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(Researching the true nature of the Missing Lynx.)
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Latest revision as of 02:58, 13 August 2015

Researching Preventing Cat-Astrophe
Date of Scene: 10 August 2015
Location: Foxtrot Ranch
Synopsis: Researching the true nature of the Missing Lynx.
Cast of Characters: 402, Alexis

Alexis has posed:
Determination was a trait a lot of people would attribute to Alexis. Though most of the time doing so was towards her rough nature in a fight or her persistance towards the constant advancement as a trainer of pokemon and other cuddly combat critters.

Applying that to seeing the pair of pink pigtails poking up from behind several stacks of books, tomes and other references felt really odd in comparison.

Yet it fit, because there Alexis was, still trying to find more clues as to just what it was they saw last night. GoGo was close when she compared it to a manticore... but that didn't feel like everything. The way it moved, attacked, and spewed fire everywhere felt more like the way a pokemon or digimon fought, even though she was sure it was neither of those.

Nova Kendalae (402) has posed:
"If I haven't seen you do this before," Comes Nova's voice from somewhere behind one of those large stacks of books, "I'd think I fell into a bizarro multiverse." The stack is so high that only the twin tips of the vulpine's ears can be seen poking out above it, until he leans over to one side to glance down at the tomboy behind the mountain of knowledge.

"I was looking for my book on bizarre monsters, but I think I found where it went off to." There's a tip of fangs showing under his fox-like muzzle. But it lasts only a second before his expression turns a bit more somber. "Any luck?"

Alexis has posed:
Alexis pushes a few papers off to one side. "Does figuring out what it isn't count as something?" she replies, somewhat sarcastically. Though it's not as sharp of wit as usual, she's been at this for pretty much all day and some of the tiredness is starting to show. "I've been cross referencing everything that looks like a manticore or chimera of some kind, but nothing is a full match. That one is too small, that one has a barbed tail instead of a snake, that one eats rocks instead of meat to grow its spines. So on, and so on." Then taps her fingers on the tabletop. "Granted, I'm waiting for a few requests to arrive yet."

Nova Kendalae (402) has posed:
"That counts." Nova reaches back to pull a chair over towards him and sits down. Tails curl around the legs of the chair, flicking absently with the kitsune's thoughts. "It means you have fewer things to actually look into. Considering how few things it actually resembles, that's something." Leaning forward, he pulls a few papers towards him to flip through them. "At least we can pretty much rule out that it's some sort of weird new pokemon."

Alexis has posed:
"If it had been an undiscovered pokemon, my Pokedex would of been buzzing like crazy. It picks up a certain genetic signature that all natural pokemon have." With a sigh into her bangs Alexis opens another book and leans back in her chair. "Glitch is off surfing the internet, though I don't know how much he can find considering very few other monster worlds have digitalized databases like the 'dex." She flips a few pages. "On the other hand, I've found some interesting things about some of the other monsters I do have. Turns out one of the abilities my Mechanowyrm has can inhale air and breath based attacks to amplify its own. Would of been useful against that fire."

Nova Kendalae (402) has posed:
Nova flicks a piece of paper over, reading over the back of it. "It's not like any sort of manticore I've heard of. Way too big. And the fire breath thing is pretty unusual. With our luck it might be some sort of experiment that someone's been working on." The piece of paper is tossed to the side, and he picks up another one. "I didn't pick up anything magical on it, so that rules out a lot of supernatural creatures. If we could figure out where it was actually from, we'd be able to go to that world and ask them about it."

Alexis has posed:
Alexis flips a few more pages. "Big flying lion, breaths fire... y'know." Alexis sets the book aside, drumming her fingers on top of it. "I fee like that -should- sound familiar now that I think about it, but I can't place a finger on it."

Her thoughts are interrupted however as there is a knocking at the door downstairs. "Hey Spikes, go get the door would you. Kinda busy." "Nidoking (Already on it.)" the spikey lizard in an apron replies as he ambles past and heads down the stairs.

Nova Kendalae (402) has posed:
"Could be someone experimenting with a dragon?" Nova shrugs his shoulders absently. "But again, no magic. Unless someone went all science with it." The rest of the papers are pushed aside. Sitting up, he reaches to the top of the book pile and takes down the one off of the top. "Could be one of those... Uh... What were they called..." A flick of his ear, as if trying to pull out the thought. "Digamon? Nah, that's not right."

Alexis has posed:
Alexis shakes her head. "It didn't.. 'feel' like a Digimon. I've been around Duke and Doran enough to pick up that bit of.. y'know." She makes a vage gesture with her hands. "It's hard to explain. But when you've been doing this as long as I have, it's kinda gut instinct."

"Nido! (Hey Alexis!)" Spikes shouts as he's coming back up the stairs. "(Where you expecting company? You didn't say anything! I can't have snacks ready for guests if you don't warn me ahead of time.)"

"Not necessary, I won't need to stay long." Troddling up with the nido is a squat, rotundish figure that looks like some kind of gopher. Or maybe mole, as the work goggles worn with his little hardhat and pickaxe are tinted like sunglasses. "Apologies for taking so long, but Marsha's library is extensive and it took time to search." The mole-monster pulls a book out from under his hat and hands it towards Alexis. "But the creature you described, we are actually quite familiar with.... and amazed you did not come across it when you visited our world."

"I was only there during the day, and it seems to be nocturnal," Alexis replied somewhat sheepishly as she took the book and opened it.

Nova Kendalae (402) has posed:
"You know them better than I do," Nova admits, smirking a bit at Alexis. "I'll take your word for it."

Ears flick back slightly, swiveling towards Spike's voice. Nova glances back, just in time to see dwarven-like figure acompanying the Nido up the stairs. But Nova's been around different races far more than enough to stare at the strange creature, so he merely raises his brows slightly. "So this is actually a big thing on your world? ... Not literally, I mean. What's it doing venturing away from it?"

Alexis has posed:
"Territory without compatition," replies the mole (dwarf-like is pretty accurate, all he'd need is a beard) while Alexis is paged through the book to find the marked entry. "They are very big eaters, to the point terrain is rarely crossed between them."

"Here we go!" Alexis put the book down on the tabletop open so Nova could see as well. Sure enough, while simplified due to being an old book, the image in one corner is almost identical to the monster they saw. "Missing Lynx." She sticks her tongue out at Nova. "One name you can't blame me for." Then back to the mole with a nod. "Give Marsha my thanks. And tell her to let me know if she comes up with any more quizzes."

"The Don will be most hyped we were able to assist." A brief bow, and then the mole turned and waddled back out.

Nova Kendalae (402) has posed:
"It's missing alright," Nova says, leaning over to take a closer look at the old book, "Missing from where it belongs." He still makes a face at that name. Sure he can't blame Alexis for it, but it doesn't mean he has to like it. "Who comes up with these names..."

Still. "That's it alright. This book looks pretty old, are we sure this info's up to date?"

Then a pause. "... Did he just say 'hyped'?"

Alexis has posed:
Alexis flicks a hand in an off wave without looking up from the book. "You should hear how the other moles talk. The Don is a total jivemaster."

You meet weird people -and- monsters in this pursuit, what can I say?

"Fire breath, poisonous snake tail... it's more information than we had, even if it is old. I'm guessing not many of these so-called missing lynx get tamed... According to this those wings can beat up some nasty wind too."

Alexis sits up with a blink, like something just dawned on her. Then slumps back in her chair with a laugh. "Hahahaha! I see how it got that name! Remember how it seemed to dive out of nowhere from the night sky? That's how it's 'missing', you don't see it until it's already on top of you."

Nova Kendalae (402) has posed:
"Are we sure it's not part ninja?" Nova twitches his ears back a little bit as he leans further over the table. "We need to find out where this thing is making its lair; If we wait to take it on at night again, it's just going to fly off like the last time."

Alexis has posed:
Alexis nods a bit. "According to this we were right about it sleeping during the day." As if on cue there's a squack from one of the windows as her Flametalon clicks at the glass with it's beak a few times, and flutters in to perch on the back of a chair once Spikes' opens the window. Makes a salute like motion with one wing. "I think that means he at least saw where it went." The firebird headbobs like a nod.

Nova Kendalae (402) has posed:
"In that case," Nova says, tapping at the book. "All we need is a plan. We need to keep it from escaping its lair, or figure out a way to convince it to stay. Then ... I don't know." He glances up, blue eyes flicking onto Alexis. "... Hold on. You aren't thinking of taming this thing, are you?"

Alexis has posed:
Alexis just grins one of those grins as she taps the finger her Monster Tamer ring is on against the book. "At least it's not one of those alien kaiju like Lute's freakish crab thing? Besides, we can't just keep chasing it off... and the alternatives are... let's just not go there unless it proves necessary." Pause. "It -would- be useful for fighting other giant monsters. You know how big some digimon can get?"

Nova Kendalae (402) has posed:
Nova lets out a little groan, and pinches the bridge of his muzzle with a couple of pawdigits. "Alright, alright. Guess it's better than the alternative. But you get to figure out where we're housing something THAT big."

Alexis has posed:
Alexis sets the book down and stretchs her arms. "Yeah, yeah. After I catch up on some sleep. Researching books is more work than you'd think. Dunno how Twilight can sit and do it constantly."