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F:NV - From Our Own
Date of Scene: 24 May 2015
Location: Mojave Wasteland (NewVegas)
Synopsis: A bunch of FUTURE HEROES bust into an Enclave Facility in order to find a GECK and run into more problems than they might have been expecting.
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 32, Starbound Flotilla, 673, Corona Arclite, 787, 788, 789, 790, 791

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    The skies over the Capitol Wastes are a dull green, casting a pall glow over the ruins of an office complex. A faded wall mural shows the Old American flag and the name Standard Futuristics. The voice of John Henry Eden! "Rest assured, I will not make the mistakes of my predecessors. When John Henry Eden builds a country, he builds it to last."

    A group of hovering Mr. Gutsys patrol through the ruined halls of the facility, which spirals down into a cavernous research facility. "The American way. Don't you, my darling America, deserve that? Don't you deserve a future free of war, and fear, and terrible uncertainty?"

    And below, in a heavily guarded room with the Enclave symbol on the door? A dull, plain looking briefcase. "As President of the United States, you have my solemn pledge that I will never rest, NEVER rest, until we all have what we deserve: A place to truly call... home."


Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Tonight's call has been answered, and by hook or by crook, the group who've answered Arcade's call for backup find themselves in the ruins of Baltimore. The once great sister to Washington DC lies to the Northeast of the Capital Wastelands, where the signal of Galaxy News Radio can just be heard, the melodious tones of Three Dogs' voice fuzzing in and out of the static of the ever present Enclave Radio.

    The meeting point is a subway station to the south of a large office park, and Arcade Ganon stands near a bus stop, fidgeting a little bit with his glasses and looking generally unimpressed with everything for the moment. Next to him is a tall, dour looking man in a red beret with a large hunting rifle. He just glares.

    Tough crowd.

Sarah Parsle (789) has posed:
If you thought Baltimore was bad, try it after a nuclear apocalypse.

Yes, you will be able to tell the difference. Ha. Ha.

This is, sadly, lost on Sarah, who has never been to Earth, let alone Baltimore. Having bartered items for Rad-X before the operation, she has ensured the members of our team (Even Noa) have been supplied with a dose of the expensive resistance medicine beforehand to prepare.

Even if it really isn't going to matter in the end, in her opinion. They're going to be exposed to radiation either way. The teen arrives with the rest of her group, looking over the ruined landscape with a measuring gaze, as if estimating just how long it might take for the ruined buildings to crumble into nothingness. 'Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair.'

If Arcade is unimpressed before, Sarah isn't going to change that. Sarah looks utterly unprepared for everything people might face here, with no armor or visible weapons, just dressed in a simple blouse and pants. "Sup." She addresses Ganon and Boone. "We're here to answer the Syndicate request." She says. "And I brought my team of untrained adventure kids. We will try not to die horribly, but it is not off the table."

Noa Nuquerna (788) has posed:
     The crowd is tough. The elf is determined to be tougher.

     Noa Nuqeurna is here dressed in his favored outfit - a black leather jacket, leather pants, a heavy-looking belt around his waist, a second heavy-looking belt bandolier-style, sunglasses, spiked shoulderpads, spiked kneepads, and a cape. The effect is something like seeing a JRPG Final Boss (humanform) supervillain as a teenager.

     That is to say, probably not as tough as he thinks it looks.

     "We're not *your* team," Noa counters Sarah, "And I don't know about *you* but *I'm* not going to die like this."

     Noa crosses his arms and looks around. He took the Rad-X, because there's being contrarian and then there's being intentionally retarded, and Noa just isn't the latter. He takes in everything, with an eye towards particularly interesting plants. "What's even here that's worth this place? It doesn't look like anything is even close to in a state you might call 'working'."

     "Then again," Noa admits, "The best stuff is found in the Ancient Ruins of the Advanced Civilization That Came Before This One, so I guess it's not out of the question..."

Epicea Chelid (787) has posed:
    Team of untrained adventure kids is pretty much accurate. The unkempt and be-pajama'ed troll girl with the pinkish highlights seems to droop even as she's standing there, looking down at the ground. "This place is more parched than Izzy's sense of humor." She grumbles, before a water bottle drops into her hands from nowhere.

    "Oh, sweet." She mutters, before sucking down the plastic container - which has the logo for 'Seadweller Springs' - and tossing it over her shoulder. "So what's the job for real? Punching people? Larceny? A rousing speech about how either we're all doomed and/or the People should rise up against their Masters?" She grins, toothily. "Cuz these jerks can handle that real good."

Noa Nuquerna (788) has posed:
     "I found my pamphlets," Noa adds at the last bit, "So I'm prepared this time. For that."

Corona Arclite has posed:
"Tch. This place sure has seen its better days." Though any comparisons to what this city use to be is lost on Corona as well, at least in specifics. In general, she knows a ruined wreck of an urban landscape when she sees one. But she got word of people going scavanging for tech in part of a post-apoc world and that was enough for the vixen to pitch in and help.

"Not -all- of us ain't experienced," she quickly cuts in after the kids make some of the worst adventure party introductions possible, and keeps the muttering of 'greenhorns' well under her breath. Sigh.

This is gonna suck if she has to be the cornerstone here. She's an engie, not a carry!

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
It didn't take Kotone long to set her interal radio to pick to Galaxy News Radio with Three Dog who had some pretty decent but from her POV old music but the local news information? That was at least interesting and telling there were other people left in the region if this man kept up a news service right? It was also funny from the nanotech hell of Rory's native Earth. She had known the city somewhaqt on her world, seeking it a baked out husk like Chicago on that other earth was evne more sobering. Still Ganon needed help and if his plans worked they could restore some of this husk of a planet, which would do a lot of good right?

She notices a few voices, not the faces. Humm is that some of that little band from Afterus? She thinks so.

"Ganon, Boone, hey and humm I'd say there are Noa. We'd not be here if Ganon didn't think there was something worth pulling out of here."

She also gives a look to SArah for a moment.

"Well I'll try to help keep the latter from happening, I at least know some people who are good at putting folks back together."

She notices Epicea seems to be in pretty good spirits all things considered. She looks over to Corona and nods.

"It's funny I know this city on my world, Corona."

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    The STARBOUND FLOTILLA is here! They've been hiking a while to get here, as per the norm for them. They've come suited up in their top of the line survival and combat gear, DURASTEEL SEMI-POWERED ARMOR. Moonfin, the fishman, is in elaborate full-body durasteel armor that looks like a powered cross between a diving suit and a samurai's armor. Biteblade, the humanoid plant, is in durasteel plating with elaborately carved wood and bone ornaments over glowing powered components. Pavo the bird-girl wears a pirate-aesthetic set of mesoamerican-style armor, with bands of energized fabric linking the pieces and powering them. Albert the monkey-man is wearing elaborate dystopian commando armor reconstructed with a 'rebel spy' aesthetic: A sleeker faceplate, a slimmer form, and a more chaotic design that integrates thin, resilient plates of durasteel. George (just plain human) wears a set of futuristic EVA-combat and exploration armor in a suit that glows a gentle blue at the faceplate. Seft, the robotic Flotilla member, is wearing full-on medieval knight armor with a soft energized glow below the plates on her body, and especially around the eyes.

    They come down the stairs of the subway station with a mixture of heavy clomping noises. These seem really out of place culturally, but at least their gear seems a bit more suited to this world specifically. Albert's the one who goes to Arcade first, giving him and the red beret rifleman a quick salute. "Captain Albert Petrov of the Starbound Flotilla." He recognizes the man in the red beret from his security duties before, and lets him have his space and his silence, focusing on Arcade. "My allies and I are ready to move out on your orders." He gestures professionally towards Kotone and Corona as well. "Please brief us on the intelligence you've gathered so far." He seems like he'll get the crew marching pretty much as soon as Gannon's given them extra data here.

Victor Ellsworth (790) has posed:
    Victor kind of misread the briefing.
    He thought they were meeting AT an arcade, not AN Arcade.
    Capital letters, how do they fucking work.

    This is why there's an extra teen showing up for Team Luck (shut up, Sarah!). The boy looks kind of girlish, with green hair, red eyes and glasses, and a sort of school uniform-esque outfit. He has an XTREME EDITION super joypad in one hand, and looks extremely let down they are not at an arcade right now.

    "Do not Listen to her, we are Perfectly trained," he does correct Sarah. "Except Noa, he is Kind of a loose cannon, I Apologize in advance for whatever Villainy he comes up with Today."

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Kids. They're being sent kids. Boone's eyes narrow a bit at all the sullen COOL KIDS that have piled in here, but Mr. Lowell has cleared them all so...
    Ganon seems a little less worried about that and seems more animated once all the people show up. "Well, this is a relief. And here I was worried that Jonathan was going to send us out here all by ourselves." He wipes a hand on his doctor's uniform and waves to Albert and the Starbounds as well. "Alright, my name's Arcade, I'm a doctor. This is my... associate, Boone. He, ah... he shoots people."
    The sniper's eyes remain covered in those aviators. "...Hi."
    Arcade fusses with his gear as he speaks, the obvious heavy Pip Boy on his arm chirping faintly. "Right ,so, We're out here looking for what we call a GECK. That's Garden of Eden Creation Kit. They're fancy devices that are able to turn a Vault into a terraforming powerhouse. One of them was able to jumpstart the NCR into what it is today, and I want to give that to the Mojave as well." He nods at the building behind them. "That's one of the research labs that housed the scientists on the project. We're heading in to toss the place and find... whatever I suppose. John's better at this sort of thing but he insisted that I should be working on this, so."

    Boone grunts, lifting the rifle and pointing it downrange towards the office. "Patrol's moved past the front. It's clear." He settles in next to the Bus Stop, pulls out binoculars and gets a box of Tastykakes out.

    Arcade smiles. "I guess that's our cue."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite lets out a low whistle. "Terraformin'. That's rawht useful anywhere."

The foxgirl takes a moment to pull off her brass-plated stetson and make sure the headlamp is working, then brushes back her bangs with one hand and returns it to her head with the other. Then pulls her goggles up over her eyes proper so she doesn't have to fuss with them later, fiddling with the comm-link piece. Tools, check. Weapons and ammo, check.

She reachs back to pull her sawed-off from it's sling, using the motion of drawing it to pump the action, and flip it around into a proper grip afterwards. Forge Sweeper is already emitting a low thrum of powering up as she adjusts the apparatus connected to it.

"So are there normal folks down here, or is this just the shoot 'em all and let the cosmos sort it out type deal? Don't want to be goin' off triggerhappy half-cocked none."

It's an important question to ask as they get going.

Noa Nuquerna (788) has posed:
     Noa doesn't comment on pretty much anything, though he does manage to look fairly surly at Victor's suggestion that he'll intentionally sabotage something he intends to profit off of. He brushes back his hair with a standard Elfy Hairflip and uncouples the belt around his chest, taking it in his hands.

     "So it terraforms stuff. OK. And everything else is just junk-slash-loot besides. Sure. That's cool."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa gets Boone doesn't like to talk much and will leave him be. She suspects though he's a hell of a ranged support guy given hye's surived on this world to his apprent age. She listens to Ganon as he speaks of the GECK.

"I get it even if it can bring back a small region that still becomes a livable clean area which opens a lot of options. So we're after resarch data, notes, kit parts or intact kits, got it."

With Boone telling them it's all clear? Kotone move ahead and keeps with Corona as she goes.

Victor Ellsworth (790) has posed:
    "Garden of Eden Creation Kit is a kind of Cool and poetic and Very evocative name," Victor comments, because naming things correctly is an important part of life, and these people deserve to know they are cool too.

    "Out of Curiosity, what will you Use this GECK for? I obviously Do not mean the Obvious, I mean, when you Do use it, do you already Have plans?"

    Victor idly produces a DECK OF CARDS, the back of which has an orange background with a yellow sun in front. Anyone familiar with Afterus' Aspect of Light will recognize it. The places it inside a card holder on his belt after shuffling it wildly, from which he draws five cards afterwards. Ten of Clubs, King of Hearts, Six of Diamonds, Four of Spades, King of Spades. He grumbles.

    "Well Fuck you too, Deck."

Epicea Chelid (787) has posed:
    "So we're breaking in to a place, to steal a thing that makes work way easier. I dig." Epicea drawls, yawning slightly. "So we... go in there, grab whatever looks important, and make like RPG protagonists?" She summarizes, before nodding, a pillow being summoned to her hands as she begins 'fluffing' it lightly. "Sounds good. Should work out fine. Just grab anything that looks like a gekko, and... ... ... Sarah, Noa, don't actually grab anything. Leave it to people who can actually get shit out of their inventories." She councils, grumblegrumble.

    "Ugh, Izzy, be the responsible one."

    She looks at the power armored Starbounders and smiles. "I vote we let the guys with the sweet robot suits lead the way."

Sarah Parsle (789) has posed:
"Thanks. Don't think it'll save us from ourselves, but thanks for the thought." Sarah replies to Kotone.

In the meantime, Victor arrives. Sarah will fight against calling it Team Luck to the end of her days, even if it doesn't really matter.

"Good to meet you, Mr. Arcade. Mr. Boone." Sarah is polite, at least. "I am Sarah Parsle, of Death Game High." The bitterness is real. "Okay, so we need this GECK item. We'll do our best to acquire it for you." She scowls a bit at Victor and Noa, and then looks back to the pair. "Let's scavenge the place before we find out someone took it already or something."

At the call of their cue, Sarah gets moving, sticking with the better-armored Flotilla and hanging behind one of them chosen at random, in this case George. From nowhere, she produces a JENGA STACK and balances the rickty set of light wooden blocks in her hands, and moves to seek out an entrance. "My Enigma Modus is perfectly servicable for this." She protests. "You just need patience. Every code will be cracked eventually."

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    Albert gives a firm nod at Boone. He figured that he shoots people, but respects it. "Patrols. What threats will we have to deal with?" He's going to get a rundown of the opposition if he can, still wasting little time and demanding as little speaking as possible. But as he gets this done, he motions to the Starbounders. "Pavo, Biteblade, George, scout and report. Moonfin, Seft, begin advance."

    With that, the Floran, Avian, and Human trio is going to immediately launch into a scouting operation. Pavo will attempt leaping action to scale the exterior and scout upper levels; Biteblade and George will team up and swiftly begin trying to breach the front where Boone claims things are clear, and scope out the interior and opposition, using their keen ESPIONAGE and HUNTING skills to try ot avoid setting off security, traps, or robotic opposition. Moonfin and Seft will work on getting to wherever they can find is clear, preparing to operate properly, and Albert will likely join them soon. Seft already has some kind of heavy industrial sensor kit in both hands, holoprojecting any nuclear energy signatures she could pick up that might give them a clue about what sections of the area are powered and therefore unlooted, as well as sensing the motions of the robots, ideally.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "My only request," Rory White begins from her spot next to Kotone, a hand over her heart (if she had one, anyways...), "is that copies of any research data be shared with my fellow Argonauts. If by chance we somehow stumble upon a large cache of these devices, one or two working examples to reverse engineer would be amazing! For my home planet faces the same conditions as here... complete devastation and ruin."

    Well, she thinks these terms are pretty reasonable, anyways!

    She's come loaded for trouble though. Her robot drones are elsewhere, but Rory herself has brought weaponry and is decked out in some kind of slim-fitting power armor. It's a white, flexible hardsuit covered in blue circuit-like designs for aesthetic. She's carrying what looks like some kind of laser sniper rifle too.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    Epicea gets a salute and an ape-grunt from Albert. "We have conducted many operations in this world." He says, while he hangs back. "State any assistance you need at any time. We can handle loot acquisition and distribution with our Matter Manipulators if necessary." He doesn't know anything about Fetch Modi, but Matter Manipulators are a pretty great inventory option.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    Sarah gets a grin and a thumbs-up from George. "Atta girl, just do what you do and shit works out, huh?" He gives a wryly raised eyebrow to her Jenga stack, having a lack of reaction that's intentionally exaggerated, meant to try to wordlessly point out how goofy it is to be playing Jenga while scouting. "Well, hey, not gonna be That Guy who starts raggin' on the virtues of patience here, whatev'."

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    Arcade looks over to Victor. "Well, honestly I was going to play that by ear. The group I work with are called the Followers of the Apocalypse, and we'd like to have one to make a new, safer space to help the Mojave move out of the radioactive hellscape that it is right now. None of the Vaults near us have one though, even though all of them were supposed to be issued one." Fuck you, Vault Tec.

    The trip down to the facility is easy enough, but as they get closer, it's clear that the patrols are robots of some sort, backed up with a few men here or there. The robots are some big ass floating ball with tentacle arms with Nasty Weapons at the ends.

    One or two of the robots squawks something as an Eyebot floats up and over a hill, playing patriotic music and shooting a little peashooter laser gun at the group. Uh oh.

Corona Arclite has posed:
"Well I reckon that answers my question," Corona snorts as the little robot appears over the hill, playing it's little tune and popping it's little laser gun. She keeps her sawed-off at the ready, but as it's more of a close-range firearm, someone with better distance coverage is probably going to need to pick off that little bugger.

When the big stuff follows after it, that she will be ready for.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    Pavo still has a Laser RCW rifle. With her ability to get superior height advantages, she ought to be able to get a solid bead on that incoming robot during her scouting via rooftops in this area. Of course, that's assuming that Biteblade's more subtle, silenced weapon -- essentially a railgun in the shape of a bow -- doesn't manage to impale it on a heavy steel magnetically-accelerated bolt. Albert, of course, is going to try to make himself cover by drawing fire and free up others to take their own shots, but he might not draw everything.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    The earnest voice of JOHN HENRY EDEN blasts out of the eyebot as it charges the group wbbling in the air and firing its shitty laser. "Of course I was elected, sweet America! Isn't the right to vote the very foundation of a democrac-"


    The sawed-off pops it right in the face, taking out the speakers. The bow and the RCW finish the job, but not before the robots farther down start peeling away from the building to charge in at the group. They are painted a tough looking GI green and are howling tinny robotic Anti-Communist Propoganda as they fire plasma beams and try to close to flame thrower range.

Noa Nuquerna (788) has posed:
     Laser tentacle robots? Okay.

     That's cool.

     Noa approaches this like he does everything else - swinging his heavy-looking bandolier belt in one hand, he charges into the enemy lines, going directly for the Mr. Gutsys. The belt whirls like a morningstar as Noa grabs it in two hands, narrowly ducking a laser (more through luck (OR DESTINY, VICTOR) than anything else) as he prepares for the swing.

     "HERE COMES THE ANGRY BELT!" The Elf shouts, hammering upwards with...well...with the angry belt.


     It is probably at this point that Noa realizes these things have flamethrowers.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    Meanwhile, Moonfin, Seft, and George focus on advancing. George is trying to take the tactic of "outrunning the bad news"; he can ID some people down there, so he'd rather run them down and snap a neck or two before they get a chance to react to their robots getting into full alert. He's hoping to do so by letting Moonfin take the majority of the damage here. For his own part, Moonfin does relatively well. Heavy plasma beams are deflected with his POWER KATANA, jarring his arms and draining his endurance but not directly wounding him. George, meanwhile, is hoping to robust the shit out of some of those human guards and steal a uniform and security clearance to dash on further in before more bad news gets going.

    If the robots seek to close to flamethrower range, Moonfin and Seft will oblige, working in perfect tandem with Noa, as if trained to operate on the field with him. Seft handles tanking the first flame bursts; as a robot, she's much more resistant to them, though the bursts of fire start to overheat her sparking mechanical systems. A singed and burnt Moonfin immediately attempts to follow up with a rush of sword swipes. He speaks as he does, as always: "Fifth Sea Hylotl Style: Steam Passes Through Smoke." Each slice is excessively stylish, meant to rend tentacle-ish limbs from the spherical bodies. Seft is much less flashy: She has a Power Battleaxe, and she intends to just smash them through the spherical bodies.

Sarah Parsle (789) has posed:
"You won't." Sarah replies to Rory. "If it's actually here, which it might not, it's going to be all set up so as little of how it operates is exposed to observable analysis as possible. Anyone who can make a terraformer in a box is going to prevent other people from figuring out how it works. Sadly, human nature wins out on this one."

George gets a thin smile, on the other hand, as she move in to flank George. Presumably, the rest of NOT TEAM LUCK is doing similarly with other members.

The appearance of the robots causes Sarah to squint. "Those look dangerous." She comments quietly. "They'll probably-" Sarah's prediction is cut off by PATRIOTISM as lasers pew pew through the area, and she YOUTH ROLLS to get behind cover, hugging that JENGA STACK close. The Eyebot goes down, but the Gutsys are another thing coming. She wants no part of these shenanigans. With a slow motion, Sarah removes a JENGA PIECE from the stack. It's not too hard since it was whole, of course. With a whipping motion, she flings it at one of the Gutsy robots, whereupon it hits with much more force than one might expect.

But not that much more. "Noa, don't close with them, they have- of course you closed with them." she sighs.

As George moves to do some HIGH-MOBILITY TACTICS she turns and starts following along, but looks over her shoulder to her friends, her expression creasing into a frown. How far away CAN she get from these people before they get themselves inevitably killed?

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "Followers of the Apocalypse?" What a wierd name, or so Rory'd say if she wasn't more polite than that.

    She's fairly quiet for the rest of the walk however, staying behind Albert in case she needs quick cover and a moment to get her bearings. Well, that does indeed happening!

    Lasers! Lasers start flying their way. With a squawk of alarm Rory hurls herself to the ground and goes oddly rolling about in a clutter, ending up behind a rock for cover.

    One of the beams clips her leg before then, drawing a spray of red smoke, an acrid stench, and a shower of sparks, but once she's in cover.. "Minimal damage. What is that thing? A drone?"

    Raising her weapon and bracing it against the rock, she takes aim carefully... and FIRES.

    There's one good thing about HER laser rifle. The beam is mostly invisible (save where some of it reflects off of moisture or smoke) and actually does travel at the speed of light!

Victor Ellsworth (790) has posed:
    "That seems extremely Unfair. I will be happy to Help you rectify that Mistake," Victor answers, ever content he'll be helping make a hellhole less of one. He's absolutely uncomfortable at the place and its atmosphere to start with, so feeling like he can help with that is... actually a lot! Not that he shows it. As they move forward and advice, he idly draws two more cards, eyeing them, then his hand. This probably makes him look pretty impolite, playing poker with himself.

    New hand: 4<3, 4<3<, 8<3, K<3, K<3<.

    Unlike those who prefer to head in CLOSE AND PERSONAL, Victor stays the hell back, behind the line of people with guns, even. With EXTREME urgency, even, as laser fire rains his way. His two spare cards, the 6<> and 10o8<, are thrown towards one of the robots to try and help. The six of diamonds is kind of like throwing a small javelin, and the ten of clubs is a hand grenade. It's not going to be TOO much help but better than nothing.

Corona Arclite has posed:
Welp, that definately got their attention. "And now the real fun is startin', ayup." Corona repumps the sawed-off, but then one of the kids goes flailing into melee before she can fire on the larger Gutsys. "Oh fer the love of..." Though really, she probably should of expected that, considering some of the Flotilla are right behind him.

With a huff she tucks the shotgun away, and instead pulls what looks like a cross between an oversized clockwork revolver and a nailgun from one of her belt holsters. Gives the chamber a spin (which works more to wind it up than load it), turns to hold it out as she's advancing just behind Moonfin and Seft, firing off several precision shots as one would expect from an experienced gunslinger.

The Rivet Revolver fires pinpoint penetrating rounds, so she's aiming mainly for the sensors and tentacle joints to cripple the ball-bots for the meleers to move in.

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    THe PLUCKY YOUTHS are stepping in to STRIFE.
    NOA > Use BELT on GUTSY has more of an effect than one might suspect, the blunt heavy belt swinging around and knocking one of the robots' hoverjets off kilter. It wobbles in place before flopping over on its side like a turtle, still trying to light him on fire.

    Also Fire Burns.

    VICTOR > BE GAMBIT works a little better, at least in the Not Being Burned region. The Six thwaps into the side of one of the robots, sticking in and making it list a bit. The 10 ASPLODES and stuns the On Its Side Gutsy that Noa's engaging.

    From somewhere behind the group though, a bullet wizzes past, a ominous noise. And then one of the 'eyes' of the Gutsy on the ground explodes with a .308 round in its sensor.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "I can understand that Rory. The more you bring that up if I have some ideas at least on the radation there."

here she's long learned it's some crazy space voodoo radation that doesn't work like her world's own. So she's not though to bring such up here on it. She takes note of the Flotilla and she looks to Victor nodding a bit.

"I hear you everything I seen about Vault Tec is bad news and big business at it's worst."

She shudders about the Nuka Cola Vault as memories drift up with perfect clarity. She focus on the task at hand and moves onwards. she oes however pause at the Eyebot and that makes her start checking for the local radio signals they use like her world uses Wireless.

There's no time for that as Gutys are hsowing up she knows the basic mode and is going to get into action, she pulls her pistol a hand gun and starts opening up as she gets on the move trying to give the Starbouders and Corona some support fire.

"The bots /had/ to be working didn't they?!"

Well this is a good sign there may be ... intact GECK stuff here.

Izzy Hyland (791) has posed:
    There is somebody here who was neither invited or involved in the briefing. His presence is abrupt and, frankly, mysterious. Worse yet, at least some of you know who this douchebag is. The Dark Knight of Predestination Academy appears in an instant in which everyone happens to be simultaneously blinking, crawling out of the faintest shadows that all things cast, even in the dimmest light. The only concrete things that can be said about him are this:

    Firstly, he is a member of the Student Council and frequently carries out Epicea's insane demands. It's nearly the only cooperative thing he does.

    Secondly, he occasionally swordfights the Headmaster. They seem to communicate this way.

    Thirdly, he wears armor at all times. No one has ever seen him outside of it. He could be a troll, or an elf, or a human, but whatever the case is he is ensconced in that strange armor of his at all times.

    The armor itself is bizarre. Although we can describe it as "black", it is more correct to say that it is "absence". It is more of an armor-shaped tear in existence, revealing the nothingness -- the great cosmic mystery that came before -- that is the origin of all things while simultaneously shrouding what is truly underneath.

    It's Noa who has to deal with him first.

    The Dark Knight darts in beneath his swing, an armored leg snapping out in an attempt to kick him away from the flamethrower-equipped robot BEFORE he has the opportunity to be lit on fire, but AFTER he has performed his attack. It is questionable whether the kick or the fire would hurt worse. Noa will have to prioritize one over the other.

    The Dark Knight flickers again, taking up a position on the far side of the hostile robots, positioning them between himself and the others. He holds up a hand to point ominously towards the attackers and raises a sword of the same aberrant material as his armor in his free hand.

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    SARAH > AA manages to smack one of the Gutsy's in the eye as well, the chunk of STRIFE powered wood knocking out the sensor. "Pain is just weakness leaving the body," the robot intones as it tries to spot the rest of the group again.

    MOONFIN > BE WEEABOO tanks a good amount of the damage, in fact, and frees up SEFT > BE HASAN to CHOP the Gutsy through the midsection.

    GEORGE > DAT FUKKIN TATORs his way towards the front of the building... somehow backed by Gannon, who's been skulking his way up close, that Pip Boy fluttering quietly. But he knows better than to interrupt the Human as George ROBUSTS at a guard. In the distance from the rest of the group, automatic weapons fire can be heard as George starts to strangle one of the guards. ARCADE > PEW PEWs the other guard with a slick looking plasma defender, silencing the close in security.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    RORY > PEW PEW smacks that wounded Gutsy through the midsection, melting a hole through it with her SEMI REALISTIC LASER RIFLE. The GUTSY wobbles a bit more, drooping as vital fluids start to spew from the robot, spraying down people in melee with the thing.

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    IZZY > BE DOUCHEBAG manages to intercept a slower Gutsy as it wobbles forward on tis hoverjets. It offers a challenge in return. "WHAT IS YOUR MAJOR MALFUNCTION, MAGGOT?"

    Oh Dear.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    "The more I hear of Vault Tec, the less I like them. What were they doing?! It's beyond irresponsible..." Well she can complain now, but what good will it do? Even though the same memories Kotone's coming up are irritating her just as much...

    "Well, it does mean nobody else has gotten here first, doesn't it? .. Hopefully?"

    She's somewhat pleased at the results of her one shot. But with several more people entering melee she decides to not repeat that tactic. Instead...

    Instead, she unzips her backpack. A Saucer drone floats free and heads skyward to provide her with a bird's eye view and multi-spectral scan of what's to come. Time to establish her tactical map!

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    George has company, and company means he has to put up his disarming persona again. Which means that as he chokes out a guard, he makes sure to give a friendly wave to Gannon, and pretend to be giving a comforting hug to the man who he is choking out. "Shhhh, only dreams now." He whispers conspicuously in the ear of the man he's choking out. And by the time he's done, he's gonna retreat off to the side of the main paths the guards seem to be taking just enough to use his MATTER MANIPULATOR to hot-swap the guard uniform straight off the robusted guard and exchanged with his current EVA-styled combat gear.

    "You'll wanna get a bit of a stagger, and a face like this?" George says, pointing to the hole in the guard's outfit, and then making a surprisingly well-acted face of severe pain. "C'mon chum, let's get you changed up." People in this world seem really good at changing outfits quickly, you know. George would like Arcade Gannon to disguise like he intends to, and he means to immediately move on into the facility itself, ideally pretending to support a "wounded" Arcade on one arm so nobody asks any questions about why they're rushing somewhere fast. Of course, he doesn't know all the protocols here, so there's a good chance he might be stopped and shot for his trouble, or interrupted while he's doing his traitorisms.

Epicea Chelid (787) has posed:
    There is a long silence in the air after Epicea asks someone who isn't there to be the responsible one, and she just stands there, dumbly. Like she expects a certain set of events and the longer she just sort of idles, putting off the realization that she's wrong.

    She lives in this world for a while, laser fire happening around her, as she sort of... stands there.

    Finally, she realizes that the world she lives in and the world that's actually real are two different things, and people are fighting, and hey there's still a mission.

    "Ugh. What were we doing? Oh, right, getting lizards from robot assholes."
    Epicea is super wrong and the mental telephone game is just making it worse.

    She jogs lightly toward the actual battle lines and the robots with flamethrowers and HEY IT'S THAT D-BAG. "Hey, tall dark and mysterious, don't kick my friends!" She halfheartedly notes to Isidore, before... hocking a pillow at one of the already-robusted-or-smashed Gutsys. She's helping. "So are the things inside? Hey! Those two douchebags look like enemies too!" She points at team Infiltration, hocking a pillow at them. It's super wide, but it may look like they're attacking TEAM INFILTRATE, giving them an edge.

Sarah Parsle (789) has posed:
Sarah refuses to believe that was luck. The idea that something would eventually hit the Gutsy in the sensor was inevitable over a long enough period of time. It's time to take advantage of the situation, however. Despite the arrival of the BLACK KNIGHT.

Just as expected, of course, this conflict has thoroughly separated her from her Flotilla associate. She'll have to catch up.

"It can also mean someone got here and just activated all the defenses on the way out." Sarah points out to Rory. Does Sarah EVER have good news?

However, before Sarah can resume with her hilarious attempts to attack with Jenga Blocks, Albert calls to her to have her back up George. With a frown, she nods and sticks to THE PLAN, turning to bail from the unfolding situation to scurry along to find George and Arcade. She hangs out from a distance, using her small frame to her advantage as she tries to keep out of sight and shadow George on her way in. There aren't going to be any clothes on these soldiers in 'teen girl' size so she's going to have to hustle and play the stealth game.

Noa Nuquerna (788) has posed:
     Noa gets kicked in the chest. This has the side-effect of throwing him backwards before he gets hit by the flamethrower, which is awesome, because while leather isn't very flammable, his cape is *super* fucking flammable. Leather capes would be stupid, who'd make a cape out of leather?

     This is only a side-effect, of course. The primary effect is that it hurts like hell and it pisses Noa right the fuck off.

     He rolls to a stop against a rock. A little devil pops out of nowhere and laughs at him before collecting the rock and vanishing.

     GET: ROCK (1) (Radioactive?!)

     "That's," Noa growls, "That's just super."

     He hooks his belt over an overhang and pulls himelf to his feet a moment later. "Alright," he taps the belt on the ground, "You wanted me pissed? You got it. You got me pissed."

     "You think you look cool in that armor, huh? Alright, maybe you do look cool in that armor. It must be really expensive. Must've cost a lot. Looks really good."

     Noa unbuckles the belt around his waist as his eyes glow a light green. Plants in the area twitch, turning upwards to face Noa as he threads the belts together. He loops the belts around each other, locking them into place and swinging it furiously in hand. The belts swing around in the air as he advances.

     Plants in the area twitch furiously.

     And then he hammers his belt into the wall of the building. Entrances are for people who aren't the Adversary. Everybody knows the JRPG villain cheats the dungeon and skips to the end.

     Noa hasn't quite figured out how to do that yet, so he'll settle for just making shortcuts.

Victor Ellsworth (790) has posed:
    Victor continues staying well behind the group, likely hiding behind whatever STARBOUNDER is tankiest at range. She, himself, isn't that at all, and kind of low-tier ranged support otherwise. This is, for all intents and purposes, powerleveling.

    Two more cards are drawn.

    "Hey. Hey Deck. Listen. Pal. You are starting To prove that Sarah May be correct. Stop. Staph. Come on. Work with Me here." The teen seems unhappy, anyway.

    Current hand: 4<3, 4<3<, 8<3, K<3, K<3<

    The two cards he drew at thrown towards the GUTSY which is still semi-functional and kind of downed? They're the 3<> and 5<3<. A very MINOR piercing injury and a low-to-mid slashing one. This is not going to dent the robot much but it might be just enough to poke it offline? He considered aiming at the MYSTERIOUS INTRUDER instead but let's see how Noa handles it first. He will stay with the back-row Starbounders either way.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    VICTOR > CARD SHARKs the Gutsy which is howling at Douchebag, and plugs it in the back, right in a little box. The card sinks in, there's a snap, and then the Robot's Carefully Cultured GI Persona goes berzerk, and it starts randomly spraying plasma and fire and laser beams and shit.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    Moonfin and Seft seem to complete their attacks, each suffering their own damage, but mostly pulling through. Pavo and Biteblade overtake them on the advance; they won't be a part of 'team infiltrate', but Epicea give them some ideas, so they also fire wide on George and Arcade, trying to make their escape more authentic.

    Working with the assumption that someone else will handle the robots, the crew flanks and passes, Albert leaping full on OVER the robot, covering Victor by drawing any fire and using his tanky nature -- he's only suffered the ill effects of the eyebot's lasers so far -- and regroups at the entrance, intending to breach shortly after the infiltration team gets through. Ideally immediately exploiting whatever intel George can grab by acting as vanguard.

Corona Arclite has posed:
The last robot is being handled, but Corona stops next to one of the defeated ones and activates one of plasma cutting torchs from her glove to slice off one of the tenatcles. She might be able to make use of studying the multi-jointed construction later on.

It's a salvage mission. She's salvaging! That and it makes more sense to grab something now than trying to do it in middle of more intense waves of enemies later.

With that tucked in her belt she hustles to catch up with the others, holstering her sidearm for a few moments so the clockpunk autoloader can keep it stocked and ready with ammo.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa does not like having the recall she does somedays she really wonders about that. With some of the Gutys starting to drop but they are not yet out of it. Still the bots seem haqndled and so she runs after Corona to see her firned isn't left alone in a mess like this, she hoslters her pistol and chases after the salvaging fox girl!

Izzy Hyland (791) has posed:
    At first it appears as if the DARK KNIGHT intends to continue trying to cause problems, whether with the assembled parties, or with Noa himself. But once the nearby robot has screamed a challenge in return, and Noa has reacted by upping the ante... he just stops. His sword vanishes, though his armor remains. He looks towards Epicea, head tilted to one side questioningly. A dim light glows beneath the visor of his helmet, indicating that SOMETHING is going on. But like a robot that has been given orders it cannot refuse, the Dark Knight simply stops as if it is a puppet with cut strings.


BK: are you serious?
BK: i came out all this way, you know.
BK: flying isn't that fast.

    If it wasn't clear, it looks like this mysterious douchebag took Epicea's command not merely in letter but in underlying spirit, and has simply fucked off into the background like some awkward teenaged batman who got yelled at by his older sister. What the hell? Coincidentally, this means he wound up ignoring the robot and letting it do what it wanted.

    This may or may not include shooting (at) him.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    People making their way to the facility disguised or not will find that the main doors are code locked and that a complex passphrase system will be need-

    Wait no, NOA > BE 'MACHO MAN' RANDY SAVAGEs his way through a wall, coming through into a ruined cubicle farm that's been converted into a robot charging station. The power's off in here, but klaxons can be heard somewhere deeper in the facility.

    GEORGE, ARCADE and SARAH will hear some frantic jabbering over the radio about 'what's going on up there?' but Arcade takes a breath, and in his best 'I'm wounded' voice gurgles. "Eden 17 Eden 17 Danger Present, Full Response." He then murmurs a bit. "It's the code that tells them that there's a threat from the Subway. They'll be heading the back way there. Come on." No he's not going to explain why he knows that.

    The building's stairs lead downward into a larger, retrofuturistic set of high banked walls with Glowy Stuff All Over, illuminated chrome and shit. The doors are marked with a stylized E. "We're in one of these rooms, spread out." He unclips his ID card and hands it off to Sarah.

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    EPICEA > PILLOW FIGHTs the last, maddened Gutsy. The pillow blows through two of the arms of the gutsy, effectively neutering it unless you want to stick around and get sawbladed as it feebly wobbles around to try and reach people. "TODAY IS A GOOD DAY TO DIE! BETTER DEAD THAN RED!"

Corona Arclite has posed:
"Gotta admit, that's the first time I've seen someone give a -buildin- a spankin with a belt." But what works works, right? Considering Corona probably would of done the same thing with her hammer if she had gotten a chance.

The power is off in the room so she flicks the toggle switch to turn on her headlamp, then redraws her reloaded sidearm. "Splittin' up to cover ground is good, but try not to get too seperated. Bein' 'lone down here is prob'ly not a good idea I reckon."

Let the searching begin!

Noa Nuquerna (788) has posed:
     Code locks and alarms are for people who aren't Supervillains.

     "That'll show that guy and his fancy armor," Noa mutters as he looks over the robot charging station for anything he can use. His little Fetch Devils flit outwards, tiny little wings beating around the room as they collect MONEY (Old-World) and CAPS and all the other useless detritus you find in random cubicle rooms in post-apocalyptic Washington.

     Noa himself picks up a random skull. "Hi there," he says to the skull.

     The skull does not talk back.

     Dual-looped belt in one hand, skullfriend in the other, devils flitting all around him, cape annoyingly catching on random junk and needing a little tug her and there, Noa carries on towards the klaxons. Wherever the klaxons are is where people are, and where people are is where he wants to be, because it's a sure bet that these people know where valuables are.

     JRPG villains love valuables. It's a little-known factoid.

     Noa takes a few moments, as he passes through the cubicle room, to throw back his head and give a really good, solid laugh. It's part of the fun of the job.

     "BWA HA- ...no, hm. MWAH HA HA- no, overdone."

     "GWAH? Ehnn...too throaty."

     "...TWAH? No that just sounds like tw..."

     "VWAH HA HA HA HA!"

     "VWAH HA HA?"

     "Hmmmm. Remind me to try VWAH HA HA out in front of the mirror later, Skullfriend."

     Skullfriend remains silent.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "That's an idea Corona. Still? We shouldn't go solo, I'll keep with you on this."

With that unless Corona rejects her she's going to join her friend in searching the place for anything of use. She's also keeping her network open to listen for the radiosignals that bots and such seem to use given her experiance in the past with this world and it's analog to Wireless technology.

Epicea Chelid (787) has posed:
    "Ugh." Epicea elucidates as she sees everyone else falling in. There's a robot going EHN EHN at her and she looks at it boredly. "Is this because I'm fuchisa? You know, that's racist. Are you a racist? You know, just becuase I've got these rosy cheeks doesn't make me red. In fact, if you think about it, /all/ humans have that candy red blood. So, really, my color is /much/ better. You should obey me! Also, you're always about the red, white, and blue, but if it's better dead then red, isn't your flag commanding you to kill yourself? Think about that!" She urges, patting the EHN EHN EHN robot on the dome before hurrying off to join the others.

    sF: are you kidding me
    sF: just like
    sF: go mystery punch not us people
    sF: were looking for terrorforming gila monsters or some shit

    Epicea rubs the side of her horn with a finger, looking extra tired. "Ugh, I really don't need the Dork Knight and Buldge Lad going at it. I just wanna get the stupid thing and leave. So much work. I was promised by someone I wasn't going to have to /work/!"

Sarah Parsle (789) has posed:
Arcade is actually useful. Sarah breathes a sigh of relief at the REDIRECTION RUSE, but since Arcade is useful he's probably going to die in a minute. It always happens like that.

She asks no questions and tells no lies, in the meantime, quickly taking the ID card (and stashing her JENGA STACK) and just picking a direction arbitrarily. Whatever door opens up, it was meant to happen anyway.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    George knows not to look a gift horse in the mouth here, or in this case to look a gift scientist in the codes. "Gotcha bossman, let's hit the town." He disengages from Arcade, and immediately gets to work, jamming doors open as quick as he can to scan their interior. "What /exactly/ are we looking for again? This one of those Know It When You See It deals, or do I just grab everything?" With the rest of the crew coming in from the back areas, they'll be doing much the same.

    Whether or not Arcade wants something specific or just wants everything, they're actually planning to pretty much strip the place bare, honestly. Any doors they can open using George's transmitted access codes sent over the channels (ideally more than one person can use them) is going to be sucked up into their Matter Manipulators, assuming it's not guarded by horrible violent machines.

Victor Ellsworth (790) has posed:
    As they all move in, Victor suddenly interposes himself in Sarah's way. "HA. No. Please! Let me show you how a real Pro selects what doors to Open. You will get us killed, Silly."

    There are convenient multiple doors here.

    "Please. Call heads or Tails. Your door or another Random one I select. Surely, it if it Meant to be regardless, You will win the flip." >:(

Sarah Parsle (789) has posed:
"Are you seriously doing this?" Sarah says, squinting with unmitigated irritation at Victor. "You're doing this, aren't you. You straight up did this. All the way. Maximum interposition and imposition worldview kickflip styleways, over the fence, down the street, and into downtown where you get ticketed."

Sarah takes this moment to execute a facepalm. "Fine. Tails."

Izzy Hyland (791) has posed:
    Instead of doing anything important, the DARK KNIGHT continues to message Epicea, while standing around looking like a vaguely ominous statue.

BK: i don't have a reason to go punch other people right now.
BK: or ever, really.
BK: well, mostly anyway.
BK: i figured EH would be with you though
BK: also what? why do you want terraforming anything?
BK: are you just ladder grinding?
BK: that's not really your style.

    Isidore looks around. This place could use some sort of terraforming, but why anybody from Afterus would care about that escapes him. His gaze moves from his immediate surroundings to the trail of combat and destruction left behind by Noa. Really, if they're ladder grinding then they're doing a pretty good job so far. He's not sure it would make sense for him to get involved as an assistant.

    He trails behind the rest, following the epic temper tantrum Noa used to carve his own path through things.

Victor Ellsworth (790) has posed:
    Victor flips a coin (it is legit, Sarah can verify!) and it comes down heads. The teen happily gives a cocky grin, putting his hands on Sarah's shoulders to turn her away from her door and towards another arbitrary door. Maybe he rolled a die or something. There's a lot of doors, it really doesn't matter! Mostly what changes is that Victor will be the one to kick the door open and take first aggro if anything should be inside.

Sarah Parsle (789) has posed:
Sarah glares at the coin. "That doesn't prove anything. You were meant to win that flip." She waves a hand. "Go do your thing." She gets marched over to a different door (which was inevitably picked just so it wouldn't be the same one she did) and she uses the ID card so Victor doesn't break his foot kicking the door.

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    You are a REBEL and don't need ANY FRIENDS to do your thing. The door you have selected OPENS BEFORE YOU into what appears to be a hastily vacated research lab. There's bottles and shit all over, with various SCIENCE CHEMICALS in them.

    Unless you've got DECIPHER NERD this might not work out for you! Or just HOOVER IT ALL UP like a fithy animal.

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    DOOR NUMBER TWO opens up on another room full of HALF BUILT ROBITS. There's bits of eye-bot and the treads from some brainbots and arms from Mr. Gutsys and crap all over.

    A Computer in the corner GLOWS PROMISINGLY.

Noa Nuquerna (788) has posed:
     Noa is an Adventurer by Destiny. He is literally written to be someone who goes into danger and loots everything that isn't nailed down. 'JRPG Villain' is a hobby he defines his identity around, but 'Adventurer' is his fate.

     He hoovers up everything.

     This isn't even a choice. Science Chemicals are for playing with later. Duh.

     Some of the PENCIL DEVILS come out and drop a slew of pencils all over the place so Noa has room in his inventory. He's disturbed by the sudden willingness of his Fetch Modus to compensate, but no time to waste! He has to find *stuff*.

     Noa carries on further into the lab. He doesn't need friends. OR THAT DARK KNIGHT ASSHOLE FOLLOWING HIM.

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    Room Number Three seems to be another copy-ish of the room you're currently in, looking less like a RESEARCH ROOM and more like a TROPHY VAULT. There's shiny happy projects all around the place, marked with shit like PROJECT DRACO and OPERATION RED MENACE and PURITY ISOLATION INITIAVE and MANDITORY PATRIOTISM.

Victor Ellsworth (790) has posed:
    "It proves Everything," Victor counters, as he moves into the room and looks around. Lots of paperwork. Presumably it'll make the people who came here quite happy! Not him, he's not a scientist. Couldn't grasp half of this paperwork if he tried.

    Which he still will.

    He starts counting how many stacks of paper are around the room, and produces a die just the right amount of faces. He IS always prepared. After his roll, his hand hovers towards the PROJECT DRACO files. He's curious, that's all.

    "So what do you Suppose all this homework Is?"

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    The Lone Sad Little Gutsy, combat limitors broken, limbs removed, morality challenged, wobbles in pitiful little circles, stabbing at the dirt and a scrabbling gecko vorlornly. "Better... red... than dead."

Corona Arclite has posed:
Is it the terraformer they're looking for? Nope.

But a room full of nonfunctional robots and robot parts? That's probably moreso up Corona's alley in the first place. Oh, there's also a computer over there. "Hey, Koto." She nudges the cyborg-girl with her elbow, then nods her head towards the glowing screen. "Think ya can do something with that?"

Corona, on the other hand, opens a belt pouch and pulls out her analyzer device, which looks more like an oversized cigar case until she flips it open to reveal the screen and old-fashion pushbutton and dials style controls. The clockwork computing components inside can be heard click-clacking faintly as Corona puts it in scan mode and starts going over the various pieces of robot. Collect data now, worry about reverse engineering later.

Besides, she can pocket little parts like the pieces of the eye-boy, but things like the treads would be too heavy to carry around.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    With a hole plowed into the side and the defenses down, Rory chases after the others have hopefully cleared out meaningful resistance. Her Saucer moves ahead to scout things out while she remains outside for the moment...

    And comes across the heavily damaged Gutsy. The bluenette looks on sadly. Is that pity in her eyes? "I'll never understand this world's programmers."

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa would see the room she's start getting ideaa as she sees the robots, parts, intact they could be useful for various jobs even if it's just going into places too raded out to send live people into.. However the terminal gets her attention as she moves to go check out the terminal to see what she can get out of it. Given her experiance with this world's computers she got some hope with it.

"On it Coropna you see what you can do with the bots!"

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    Okay , so you just vacuumed up all the SCIENCE in the room. That's great, really. Good work.


    The next door i is some sort of hallway that is designed for QUICK ESCAPES. You can hear Klaxons down there somewhere.

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    The ROBOT PARTS will likely come in handy at some point! +2 WASTELAND SALVAGE

    The computer screen flickers a bit, and starts spitting out raw RobCo code. Not the hacking variety, it seems to be attempting some sort of file transfer but can't quite complete the sort of handshake its looking for.

Sarah Parsle (789) has posed:
"No, it doesn't. We were obviously meant to waste time in here." Sarah enters the TROPHY ROOM and looks around. "Oh, look, I'm not seeing any kind of terraforming kit in here. Big surprise." She comments, before simply moving over to the cabinets for the PURITY ISOLATION INITATIVE. She pulls out a Captchalogue card and CAPTCHALOGUES the entire damn thing, resulting in the cabinets vanishing into the card. the card itself then scrambles a complex series of lettrs on dials, the image becoming a jumbled mess as she stores it away. "I'm going to just store these things." She announces. "We can find something useful to do with them later. If we stick around we're going to still be here when the other defenses get back. Let's go waste time in another direction."

If she gets time (and George doesn't yoink them himself) she's going to CAPTCHALOGUE the other cabinets too. Except for the one Victor is messing with.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    George is gonna go for an even split with Sarah's team, probably, letting the others get equal shares. It's fair! He's going to seek out weapons, armor, and similar, obviously; that has the best chance of being functional in a trophy context. He's also gonna look around for any trophies of a GECK. Because that'd probably be a big deal! Though it's unlikely that they'd store one /here/...

    Meanwhile, Biteblade, Albert, and Pavo manage to crash in. They're going to go for the next door that's not opened. Come on, come on! Seft and Moonfin are going to be handling guard duty, wounded as they are; the other three are going to focus on loot loot loot. Where's another door! Let's try to find where that GECK stuff is.

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite stuffs as much smaller parts as she can into the pouchs and pockets of her belt and vest, then turns her head to glance over her shoulder while the CPAD is finishing it's scanning and logging. "Any luck with the computer?"

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    DOOR NUMBER FOUR > Is sealed. Wait what? There's no external opening mechanism, and the mockingly bland E on the front glistens faintly as if freshly painted.
    THe Drone bot burbles information around. High energy particles in this direction, not the standard background radiation. Something more exotic. Hmmmmm.
    Gannon sidles up behind the group, brandishing his filched ID card, and starts attepmting to wave it at any likely bit of 'open sesame' point on the door. Nothing. HMMMMM. Arcade mirrors that sentiment as her straightens up, brushing at his outfit. "That's funny. They shouldn't be having a door of this security level right here in the labs." He narrows his eyes and murmurs. "Twhat are you planning, old man?"

Epicea Chelid (787) has posed:
    This whole situation is basically the pits. Now, don't get Epicea wrong, she's fine with helping, but as she wanders in her shitty friends and also compatriots-for-the-mission's wake, she can't help but feel she's been gypped. Caught, HOOK LINE AND SINKER, in the throes of Responsibility.

    sF: yeah but
    sF: thats what you gotta do
    sF: step one get quest
    sF: step two do quest
    sF: look this guy hands out quests and then you follow the train and get loot and xp this is like fever dream
    sF: i know
    sF: go bug noa i bet hes lonely

    Epicea, dragging a pillow and shuffling tiredly, meets up with TEAM LUCK and gives a little nod of her head. Team Starbound and Team Argo do their stuff, searching for the GECK, and Epicea just shoves Victor. "Hey. Did you find the important thing yet? I wanna roll in loot. Also, take a nap."

    The potential opening of a new room provides the chance for new possibilities, and she tries to peer into it, over/around the starbounders. "Found our terrible gila monster?" She wonders, not knowing what she was looking for even if it slapped her in her face and called her an idiot.

Noa Nuquerna (788) has posed:
     Noa heads further down, having collected all sorts of weird gunk. He pays no attention to the fact that his Devils are smoldering, because they're little assholes and they probably deserve it.

     He just sort of marches down the stares, cape streaming behind him, ready to take on the world with his belt.

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    These files seem to be some sort of blueprint and or outline for one of the Vaults.
    NULL HYPOTHESIS: A Vault full of a population suffering from Body Dysmorphia while given access to Auto-Docs will ruin itself with attempts to change personas.
    RESULTS: Free access to cosmetic surgery resulted in a large amount of the population changing themselves into famous people on holotapes, leading to a overly dramatic end of the Vault as everyone attempted to be the prettiest.


Courier Six (32) has posed:
    OH GOOD YOU ARE SCOOPING UP THE RECORDS TOO YOU MONSTERS. The trophy records all start flooping into Matter Manipulators or Moduses, but seem... heavy to carry. Like there's something Metaphyiscally Wrong with the files. They feel Icky to carry around somehow.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is working away on the computer herself she's pauses at the thing as it's looking for a handshake protocall.

"I think I got something here looks like an attempt to transfer some data but I need to fiddle with the protocal."

she pulls a small item out of a pouch on her suit. After which she pulls a cable out of the bck of her neck and plugs the protoabby unit into it. Then she'll use it with the computer hopefully it's translation protocall will let her make heads or tails of the data on this terminal.

Victor Ellsworth (790) has posed:
    "You are Impatient, that is all this Reveals to us," Victor answers Sarah, before his eyes give the documents a quick read. And then he's disgusted. Utterly and completely disgusted. It does not take him long straight up produce a lighter and set that cabinet and paperwork on fire. Fuck all that shit. Experimenting with people like that is wrong.

    "We should just destroy All of this, there is nothing In here that can Possibly be useful to us." Either way the teen will regroup with the Starbounders.

Rory White (673) has posed:
    Strange radiation is afoot! Well, for now, Rory tasks the drone with investigating that. it swoops through hallways and through open doors as necessary, trying to get as close as possible while sticking near the ceiling - few people ever think to look up.

    Meawhiile, the robot woman in white traces after the Flotilla's steps, heading to Rendezvous at Door Number Four!

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    George finishes up his looting. Locations of vaults are at least good materials. And then he hears Arcade yammering about doors. "Alright!" He calls out, swaggering out of the trophy area and towards the fourth door. He suddenly has a pair of heavy, insulated yellow gloves on his hands, and tools between his fingers. "Let's deal with this shit the hard way. Al, hit it." 'Hit it' is apparently literal; Albert draws a heavy POWER HAMMER from his Matter Manipulator and attempts to bash off the probable covers for any wiring, at which point George, with multitool and crowbar in hand, and wirecutter clenched in his teeth, tries to hack the thing open at a hardware level.

    Albert grunts as he does. "This has higher security. Prepare in case of more opposition." Biteblade and Pavo have already drawn their weapons -- a pair of power daggers and a power cutlass respectively -- and they'll breach that shortly. George will, hopefully after he hacks the locks, be able to remove the door from obstructing them by disassembling and storing it in his matter manipulator.

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    And the starbounders move in for the kill on the door an-

    plink ting

    The surface of this section of wall shimmers with clear energy each time one of those hammers or matter manipulators attemtps to futz with it.
    plink ting plink

Corona Arclite has posed:
"Keep at it then." The CPAD emits a buzzing whirr that it's done logging everything it can and Corona clamps the device shut. Then a thought occurs to her. She's got parts and analysises, but...

The foxgirl turns and starts rummaging through the clutter of the room once more with a new mission. Maybe she can find some of the actual tools used to assemble the robots. It's not like -every- little thing can be automated, you still typically need a living body or two in order to make adjustments or maintenance.

Otherwise there wouldn't be computers for the people to use, either. It's actually surprisingly simple logic in the end.

Sarah Parsle (789) has posed:
Sarah didn't even read the files. Such as it is, something about them feels terrible to her.

The metaphysical misery contained in those notes it appropriate, somehow.

She leaves the TROPHY ROOM of crap ideas, and enters the main hall, looking around at the group smash into the door ineffectually.

She thinks.

She looks around. Maybe there's a vent a small girl (or large number of aliens) can fit into, allowing her to possibly bypass the area by virtue of the area. "Of course. The stuff we're looking for is probably way behind the ultra-secure doom wall door thing. Can we find a way around?"

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    KOTONE > BE CRASH OVERRIDE! The data flows freely. Enjoy the plans for Brainbots and Think Tanks, though they're garbled eoungh from the original it might take some time to filter through correctly. Much like in the other room, you've got bits and pieces of Vault Planning in here. Is this one of those Governmnet Contractors you people hear so much about? Oh dear.


Courier Six (32) has posed:

    The dull, yet concerned voice of Boone crackles in over the radios. "Security is on its way back. Get moving."

    And inside the base, general klaxons start to go off, woop woop interuders inside woop woop. Might be time to bail.

Starbound Flotilla has posed:
    The Starbounders have a door that refuses to budge.

    WELL, not like they don't have an excess of means by which they might be able to crash through. George immediately begins unloading homemade bombs, Albert pulls out a particularly hefty hammer, Seft equips what appears to be a pickaxe made out of swirling metallic liquid, Moonfin and Pavo are setting up some kind of elaborate teleportation apparatus aimed at the door, and Biteblade has begun experimentally gnawing on the odd preserving field maintaining the door, which looks incredibly stupid but is actually a comprehensive attempt to analyze its physical properties.

    But, uh oh. Time to book it. "Shit." Albert says, rather uncharacteristically. "Retreat and return with proper tools." The Starbounders have decided to escape. Albert zips right to Arcade's side, intending to protect him, and with utmost coordination and cohesion, the entire squad immediately books their way out, trying to get to the surface and into cover in the surrounding Baltimore area.

Sarah Parsle (789) has posed:
Sarah is already in the mode to get the hell out once word gets out that the security is on its way back. The alarm just adds to it. "Move!" She urges. "I know I keep predicting about you guys dying horribly from sticking around too long but I would prefer to be proven wrong this time." She follows the Starbounders out, they clearly know their crap, and she will drag anyone she has to if needed.

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona Arclite's ears stiffen as the klaxxons start going full bore. "Dammit dammit dammit!" Seriously, she's got sensative ears, that's really annoying more than it was in the background. "Grab what ya got Koto, it's time we moseied on outta this dump." With a grunt she pulls out her sawed-off, in case they have to actually fight through any security on the way out.

Victor Ellsworth (790) has posed:
    Victor will not push his luck! He did set documents on fire. Burning buildings, if nobody gets to that, are not good places to stay. "If it makes you Feel better I don't need to Believe in predetermination To know that being inside a Burning building, or a Building being swarmed with Hostile people, is very bad Odds of survival. Not zero, I mean, Always the chance of a Freak accident, but not Worth it in this Case."

Epicea Chelid (787) has posed:
    Epicea, noting it's time to move, tosses another pillow at the door, in the WHOLLY MISTAKEN impression that the door will somehow open for her and her shenanigans.

    The light 'paff' of pillow hitting shielded door is all she gets out of this. "Yeah, ok, let's leave. If Sarah is all 'I'd rather you not die horribly' that's probably a sign."

    After that, it's following in the wake of TEAM HELLA TACTICAL while shaking her head. "Worse than shitty chances it sounds like work."

Courier Six (32) has posed:

    Data flies past a screen, with the heavy, slow click-clack of slides flipping in and out of position, showing the diagrams of Vaults. The Voice of JOHN HENRY EDEN. "My Fellow Americans, how fortuitous it is that you all were saved in the Vaults."

    Arcade, the Courier and various Syndicates mill around a table. From Sea to Shining Sea you were sheltered inside the loving arms of Vault-Tec and made it through unscathed.

    A slow zoom on a ruined vault door, with greenery sprouting slowly out from the cracks in the seals. "Let's all take a moment to think about where we'd be without the safety and protection of our forefathers, and the bright shining future we all have now."


Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa gets the data and pauyses at some of the bits she sees there. Oh she does not like where this is going it's Very aweful but she dfoes get a lot of other data. She also pauses at the vault stuff. Oh god she'll look at this later. It might distract her at how horrible thing are and get her killed. She jacks out shortly after that.

"I got the data bots and ... Vault data. I hate Vault Tech /even/ more now."

With that? She reloads her pistol and follows after Corona.