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WMAT AQ2 Fuki vs Shigure
Date of Scene: 02 September 2015
Location: WMAT Arena - Spinach Wastes
Synopsis: Two girls enter. One girl leaves. Shipgirl versus Foxninja robot.

An epic clash of mighty steel against agile trickery.

Thanks to: Fuki for being awesome
Cast of Characters: Fuki, Shigure
Tinyplot: WMAT 2015

Shigure has posed:
    Rolling green fields. Shigure strides out into the predetermined 'arena' area. She's smiling softly, the breeze wafting her hair. She makes a note to bring Yamashiro here some time, after the Tournament. She lifts her hand to the announcer's box and spectator stands, signalling she's ready, then does a quick check of her gear while waiting for her opponent to arrive.

Fuki has posed:
    Fuki, for as tiny as she is, always makes a big entrance. The dark streak along the sky is followed by a bright white flash as the Shinki slips into her armor and pulls out her scythe from her slipway. Her next opponent, a shipgirl, is going to be interesting. She never got the chance to fight against one but seeing all the footage from the matches...

    "This will be a fun fight..." she whispers, slowly coming to a stop about a hundred meters from Shigure. She smiles behind that fox mask of hers and gives a bit of a nod, a software ting announces to the announcer box she's ready to go..

Shigure has posed:
    The Announcer might be on loan from the Battle Rondo, or just a shinki nut in general, because he counts down and instead of the normal battle start of 'Begin!' he crows "RIDE ON!"

    Shigure bows to her opponent. "Seek victory on the dawns horizon." she offers, then switches to her AA radar, the blue of her eyes growing a bit more iridescent, and she focuses on the tiny form of the Shinki.

    Hand cannon comes up, and with a report and gout of black smoke, the Destroyer girl fires the first shots, the shells exploding into bursts of Flak when nearby.

Fuki has posed:
    Ah, the familiar voice of 'ride on'. Knowing everything is ready, Fuki shoots herself towards Shigure like a black-streak missile. "I seek victory in the dead of night! You will succumb to my scythe, Shigure!" she shouts but with the anti air flak that comes her way, it rips into her armor and makes quite a few holes in it. "Nngh..."

    Pushing on through, the Shinki makes a dive into close range for Shigure in an attempt to try and disable the anti air, she makes a few swings with her scthe at the hand cannon attached! "Not allowing that any more! You're going to play on my terms!"

Shigure has posed:
    CLANK CLANG! Scythe strikes metal, but with a few deft flicks of her wrist and a quick spin to gain distance, Shigure pulls away with a nice new bright metallic gash in the black painted metal. The Destroyer's eyes follow the path of the Shinki as she flies past, that glow leaving a faint trail in the wake of her motion.

    Instead of bringing that hand cannon up again, one of the double barrel turrets on her backpack pivots into position, and unleashes a double barrel flak blast into the projected path of the flying little roboninja. "I will 'play' on my own terms. I will not allow anyone to dictate what I can do." she states.

Fuki has posed:
    A dissapointed noise as it didn't break it, Fuki backs off just a bit, looking at other points on the girl to take. If she couldn't attack structure, she's going to grab for anything unprotected. She attempts to make another dive into the destroyer girl but the flak that comes her way rip right through her once more and sends her into a tailspin towards the destroyer. A quick flash, and the scythe is replaced by a rifle!

    "If you want to play that way, then I'll oblige!" she replies and with a few shots, three bursts of lasers spiral out from the gun towards the Destroyer girl, "I hope you can dodge them!"

Shigure has posed:
    Two laser pulses slam straight into the Destroyer's midsection, burning away the serafuku there and leaving black scorch marks, more akin to having struck metal than flesh. Shigure dances aside, letting the third fly past and strike a randomly passing pink bird. 'Chicken' on the menu later it seems!

    In reply the Destroyer draws a single torpedo from her leg turret, and flings it like one might a Kunai, before setting off at a sprint to gain some distance. The Torpedo has had its warhead switched to a proximity charge, that detonates when close, much like a larger flak burst, except with larger metal shrapnel shards.

Fuki has posed:
    Bullseye. Dinner and a Show tonight, everyone. Fuki seems to be proud behind that mask of hers but when the torpedo is launched, she blinks. "A... torpedo? Isn't that supposed to be used for aquati..."


    The metal shrapnel that explodes as it reaches the Shinki causes her to wings to just disintegrate, but fortunately, the jetpack behind her still functions... the shrapnel also manages to embed itself into the Shinki, making her look just as dangerous as before. "Well, well, seems you gave me an UPGRADE!" she shouts before throwing herself towards the Destroyer, attempting to make a close contact body tackle before dragging her own, shrapnel laden body up to give some nasty cuts.

Shigure has posed:
    A quick step, a twist at the waist and the Destroyer backhands the Shinki away with the hand cannon, which causes it to crack and emit an acrid black smoke. The Equipment fairy inside bails out, leaping clear and deploying a parachute, before the cannon detonates from inside. Luckily the Destroyer tossed it away before then, though she's now down a weapon system. "Mmmn..."

    Switching gears, and activating her backpack's functionality, Shigure reaches back and draws both halves of those cannons on her back into their active state. Cannon Tonfa. She twirls them, then locks them into place, reverse grip, the buttresses forward, the cannon barrels aimed along the underside of her upper arms. These aren't what fire though, the two-barrel cannons on the sides swivel into position, and open fire again. This time they take the aspect of the Destroyers AA arsenal, machine gun fire and 25mm autocannon slugs filling the air around the flying Shinki.

Fuki has posed:
    Whatever this shipgirl was made of, it's throwing the Shinki for a loop. A combatant that she's never had to deal with before, she's having to come up with things on the fly. But with those Anti Air guns, it's really making it a pain for the Shinki to do anything to Shigure. "Never had to fight you before... you're giving me all sorts of wonderful data..."

    So, she wants to fill the air with bullets, Fuki can play this game too. The rifle dissapears and out comes a pair of kunai that are thrown with force towards Shigure, then another flash as another pair enters her hands and are thrown with the same force and ferocity as the past, throwing out kunai like a machinegun towards her!

Shigure has posed:
    That seems to get through whatever the Destroyer's made of. The Kunai lodge into her body, drawing an inky black ichor from one particular wound on the girls midsection. Fuel oil? "Ghhnn.. I got hit, huh?" she murmurs, then swings those large caliber barrels around with a deft flick of her arms.

    Little Equipment Fairies absail down to field patch the wounds, tugging out the Kunai and slapping large hull patches down... that look amusingly like giant bandaids. They'll keep her from 'sinking' for the time being, but she'll need to spend time in the docks after this.

    Glowing eyes focus on the Shinki, the AA guns swapping to countering the Kunai storm, bullets knocking knives out of the air to the clashing sound of metal against metal. The AA battery is occupied, but her main battery is locked on target. A massive report slings a pair of 12.7cm explosive shells hurl upwards, exploding in proximity and hailing the area in white hot shrapnel and the usual expanding hot gas plumes.

Fuki has posed:
    With the anti air now distracted by raining kunai, Fuki takes back to the higher air and swaps back to a different scythe this time. This one seems to drip green liquid off of it. Mister Bitey. With this, she dives back down into the fray, the report of shells explode behind her, the explosion scuffing her but sending her even faster towards Shigure.

    "Cute little beings. Perhaps I should destroy them." she smirks, swinging her scythe to let swathes of acid throw off the blade and towards Shigure, aiming for some of those fairies but with a larger swathe of acid being sent towards those guns! "I said, we play on my terms!"

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure brings one of those gun cannons up to block and protect the fairy as it climbs back up into her backpack assembly. The acid burns through the outer layer of armour plate, but doesn't make it past the inner hull beneath, thankfully not rendering that gun useless just yet.

    Shigure flicks her opposite cannon around, and with a pull of the trigger, fires another shot... this one is a blank that's designed for one thing. The butress of her cannon is sent flying in an arc, aimed directly at the Shinki's path, likely with the intention of swatting Fuki out of the air with a recoil-powered punch!

Fuki has posed:
    The punch connects and a loud crack is heard, sending Fuki towards the ground and INTO it. A cannon powered punch, on a very small and fragile target... Fuki slowly starts to float upwards, a leg dangling uselessly from her torso, armor cracked and dented and ... are those three lights?

    Fuki looks quite torn up here and the match is just getting started! "How dare you crack my armor..." she scowls, diving in once more, this time lower, as she makes a trajectory between Shigure's legs, attempting to slice them open with the acidic scythe. "Now sink!"

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure grunts. She doesn't seem able to go above a soft murmur in volume, but that low grunt holds a /lot/ of pain in it. Luckily the acid slice cauterizes the wound, a horrific red glowing gash more akin to melted metal than flesh showing in the girl's thigh. She stumbles, but keeps her footing.

    Something's changed now, the neutral mask of before darkens, and with the shadow of her bangs covering her eyes, the Destroyer turns on the Shinki. A release of the grips of her canon tonfa leave them to return to her back with a mechanical clicking. Then a trio of torpedoes is brought out of the left side turret, emptying it. She flings these three like kunai again, fanning them out along the Shinki's trajectory.

Fuki has posed:
    Fuki smirks a bit and lifts herself up, floating a ways away from the Destroyer. Though, the expression on the her changes, this actually does cause Fuki to pause a bit... "Hmm, Iw onder if I'm getting to her." she mutters, "Guess this is a good thing as ever." But when the trio of torpedoes are thrown out like kunai.. "Not this again..." she mutters, as they explode, sending her reeling back and into the ground, skidding and bouncing off the ground.

    "Grrr... that smarts!" looks like that the Destroyer wasn't for show today... and with this, she slips back into her rifle and fires off a few shots, heavy single bursts aimed towards that weakpoint in the 'armor' she made, at the thigh. "Sink will you!"

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure grunts again, and drops to one knee with that follow up strike to her thigh, toppling down but refusing to fully fall. "I will not sink. Not again... not now I have Her back." she almost growls through gritted teeth. She forces herself back up, the gash glowing angrily red, nearly white around the edges and leaking an acrid black smoke... something's gone horribly wrong in there somewhere.

    Clickclank. Those cannon tonfa are back again, barrels pointed at the Shinki. And once more, a twin pair of reports signal the 12.7cm shells sailing toward their target... but it's not just a single shot. She's firing the full Broadside!

Fuki has posed:
    "Her?" she questions, the Shinki stopped just a bit only to go back to full bore against the Destroyer, "I don't care who She is and if she's related to you, I'll sink her too!" the gash's current state brings a smile behind that mask only to dissipate when the full broadside is given to the Shinki, effectively too as she drops back and crashes into the ground again!

    The flightpack sputters a bit, "Come on..." then fires up shortly after. "Okay... good... still in." she turns her face towards the Destroyer and with a flash, her kama are brought into play this time. She quickly fires up the jetpack and dashes towards Shigure, trying to run the kama's blades along the cannons to destroy them, "I can't let you do that again!"

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure twists, presenting one of those cannons to the Kama assault, the one damaged before. The weakened armour parts like wet paper, and the strike seems to hit something inside.

    A wicked smirk grazes the once placid face of the Destroyer, as she holds that cannon there and allows the magazine to explode. Right in Fuki's face.

Fuki has posed:
    One turret blown up.. and the explosion catches the Shinki barely, some shrapnel digging into her back. "Nngh, Cl.. clever, but you were too close and your angle wasn't great!" and with how close she is.... A single Kama moves to strike out alongside Shigure's face! And with this, she kicks off the face with her talon-equipped feet to fly back off, who knows what she can do in melee range...

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure grunts in pain again, a black scorch mark appearing on her face from the kama strike, more pock marks like glanced shells appearing from the talon foot kick. The Destroyer staggers back, tossing away the ruined cannon.

    She brings the remaining cannon into place again, multiple little 'gun nests' folding out of the superstructure and opening fire at the Shinki. "It is always a risk. But one I am more than willing to take." she replies, her voice, still quiet, managing to somehow come over the rattling reports of machineguns and autocannons.

Fuki has posed:
    Fuki's getting used to the firing patterns of the Destroyer and the Anti Air fire traces along the Shinki's side, cracking more and more of her armor as she continues to gain height, the kama's dissapearing and replaced by her rifle once more. "At least you know when to take a risk." she smirks, turning around before diving.

    The rifle's barrel starts glowing brightly, Fuki's aiming to charge the barrel before her shot and down she goes, before strafing the girl with a massive (to scale) laser fire at Shigure!

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure watches, anticipates, then hops aside, letting that laser slice off the very tip of her neckerchief a slip of red fluttering down but no appreciable damage caused. She stumbles, pivots on her heel and uses her momentum to set up her next attack. The barrel of her cannon tonfa flips around to the reversed 'booster' position, while the nests fold back in. She plants her foot, wincing as the damage on her thigh sends a shock of pain through her, but powers through.

    Multiple things happen all at once. The remaining four torpedoes in her untouched turret are pulled, adjusted, then flung at the Shinki, they're then followed up by the report of that cannon. Not only does the butress come hurtling at the Shinki, but autocannon fire surrounds it as well.

    To round it out, some of her Equipment Fairies have taken up old-style rifles and snipe from the Destroyer's shoulders. One even hefts, and tosses a sink at the Shinki!

Fuki has posed:
    Missing was something that Fuki doesn't normally deal with and with the laser blast just slicing off the tip of the neckerchief... "Okay, enough play time!" she shouts as both her scythes come into view. Unfortunately... kind of late with them.

    The torpedoes explode around her bouncing her between explosions while the cannons hit their mark and send her reeling back in the air. And as for revenge for trying to hurt them, the Equipment Fairies rifle shots are spot on and blast more armor away... and the Sink... The sink hits Fuki directly in the head and sends her spinning. WHERE DID THAT SINK COME FROM?!

    The mask cracks and falls off of her face, showing off the Shinki's angry look. "Time to end you..." she growls low, making a high speed dive. The three lights in her chest blink rapidly and her eyes glow a bright red before she starts to spin around, turning herself into a bladed top to crash right into Shigure's chest! "AND SINK!"

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure grunts, again, staggering back as that bladed blender slams into her, slicing into her body, leaving white hot gashes in her 'flesh' shredding her uniform in an artistically styled way that leaves her modesty at least. She falls... or begins to.

    Something flashes in her eyes. She's not done yet. "... Yamashiro..." as if someone had spoken to her. Maybe they did, it's hard to tell.

    Her uncannon'd arm reaches, and despite the spinning death that is Fuki's scythe dance, tries to grab the Shinki. If she manages that much, she begins to squeeze, bringing the other hand in to increase the pressure. "I. Will. Not. Sink. Here." she says carefully, staring down at the tiny robot. Defiant to the end!

Fuki has posed:
    The feeling of scythes upon 'flesh' is a wonderful feeling for the Shinki but... the feel of her not falling to the ground worries her a bit... and for good reason. She's grabbed while spinning, the scythes cutting into the hands but the grip is tight, stopping the Shinki's spin and further damage. "Nnngh, I... will... make you sink!"

    The pressure from one hand is quite a bit but the second hand gripping tighter, the Shinki's body now veritably immobile and soon... the lights in her eyes start to fade... [Warning: Extreme Pressure Detected, Shutting Down To Prevent Software Damage] and soon, slowly... the Shinki's body goes limp in the hands.

Shigure has posed:
    Shigure holds the grip for a few moments after the Shinki shuts down. She pants heavily, smoke rising from the many wounds on her body. She's battered, broken in places, but still standing.

    Her eyes fall into shadow as she slowly loosens her grasp, but doesn't let the Shinki fall. Instead, she brings the limp form close, and hugs the disabled robot. A single tear falls from under the hiding bangs, before the Destroyer limps slowly to the medical and repair tent to drop Fuki off to recover. "You fought well..." she murmurs softly, then continues limping off to return to Hikari and the Docks.