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Medicine for the Masochistic
Date of Scene: 19 August 2015
Location: Papaya Island - Hospital
Synopsis: It's not often Medusa gets full compliance from her patients.
Cast of Characters: 22, 799

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    The first people on the field after the Setsuko had succeeded were the medical teams. While one team had gotten the knightly demigoddess a whole other team had headed on over to Hisoka, lead by a blonde woman who directed the team with complete authority. Her white medical coat is whirling about her as she walks onto the field. "Get the stretcher," she says to two non-humans, who hurry onwards. And then the woman looks up at Hisoka with what appears to be an amused smile crossing her lips. "Sir, I am lieutenant Medusa Gorgon of the Confederacy. I would suggest you come with us for medical treatment before you lose anymore blood. If you would please get on the stretcher, then we will transport you to Papaya hospital," she suggests as she gestures to the stretcher as it is set down. "After all, it does look like you might need a... hand." Amusement plays across her lips before she speaks again, this time a bit more seriously. "Lilly."

    At that very moment a somewhat timid looking nurse steps forward, holding a peculiar jar with shifting lights and lightning in. "Yes, miss Gorgon?" "Please retrieve the hand so it doesn't lose more blood. It's such a bother to reattach body parts if it takes too long." "Yes!" With that the nurse steps forward towards Hisoka, opening the jar as it makes a peculiar sound, and the strange energy crackles within. What sort of witchcraft is this?

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    Hisoka has every intention of walking off the battlefield. Blood loss he can handle. He can seal over his every wound with bungee gum if need be, making sure he doesn't die of blood loss. Internal bleeding leading to organ failure, well, that's still possible. Other horrible conditions too, surely. But Hisoka has no intention of bleeding to death and little desire to be carried off the field so long as his opponent still retained the ability to move on her own.

    Hisoka gives Medusa a somewhat insolent eyeing over; weighing, measuring, evaluating. It's not quite a leer, not quite the tally of curves another man might take. Neither does he actually shy away from assessing the nurse as a woman... but of course it's not femininity alone that he's interested in.

    Whatever Hisoka sees in Medusa, he shows neither undue pleasure or displeasure. Unlike his reaction to the timid-seeming Lilly who earns complete dismissal. "I'll walk." Hisoka insists, though he's willing enough to toss his severed hand to Lilly. He lowers his voice conspiratorially, addressing Medusa alone. "Or I might have to kill someone. It's the only way to prove that you didn't lose while being carried off, you know." he smirks. Whether he's threatening her and her medical staff, or if the threat was directed at his recent opponent... well, that's not entirely clear.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    If she is bothered by the way Hisoka is looking at her, then Medusa doesn't show it. She's still smiling. Nor does she seemingly react much to the death threat. Instead she smirks just slightly.

    When the hand is tossed at her Lilly lets out a surprised yelp, and she seems to fumble just slightly as she presses the jar against her chest, and she does manage to catch the hand without dropping it. Though just barely, and she quickly puts it into the jar and closes it just as the energy inside starts to shift and interact with the tissue, making the fingers twitch just slightly.

    "If you do fall I might not feel like tending to those injuries," the blonde woman responds with a calm shrug and a smile, though she does open her eyes as something glimmers there. Something that might resemble twisted amusement. "Keep up then~"

    With that she leads the team and Hisoka away, heading to the nearby Papaya hospital which is busy as always this time of year. Rather than the main wing it appears that Medusa is leading them towards an older part of the hospital, and the operating theater that she leads them into looks kind of... unconventional.

    First of all it appears that there are peculiar charts on the wall written in something that is not normal writing. Cabinets with many differently coloured jars, bottles and ampules line up one of the walls, and the treatment table has restraints on it. A table with different tools has been sanitized, and other medical equipment has also been prepared. The jar with the hand is set on a nearby table, and Lilly stands to the side, keeping quiet.

    "Would you be so kind to lie down on the table so I can assess your injuries...?" Medusa requests of Hisoka, then she turns to the team. "You are dismissed, tend to the other rooms until I call for you." This seems to take them by surprise, but they all do as they are told, hurrying out of the room. It's not like the other patients are completely healed up after all.

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    Hisoka's not naturally-inclined to be offensive to his healer. No more offensive than he is to anyone else, at least. Besides, he's had about as satisfying a fight as he could possibly expect given the limitations of the tournament. He has no need to antagonize someone who isn't one of his toys, and who might be worth cultivating for other reasons. For her connections to the Confederacy that is. His plans make it very useful for him to seem at least moderately cooperative as well as being the sort of person the Confederacy might take an interest in.

    Hisoka seats himself on the edge of the table, then reaches down with his left arm to take the hem of his top in his hands. "I hope you aren't upset at the sight of blood." he suggests mischeviously as he draws the shirt upwards over his body. It's not really that intact, not any more. Not given how many cuts and slashes it took, and how much he scavenged from it to keep his wounds from looking as bad as they were. He doesn't want anyone realizing the details of his concealment ability. Bungee Gum, he doesn't mind people knowing about. Deceitful Texture he'd prefer them to not think about so much, as in the end it's a much subtler ability. When he draws the shirt free he wads it up into a bloody mess, including too the wrappings he'd applied and concealed over his severed wrist. The wound doesn't immediately begin bleeding again thanks to his continued use of power, but he includes the bandages in the bloody mess of cloth he discards in a corner. Hisoka reclines, though he props himself up on an elbow and continues to watch Medusa in apparent curiosity.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "Now what kind of nurse would I be if I didn't like blood?" chuckles Medusa as she walks on over to the sink to apply sanitizer to her hands, pulling up the sleeves of her medical coat and putting on a pair of gloves.

    As Hisoka pulls the remains of his ruined shirt up Medusa walks over, narrowing her eyes as she assesses his injuries. Hmmm, that one blow he took from Setsuko did look rather bad, and the chances of internal bleeding is quite high. Though from first glance it does look like he hasn't suffered a too bad bloodloss just yet. No signs of cyanosis, no laboured breathing... and many of the cuts he got are shallow and haven't struck any major veins or arteries. The right hand however...

    "You do not seem to have a death wish, though some might think so..." Medusa muses out loud as she walks over to attach a blood pressure cuff to Hisoka's left arm. The machine is automatic and begins measuring, all while Medusa picks up an IV needle. "On a scale from 0 to 10, how much pain would you say you are in?" After his blood pressure has been measured Hisoka will find Medusa wrapping a small tourniquet around his left elbow, then quickly finding a vein that she stabs with the IV needle, having no trouble getting it in and prepping it before she reaches out and pulls over a stand with various IV fluids on. Some of them are clear, but others have a peculiar colour to them. Medication, perhaps?

    One the IV is dripping she turns her attention to his right stump, reaching out to raise his right hand so she can look at it. There's no sign of disgust or anything, only what seems like curiosity. "How strange..." she murmurs. "When you were fighting it looked like it had already healed over?" She doesn't prod further though, instead she only smiles. "I assume you want your hand reattached, hmmm?"

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    Hisoka's grin turns positively feral at Medusa's offhand comment. Of course he doesn't have a death wish, though others may think so. "Where would be the fun in dying?" he asks slyly. He may have to reevaluate the witchwoman if she continues to come up with observations like that. It's rare to find someone willing to try to understand... and to semingly make a good guess like that in such an offhanded manner.

    Hisoka is familiar with healers, though for the most part he has little use for medical practitioners. He's been hurt often enough though that he has no reason to mess with their routine. "Four." he replies simply. Oh, Hisoka FEELS pain. He just doesn't care, doesn't let it rule him in any way. He backs up the rather boastful claim by not flinching at the needle, or for that matter at any of the probing Medusa might have to do.

    His severed hand is, of course, completely unhealed. It's not pumping blood because he's using his nen to prevent it, but otherwise the wound is exactly what one might expect. Messy, but easy enough to clean and take care of. "They DO call me The Magician." Hisoka claims with apparently wounded pride. Sounding, in fact, more wounded than at any other time so far in the proceeding. "And yes, I would prefer my hand back. The only healer I know who could reattach it is quite some ways away... and she'd probably be just as interested in killing me as in helping me." he smirks.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "I can tell you from experience that dying is not too pleasant," Medusa responds calmly. And when he responds with a relatively low number compared to his injuries she arches a fine eyebrow. "Hmm. Do you find it hard to breathe?" He doesn't sound like he's having any problems breathing, nor can she hear any rattling sounds in his breath. So his torso can wait until she has reattached the hand.

    The fact that it isn't bleeding is indeed curious. It would both have spurting and flowing blood due to severed arteries and veins, but no. When he comments on his nickname for the tournament Medusa can't help but chuckle slightly. "Miss Tesla did refer to you as Hisoka in her report," she states calmly. And when he mentions that he only knows one other healer who could attack his hand? That makes Medusa smile. "Don't worry, I'll only kill you if I have to~" Her tone is sweet, almost as if she's joking. But then again, her words are spoken truthfully. However, she doesn't dwell on it. There's work to be done. "Reattaching your hand is a simple thing. Though you have two options; quick and painful, or slow and relatively painless. With the latter I wouldn't advise you to put any strain on the hand for quite some days, which might interfere with any future fights of yours." With that Medusa awaits his response with a calm smile, looking down at him where he sits.

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    Hisoka's gut wound is too low to threaten his lungs, and none of his chest wounds are deep enough to be serious. His arm may well bleed capillary blood, but the veins and arteries are effectively closed off. He shrugs off the question, apparently indifferent to his breathing or unwilling to waste breath answering it. He smiles however when she mentions his name. "Is that why you're helping me? Because of Tesla?" he asks. "If I'd known it was so easy to get quality assistance like this, I'd have killed people for the Confederacy quite some time ago~" he claims quite playfully.

    Hisoka arches an eyebrow when Medusa makes her offer. "Do you really need to ask?" he replies, again with that note of wounded pride. "I have fights. And while I could fight without my hand, I don't think my opponents would let me avoid strain." he explains, again without coming out and saying it. What's the point? While Hisoka's not entirely sure why Medusa asked, he has his suspicions. Well, if she's teasing... what of it? Hisoka understands whimsy, and it's as good an explanation as any.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "While Tesla is a dear, it's not for her sake I'm helping you," Medusa smiles. "I'm here to offer medical assistance to everybody, though I do like meeting new people. Especially people who seemingly do foolish things like letting their opponent slice off their limbs~" Oh yes, she's teasing him. "But indeed, the Confederacy remembers those who assist them."

    Amusement is evident in Medusa's eyes when he makes his choice, and she chuckles softly. "I had to make sure that you weren't just pretending to be a big boy, after all. Quick and painful it is then... I will give you just a basic set of painkillers to make it easier for me to work. If you are unable to hold still I would suggest you lie down so I can restrain your arm," she adds before she pulls over a chair for her to sit down on. With the table prepared she doesn't need to run all over the room, making it easier for her to work alone.

    Though as she gets seated she does mutter a few words.

    "Soul Protect Release."

    Immediately the spell that was shielding her soul is gone, and her presence changes into something completely different, as if expanding after being under great pressure. It's quite powerful, and while most people would not notice the difference the effect should be very easy to notice for people with a sense for power.

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    Hisoka gives Medusa an 'are you being serious' look, then wordlessly holds out his arm. He would disdain the painkillers entirely, but she mentions needing them to make her work easier. He has no pride on the line when it comes to his pain tolerance, so sees no reason to fuss over it.

    "People who are too afraid of what they might lose have no business claiming to be strong." Hisoka says almost offhandedly, though there's a gleam in his eye. The Magician has nothing but contempt for those who claim strength they don't have, and little is likelier to get him worked into a killing mood.

    Hisoka, of course, has a particularly keen sense for power. With Medusa this close to him, he could be dead and buried and still sense the effects of the Soul Protect Release. The effects on him are also fairly obvious, at least to someone with Medusa's senses and attentiveness. He begins to breathe faster, for one thing. His eyes open wide, while at the same time his pupils contract. He remains still though, his arm still held immovably out towards the witch. "Iiiinteresting..." he croons, not taking his eyes off Medusa for anything.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    The look is ignored for now, as she knows well enough that a man who doesn't complain about having his hand sliced off isn't going to be finicky about painkillers. His comment does earn a brief nod as she looks over the tools at hand. When he reacts to her releasing the spell concealing the true nature of her soul she does turn her head slightly. His breathing increased, but there's no sign of cyanosis or dyspnea yet, ruling out an acute systematic shock. Good. As for his comment?

    "I will give you medication that will cause a rapid regeneration of severed tissue, though I will have to make sure that nerves, bones and blood vessels are kept together as I do so," she informs Hisoka as she reaches out to take the jar with his still twitching hand in it. Something in the jar is making the fingers move, it appears like. And it's still twitching when Medusa opens the jar and pulls it out, placing it on a tray.

    Reaching out she picks up one of the many prepared syringes, and she uncaps it as she takes a hold of Hisoka's arm again, injecting it into the skin some distance above the end of the stump. "This is a local anesthetic which also reduces nerve signals, though I will have to give you the counter agent for it after I have attached your hand to ensure optimal healing. You might feel pain up until 6, possibly 8 afterwards," she warns him with a smirk.

    With that she picks up the hand again, holding it in her left as she raises her own right hand. A right hand that seems to have black lightning that coils itself out of her fingertips. "I hope you aren't upset at the sight of snakes, dear~" she suggests with some twisted amusement, mirroring his earlier words back at him.

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    Rapid regeneration... ah, that would no doubt bring back memories. If, that is, Hisoka bothered remembering things that happened long ago that have nothing to do with future fights. "Nen will help." Hisoka informs Medusa. A strong practitioner such as Hisoka, keeping his aura tightly about him, can speed the healing process. Not anywhere near as quickly as Medusa can with her magic, but enough to make his quick recovery a certainty.

    "I could hold the hand if you need to give stitches." he offers as well, though he quirks an eyebrow at mention of snakes. No, he doesn't get upset. He doesn't much care about snakes one way or another. "Or you could just tie it together with snakes." he adds in deadpan amusement. "Unless that's what will neutralize the anaesthetic and leave me in hopeless agony~" he says lightly, clearly amused at the concept.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "I'm afraid I haven't heard of nen before," Medusa responds, clearly inviting him to explain it should he want to. It doesn't matter right now.

    His offer to hold the hand however is accepted with a nod, though she does look amused too when he corrects himself. "No need for stitches, it's far easier to use magic. The counter agent for the anesthetic is another syringe, the snakes won't interfere with the medication. Nor will they be what hurts the most," she responds truthfully.

    The black snakes in question twist and coil themselves out of Medusa's fingers as she hands them up to the wrist of Hisoka's severed hand, and then they begin digging themselves into the tissue there. As they are quite small it doesn't cause any damage, but it should look rather disturbing to most people as she holds the hand out for Hisoka to take. "Please hold this, don't press it against the stump yet." Instead she reaches out to take the jar, then she holds it out to Hisoka. "Disinfect the stump by dipping it in this please, it might burn just slightly~"

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    Hisoka could explain it, but he's really not the pedantic type. He might wax philosophical when it comes to his own particular theories, such as the nen-type personality test, but he's not about to get into a full-on debate. Instead he demonstrates... by holding his hand. Not, to be sure, by holding it with his other hand. No, he demonstrates by plucking the severed hand from Medusa with threads of nen, letting it bob there in midair without visible support. A simple trick, but he lacks the steel rings to swing around it and claim nothing's holding it up.

    Hisoka seems only slightly interested in the snakes. Wild animals don't attract his viciousness... he's been known to allow butterflies to hang around him for days on end, even as they feasted on the salt of his blood. There's little difference between that and tiny little magical snakes. Except, of course, for the question of whether or not he can trust this Medusa. Hisoka's not exactly the sort to succumb to nightmare fuel however. He IS nightmare fuel.

    The Magician's smile quirks somewhat when he's told it will burn. That playful way of speaking suggests to him that the burn of the disinfectant's likely to hurt more than having the hand removed in the first place. Oh well. "I suppose I'll have to endure it, or risk losing your respect." he muses. And so saying, he puts actions to the words and inverts his arm, his shoulder nearly self-dislocating so the jar need not be tipped even slightly to accomodate him. The only sign of pain, or any reaction whatsoever, to dipping his forearm into something likely to feel like acid is his tongue, going out briefly to wet his grinning lips, and lingering only sliiiightly too long for that to be all that's meant by the gesture.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    It hardly matters to Medusa as she doesn't need to know what nen is in order to treat Hisoka. Though she does look slightly curious as he picks up the hand with whatever trick he was using in the ring. Well, as long as he doesn't drop it on the floor, then who cares? She has syringes to sort out. "If you don't do it yourself then I will have to wash it, which will take longer. And if we don't disinfect it, then you will risk infection. Which can in the worst case set in your bones and make them fall apart~" she responds calmly, way too calmly for such a grim possibility.

    Even as she puts on some long needles on the syringes the witch does watch Hisoka from the corner of her eye, noting how he manages to get his stump disinfected. "That's fine. Now hold out your arm and place your hand back in please, would you please?" she instructs him.

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    "That would be dreadful." Hisoka says, playing along with Medusa's banter. If she can sound playful while mentioning infection and rotting bones, he can sound like he's pretending to take her seriously. It suits his mood to play the game. "Whatever will I do if my hand falls off in the middle of combat?" he asks, smirking.

    Disinfection is easy, and if he's in pain from the disinfectant you'd never know it from his expression. He's calm, casual... perhaps a bit hungry, at least going by his eyes. Not hungry for food of course. He holds out his arm and the hand as well, directing it by his 'magic' until it's where Medusa seems to need it. "Please, proceed. I find this mesmerizing." he claims, in a way that makes it hard to tell if he's sincere or bullshitting freely. He's a little TOO casual perhaps.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "Honestly? Do whatever you like if it falls off, everything but blame me," Medusa chuckles. "Some of us take pride in our work, after all~" she says softly. Though the way he reacts to her questionable medical treatments, now that warrants a sly smirk. He does what he's told when it suits him, it seems. And she's not about to complain.

    Once the hand is placed against the wrist and lined up properly, Medusa uncaps one of the nastier looking syringes. The needle is long and slightly thick, and it's not bound to be injected into surface tissue by the looks of it. "This /will/ hurt," she warns him, a smile still crossing her lips as she pulls the chair forward so she can hold onto his right arm with her left hand, all while she aims the syringe towards his wrist, right above where the hand was severed. It's impossible to be gentle when you're jabbing a syringe like that in, and Hisoka should feel it well enough. There's a look of concentration on Medusa's face however as she begins injecting the dark liquid in the syringe into his arm...

    And that's when it begins to feel like his nerves are on fire.

    Intense pain is just one word to describe it, and Medusa seems well aware of what her treatment will do as she puts the needle aside and grabs onto Hisoka's right hand to help press the severed body part against the stub. "The medication I just gave you has started a rapid regeneration of the tissue," she explains firmly. And once she is sure that he's not going to pull his hand away from the stump she reaches out for another syringe, this one is thankfully smaller, and she doesn't ask for permission before she jabs it into his arm and injects it.

    Within seconds the pain is only worse. "Your nerves will begin reconnecting now. Otherwise your arm would be totally useless."

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    Hisoka can't quite hide a note of boredom in his expression when Medusa tells him it'll hurt. It's like she's trying to provoke him... he doesn't rise to the occasion, but he does roll his eyes just a little.

    If she's watching for a reaction to the injection, she WILL see something. Eventually. He doesn't flinch to the needle even if the treatment isn't gentle. He's had much worse things poking into him this very day. His eyes do light up as the magic medicine begins its work. He's not immune to pain, just to being disadvantaged by it. He moans a little, though the sound isn't one of agony. Or, if it's agony, it's the kind of agony brought on by a really good hard stretch. The kind that feels soooo good when it's finally done. He doesn't move his arm, not even an inch. He is the master of his pain without a doubt.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:

    Medusa does watch Hisoka as the regenerative medicine begins working its literal magic, and she lets go of his arm and hand once she realizes that he isn't about to mess up her hard work and resources. Instead she twists her fingers again, and more snakes make their way out of her fingertips, coiling about themselves before they wrap themselves around Hisoka's wrist and dig into the flesh there. Since he can take the pain and even seems to enjoy it, why not take advantage of that to get the treatment over with?

    "Now, my snakes will need some minutes to reconnect the tissue along with the medication. I'll take a look at your abdomen in the meanwhile and look at that." Now, just how severe was that injury? Medusa reaches out and presses her hands into Hisoka's abdomen, palpating the tissue there.

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    Hisoka seems pleased at Medusa's extended trust, at her letting go and allowing him to act freely. Or maybe he's just happy because of the pain, who knows? Either way he studies the snakes intensely, using Gyo and trying to learn what they are more than what they're doing. "Hmmmm. Emission, I think." he claims. The term's likely completely unfamiliar to her, but he doesn't care. Studying powers is one of the things that fascinates him, at least for a sufficiently-powerful potential toy. "Materialization too, I suspect? Do you know what that tells me about you?" he grins.

    As for Hisoka's abdomen, the wound is clean. It is, however, somewhat swollen due to his power holding in blood and a fair amount of damage. It's likely too soon for infection to be a problem but the wound is deep enough that sepsis is likely inevitable unless treated soon.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    No, Medusa does not know what Hisoka is talking about when he mentions the various nen types. She did mention she has no knowledge of the topic, after all. But she does seem to know what she is doing as there's a tingle running up Hisoka's arm. And if he tries to move his fingers, he will find that they are actually responding. There's still the intense sensation of burning and wriggling in his hand however, and as the nerves connect he will become aware of something wriggling inside there. Most would be quite disturbed by this sensation.

    "Many people do like to tell me what I am, you're not the first," Medusa teases Hisoka as she palpates his abdomen, then cants her head. "You have some internal bleeding here. You're going to need a blood transfusion, and I will have to regenerate the tissue and remove the destroyed tissue. You will also need a three day course of antibiotics, but you can take those orally once a day along with breakfast," the witch explains. "You can let go of your hand now. Please lie back so I can get to work."

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    That's enough to make Hisoka grin some more. "I'd bet people try to tell you what you are." he says, amused. "Fine, I'll keep my guesses to myself then~" he coos. No sense in him being just like many other people.. If she's disappointed and wants to draw it out of him... well, he can worry about that if it happens.

    When Medusa releases his arm, Hisoka does try wriggling his fingers. That seems to amuse him for a time, and he's quite willing to lay back and allow his nurse to continue her good work. "It is quite rare for someone like me to be infected or ill." he notes, just as a point of information. He's not going to argue with her over the treatment. Sure it's not like he's being told to drink a few kegs of beer and flush the toxins that way, but it's hardly onerous. Not compared to, say, abrading the damaged flesh away.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "Does this have anything to do with nen?" Medusa guesses. Hey, he did speak about that topic, and these words are as unfamiliar in this setting.

    As Hisoka lies back Medusa does connect some of the other bags to his IV line, one of them a blood transfusion. "Hmmm, this will bleed a lot... I assume you are able to contain your blood in some peculiar way? I will have to ask you to stop that so I can get to the bleeding and stop it," she informs the Nen user. At the same time there's something shifting on her arm as the tattoo there seems to come alive... there's movement underneath her sleeve too, and as the black ink floats out into the air it takes the form of a large, peculiar looking snake. Or rather, a snake head with a body of black dots trailing behind it. It coils about Medusa's shoulders, staring at Hisoka as Medusa reaches out to grab a scalpel and another syringe.

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    Hisoka nods from where he's reclined, then lifts his hands back to cradle his head nonchalantly, fingers laced behind his head. "Nen is power. Energy." he explains. No point in going into depth, but he'll impress no one by remaining entirely silent. "An open secret, where I'm from. But then I suppose you know about keeping powers secret~" he says teasingly. "We're harder to hurt, and we heal faster. Among other things you probably would be bored about." he says. Of course HE would be bored, talking about the endless varieties of Nen. Explanations are so wearisome.

    Hisoka sighs, and then releases the nen holding in his gut injury. He still keeps a measure of control over his blood vessels, keeping the wound from bursting open into a traumatic gush, but there should be nothing keeping Medusa from getting to the damaged tissue. "You wouldn't... try to take advantage of a man when his guard was lowered, would you~?" he asks, raising an eyebrow and smirking.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "Aaah, I see~" That seems to suffice as an explanation. As for keeping her own powers secret? "Now since when have you heard stories about witches being celebrated, hmmm?" she chides him with no small degree of amusement.

    When the blood that is already there in the injury begins running down Hisoka's side and abdomen it seems that the snake around Medusa's shoulders begin moving, sliding down Medusa's left arm as it moves to Hisoka's abdomen, hissing as it looks like it's about to slither into the wound. But instead it lowers its head and opens its maw before it bites down around the wound... and begins to drink. It only takes a few seconds mercifully, but when it pulls back the wound has been drained of blood, and immediately the witch is there, already injecting a syringe into the skin next to the injury, and then she is reaching in with her left hand to slice away some of the damaged tissue there.

    "Of course I would," Medusa responds truthfully with a smile. "If I had a reason to, that is. Now... while this will be healed up pretty quickly I do advise you to take it easy until noon tomorrow."

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    Of course Hisoka only likes it when a woman proves herself a threat. He grins wickedly at her reply, enjoying the banter far more than anyone has a right to when there's a snake sucking blood from a gaping wound in their belly. He tenses only slightly when Medusa begins slicing, but it seems all he's doing is providing her some stillness to work cleanly, so his breathing doesn't interfere with her surgery.

    With necessarily-shallow breathing, Hisoka talks quietly. "Well then, we should go out for drinks later, and you can ... take advantage of my vulnerability." he offers playfully. It's hard to tell just how serious he is, once again, but if it's not a pass he's making it's still at the very least a solid flirtation.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Hmm, the wound isn't too nasty at least. If only some of the tissue gets sliced away then it will give opportunity for regeneration, and then he will be able to fight again tomorrow if necessary. The snake returns to Medusa's shoulders as she tosses the pieces she's slicing out into a small bowl, blood dripping down the sides. By now he should be aware of the burning sensation in his abdomen, and Medusa quickly finishes up before she withdraws her hands that are now bloodied.

    The gloves are taken off, and then she picks up a suturing needle and thread. His offer does make her glance up from his abdomen however, and she looks amused. "Are you always so charming when women are causing you pain, dear~?" she asks sweetly before she begins stitching up his abdomen.

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    The pain is, as advertised, quite intense. Better that than lingering with a wound that wouldn't heal in time for his next match though. Hisoka's as good as his word, facing the pain without yielding an inch.

    "And what..." Hisoka says, taking a deep breath for the first time since Medusa began to cut. "... would be the point..." he pauses again, allowing her to perform some stitchery. Again, not stopping the conversation due to pain, just so he can remain steady so she can do her work. "... of being charming to one who couldn't?" he asks. Hey, she said he's charming! That's got to be something at least!

    If he can get close to Medusa after all, he can get what he most wants from her... to learn if she'll be a good playtoy...

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    His comment earns another chuckle, and Medusa smiles coyly at the creepy clown as she finishes up the stitching, stabbing him extra hard with the needle. "Good point~"

    She finishes, and after cutting the thread she reaches out to place a bandage over the stitches. "You can remove this tomorrow, dear." As for the other cuts? Somehow Medusa doesn't think that those will be a problem, so she merely applies some medical strips to keep them closed. The medication he got will work on them as well.

    "The infusions will have to finish before you can leave, but surely you're a big boy and can lie still for half an hour, hmmm?" she suggests, standing up from her seat. The tray with the used tools is picked up, and she carries them over to a nearby sink before she starts washing her hands, her back to him. "I am a rather busy woman, but I do suppose I could take a break one of the evenings..." she muses out loud, tilting her head slightly as she rubs the soap around her nails and underneath.

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    Hisoka inspects his wound with considerable fascination, probably doing things to it no one should ever do to fresh surgery. You know those people that say 'it hurts when I do this'? Well, the answer's usually 'don't do that then'. Good luck in convincing Hisoka that's a good idea. He's rarely easy to persuade to stop doing something he wants to do.

    "I'm not planning on going far, not while the tournament is still ongoing>" Hisoka claims. "Unless of course there's an opportunity for some... fun." he adds. No, he's not really talking about date fun. More the sort of fun that comes from raising hell and killing people who get in his way. Still, it's easy to misconstrue what he means if you don't know his own unique definition of fun. "I look forward to our next meeting then~"

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "I wouldn't do that if I were you," Medusa says, still with her back to Hisoka as she washes her hands. By now it seems that the snake has disappeared back into her skin, becoming a dormant tattoo once again.

    "Oh, there's lots of fun to be had here on this island, especially now during the tournament." That should be evident, considering how many people are here this time of year. There's fun for all ages too, everything from activities for kids to gambling for adults. "I'm certain you will find things to do to amuse yourself," she adds, turning around as she dries her hands on a paper towel. "I will be around and ready to patch people up after their fights, so I do assume I will get to stitch you up again some more," she chuckles and heads over to the medical cabinets, reaching down to one of the lower shelves. "And here." She picks up a small bottle, then opens it and takes out three pills that she places into a small plastic bag. Which is then again tossed to Hisoka. "Take one a day for the next three days. It's an antibiotic that will keep you from developing a blood infection. If you do notice something wrong contact me on the channel. And I will let you know when I have time for drinks."