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Latest revision as of 08:34, 1 September 2015

WMAT B1 Genghis Rex vs Franken Stein
Date of Scene: 31 August 2015
Location: Papaya Island - Stadium
Synopsis: Genghis Rex vs Franken Stein at WMAT 2015!
Cast of Characters: Kotone Yamakawa, 22, 114, 848
Tinyplot: WMAT 2015

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
The leader of the Tyrannos enters with very little fanfare as opposed to his usual boisterous entrance. The regular Tyranno contingent is there to support their leader, as they always are, but the look on his face is calm and somewhat reserved - which is unusual for him.

Rather than his usual battle armor, he is dressed in a simple black karate Gi, the red sigil of the Tyrannos emblazoned across his back and his left breast. He reviews a datapad containing Franken Stein's dossier, eying up his challenger thoughtfully.

Franken Stein (848) has posed:
    The stadium is packed today, as typical of official tournament matches. Two combatants, Genghis Rex and Franken Stein, are going to duke it out to see who advances through Bracket B. Stein is standing here with his hands in the pockets of his labcoat, a cigarette hanging limply out of his mouth at an angle. His eyeglasses are opaque in the glare of the sunlight overhead. This is his second tournament match. The first one yielded interesting research data, but from what Stein can see of the opponent he's facing right now... This is going to be an even more interesting battle.

    Since Stein got a liiiitle bit out of control last time, he has someone cheering him on in the audience today. And making sure he keeps his cool. Marie Mjolnir, an eyepatched, smiling lady wearing an incongruous combination of a black and yellow dress and a pair of cheerleading pompoms on her hands. "Yo-hoh, Stein~! Do your best!" she calls out.

    The gray-haired man lowers his head a bit so his eyes are visible in the shadow cast by his bangs and glances behind him without actually turning to look. He heaves a sigh. "Does she think I'm going to hold back or something?" This doesn't look like the kind of opponent he can go easy on, after all.

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Rex passes the datapad to a large orange Styracosaurus in a labcoat. "This one seems to be more your style, Styraco."

Styraco hrumphs, his beak frozen in a permanent frown, "It takes more than a labcoat and a passing interest in medicine to meet my expectations, Rex. It would be even more difficult for a mammal, with their tiny brains ..."

Rex turns from Styraco, "Mammal or not, by now I'd think you'd be more cautious about underestimating anything in the multiverse ... but then again, you are YOU afterall."

Styraco folds his arms, "Maybe I'll ask him out for a drink and compare notes one day."

Rex grins back to Styraco, "That's better!"

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Good day Ladies Gentlemen and self aware beings of all types! Welcome to the World Martial Art's Tournament. To day we got quite the match for you, with Genghis Rex vs Franken Stein. That's right one of the heroes of Reptilon and the Death Academy's own Franken Stein, who not only is a man of science but is also to dish it out with the best of them as you can see from his victories in the tournament so far! I'm Your Announcer Kotone Yamakawa and this fight's just about to get started! We're going to be in for quite the show today"

Kotone herself is clad in fairly high tech outfit from the looks of the half body suit, pants nad everything else. She seems quite eager from her spot in the announcer booth!

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Genghis Rex, leader of the Tyrannos and heir-apparent to the Throne of Reptilon, strides forward. What can be seen of his musculature under his flowing Gi looks more to be hardened scales wrapped around stonelike muscles. At 12 feet tall, and 800+ pounds, he is a titan in comparison to most of his opponents but his lithe movements betray uncanny speed and skill for a being his size.

"Tobacco ... a disgusting habit. You should take up another vice, that's going to kill you."

A dull red aura suddenly silhouettes the Anthropomorphic T-rex and he immediately whirls around and takes a shot at Franken's breadbasket with a roundhouse kick.

Franken Stein (848) has posed:
    The weaponless technician replies to Genghis Rex's words with a calm, "It will happen eventually anyway." Death isn't what he fears most. And he's more likely to die in combat anyway. When he is kicked, his feet leave the tiled floor of the ring, hurling him backwards with his hands still in his pockets. He hits the ground on his back and skids for several feet, then just lies there with his legs still up somewhat comically. After several seconds more, he lets out a surprised noise as he notices his cigarette is bent, spits it out off to the side and calls out, "I guess that means we've started then." Then he arches his back and throws himself back up onto his feet. "Hup!"

    He removes his hands from his pockets, and lowers himself down into a fighting stance. "Let's start fast and speed up from there," he offers before dashing forward, trying to get inside the Tyrannos' guard and drive a punch into the much bigger fighter's belly. Despite the size difference, if the punch lands, the fact that Stein is fairly strong himself may be evident. Or maybe Genghis Rex has super tough scales and that's not evident at all.

    The trials and tribulations of fighting opponents you're unfamiliar with.

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Stein's punch strikes true, but indeed Rex's scales are like stone and his immense size prevents him from flying backwards in anime fashion. He does slide backwards a few feet, his bare clawed feet digging small trenches in the ground beneath him.

"Hah hah hah! Nice! You're strong!" he says with a hint of excitement in his gravelly baritone.

Rex spins in an attempt to knock Franken's arm out of the way (if it's still outstretched) and follow up with a pretty vicious looking elbow to the side of the good doctor's head.

Sadly, due to the size difference, Rex has to crouch slightly for any of his attacks to hit their mark. Oh the drawbacks of being huge and adorable (to dinosaurs)!

Franken Stein (848) has posed:
    "Hey! Stein! Can you hear me!? I'm not carrying these embarrassing things for no reason!" Marie calls out. "Steiiiiin!" Stein is a bit too busy to acknowledge the cheering, so the Demon Weapon sits back down with a huff.

    Then a red-haired man in a suit comes wandering up with his arms full of snacks and drinks. "Oh, Marie-chaaaaaan~!" Spirit Albarn croons as he leans over from the aisle. "Is this seat taken~?"

    Marie looks up at the Death Scythe and says brightly, "It's taken."

    Spirit frowns. "What? Taken by who? You're just saying that aren't you?"

    Marie turns away so Spirit can't see her face and says, "Stein's sitting there."

    Spirit yells, "How can that damn Stein be sitting here!? He's down THERE having his FIGHT!"

    Marie puffs her cheeks out in annoyance, and because she can't keep a straight face, as she keeps facing away, and says, "He'll sit there when he's done!"

    Spirit frees up an arm to point at the seat and says, "But he's not sitting here NOW!"

    Marie Mjolnir heaves a sigh and says, "Fine, fine! Medusa Gorgon is sitting here!"

    Spirit throws all of his snacks into the air in his dismay. "You'd rather sit next to that Witch than me!?--Wait! More importantly, she's actually here!?" He has to scramble to catch his food before it hits the ground.

    Marie waves him off and says, "I'm just joking! She's not here! ...Probably!" Actually now that she thinks about it she really hopes the witch isn't here. She's tempted to look around, but she's too busy trying to smoothe over any hurt feelings from her little joke, and also to watch Stein who is down there fighting! "Sorry, sorry! Please join me!"

    Spirit is sulking a bit, but what kind of guy would he be to turn down a pretty lady asking him to sit next to her? He sighs and plops down in the seat. "I swear, you're starting to pick up Stein's sadistic streak from hanging out with him too much." he mutters off-handedly as she sips at his soda.

    Marie becomes pale at that! "Ahh, no! Who would want to marry a sadistic woman!? I can't have that!" She's genuinely upset!

    Panicking at the sight of a woman about to cry because men can never seem to figure out how to deal with that, or at least Spirit can't, the Death Scythe stammers out, "A-aaahh... No, I'm sure there's plenty of men who would go in for that kind of thing! You can step on me any time! And I was joking anyway! H-here, have some popcorn!" Popcorn: The cure for crying in Spirit Albarn's book.

    MEANWHILE, back at the fight, where SERIOUS things are happening...

    Stein's arm is knocked aside and the nimble but huge dinosaur moves to lash out before the Technician can react! The elbow strike lands on the side of Stein's head...! And right on that big metal screw he had going through his skull. While his head is bent to the side by the force of being struck by a dinosaur, and there's a ringing in his ears, some of the impact is taken by that piece of metal driven through it. Which is... Apparently not just a decoration, but ACTUALLY going through his head. Stein allows the momentum to carry him though, flipping his body sideways... As he attempts to latch onto Rex's own arm with his legs! Hanging upside-down, his stitched labcoat draping around him, the scientist looks at Rex from his position. "Likewise," he replies simply. "Which is why disabling your strength seems like a good idea." He then tries to drive a stronger punch into his opponent's elbow joint. If he had been less lucky, that elbow strike could have done serious damage after all!

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
"Eh? Get off of there!" Rex shouts annoyedly, shaking his arm, trying to dislodge Franken, disrupting his opponent's strike at his elbow!

"Squish him, Bossasaur! SNORT SNORT Squish him good!" Ankylo yells from the crowd.

"Technically, he's not ALLOWED to squish him! That's against the rules and Rex would be disqualified!" Terrible Dactyl admonishes Ankylo.

"Ok? Umm, how about just a little?" Ankylo asks.

"I guess that's all right." Terrible Dactyl nods.

"Squish him a little bit, Bossasaur! Squish him a little!" Ankylo cheers!

Rex gives Franken Stein a toothy grin, "Squish you, huh? Who am I to not please my adoring public?"

With that, Rex pulls the spindly human into a crushing bear hug, focusing most of the pressure of the grasp around Franken's lower back, while staring sadistically into Franken's eyes, "Shhhh ... go to sleep little mammal, it'll ALL be over soon!"

Franken Stein (848) has posed:
    As Stein's attack is thrown off course, it's all he can do to hang on as the much larger fighter shakes him around like a rag doll. When he's then torn free and the Tyranno attempts to crush him, the doctor feels the pain of his ribs being compressed forcefully, the strain in his back... Is it over already!? Stein, despite the pain he's in, grins widely, unbalancedly and slams his palms into the dinosaur's chest as best he can, a surge of electrical energy of some kind crackling along his body as he tries to drive his Soul Wavelength into his opponent to do internal damage. Maybe it'll just stop the heart for a second. Maybe it'll cause some bleeding. Maybe it won't do anything.

    Stein doesn't know Rex's physiology after all. But as he himself hisses out... "I look forward to dissecting you and finding out how you work." Rex isn't the only sadistic one in the ring. That... Might mean this fight is going to turn messy.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Our two fighters are now getting things started Franken Stein makes the first move and he's not even being slow about it. he's diving in up close and speaking with his fists. With a heck of a gut shot to Rex! Rex doesn't seem too phased no he seems to be excited by the amount of power that his opponent is bringing to bear and counters with a savage elbow! They are getting into it now but it looks like it. They also seem to be loving every moment! What's this this isn't a display of brotherly love now as Rex catches Frankenstein in a brutal bear hug!"

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Rex lets out an earsplitting roar of pain as the energy surges through him, arcing wildly across his body and lashing out in fingers along the bare flesh of his tail.


The Tyranno falls to his knees, his jade eyes narrowing in pain and anger as they reflect in Franken Stein's mirrored glasses. He seeths, breathing heavily through gritted teeth, as Franken feels the bear hug loosen, but not release completely.

Suddenly Franken feels the world spin upside down as Rex hauls him upside down and leaps straight up into the air!

"You'd best stop worrying about what's inside me, and worry more about keeping all of your own internals intact!"

Rex tries to drive Franken head and shoulders first into the ground of the Stadium with a leaping powerbomb!

Franken Stein (848) has posed:
    Stein is smashed into the ground HARD, shattering the tiles, and making a small crater from the force! Blood trickles from his head and from the corner of his mouth as his body bounces from the impact! There are gasps of surprise in the crowd, and cheers from others! One of the former is from Marie, but Spirit just keeps scowling down at the ring. Stein, however, isn't down for the count yet, as he spins himself up on one hand and does a single-handspring up onto his feet. Blood continues to run into his eyes, and his head is pounding from the pain, but he's still as eager to fight as ever. "All of my innards are accounted for... I have to have an excellent knowledge of my own body to experiment on myself after all. o/`"

    "But you..." He surges forwards again, even knowing that close range is a dangerous place to be against this opponent, as he flicks his wrist, and a scalpel slides into his right hand. "...I still have yet to find out what's inside of you!" Then he starts attempting to perform very swift, precise strikes in a flurry of surgical incisions aimed at one of Rex's legs. It's easier to reach than the rest of him after all, and slowing down this juggernaut seems like a wise course of action.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is on the edge of her sear watching as the fight carries on. "What this Stein's now being shaken about dog's chew toy! How is he going to get out of this?! It seems the answer is going to electrify you as he unleashes a powerful surge of electrical power! Stein is not being slowed down today and Rex isn't just about to fall just yet as presses on and then catches him in s suplex. It's a sight to behold but even with such a display of power? Stein isn't out for the count just yet!"

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Frankens sudden rally catches Rex completely off guard and his attacks strike true. Rex's physical anatomy isn't all that different from typical Earthen creatures. Tendons are where they should be, joints are where they should be, his blood is redder than his scales - but his scaled skin is considerably more difficult to cut through.

Rex falls to one knee clutching at his leg. Blood pours from between his claws and his whole frame shudders as pain wracks his body, "GUH! Smart to try to disable me! perhaps I will do the same to you!"

Rex whips his massive tail at Franken Stein's knees with all the force the muscular limb has within in. As the tail passes, Rex rises and slashes at the Doctor with his black claws in a savage display of predatory might.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa Says "The ground has been shattered by the Stein's impact but as I said he's not yet done, and he's pulled a weapon now things are heating up as he attempts to dissect to the heart of the matter! What does it take to keep Rex out of the fight? I'm afraid I don't know much about the biology of Rex's people but that looks like that flurry of cuts has got to hurt! Rex counter attacks with his own combination of tail and claws!"

Franken Stein (848) has posed:
    Stein knows better than to get overconfident. He's facing someone who appears to be some manner of life derived from the apex predator of North America on many Earths. High intelligence, combined with martial skill, far more agility than one would expect from such a large frame, and brutal crushing strength... All of these factors together, along with the sheer intimidation power of not only reputation but being face to face with a genuine (sort-of) t-rex all have Stein's senses honed to their sharpest. Maybe this fight isn't to the death, but they're both keen on hurting each other as they enjoy this battle.

    Stein has the self-control not to go too far. But it's a struggle. Which is why Marie is here. But that doesn't mean his opponent is going to do him any favors. As that huge tail comes swinging at him, it feels like a wall of air is surging in his direction, and even focused on his opponent's actions, it's difficult to leap upwards in time to avoid that powerful, body-crushing limb. While he's in mid-air, Stein then endures claw slashes from Rex, doing his best to minimize the damage but still knowing that either of those strikes, if they had landed directly, could have cut Stein open as surely as his scalpel had in the past.

    Even now, bloody scratches are carved into his chest, shredding his black, turtle-necked sweater underneath his coat. Stein lands deftly and immediately starts moving, circling around to the side of Rex with the injured leg, trying to make it difficult to retaliate easily...

    And then darting in with his blood-stained scalpel, to send another Soul Wavelength attack in conjunction with it, aimed at Rex's side! "You're too powerful an opponent to do otherwise," he praises in belated reply, even as he strikes.

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Frustration crosses Rex's face as his attack fails miserably. He whirls around wildly, tracking Franken and desperate not to allow the doctor to get behind him. His right leg appears not to want to support his gargantuan weight and he is forced to claw at the ground, to keep himself upright.

Franken's attack finds it's home and energy pours into rex's side, causing into to topple over, clutching at his flank - the cloth from his Gi burnt away and the skin underneath laid bare, a charred a smoldering wound.

As he falls forward, Rex catches himself, and finds himself on all fours, glancing up at Franken Stein, who can now get a really good look at those jade green eyes and those rows of serrated fangs ... oh dear.

Franken Stein (848) has posed:
    'Eighty million years ago,
    Back in the Late Cretaceous,
    Lived the great Tyrannosaur,
    A fearsome and predacious
    Theropod of monstrous size!
    He weighed six tons or more!
    He epitomized the concept of
    The killer carnivore!

    His jaws had teeth like railroad spikes
    With fore and aft serrations!
    This dental hardware was designed
    For quick eviscerations!
    With thrashing bites and awful roars
    The T-Rex would attack!
    He was, it's clear, a savage
    Mesozoic maniac!'

    A very eloquent poet once wrote these words. Now Stein is finding out first-hand what that dental hardware feels like as huge jaws close around him, stabbing into him and crushing one of his arms. He seems to have a bad habit of breaking his arms in this tournament so far. But being bitten by a t-rex is still a first! Achievement Unlocked: Eaten By A T-Rex.

    But Stein isn't quite eaten yet. Stained with blood, both his own and his opponent's, the mad scientist again finds himself stuck in the position of having to utilize his Soul Wavelength to counter being caught in his foe's grasp. But this time, making his enemy's body seize up while being caught between powerful jaws seems like a bad idea. So instead he uses what he has learned so far, and what he has observed of muscle structure, and what he can FEEL being used upon him, utilizing both knowledge and intuition to determine the connectors... And...

    He tries to disconnect Rex's lower jaw on one side, through the expedient use of his scalpel. Enough to possibly slip free and get some distance. Assuming it works. Performing impromptu surgery on a t-rex with one arm while being eaten isn't as easy as it sounds.

    The whole time, though, Stein is grinning so widely his gums are exposed. He's enjoying just getting to cut loose (literally and figuratively).

    Marie, however, is looking increasingly concerned about Stein's stablity, clutching her hands together and frowning while Spirit just makes grossed out noises and silently thanks Lord Death that it isn't HIM still being experimented upon.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is still on edge locked in place and is still going on as her eyes are rapidly tracking both fighters.

"Stein's still in the game now as he recovers from being shoved into a weed whacker by Rex and he's looking pretty good for what just happened! He's coming around for another strike aiming to make his earlier assault on Rex's legs even worse by aggravating the wound even more! Rex has been hit hard but it seem he's got an idea now he's just going to take a bit old bite out of Stein, and that does not look like something I'd want to be on the business end of! Nor would I wish that on anyone."

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Blood sprays from Rex's mouth as Franken digs into his maw. His bite on Franken begins to loosen as the loss of blood begins to take it's toll. He's lost before, but if he loses today, he will go down fighting. He will retain his pride, no matter the cost.

Rex rolls, dragging Franken with him swinging him through the air and releasing him with all the force he can muster - trying to create space between himself and Franken, by hurling the good doctor into oblivion!

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "Stein is having issues about being a snack for Rex and is giving him the most brutal combat surgery I ever seen?! I was not expecting combat dentistry, today let me tell you! Can he break free of Rex's jaws?! Or is this going to be where Rex turns it around? It looks like Stein might just be getting free but not in the way he'd hope for as Rex is going to toss him like a clay pigeon!

Franken Stein (848) has posed:
    Stein is thrown by Rex and hits the ground in a roll, the force enough to further aggravate his broken arm even without landing on it. The pain is intense, though he can't really compare it to what his opponent must be going through. He gets back to his feet as he comes out of his roll, letting out occasional bursts of unstable-sounding laughter. "Don't worry~..." he lilts. "I'll replace all that damaged skin with sandpaper when we're done here." Bleeding all over, his scalpel dripping, his clothing ragged, his hands stained, he tilts his head upwards as his soul blazes around him, unseen by most eyes, but still carrying with it an unmistakeable darkness that casts his features into deep shadow.

    "What should I cut up next? I've done your leg... I've done your jaw..." Stein tilts his head back, the lenses of his glasses flaring with light. Even in the bright and cheerful sunlight, he seems to be surrounded by darkness and cold. "I know... Next... I'll do..." He raises his broken arm shakily and points at one of his own eyes, as he leans forward so it's visible again, and spreads the lids apart with his finger. "...Your eye!"

    Stein crackles with electricity as he advances upon Rex slowly, one step at a time, like the murderer in a slasher movie, approaching a victim that can't escape. Genghis Rex is no mere victim. He is a PREDATOR. REX should be the one stalking prey. HE should be the one terrifying people. Because Genghis Rex IS TERRIFYING.

    But here's someone who is not only sadistic like Rex... But also totally unhinged. Knowing he's facing a being who could tear him apart if he's not careful, and still enjoying the injuries on both sides, and looking for a chance to cause more...

    What kind of psychopaths do they let into this tournament these days?

    Stein SURGES forwards, leaping in an arc through the air, and trying to slash across one of Rex's eyes in the process.

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Madness is something Genghis Rex is well acquainted with, it was his life not so long ago ... but that had to change. Rage could no longer govern him. WIn or lose, he could not give over to "The Beast".

His training with Vegeta was incomplete. He had no Dinovolver, he had not progressed his Saiyan training far enough to do much more than glow red, but Vegeta had taught him control and focus, something he'd sorely lacked. He tried to drown out the distraction of the pain and the wounds he was suffering, the rising cacophony of the crowd, the ominous appearance of his opponent.

The angle of the slash was off. Rex could take it. His armored scales would shatter but the thick bone of his snout would resist! He could see it in his mind and pushed forward, taking the hit exactly as he saw it in his mind, but still pressing forward, blood streaming from his face.

As the scalpel passed, Rex grabbed for the hand that held it and wrapped his own claw around it. He twisted and turned the arm in an awkward motion, back at Franken Stein's face - going for those glinting glasses, aiming to slash the doctor's eyes out with his own blood soaked hand!

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa is seeing just how brutal this fight is getting, and she cringes at how crazy Franken Stein is getting more uncontrolled.

"Now thinks seem to be getting like an old Slasher movie! Stein ins moving in and blind Rex! Rex moves just enough to protect his eye but that's not looking like a fun wound and now he's going to return the favour this whole match could leave everyone blind!"

Franken Stein (848) has posed:
    Stein's scalpel is turned against him, his expression somewhat dull as he realizes what's happening right before it does, surprised but not terribly. Like it makes sense that this would be his fate. In his Madness, he accepts that he's about to suffer terrible harm. Then the blade cuts across his own face, and there is a spray of blood! Is it Stein whose eyes were removed!?

    There's a tense several seconds at Stein hangs limply from Rex's grip by his non-broken arm, bleeding all over the floor of the ring. This is a real horror show of a match. But it's about to become even more gruesome, it seems. Because Stein's glasses have broken in place of his eyes being sliced out, leaving him non-blinded but still with a deep gouge right along the bridge of his nose, at a slanted angle from the side of one eye to the other. Blood has run into his right eye enough it stings and everything he sees out of it is painted red.

    But he's still in the fight. And as he dangles there, he looks up at his opponent distantly, like he's not really seeing him. Then, wordlessly, he lashes out with his broken arm, and both legs simultaneously, trying to deliver three Soul Wavelength-infused strikes at the same time right into Rex's arm, sending an electrical current straight towards his lungs.

    "You only need one of those lungs, right?" he asks distractedly, a smile creeping back onto his face as his eyes, one white, one coated in red, provide a wide and vacant stare into nothingness.

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Genghis Rex, King, Predator, a Titan among his people, has fought interstellar threats, heroic Avengers, and many times, his own incompetence, has overcome a good many obstacles in his short life, but even he can't overcome a lack of oxygen.

His lung collapses under the assault and he falls to the ground, gasping for air, spent and hurting, his life's blood spilling down his red scales and pooling around him so that it's not totally clear where his limbs begin and his blood ends.

His jade eyes are wide as he gasps desperately for air. He can't even look at Franken Stein, let alone attack him. It's too much, the tyrant king is spent.

He lifts a claw and pats the ground lightly, signaling a submission, resigning himself to defeat without the humiliation of being carried out unconscious.

Kotone Yamakawa has posed:
Kotone Yamakawa says "It's coming down to the wire here as both fighters have taken a massive toll on each other. Stine looks like he might be out of it, or wait he's not done yet and this fight's getting nasty we got the medic's already on standby because the moment one of the fighters drops the doctors are going to be needed with the fight thee two have been having. Stein's held, yet he's anything but helpless and it looks like Rex has been hit some where vital. He's bleeding had and he's moving, wait?! He's submitting! FRAKEN STEIN HAS WON THE MATCH in one of the most brutal fights I ever seen in my time at the WMAT!"

Franken Stein (848) has posed:
    His enemy is giving up? Stein fell to the ground when he was released, bleeding heavily himself, woozy, but still on the high of adrenaline and insanity. He was prepared to suffer more and to make his research subject hurt more. To find out more and more and more! But now his enemy has the honor and dignity to surrender?

    Stein drops his scalpel and begins a spasming walk towards his opponent like a stop-animation nightmare, twitching and jerking, raising the arm that still has most of its functionality. Is he about to do something that will get him disqualified? Something to this fearsome, incredible opponent, with such a powerful will to match his powerful body?

    Before Stein can make a mistake, a single voice rings out. "STEEIIIIN!" Marie yells from the stands.

    Franken Stein inhales sharply and his next step pulls up short, hesitating to fall. His eyes widened, he seems to have come back to himself. He seems just as startled as anyone else. But once glance towards Marie Mjolnir, and the scientist centers himself again. Marie is looking upon him with utmost seriousness and determination.

    And Stein can barely stand to meet her gaze, knowing twice now he's almost lost himself in battle. That isn't what this tournament is about. But he just felt... He thought maybe... He wasn't alone. He KNOWS he's not alone. He has Marie, and the students at Shibusen, and even Lord Death. Oh, and his upperclassman of course, wherever that pervert is (he's sitting right next to Marie in plain sight). But aside from Medusa herself... Stein has never felt there was someone who, like him, harbored feelings of wanting to cut other people up, of wanting to hurt himself even, all for enjoyment. And in this brutal being straight out of the savagery of Earth's pre-history, he thought he'd finally found something close to that.

    But those feelings... Are ones he can not act upon. That he must control. Especially in the face of one as strong of spirit, as ferocious, and worthy of respect as Genghis Rex.

    The hand he had raised... Goes to try to undo some of the damage he has caused. Because no matter what else he is... He is also a doctor.

    "Thank you," Stein says simply, only loud enough for Genghis Rex to hear. He doesn't specify what he's saying thanks for.

    Instead, he works to get Rex's lung working again as the medics rush to the ring to do the rest.

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Genghis Rex nods courtly as his breath returns to him. Styraco runs to Rex's side, kneeling down and helping his leader to his feet. He regards Franken Stein suspiciously, "I'll take it from here ..."

Styraco quickly begins helping Rex out of the arena.

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    There are some uninjured medics walking onto the field, fortunately.

    A team of Confederate medics and assistants are already heading over to the two fighters, carrying two stretchers with them, one of them a fair bit larger than the other. "Get the transfusions ready and apply some lot 12," instructs a calm and familiar voice, and both Stein and Rex should be familiar with the Confederate witch as she steps forward, hands in pockets. As she walks up to the pair she does give Stein an amused look. "I can handle it from here, Professor." The medics don't push Styraco aside, though they will do what they can do help get the leader of Tyrannos out of the ring and off to get treatment.

    Which leaves Stein...

    As the medics prepare various IV bags and encourage Stein to lie down on the stretcher Medusa does give the Meister what most might call a smile that seems too innocent. "While I do think you can and would insert your own IV line, I do think you should let me do it, dear."

Franken Stein (848) has posed:
    Stein turns, still looking rather haunted, but sharper than before when he hears Medusa's voice. He'd already straightened up and backed away when Rex's companion went to work on him, but now he takes a few more steps back to let the official medics of the tournament do their job. He peers in that quietly suspicious way of his at the offer from the nurse/witch, and says, "Oh-hoh? Well, I suppose there's nothing wrong with that. My hands aren't as steady as they could be right now."

    Then there's the loud noise of metal being crumpled from up in the stands, as Marie stands there with a chair in her hand that Spirit was sitting in moments prior. She very carefully, though perhaps not aware she's doing it, compacts and crushes the chair into a ball of metal and plastic, and then drops it, while glaring down into the ring.

    Spirit is sitting on the ground shivering, with a running nose, wondering why he wanted to sit next to such a scary woman again.

    "...Though I'd want to bring a couple people along incase something were to happen to me of course," Stein tacks on casually.

    Spirit pipes up, somehow hearing Stein from way over in the stands. "OI! A //COUPLE// people!? What makes you think I want to guard you, after that fight! Hey! Don't ignore me!" he yells.

    Stein is looking the opposite direction, muttering, "Sorry, senpai. I can't hear you from way over here."


Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    A single glance towards the stands is all the nurse offers the Meister's two companions at the moment, and that smile remains. Even if it seems somewhat tense. "As long as he doesn't cling to my legs again he can stay~" Even though they know fully well Spirit has kept his distance since they learned about Medusa's true nature. Thankfully.

    "Though I assure you, with the truce in place you have nothing to worry about. I have far better things to do than to get in trouble here of all places, especially since I represent the Confederacy," Medusa continues, pulling up Stein's coat sleeve so she can get started on getting an IV line in, which takes less than half a minute as the other medics get Stein situated on the stretcher. Within the minute it's off to Papaya hospital, and the witch does her best to focus on the work at hand and not the people tagging along.