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Latest revision as of 23:34, 19 August 2015

WMAT AQ1 Celestine vs Natasha
Date of Scene: 19 August 2015
Location: WMAT Arena - Spinach Wastes
Synopsis: A creation of science fights a creation of magic for WMAT supremacy.
Cast of Characters: 425, 816
Tinyplot: WMAT 2015

Natasha (425) has posed:
Natasha's certainly excited about her fight. It seems like she's been waiting forever for it. She was busy last year and wasn't able to take part in the WMAT but she's back and intends to go further this year. She enters the arena with a huge smile on her face and waves to the audience as she awaits for her opponent to arrive. She's not familiar with who she's fighting so she'll have to make it up as she goes along.

Celestine (816) has posed:
On the other side of the arena, Celestine walks into the area. The female raptor dragon rolls her shoulders and hops on her feet a bit to get her body pumped for this battle. She didn't do well against her own 'shadow' and that thing was still haunting her. In the depths of her own mind, she was trying to shake it off, but it was fresh-- and she can only hope it wouldn't impact this fight.

She needed to redeem herself in the eyes of not only herself, but the rest of the Tyrannos. How horrible it must look that she failed, their genetic creation, to a mere clone. Once those eyes are locked on who she is fighting, she places up her claw hand in a wave, "Hey there, soft skin! You ready to do this?" Enthusiasm and fire is in her voice as she speaks to Natasha.

Those red draconic eyes looking at her opponent, her dark brown, almost black scales seeming a bit dull in the light, with the lighter gray under body and hands. The feathers on her head were also black with gray-blue tips. Her tail sways side to side as she waits for the announcement to go. Once the signal was given, Celestine lets out a screeching roar, before she charges right for the young woman!

Her hand reaches for the metal cylinder at her side, before she gives it a flick as it extends out to a staff, she then spins it around before slamming the butt of it into the ground in order to pole-vault into the air, before rotating her body around and then moving to slam the staff down at Natasha.

Natasha (425) has posed:
"Wow, I'm fighting a dragon! This is just like something out of a fairy tale!" Well, a dinosaur-dragon but that's close enough for Natasha. In her excitement, Natasha's caught a bit off guard by the sudden attack and comment. Her skin really isn't soft, in fact she doesn't actually have skin at all. Of course Celestine couldn't see that at the moment.

"Of course, I am! Heroines always defeat dragons after all, or there wouldn't be any story to tell!" She nods as she manages to block the staff with her hands. It hurts a bit but she grabs the metal and begins to heat it in her hands. She figures Celestine can't hold onto it if it's burning hot right?

Celestine (816) has posed:
The heat generated by Natasha isn't natural and this catches the genetic soldier off guard as she can actually feel the heat for once in her life. Her reaction is to let go, but instead she holds onto it, gritting her sharp fanged teeth as her eyes narrow sharply. "What..." She hiss out, "... Are you?" At last Celestine lets go of where she holds, but instead breaks the staff in half as it is designed to be done.

Her body rotates around, before she goes to use part of the staff she does have to clonk Natasha right where the shoulder and neck is to maybe get her to drop down to her knee for a moment as Celestine tries to make sense of what she is picking up from this young woman. She had never smelled anything like her before or even comprehends how this could be.

Natasha (425) has posed:
"I'm made of fire magic, it's kind of complicated! Now's not really the best time to explain!" Natasha can't really afford to go into too much detail right now. She's trying to stay focused on the fight. After all she nearly got hit the last time she took her attention off of it. She ducks after the staff aimed at her before bobbing back up with a flaming uppercut aimed at Celestine's chest.

Celestine (816) has posed:
The flame uppercut impacts Celestine into the chest and the force causes the soldier to flip in the air with it. Her sturdy chest scales across crack under the impact as she rotates her body to land on the ground. "You are also stronger than you look." She rumbles out before a grin comes over her muzzle, "Good! Means I can have some fun with you, fire starter!"

The dragon-raptor then pushes off with her foot, leaping to one side, before she hops to the other leg, moving in a zig-zag like fashion, before she leaps down and slides low, rotating her body around to where her tail comes racing in like a bludgeon weapon to trip up the other female.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Most of Natasha's strength comes from magic since she's made from it after all. She notes Celestine's awkward movement but isn't it able to get out of the way in time and trips on her tail. There's a soft thud as she does so. The fire elemental doesn't weigh that much but she still feels pain as it takes a moment for her to recover from the fall. Once Natasha gets back onto her feet she lobs a fiery orb at Celestine.

Celestine (816) has posed:
The fiery orb impacts Celestine and knocks the lizard woman off her feet. She lands on the ground with a roll, before flipping back up to her feet. Her tail sways side to side as she remains in a three prong crouch. "This is when I really wish I had some water." She muses with a playful grin.

"Maybe we could put out some of your heat!" Celestine says as she springs back into action, this time leading with a punch, then another punch, before rotating herself around with her speed to kick with her toe claw extended out.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Natasha's pretty sure there's water somewhere around there, but she's not going to say that out loud. She doesn't enjoy getting wet after all. Well, getting hit doesn't exactly feel pleasant either, but that's to be expected when you enter a fight. Natasha extends her leg countering with a kick of her own.

Celestine (816) has posed:
The two legs impact of the two fighters and Celestine thanks her tough scales. She uses the momentum however to roll with the block and hop around to kick in with a backward round house kick for Natasha. "Win or lose, this is a fun match! Better then that... whatever it was. Have you fought /it/ yet?"

Natasha (425) has posed:
"Doppleganger, no I haven't fought it yet! Does it copy people or is that just a name?" Natasha's still curious to how the being works. She's immune to her own fire so would she get in a stalemate with a copy of herself? She better focus on the fight though, was Celestine trying to distract her as the fire elmental gets kicked again. She clutches her hands together, and a makeshift sword made out of fire forms in them. She slashes at the dragon-woman trying to get past her thick skin.

Celestine (816) has posed:
The fire blade cuts down into Celestine's scales, and while her body can handle natural heat up to being able to swim in lava, this fire is not the same and it causes her a great deal of discomfort. The scales break under the cutting force, but the Dragon-Raptor refuses to let the pain win. Instead with a snarl and a hiss, she yanks her arm away, causing the cut to be worse, before she draws back her fist and goes to slam it into Natasha's face.

She also doesn't answer the woman's question about Doppelganger, at least--- not yet.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Natasha's not quite sure how her anatomy works anymore, but she knows gets punched in the face by Celestine hurts. She's just glad she doesn't have any bones anymore or that would certainly have broke something. "Ouch!" She cringes in pain a bit as a red welt begins to form on her face. She slashes at Celestine's other arm figuring hurting would take her out of the fight even further.

Celestine (816) has posed:
Celestine goes to block the blade strike with her arm, which once more cuts the scales and gets to her tough underskin. "Doppelganger doesn't seem to be alive. It seems like rotten flesh and decaying bone to my nose." She says with a hiss of pain, before she back flips away, using her tail to flick the rod she dropped earlier and reconnecting them to make the full staff again.

"But it is smart, yet has no emotions--- I guess. The thing gives me nightmares still thinking about." Her eyes narrow. "Damn thing copied every part of me!" She then charges ahead, twirling the staff in one hand as she goes to swing, but instead spins around and goes to the jab butt of the staff for the other woman's midsection.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Natasha cringes even further both at Celestine jabbing her in the chest and her comment about Doppleganger. Of course that makes her even more curious to how it would copy her, would it smell like burning flesh? Still if it's undead, that could also work to her advantage, the undead often don't seem to like fire. She tries to use her flaming sword to cut pass Celestine's defense with her staff.

Celestine (816) has posed:
The staff isn't so easy to cut, but as the blade goes to impact the staff, the heat of the sword does cause Celestine's staff to heat up where she can't hold it again. "Will you stop that!" She hisses and snarls out, before flipping back to land on her hands and then with a spring off her hands goes to slam both feet into Natasha.

If she successful hits, she will flip off and allow her tail to follow up to maybe impact the young woman under her chin.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Natasha manages to block most of the blow but she does get whipped in the chin a bit from Celestine's kick. The dragon wants to her stop using her sword, fine she has other ways to fight. She uses her momentum against her, as she kicks back at the woman while she's still flipping in order to try and knock her back.

Celestine (816) has posed:
As the kick comes in, Celestine gets down low, the fiery woman's kick sails over her head, but the force clips her feathers and nicks one of her spikes. It was-- a bit close for comfort, however down on all fours, the Raptor Dragon lets out a growl, before she springs up from where she is and flips herself around to where she goes to handstand on the much smaller woman's shoulders.

If it connects, she flips herself off and then goes to jam her raptor clawed feet right for the woman's backside with a hard kick force.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Natasha gets knocked back with that, there's certainly a lot of force behind Celestine's kicks. The fire sword is snuffed out as she loses her focus on it. She has something else in mind though as fire bursts out underneath the ground below. The dragon better quickly get out of the way if she doesn't get roasted alive.

Celestine (816) has posed:
Celestine doesn't have time to react as the inferno bursts from under her pain, she yowls in pain as the flames surround her form and seem to for a moment hide her being. It destroys the clothing she has on her and even melts her sidearm.

Once the fire settles down, the Draco-Raptor is still standing there, smoke smoldering off her body, her scales glistening slightly from the heat and her eyes closed shut. There was a huff of air from her, before her eyes snap open, glowing with intense white light. "That--- Hurt." She says with her razor sharp teeth, snarling at the red head fire 'mage'.

With a draconic raptor-like roar, the lizard woman irrupts with untold speed and goes to strike her hand claws right for the other young lady. She slashes and slashes again, seeming to allow her predatory nature lose instead of trying to keep it in check.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Natasha does her best to avoid the slashing but Celestine manages to get a few good cuts as she recovers from summoning the geyser. She figures that it would hurt her more than that but it still did a decent amount of damage. She tries to get her stop from attacking her further directly by covering herself in flame.

Celestine (816) has posed:
The flames lick around Celestine as Natasha tries to cover herself in fire, yet the genetically created Reptilonian refuses to give in and back away from pain. She already lost once, she doesn't want to lose again. This was her chance to prove she is a capable fighter! That she was worth everything that Styraco created her for!

Yet, she was inexperienced and that inexperience was also showing here in WMAT. Trained fighters from all over were here, and she? She was no trained fighter, still only a few weeks old, maybe a month, but how was she ever to learn?

As the flames started to burn away her scales, the Dragon-Raptor continued to push herself, she lunged right for Natasha, moving her hands to try and hoist the burning body of the woman with both hands. Even as the fire continued to burn away at her, the exhaustion of the heat starting to get to her, with blurred vision, Celestine refused to surrender.

With a screech, she then goes to try and throw Natasha with all of her draconic-dinosaur strength she can muster...

Natasha (425) has posed:
Of course Natasha's pretty easy to throw given her lack of weight. That combined with Celestine's own strength and she goes flying surprisingly far. She has a fair share of fighting experience but she generally holds back to avoid hurting anyone too much and losing control. Celestine still has to risk getting burnt as she does so though, and that alone might be enough to edge out a victory for the fire elemental even if take a bit for her to realize it.

Celestine (816) has posed:
Once Celestine tosses Natasha away from her, the heat from the girl's body still lingers over her. The Dragon-Raptor goes to take a step, her teeth snarly, but her eyes start to lose that glow as they go back to their red draconic color, and with a another step---

-- Celestine goes face first into the ground, out cold.

Natasha (425) has posed:
It takes a moment for Natasha to land and get back on her feet but she can hear the crowd cheer for her. She's smiling but quite sore from the fight, now she just has to beat Doppleganger to move onto the next round.