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Latest revision as of 11:09, 17 August 2015

Tremorton Rules Football!
Date of Scene: 12 August 2015
Location: Tremorton
Synopsis: Tremorton rules football is not like other football.
Cast of Characters: 20, 73, 215, 319, 385, Shigure, 775

Bradley Carbunkle (775) has posed:

     The lights are on, the ground is ready, the teams are assembled - it's Wednesday night football!

     Brad's idea was simple. He found enough football uniforms for his Union friends to slip into on the sly. The uniforms are purple, gold and orange. Really, they're kind of garish, like an offence to the senses. However, for those who can't fit into a football uniform for whatever reason, like Jenny, the rules seem to permit painting a player in team colors.

     Team spirit isn't very high. The Tremorton High cheerleaders aren't exactly buzzing with enthusiasm. And that's almost certainly because the Quakers tend to lose far more games than they win. The other players, too, don't seem to be nearly athletic enough to be sports people either. It's a dark day when /Brad/ is one of your better players.

     On the other side of the field stands their opponents - Poly Tech, a nerdy technical school. And each one of them is clad in a mech suit that stands head and shoulders over every member of the Tremorton team! Some say that the Poly Tech quarterback was an ex-Tremorton High student, jealous that he was replaced by Jenny! It seems like the Quakers are going to need all the help they can get!

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    With nothing better to do Toph had decided to head on to Tremorton and join for this football game. It's not like she's been to a football game before, nor has she paid any attention to it on the TV since it was harder to follow that than movies. But how hard can it be? Besides, her other friends are here so it ought to be a small degree of fun.

    The garish colours don't bother her. No, it's worse with the smell and how their smallest size is still a bit too big for the small earthbender. The helmet sits a bit awkwardly on her head thanks to her massive hairbun. And seriously, what kinda pansy sport requires you to wear a helmet and protective gear to play it? Toph had muttered something about it, not bothering with anything besides the shirt and a helmet. The green pants she's wearing kinda clashes with the colours, but so what? It's hardly her biggest concern as she steps onto the field.

    "What kinda suits are those dunderheads wearing?" she asks Brad, a bit annoyed as she can't pick her nose easily with the helmet on. Ugh.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Football? Well he was asked, if he he didn't show up people would probably complain about him spending too much time in the office so...

    Fayt's here. In uniform and looking just a touch confused as he fiddles with the helmet, he frowns a bit as he notices the giant mech suits across the field. "So um... what's going on exactly, and why are we going up against a bunch of mechs? I kinda got pulled in on short notice."

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Even a normal game of football would have Yuna looking wary about trying to take part directly. Sure, she's in decent shape for a girl her age - you HAVE to be, idol singers are almost contractually required to maintain their figures and not gain weight or anything - but she doesn't have the build for football, and she doesn't want to take unnecessary risks that might put her off-stage with broken bones or other injuries. If Tremorton's cheerleaders could use an extra member for the night, though, Yuna would be happy to suit up with them and take a crash course in the school's cheers.

On the other hand, once she gets out to the field and sees the Poly Tech team in *powered armor* ... well, a few thoughts go through her head in rapid succession. 'The sidelines won't be safe enough' is one of them, although she doubts it'll be true. 'We need backup' is pretty close behind it - and Elner seems to agree, given that Jiina, Marina, and Erina show up a few moments later, finding seats in the bleachers for now.

Only one of Yuna's thoughts is actually spoken aloud: "Is it legal for the other team to wear powered armor during a high school football game?" Granted, the rules PROBABLY don't say much about when the quarterback is a superpowered robot teenager, but .. still. The entire opposing team looks like they could arm-wrestle the Space Wolves and at least give a decent accounting of themselves.

Iria (215) has posed:
    Could it be that Iria also wants to play football too? Well hey, she's a tough tomboy who loves to go bounty hunting while proving that girls are just as tough as boys. So she's decked herself out in a uniform that matches her usual silver and crimson color schemes. The helmet is a bit of a grudging thing for her since she's too tough for that, but regulations are regulations. She grumbles as she forces it on, her wild hairstyle getting in the way a little along with her beads.

    Once she's gotten her stuff on, she looks to the others and cracks her knuckles. "All right, I've played some pick-up football before, but this is for real this time!" She looks to Toph and smirks. "Does it really matter? We're gonna kick some ass out there!"

Frederica (73) has posed:
    Frika can certainly fit within a Tremorton football uniform. Well, 'fit' might be a generous word. The Cait Sith is light-framed, so the uniform drapes over her body pretty cavernously. Fortunately she doesn't have to worry about fitting in to the protective suit. She's wearing her leather armour, ALO gear that's relatively high-end even if it's not quite state of the end-game. It does little to protect from the types of injuries common in football, but then it's not like you can actually break an arm in a game body.

    Her only concession to the protective equipment regulations is that helmet... which conveniently hides her Cait Sith ears. The tail is another matter entirely. Yep, she has a furry tail poking out of her leathers. Just ignore it.

    "Looks like... well, looks like more than regulation protective gear." Frika reports to Toph. "Powered armour of some kind. Probably strength-enhancing. Not that you're going to care about that right?" she says lightly.

Shigure has posed:
    Kuma's here! She looks increadibly scrawny in the football uniform. She adjusts her helmet, then checks her Fit-Out, the cannon rotating experimentally, and the three smoke stacks puffing out a little smoke as she runs the engine. "Kuma~ This isn't regulation uniform for a light cruiser, kuma." she grouses a bit, but looks ready for action.

Bradley Carbunkle (775) has posed:
     "Football is what's going on, Fayt!" Brad tells him. "Poly Tech are a bunch of nerds, so, they've gotta use big mech suits to actually be able to play football and stand a chance of winning. They didn't even have a team until last year." To Toph, "They've got weapons, devices, jetpacks, forcefields..." He keeps going for a bit. Evidently, they're wearing suits that can do a lot.

     "Well," Brad says to Yuna. "It's not /illegal/."

     "So, look, here's what we're going to do," Brad says, calling everyone over for a team huddle. "We'll run an offensive group and a defensive group. Jenny'll head offense, and I'll sit back here /not/ getting clobbered by giant robots running defense. Which is what's going to happen to all you normal people. Sorry about that," Brad says, to the other Tremorton players. They don't seem to argue against it.

     The Poly Tech mech-nerd-footballers assume their posistions on the other side of the field. Sounds like the players'll need to divide themselves into whether they're better equipped to push past the Poly Tech team through speed or strength or whether they're going to stand back and stop them if they happen to get the ball.

     Which, looking at the state of the other Tremorton players, is looking like a certainty.

Frederica (73) has posed:
    Frika has every intention of being on the offensive group. She'd need to hit one of these power suits with her SPEAR to have a chance of tackling a player. Well, that's not entirely true. Running at full speed, she could probably cannonball a foe if she were willing to suffer for it. Much more fun for her to run circles around them though, and make herself a good target for her team to use to when it comes time to score.

    Besides, given the choice Frika's always going to be offensive whether she's on the offense or defense. It's just part of her charm. Might as well actually take that part of the field as well.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "Strength enhancing?" Toph asks, arching an eyebrow as she spits. "Well, then I assume we can use our powers too, right?" Heck, this might even be a challenge!

    And really... what if the suits 'suddenly' started malfunctioning?

    As Brad calls them in Toph heads on over, arms crossed as she listens. "Eh, I could be on either. I can tackle them and stand my ground either way. Are there rules being both offensive and defensive?" she inquires as she cracks her knuckles. "The goal is to get the ball to the other side, right?"

Iria (215) has posed:
    "I'll do whatever it takes to get this game won!" Iria says with a huge grin. "I'll either help run the ball or I'll tackle anyone who tries to score against us!" She folds her arms and looks around. "Trust me, no one's gonna beat us as long as we're in charge here!"

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna takes a few moments to offer up a prayer; little snippets of it might be audible. She seems to mostly be praying for God to protect her friends and their teammates, and not to let the opposing team get hurt too badly either.

Then she forms up with the other cheerleaders for an opening cheer, to get Tremorton's players and supports pumped up and feeling good before things actually START on the field.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    "Weapons? If that's allowed I can take up defense and start thorwing spells around." A pause, then. "Or would I need to be a bit more subtle than that?" Slowly, he looks back to his staff and scarf, which he left on a chair nearby. "Well, anyway just let me know what you need me to do, and I'll try my best to get it done. You guys probably know the sport better than I do."

Bradley Carbunkle (775) has posed:
     "Toph," Brad says, "You can /definitely/ use your powers. Now, you feel that kind of Y shaped thing down the other end of the field? We need the kick the ball between the bars or we need to drop it in the end zone. That's a touchdown and it's worth seven points. Field goals are worth three." To Iria he says, "That's what I like to hear!"

     Brad and Jenny take a moment to jump up and chest bump each other as everyone splits up and gets ready. Jenny begins calling a play, "Forty-two! Sixty-four! Red dog, blue cat!" Who knows if it makes sense to anyone and, really, it doesn't seem to matter. The Tremorton offensive stalls virtually immediately. Jenny hikes the ball to one player who just throws it back to her immediately, a moment before he's thrown to the ground by a mech suit. He doesn't get up. Brad flinches.

     From there, everything continues to get worse. Despite Yuna's energetic cheering, it seems like they'll need more than team spirit to stand a chance! Especially when their star robot quarterback takes an electro-magnetic pulse to the chest, allowing Poly Tech to scoop up the ball!

     Three Poly Tech nerds in robot suits charge down the field, looking like they're just going to smash through the defending players. They practically run right over Brad.

Frederica (73) has posed:
    "Wait what?" Frika calls, from waay up on the wrong end of the field. "You're supposed to throw the ball to ME!" she complains. "Noooo, now they've got the ball! Stop them!" she insists, stomping a foot angrily. Then she shakes her head and takes off down the field, passing several lumbering mechs. She's nowhere near fast enough to intercept the ball carrier before her teammates have a chance, but at least she should be in range once they've taken out a few mobile armors.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    If there's something Toph likes to hear it's that she's encouraged to use her powers. A big grin spreads across her face, and she nods, the helmet wobbling slightly on her head. "Touchdowns it is then." Kicking is no fun when she can tackle opponents. It's the typical earthbender way!

    Getting situated behind Jenny, the blind girl gets ready, punching one fist into her open palm. "OKAY LILY LIVERS! Let's do this!" she calls out to the team. She's not scared of their opponents!

    Not even when one of the other team players finds himself tackled. Though the moment they begin running down the field towards the goal, Toph frowns, raises her foot... then kicks the ground with her heel.

    Right in front of the guy who's got the ball, a small earthen spike rises. Perhaps not something most people will notice as it's only there for a moment. But hopefully enough to make the guy stumble and drop the ball so one of the other people on the team can snatch up the ball!

Iria (215) has posed:
    "I'll take defense, I love to get physical!" Iria says, and she watches as the offense comes down towards them with the ball and she narrows her eyes, grinning evilly. "Come on, I'm gonna have you get your butt kicked by a girl!" She laughs and then takes off towards the ball carrier, eager to try to tackle them.

    Until Toph does her stomping tactic, and she feels a shaking sensation and stops briefly. Hopefully that should give Iria enough time to make the tackle, or even steal the ball if he fumbles it!

Shigure has posed:
    Kuma blinkblinks, then runs out into the middle of the field. "KUMA!!" she roars, engulged in light... which then emerges into the full sized cruiser, just flopping casually across the entire field, blocking acces by ground. The Poly-Tech guys'll have to go 'over' her.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt nods, scooping up his staff, leaving the scarf, behind for now, He's not going to start flying untill someone else does, as he trudges out into the middle of the field.... and then promptly yelps, jumping slightly as a crusier suddenly flops down behind him, making hte ground shake, he looks over at it, head slowly tilting ot the side. "Kuma? That you?"

    Quickly, he shaeks his head, gotta focus! He looks over at the appraoching mechs. "You block the way, I'll mess with anything that tries to get past."

Shigure has posed:
    Kuma's voice echos metallically, coming from somewhere deep within the hull of the ship. "THat's the plan, kuma! I'm not a battleship but my armour will hold against these small fry, kuma!"

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna is almost certain she heard something go *crunch* when the opposing team trampled Bradley, but he claims to be okay. And Jenny got disabled by an EMP? *That* has got to be cheating, but there isn't much she can do to help except to cheer for the remaining players.

Then Toph raises a spike in the ball-carrier's path, while Kuma more or less blockades the ENTIRE FIELD. Yuna can't help but cheer, and the regular Tremorton cheerleaders go into one of their routines - celebrating a turnaround, even THIS early in the game.

Bradley Carbunkle (775) has posed:
     The ground shakes as the three Poly Tech players charge down the field. However, the sight of a ship appearing suddenly, blocking off their obvious route, means that Toph has the perfect moment to stumble them. One mech suit goes down in a heap of sparks and smoke, rolling to a stop against Kuma's hull with a resounding /clang/! But, as Iria tackles the lead with the ball, he barely manages to pass it to the third mech.

     As it turns out, the mech has jump jets, and goes to leap clear over Kuma!

     "FAYT!" Brad calls out, "You've gotta stop him!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Okay, since they are clearly using their suits now, Toph throws her arms to the side... and in response most of the field around her is torn up as the earth underneath flies up, shifting itself around Toph and hardening into rock. "Like your fancy toy suits can even compare, midbrains!" she yells before she leans forward, rushing after the opposing team to add some much needed defense in that part of the field. She's not as close as the others, but hopefully she can defend Fayt while he does his thing.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Jump jets? Maybe he should of grabbed the scarf after all. Though it't not a major issues, after all, wha'ts one of the major perks of being a mage? Projectiles! As the mech starts ot take off. Fayt points his staff at it and says calmly "Misfortune."

    A small bolt of glowly black energy fires from Fayt staff at the mech, and if it hits? Well, the staff works by altering probability, pushing things ever so slightly to the worst possible outcome. Basically it's a luck debuff, troubling enough for most thigs, on a finely tuned machine however? Well... you know that lound *BOOP!* PCs make when there's a problem? There's likely about to be a lot of those.

Shigure has posed:
    Kuma is scanning with her surface radar. She spots the Mech launching into the air, and in a reflex, traverses her turrets towards him. They move pretty damn quick, and with that Luck Debuff?

    *CLONG* The barrel smacks into the Mech, knocking it backwards with the impact. The ball falls in front of a porthole, which flicks open quickly, pitching the ball off towards Frederica. "Kuma! Heads up kittygirl, kuma!"

Iria (215) has posed:
    Iria gets the tackle, but the ball is laterally tossed to another teammate. "Great, how do you like that? They're not even playing regulation!" She comments as she rolls back off of the player and attempts to go after the ball carrier. "Maybe this time I'll get lucky!" But she never gets that chance. Because Fayt uses his powers to change the way things are going.

    And then Kuma goes in as well. Wait a minute, is this going to even be legal at all? It looks like what Iria's learned about football may not apply. She watches as Frederica becomes the intended target, and Iria moves in to protect her as best as she can.

Bradley Carbunkle (775) has posed:
     As Kuma passes the ball to Frederica, the Poly Tech players that are still standing begin to move. The one Fayt took care of, and was then hit by Kuma's turret, basically explodes into metal fragments as he hits the ground.

     Two mechs move to bracket Frederica, presumably to tackle her as quickly as they can. Iria will have to stop them! Another moves to interpose him and his machine between Toph and the rest of her team. "Hah!" he says, in a typically nasally voice, "Everyone knows /girls/ can't play /football!/"

     They're redeploying very quickly. "Too quickly," Brad says, having elected to take the sidelines. "Nerds aren't this good at football... Something's afoot. Hey Yuna! Can you see anything from up there?!"

Frederica (73) has posed:
    Frika does an awesome job tearing up the field. Well, not as literally as Toph does to be sure. But she DOES run fast! "Yeeeeah! Take them down!" she cries out, seeing Toph, Iria and Kuma go to town. She misses Fayt's contribution, since he's on the far side of Kuma.

    She's a bit distracted, being her own cheerleader, when the ball comes hurtling her way. And, as fast as she is, as ideal a football receiver in that regard... she has no idea how to CATCH. While she may be able to catch a regular ball, the wobbling oblong pigskin is just a bit too awkward. "Whaaaaaaa~!" she cries as the ball bounces off bouncy parts of her. Scrambling to recover, she does manage to redirect it somewhat towards Iria instead.

    Seeing she's about to get tackled, Frika leaps and dodges. Speed... it never fails, except of course when it does. She jumps right AT a mech, turning an angle and running up its flat facing like it's a wall, then popping up over the top. "C'mon! They can't get both of us!" she cries to Iria.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Good, they have the ball! Toph grins when Kuma sends the ball over to Fred, which means that they need to clear a path for their teammate. Which might be part of what Toph signed up for. "Just catch it, Duchess! No butterfingers now!" she yells, then her attention turns to the player who thinks he knows best around here.

    Toph snorts as she kicks into the ground, rushing forward in her rock armour. "Then get off the field, Princess, 'cause we are beating your sorry little asses!" With that the earthbender brings her shoulder forward, aiming to tackle him and severely dent his mechanical suit with her bending. And hopefully knock him into some of the other players behind him.

Iria (215) has posed:
    Fortunately, Iria's instincts are on high alert, and even though Frederica has the ball deflected, Iria still manages to catch it. "A-ha!" She yells out, only abruptly changing her attitude when she realizes she's now the main target of the other team. "Looks like I'm gonna have to go all out here!"

    With that, Iria pours on the speed, attempting to use her acrobatic skills to avoid the other team as she runs towards the end zone to score a touchdown for her team. Hopefully it works!

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    As the ball heads the other way, Fayt aims his staff at Frika and Iria. "Fortune." small bolt of glowing white energy fires from fayts staff. "Split." then quickly spilts in two, the bolts headed for Friak and Iria, if ti works, they'd find everything they try to do gets a little easier, as Fayt's spell tries to push things towards hte best result possible. In other words? Luck buff.

    There's a lso a weird eletric buzz as multicolored electricy starts to dance around Fayt's head, probably nothing to worry about! Probably.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna's standing with the other cheerleaders for the most part, so she doesn't have too much of an overhead perspective on what skulduggery might be afoot amongst the Poly-Tech team. On the other hand, Elner is also present - and the robo-faerie tends to favor lingering at a relatively high altitutde, far enough up to generally escape notice while offering Elner a good view of what's happening below.

Yuna passes Brad's query along to Elner, then takes a look for herself at what the powersuited team is up to. "I'm just guessing here, but they might have some kind of communications link in their suits," Yuna replies to Brad. "Elner's scanning to see if they're up to anything beyond that ... like if their coach is -"

She stops. Where *IS* the coach for Poly-Tech?

Shigure has posed:
    "Load Ranging Smoke, kuma, set gun bearing 2 1 0, elevation 0 0 5." muses Kuma to herself. She doesn't /have/ to voice what she's doing, but it's a familiar thing to her. Turrets traverse, and elevate, then with a single word. "FIRE!" report with six cracks of thunder, spewing smoke and flame, which obscures the cruiser's hull for a moment.

    The shells aren't normal shells, as when they hit... there's no cratering explosion, but instead begin to emit a bright green smoke. Kuma's voice crackles over radio. <<Use the smoke, kuma! It's not meant for it, but it should help keep them off of you while you advance!>>

Bradley Carbunkle (775) has posed:
     Toph drops that Poly Tech player like a sack of rocks. Sparks fly from where Toph slams into him, arcs crackling over the machine's limbs. "Ungh... I cast... lightning bolt...?"

     Frankly, the field is devolving into a bit of a melee but the referee - is there even a referee - doesn't seem to be paying any mind to it. Frika manages to duck past, gets the ball to Iria, who /legs it/ down the field. The various Tremorton players can hear the Poly Tech players whining about Kuma's use of smoke. Some turn big halogen lights on in their mechs and that only serves to dazzle themselves. Iria's got a clear path!

     Only for the last defender on the Poly Tech team to project a glittering purple forcefield right in front of her, barely four feet from the end zone! But Iria has Fayt's luck buff, surely she can get around it somehow!

     Yeah, where /is/ the coach? In fact, there's no sign of one. In fact, the only other Poly Tech player not on the field is Jacques, the former Tremorton High superstar. He's got a headset on and, as the mech suits emerge from the smoke, it might seem like he's providing directions from the sidelines! He's directing the nerds!

     Surely that's cheating!

Frederica (73) has posed:
    Annoyed at herself for fumbling the ball, Frika is nonetheless still in the game. Running escort for Iria, she means to at least make sure the other girl is able to make the touchdown. Frederica is competitive, but as long as the TEAM doesn't lose she doesn't mind someone else getting the glory.

    When she sees the force field, she puts on a burst of speed. While it's not enough to actually cause a sonic boom, there's a visual effect that comes close to suggesting it. The air around her *breaks* for a fraction of a second, and she blurrs straight at the defender.

    Yep, he's her target. And she's a human cannonball. Or rather, a Cait Sith cannonball. This might cost her half her health to slam into a mech but... what the heck. She's got the mana to spend on healing when breaktime comes!

Iria (215) has posed:
    With this unique technique from Frederica, this gives Iria a major chance. She can go in for a major touchdown if she's careful. She still keeps her eyes peeled as she attempts to run in towards the end zone. "If this works, I'll be a real touchdown hero! If only Fujikurow were here, then he'd never tease me again!" Iria grins as she rushes faster than before.

Iria (215) has posed:
    Partially thanks to the buff that Fayt gave her. That helps her make a bit of a better effort at running towards the end zone and scoring for her team.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    A gleeful yell leaves Toph as the Poly Tech player goes down, and she turns towards the last defender. But then her sensitive hearing picks up something from the sidelines. Jacques can be heard as he speaks, and Toph lets out a snort of contempt. That /has/ to be cheating!

    So she raises her hand in his direction and forms her rock covered hand into a fist, aiming to bend his headset from afar.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna turns more of her attention towards Jacques - or at least, she'd LIKE to, but she gets pulled into another cheerleading routine. Shouldn't they be doing those between plays when the players can be properly inspired ... ?

Elner, on the other hand, has no such distractions, and attempts to access whatever frequency Jacques is communicating with his teammates on. Mostly it's just to listen in ... but something beyond that might become an option.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt lets out a quick sigh as his spell connects, before looking back to Kuma. "How are you holding out?" He looks over the ship, seemingly having no idea what to make of it. "You um... you ok being landlocked like this?" reaches up to rub at the back of his head, clearly at a loss.

Shigure has posed:
    "Kuma is <A Okay> kuma~." She watches the 'match' progress through the various sensors she's equipped with, and as it looks like they're about to score, the ship suddenly evaporates into motes of white light, leaving the original girl with her Land Fit-out standing where the ship once was.

Bradley Carbunkle (775) has posed:
     Jacques' headset crumples line a tin can in Toph's earthbending grip. "Hey! Stupid piece of junk!" Jacques snaps. "Nerds!" He's shouting now, "Don't let them make a touchdown!"

     It's not like they have much choice. A Cait Sith headbutt slams the last defender back into the goal post which crumples the mech and bends the post back. Frika's head is probably going to be /ringing/ but, damn, if that wasn't stylish.

     Iria uses the opportunity to charge in and score! Seven points to the Quakers! The crowd goes WILD!

     Elner gets in on the Poly Tech tactical frequency. The nerds are freaking out, as they're not only getting soundly thrashed by a bunch of weird people who really don't /seem/ like Tremorton High students (and an actual ship), but now they don't have Jacques telling them how to play this game that involves things like 'running' and 'tackling' and not rolling dice and getting treasure. Really, it seems like the team is pretty thrashed and demoralised. Sure, getting Elites to come and stomp a bunch of souped-up nerds in power suits isn't the most sporting thing but, well, all's fair in love and football, right?

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    As she feels the headset crumble from afar Toph can't help but smirk slightly for herself, and she grins when Iria makes a touchdown, throwing her arms up and cheering! "Yeah!" Nice going, they are in the lead! Right?

    Toph runs over and offers a friendly punch to Iria, then to Fred. "Come on, let's get ready to grab the ball again and win this to cram their pathetic words down their throat!" Oh yeah, let's win for Brad's sake too, she guesses. But mostly they're doing this because it's /fun/ to prove dunderheads wrong.

    Still clad in her rock armour Toph enters a wide stance in the middle of the field. "WHENEVER YOU LADIES ARE READY!" Come on, Poly Tech.

Frederica (73) has posed:
    While Frederica would never approve of literally using one's head in this sort of competition, Frika is a different matter entirely. She's still protective of the walk-out form. She'd probably never have been able to walk out of Alfheim Online if she didn't relate to it like it was a real part of herself... but she's a LOT more physical with the Cait Sith body. It's her alter-ego, the form she can be DIFFERENT in. The one where she doesn't really have to care quite so much about perceptions and self-image.

    In short, Frika is the part of Frederica who simply doesn't care about consequences and is willing to cut loose a little. To be, in fact, a lot more like her brother Kyle. The form for which 'using your head' turns out to be a little too literal.


    Pay no attention to poor Frika. She's out like a light, or at least her head's ringing too much to get up right now. She's not actually KOed, or she'd be a remain light. And wouldn't that be freaky? "Iiiiii'm just going to lay here a bit." she mumbles, raising a hand from the ground she's flat out on.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Yuna grins a bit as she sees Toph dealing with Jacques's headset, and once the cheerleaders are done with their routine, she takes a moment to flash a thumbs-up to the earthbender. Of course, with their strategist now removed from the channel, there's nothing Elner can really do except listen to them freaking out - not really something the robo-faerie cares to do, but Elner continues monitoring it just in case. Jacques might have a back-up radio or something ...

And given that the Poly-Tech students were initially planning to stomp a bunch of Tremorton players who would be lucky to keep straight which end of the field was THEIR goal as opposed to the OTHER goal, Yuna has a hard time feeling terribly sorry for them now that the tables have been turned. If the chance presents itself, though, Yuna wants to get Frederica to safety rather than leaving her lying out there on the field where something else might happen.

Fayt Ravus (319) has posed:
    Fayt watches as The offensive team makes a score, before calmly pointing his staff at Frika and saying "White bolt."

    A bolt of white energy fires from his staff towards the crazy cat person. It's a healing spell, though one can only hope it's enough.

Iria (215) has posed:
    Iria goes in for the touchdown, and she's got it! She immediately spikes the ball and jumps for joy, striking a victory pose like all those guys would. "Yeah, who says girls can't play football, huh?!" She flexes her muscles and grins. "This is too easy!"

Bradley Carbunkle (775) has posed:
     At this point, really, there's not much stopping the Quakers (and their Union sub players) from just doing whatever they like over the field. There's maybe three or four suits still in operation, and they're not co-ordinated team-wide (or, really, on a personal level) to even try and stop them from running touchdowns and kicking field goals however they want.

     It's going to be a lot of points to zero at this rate. The tables haven't just been turned - they've been turned, flipped and thrown out the window.

     On the side lines, Jenny sits up, rubbing at her head. "Owwww... Happy birthday."

     "Oh, hey, Jen," says Brad, "It's not my birthday. I told you the plan would work."

     "It's just something I'm programmed to say whenever I restart. Come on, Quakers!"