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WMAT CQ1 Samar vs Krezentia Einjager
Date of Scene: 20 August 2015
Location: WMAT Arena - Northern Mountains
Synopsis: Krezentia Einjager pits her magic against Samar's guns in the WMAT qualifiers!
Cast of Characters: 494, 758
Tinyplot: WMAT 2015

Krezentia Einjager (758) has posed:
    The NORTHERN MOUNTAINS were chosen as the site of this particular battle, taking place halfway up one of the larger peaks. With paths of stone and metal platforms installed every which direction for competitors to use, and even caverns, tunnels, or the clearing at the base of the moutain, the terrain is actually varied, as one has to deal with a bit of snow and cold wind the further one climbs, while the middle is more rocky, and the base more grassy.

    Floating camera installations of all kinds hover over the two main platforms where the fighters will be starting, thrusters keeping the two metal squares afloat next to the mountain side. There's plenty of places to jump to from them (namely the mountains themselves), and even crews ready to intercept fighters should they fall all the way down. Never too careful when fighting this high up.

    Standing on one of the two steel plates is KREZENTIA EINJAGER, currently stretching her arms like she's just woken up. A tiny purple fairy (about a foot tall) is floating at head-level with her, holding a large (compared to her anyway) digital camera.

    "I'll capture all the best moments, funya~!" Kopie says.
    "Yeah? Have fun with that," Krezentia shrugs.

Samar (494) has posed:
    For being on her home turf, Samar's last battle in the WMAT went...surprisingly poorly on her end. Losing after all her boasting and bluster certainly isn't a good sign on the part of the Abyssal leader, and so she'll have to step up her game quite a bit now if she hopes to keep up her reputation.

    Such is the trouble with fighting people who are actually at her level alone.

    Rather than arrive walking on her own, Samar rides on the back of her hulking symbiote, sitting with her legs bent to one side like some sort of deep-sea mermaid on a hellish rock. Massive fingers dig into the rock and earth as the symbiote climbs, eventually grasping at the edge of the other steel plate and hoisting the Princess up onto its surface. Always start at range in these kinds of situations.

    Samar stares down her nose at Krezentia, one hand lifting to brush a strand of hair from her eyes. "Krezentia Einjager," she calls in acknowledgement. "A pleasure to meet you in person. I hope you won't be disappointing me in our match today."

    As its controller boasts, the symbiote gives a mechanical hiss through its teeth, oozing black ichor from its jaws.

Krezentia Einjager (758) has posed:
    Well isn't that the loveliest giant walking pile of teeth and armor she's ever seen. OK, technically, the only giant walking pile of teeth and armor she's ever seen, bar maybe having seen some of Samar's sharky units in video reports before. It's certainly more impressive in person than as pictures, though.

    "Yo. I hope I won't either, 'cuz that'd be bad for me. Guess I've been rusty, thought this might be an opportunity to wake up and stretch some. Get back into the flow of things proper." Not that the numerous fights against Kakarot weren't enough, but she was kind of secondary to them.

    The blonde magi adjusts the baseball cap on her head and then shoos her fairy away, before cracking her knuckles. A Lakitu holding a traffic light at the end of a fishing pole flies between the two platforms.

    From top to bottom they go RED, RED, BLUE, with loud beeps every time. Once the blue lights up, the Lakitu waves a checkered flag and then flies the hell off.

Samar (494) has posed:
    Samar huffs a haughty scoff Krezentia's way, as the symbiote's main cannons swivel down to aim in the same direction. "Unfortunately, I'm not going to be giving you much time to warm up. You had better have had enough practice before you showed your face today, because I won't be restraining my strength!"

    Boop. Boop. BEEEEEP.

    At the peal of the blue light and the swing of the checkered flag, Samar opens fire. Smoke rolls out from the main cannons on the symbiote's shoulders as two barrels discharge their payloads straight for Krezentia. In this form, the shells and their explosions are proportional to the actual size of the cannons, but that doesn't make them much less dangerous, more on par with shots from an RPG.

    Contrary to Samar's boast, she /is/ holding back a little at first, starting with shots to get a feel for how her opponent would choose to act in this fight. She can't just use her normal tactics of going all in at once, after all, not in this tournament.

Krezentia Einjager (758) has posed:
    "Guess we'll find out, won't we?"

    Unlike Samar, Krezentia isn't haughty; confident, more like. Probably a bit too much, to allow herself to relax. Samar is a pretty high profile Confederate, after all, not some no-name rank and file.

    The artillery shells come raining down, and the magi extends a hand forward. "Dunkelflugel Eins!" Pop pop pop. Three large, black purple and gold platforms appear in front of her. They don't really look made to take hits at all, and the fact the shells and explosions shred them immediatly confirms that. Krezentia'd gone and underestimated her opponents' cannons, and now her platform is stuck in a dust cloud.

    With a tattered black jacket, a few bruises and burns already too, the Magi leaps out of the smoke cover, aiming to land directly by Samar, in a fast and powerful motion. Why let her keep that range advantage after all? And what's more, her left hand, extended, flashes bright purple and green, producing a blade of plasma and mana. It doesn't seem very stable, but one can assume it's not really meant for an extended swordfight.


    Swipe swipe goes the magic energy sword. Preferably in a downward arc to use the strength of her landing, but she can't predict how Samar, or that giant walking gun-shouldered giant, will react. Maybe that thing is way faster than she gives it credit for.

Samar (494) has posed:
    Krezentia...takes the hit. Hm. Not exactly what Samar expected, but judging by how the woman looks tattered and burned upon leaping from the smoke cloud left by those shells, it seems Krezentia wasn't expecting that result either. Perhaps Samar could use that to her advantage.

    It's something she'll have to think on later, though. For now, she has Krezentia bounding toward her, ready to cleave into her with a blade of magic.

    It's the symbiote that acts: a burly, pale arm suddenly lifts up as Krezentia descends, blocking with its own pale flesh. The sword easily cleaves into it, slashing deep gouges, but no blood comes from the wound. It's like the thing is some kind of zombie or ghost; while it's clearly /hurt/, it doesn't seem to react much to the injury.

    The blocking arm descends, just in time for the other arm to fly forward in its wake. While the beast of flesh and metal doesn't have much space or time to wind up, its hulking musculature ensures it doesn't need too much of that: a fist like a boulder comes pistoning straight for Krezentia in a swift jab as she moves to land, carrying with it the force of a speeding car!

Krezentia Einjager (758) has posed:
    Faster than she thought, yep. The big hulking cannon beast can also block and punch mighty fast. So it's... undead? If not that, some sort of analogue. That gives her an idea, but not one she can act on just yet. For now, she has to worry about that incoming freight train of a fist.

    With a quick shimmer of bronze and copper magic, Krezentia's eyes turn bronze, while the shirt under her jacket, and her hair, turn rust-colored. "Clicking Junk!" Junk! Tons of it. Toaster chunks, pipe sections, assorted computer components. All manners of metallic, blunt, useless junk. It orbits the Magi in large quantity, forming a sort of spinning shield around her.

    One that unfortunately doesn't do what it's SUPPOSED to, and she ends up punched off the platform and crashing back onto hers, like she'd never made the leap in the first place. She groans, getting back up, cracking her shoulder back into place and then pointing towards Samar and her big lovely spook. "You know, I don't think you introduced your FRIEND there, does it even have a name?"

    The junk shield is replenished, again with useless components. She hates this weapon, it never seems to produce sharp lethal things. Oh well. She releases the shield, and it sends the stream of metal objects towards her and her symbiote. It... won't be opening big wounds or anything, but there's a lot of everything in there, launched at moderate to high speed. A high speed toaster is still a high speed projectile.

Samar (494) has posed:
    Samar's brow lifts at the sudden appearance of...a bunch of metal junk. Not exactly what she'd expect someone to bring into a fight like this, but it seems Krezentia keeps surprising her. That junk will be something to keep in mind, at least.

    A smirk flits over the Princess's face. Her hand glides over the metal cranium of the creature she sits on, like a master caressing a fond pet. "A name? No, it's a part of me. I am the Battleship-Symbiotic Princess; that title is as clear of an explanation as you need."

    Suddenly, more junk! The symbiote's arms brace against the platform, and its guns all swivel into place. Reports and plumes of smoke fill the air as Samar does her best to fire the flying junk out of the air, but it's not perfect: a sink and a toaster slam into and warp two guns on the symbiote's torso, and-

    Eyes wide, Samar barely realizes a pipe is heading straight for her head in time to twist out of the way. While blood doesn't come from the wound, the pipe's metal edge just grazes along her cheek, opening up a sharp cut on her pale skin.

    "-FIRE!" Samar suddenly snaps, covering her cheek with her hand as her expression shifts to /anger/. The symbiote barely takes a second to process the command, sending off a volley of shells from its main cannon straight for Krezentia and her platform to blow them both away.

    Samar's scowl is clear. Not fond of getting hit herself, it seems.

Krezentia Einjager (758) has posed:
    Part of her, how odd. One mind two bodies. That must get weird sometimes, Krezentia thinks. One mind one body, that's much more manageable. Can't be everywhere at once, maybe, but at least you don't have to split your perception or... however that works. Also honestly that thing is pretty ugly. Cool, but ugly. She'd probably add a cape and a hat of some kind if she had to have a secondary body like that.

    No matter its looks, though, it doesn't detract from the fact it has cannons for shoulders, and those are mean. She learned her lesson already, don't take the cannonfire lightly. As the platform comes under assault and steel gives way under the shells, Krezentia partly caught in the blast, she disappears, sinking down as though through the platform.

    But she didn't fall off, that much is obvious.

    Instead, a bright purple, round portal (more a wormhole, really) opens up on another platform behind Samar's, and Krezentia falls through and lands, falling to one knee momentarily. She's lost another chunk of her jacket, and has a burn on her right cheek. As a black and red spell circle briefly overlaps with her, her shirt and hair turn black with a few red hexagons here and there, while her eyes turn bright glowing red. Hand extended, she immediatly fires a volley.

    "Neuroi Laser!"

    A bright red streak shoots out of her fingers, making sharp ninety degree turns here and there as it tries to strike the symbiote numerous time, aiming for the shoulders specifically, the laser making passes at the cannon barrels too if it can help it at all.

    Seems she's decided she does not want to get shot anymore.

Samar (494) has posed:
    ...she's gone?

    Samar glances around quickly when it's obvious that Krezentia is no longer on that platform, and not because she was shot off. She /teleported/?

    It's only when Krezentia shouts that attack name that the Abyssal can tell where Krezentia's gone, though all too late to properly react. She just manages to see the jagged laser as it pierces the symbiote's metal, slicing through a couple of the main cannons and the lower metal on the creature's shoulder. It /howls/ a foghorn-like cry - then quickly whirls around to face Krezentia, digging its hands into the platform beneath it and ripping it free from the ground.

    That platform comes hurtling toward Krezentia from the cloud of earth and debris that cloaks Samar, though as much as it's a dangerous assault, it's also a delaying tactic for the few moments she needs.

    The Battleship-Symbiotic Princess begins to grow, rising higher and higher and digging its massive fingers into the mountainside. It's not long before the symbiote's height matches a battleship's average length; Samar herself, while similarly a giantess, is proportionally much smaller on the symbiote's back than she was before.

Krezentia Einjager (758) has posed:
    It is in fact very unfortunate her magic requires calling attacks out. She never really questioned it, or for that matter the disadvantage it might give one trying to attack from behind. It's pretty cool though. Intimidation factor, maybe? Iris is way too quirky to fix it, anyway. She'll take shouting attack names over having to chant whole spells anytime.

    Also, over being crushed between two steel plates.

    No time to dodge that one; instead, she gathers up a sudden, large quantity of magic, and fires the same bright red laser again. A number of them appear this time, and they attempt to slice up the platform before it can reach the Magi. This is only partly successful, as sections of the plate (and molten steel) graze and/or hit the girl, right off her feet and overboard. She catches herself with one hand only, staring as Samar and her symbiote suddenly turn gigantic.

    Well, MORE gigantic.

    "Oh that is bloody unfair. Alright, well..."

    Another spell circle overlap. Her hair and shirt turn black, and her eyes shift to a yellow amber color. A bland metal spear appears in the hand she isn't using to hold on to the platform and she grins. "Sprunglanze!"

    With sudden strength she launches herself off the platform with the one arm, and up into the sky. A flourish and twirl of the spear later, and she's angling down, to crash land atop the symbiote's head, spear first. She REALLY hopes she can pierce its skin (armor?) and then manage to latch on. Step two of that plan is to get to Samar, but she'll be content to get step one done correctly.

Samar (494) has posed:
    Samar gives a sharp laugh that echoes through the mountains, paired with the resounding foghorn roar of the symbiote. Red eyes glare down at Krezentia from her perch as all guns swivel toward the mage. "Unfair? Don't tell me you don't have enough /trash/ to handle something this size!"

    Of course, Samar doesn't expect her to jump several stories in the air from where she's grasping onto a metal platform. It takes some incredible strength to hurl oneself all the way up to the head of the symbiote, but Krezentia /somehow/ manages it, and in a few moments her spear has buried itself in the metal cranium of Samar's mount. 'Blood' like oil spurts from the wound, and the creature lurches back slightly, twisting its upper body in an attempt to dislodge Krezentia from where she's landed.

    And Samar /still/ isn't really in a combat stance of any kind up where she sits; the Abyssal still looms high over Krezentia in that mermaid-esque sitting posture, but that doesn't mean she's incapable of acting on her own. She may lack the raw strength of her symbiote, but with her current size, the way she delivers a sharp, sweeping backhand to try and knock Krezentia away still carries with it a great deal of solid force to match the snarl she releases behind it.

Krezentia Einjager (758) has posed:
    "Plenty, if that's what you call it! But if you're talking about the junk shield, I'm not a fan either," Krezentia says, hair swapping back to blonde, the shirt to purple, and her eyes to that dull crimson they were to begin with. The spear lodged in the symbiote disappears, and the Magi balls her fists up.

    "I'll consider it my win if I manage to stain your face."

    The massive beast shakes, trying to throw her off; and Samar herself even tries a backhand, with a hand that's basically larger than her opponent to start with.

    The Magi keeps her balance-- the hand comes down and she leaps, much less impressively than before, trying to bounce up and off the hand, to latch onto the Princess' wristlet. And then up from there, using Samar's clothes (assuming those grew with her, one should hope so) to swing herself up, spinning in the air. Bright green and purple energy flares at the tip of her right foot, and she's aiming to just straight up kick Samar in the face at the end of her swing. "Gewehrstoss!"

    And then hopefully land somewhere safe. Her shoulder, or back onto the symbiote. Anywhere but 'however far down the ground is'. She could have just used a wormhole to reach the Princess' face, but what fun would that have been?

Samar (494) has posed:
    "Hey-!" Samar's clothes serve as a decent way of clambering up her, even though the Princess tries to lurch back and away from Krezentia's leap from her arm. Before she can do too much more, though, Krezentia's already rocketing up - straight to Samar's jaw.

    The Abyssal Princess has never really been hit that hard herself, at least while remaining conscious.

    The energized kick slams into her, twisting her head to the side as shock and jarring pain flash on her expression. It's strange how someone so small can still hurt; a lesson she probably should've learned already thanks to Arthur. It also should've been a lesson that growing in size /still/ presents quite a weakness against her opponents. Maybe she'll learn that in time too.

    For now, though, as Krezentia descends to the symbiote's back, Samar is only able to whip her head around and /glare/ down at the Magi. She can't let this happen again, not this humiliating defeat at the hands of someone so much /smaller/!

    Suddenly, the symbiote lurches forward, and it's then quick to jerk its head upward in an attempt to knock Krezentia /back/ into the air as she falls...placed perfectly for her to fall into its gaping maw on the way back down from that. Something that's doubly dangerous: even if Krezentia misses the giant metal teeth chomping down, the creature's glowing red throat is like an inferno in its own right, blazing with scorching heat and fury. Going down there at /all/ is going to be a bad time.

Krezentia Einjager (758) has posed:
    Hey, she pissed off Samar. That's what she was going for! Unfortunately, her symbiote immediatly makes a move to remedy the situation by, well, eating Krezentia. This could be a little bit more than a setback in the long run.

    Though she avoids (some) of the chomping teeth, or at least, avoids losing a limb, though there's still plenty of (fake) blood gushing from the smallest graze against any of the serrated spikes, she can't avoid the throat. The searing heat scorches her badly, even as she clings (perhaps not so smartly) to one of the teeth to avoid falling in. She considers her options.

    Her hair goes from blonde to a brilliant gold, and her shirt follows suit. Her eyes only light up slightly, a slightly brighter tint of red. A large claymore of brilliant yellow light forms into her free hand, and she takes her chances, charging the attack up.


    The claymore suddenly pulses, and she swings it downward into the throat. It erupts into a column of bright gold, HOLY light, her hunch from earlier that maybe if it's undead proper this is going to sting. But, well, it'll sting either way. She just wants it to cough her out, or to have to open its mouth to breath for a second.


Samar (494) has posed:
    Samar's satisfaction - and relief - when Krezentia is eaten by her symbiote is brief. The creature suddenly endures a strange rush of pain as the Magi delivers a holy beam of energy straight down its throat, something that doesn't act quite as powerfully against its undead nature as it might for more traditional undead, but which still /burns/. That pain, for once, is shared by Samar herself; her sharp wince is a clear sign of that, especially as her hand goes to the cable connected to the back of her neck.

    This woman just doesn't quit, does she?

    "Fine. You want to be free, little girl," Samar hisses, bringing her hands to rest on the symbiote's head. "Then I'll /free/ you."

    The reaction Krezentia gets to her attack may not be quite what she's hoping for. It actually starts to get /hotter/ in the symbiote's mouth, the temperature rising as the depths of the creature's throat grow brighter and brighter with a baleful red light. It's not a light borne from fire, though, but instead the raging fury that makes the Abyssals what they are.

    A fury that makes the symbiote's metal frame rattle and tremble as it gathers, barely contained in the beast's depths and growing ever stronger. Finally, the symbiote abruptly opens its mouth, and that power is loosed in a swirling beam of searing crimson energy that shoots up into the sky, piercing the clouds and carrying on into the distance, intended to take Krezentia with it on its destructive path!

Krezentia Einjager (758) has posed:
    It is EXTRA unfortunate for Krezentia that she is in the mouth of a thing that can breathe energy beams out. Kind of like thinking you're safe while in a dragon's throat if it can't reach you there. Though satisfied she messed its throat up, it wasn't ENOUGH, and now she's about to tank this in the face. She'd portal out, but, she needs a clear view of where she wants to go to do that. And right now, everything she can see is about to become an energy beam in five seconds.

    Rust and bronze colors take over Krezentia's palette one more time, and the junk shield returns. This time, lucky her, it's made of lethal implements-- saws, blades, spikes, rusty steel mangled in such a way as to be sharp, medical equipment. There's also much more of it. It might tickle the symbiote's throat, but its primary purpose is to shield the Magi.

    Because a moment later she's spat out along with energy breath. The shield holds for all of a few seconds, the assorted junk melting and making matters worse for Krezentia. Skin gets scorched right off her, and she's less wearing an outfit now and more wearing the rags of what used to be proper clothing.

    Rather than allow the blast to keep taking her upward, a purple ring opens up, and then a second just to the side; Krezentia (and a portion of the laser) blast into the first and out the second, and a black, purple and gold hoverboard appears for the girl to crash onto. Amidst the fake muscles and tissues are numerous exposed metal bits, namely her skeleton. If she weren't an artificial being she might be dead.

    Unable to stand up, she just lays on the hoverboard, grinning like an idiot. Purple hair, purple eyes-- purple rags, what's left of them anyway. One hand rises, and a purple and blue orb forms, glowing intensely. Within, three black spots orbit one another, faster and faster. The gravity of the entire area shifts, the orb drawing in dust and small rocks from the ground, all the while the effect keeps intensifying.

    "Heh... not bad. My turn. BLACK HOLE CLUSTER!"

    The orb bursts, turning into a massive spear of purple and blue energy, within which numerous black holes are violently colliding. She drops her arms, and the orb is sent crashing down, not for Samar and her symbiote directly, but for the area next to them. On impact, it blooms into a large black hole, which starts cleanly sucking and drawing in anything in its path. Samar and her giant are far too big to be eaten by it given the distance, but they're well within reach of the horrible gravity distortions that occur. Eventually the black hole will just leave a very perfectly semi-circular crater behind, though hopefully not before the force tears at those two.

Samar (494) has posed:
    The beam doesn't last for very long: when it's finished, the symbiote is left with smoke and ichor hissing from between its teeth, slightly hunched over on its mountainside perch. While the symbiote certainly seems worn down, however, Samar herself is peering over its head eagerly for where Krezentia went. No risk will be taken: she can't assume an opponent this tough and adaptable has fallen unless she sees Krezentia's prone body herself.

    Unfortunately, even /that/ wasn't enough to take the Magi out. Samar's teeth are bared in a fierce snarl to match her glare. When will she /go down/?

    The Princess has more immediate problems to worry about, though, considering the massive spear of black holes formed by Krezentia. Samar's eyes go wide; she has no idea what sort of power this even is, and she has no desire to find out first-hand. In Samar's panic, she forces her symbiote to lurch, and the creature, perched as precariously as it is and unused to such terrain, tumbles.

    On the one hand, this spares Samar from suffering the majority of that massive black hole, save for the gravitational distortions warping and twisting the barrel of a main cannon on the symbiote; judging by its effect on the landscape, that could be /much/ worse. On the other hand, the great construct is now sliding down the mountainside, barely avoiding tumbling right over and crushing the Princess that clings for dear life to its back.

    There's no time to waste, though, because this is probably the best opportunity Samar will get, with Krezentia apparently prone like that. It may not be the most ideal situation, but as the anti-air battery lining the symbiote's torso is easier to aim up to where the Magi is now, Samar opens fire with that, launching shells that explode in midair when they come near Krezentia in a last-ditch effort to finish the battle.

Krezentia Einjager (758) has posed:
    More artillery! And this time Krezentia doesn't have the physical capacity to really dodge anymore. A number of portals suddenly open-- the first few shots go clean through them, another set of portals appearing to the side to ditch the artillery mountains-ward instead. But it only really takes one shell getting through, impacting the hoverboard and destroying it. The battered Magi falls, right through a ring of purple light.

    And that ring appears next to Samar, dumping Krezentia on the ground with the same momentum she had when she fall through. She gives a thumb up towards the Princess, deciding to stay grounded (most likely on the symbiote, to be near Samar) rather than try to stand.

    "You're not half bad. I yield, I don't think my legs will even hold me up right now. Guess I haven't warmed up yet, huh?" It's less 'yielding' and more 'factually being disabled', but she has the luxury of still being conscious.

    Kopie will wander back in from the sidelines, patting the camera. "I did it, funya~! I managed to catch everytime you got hit!" she says, to the Magi.
    Krezentia just sort of frowns.

Samar (494) has posed:
    The symbiote just barely manages to get its footing when Krezentia suddenly pops down onto its back, an arrival which has Samar understandably jumpy. Before she can actually slam the fist she's raised down on Krezentia, though, she realizes that the artificial woman is yielding.

    The Princess blinks, looking vaguely surprised for a moment, then lowers her hand once she has a second to register things. "...well. If you insist," she replies, straightening up a little and letting out a short breath. "I have you say, you did very well for someone /warming up/. I have no doubt you'll give Arthur as hard of a time as he had with me, if not more so. In the meantime..."

    The symbiote seems a little unsteady, but its plodding behemoth steps don't send it falling over as Samar looks ahead. "I will drop you off somewhere you can recover, I suppose. The least I can do for an exceptional ally, all things considered."

    She's probably gonna need somewhere similar herself.