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Latest revision as of 09:47, 17 August 2015

Target: Of Ice and Fire
Date of Scene: 01 August 2015
Location: Caverns of Prophecy (CP)
Synopsis: Razer, alongside Ferham, launches an attack on the Caverns of Prophecy - and gets a vision of his future in the process.
Cast of Characters: 20, 516, 692, 824

Razer (692) has posed:
     For weeks, the forces of the Union and the Confederacy have been locked in a battle for the Caverns of Prophecy. Despite the thin air and freezing temperatures, neither side has had course to abandon the field. It's a dangerous place, but the ability to discern insight into possible futures is too great to pass up.

     That, at least, is why Razer has come.

     In a flash of red energy, the Red Lantern appears at the entrance to the caverns. The red sections of his armor glow with a certain sense of malevolence and the hate and anger just seems to roll off him like oil on water. His Red Lantern forcefield will protect him from most of the environmental dangers here. He waits there for a time, electric-blue eyes staring into the cave and then behind him, down the steps. Looking for threats.

     "Be ready, machine," Razer broadcasts to Ferham through his power ring, "I do not think that the Union will abandon this place without a fight.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Strange place," Ferham intoned a bit sullenly as she teleported down at the entrance to the caverns proper. She would have flown there, course, or still have been airborn--but her wings wouldn't aid her too much in this place, unless there was any long drops. "I prefer the term Reploid, or gynoid, whichever," Fer momentarily looked just a bit cross at the red lantern, her arms crossed briefly before she began trudging down into the caverns. Her whip was already out and in her left hand, the pink shining cord casting weak illumination on the walls.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    With nothing else to do, why not accept a challenge and do something for the Union? And even if Toph hates the cold weather and thin air, hopefully this won't take too long. When you're fighting you often build up a sweat anyway unless you're fighting total chumps. Who knows what that guy on the radio is like? It's not like she knows all of the Confederates and people fighting for them.

    Arriving at the top of the mountain, Toph does look slightly out of place as she's only wearing a jacket over her usual clothes. Of course she isn't wearing anything on her feet, and she wriggles her toes a bit. But it's easy enough to tell what's going on around here. For now the young girl raises her voice, calling out. "All right, dunderheads! Get your asses over here so I can kick them off of this mountain!" Yes, she's being bratty and confident as ever.

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    Fiora manages to arrive as well, atop the mountain, in her normal fighting clothes. The cold of the Howling Abyss is enough to steel someone against most extreme places, magic or no. She smirks at Toph's loud, brash declaration. "Mm. I like it. Bold. I think this will go well, for us." She draws her sword, bringing it up to her face, in a salute. "Come and face us, if you dare. Show us the strength of that resolve!"

    Fully on board with the brashness, the swordswoman stand ready for whatever opponent that has issued the challenge.

Razer (692) has posed:
     "I'll try to remember that," Razer tells Ferham, in a tone of voice that says he doesn't really care. He heads down into the caverns, the ominous red of his aura clashing with Ferham's pink illumination. At the sound of Toph and Fiora, Razer tells Ferham: "Deal with the blind child, she shouldn't be much of a threat to you. I'll handle the other one."

     And, with a roar, Razer brings his ring arm back and then /hurls/ a crackling orb of hateful red energy directly at Fiora! "Fall and perish!"

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    Fiora closes her eyes briefly, after her opponent appears. "To underestimate your opponent is the most costly of errors. Let us hope it doesn't cost your ally their life!" Her eyes flash open, as she swings her sword out at the projectile. The tip of the thin blade meets it, and a few streaks of that energy rebound in the process, scraping against her cheeks. The wounds, themselves, are minor, and her light armor is enough to ensure the wounds remain that way. But, as for Razer's reckless opening attack?

    Like any duelist knows, force can be overcome with finess. The sword is a flash, the tip of it stabbing at the blast of energy. With a flick of her wrist, the blast rebounds off her blade, straight back at the one who threw it.


Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham emerges from the mist of the caverns, or rather the pink glow of her whip does before the rest of her fades into view. "What...?" she looks down, at the bunned hair, the subtly milky eyes, the bare feet.

     "You're Toph Beifong aren't you? We've been a bit behind in the territory area lately," she gestured idly with her right hand, to the area around them. "I can't imagine it's very comfortable in this place without shoes, though..." Ferham tapped a booted, heeled foot to the floor, causing what looked like a sheet of ice to race out and cover it around Toph!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Until now Toph has only known Fiora through the radio, and there's hardly any better way to get to know people than through fighting. The comment earns a slight huff from the earthbender, and she rubs her arms a little. "It could be a bit warmer here... let's focus on winning this quickly so we can get back home. I think I would like to warm my feet in the sand on the beach before I go to bed."

    Of course she overhears Razer's comment to Ferham, arching an eyebrow. Man, when will people in the multiverse ever learn?

    At least Ferham seems to know who she is. At the question she nods her head. "The one and only!" And then she points out how cold it is. "Oh really?" Toph says, a deadpan look on her face. "I didn't notice." Though when her opponent causes ice to shoot out at her, she reacts. Though not quick enough, considering ice is a bit harder to track at first.

    The ice stings at her feet, and Toph winces as she jumps back, slipping slightly with a cursed mutter before she steadies herself... and kicks out to return the favour.

    Instead of ice however, the ground shifts underneath them as a series of large, jagged spikes shoot out towards Ferham!

Razer (692) has posed:
     "I underestimate nothing," Razer snaps, bringing his arm up for a backhand strike. He nails the red blast with his forearm armor, sending it careening off into the wall of the cavern. But the simple power of it throws Razer aside, into a set of stalagmites. With a growl, the Red Latern picks himself up, dust floating off his forcefield like smoke. Snarling, Razer twirls his arm and a red lash of energy slips from his ring. He whirls it around his head and then snaps the rage-filled whip at Fiora, the tip slicing through rock and air with equal ease!

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    Anger is a powerful thing, when you wield it properly. But this man? It fills and defines him, in a way that Fiora has rarely seen. It is, however, a glaring weakness. One she is now intent on exploiting. She flicks her sword out in response to the attack, lunging forwards sharply, ducking down and to the side, the whip catching her shoulder and melting at her armor, deep enough that it strikes the leather beneath and burns through that to her skin. She winces, but loses none of her momentum, as she moves in to counter-attack.

    She closes the distance with surprising speed, the tip of that sword thrusting out lightning-fast, at the center of her target.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Huh, guess it was colder than I thought," Ferham blinked at that, but has to issue a little amused noise. "I... don't want to hurt you, but this is a dangerous place, and I think you knew that, hmm?" she smiles a little, bringing her whip up--but then stalagmites shoot up and around her, the femmebot cart-wheeling briefly before coming down in a roll.

     "It must have been hard to sense the ice since it was coming from everywhere, but what about this?" She snaps her whip, bringing it down quite close to the girl's feet--like in a western when people shoot at the floor to make someone hop about.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "I'm not a little kid!" Toph points out with some annoyance when her attack misses Ferham. Yes, the ice was cold. But it's something else to track the progress of a person's movement...

    The snap of the whip is felt even as Ferham first begins moving. By the time she raises her whip Toph is already moving, stepping aside in a typical martial arts stance. As a result the whip barely touches Toph, certainly not enough to make the determined girl flinch as she's already lashing out with her left hand, her fingers gesturing to the earth around Ferham as it rises up. If she isn't quick, she's in danger of getting launched upwards by a large earthen spike as it shoots up.

Razer (692) has posed:
     Rage, anger, hate, /pain/, - it radiates off Razer. When rage can overpower, it is the most powerful asset a Red Lantern can have but, when it can be redirected, it becomes their greatest weakness. Perhaps unfortunately for Fiora, Razer has a lot more anger where that come from. His power ring glows like a dead star, siphoning off Razer's own rage and turning it upon itself, into one mighty feedback loop.

     The tip of Fiora's blade slips outward, slipping through red armor plating and into black softsuit underneath. It pierces through, drawing blood, and Razer roars.

     That pain-filled roar becomes the catalyst for his next attack, pain giving way to incoherent rage, and Razer's hand comes up, fingers clenched like a claw, and he unleashes a torrent of red energy upon Fiora!

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "I... didn't say you were?" Ferham raised an eyebrow at Toph's apparent annoyance, looking a little confused. "You must be talking about my co-worker, don't mind him," she waved a hand lightly, as if to wave off Razer's earlier 'child' remark. However unfortunately for Ferham this apparently has called down the wrath of the freaking gods.

     "What the--wooaah!" Ferham's high heeled booted feet are suddenly hanging down from above, straightened out and shaking as she apparently was sent head first into the ceiling. Ouch. Pulling herself down, she craned her neck, making a CRIK sort of noise, and shook her head to regain equilibrium. "Okay, that really hurt," she swung her whip down, hanging from a stalactite and sweeping her whip out in a fine arc toward Toph.

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    Fiora's knocked back by the rage-fueled attack, the claw marks visible against her breastplate, still smoking. "Nngh.." The energy feels as though it's pierced through her, even if the damage isn't visible. She catches her breath for a moment, and brings up her sword once more, into a parrying stance. But, from that, she's easily able to recover. She dashes forward again, lashing out with her blade, in several lightning-fast swipes. Back and forth, at various angles, the blade comes cutting through the air.

    But she's not just flailing around. No, each strike is meant to hit something important, in one way or another. Precision is key.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Then what's with the crud that you don't want to hurt me?" the blind girl asks. "We're fighting, you should be focused on doing what you came here to do regardless of who your opponent is," she adds even as Ferham pulls herself down from the ceiling. And ugh, the sound of her craning her neck? It makes Toph shudder slightly. Not a nice noise! But she has to focus, she reminds herself as Ferham swings the whip again.

    This time however it's harder to determine where the whip is coming from, and she lets out a pained yelp as the whip digs into her arm and side, drawing blood and clearly cutting into the flesh there as she staggers back. That too hurt, but it's not like she and Fiora will give up just because of some injuries that medical can patch up again, right? They came here to do a job!

    So Toph grits her teeth together, ignores the bleeding and pain in her arm and side as she raises her hands up... and yanks them down, seeking to collapse the ceiling down above Ferham!

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Well, I'd rather not, but you are kind of defending this place, and well, as the saying goes, you knew I was a rattlesnake when you picked me up? Or something like that," Ferham let herself drop down from the stalactite, her boots sending spiderweb fractures through the ice for several meters around where her feet impacted. "Unlike my cohort, I am not sure exactly what he is--I think he eats people, I still have some reservations with using lethal force," she shrugged, the sama stalactite she had been clinging too now coming down to pin Ferham like a red iron butterfly!

     "Augh!" Ferham finds herself momentarilly pinned by it indeed, slapping a gloved palm down against the floor and sending what looked like rippling ice shards that flew up from the floor in a trail heading right towards Toph!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    What kinda stupid saying is that? "What kinda dunderhead picks up a rattlesnake to begin with?!" the blind girl demands. Seriously, how moronic can people get? Oh well, at least she can appreciate her opponent being out to maim and kill people, not all Feds are that bad at times.

    Which means that Toph has less reason to use her metalbending directly on her. Though she does feel tempted when Ferham sends another ice attack her way. The earthbender cries out as the cold attacks her feet, chilling her skin, muscles and tendons to the point where it hurts. The ice shards too bite into her feet and shins, and Toph winces in pain. Okay, this outright hurts! As Toph stumbles back she leaves blood, some of the ice shards breaking off and remaining stuck in her legs. No time to tend to that now! She looks as determined as ever despite her pain, and she throws both arms out.

    In response two earthen walls rises on each side of Ferham, moving to slam together.

Razer (692) has posed:
     She's faster than he is and, really, probably more in control of her actions. Fiora's blae lashes out, back and forth, again and again, precise and controlled. The blade strikes Razer, drawing blood where it slides off armor plating and into the underarmor, but Razer doesn't seem to slow or even acknowledge it. Rage, it seems, is one hell of an anaesthetic.

     Still, a thousand well-aimed small cuts can bring down even the most powerful opponent.

     Razer's anger coalesces into his hand and it forms a sharp, jagged punchblade that extends out from his wrist. The Red Lantern draws his arm back, summoning all of his strength into his elbow and shoulder - and then thrusts the blade towards Fiora!

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Precisely," Ferham nodded her head. The ice shards seem a bit brittle however and shatter here and there after they lance up and out of the cavern floor. The earthen walls slam against either side of Ferham, however, soon after they seem to budge before crumbling apart as the femmebot pushes both of her arms out to either side, like she was breaking out of earthen crucifixation.

     "Guess all the cold made the earth a little brittle," she whipped her helmeted head back and forth to free a clump of it that had been hanging off one of the crests of her helmet. Next, that whip snaked out from the handle in her left hand, apparently seeking to wrap directly around the earthbender and try to constrict!

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    Well, this one is definitely a lot stronger. Fiora's barely able to get out of the way in time, which leaves a deep gash along her side, that goes straight through her leather outfit, into flesh. "Hnn! Mm, don't think I'm taking you lightly, either, dear.." She reaches behind her back, grasping her parrying dagger and drawing it with a flourish, knocking away Razer's arm. "Mmm. So, I won't hold back, either.~"

    She takes a single step, and she's gone. Just dust kicked up off the rock, behind her, where she /was/. And she's suddenly behind the Red Lantern, weapons drawn. Both blades swipe at him from behind.. and then the side.. and the other side. If he turns to try and counter it, she seems to move just a little bit faster. Not just precision, but speed. Superhuman, even.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Damnit, what's the deal with this lady? Toph frowns as the femmebot pushes the earthen walls aside. She must be sturdier than most...

    Or perhaps the cold is affecting the earth, even if Toph hates to admit it. Stepping forward, Toph is just about step forward, but then there's that blasted whip again. All this ice makes it harder to see, that much is clear, and it also affects the earth more than she would like to admit.

    Little warning is given before she feels something wrap itself around her torso, pinning her arms to her sides. "HEY!"

    The young girl struggles, wincing as she feels the whip dig in and restrain her. Ugh, this even makes it hard to breathe, and she can feel her arms and torso become bruised from the force restraining her. But she doesn't need her arms or legs to bend...! Defiantly the blind girl moves her head back before she throws her head forward, focusing on opening the ground underneath Ferham into a pitfall with spikes!

Razer (692) has posed:
     "The longer this battle continues, the stronger I become!" Razer retorts. But then Fiora is gone and the Red Lantern turns left and right, bewildered and frustrated. "Get back her-!"

     Pain. The blades bite deep and blue-black blood flows free from the wounds. Razer cries out in pain, staggering forwards, but that cry of anguish quickly becomes one of white-hot rage.

     His body humming line a tuning fork, pain and anguish and rage and frustration melting into one uncontrollable force, Razer seems to /explode/, sending out a wave of cavern-shaking, red-tinted force!

     He's still there, of course, breathing hard at the end of it all, his armor pulsing as if it has a life of its own. Perhaps it, and the ring he wears, does.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Feel free to struggle, that's an electromagnetic construct," Ferham smiled as she walked right up to Toph, noticing she was rather caught now, and she seemed to depend on using her arms to move the earth. She wasn't depriving Toph of ALL air, not quite--though it was just enough pressure to give the girl a little... incentive. The sudden pitfall beneath her booted feet however catches Ferham by surprise, her green eyes going wide and her mouth an oral ring of surprise before she's plummeting down. Spikes, a robot's ONE WEAKNESS!

     Clanging down below, the whip unwraps from Toph's midsection--only to snag one oif her ankles and tries to pull her down with Ferham!

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    And Fiora is, predictably, knocked back by the wave, slammed into the wall of the cavern. She rights herself soon enough, and wipes some of the blood from her chin. "Rage is truly an impressive source of power.. But, I wonder what will end up winning, today? Shall we see?" Back on her feet, Fiora changes her stance, off-hand with the dagger behind her back, sword held out in front. She lunges once more, throwing out a series of stabs, multiple strikes, again aimed at specific places. It's almost a dance, as her feet move, lighting-quick and with deadly accuracy.

Precision and grace, against sheer, brute force? For Fiora, there can be only one victor. Only one outcome, when an unstoppable force meets an immoveable object. The one that's more precise.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Down the pitfall Ferham goes, though just as Toph is about to step away once the whip unwraps from her torso and arms... it wraps around her ankle?! A startled yelp leaves the blind girl, though she fortunately takes less damage falling into the pitfall, mostly thanks to her bending. Sure, some of the spikes scratch her and stab her in places, but she manages to unbend some of them, bending them into sand that softens her fall. Her landing is still rough however, and she winces, cursing words a girl her age should not be uttering.

    Raising her arms she quickly gestures in Ferham's direction, and in response the earth shifts, seeking to wrap itself around her head before it slams into the wall of the pitfall.

Razer (692) has posed:
     "It shall be me," Razer roars, "It will /always/ be me!" When Fiora comes to strike at him, Razer attempts to counter her blows. He has a lot of strength, even just without his ring, but each blow goes wide. As Fiora cuts at him, again and again, her blade coming free with blue-black residue along the blade, Razer's frenzied blows don't even come close to hitting her. Precision and speed, for the moment, seem like they're going to bring the Red Lantern down. It can be heard in his breathing, felt in the rise and fall of his chest, seen in the bit of blue that he spits up over his lips.

     And then Razer reaches out, gauntlet seeking out Fiora's pink fringe. And, with her held, he raises his ring hand - and goes to blast her square in the abdomen!

     "Just die!"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham had apparently impacted something down below, and looked worse for wear--likely getting a bit of a spike right through one part of her, perforating the pernicious femmebot! However, she has Toph with her down here now, having trapped the earthbender in a small depression in the earth made of... earth. Surely there is no way this could possibly go wrong.

     "Ow--" Ferham has the dramatic stuffing taken out of her when the earth apparently gets her into a headlock and slams her against the wall of the deadfall.

     "STONE COOOLD," Ferham yells as she busts out of it, trying to get Toph into a similar head lock, actually trying to pull the earth bender up and off her feet, so she can't keep contact with the ground!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Perhaps it's luck that enables Toph to evade the attack as she steps back, or perhaps it's skill as she steps aside. "What are you, blind or something?!" Toph taunts as she throws her arms upwards, earthen spikes aiming to slam Ferham against the walls of the pitfall again.

    Better finish up this soon, as she's bleeding a fair bit here. And right now moving hurts. The longer she fights, the more blood she will lose. Her feet are aching thanks to the ice burns from before too.

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    That hand finds naught but air, and the woman that fringe belongs to isn't present. The follow up, as haphazard as it is, doesn't catch the nimble duelist at all. "Death? Death is a dance, one I've all but mastered. Shall we dance, you and I? And our song, it will be steel!" Not just her sword, but the woman herself, blinks to and fro, weaving a circle around Razer, with the sound of her sword cutting through the air the only think one might be able to notice, save for the duelist herself, blinking in and out of vision, when she stops between dashing.

"This.. this is my dance. My waltz. Fighting isn't just rage. It's an art. I am an artist, and this.. this is my brush. People like you? You are the both canvas and paint."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     As it would turn out, it's rather not a trap that Ferham had pulled the young earthbender into, as Ferham now erupts over the mouth of the chasm she had been dropped and later pulled Toph down into. She's gitted her teeth and her arms are scrabbling to pull herself out of that put, apparently seemingly getting dragged back down by the earth appendages, lashing out with a boot at the girl beneath her in the pit.

     "Let go, I don't want to get any of that grit in my armor!" she whines, though she does put actual force into that kick.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    The kick is something Toph sees coming, but just as she's about to either evade or attempt to block it, the pain from her previously inflicted injuries stop her. Raising her arm, Toph winces as pain shoots through her side, and she staggers slightly as the kick connects with her chest, knocking the air out of her and sending her back into the wall with a pained cry. It aggravates her injuries, making them bleed more and the blind girl is visibly wincing at the pain.

    "What about the grit I have gotten into these damn cuts?" she demands through clenched teeth.

    She raises one arm while she uses the other to press against the cut in her side, then lashes out with her hand to turn the walls of the pitfall into sand. Sand that seeks to wrap itself around Ferham. How about getting that into your armour?

Razer (692) has posed:
     Razer is flagging, wounded and weak from numerous cuts, some deeper than others. "No, people like me are /strong/. We do what must be done! You're weak, pitiful - prepare for your annihilation!"

     Razer lashes out with another blow but this one seems to go straight past his target. Huh, guess he really is losing the battle. Of course, in a moment, it becomes clear that Razer - as angry as he may be - isn't without some form of guile.

     That red lash wraps around a set of stalagmites and, with a flourish of Razer's hand, sends them flying in from behind Fiora. Razer is already leaping clear, but will Fiora be fast enough to evade?

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Well you could wear armor, or you know, SHOES," Ferham snarls back at the mouth of the pit, pulling herself up finally. The sand that suddenly yawns open to envelope her does indeed catch her up to her waist, the armored woman looking like she's none too amused with this, cringing as she tries to pull herself out, as if she had been trapped in cement somehow.

     "Urgh--okay, have fun down there with no air! haha!" Fer raised her hands and forced a giant piece of ice, which she then lets THUNK down into the open pit, rather anticlimactically, sealing it.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Real earthbenders don't wear shoes!"

    Seriously, if Pepper can't get her to wear shoes, then who will?

    When Ferham seals the pit however, it's quiet for a bit. But not for long.

    The earth erupts underneath the femmebot's feet again in a series of large, sharp spikes, and in the middle of it all... stands Toph. Sure, she's shivering and obviously cold, freezing and in serious need of treatment for frost bite... but like hell she's giving up now. "You keep forgetting /who/ you're fighting!" the blind girl reminds her.

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    Fiora is struck by the thrown rocks, and falls forward, but doesn't seem done yet. "Weak and pitiful? Ha.." She spits out some blood, and stands again, unwilling to falter in front of her opponent. "Strong, yes. I never said you weren't. But there's many kinds of strength. And yours is all too easy to become lost within. Blinded by."

She raises her sword in a salute, and carges forward again, but unlike before, it's no mere jab. She wants to strike true. A crippling blow, that she might end this battle with. Or, at the very least, one that will hopefully give her an upper hand. "En guarde!"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN D--Ack--Ow," Ferham had finally freed herself from the cement-like grip of the earth only to be sent barreling back by the force of the Toph-1000's emerging from the shattered ice. Ferham herself looks like she's quite worse for wear, a few signs of electricity coursing from a broken gem-like lens on her body.

     "So, we'll call it a draw then?" Ferham isn't giving Toph time to respond however as she spins toward the entrance to the cave and pushes off the ground, her wings carrying her away.

Razer (692) has posed:
     "You think I'm lost!? You think I'm /blind?!" Razer snaps, drawing himself up to his full height, even as it seems like Fiora had skewered him. The ring sustains his life, would do so even in a vacuum, and that mortal blow - while debilitating - isn't as crippling as it should have been. Still, a few more like that, and even Razer's ring would be hard-pressed to be able to provide enough energy to keep him in the fight.

     No, she'll show her blind rage.

     It's an easy memory to find, made easier by the ring that whispers to him and points him down the right path. In his mind, the memory is far darker than it ever was in life. The sky darker, smokier, the sun casting everything in unreal scarlet tones. He holds Ilana's head in his lap and, it's like everyone always said about death - she really does look like she's just sleeping. He remembers what he screamed: ILA-

     "-NAAAAAAAAAAA!" Red energy bursts out of Razer, like it can't be held in his body. It pours from his eyes, through the numerous wounds that Fiora has visited upon him, and roars from his mouth like an unimaginable torrent of white-hot rage, unending, unstoppable, blasting through rock like it's not even there.

     All of it aimed squarely at Fiora.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Off her opponent goes, and Toph blinks at the comment. "That only counts if you don't run away like a lily liver!" she snaps. Fine. If she wants to retreat, then she won't attack her anymore. Now that only leaves that angry guy left. Maybe Fiora needs some assistance bringing him down? She's hurt, but she should be able to keep it together until the fight is over. Though she will have to head to medical soon enough...

    The effects of Razer's rage is felt easily enough, and Toph frowns as she hurries towards where he and Fiora are fighting.

    "Dunderhead, you're blinder than me!" Toph's voice comes from behind Razer... and if he turns to look, he might also spot a large rock that's coming straight towards him.

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    Indeed, an impressive show of power. Unrelenting and unwavering, and the cavern shudders to behold it. But Fiora's voice speaks, and it's coming from right next to him. Just how fast /is/ this woman? "Yes. Very, very blind. Whatever anger drives you is poison in your veins. I know not what it is, but for now? It certainly doesn't matter." She steps forwards, sword still in hand, and bumps the flat edge against his chin. "You have a lot to learn, but for this lesson, precision and grace will defeat raw strength, just about every time. There's a time and place, after all."

She flicks the blood from her sword, and draws her fist back, to slam it into Razer's face. The ornate basket hilt of her weapon is quite sturdy. More than solid enough, to not deform under the blow.

Razer (692) has posed:
     The thing about that nova of anger is that the memories it drags with it, they're not pleasant ones. The star that burns twice as bright lasts for half as long - and Razer's rage burns far, far brighter than that.

     "Then do it," Razer spits out as Fiora talks, "Kill me. Do i-!"

     Fiora punches him in the face with the hilt of her sword, turning his shout into a strangled grunt. He stumbles back, obviously concussed-

     -and gets promptly cleaned up by Toph's boulder.

     Unconscious, Razer bounces off the other wall, the red sections of his armor flickering as the rage, not only dulls, but is momentarilly stilled.

     His course carries him into the pool and the Red Lantern sinks, the pool flickering with red light.

     Someone will need to fish him out.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Down into the water he goes, and Toph sighs, kicking her heel into the cavern floor to attempt to raise a pillar underneath him so he doesn't drown. "He really likes being angry, doesn't he?" Like that solves anything. And sheesh, killing your opponent isn't very classy. He's like... anti-Aang.

    "Nice job, seems we managed to deal with them well enough, huh?" Toph comments, then winces. Ow, this seriously hurts...

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    Only after she sheathes her sword, does Fiora allow herself to falter, falling to a knee and gasping for some air. "Oof. That he does.. but, pure anger is no way to win a duel. I learned that, a long time ago." She takes a few breaths, before getting to her feet again. "Mm. That did go well, all things considered, however. My first victory, of the many to come."

Ferham (516) has posed:
     There is the sound of crumbling from above, as a bit of debris fall from the cavern roof--what looks like a long magenta glowing rope descending from the ceiling...? Ferham's whip! It snakes down and actually wraps around Razer's torso, around his waist and shoulders forming a kind of harness (obviously a specialty of Ferham's) and the Red Lantern is tugged on a few times before he's pulled rapidly from the cavern floor up inot some kind of hole in the roof and gone. Ziiiip.

     Later, as Ferham hauls Razer up and tugs him through the crack she made in the ceiling, she folds an arm around his waist and takes off into the air. Going a bit slowly, since the Red Lantern apparently weighed a bit.