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WMAT B1 Wind Dancer vs Bitter Medicine
Date of Scene: 30 August 2015
Location: WMAT Arena - Northern Mountains
Synopsis: Speed versus power. Agility against pure strength. An epic clash and an explosive finale.
Cast of Characters: 162, 569
Tinyplot: WMAT 2015

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    It's a good clear day in the mountains. In the sectioned off arena, a glowing circle of purple magic forms. Well, 'circle' is subjective, it's four circles, patterned in a slightly squashed square pattern that lazily rotates around a common center, which then fills quickly with arcane writings, and interconnects with lines. Atop this, appears Zephyr in a flash of light.

    The crowd cheer at the A Bracket third place, and she waves back in return, shrugging her battleax from her shoulder, then, with a flourish, intones. "Drive Ignition."

    The axe transforms, shrinking down to a handax, and spalling off a pair of spinning 'Bits' that orbit the mage. <DRIVE IGNITION. MISTRAL SQUALL, DISPERSAL MODE.>

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     A craft of a distinctly more utilitarian appearance than the local flavor pulls up to the arena, held aloft by some sort of repulsor technology. It looks distinctly military, with its dull color scheme and the weapons mounted on the fore. As it approaches, its speed gradually diminishes, until it comes to a graceful stop, banking at aligning the door on its side with the arena. It opens, revealing Bitter Medicine and a complement of Regulators.

     "Thanks for the lift."

     "Good hunting, Bitter Medicine!" The volunteer soldiers/police within the craft cheer him on as he steps out. Their rallying cries are soon muffled by the closing of the door. Jackboots thud against the ground as the Exalt approaches his opponent. The craft departs, and in so doing sends up a cloud of propwash, ruffling Bitter Medicine's synthleather trench coat as it leaves.

     The dour Alchemical places his fist against his palm and bows to Zephyr.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr lifts her axe in a salute. "Fight well... I won't be going easy on you." she replies to the bow, then sets her stance.

    The announcer calls for ready, and once both call ready... Zephyr begins. Motes of light form in the air around her as she hovers up off the ground. The motes grow in size to about a pool ball, and then not only do they lance out in high speed projectiles, but the Bits spin up and begin spitting out smaller machine-gun like streams of energy at the Alchemical. <IMPULSE FUSILLADE!>

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     The circular weapon at Bitter Medicine's side bounces against his hip as he breaks into a run, attempting to dodge the flurry of projectiles sent his way. His boots pound against the ground, clouds of debris erupting on either side of him. A Bit heads him off, forcing him to stop abruptly. In an agile display, he promptly leaps backwards and flips in the air, but the stream of rapid fire attacks hits him several times despite his acrobatics.

     Reaching for his chakram, he channels his Essence into a counterattack. The weapon serves as a target shield, blocking the remainder of the attack. A shower of white-hot sparks erupts from Voidbane, and rather than fly off at a logical angle, they head straight for Zephyr, mimicking her initial attack.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr was expecting something from the Exalted. She's heard the stories of their abilities, but reflecting her shots back at her? That's something she wasn't expecting. The 'Sparks' slam into her Barrier Jacket, and glance off hastily erected shields in a shower of lights, knocking the mage back in the air.

    She grins, clearly enjoying a strong opponent. <MISTRAL SQUAL, STRIKE MODE!> announces the axe's AI, the Bits flitting in and clanking into position on the reverse side of the axe head. They look like turbines, and as they spin up and the blade of the axe begins to glow, it's obvious what they're intended for. <MISTRAL CUTTER!> The mage surges forwards at high speed, trailing a purple ribbon of energy, as she attempts to slash across Bitter Medicine in a high speed pass!

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     Bitter Medicine lands from his counterattack just in time to be blindsided by Zephyr's axe. His Sixth Dexterity Augmentation provides a suggestion, but with only a split second to enact it, the Exalt is struck before his evasive manuever even begins. Hit directly in the chest, he falls flat on his back for just a moment before reflexively getting back to his feet with an impressive kip-up.

     Air combat is of course possible, but highly Essence inefficient. Thus, it's best avoided unless absolutely necessary, and far more efficient to bring opponents down to his level. With that in mind, he looses Voidbane, his trusted weapon. As the disc takes to the air, its complex construction kicks in, a puff of steam emerging from it. Six-inch 'teeth' emerge across its circumference, and they begin to spin rapidly like a buzzsaw. The weapon promptly banks and seeks Zephyr out, turning in ways impossible for conventional thrown weapons. Most disconcertingly, though, the noise of the chakram seems less like a blade whistling through the air, and more like an agonized shriek.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr keeps going after the strike, pulling up hard and attempting to come around for another pass. However that shrieking chakram comes for her. High speed maneuvers ensue but the Essence boosted weapon proves more agile than she. A shield pops up, sending sparks flying from the impact, but quickly buckles, slashing across the girl's side. It doesn't get through the Barrier Jacket, but shears off a good portion off that side, leaving it a gloweringly ragged gash in her defense.

    Zephyr sweeps around, ignoring the weapon and with a kiai, SWEEPS her axe in a sharp hack... why she does this is obvious when a pair of spinning boomerang blades spall from the physical edge of her axe, spinning down towards the Exalt in a pincer formation. <TYPHOON SABER.>

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     Observing Zephyr coming back around for another attack, the Exalt digs his heels in and lowers his posture. His opponent's attack strikes true, catching his shoulder between its pincers. Zephyr's momentum carries him across the floor, boots sliding for purchase, until he shifts his weight. In a two-step attack, the Alchemical activates his Plasma Thruster Assembly for one brief moment, propelling himself forward with just enough force to counter Zephyr's and break himself free. Using the last bit of forward momentum, he leans forward, then brings the heels of his jackboots down in a double reverse flip kick.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr grunts a little, jinking around the jet propelled punch, but as her opponent flips, she's over extended, and gets sent slamming into the landscape for her trouble. She's scuffed up and dirtied, but gets back to her feet quickly, turning her eyes to track Bitter's descent from his attack.

    A grin forms on her lips. <MISTRAL TEMPEST, CONVERGENCE MODE!> the Bits detach from the axe blade, then begin to orbit quickly around the head as it starts to glow. Zephyr holds it out like one might a wand, and narrows her eyes at the projected landing point of the Exalt. <TEMPEST BUSTER, COMPRESSION SHIFT!> The gemstone glows brightly, and just as it's about to discharge, the Bits focus two additional beams at the release point, compressing the torrent into a finely tuned laser pulse.

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     Bitter lands and assumes Thousand-Wounds Gear Form, just as Voidbane comes shrieking around to land in his waiting hand. He moves to throw the weapon again, but is knocked off balance by the searing compression laser. His synthleather trench coat smolders at the spot, and the wound may have drawn blood, if the odd black stuff staining the ground beneath him is indeed his blood.

     Rather than immediately attack, though, the Alchemical covers himself by releasing from various ports and vents on his body a cloud of acrid, pitch black smoke. The cloud grows larger as more smoke is vented, and then is immediately disturbed by the violent exit of the Exalt. He leaps high into the air, surely higher than any mortal on his world, and sends Voidbane once more after Zephyr. This time, rather than leave himself open to attack on the ground, he activates his Plasma Thruster Assembly and charges toward her, seeking to close the distance between them.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr flicks her wrist, the Bits shifting silently to orbitting her as that cloud of smoke forms. All of her strikes are /really/ painful, but they're non-lethal by nature. The Chakram strikes against a shield again, forcing the girl back along the ground, digging furrows in the earth beneath her feet, then finally breaks through, slamming into her Barrier Jacket again. <REACTOR PURGE!> chimes her Device, as the breastplate of her armour explodes outwards in a flash of purple-white light, deflecting the Chakram away with pure impulse.

    The mage lifts her eyes to watch the incoming Exalt, and readies her stance. The axe is held in preparation for the clash, glowing ominously as she channels magic into the blade. <STRIKE MODE. MISTRAL IMPACT!> She sweeps the axe up into Bitter's path, this time the attack isn't a slash, but a heavy kinetic SMACK, like getting hit by a hammer.

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     Voidbane wails as it is deflected, flying back into Bitter Medicine's grasp. As he nears Zephyr, he brings up a forearm to block her swing. The blow connects, with the aforementioned smack of impact, and Bitter Medicine grunts with effort to match her strength. Turning and rolling with Zephyr's attack, he manages to generate some lateral force, which he uses to his advantage. As he turns, he extends his leg and brings it down towards his opponent in a midair roundhouse kick.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr grunts herself as her blow is stopped like that. She feels the shift in forces, and adjusts her stance, hopping off the ground and using her axe to fling herself out and away from Bitter Medicine, that kick clipping her leg on the way out, spinning her out of control for a moment.

    With a pulse of energy, she rights her trajectory, then sweeps her axe again. <MISTRAL IMPULSE> The sweep leaves behind motes of light, that then grow in size as before. However, this time, each mote begins to spit out a barrage of high speed energy shots, showering the entire area in magical mayhem.

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     The Exalt breaks into a sprint, harrowed by constant energy shots as he runs for cover. He spots something suitable, and, while being pelted by Zephyr's attack, makes a beeline for a nearby tree. The shots slam into the bark of the venerable plant, sending wood chips flying every which way. His counterattack is complex, to say the least.

     Voidbane darts in and out of the treeline, cutting a swath through the alpine arena, cutting through a single tree three times before it returns to its master. Pouring Essence into his next attack, Bitter Medicine uses a martial arts charm, Linear Flight Principle. "DEFORESTATION ATEMI!" With two powerful punches, great discs of wood easily a foot thick go flying through the air at Zephyr. Hot on their heels, or lack thereof, is the gyroscopic chakram.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr 'stands' her 'ground, planting her legs wide in the air as she watches those discs of wood coming at her. She sweeps her axe in an overhead chop, cutting the first in half with a few splinters slamming into her unarmoured chest, drawing blood now as her defenses weaken. The next two slam directly into her, knocking her out of the air, and thankfully, out of the path of the Chakram. She slams into the ground once more, and takes a bit longer to stand back up this time.

    <AREA MODE.> The Bits flit out, and the area in a 150m radius of the girl seems to shift. The air becomes thick and stifling, while the girl herself seems to move unnaturally quickly. She hefts her axe in one hand, then draws the haft out to make it two-handed. A thrum of energy along the blade and a surge of four glowing wings from her back, send her screaming toward Bitter, sweeping past three times, slashing each time.

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     Bitter Medicine is staggered by the first two passes, holding a hand out and attempting to catch his weapon. The third actually knocks him over, sending him tumbling across the ground in an uncoordinated mess. He takes a moment to get up, wiping dirt from his face as Zephyr banks away from him. He has plenty of Essence left, having fought conservatively to try and force her into his comfort zone. Unfortunately, his strategy doesn't seem to have panned out--he's tiring, and wonders idly how his opponent fares.

     These are thoughts that have run through his mind on several occasions, and on each one he's avoided them somehow. Focusing on something else, or telling himself it's not the time to think about it. Is he good enough? Is he Autochthonia's best? Is he even Gulak's best? Was he chosen in error? There are so many opponents capable of defeating him utterly, so many comrades such as this one who outshine him, and yet, he is expected to be a Champion of god and state. An example to his people. Is he... inadequate? He might be--but as he gets to his feet he remembers that his people are expecting him to fight.

     "For GULAK!" His anima flares, bringing with it the sound of jackboots on steel catwalks, of factory presses clanking away in eternity. Billowy black thunderclouds surround him, illuminated by flashes of purple lightning. The drone of heavt machinery fills in the space between the boots and the presses. His Plasma Thruster Assembly ignites and carries him forth, racing after Zephyr. With no care for his Essence consumption, he overtakes her, bright purple jets of flame leaving cinders in their wake. An activation of his Chemical Fog Generator sends a cloud of acrid, noxious smoke her way as a sort of offensive afterburner. He turns laterally, so that he can face her, then throws his Chakram. "Thousand Wounds Persistence!" This time the weapon attacks, but doesn't just stop after one--it continues to harass her with the same dogged determination of its master.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Cough cough. The altered air tries to clear the afterburner smoke, but it's thick enough that it's clogging up whatever ability the Mage is using. She doesn't see most of those strikes coming, slashes appearing on her body and cutting through her Barrier Jacket as she tries to clear the smoke field. Eventually she pulls straight up, trailing smoke as she heads vertical.... "Finally getting serious huh?" she asks with a grin on her lips, even as she's bleeding from several gashes in arms and legs, another slice across her forehead, joining the scar already there. "Here's an easy one then. Gear Se<span class=" fg_m bg_n ++ ond!"

    cm"><GEAR SECOND. MISTRAL STORM, DISPERSAL MODE!></span> a third 'Bit' joins the first two, as they converge around the Mage, orbitting her once more. "I summon forth the Southern Gale, Gralith. Come forth!" <JETSTREAM IMPULSE!>

    The Bits gather energy into their hollow centers, and a multitude of large motes of light form in a curved wall behind the Mage, like a pair of massive wings. She points her Device towards Bitter Medicine, and intones a single command. "FIRE!" sending a massive fusillade of homing lasers at the Alchemical.

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     Bitter Medicine moves with clockwork grace in a barrel roll, a laser grazing his leg and tearing the cloth of his jumpsuit, revealing the heavily augmented flesh beneath. With commitment of further motes to Voidbane, the weapon continues to attack Zephyr, weaving in and out of the disperal pattern of the Bits. The Exalt rolls right into a laser, the beam hitting him in the small of the back. He goes stiff from the pain, banking to the right just in time to evade another. In a counterattack, he dips down and buzzes the ground, then flies straight up, turning his back to the sun so as not to be blinded.

     Positioning himself above Zephyr, Bitter cuts his thrusters off and freefalls, catching a laser to the chest as he does so. Voidbane returns to his hand, and as he falls, he utilizes the weapon in a series of close-quarters slashes, each one eliciting a pained shriek from the chakram.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Clash of metal against metal, Zephyr switches fluidly from channeling her spell into quick strikes to parry the Chakram wielding Exalt. She manages pretty well, agility versus strength, turning strikes and taking smaller hits to get a better position... until a final hit slams into her, sending her spinning away out of control.

    A flare of energy, and a grunt of pain with a clutch at her chest shows that she /is/ tiring, and quickly. Perhaps a little more time and she'll lose her stamina...

    Not that she's going to give him the chance for that! A roll out, and a shift of her grip sets her holding her Axe like one might a large cannon. <FOCUS MODE.>

    The three bits form up around the head of the axe and link together with a triangle of purple energy, this mirrors and shrinks out to a point, forming a 'barrel' of sorts which she pours energy into. "Ragios, Razgriz, Lethim. I summon forth the Great Winds." she intones... then releases her 'grip' on the energy, letting it loose in a gushing torrent of purple energy. <MAELSTROM BUSTER!>

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     The energy slams into Bitter Medicine, knocking him unconscious in the air. Even the strongest Exalt typically does far more damage than they can take, and Bitter Medicine, far from the strongest Exalt, is no exception. As he drifts through the air, buffeted by the wind, the look on his face is one of distinct confusion, which soon turns to disappointment. Without a conscious flow of Essence, Voidbane falls from the sky, too, no longer animated, its teeth no longer spinning. "I wasn't strong enough." The Alchemical's heavy body hits the ground, sending up a cloud of dust. Voidbane lands a few feet away, stuck into the dirt by the force of its impact.

Zephyr Windstar (162) has posed:
    Zephyr pants heavily, and lands in a crouch just under where she was flying before. She heaves breaths in, before lifting her axe to the crowd. She says nothing, then walks over to where Bitter Medicine landed. "You weren't... but that's not a bad thing." she kneels beside him. "Get stronger, and we'll do this again." she says, then signals to the Medics, even if they've already started heading out to the fighters.