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(Qualifier Round2 Match: Tomoe vs Gaonoir)
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WMAT BQ2 Tomoe vs. Gaonoir
Date of Scene: 17 August 2015
Location: WMAT Arena - Gizard Wasteland
Synopsis: Qualifier Round2 Match: Tomoe vs Gaonoir
Cast of Characters: Tomoe, Gaonoir

Gaonoir has posed:
As far as Gaonoir was concerned his first loss already proved his point. Yggdrasil's 'pet monster' defeated in this form of gladitorial combat? There was little way the Royal Knights could ignore that the Multiverse produced capable threats. Even if by the rules Gaonoir had held back a bit to match his foe, it got the message across.

That the B Bracket was a double elimination was just for his own amusement, now.

This time he didn't need to fiddle around to wait and see if his opponent was capable so he was already in his large wolf-bearish form, just chilling in the shadows cast by the canyon's walls. Hmph. He expected a place being called a wasteland to be a little more desolate, but that's not an important point either.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe was a tall woman she was over six foot before she wore anyy footwear and givne what she's got it adds a couple of inches to her height. She'd come flying into the area on translucne feathery red wings which seemed to be made of energy. She comes in for a landing looking at Gaonoir for a moment sizing him up and she thinks he could almost pass for a dungeon boss in ALO when she thought about it.

"I'm Tomoe the Iron Lily, your Gaonir, right? Well shall we get to it?"

Gaonoir has posed:
When the Digimon steps out of the canyon shadows it becomes a bit more clear just how much bulk this evolution has. To say someone photoshoped a wolf head and husky tail onto a giant bear isn't an exaggeration. As he does so his eyes narrow a bit. She's clearly not a digimon, yet something oddly similar about it nags at the back of his mind...

"Iron Lily, huh?" The creature lowers himself into a bit of a crouch. "We'll have to see how well you hold up to that name."

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe smirks a bit at Gaonair as she looks the digimon over. She has no idea just how much she has in common with Gaonoir. She seems pleenst enough she does seem to be intereted in how this is going to go. She takes a moment a digital menu appears she punches in a command. A moment later a shield with ever shifting names on it appears and she draws the sword she has across her back.

"Ready when you are."

Gaonoir has posed:
A shield? Oh this is going to be interesting. Though she's using a sword instead of that polearm Duke does with it. All the same, should prove to be something to deal with all the same. There's a pause, and then a smirk curls up his fanged mouth.

"Oh, I'm always ready for a fight."

But instead of the beast moving, his scarf does. The two ends whip to life seemingly of their own movement someway, bending to come at Tomoe from the sides with their clawed ends and get around her defensive weapons.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe is ready she watches them come in and notices just how much more rach her foes has he's certianly got a good deal of it. She's not used to a weapon like this. Well nothing quite like this that is, she shifts but it's not enough. She darts forward attempting to get in Gaonir's face and shield bash him.

Gaonoir has posed:
THWONK! The quick dash brings the shield to bear upside the larger Digimon's head. Gaonoir leers to the side a bit from the blow, shaking said head to clear the ringing from his ears afterwards. "Oh good, you -do- know how to use that thing for more than hiding behind." With a grunt he turns back towards her and takes a swing, aiming to knock her away again with one of his big gloved paws. He's not even using the nasty looking claws poking out of them. Yet.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe says "I'd not be here if I didn't know how to use it."

She keeps moving and this time she seems to have an idea of how to deal with it as she's able to parry that one for the most part, as she dances backwards, why? She's almost singing at this poing in norse as golden runes fly about her body, and then the laser beams start flying.

Gaonoir has posed:
Gaonoir digs his claws in and hunkers down to brace himself as the magic lasers zing through the air. Magic lasers are nothing new as far as attacks go when you've been dealing with other digimon all the time. There's little flashes where the bolts hit across his shaggy shoulders, but there's little visible damage to show for it so far.

"Oh, that's cute. She thinks she can stay safe at a distance." Much like a certain big bad wolf Gaonoir opens his mouth and inhales, the resulting vortex that forms trying to suck Tomoe closer to him. But that's not all as several small waifs of dark energy swirl through it to give the airflow some destructive edge.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe has experiance with high winds she takes fight and is fighting against being pulled i, she's doing pretty good too as she's not really seemed to be hurt that bad. She's barely scuffed from that.

"So your a wind bag?"

Rising high the Salmander woman takes fight then dives bombs right at Gaonir, her blashe lahses out as she flies by and then attemps to pull up afterwards.

Gaonoir has posed:
Gaonoir curses to himself as she manages to take off before he can suck her into the force, evading the worse of it with seemingly little effort. But she doesn't stay there, swooping down to slash him with her sword. This time it leaves a visible wound, and a bit of.. black stuff dribbling from it. It's clearly -not- the typical data motes most digimon show upon being wounded. But betting in close also puts her in risk of his best range of attacks. The swing of one paw is aimed to knock her off of his body, followed quickly by a second overhand blow to pound her into the ground afterwards.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe is seemingaly quite the experiance figthter but at this point? Gaonoir might see why he was feeling odd about her as th attack slams in to her. The site of impac, deofmrs showing a red wireframe fo ra moment before her body's shape tries to come back but she's just being pummledx so he might be able to see the process several times.

That's when she finally bursts free and turns about launching into a rapid combo of sword strikes against Gaonir in rapid succession.

Gaonoir has posed:
.. A digital entity other than digimon? That flash of wireframe bewilders Gaonoir for a moment, which gives his opponent an apt oppritunity to assault him several more times with her sword. Though he takes the beating like every other attack and keeps on trucking. Just as she's finishing up her swipes is when he finally lunges in, trying to chomp down on Tomoe with his jaws. Omnomnomnom!

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe pulls back but she's not in time she's clearly being hut as she's being chomps on. She lets out a cry, and something just gives a bit. Maybe it's form how the monsters in the cursed floating castle were? Who knows, but what Gaonir gets is the shield arm coming about to slam the shield into his head until he lets go and Tomoe isn't being gentle about it either.

Gaonoir has posed:
Gaonoir gets smacked upside the head a second time, dropping the avatar girl from his maw with a yelp. "Hmph. You tasted weird anyways." The wolfish beast plods to one side a bit and then the other, as if sizing her up farther as large predators sometimes do before striking again. It's not long before he comes in swinging again though, this time using those shadowy claws to full effect instead of just swatting at her with his paws.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe gets the wolflike being of hee which works well now she's getting clawed up and there' digital tears in her body for a moment before they attempt to reform to thei normaql shape it's clear he is hurting her. The shadowy claws get an odd response the sword is sheathjed and the shield vanishes. In their place? Is a Japanese Naginata and Tomoe is lunging in at Gaonoir she moves abotu striking rapidly with it, leaping high and then striking low.


Gaonoir has posed:
Gaonoir rears up on his back legs as Tomoe leaps into the air towards him... and catchs the sword between his forepaws! It still cuts into his palms (the gloves are actually part of his form, so their protection is limited) but it keeps her from slashing into his body. But he doesn't give her long to think about it though before he uses the hold on the sword to toss her across the Wastelands.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe is not having the best of luck here still she's got some more reach now thankfully and that might help. He then grabs the sword on her back and she's sent flying pretty hard. She hits the ground and skids across the ground pretty darn hard and it takes her a moment to rise. One she does so she chants another spell and her spear's head bursts into bright white flames, then she's upon Gaonoir once more attacking with a light infused blade!

Gaonoir has posed:
Gaonoir tries to move out of the way but he misjudges Tomoe's trajectory and the light infused spear gashes down his side from the failed maneuver. The wound left in the blow's wake, much like the chop in his shoulder, 'bleeds' that dark ichor instead of the digital motes and gridframe of other Digimon. "Now that one, I felt." With a growl he turns back towards Tomoe, and unleashes a howling blast of energy, a concentration of his electronic disruption effect. This may or may not be very uncomfortable for the Iron Lily...

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe is not fairing so well now as Gaonir given how heavily he's slamming into her with his attack. This just well? End badly for her to say the least. As Gaonoir counters attack he catches her with the horirble neryg and it's not very plesen id's doing things btween her avatar and meat for a moment and it's taking a second for her vision to snap into focus agian.

She's not licked yet though as she comes in gain she faults into the air and attempts to come down on Gaonoir like a Dragoon. How does a lday that tall and wearing partial plate /move/ like that?!

Gaonoir has posed:
It's hardly as bizarre from Gaonoir's point of view considering there's digimon much larger than her, heavily armored or otherwise massive war machines, and they can FLY. But that's not here or there. Tomoe lands on his back and thrusts her weapon into his shoulders as she does so, getting a howl of actual pain out of the shadowy creature. But being up there puts her in prime range of his clawed scarf though. Like a pair of whip-like whips they lash around to grab onto her, yank her off Gaonoir's back and slam her into the ground instead.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe is not quite out of yet but she knows things getting down to the wire at this point and she's not ignorant of this and she's going to try to press the Digimon as hard as she can right now. She does notice the scarf is an issue. It gets her off Gao but it's not enough to slam her into the ground. She rapidly counters with a chian of spear thrusts hopefully before Gao can react.

Gaonoir has posed:
Gaonoir gets her off his back but she uses the reach of her weapon to keep stabbing at him before he can throw her into the ground, just dropping her with a frustrated snarl instead. Damn pointy sticks. More trouble than they're worth. She's just lucky he can't digivolve for this fight and, like, punch her into orbit or something! "Now, you are starting to get on my nerves." The creature throws himself bodily at her, doing so curling himself into a big ball of hurty darkness.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe ius on the edge here an she knows it as she looks to Ganoir maybe she should have kept to sword and board. It's too late now as she's slammed hard as the creater slams into her an it's quite painful but Tomoe isn't done yet she actually grabns Gaonoir with one and starts chanting again. There's the runes dancing about her and him. Yet siomething else happens. Eveything about them becomes fire and the only one that will for sure not be effected is Tomoe. There's a powerful firy Shockwave and pillards of flames are just exploding /everywhere/.

Gaonoir has posed:
The attack slams into Gaonoir with it's full force as fire erupts across the canyon arena, the intensity tearing into the corrupt code that composes him. All the same the excruciating experience doesn't stop him from push through even as it's tearing him up, explosion after explosion.

Pity he can't just pull her apart to find out what she's really made of but there's the whole non-lethal rules thing to worry about, so he's just going to have to make due with beating her up farther.

With a final roar of defiance he rears up out of the explosions, and starts slamming his shadow infused fists and claws into the ground repeatedly in rage, hoping to catch her in the midst of the barrage of blows.

Tomoe has posed:
Tomoe is about pushed to her limit here the she can take a lot but without DPS support she's not made to generallyt burn someone like this down. She's slammed into the again and again she loses heold of her weapon and she falls she doesn't get back up even as he beats her into the dirt. At the end her HP's t a few point and Tomoe manges to rasp out. "Yeild..."

Gaonoir has posed:
There's one more slam of claws into the ground, but on either side of Tomoe as she surrenders. Gaonoir looms over her a moment... then smirks a bit, faintly. "Yer tougher than you looked, I will give you that... Though I've fought enough battles to know someone that's use to working with a group. Don't forget where that strength lies." That said he pulls his fists from the ground and turns to slink out of the arena ground...

... and once he's skulked off into the shadows he slumps against one of the canyon walls as he devolves, his smaller form looking a lot more battered than the beefier Adult stage did. "I have got to stop counting short on these otherworlders..."