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WMAT CQ1 Noble Six vs The Magician
Date of Scene: 23 August 2015
Location: WMAT Arena - Devil's Hand
Synopsis: Noble Six meets The Magician in the WMAT qualifiers.
Cast of Characters: 22, 38, Sanary Rondel, 799
Tinyplot: WMAT 2015

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    The Devil's Hand. Six had her first match here, it didn't go very well. This time she's coming a bit more prepared. She doesn't know her opponent, it's a bit hard to research information on 'The Magician', so she's just bringing a little bit of everything.

    She's already set up in the combat area, weapons are prepared and loaded, and now she just has to await her opponent's arrival. At least her armor got repaired while she was between matches.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    As always there is somebody from medical here and ready to assist. Though it did seem like the initial team that was here was somehow pushed aside when one of the Confederate medical teams arrived, lead by a certain witch who gives the team some orders before she moves to find herself a seat nearby to watch the match from.

    This ought to be interesting...

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    It's good to research the opposition... but Hisoka really hasn't. While the Magician is normally a cunning fighter with a habit of trying to know more about a deadly target than the target knows about himself, it's hard for him to get enthusiastic about fighting someone unknown in a fight with no true consequences. He's not here for the prize after all... he's here for the thrill. If he can't actually risk life and limb on a battle, he'll at least seek out the thrill of novelty and surprise.

    Of course, as Medusa Gorgon has reason to know, he CAN risk limb at the very least.

    Hisoka saunters into the combat arena to the accompaniment of a flamenco riff coming in through the stands. He appears loose, easygoing, not at all nervous. He sees Noble Six and stops, stares at the somewhat scuffed suit of techno-armor. At the weapons. Then he grins. "At least this fight ought to be different from the last." he claims, pleased. Setsuko was a good fighter, fast and deadly. Unarmored yes, but a definite powerhouse. Noble Six is clearly a good fighter too or she wouldn't be here, but the weapons and armor suggest her strengths lie in the opposite direction to Setsuko's. He reaches up his arms, using one hand to pull his opposite elbow down and back in a stretch. Then he reverses the motion, stretching the other arm in that weird-looking way.

    Finally, apparently satisfied, he extends his arm. "Let's see what you've got." he says, his eyes narrowing into slits as his hands come to rest on his hips in what could only loosely be called a battle stance.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    She can only assume he uses some form of magic based on his name. She hates magic. It's hard to counter. Weapons can be designed against, armor and shields can be penetrated with various types of weapons, but magic doesn't have to obey the laws of physics, it can do what it wants.

    Six gives a nod of greeting in response to her opponent, "Best of luck." She says, as she waits, until he's in position. She moves quick as soon as he's settled in, her right hand coming up with a handgun in it. She fires off a pair of shots, not aiming down the sights and instead letting the built in crosshairs on the VISR do the work for her. It's not a major strike, not yet, but she wants to try to gauge abilities first before she settles on a course of action.

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    It's hard to have particular dislikes for combat types where Hisoka's from. Nen is an extraordinarily-complex and flexible system of power, and a strong user may well use bullets, beams of energy, or nothing but their own fists. Best to be capable and competent in all of them.

    In this case Hisoka fully expects bullets, and is moving the moment the gun comes up. Just little dodges, not really enough to make the bullets miss him. His body is rocked a little from the impacts... but there's no great spray of blood. Just a couple of spots slowly starting to stain his outfit where the shots grazed off thanks more to his speed than to armored flesh.

    Hisoka breaks into a run, curving around Noble Six rather than charging straight in at her. As he moves he picks up a weapon of his own. A rock. Okay, it's a crude weapon... but he flings it with impressive force, seeking to test out the strength of his own opponent's armor.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    The rock strikes home, hitting her in the chest and stumbling her back a step or two from the force of the impact. She grunts faintly from the force, shields not triggering from the hit. She growls under her breath and then raises the weapon again.

    She fires off several more shots, moving away from from him, starting to strafe off to one side as she fires. She's intent on trying to fire until the magazine empties, then she'll worry about swapping to another weapon.

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    Hisoka is, of course, not immune to bullets. He's just FAST, and almost psychic with his ability to see attacks far too fast for a normal person to see. For the most part he dodges the bullets cleanly, throwing his body into sways, spins and tumbles in a maddening dance that does not quite defy physics even if it defies aesthetics. Not that he's infallible. One of the bullets strikes home somewhere in that dance, and he continues madly dodging without seeming to care that his flesh is being ravaged.

    "I think..." the malevolent Magician says, as he continues the oblique run. "It's time for a new trick." He waves his hand, fanning out a deck of cards that appear out of nowhere. "I want to see your armor mysteriously become a darker shade of red." he smirks, flinging an apparently razor-edged card at his opponent.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    Card tricks are not really Noble Six's forte. Yet here he comes with them. She frowns a bit as he pulls out the deck of cards, and pulls the trigger again only to have the weapon run empty.
    The card strikes home, cutting into the armor and leaving her with a look of pain on her unseen face, as the wound si filled with bio foam.

    Tossing the pistol away, she opts for a different weapon. Since he seems to want to maintain a distance, unlike her previous opponent, she is using the DMR, a single shot rifle with high caliber rounds. She thrusts backwards, her armor's enhanced thrusters getting her some more distance between herself and her opponent, and again fires two rounds at him.

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    It would be too obvious, charging in against a ranged fighter. Too likely to have Hisoka run into a predictable trap. He'll bide his time, pick his moment. Wait for his opponent to make the mistake of beginning to predict him before he brings out his more punishing blows. Besides, circling the field lets him set up traps to make use of later. The most dangerous opponents are often the most unpredictable, and Hisoka's not about to assume this foe is anything so simple that he can afford to make the obvious ploy.

    The rifle shot strikes Hisoka in the meat of one leg. Unlike the pistols, this isn't some small-caliber round he can turn aside with his protective life energy. The spray of blood is significant this time, and he stumbles. He's quick to recover however, and launches a small spray of cards shotgun-style. Not exactly well-aimed. Several thunk into the ground, several fly past to fall uselessly somewhere in the grass and dirt. That matters little, apparently, as Hisoka seems to have just as many cards in his hand after the throw as before... as if by magic.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    Six manages to shoot down one of the cards, popping it out of the air with a single shot. But the other two strike hard into her shoulders and knock her back onto the ground. She grunts in pain, laying there dazed for a moment. Okay, ranged isn't working. She'll try melee then.

    She kips back up to her feet and throws something at The Magician. She's following up on it by running forward, but the thing she threw, it's about the size of a baseball and green, and it'll be very painful if you're too close to it after three seconds.

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    Had Hisoka charged in to melee right from the first, no doubt he'd have run straight into the grenade trap. As it is, his opponent ends up coming to him, and the grenade trap is easy enough for him to avoid. Hisoka abruptly changes direction, making a right-angle turn faster than should be possible with feet that actually obey the laws of physics and friction. Either his feet must be glued to the ground with each step, or he's somehow tethering himself to narrow his turning radius.

    Clouds of dust come up from his maneuver, and then from the blast of the grenade. He's well outside its effective range by the time it detonates, and neither the concussive force nor the shrapnel seems to bother him as he directs himself straight - finally - at Noble Six.

    Hisoka bears a manic, malicious grin of wide-eyed glee as he charges in, throwing a series of powerful hand-strikes at the armored figure, trying to literally punch a hole into the techno-armor. Cuts may be easy enough to seal, but Hisoka's willing to gamble on armor being not so great at concussive force. And should that gamble not pay off... oh well. He'll just have to try something else another time.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
No, the armor is not well designed for blunt impacts. And it shows when the armor crumples under the impact of the magician's blows. Six is caught off guard, expecting that the grenade would do /something/, and goes down to her knees under the impacts.

    She still has to stick with her game plan, too late to change things now, as she draws her combat knife and tries to slam it upwards, ramming it towards his gut, and the n trying to deliver several slashes to her opponent and hopefully get him to back down, at least for a moment.

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    Hisoka's pleased by his own successful attack, but he's perhaps surprisingly even more pleased by Noble Six pulling out that knife and taking him on face to face. SLASH and stab goes the knife, cutting him several times. "Yeeeessssss!" he hisses, leaping back to avoid a slash that might have disemboweled him. There's plenty of damage even with him avoiding that last blow. A stab clean through his forearm and a couple of messy but fairly shallow slashes across his chest, attacks he only barely was able to slide aside. They still cut, but not as deeply as they would have had he not had his freakish agility.

    He takes a moment, standing a little ways outside easy melee range, but not so far as to make it easy to pull out a gun and open up on him. The Magician licks his lips slowly, deliberately, sensually. "You ARE strong. Not just relying on your equipment. Show me your true warrior spirit." he says, lifting a hand, gesturing a 'come on' with his fingers.

    It's as if the gesture was a magical summons. Using his invisible bungee gum that he'd attached to Noble Six's chestplate on an earlier attack, he yanks. With his own body anchored, he pulls her straight at him, drawing back a fist to meet her in mid-'charge'.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    Poor Noble Six is running into a major issue. Each time she tries to unleash an attack, it's getting countered. Everything she's unleashed so far, she's been incapable of getting any momentum, and it's starting to show with the massive damage her armor has sustained.

    She pulls her helmet off and tosses it aside, the system inside of it fried, "Okay. This is getting out of hand.." She grabs something off of her belt, and then that thing turns out to actually be three plasma grenades. She lights all of them up, and then tosses them at him, one after another, all three grenades glowing balls of fire that will stick to anything they come in contact with. Hopefully the thing they come in contact with is Hisoka.

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    Even with all Hisoka's speed, he's not unhittable. He's even occasionally known to take a hit, simply to take a shot at his opponent. He challenged Noble Six to show her spirit though, and right now he's a little less inclined to pull off some of his more bullshit attacks and defenses.

    One of the plasma grenades actually manages to hit him, sticking to him. This isn't the first time he's suffered this sort of attack. He looks down at the burning bomb, frowning. It might become obvious this wasn't exactly according to his plan, but he doesn't seem as horrified as the burning object would seem to deserve. He hardens his defenses, letting the plasma burn. It begins to cook him, but not nearly as badly as he might deserve.

    There's a look of unholy delight on his face as he turns his eyes, wide and crazed, upon Noble Six. Her throwing off her helmet has entranced him... not due to her beauty, but to her willingness to give and receive punishment. He flings himself forward, seeking to embrace her. With, that is, her own plasma grenade still burning between them.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
Yeah, everything she throws at this guy, he returns just as bad. As he grabs her with the grenades still attatched, she feels the embrace and the explosion that unleashes itself afterwards. And het as she explodes, she holds onto him as well.

The force of the blast makes her armor shatter in several places, but she keeps her hands around him, and falls backwards, intent on hauling him over her and throwing him head over heels through the air, to slam him into the ground with all the force she still is able to muster.

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    The Magician is wierdly capable in any physical endeavor. Since he's already locked in a hug, even after the grenade explodes, he's easy to launch into that suplex. He goes flying... and just twists as he's coming down. Squirming impossibly, bending in ways no one probably should bend, he absorbs the impact and lands cleanly, smoothly.

    Hisoka looks a bit of a mess, admittedly. His bleeding slash wounds are pretty thoroughly charred now. They may be cauterized, but they're still pretty ugly. He's still got that grin though. Hisoka launches himself at Noble Six, aiming a punch at her exposed jaw. The look of delight on his face makes it clear that mercy is no more a thing for him than pain seems to be... though he's not leading with one of those razor-edged cards. Even in the joy of a vicious fight, he's not actually aiming to kill.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    The blow strikes home, though Six manages to somehow bring one arm up and deflect part of the impact. She's still clearly thrown for a bit of a loop, and she has decided that she's going to do something crazy. She rises up to her feet, wobbling a bit, and hauls back for a moment before she swings her head down and tries to headbutt him square in the nose. It's not pretty, and it's sure not normal for her to do something so crude. But she's desperate at this point.

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    You know how Hisoka is basically crazy-fast and tough and agile? Yeah well... even he can have an off-moment. He's expecting Noble Six to respond with her weapons, her knife perhaps or her powered armor. He did NOT expect the king of Close Quarter brawling.

    The attack staggers the Magician, smearing his nose wide across his painted face. He reels back, bringing a hand to his ruined face. It comes away bloody, and he stares at the hand in something approaching disbelief. Still reeling, his expression changes subtly. It's not just his deformed nose now. The delight's still there, but there's also a sadistic gleam. /Yes. Yes! Yes! Yesyesyesyesyes! I want to playplayplayplay... until you BREAK./

    Hisoka's thoughts, fortunately, aren't spoken aloud. Instead he merely grins. It's particularly ghoulish given his mashed nose and split lips. "Imagine what you might have done if you still had your helmet~" he croons, staggering back a half-step.

    It's at that point that Noble Six's helmet comes hurtling up off the ground, aimed straight for her head from where she'd discarded it.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    Yeah if she'd kept her helmet on that might have done a lot more damage. But instead she gets headbutted by her own helmet, and it knocks her hard. She gets sent down to the ground hard, out cold. Shame for her, as she came closer than she had expected to after the beating she took.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    At the sidelines the Confederate witch rises to her feet, smiling with some twisted amusement as she moves towards the rest of her team, gesturing at them. "No need for the stretcher. Prepare the transfusion, lot 62 and give me the IV line equipment." One of the assistant nurses nods, rolling an IV stand with her. "What about the Ketobemidone injection, Miss Gorgon?" "I doubt it will be necessary, dear," Medusa responds calmly with a coy smile, waiting at the exit of the arena as Hisoka leaves.

    Once he walks up she does cant her head, still smiling as she holds up an IV needle and extends her free arm. "And here I patched you up so nicely after your previous fight," she mock scolds the man.

Hisoka (799) has posed:
    It's almost with disappointment that Hisoka sees his opponent fall. The fight was a good one, he supposes. One-sided at the beginning, but in the end not actually easy. When Noble Six unleashed her savagery, he was not at all disappointed. Even now, he's got some major wounds the medical staff will need to deal with.

    When he notes who showed up from the medical staff however, that makes him snort a laugh. With his ruined nose, that ends up causing a fountain of blood. Oh well, let it. This ought to mean something and he can't decide what... but honestly, he doesn't care. Whatever it means, it'll be interesting.

    "You did such a good job." he agrees, approaching Medusa. "I'm in awe of your ability. Maybe I just wanted to see it again." he grins. Lying through his teeth perhaps, but he doesn't care if he's believed or not.

Sanary Rondel has posed:
     Following from not far behind Medusa's team is Sanary and a small team of her own. What she lacks in training and formal education, she makes up in HEART! Hopefully, enough heart to actually be able to tend to Noble Six's injuries properly. Who knows? Maybe she dodged a bullet getting the one-eyed girl instead of the witch. Medusa seemed to have everything under control regarding Hisoka's care, at least, and Sanary does have enough sense to wheel a stretcher along with her on the way over.

     "Easy now. We'll get you fixed up and ready for another go in no time."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:

    One of the nearby nurses steps forward with some gauze that she hands out to Hisoka. "I do think it will be quite a job to tend to you today as well, dear," Medusa sighs as she looks Hisoka over, very much like the look a mother gives a child that got mud all over their Sunday finest.