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WMAT BQ2 Courier Six vs Blurr
Date of Scene: 23 August 2015
Location: Papaya Island - Stadium
Synopsis: Johnny and Blurr have a slugfest in the main arena on their way to Round 3 of the tournament
Cast of Characters: 32, Blurr

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    I may be just another qualifying match, but there's quite the crowd here in the arena for this. Two things are a draw on the side of the Cowboy Courier, at least.

    ONE: He's a former Champ himself.
    TWO: A decent chunk of the movers and shakers in the Mojave are out here, reportedly including the President of the NCR and Alice McCafferty, head of the Crimson Caravan. Any time Johnny's on the main stage, it's more than enough to shake some dust loose from the Wastelands.

    Said Cowboy Courier is carefully taking a drink from a Vault 13 branded flask, standing near his 'corner' of the arena wearing his riot gear, helmet in his hand, as he waits for this to kick off.

Blurr has posed:
    Funny that the matchups should end up like this, for the cowboy's opponent this time is also a courier, though perhaps not quite -like- himself. A sleek blue hover speeder of Cybertronian design enters the other side of the arena, the crowd making some noise at this as well.

    Blurr's former career as a famed Cybertronian athlete has likely contributed to the large audience turnout for this particular event. All sorts of people are here. Humans, Cybertronians, Velocitronians, and many other types of aliens and otherworldly beings. None of this really fazes him--the Autobot is accustomed to being a celebrity. Upon entering, he flips upward out of his vehicle form to turn and wave to the crowd, putting on a smile for all to see.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Aannnnnnnd here we go!

    "Heh. Nice of you to make it, Blurr." Johnny tips off a salute, slamming back the rest of that flask, and tossing the metal bit off the ring into his corner of the space, where a grumpy looking man in a beret sits next to a VERY EXCITED LADY WITH A HEAD SCARF.

    The cowboy plonks his helmet on his head, and the neck seals shut with a hisssss of air. The red lenses of the Riot Gear light up, and he grunt,s the noise crackling through the spear in his gas mask. "Let's make it a show, shall we?"

    He chuckles, and then flares out his duster with a flashy flick of his hands, a pair of 10MM pistols flicking out into his palms and he just magdumps at the cybertronian.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr turns and chuckles at Johnny's comment. "Well what can I say I've always been good at impressing the crowds." He lets the man take the first shots, flipping and twisting easily to avoid most of the opening salvo, though some of it does graze his armor.

    "Let's hope you won't be disappointing them, either!" An arm is raised, and weapons emerge from compartments with a mechanical sound, clicking into place for the opening shots. High-energy photons lance through the air at the other courier.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Lasers. That's a first for him, actually, fighting someone with the same sort of skill set. the laserbeans lash out at him, slapping into his armor and burning a hole in the leather back of his duster. Well, that's gonna need to get patched up.

    A grumble as he drops the 10mms to the side, the heavy ass guns clanking on the stone. "Ain't done that yet. Allaem end up being pretty good, you know." the speaker crackles again as he pulls out another gun from under that duster. This is his own laser rifle, it would seem, though it is big and blocky and heavy looking like someone modified an industrial laser for combat use.
    Actually, knowing Johnny's world, that's exactly how that evolved.
    He shoulders therifle, takes aim, and fires.

Blurr has posed:
    "There's a first time for everything. For your sake I hope this won't be it." Blurr replies. He strafes sideways, but the heavier weapon manages to catch him in the side, gouging fairly deeply and causing a bit of lavender-tinted energon to spew forth.

    The Autobot doesn't appear too concerned about it though. He glances down at it momentarily, then back up at Johnny. "Looking good so far, though! Dashing sideways again, he attempts to force the man to lose track of his movements and fire the lasers once more.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Johnny just... keeps standing his ground. It's a good piece of groud, really, and despite the lasers that continue to slap into his armor and start to smoudler hot spots in the leather and kevlar, he's stoic as ever. Gotta be hot in there though.

    One of the lazer blasts ments the refractor on the end of the laser rifle, and the cowboy drops that too. Today is the day of disposable and or easily salvaged weapons.

    But then those red lenses light up, and the courier pulls a heavy black staff with bits on the end from his cloak. he starts jogging for the path that Blurr is taking, lays the staff on its side, and-

    The end of the staff unfolds to let out a siclky ultraviolet black light energy blade, the staff turning into a long handled energy axe.

    "..." if there's words, he's not saying them over the comm, though a noise of exertion can be heard as he plants his feet and SWINGS into blurr's expected path of travel.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr saw that coming from a kil away! This kind of thing is what made him great on the racetracks, you see. Whenever the obstacles appeared suddenly, no one could dodge them quite as quickly or smoothly as Blurr could.

    As the axe comes down, he vaults up and over it, just barely avoiding the swing. Somesaulting once, he lands on his feet.

    Smirking, he turns around to face Courier Six again. "Hm, looks like you're much better with ranged weaponry." he taunts a bit, eying the staff. That energy blade looks like it would hurt worse than the other stuff he's thrown around thus far. Thus he attempts to relieve his opponent of it by darting behind and swiping at him with the aim of knocking him off his feet/knocking it out of his hands.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    The attack comes in and Johnny grunts, twisting the axe away and keeping a vise grip on the staff itself. This results in a punch in the gut, the armor carrier in that suit cracking from the impact. The Courier's mask crackles. "And you shoulda stayed out of range."

    There's a brief 'HEH' of breath before the mic clicks off, and Mr. Tallbranch makes another arching swing, a sweep and SLASH that looks to clip Blurr's wings and knock some of the taste out of those obnoxious hoverpads.

Blurr has posed:
    "Okay, okay fine! I take that back!"Blurr almost laughs as the weapon slices into an arm, causing more energon to flow and tearing the armor asunder. Not only that, but the localized EMP disables some of his servos and temporarily causes his joint movement to slow up. Yeah, it was kind of a risky move, but this is the showbiz, after all.

    Speaking of staying out of range, he immediately moves to do that, transforming and driving off in the opposite direction. Once he's reached the other side of the arena he swerves to the left and aims some more pot shots in the other courier's direction.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Johhny snorts and shakes his head as the blow lands and the fellow turns into a car and floats away from him. Not that he blames him, but this is the first time he's seen that particular trick, and he whistles inside the helmet. Half naked girls, woman what are made of fire, and now a Car-Man.

    That's the WMAT, baby.

    the Axe folds back up and Johnny stows it as he takes the moment to jam a stimpack in his thigh, getting feeling back to bits of him that are getting numb, and then he pulls... well. That Gun. That heavy ass gun that uses rifle loads as ammo. You know the one.

    Dropping into a Weaver stance, the cowboy lances all five shots out of the pistol, aiming the armor piercing rounds for the important bits in Blurr's frame.

Blurr has posed:
    Hey, he was the one who said Blurr should have stayed out of range! The Autobot doesn't stop moving though, continuing to drive in laps around the arena at dizzying speed, though likely not top speed. Thus, Johnny's five shots mostly miss, though one does nail him in the rear boosters.

    It doesn't stop him though, and after a few seconds he suddenly veers away from the path and heads toward the cowboy with the intention of either running him right over or at least knocking him off his feet!

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    If there's one thing Johnny was not expecting today it was being run over by a floating car. He did his research, of course but didn't epxect the cybertronian to take such a lowbrow appraoch to combat.

    That being said, he doees take the impact with a roll, lessing the damage and keeping himself from falling out of the stone arena by sheer dint of snagging onto the tiles and stopping his roll before he could get that far.
    A growl and he turns in place, a sudden burst of speed as he charges Blurr, a massive pneumatic fist dropping onto the hand without the Pip Boy on it. He snarls, loud enough to be heard through the headset, and starts punching at the roof of the 'car', heavy repeated blows.

Blurr has posed:
    But of course, ramming is one of Blurr's strengths, since he's so fast. Only natural to use the attacks one knows will be most effective.

    The fist slams down onto the roof of the Autobot's vehicle form, putting several dents into it and even cracking it a bit. Finally, he transforms again, standing back up into his biped form. He brings out different weapon, this one a stun weapon designed to cause temporary paralysis. He's not quite sure what effect it will have on an organic, but at the very least it should temporarily disable his weaponry or any mechanized armor Courier Six might have on.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    The weapon comes out and Johnny can see it's different, see it's nto a laser b-

    The electric bolt slaps into his chest and he gasps and- His left arm aches. He sweats, and staggers. It's a long agonizing moment before that mechanical heart of his restarts, and he steps forward. His helmet's shorted out too, and that gets torn off his head, revealing the middle aged face of the cowboy, a fire in those dark eyes. "Well, ain't this a treat. Didn't... spect this to turn into a slugout with you, flyboy." A slightly bloody grin and Johnny steps sideways again, turning his frame to present a smaller target as he hauls out a plasmacaster. The shotgun-like energy weapon barks harshly, and hurls coherent plasma in a sickly green wave at the robot, aiming to scorch and tear at Blurr's armor. "COME ON THEN! HERE AND NOW, BOYO."

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr grins back when Johnny tears off his helmet, revealing his face. "Well I'm glad you're enjoying yourself Courier Six. Is that really your name, or is that a nickname? Or are you actually just a clone number or something? Seems like a weird name for a human. Not that I'd really know what I'm talking about, in that department though."

    The green plasma flies, and the Autobot throws up his good arm to partially block it, though it leaves some nasty burns on his lower arm. He again starts on the move, attempting to make his opponent lose track of his movements. Photon cannons again are raised from his arms and he fires in rapid succession at Johnny. "Come on pal! Hit me harder than -that-!" he taunts. "We don't want this going on all cycle!"

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    The cannon shots come in, hard and heavy, pelting Johnny with blast after blast of phtonic energy. He grunts and hisses as he stands a-

    Wait no, is he actually leaning into it? He's advacing through the fire and the noise and the pain, gritting it out with the hiss of automaticly injected Stimpacks keeping him upright. He is going to be feeling all of this in the morning.

    And as the barrage fades, he snarls. "I AM JONATHAN TALLBRANCH. I Walk the LONESOME ROAD. I tamed the BIG EMPTY, and I will not be SILENCED." The word 'clone' seems to have gotten to him, as that Power Fist slings back to his hand, and he cocks back and levels a simple, hard straight punch right for Blurr's chatty jaw.

Blurr has posed:
    "Jonathan Tallbranch, nice to mee you. I'm Blurr. Huh, Tallbranch eh? You're not very tall. Well I guess I'm a little biased, I mean not exactly biased but like, you know, it has to do with perspective." The Autobot continues. Does he ever stop talking?

    "So what's a big empty, if it's big and it's empty then what is there to actually t--" But his sentence is cut off when Tallbranch smacks him right in the jaw servos. He managed to jerk to the side a bit though, moving in the direction of the swing so as to lessen the impact. "Hah! C'mon, you can do better than -that-! Seriously!" He brings out the electricity-based weapon from earlier and attempts to dart behind his opponent and fire from close range.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    The Courier snarls as the chatty Cybertronian scoots away again, shaking out that power fist as he ducks and weaves himself, seeing the Heartstopper come out again.

    This time he swats at his waist as the blast comes in, taking the electro-bolt on the shoulder instead of right on the chest and- He vanishes into the ether, as he activates his emergency Stealth Boy.

    "Are you always this flippant in a fight? Does the possiblity of death mean that little to you?" The words echo the arena, the words of an old man tired of War. "I thought you Cybertronians were wise and just, but I guess that's just Mr. Prime." A dip of disgust in his voice a-

    The blade of the Inversion Axe flickers out of the cloak as Johnny levels another swing at Blurr. This is not agile, it is not dexterous, it is not the swing of a warrior. It is a lumberjack's swing, and Johnny wants to fell Blurr.

Blurr has posed:
    "No, but this isn't a real fight, remember? This is WMAT." Blurr reminds Tallbranch. "WMAT is -supposed- to be all fun and games right? What happened to friendly competition, and stuff?"

    "Pff, you thought all Cybertronians were wise and just?" Ha, then why's their world an uninhabited mess of shambles? "Well slag, thanks I guess, really I'm seriously surprised!" He's not kidding either, the rest of the galaxy had always thought them violent savages who destroyed all that happened to cross their path.

    Oh, no that nasty inversion axe again! Blurr tries to leap out of the way way, but it catches him in the side. It slices him open but doesn't quite fell him, and he returns fire once more with the electrolaser.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    The Heartstopper strikes him again, and Tallbranch shakes, the pained look reappearing. He's gotta have the Autodoc look at this when he gets back home tonight. "Doesn't mean... You shouldn't take this seriously." He staggers and stays on his feet, the last of his stimpacks hissing into his body.

    "Ain't nothin' more aggravatin'... than a kid who don't know how to be gracious in a fight like this." He drops the axe, draws That Gun, slaps a speedloader into it, raises the gun...
    Lowers the gun a moment, trying to keep his stance, and then finally rattles off the shots.