. A sharp eye may notice that thise person isn't wearing shoes for whatever reason.

    While she's trying to act cool and collected, Nadia's heart is thumping in her chest, and she's doing her best not to grin. And kinda failing at it. This is going to be so fun! Part of her just wants to break into a run and chase her tail, but... cameras. Watching. She has to look professional. ... Maybe.

    She stops when she reaches the designated starting area, peering out under the wide brim of her hat. Hm. She arrived first? "Aw, man..."

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Arriving first has one advantage. You get to see the dramatic entrance of your opponent! A moment after Fortune arrives, there is a crack in the air like something breaking the sound barrier. A glance around would reveal the source as a point of blue light moving toward the arena. It quickly grows to reveal the blue aura shrouded form of Taylita, the red-haired saiyan woman. She grins as she circles the area, then flies through the V-sign of the Devil's Hand, leaving a trail of blue behind her as she flies.

     She then rockets down toward the ground and lands hard enough to kick up dust. When the dust clears, she is standing tall on the rocky ground, arms folded over her chest and tail swaying in anticipation while she smirks over at Ms. Fortune. "Hi there." she says, her voice and her smirk quite confident.

Ms. Fortune (422) has posed:
    Ms. Fortune grins out from under the brim of her hat as she sees the red-haired Saiyan drop down from the ground. "Hey. Let's not waste any time onkeying around, 'kay?" she says breezily, before promptly running up to Taylita and taking a swipe at her! Her hands are revealed to have half inch long claws instead of fingernails! Those could deal soem pretty wicked wounds if they hit.

    Nadia is just probing with this attack - she hasn't even taken her coat off yet. Just testing her opponent for now~

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita smirks at that comment, then braces for the attack. She blocks, but didn't expect those claws! Deep cuts appear on her arms and she winces, then grins. "Does that mean there's no time for a cat-nap?" she asks before she delivers a quick 1-2-punch. Taylita doesn't have claws, so her form of fighting is much more...clobbery.

Ms. Fortune (422) has posed:
    The trenchcoat-wearing catlady raises both of her arms to ward off those blows. She certainly feels them, giving a rather feline 'nyao!' of discomfort... But it's like punching iron! Which... is probably not that impressive to Taylita. But still!

    While she's trying to block those blows - and taking punishment for not dodging - Nadia sweeps her right leg out, aiming to kick Taylita in the shins. Or possibly 'claw' might be a better verb, considering she has those on her feet too!

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita has punched iron before. It is tough, but she usually beats it. She blinks at the rather feline sound, then giggles. Just in time to get kicked rather viciously in the shin.

     Even a seasoned saiyan warrior cannot just ignore a shin kick. Taylita yelps and leaps back, cradling that shin for a moment before laughing even as a bit of blood flows down from the claw-marks in her leg. "I guess it says something about the worlds that most things fight with sharp objects rather than fists. But, I'm a saiyan. All I have are my fists and my feet!"

     Taylita lunges back in and ducks low before aiming a rising kick at Ms. Fortune's chin.

Ms. Fortune (422) has posed:
    Nadia is caught completely off guard by the chin kick. She lets out a yowl... and then suddenly goes completely silent, as, with a sickening 'pop', her head is flung clean off her body, splattering blood everywhere!

    Oh Jesus

    Nadia crumples to the floor, completely still. At least, just long enough to get Taylita maybe thinking she'd hit her two hard... before the headless body lunges for Taylita with a sweeping kick that's has far too much reach on it! Her leg just... stretches obscenely, muscle fibers visible between gaps in her skin. Ewww.

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita blinks in surprise as Nadia's head goes flying off. Well...that wasn't really the plan. She straightens back up as Nadia collapses. The saiyan seems rather stunned. She really wasn't expecting to kill anyone.

     And then it turns out...she didn't! Taylita lets out a rather girlish squeak when that headless body lunges for her. Shocked as she is, Taylita's usual reactions are slowed, and that leg catches her and kicks her feet out from under her. She falls on her side, then quickly gathers her feet beneath her and leaps up into the air. "What the heck are you?" she asks as she plummets back down, aiming a foot for the center of Nadia's body.

Ms. Fortune (422) has posed:
    One can almost -feel- her grin as she ducks backwards. Her coat is flung off, right at the diving Taylita, as she tries to dodge out of range of the kick. it still makes contact, but mostly it just pushes her back over to her head. Which is currently 'sitting' up on its neck stump, grinning.

    Nadia puts one foot on her head as if it were a soccer ball. "Aw, no need to lose your head over a silly prank. That's my thing!" Nope, she's not answering. She then promptly hooks her foot under her head and boots it at Taylita's midsection... again, like a soccer ball.

    Protip: Skulls are hard!

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita kicks mostly ground instead of person, causing a small growl of frustration to escape from her while she fights with the coat. She throws the coat off just in time to get nailed right in the head by...a head.


     Skulls are indeed hard, which is the only thing that saves Taylita from being seriously hurt. Her head snaps back, but as it doesn't detatch like Nadia's, Taylita ends up doing an unplanned backflip and landing on her face.

     Unsure if what happened to her really happened, and reeling from the feeling of a long distance headbutt, Taylita just lies there a few moments before she gets back to her feet. When she looks at Ms. Fortune again, she looks a bit weirded out. "So...you're some kind of zombie thing?" she asks as she is looking around for Nadia's head. There it is! "I have heard the expression tearing someone apart, but this is ridiculous!" the saiyan says as she charges a ki attack. She aims for that head, firing a few blasts of explosive blue energy.

Ms. Fortune (422) has posed:
    "Bzzt! Guess again!" And then... ki blast to the face! Ms. Fortune lets out another felinoid yowl as her head is blasted away by the attack, bouncing and rolling and getting quite scuffed up. Not to mention the burn marks.

    Seems having her head attacked causes her body to be disabled, as she stumbles slightly while her head is flying away... but then she recovers, and goes charging. She leaps up into the air. "Cross my heart!" she cries out - is that an attack call? - as she brings both hands down, making an 'X' shape in the air with her slashing claws.

Taylita (180) has posed:
     The air is one area Taylita usually excels in. When Nadia leaps and slashes, she connects, but Taylita uses a burst of ki power to dodge away before she gets much more than a scratch. She appears above Ms. Fortune, already in the middle of front flip. "No need to die, this is just for fun!" she says as she brings the force of her flip down in the form of a kick.

     With no head on her opponent at the moment, Taylita instead aims for the place where that head is supposed to connect. "Then, you're an experiment, right? Some regeneration thing gone wrong? Or...right, depending on how you look at it, I guess."

Ms. Fortune (422) has posed:
    Ms. Fortune can't really see the fight that well from where her head ended up, so that scorpion kick ends up landing right where it was aimed - on her squishy neck stump. Taylita likely gets blood all over her foot from that... Nadia's body crumbles a bit under the force, her torso being flung down while her arms remain exactly where they are! There's a sort of elastic scar tissue holding them together... ew.

    "ZOOM!" comes a sudden cry, as Nadia's head comes flying out of nowhere, propelled on a column of blood, to headbutt Taylita again! Shouldn't take your eyes off an opponent who comes in two pieces!

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita gets a lot of blood on her during this exchange. First, her foot gets soaked. Then, Nadia's -head- attacks without any help from the body. "Gah!" Taylita is hit in the back by the unexpected flying forehead. She is sent flying forward, and when she turns to look back...she just kind of stares. It's the first time Taylita has fought anyone with this kind of powerset. Namely, coming apart and bleeding all over and apparently not caring at all.

     Taylita shakes her head quickly to clear out the thoughts, then looks herself over. "Oh geeze. Keep your bodily fluids to yourself! We don't even know each other!" she says, kicking as much as she can off her foot. She huffs softly, then looks at Nadia again. "How the heck can you even move? People aren't supposed to move without their head, you know!"

     Not wanting this to be a blood bath, Taylita opts for another ranged attack. She charges up again, the fires a solid beam of ki at Ms. Fortune. The beam is somewhere between a kinetic blast and a laser blast, and once she stops firing it explodes. It is a nice pretty blue color, at least!

Ms. Fortune (422) has posed:
    Nadia's head is still grinning. "Sorry, I'm too much of a bleeding heart!" she responds. "I try not to go all to pieces over something as minor as losing my head~" she puns, grinning like a maniac.

    And suddenly, ki blast! She yelps a bit, crounching down - then she extends her legs up, the 'seams' splitting apart to reveal the muscle fibers underneath. "FIBER UPPERCUT!" she shouts out, although the attack comes nowhere near, even though her legs so stretch out nearly twice the length of her body...

    And then, just as the attack is closing in... TWANG! Up she goes into the air, as if her body were made of elastic. Which... just leaves her head in the blast zone. NYAH!

    She manages to keep it together enough to do a spinning scorpion kick of her own to Taylita's head, though, as her own goes flying off to who-knows-where.

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita tries to keep an open mind, she really does, but this stretchy headless cat-woman is really freaking her out. It might be different if she just fell apart, or just stretched, but no, she has to bleed all over and show the fibers of her muscles and stuff!

     Needless to say, Taylita is too distracted to properly dodge, and gets nailed on the head like Ms. Fortune were some kind of freaky stretchy hammer. The force of the hit is enough to send Taylita crashing to the ground where she makes a small Taylita-shaped crater.

     When she stands up again, she is bloody and bruised and panting from the exertion of battle. And she doesn't look like she is enjoying herself. Saiyans take battle too seriously, and Nadia is all smiles and cheerfulness while fighting in this very unorthodox fashion. Taylita flips back into the air and holds her arms out from her sides. The light around her starts to dim while her skin starts to shimmer and shine, and steadily she becomes like a shining star, glowing brightly enough to discourage one looking directly at her. When it seems like she might outshine the sun, she grins.

     Then, she brings her arms back in front of her, and the light starts concentrating toward her hands. She cups her hands together, and then...thrusts them toward Nadia. When she does, a beam of pure concentrated light energy blasts toward her. Unlike her Ki blasts, this is pure energy. It will burn and vaporize its way through her target if possible.

Ms. Fortune (422) has posed:
    Nadia yowls as that light collects around Taylita's body. She winces her eyes shut, which... does her no favours when it comes to dodging. Also doing her no favours is that she hasn't landed by the time Taylita lets loose. The sheer force of the attack causes her body to basically explode, sending her limbs and torso flying every which way.

    Her hand, however, manages to grab onto Taylita's shirt. This... May be a bad thing.

    Taylita can just hear Nadi's head calling out: "Remember, remember..."

    Suddenly, there's an explosion of BLOOD, the arm hauling at Taylita and aiming to drag her through the air! All of Ms. Fortune's bodyparts fly together into a jumbled mass, her head hovering in the air on a torrent of blood acting like a rocket. "THE FIFTH OF DISMEMBER!" Her body lets out a torrent of blood with the force of a bomb as everything fits back into place. The shockwave forms the shape of a grinning cat head...

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita grins as Nadia explodes. Then, yelps like a little girl again as that hand lands on her shirt and grabs on. "Hey, only my friends can touch me there!" she says just before it starts tugging. She eeks as she gets pulled along, then starts batting at the hand until she finally just blasts it with a Ki shot.

     Taylita escapes the grip just in time to avoid the ensuing explosion of blood. She is really glad she didn't get bathed in a bloodsplosion. She might be a warrior, but she isn't one of those blood-thirsty ones!

     "Uh...sorry. Guess I missed that holiday." Taylita says once the explosion has cleared. She is still weirded out by Ms. Fortune, but, she's a warrior, and she came here to fight, so she won't give up until one of them goes down!

     The saiyan woman starts to fly circles around Nadia, firing blast after blast of ki energy, each one exploding against whatever it hits. Each blast is only about as strong as a single modest punch, but put enough punches together and it can spell trouble.

Ms. Fortune (422) has posed:
    Nadia just keeps on grinning even as Taylita slips out of her grasp. Now in one piece, she's bouncing back and forth on her fore and back legs in a way that shows off the stretchiness of those scar seams...

    And then... ki blasts. Dozens of them. "Aw, you gotta be kitten m-!" And then she's hit. The multiple salvos kick up quite an impressive cloud of dust! It remains for several moments... before Ms. Fortune comes charging out of it, leaping into the air again. "You are GROUNDED!" she yells, as she tries to grab at Taylita and slam her into the ground. "And... FERAL!" She pulls off her tail, diving down towards Taylita, using her tail as a -sword-. How in the world does that work? She finishes her dive with a swinning downward slice, before landing and following it up with a diagonal, upward slice. "EDGE!"

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita snrks despite herself when Ms. Fortune says 'kitten me', but she keeps firing until Ms. Fortune comes flying out of the dust. Taylita once again gets a mouthful of dirt as she is grounded, but manages to roll out of the way of the attempted impaling strike, just getting nicked on her side before she hops back to her feet and parries the follow up strikes as best she can, earning herself a couple more deep cuts on her arms for her efforts.

     After weathering the storm of attacks, Taylita quickly backflips, attempting to catch Nadia under the arms with her lower legs before flipping the cat up and around as she backflips. She actually flips several times, gaining speed with each flip, before attempting to plant Nadia face first in the ground for a change. Taylita has had enough dirt. She feels she should share it. "We can be grounded together!"

Ms. Fortune (422) has posed:
    Nadia is slammed into the ground, flailing in Taylita's grip! -Crunch- go her bones. Ouch.

    Despite apparently having had several bones broken, Nadia doesn't go limp at all. "NO PETTING!" she shouts, trying to shove Taylita off of her and stand up. She gives an agressive yowl and leaps up, to bring her foot down and rake at Taylita's face. "Wreck-a your face!"

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita's face is pretty well wrecked. She instinctively arcs back, but not fast enough. The claws leave a very distinctive pattern on her face, and she yowls almost like the cat that scratched her before reeling back and covering her face as blood starts to run from those deep scratches. "Ow! Geeze! I am never getting a cat!" she exclaims, then she dashes back in toward Nadia.

     She tries to close in before the fall-apart cat has recovered from attacking, and gathers her legs beneath her so she can put all her strength into a rising upper cut at Ms. Fortune's chin. She's kind of hoping that Nadia's head will pop up like one of those little rock'em sock'em things.

Ms. Fortune (422) has posed:
    Nadia is panting as she comes down to the ground from her aerial assault - only to get an uppercut to the chin for her efforts. Her head goes flying again, twirls through the air, then slams down into a nearby rock.

    There's a pregnant pause for a few moments... and then Nadia crumples. "But... the Life Gem..." Slam. And her head promptly falls over, to cap it off.

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita is panting heavily and bleeding pretty badly herself, so when Nadia collapses, she rests her hands on her knees to get a bit of her breath back. Then, she walks over and picks up Nadia's head before taking it back over to her body. "You fought hard. Try not to feel bad that you were defeated." she says as she sets the head down, then pushes it against the neck. She isn't sure if it will knit together, but she feels she at least owes her defeated foe some respect.

     Taylita waits for medical personnel to come for Nadia and herself. If Nadia is actually hurt, Taylita wouldn't have the first idea about helping her.