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WMAT CQ2 Noble Six vs Fate Testarossa
Date of Scene: 30 August 2015
Location: WMAT Arena - Diablo Desert
Synopsis: Charlie Round 2 Qualifier between Noble Six and Fate Testarossa
Cast of Characters: 38, 401

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    Her last couple of fights had not gone the way Noble Six wanted them to, and she was very annoyed with the fact that she seemed to be losing a step. Another magic user, she had fought a different version of Testarossa Fate in a previous WMAT. She lost that fight, too.

    Some part of her wondered why there were so many versions of that same person running around, but she was the only one of her. Was she really the only iteration of herself to survive the fall of Reach in all of the Multiverse? She shakes the thought off, focusing as she sits on a rock in the desert. It's a lone boulder on top of a sand dune, near one of those mushroom trees. She awaits the arrival of her opponent, seemingly meditating.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
    Fates fight's had been interesting... Though she had bested Nanoha, if only barely, her elder incarnation had put her down fairly solidly. It was an interesting glimpse into a potential future, but now... Now it's time for something new. For as long as she had been in the Confederacy, Fate's experience with Elites of the Multiverse has been sorely lacking, sticking mostly to problems of her own world, or ones her particular skillset was best suited to.
    Now things will be different. Her last time in the WMAT she was knocked out early. This time she will not be letting that happen.
    With a clap of thunder the skies darken, a rippling flutter of fabric can be heard as the child's cloak billows in the winds, where she stands atop one of the taller stone trees, axe-bladed Device in hand as she looks down on the Spartan from above. No words. No pleasantries. Nothing.
    Just a chillingly cold stare from the blonde's vivid scarlet eyes.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    The arrival of her opponent makes Noble Six glance upwards, visor showing no sign of emotion as she looks up at those scarlet eyes. Slowly she rises from the position she had been sitting in. There was no need for plesantries. Whoever won this would move on, and whoever lost would be forced out of the competition. There was no room for error this time.

    Noble Six knew she would have to strike first, and she did so, right hand coming up quickly and firing off a pair of shots from the pistol that she had pulled from her thigh. The weapon barks and sends both rounds up at her opponent. Time to kick things off.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
    For a moment. For a short tense moment, those scarlet eyes seem to stare through the visor and into Six's. Fate can't do so, but she can approximate where to make eye contact, and the child is unfaltering in the face of a professional soldier.
    That's who she's up against. A trained professional. But Fate too is such a professional, even if only in her own field. The sudden report of the pistol going off twice would send most ten year old girls reeling. But for Fate, all that happens is the girl's eyes only seem to harden. In the blink of an instant reflexes kick in, a sudden jink aside takes her out of the path of the slugs en route, the two barely dragging along the light armor of her Barrier Jacket, tearing black cloth and drawing thin trails of blood.


    It's a sudden announcement from the staff in her hand, the black axe-shaped head snapping back and coming to life with a crackling scythe blade of golden electric light.

    The distance is crossed in less than a blink, Fate already taking the fight into melee range with a soft breath and the heaving sound of air being cut, to bring the beam blade down in an arcing cut.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    Another melee focused fighter, Noble Six notes. The energy blade is dodged as best she can, shifting her weight backwards, the weapon cutting into the chestplate of her armor but missing anything vital underneith. Normally Noble Six would be averse to fighting a child, but she knows better than to think that with how long she's been in the Multiverse.

    Still, with the situation where it is, she'll have to act fast. Too close to effectively use her gun, she instead opts to deliver a powerful front kick, intent on knocking her opponent backwards and getting some breathing room between them.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
    That's right, a melee focus, and Fate is a FAST one, too. Those reflexes kick in again in an instant as the girl twirls away with the soft breath of a grunt, that armored boot thudding her hip as she twirls away, using the momentum of her spin to twirl aside. There's a brief moment of breathing room yes, but she's already turning on her heel, scythe trailing with the motion as she intends to flow into her next attack, as fluid and graceful as water, with all the speed of an onrushing typhoon, the staff is spun in her hand once before bringing that crackling blade in for a second attempt at a counter.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    The even quicker slash comes in and again Noble Six rolls slightly to the side. She is no slouch when it comes to close quarters, even if she prefers to fight at range. Her combat knife comes to bear, twisting in her right hand.

    She moves to try to snatch her opponent's arm, to arrest her movement. Someone as kick as Fate needs to be stopped before they can build momentum. Six has found a good way to stop momentum is with a good old fashioned knife to the gut, which is what she goes for, putting some power behind it.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
    Now this is dangerous. Fate is fast. And compared to a normal girl her age, she's much stronger. But when her arm is caught by a genetically modified super soldier, those scarlet eyes widen. To her credit she does not panic. Even when the strength of that grip is collossal in comparison to her own. No she doesn't panic, but she is forced to react quickly when she sees the steel glint of the drawn blade. A direct stab would be disastrous- even getting nicked would be bad, her armor, though magical, is not intended to take direct traumatic hits. There's a gasp as she jerks away just barely in time. The blade drags slong her tummy, and it's a nasty and deep gash, earning a small cry of pain. But she stifles herself quickly, clenching her jaw rather than let herself truly voice her pain.

    She'll live. But her free hand snaps up, a smallglimmer of golden light forming on her palm.

    [THUNDER BULLET!] She lets Bardiche do the talking for her, giving the Spartan an equal dose of the silent treatment as her palm shines brilliantly before erupting with the concussive force of a point blank high caliber round of pure electricity, rather than a solid slug.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    The shields of the MJOLNIR armor are designed to withstand energy blasts, they were made with the Covenant in mind, but the force is still enough to flare the shields, a golden glow appearing around Noble Six, and force her to back off as she watches the power bar for the shields dip inside of her HUD.

    The distance between them allows for her to bring that pistol to bear, ejecting the magazine and loading a new one in, this one with explosive rounds inside of them, as she pulls the trigger a couple more times, firing back with her own enhanced rounds.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
    No sooner than the gun is brought to bear once again, Fate is on the move. Though she weaves and dodges, alternating between running at top speed and lifting offm the concussive burst from each bullet tearing up the ground in her wake, heat searing through her Barrier Jacket, earning small grunts of exertion and pain before she throws herself in a forward tumble. When she comes up smoothly though several baseball-sized orbs of golden light form up in an orbit around her, quickly changing shape to arrowheads of light.


    A soft whisper of "Fire..." And they lance forward with the speed of a bullet each, intending to batter that shield down further.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    The shield does indeed take a beating from the light arrows, as Noble Six braces herself and takes it. She makes no attempt to dodge this time, as she's trying to pull something off and can't allow herself to give in.

    As the last arrow smashes against the shield and it flares out and then drops, Six throws a small sphere towards her opponent. She had been cooking it off waiting for the last arrow to hit, so there's no real delay between when it enters the air near Fate and when it explodes.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
    Now that's something of a surprise.

    The sphere hucked her way is... Not an object Fate recognizes. Projectile based weaponry was banned by the laws of Mid-Childa after the Belkan War for a reason, but Bardiche recognizes it as something more basic than what it is. A threat.


    Fate gasps as a half-dome of golden light surrounds her, but the autoprotection spell doesn't stand up against the pressure wave and fragmentation, the gold light shattering like glass and earning a much harsher gasp of pain, fresh cuts and blood welling in the dark fabric of her Barrier Jacket and cloak as she tumbles for a moment. But the girl regains herself. Still ice cold in expression and demeanor, she stamps one foot in the air, a complex sigil of golden light spreading from beneath her boots as the axe-head on her staff snaps back, three wings of gold light spreading from behind it as she thrusts it forward, unleashing a lancing ray of bright yellow, the size of a pillar.


Noble Six (38) has posed:
    The pillar of light slamming towards her is not something Six is prepared to deal with, especially with her shields still being down. She tries to roll out of the way of it, but is unable to clear it completely as she winds up getting her armor burned. The scorch marks are evident on her armor as she gets back to her feet.

    She breaks out another gun. This will be better for everything she does, as the LMG is supported with both hands. She pulls the trigger, unleashing a hail of bullets from the weapon towards Fate, unleashing the fury of the weapon at her

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
    That is... A much larger gun.

    By this point Fate thinks she has learned one thing about non-magical projectile firearms.

    The bigger they are, the nastier they are. And as the flurry and hail of gunfire and lead descend upon her, she stares into the oncoming firestorm. And that's when those reflexes hit near superhuman levels.
    She weabes, ducks, bobs, each bullet draging close enough to drag bloody lines down her slender figure, each one harder and harder to graze through, until she can't. One slams an armored portion of her suit dead on and earns a small cry, flinging her bakcwards into one of the rocks with a tiny thump that sends her sprawling.

    Unde the dark fabric of her cape she starts pulling herselfup to her feet with a few heated panting breaths. Before she speaks.

    "Arcus... Cultus... Aegias..."

    The sky darkens, lightning dances in the clouds, thunder claps loud and angry.

    "Baruel... Zaruel... Brauzel..."

    And then lightning strikes, a long bolt lancing down from the heavens, seemingly directed at the Spartan from above.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    God she hates magic. Noble Six really dislikes dealing with magic users. It might not be magic, you know what they say about advanced tech and magic. But summoning lightning out of thin air seems like magic to her. It strikes full on, and despite the suit's insulation, she groans and drops down to a knee, "Ow."

    That hurt like hell, but she manages to pick herself back up to her feet. She takes a moment to pop her neck, before she rushes in towards Fate, dropping a shoulder to try to slam it into the smaller girl, and then deliver several powerful blows from both of her fists, and end it with a throw, trying to plant Fate into the ground with full force.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
    Just as fast, Fate is learning to hate guns. The feeling is mutual. But Fate doesn't get to ruminate on her growing dislike when she has a Spartan running her down. The initial shoulder check nearly flinging her clean over, before the powerful blows slam her around like a ragdoll. Fate slams into a nearby rock, one hand propping herself up against it as she sees stars- only to be yanked and slammed groundwards.

    Stunned for a beat she draws in a few pained gasps before rolling aside, her scythe lashing out to try and hook behind Six's legs and yank them out from under her. In the same motion Fate rips off her own cloak, flinging it at that visor before HEAVING the blade.

    [ARC SABER!]

    The scythe blade detaches, flying like a boomerang at the futuristic supersoldier.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    The scythe comes in, and Six brings up her arms to try to deflect the blow, only to have the blade detatch from the weapon. She shifts her stance and catches it across her forearms, the shields still offline as it cuts into the armor and visibly draws blood.

    At least she manages to stop it from cleaving into her head. She tosses her arms back down to her sides, shifting weight again and pulling up something else. A blue ball of fire ignites in Noble Six's hand, and she hucks it like a baseball towards Fate's chest with everything she can manage. It sticks to any surface it comes in contact with.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
    The sizzling sphere of light that sticks to Fate is... Not a good sign. Not after the Spartan pitches it at her. "Wh..."

    There it is. The first, brieft, quiet moment of panic as she tries to peel it off and fails, her Device's reaction is a lot qui<span class=" bold_fg_y bg_n ++ ker.

    chy">[PURGING BARRIER JACKET!]</span>

    In a flare of gold light her armor erupts outwards, dislodging the sticky grenade before it erupts. But not fast enough as the concussive force launches the girl backwards, sending her in a dizzy sprawl, laid out on the ground. For a moment she lays there, burned and panting... And then her eyes narrow.

    There is a thing about boomerangs... They have a tendency to return. And the flung scythe blade curves back around- silently sailing on a course for Six's ba<span class=" bold_fg_y bg_n ++ k.

    chy">[SABER EXPLODE.]</span> Bardiche announces. Before it does just that, with all the force of a grenade all its own.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    There's a slight flash of gold as Six's shields come back up, just in time to immediately go down again when the grenade-like explosion goes off behind her. She's knocked forward from the force, grunting in pain as she goes down to both knees. She growls, though it's faint, and rises back up to her feet again. Shields back down, she figures she'll just press the advantage she has at this point, rushing back towards Fate, leaving the ground as she nears her opponent.

    Noble Six leaves the ground and her thrusters that are in her suit to propel herself forward, intent on crossing her forearm with Fate and hitting her with a massive lariat.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
    hat shield. That infernal shield. Regaining power just when Fate's gambit came into play. The blonde is scowling as she gets back on her knees, only for that armored arm to slam her back down with breath-taking force. And without her own armor, she's left curling up in a small ball gasping for a moment before crawling back to knees, a dark shadow forming over the girl's face as her armor manifests again. It's an intense effort of willpower and drawing on the last of her strength as she lifts into the air again as the skies darken once more.

    Twinkling like starlight the skies flare and fill with several hundred of those golden arrowheads from before, lighting up the <span class="underline bold_fg_y bg_n ++ louds.


    And a wave of her stafe sends them all machinegunning down in place.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    The blasts of light raining down upon her make Noble Six drop down to one knee and hold up her arms over herself. Every single one of them comes down on top of her, and a massive cloud of smoke and dust rises up from the crater that resorts from the blasts. Yet when it clears, the damaged, although still functional, MJOLNIR armor is present.

    She rises back up to her feet, though she's a bit unsteady on her feet. She pulls out the LMG once more, leveling it at Fate, "You are an excellent fighter. Today's just not your day." At least Six hopes it's not her day, but she holds down the trigger and lets loose with every round left in that light machine gun, until it clicks empty or her opponent is down.

Testarossa Fate (401) has posed:
    Panting, sweaty, bloodied, Fate grits her teeth as she tries to catch her breath after expending all that mana. The issue comes when the smoke clears... And Six is still standing.

    "... You are too."

    The girl may be a living wall of ice, but after that she has to concede the strength behind her foe. Unfortunately her foe is levelling an LMG at her again.

    Try as she might, this time her movement is sluggish, Barrier Jacket reformed in time only to get torn back up before she loses her strength, pouring the very last of her endurance in that final flurry of wild dodges, frantically evading with a skill and speed that's almost inhuman- but still not enough. Bullets whittle away at her, each one that grazes, ricochets off her armor, and slaps at her shields until her mana reserves are depleted and she's covered from head to toe in blood, arm limp from a shot that went clean through.


    She's persistent. She tries to get up. But just drops back into the dust again.

    [YOU'RE DONE, SIR.] Bardiche pings.

Noble Six (38) has posed:
    Six drops the weapon once it runs out of ammo, and her opponent doesn't get back up. She bows her head to Fate, and then turns to head off of the field, so the medical teams can move in and tend to her.

    Six will need her own treatment as well, but for now she's going to be able to walk out on her own two feet. She's happy, after the last round, that she's managed to get a win on this one.