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Jasper's Factory Fight!
Date of Scene: 19 August 2015
Location: The Factory (TF)
Synopsis: Looking for a fight, Jasper goes for another Target Zone, and runs right into Karima who proves a tough opponent!
Cast of Characters: 235, 836, 858

Jasper (858) has posed:
     The Factory. Broken, barren, windswept plains. It reminds Jasper, on some level, of the various worlds she's fought across in the service to the Gem Homeworld. To her, this place - and the wider Multiverse - is just one more battleground for her to conquer, to crush beneath her heel.

     She's just there, all of a sudden, amidst some of the most broken battlegrounds. The Union holds this territory but perhaps not for long, not once Jasper's smashed throught their defenders.

     She's a tall woman - nine feet, maybe - with a musculature that could best be described as 'outrageous', like a professional weightlifter. The wind tugs at her mane of long, thick white hair. She scowls against the wind, and advances upon the Union lines.

     They'll need a savior!

Karima (235) has posed:
     The dragon had made it a point in recent days to go to fairly large lengths to improve herself and to train when she could, especially in light of her missing the WMAT for the second year. It irritated her greatly, to know that she was again, missing out on the best chance to possibly prove herself in front of her faction. The taunting call over the radio almost instantly garnered her attention, and after a little bit of background checking, it was pretty easy to find out where this loud attacker was broadcasting from.

Karima makes a beeline for the factory, but judging by the wreckage, the large woman had clearly been here for a decent amount of time, and apparently, quite incontested. She sends the last message over the wide-range radio just as she swoops in, folding her wings in to allow for a smooth landing, a good dozen or so feet from Jasper. The dragon whistles as she looks up towards the towering orange lady, crossing her arms in the process.

"Wow. Humans come in huge carrot colors now? Jeez, just when I thought I was figuring them out, a new crayon stops out of the box."

Jasper (858) has posed:
     Jasper eyes off Karima with a curious expression, like a wolf inspecting a prey animal - there's something primal and dangerous about her expression that quirks a grin across her face. She drops half of a Union vehicle of some sort, seemingly like she had torn it in half with her bare hands.

     The grin gives way to a frown. "Human?" Jasper replies, her voice low and seething. "Do I look like one of those weaklings?" She stomps towards Karima, kicking up dust with each step.

     "No, forget the question! How about you get a feel for what I am instead!"

     In a moment, she's charging, one fist raised and ready to strike, a glowing corona of golden fire building around her fist!

Karima (235) has posed:
     Karima generally considered herself to be a fairly large individual compared with most elites of the confederation. But when Jasper rushes in, it's clear just how much of a size advantage she's got over her. Even so, she's grinning the whole time she approaches her, and just before the punch lands, she brings up one of those thick metal bracers to parry the punch, redirecting it over her head. At the same time, she grabs the huge woman by the hip and uses her own momentum to toss her off balance behind her.

"Usually people are asking me that question. But you want a fight lady? You've got one. Bring it."

Jasper (858) has posed:
     Jasper goes flying. The Gem woman lands in a heap, crumpled in the dirt. For a second, she seems shocked - but the shock gives way to rage. She slams her fist against the ground and, for a moment, it seems like the whole area shakes. When Jasper rises to her feet, a golden helmet has settled over her head. Of course, the wicked prow on the helmet makes it clear that this is more of a weapon and less of a piece of defensive headgear.

     With a roar, Jasper charges again. This time, though, she lowers her head, extending that heavy armored prow so she might catch Karima with it - that might hurt!

Karima (235) has posed:
     Karima smirks when the toss works just as intented, but her expression shifts when the woman's fist hits the ground hard enough to have her feel it from that distance. And just like that, the woman is on her again, charging like a bull. The headgear comes in as a surprise as she comes in again, faster than before. She raises one of her bracer covered forearms up to block the attack, the impact rattling her hard enough to hurt. Even with that, she digs in her foot-claws and only manages to slide a few feet from it.

Her free hand channels some chakra, forming a basketball sized fireball with it. She brings it around firing it directly into Jasper's chest to blow her back a small distance.

Jasper (858) has posed:
     Clang! Helmet meets bracer and the sound might send ears ringing, but Jasper doesn't even seem to notice it. She's drawing her head back, tensing the muscles through her neck and shoulders for another strike-

     -and then Karima blasts her in the chest. Maybe it's some reaction to her Gem physiology or just from the strength of the blast, but Jasper slams right into the dirt... again. She emits a strangled noise from her throat that begins as a hiss, turns into a snarl and culminates into a roaring crescendo.

     She charges again. This time, she leaps into the air, and looks set to drop her elbow squarely onto Karima, with all of her strength!

Karima (235) has posed:
     Karima winces from the fireblast in such close range, but the attack worked like it needed to. Unfortunately, all it seemed to do was make her even madder than before. She was expecting another charging move, but when she goes up for the elbow drop, the dragon tumble-dives out of the way, though not completely scot free. Her tail tip catches the slightest edge of her blow, causing the dragon to wince.

She pulls out of the roll and stands up again, masking the pain behind a cocky grin. She motions with her hand, a finger to be precise. She points towards her and then rolls her finger back towards her, beckoning the large woman to come at her again.

Jasper (858) has posed:
     The ground gets the worst of it, as it turns out. Sure, Karima's tail gets clipped, but Jasper's elbow punches a great big dent where she had been a moment ago. Jasper growls and she picks herself up amidst the dust and smoke, a hulking silhouette, radiating anger even then.

     Through the dust, her golden eyes glint. She must pick up on Karima's taunt, because she comes charging in again. Maybe this tactic works most of the time, with her size and fury - but it's not working so well now, when she's meeting an opponent that can slip around her.

     But this time, Jasper isn't resorting to one strike. No, this time, she headbutts in a quick flurry of one, two, three strikes! Crash! Crash! Crash!

Karima (235) has posed:
     The dragon's feeling pretty good about herself about now. This lady didn't seem that tough. Pretty strong sure, but not that tough at all. It's about at that exact second when she realized that again, this woman was not quite what she seemed. Rage was not an emotion Karima was unfamiliar with, but this one seemd to thrive on it. Faster than she had been before, the charge comes in, and just as she was ready to toss her for the second time, the headbutt nails her right in the face. A second hit knocks her off balance and the third sends her rocketing backwards.

She bounces off of the ground, tumbling head over heels uncontrollably until she finally finds her footing and digs her claws it again, slowing herself. She places a hand on a broken rock pillar next to her, looking through the smoke that attack kicked up. She flares her wings and sends a small bit of wind out from them to clear the air, allowing her to see her opponent. The dragon spits out a small bit of blood on the rock next to her, glaring back towards Jasper.

"It's about time you got serious. I was starting to think you were all talk."

She crushes her hands into fists and crouches down. She charges forward in much the same manner that Jasper did, but with the added bonus of igniting her fists just in time to land a flurry of blows to the muscular woman's mid-section, ending it with roundhouse kick to the same section.

Jasper (858) has posed:
     Jasper weathers the blows as best she can, but the hits are good ones and by the last few, she is actually falling back under the onslaught, building up some space between her and her opponent. She falls back, holding one hand to her side, and sucking in breaths. "I'll show... you... just what I am..." she growls out, evidently still more than willing to fight even though she is, really, getting hammered.

     Maybe more so.

     Jasper brushes some dirt from her striped face with the back of her hand. The visor of her helmet is cracked, although her anger still isn't. Jasper charges back into the battle, and this time, she is just a storm of blows - feet, fists, elbows, knees, and more than a few headbutts! She fights like a brawler, using her strength and size to just overpower Karima - or at least, that is what she hopes!

Karima (235) has posed:
     Now this was a fight! Karima stays in close quarters this time, and growing somewhat used to her fighting style, starts actively blocking, parrying and dodging most of the attacks. Each time that crystal headpeice interacts with her bracers, the resulting *CLANK!* resonates throughout the battle field. But, on the other hand though, the dragon's showing visible wear and tear now; clothes were getting ripped, abraisions were showing up on her scales and a small trickle of blood seeps from her lip.

On the last headbutt strike, Karima strikes back, driving a knee into her chin to force her to stand up again. She follows up with two quick palm slaps to the belly and ends by grabbing Jasper by the mid-section and simply throwing her with the use of her feet in a very basic karate throw.

"I'll tell you what you are...done! You picked a fight with the wrong elite!"

Jasper (858) has posed:
     Jasper doesn't seem to show the same signs of physical damage, although she's clearly tiring, expending whatever energy it is that a Gem uses to maintain their form. That's what she has to be, if the fact that she appears to have a gemstone for a nose is any indication.

     But she's not down yet.

     Karima's knee slams into her chin, causing Jasper's head to snap back under the blow. She shouts out, in surprise or maybe pain, and while she reels from that, Karima capitalises on it to hammer some blows into her her middle. Again, Jasper is thrown aside, slamming through a spire of jagged minerals. As the dust settles, nothing moves.

     And then a great orange arm thrusts from the under the broken material, and Jasper follows, gasping for breath. There's a low growl in the back of her throat and, suddenly, Jasper is blazing with a flaming corona of golden energy.

     She smiles like a shark and her body shifts into a chaotic mass, for a moment - all spinning spikes and whirling edges. And then that blazing comet streaks out, straight for Karima, as Jasper's body emerges from the blinding light. It's like she's just going to ram Karima!

Karima (235) has posed:
     Despite her size, Karima's got the strength to go toe to toe with the giant lady, and even enough to straight uproot her from the ground. Still though, it was getting tiring, and just as soon as the dragon gets up, the orange woman is up again too. Again, she's expecting her to charge, either directly or from the air at an accellerated speed. What she wasn't expecting was...a glowy orange spin dash.

The attack hits her wholesale, sending Karima spiraling off to the side and landing hard on her side. She rolls over herself for a few cycles before kicking a foot into the ground to stabilize herself.

She turns towards Jasper's form and takes a rooted martial arts stance, shoring up her feet on the ground and taking a deep breath. She exhales a moment later and her fists, which were lit with an orange blaze, intensify to orange white, illuminating the area around her. She pulls her hands together, gathering energy between them, the chakra swirling between her palms, soon filling them with the same energy. As she's doing this, she takes another deep breath and a similar light spills from her snout. She looks forward to roughly where her opponent was going to be and fires a large, erratic looking bolt of white-hot-orange energy, and following it up by firing the blast from her palms. The two attacks swirl together and combine to a streaking comet of fire, leaving behind circular rings as it tears through the air towards Jasper.

Jasper (858) has posed:
     Jasper lands kneeling, one fist on the dirt. She's sent Karima flying and Jasper allows herself a predatory grin. /Good/. Jasper hears Karima stabilise herself with that kick and she turns, leering at her draconic opponent, balling her fists.

     Jasper begins stalking towards Karima with long, powerful strides. She's barely taken three steps before Karima nails her with her energy blast. It strikes well and true and causes Jasper to just utterly vanish under the flash of white-hot energy, obscuring her entirely. By the time it has dissipated, there's a new landmark in the Factory landscape - a great trench where the blast has scythed through the earth.

     It's silent. Maybe Jasper has been defeated, but then an orange hand claws its way up and out of the trench, pulling the rest of her body behind it. She takes a step, then another, then collapses to her knees. "You- You think you've won? You think something like /that/ would defeat me?!"

     She rises, slowly, unsteadily. "Ggh... I'm not done yet..."

     She glows again, but this time it flickers for a moment. She surges from the ground and towards Karima, fists ready to land a punishing hammer blow!

Karima (235) has posed:
     The dragon always hated this part. The waiting game. The smoke has to clear and you inspect the blast zone to make sure that your opponent is down for the count. Unfortunately, the dragon didn't have to wait long before an orange hand appears out of the explosion radius of the attack. The translucent smoke eminating from the path the fireball took wasn't enough to obscure that signal. Jasper's faultering doesn't gather a smile or much of a reaction, but rather, a wary, careful eye. This lady was as hard as a rock and likely even tougher than she was, judging by the amount of abraisons the dragon had now. Far, far more than she was intending to have.

The next attack was just as wild as the rest of them, and rather than dodge, Karima puts up her guard again, forming an 'X' over her head with the punch landing square in the middle of it. The blow is severe enough to where it rattles not just the bones in her upper body, but even her teeth. She grounds her stance to spread the impact, but it wasn't enough to avoid all the damage. Blood seeps from out of her nose and her muscles ache.

No more of those.

She swings both of her arms out from herself, moving the brutish woman's fist out of the way, leaving the air above her open. She somersaults behind Jasper and grabs her by the midsection, clutching tight. Her wings flare outwards, stretched taut.

"How about we go for a ride big girl?"

With a powerful flap of her wings, she attempts to lift Jasper from the ground, and if successful, the two of them tear into the sky. At the apex fo the flight (or at least as much as she could muster) she stops flapping and lets the two of them drop, wrenching Jasper into a series of backflips as they speed back towards the ground. A few dozen feet before impact, she kicks Jasper away, leaving her to spiral into the ground, head over heels.

Jasper (858) has posed:
     Jasper's fist slams into Karima's guard, and Jasper /pushes/ with all of her strength. But then Karima has redirected her strength, found a way behind her and has grabbed her in a hold. In her grip, Jasper writhes and twists and does everything she can to break free. If Karima didn't know better, it'd be almost like panic.

     What, being in a hold makes her freak out this much?

     In that sense, Jasper's probably relieved when Karima plunges back down towards the dirt of the factory and then releases her. She spins towards the ground, in an uncontrolled fall, and - with a resounding boom that shakes the plains - impacts, hard.

     She's not moving. It seems like Jasper has been stopped.

     For now.

Karima (235) has posed:
Karima lands quietly a few dozen feet away, panting lightly. She leans over, placing her hands on her legs to brace her position, looking over at the slightly flattened body of the orange hulk. A grin finally crosses her features as it finally seemed like she was down for the count.

"You know what they say about the bigger they are...but I gotta say lady, you are one HUGE chick. Jeez. Felt like my wings were going to tear off."

She waits a moment before speaking again, standing upright once more. "Hey cupcake, are you still in the land of the living?"

Jasper (858) has posed:
     She's conscious. Barely. Probably because she's, in a way, just a projection - and Jasper's clinging to remaining substantiated through sheer force of will. She won't be weak again- she won't surrender. She can't-!

     "You..." she hisses, ".../you/..." Her words die off into incoherent muttering after that.

Peridot (836) has posed:
    What a busy day.

    Lights and sound fill the air around the dirt plains as a massive amount of dust was kicked up by the sudden arrival of a large flying green pod. The translucent window pane opened up as a green-skinned woman with diamond shaped hair leaned out. "Jasper! We don't have time for this!" She chided in a fussy tone. She quickly typed away on a holographic datapad, as a beam of green energy shot out and latched onto Jasper and begin lifting her into the air. "We have a job to do!"

    Though she did take a brief moment to look down upon Karima. Peridot was much smaller and thinner than her orange compatriot. But, she had a unique talent for glowering. Her eyes narrowed some, but she doesn't throw out any taunts, or curses. She appeared to merely be sizing her up, visually scanning and documenting her form.

    "Hm..." She rubs her chin, before pressing another button. The window pane of her flying green pod becoming opaque to hide her from Karima's view. A hole opens up in the bottom of the ship, and pulls Jasper into it. Once the orange gem was safely aboard, it closes up and zips away, leaving the area silent and dark once more.

Karima (235) has posed:
Karima 's eyes go wide when the pod seemingly shows up out of no where, properly scoops up the giant lady, another smaller green lady pops out long enough to stare at her, and then the two of them just...skidaddle off. She marely stares at the entire scene play out in front of her, too stunned to do anything. When it's clear that they are leaving though, she reaches out towards them, but by that time, it's far too late, as they are out of sight and the Dragon is far too injured to give chase. She shakes her head dismissively.

"That in the hell was that thing? Who -ARE- these people?"