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(Sagat and Beelzebumon face off for their C Bracket qualifier match.)
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WMAT CQ1 Beelzebumon vs Sagat
Date of Scene: 21 August 2015
Location: WMAT Arena - Diablo Desert
Synopsis: Sagat and Beelzebumon face off for their qualifier match, each carrying one loss from fighting Taylor Scott. Who will advance, and who will be eliminated?
Cast of Characters: 95, 132
Tinyplot: WMAT 2015

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     It has been two days since the climactic battle between Beelzebumon and Taylor Scott upon this very battleground, and the landscape shows it. Blast craters, half buried by sand that has blown in to fill the gaping holes of missile blasts can be seen, and shards of glass are strewn about all over, melted from the heat from thrusters. All around, various stone formations have been shattered and their remains tossed about like a child's playthings, and every so often, one can see a broken fragment of machinery or armor plating half emerged from the dunes.

     Beelzebumon really wishes he could say he won that match, he really does. Yet despite managing to cripple the massive Armored Core in spite of the difference in size, in the end the Demon Lord was laid low by a hail of mech-scaled bullets.

     Thankfully, between the expertise of the medical staff here at the Worlds Martial Arts Tournament and his own natural hardiness, Beelzebumon is back in action! Though he wishes he could say the same for Behemoth, who is currently sitting in Alexis' farm house due to damages sustained from being repeatedly Missile'd in the face. That said, for the fight against Sagat, he probably would have gone mano eh mano in any case. Ya know, to get that proper Street Fighter feel for the battle.

     As the Demon Lord saunters onto the battlefield, he takes a moment to scoop up a shard of armor from his previous match and examine it, before whipping his arm back and throwing it like a frisbee into the air and watching it arc through the sky with idle amusement as he waits for his opponent to arrive.

Sagat (95) has posed:
The Emperor of Muay Thai doesn't keep the Demon Lord of Gluttony waiting; Sagat emerges from a transport to survey the desert landscape, taking note of Beelzebumon's casual stride, and walks out to the designated area to meet him. "No motorcycle this time?" he grunts. "I thought that was your signature."

Sagat, at least, is fully recovered from his own battle with Taylor Scott's giant robot - which he also lost. If he's checked the results, he might be somewhat relieved to know that Beelzebumon faced a similar lack of success to himself - and Sagat has been contemplating just how to handle the next giant robot he has to fight. But that'll be another time: maybe next year, maybe sooner, or maybe further away than that. Either way, he sizes Beelzebumon up a bit, rolling his shoulders to loosen up and settling into a ready stance.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     "Eh, Behemoth is in the shop. She didn't take getting exploded repeatedly too well. Besides, this way we can fight like men, instead of forcing you to try and run down some jackass on a motorcycle for half the fight," Beelzebumon gives a half smirk as he places his hands behind his head in a carefree way, not unlike some spikey haired youth who hits things over the head with a giant key would.

     "'Sides, I can do more than just drive really fast. I'm also a crack shot, and I dare say I ain't too shabby with fisticuffs either," Then he drops his arms to his side once more and takes a moment to pop his neck, before dropping into a combat stance, "Shall we then?"

Sagat (95) has posed:
"I think I attained my fill of running around like a madman dealing with that walking turret," Sagat responds, his tone dry enough to compete with the surrounding desert for its sheer unbridled aridity. "And I have ways of delaing with punks on motorcycles - or with fools who think that bringing a firearm to a street fight gives them an *advantage*."

His lips curl apart, not so much in a smile as in a sneer. Granted, that same disdain for people who rely on modern weaponry got him off to an overly-cocky start against Taylor Scott ...

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     "Well, you'll quickly fine that while I have no problems /using/ them, I certainly don't /rely/ on them like some do, now then..." Beelzebumon grins widely as he glances over to the official, who raises a starting pistol into the air and begins to pull the trigger.


     "LET'S DANCE!"

     With a sudden burst of speed, Beelzebumon lunges into the fray and launches himself into the air, then twists around and spins as he delivers a flying roundhouse kick to his opponent.

Sagat (95) has posed:
The roundhouse kick is met with an upraised forearm as Sagat absorbs the impact with his limb rather than his noggin, and he gives the Digimon a decidedly unimpressed look ...

And as gravity is (presumably) starting to haul Beelzebumon groundwards again, the Muay Thai fighter unleashes a swift, snapping kick of his own, aimed to smack the Demon Lord between his shoulderblades, probably right about when he's landing.

"Good for you," Sagat grunts in belated reply to the bit about not relying on firearms, tightening his guard back up in preparation for Beelzebumon's next move.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     The kick solidly connects and Beelzebumon goes spiraling away as he ricochets across the sandy dunes, only to quickly flip back upright and skid to a stop... yet despite coming out second best in that exchange, he can't help but grin wildly as he stands back up, then glances down at his feet, where a piece of debris from the fight two days ago lays half buried.

     With a sudden stomp, Beelzebumon sends the chunk of twisted metal flipping into the air like a coin, then leaps up after it and delivers a hard kick that sends the mangled piece of junk hurtling towards Sagat like a soccer ball.

Sagat (95) has posed:
This time, at least, Sagat deigns to block the flying piece of scrap metal with *both* arms instead of just one - and there's an audible grunt, partly from the impact, partly from pain ... because he had the bad luck for that impact to draw blood.

Not much of it, mind you - but there were some sharp edges, and one hit Sagat's left forearm with enough force to cut through wraps and skin and open a thin red line. Sagat spares part of a second to glance at the injury, seeing how bad it is for himself, and decides in short order that he can stand to keep fighting. "Reasonably impressive improvisation," he comments, considering his options to take back the offensive. He *could* through that piece of junk back, but that seems kind of lacking ...

He settles for lunging at Beelzebumon, his long legs devouring the distance between them, and trying to grab Beelzebumon and throw *HIM* instead.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Sagat's fast, damn fast in fact despite being such a beefy and towering dude, but this time Beelzebumon is ready for him. And rather than try to fight the throw, the Demon Lord instead chooses to go with the flow and let the Muay Thai champion hurl him through the air, before twisting around to roll with the impact and spring up to his feet.

     Then, hoping to capitalize on his swift recovery from the throw, Beelzebumon rushes back into the fray and unleastes a quick one-two combination of a jab followed by a spinning elbow strike.

Sagat (95) has posed:
Sure enough, Beelzebumon is fast enough getting back to his feet that he closes in before Sagat can fully get his guard up again - and the jab and the elbow are both delivered quickly enough to slip through what guard he'd re-established by that point.

*This* is the point where Sagat actually grins at his opponent. "'Not too shabby,' you said ..." But he retaliates just as quickly - in this case, an elbow strike aimed at Beelzebumon's head and a knee at his gut, very nearly *simultaneous*.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     With attacks coming from two places at once, it's difficult to properly defend against both, and Beelzebumon grunt with pain as the knee strike plants itself firmly in his gut even as he catches the elbow with his palm. Yet despite this, he is /skill/ grinning like a fool.

     "So I fudged things a bit..."

     And then suddenly his head whips forward to deliver a skull pounding headbutt directly to Sagat's brow.

Sagat (95) has posed:
There aren't many fighters, even in the Multiverse, who are tall enough to headbutt Sagat. There are even fewer who are tall enough to do it and make it hurt THAT much - but Beelzebumon's height allows him to clobber Sagat in a classic meeting of the minds, and the Muay Thai fighter actually staggers back with a snarl of pain.

He doesn't keep reeling for long, though - and rather than focus on regaining his balance, Sagat channels his staggering forward into a chance to retaliate, unleashing another snapping kick, aimed high this time, as if he were trying to kick an incoming opponent out of the air from a jump. Granted, Beelzebumon is probably not jumping at the time - but, well, standing taller than your opponent isn't ALWAYS an advantage.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Right. Headbutts tend to work both ways, don't they? After cracking Sagat something fierce with his noggin, Beelzebumon recoils, staggering back himself from the blow and he shakes the brief disorientation out of his head.

     By the time his brain recovers from his reckless attack, the kick is already in motion and Beelzebumon doesn't have the time to properly block the attack, so instead he rolls with it, twisting away from the foot just enough so that the heel clips his skull rather than plant itself firmly into it.

     And then, since he is already twisting to avoid the blow, he quickly translates that into a full spin as he ducks low and lashes out with his foot to sweep Sagat's leg right out from under him.

Sagat (95) has posed:
And Beelzebumon promptly demonstrates why securing one's balance is an important thing in any fight, especially at Sagat's height and build. The Muay Thai fighter goes down, his footing NOT helped by the loose sand underfoot, and lets out a loud grunt as he collides with the ground ... but he still isn't going to make it easy for Beelzebumon.

How to make it harder, though ...


A close-range wave of chi ought to do it, since Sagat can come back up into a crouch faster than he can get all the way to his feet - and Beelzebumon should still be low enough to eat it in relative full. Even if he gets up faster than Sagat, it should still be difficult for the Digimon brawler to get clear of a projectile launched at close range and low altitude.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     And eat it he does, taking the shot right to the chest as he starts to rise and getting blown back head over heels from the point blank chi burst, before skidding to a stop on his back, "... Ow."

     Then he snaps his legs up and rolls back onto his shoulder blades, before kickflipping himself back over to his feet. After taking a moment to shake the sand out of his hair, the Demon Lord grins.

     "Right then, kid gloves are off. Come at me with all you got!"

     As he says this, his hands snap up, yanking free his prized Berenjena Shotguns from their holsters on his back and legand levelling them at Sagat, before unleashing a pair of solid slugs towards the Emperor of Muay Thai.

Sagat (95) has posed:
Sagat has just enough time to look decidedly cross before Beelzebumon pulls the triggers - and not enough time to really counterattack, although he's pretty sure another Tiger Shot could 'parry' the slugs if they were close enough together. He'll have to try that experiment another time, if the opportunity presents itself at a point when he remembers to attempt it.

What he *can* do is focus his inner energies to try and keep the slugs from penetrating his flesh ... which is probably more a function of aura than of actual training, but he'll take what he can get. And what he gets is 'knocked flat on his back'. "'With all I've got,' you say?" he grunts as he's rolling back to his feet ...

And then leaping high up before coming down at Beelzebumon with a fresh combination attack. Another elbow to the skull on his way down, a fresh knee to the gut as he's landing on his other foot, and a straight-up punch with his right fist, aimed squarely at Beelzebumon's nose.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Welp, Beelzebumon certainly asked for it, and he sure as hell got it. With a brain-rattling crack, the elbow slams into Beelzebumon's head and staggers him, leaving him open for the subsequent knee to the gut and punch right to the face that sends one of his teeth flying.

     Yet rather than go down as he snaps back from the final blow, he instead plants his foot back and maintains his footing through sheer force of will.

     With a quick twirl of his Shotguns, he holsters them once more as he ducks low, then darts under one of Sagat's arms. As he does so, both arms reach out, aiming to grab the hulking World Warrior around his waist. Then with a strong heave, the Demon Lord lifts him off the ground and throws himself back, aiming to plant Sagat firmly into the ground with a classic German Suplex.

Sagat (95) has posed:
It's not Sagat's first time getting suplexed, and odds are it won't be the last; he takes the impact as well as he can so as not to get seriously injured by it, but Beelzebumon flips him over fast enough that Sagat can't catch the impact on his hands.

This time, he's kind of grateful for the sand. But not THAT grateful. He wrests himself back out of Beelzebumon's grasp as quickly as possible - and then reaches over to pick the Digital Demon Lord up in turn, actually lifting him over Sagat's head before FLINGING him as hard as he can.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Sadly, there's more than just soft, comforting sand out there to land on... such as piece of debris buried beneath the shifting landscape.

     And Beelzebumon comes down, back first, directly on top of one such piece of debris as he crashes down from the throw.

     With a pained yelp and a cuss, the Demon Lord rolls to his knees as he clutches his back with one hand, "/Fuck!/ That's going to hurt like a bitch tommorow morning..." Gritting his teeth through the pain, Beelzebumon rises to his feet and pushes on as he draws his Berenjena from its holster once more.

     Then like a shot, he charges, firing off a single shot as he runs to force Sagat onto the defensive before leaping back into melee range with an axe kick, followed up by ducking in close with a rising palm strike to the underside of Sagat's chin, and then following it up with a second, point-blank shot from his trusty firearm.

Sagat (95) has posed:
If it doesn't hurt *now* then Sagat is probably somewhat disappointed - although he honestly hadn't planned on Beelzebumon hitting debris quite THAT hard. The snapped-off shot does indeed put the Muay Thai fighter on a defensive footing - and the combo which ensues keeps him there, even making him see stars briefly from the palm strike under his chin. However ..


Sagat is still out to give as good as he gets, though, and *HIS* fist comes up fast and hard under Beelzebumon's chin, the leading edge of a strike that has all of Sagat's considerable height and strength behind it, carrying enough force for Sagat to leap into the air behind his signature uppercut.

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     The rising uppercut lashes out, but Beelzebumon, through sheer instinct and experience, recognizes the subtle tensing of muscles mere moments before and throws himself back as the punch rises to meet his chin. if one were to replay the exchange in slow motion, they would see the knuckles of Sagat's fist just baaaaarely brushing up against Beelzebumon's nose and chin. A fraction of a second's difference from either combatant would have almost assuredly resulted in a broken jaw from that blow.

     Again, reacting on sheer muscle memory, Beelzebumon's own counterattack is unleashed as his hand snaps out to grab Sagat by the ankle as he rises up over his head, then he twists around and yanks the Muay Thai Champion out of the air and slam him face first into the ground.

Sagat (95) has posed:
What goes up must come down, but it's usually in a more controlled manner than that. Sand is kicked out around Sagat's frame as he collides with the ground once more - and if there was any debris under the area of impact, he's not giving Beelzebumon the benefit of knowing how MUCH it hurt him. He kicks free of the Digimon's grasp and rolls back to his feet ...

And in addition to the bruises Sagat's collected so far, plus occasional cuts, there's a large bruise along his belly, matching a curved plate, newly exposed by impact-displaced sand. The Muay Thai fighter STILL isn't letting on how much pain he's in, though.

What would be the point? He doesn't expect sympathy from an opponent with whom he's in the middle of beating the tar out of each other.

Sagat leaps once more - or maybe 'pounces' is a more appropriate metaphor, save that he leads with a two-part kick, trying to plant his knee in Beelzebumon's shoulder before his leg snaps out to full extension to kick AGAIN with his foot ... and he's just barely touching down when his left arm rockets forward in the beginning of a punch, only for Sagat to lunge *again* and try to plant that elbow in Beelzebumon's face ... or at least his cheek or jaw.

He's really not used to having to look up to meet his opponent's eyes, is he?

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
     Most people take at least a few seconds to recover after getting planted facefirst into the ground by a blow like that, but not Sagat apparently, who catches the battle wearied Demon lord by surprise with his sudden pounce and flurry of devestating blows, which ends with Beelzebumon rolling back head over heels down the side of a sand dune where he comes to settle at the bottom, his vision blurry.

     With the tellatale signs of a man on his last legs, the Demon Lord pushes off the ground and staggers to his feet, then takes a deep breath as he takes a moment to focus.

     "Right then... now or never..."

     Then he crouches down, with his hands lightly touching the earth and his legs coiled up like a sprinter about to bolt off the starting line... before suddenly /exploding/ into action with enough force to kick up a plume of dust in his wake.

     With mind boggling speed, the Demon Lord charges in to strike out at Sagat, before bouncing away just as quickly. Mere moments later though, he surges back in from another angle with a second strike, before leaping away to safety.

     Again and again he performs his hit and fade, each time from a different angle, and each time getting progressively faster and faster until he is a blurr darting across the battlefield, swarming Sagat with a multitute of blows.

Sagat (95) has posed:
Sagat may be fast for his size, but he isn't remotely THAT fast - Beelzebumon's desperation assault is pretty literally overwhelming; he can't bring his guard up fast enough to intercept one strike before it's landed and the Demon Lord of Gluttony is already coming in from a different angle. The final impact lands squarely upside his head ...

And Sagat finally goes down and does *NOT* get back up again, being declared knocked-out by whoever's on tap as the referee.

He's probably going to be somewhat irritated when he wakes up, considering this means he was just eliminated in the qualifiers. But he might take it relatively well ...

Beelzebumon (132) has posed:
With that desperate burst of speed done with, Beelzebumon slowly staggers to a stop, then doubles over with his hands on his knees as he gasps heavily for breath. Then he teeters back and falls on his ass, before throwing his arms up in the air and letting out a weak, "Yaaaaaaaay..."

     And then he promptly pitches back and flops on the ground from exhaustion.