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WMAT B1 Fiora Laurent vs Homura Akemi
Date of Scene: 03 September 2015
Location: Papaya Island - Stadium
Synopsis: It's Grand Duelist versus Puella Magi for a chance to advance to round two, with commentary by GAMAGOORI and Uzu Sanageyama.
Cast of Characters: 2, 430, 824
Tinyplot: WMAT 2015

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
    It's a match that has the stadium packed. The lights are bright, the stands are filled to capacity, the snack vendors are doing a brisk business. And why wouldn't they be? Homura Akemi, the champion of last year's B Bracket, is here to fight again. And not just that, but she's going up against a newcomer whose fame comes entirely from engaging in sanctioned team duels, someone with plenty of experience fighting a single skilled opponent. It's the kind of match that turns heads.

    And the announcers aren't afraid to play that up, either.

    "Good evening, everyone. As previously mentioned, I am Honnouji Academy's Disciplinary Committee Chairman, Ira Gamagoori." "And I'm the Athletics Club chair, Uzu Sanageyama. When they told me the girl who beat Lady Satsuki last year was going up against a fencer, I couldn't resist!" "Hmp. Not just any fencer. Fiora Laurent is a champion duelist of Demacia's famous Laurent noble family, and is renowned within her own world for her exploits in their Institute of War's sanctioned team battles." "Akemi pulled a pretty rough opponent for her first try, eh? Someone who's had a chance to hone her skills in real battle isn't gonna crack easily." "Don't count Akemi out just yet. Her skills as a magical girl won her a championship last year. This match could easily go either way."

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    Fiora is all too happy with the results of the draw, even if she doesn't exactly show it. Her expression is hard to read, but it's clear that despite her excitement, it's a fight she's going to be taking quite seriously. The location, too, is more than acceptable for her. In front of a crowd? Should she defeat the previous year's champion, this will definitely be something that adds to her reputation. And, above all, that's the one thing she's most concerned with. Besides, this person is an ally. It helps to gain insight into the tactics of those fighting alongside you, as well as those of your opponent's.

    Drawing her sword, and raising it to her face in a salute, the tall woman strides forward. "Good luck. I look forward to this." Nothing more need be spoken. For her, the battle to come will say more than mere words would be able to accomplish on their own. And, with that, she adopts a fighting stance, drawing her free hand behind her back and spreading out her feet a bit, knees bent. The single, steel-grey eye not covered by her hair is focused on Homura. There's nothing else to her, just the battlefield and her opponent.

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    On the other hand, Homura wasn't entirely excited. She's always been lacking in the experience department; she plays dirty, and rarely fights on equal grounds. That's what her participation in last year's WMAT meant to fix; she figured, even if she only made it one round in, she'd have gotten enough data to up her game a bit. Instead she just kind of climbed to the top. That, well, that wasn't expected. And now she has to defend that position.

    In a way, it's unwanted. In another, it's more data.

    The Puella Magi appears without warning in the arena, ahead of Fiora, transformed in her magical girl outfit pre-emptively. She's unarmed, and takes her glasses off, rather than risk damaging them, shoving the item into-- god knows where. Purple light just makes it disappear. Her earbud radio tunes to the commentary frequency, and she gives the crowd a hairflip, perhaps the only thing she knows how to do correctly for showmanship's sake.

    "Good luck to you as well. I hope you do not expect a fencing match; my swordplay would leave you disappointed, I'm afraid." She's not bad, but she's not 'the Grand Duelist' either. Really, she's probably not even 'a duelist'.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "Miss Laurent appears to be good and ready for her match. She's looking fairly calm, in fact, for someone facing a returning champion."
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "Oh, don't make any mistake. Under that cool face she's just itching to go. I can tell all the way over here!"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "At the very least, she has sportsmanship. That's something I can respect."
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "...hmm? Akemi's looking awfully calm down there, though. For someone who won it all last year, I'd expect a little more fighting spirit!"

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    With that, Fiora sees no reason not to begin. Once her opponent appears ready, she angles her sword, her arm shifting slowly, so the blade is at a slight downward angle. There's a tense sort of moment, that the crowd might be able to sense, that hangs in the air before she makes her move. "I would not. Fight, however it is you normally would." She speaks, and once her statement is finished, her body immediately springs forward. With just a single stride, she makes to close the gap between herself and the Puella Magi, her hair whipped back from the sheer speed in which she moves.

    The point of her sword is thrust forwards only after she closes that distance, lashing out like a scorpion's tail, at her opponent's shoulder. Nothing fancy, save for the quickness. A fast thrust, to start off the match.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "-and in a very sudden movement, Laurent has closed the gap and begun the match!"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "She's pretty quick on her feet, there! And her fencing form is absolutely flawless. Starting it off simple, using her speed. No sense getting fancy this early!"

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    -- fast. Absurdly fast.

    Homura registers the fact. She's going to need to keep on her toe, because Fiora is obviously not someone to take lightly. As the sword comes close to going through her shoulder, the Puella Magi launches herself to the opposite side-- she tumbles down and rolls, and immediatly gets back onto her knees again. There's a thin red streak where the blade grazed the girl's skin and (slightly sturdier than it looks) outfit, but overall, it could have been much worse.

    "Very well."

    Homura flickers out, her form disappearing without sound or effect. From Fiora's left, a hail of rubber bullets suddenly appears mid-flight and aims for her own shoulders and arms, while the magical girl seems to have just reappears there the exact instant she disappeared. She remains unarmed, despite the bullets telling a different story.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "-AND AKEMI IS ABLE TO JUST BARELY EVADE IT! That was an incredibly quick attack, and she still managed to just avoid a hit!"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "Don't count Laurent out just yet. She still managed a graze. But- wait, Akemi just flickered, she's moving so quickly I can't even follow it! It's that same trick of hers from last year, and she's used it to-"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "Gamagoori, cool it! If Akemi was within the rules last year, I'm pretty sure she's fine this year too."

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    That.. ability? The girl was totally unarmed, a moment before. But, Fiora recalls her glasses up and vanishing, so.. some sort of sorcery? She's definitely not what she seems. Either way, she's pelted with those rubber bullets, and as non-lethal as they might suggest, they're still quite painful, especially considering that they strike at Fiora's unarmored shoulder and side. The leather bodysuit she's wearing is meant to be light, to aid with her speed. When it comes to defensive properties, it has little to offer against something that can break skin, even if it's designed to incapacitate. If she's not careful, that might well be the case.

    Clenching her teeth, Fiora turns, though she notes she did manage to catch her opponent, if only very slightly. Perhaps she needs to use a bit more of an unconventional angle. She dashes again, to Homura's side, and stops only a few feet from her. But the moment she does, like a whip, her arm flicks out in an arc, a visible flash of silver visible as her sword cuts through the air-- and hopefully this time, more solidly at her opponent.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "That's more like it! It looks like even if Akemi can zip around like that and launch attacks wherever she wants, pure speed can still throw her for a loop!"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "Laurent is certainly pushing for exactly that. Taking a fast dash to Akemi's unprotected side, and launching an attack before she can react, is certainly a wise tactic here."

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    Distance is meaningless. It seems Fiora can cross the gap too quickly for any appreciate range within the stadium to really matter. While it's true Homura can 'teleport' for all intents and purposes, the fencer before her is a step below that in speed, which makes it far less useful than if she was fighting, say... well, any big brutish thug. The average opponent, even. Then again this is anything but average.

    The blade draws more definitive blood this time, the flash of silver cutting through her side as she attempts to sidestep again, something Fiora isn't having any of. It cuts through skin and cloth, and Homura lifts one arm up.

    There's a gathering of pages, as slips of paper flock to her hand and form a small leatherbound book out of nowhere. She mutters something incomprehensible, which doesn't quite translate, and things begin slithering under Fiora.

    Writhing tentacles gush out of the ground as though it was water, reaching for her arms and legs, trying to ensnare her, but also to pull and tug painfully. She'll be happy enough if the tentacles can keep her locked in place, honestly, and she'll use the opportunity to jump back a few meters.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "It looks as if Laurent is getting clean hits now that she's adapted to Akemi's abilities."
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "She's definitely got a veteran's experience, most people wouldn't be able to adapt nearly so fast- wait, what the hell is that?!"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "She certainly didn't have a strange spellbook last year! And I certainly don't recall Akemi ever summoning tentacles from the ground to assault her opponents!"

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    Perhaps so. Fiora isn't a stranger to a slippery opponent, given her battle with Ezreal. And, the spellbook only confirms Fiora's suspicions. The girl is definitely some sort of control mage. The moment the ground beneath her begins to shift, Fiora does a rather elegant backflip, springing off only her free hand, and landing out of the range of those tendrils. One of them lashes her on the thigh, leaving a gash in the leather and a welt beneath it, but she's otherwise avoided being locked down by her opponent's spell. Unfortunately, to do so, she's given her ranged opponent a rather significant distance to work with.

    An issue some swordsmen might have a large problem with. For her, however, she has an elegant.. if perhaps difficult decision. Maintain the distance, and see what her opponent has up her sleeves, or press her advantage by closing the gap again. It's a descision she makes quickly, as she takes a brief sprint forward and leaps, twisting in the air, as she does another flip forwards. When she comes down, it's sword first. Another wide slash with her blade, that the girl will no doubt be forced to duck under or try to roll to evade. Moving forward or back would be.. ill-advised, to say the least. She could easily turn on her opponent on landing, if that's the case. Time to see how smart her adversary is.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "Whatever the status of Homura Akemi's mystical talents, Laurent is able to largely evade the tentacles, although I believe she's taken a hit in the process."
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "Yeah, and one that's gonna smart at that. For someone who relies on her speed, even a welt on the leg is rough. It stands to reason Akemi'd bring a few new tricks this yea-"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "Damn it, will you at least let me finish a-"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "She's launching a barrage from the air, adding impressive acrobatics to her swordwork to press Akemi from above!"

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    An ill-advised move that Homura makes. Seeing Fiora lunge at her again, she dives further back, but neglects the range of the blade. It catches her waist, cutting a painful gash through. Fiora's cuts and bruises might not be lopping limbs off, but after half a dozen more of those she'll have done the same amount of damage regardless. Maybe using the Text this early into learning to use its powers was a bit too much.

    She lets go of the spellbook, which turns back into a flying swarm of pages. The pages scamper off to the spectator stands, and transfrom into a girl with long green-white hair, purple-blue robes, and differently colored eyes, purple and yellow. She immediatly walks off to find a hot dog vendor quietly.

    Homura is left in melee. Purple lightning gathers in her left hand, forming her holy sword, Tyrfing, the jagged, nearly thunderbolt shaped blade brought down immediatly in a downward swing.

    There's unnatural swiftness to her, too-- it's not like Fiora's top-notch speed. Homura's movements aren't natural, they're sped up. And perhaps unskilled, too, to someone like the duelist's eyes.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "Hoh! It looks like Akemi still doesn't have a read on her opponent's reach! That's a pretty nasty cut she's got there."
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "It doesn't seem to be stopping her. And- how is it legal for one of Akemi's combat assets to sit in the stands and watch when not in use?!"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "...you're not saying a word about how a book turned into a girl?"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "AND NOW AKEMI'S USING A SWORD OF HER OWN! One that seems to have elemental abilities, at that!"

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    The girl has made another mistake. Bringing out a sword. There's something of a spark in Fiora's eyes, as she sees the blade come out. She stands her ground, even in the face of the weapon, and throws out her own, the two swords meeting. It would stand to reason that the longer and more sturdy of the two would win, if they were simply smacked together. But, rapiers are made of these sorts of situations. The jagged edge of Tyrfing makes it hard to move once Fiora's sword has caught itself on one of those edges. Once it does, Fiora throws her weight into her shoulder, the only result of the clash being that the longer Tyrfing cuts into her shoulder.

    She's thusly pushes the heavier weapon out of the way, her body drawing back and coiling like a spring, as she prepares her counter-attack. A short, series of jabbing strikes, with the sharp point of her sword. Perhaps she'll drop the weapon, perhaps not. But she might regret trying to use it in the first place.

    Either way, she's not putting much force behind the strikes. But the preciseness.. where they're landing, is what might matter if the fight drags out.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "It looks like trying to match Laurent in her own area of experties was a mistake for Akemi! Sanageyama, how pale would you say that Akemi is looking ri- ..."
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "..."
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "...Right. Erm."
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "Leave the color commentary to the blind man."
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "..."
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "-Laurent's got one hell of a style there! She just keeps bouncing back and hitting Akemi hard, it's a damn fine aggressive style! I'm starting to understand why she's such a terror in that League of hers!"

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    The pressure is ridiculous. Fiora isn't giving her a second to think, plan or do anything. She'd need to burn magic to catch a break, and that'll leave her without magic to burn for the actual fighting. As bad ideas go, that's near the top.

    Tyrfing pushed away, Fiora's rapid flurry cuts and stabs away at the girl-- the arms, shoulders, one in the chest. No deep wounds, but plenty of small holes. At least Homura's fast enough to avoid being completely run through, but one assumes Fiora is also skilled enough she wouldn't make a motion that could kill if she knew it'll land.

    Breathing room. She needs breathing room.

    Tyrfing crackles, and suddenly booms like thunder. There's a bright flash of purple light, holy in nature, and an explosion of electricity around Homura attempts to shock Fiora backwards, and create a residual, lingering effect around the Puella Magi for at least a few seconds. Kind of a poor man's lightning shield. It'll be gone two or three seconds later.

    But right now, two or three seconds is a lot.

    On the other hand, her blade is gone now.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "Laurent is keeping immense pressure on Akemi, not letting up her attack even for a moment!"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "She's about as rough an opponent as someone who fights like Akemi does could possibly face. Enough speed to keep in close, enough skill to account for just about anything Akemi might do!"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "-and Akemi seems to know it, she's trying to change the tone of the exchange entirely! Her lightning blade seems to be overcharging itself, and- yes, she's unleashed a blast of electricity around herself to force Laurent away!"

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    Fiora is definitely shocked backwards, the woman knocked away from the Puella Magi, enough to give her some more breathing room. "Haah.." Shakes her head, some of the energy still arcing off of her armor and her weapon. Definitely a control mage. But, pressing her, thusfar, has been effective. Far be it from Fiora to stray from something that works.

    She crouches slightly, springing forwards, towards her opponent and from above, again. She tries to land to either side, turning on her heel to lash out with one of her feet, to kick the girl in the side. She's definitely trying to push back, so she can continue to follow up.

    She takes a breath, as she lands, knowing it could leave her quite open, should her opponent be able to evade.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "It looks like she felt that pretty harshly!"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "Nope. It gave her a bit of a jolt, but that's about it. Laurent's still looking pretty fired up!"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "I can see what you mean, she's-"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "HAH! Smart move on her part! This isn't a dueling arena, no sense sticking to the sword alone!"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori grouses. Ahem. "Laurent has decided to give Akemi a swift kick to the side, a risky move but one with a fair bit of payoff on sheer surprise factor!"

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    The kick finds purchase, and if anything, tells Fiora that this girl isn't really build for melee combat. She's not strong, or even sturdy. It wasn't hard to push her over with her foot, and she might have caused more damage than just making her hit the ground judging from the sound. Ribs are always the first thing to go in these things.

    Rather than crawl to her feet where the fencer can reach her, Homura just disappears again. She reappears, standing, looking much better (for a given definition; she's definitely not on the ground and panting for air anymore, at least). Who knows how long she took to breathe and cough up blood. Unfortunately, there's nothing she can do about the trail of blood her numerous wounds leave behind, so it becomes immediatly obvious she somehow walked from in front of Fiora all the way to the back of the cut stone arena.

    Actually, there's a bit of blood everywhere on the arena in general.

    Homura lifts one hand, leveling a pistol towards Fiora. She opens fire; nothing unusual there. Another wave of rubber rounds. What's different, though, is when Fiora dodges, or when she tries to close the gap again.

    Mines have been scattered all over. The arena's a minefield, small, barely visible bombs just waiting to be stepped on. Fiora has a good eye though. She might be able to see and navigate through them just fine.

    With her speed, dodging outright isn't even out of the question.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "It's just like it was when Lady Satsuki went after her, Akemi's still just as weak to melee as ever. A solid hit seems to have rocked her pretty hard."
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "But one quick disappearance later, and suddenly she's on the other side of the arena, and there's a trail of blood!"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "...I see, so that's what Lady Satsuki noticed..."
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori clears his throat. "Akemi is looking a lot better, but she doesn't seem to have much more to offer than a simple few shots with those rubber-"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "Ahahaha... AHAHAH! I almost didn't notice that!"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "What?"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "Oh, when Laurent dodges, she better watch her step."

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    The firearm again. Indeed, Fiora does evade.. But not perhaps in the manner Homura was expecting. Blade at the ready, even a bullet of lethal design would find it difficult to touch her. Thus, bullets made of rubber don't fare any better, a blur of silver slicing through each one. It's actually when she charges to counter attack, does she realize the other part of Homura's attack. It was a feint, and those mines certainly are sensitive. Fiora's stepping forward, not to mention the remains of the rubber bullets, are enough to set them off.

    She is, however, able to leap. Pushing off with that step, she tries her damndest to go as high as she can, though her other thigh and shin are peppered with shrapnel, cutting through the leather and drawing some blood in the process. Even when she lands again, she's careful with her steps.

    She has an idea of what to look for now, but her attenion.. which was laser focused on her opponent, is divided. Avoiding further contact with the mines will have to be something she keeps her mind on. She draws up to her normal fighting stance, standing straight with her free hand behind her back and her feet aligned, one behind the other. "You certainly are full of surprises." It's not just magic, either, it would seem. She's seen traps like these before, from a certain swift scout, who she.. has some history with. She thusly is very precise with her steps as she moves in for her next attack, weaving back and forth, turning when she has to, to maintain her speed. It's quite the elegant sight, especially when the arm holding her sword that's tucked in a bit against her body lunges outwards, again, at Homura.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "Did you forget about my special ability?"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori grunts.
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "Didn't make much difference, though, because Laurent's got a pretty keen eye herself! She managed to get herself up and over without taking much more than a bit of shrapnel for her trouble."
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "But now her attention looks divided. It's a clever maneuver, in and of itself, but Laurent is being very careful about her approach for her next attack."

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    Even a minefield can't stop this woman from pushing.
    Clearly Homura's mistake is assuming she's sane and capable of anything but forward momentum. Fiora's blade lodges itself through Homura's chest-- not a lethal blow even for a normal human, but a painful one, the blade caught between two ribs, hitting just to the side enough it's missed vital organs. Not that Homura would be especially affected by such.

    But she stands her ground.

    "And you, you're very difficult to shake off."

    Magic burns a bit faster, but she's shut down her pain. Too many cuts and open wounds to keep focusing otherwise, even if the pain is diminished. Using the fact the fencer's blade is still IN her, the Puella Magi attempts to life a foot up and kick, aiming for the throat, with another burst of that unnatural increased speed. Just that won't threaten Fiora though.

    The idea's that she's in no position to dodge and can be knocked back. The moment the blade is out of her sides, she'll blurr again, reappearing behind, and above, Fiora, holding a large black and purple bow, with a purple, magical string. A kick from the front, and a hailstorm of magical arrows from the back. With any luck, she'll back up right onto a mine, too.

    Without luck, she won't be able to even kick Fiora away and that sword will still be in her. That, that will NOT be pleasant for Homura if it happens.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "-THAT WAS A CLEAN HIT! An ordinary person wouldn't even be standing by now, but Akemi has taken a stab to the chest and she's still on her feet!"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "Heh! At this point I think the winner's gonna be decided by who's more stubborn, because neither of them seem the sort to give up for something as trifling as injuries."
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "I'm almost inclined to believe that. I- HOW DOES SHE KEEP DOING THAT?! Attacks that seem to come from all sides at once, all of them instantaneous!"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "I've got my theories, but just blabbing them wouldn't be polite. Suffice it to say, those arrows were what ended Lady Satsuki's run last year, so Laurent better watch out!"

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    Fiora is quick to tilt herself back, far enough that the kick just barely grazes her cheek. But when she stands upright, her opponent is gone. Damn slippery, indeed! Above and behind, and no longer with her sword stuck between her ribs. And armed again, with another weapon. A bow, that fires a whole quiver's worth of arrows at her. She does have to make do, and can't make any sort of move to counter attack, just yet. It's all about dodging those arrows, now. As well as the mines.

    "Bloody..!" She does step on one, and it peppers her with shrapnel, the lapse also allowing one of the arrows to land solidly into her shoulder. Thankfully, not her sword arm. The others rain down, cutting and grazing the woman as she tries to dance out of the way. She's definitely breathing a little harder, after that one.

    Fiora tweaks her head, flipping the hair out of her face, and out of her eyes, though it does fall back over the one again. Neither of them seem to be willing to extend their fight. Fiora certainly doesn't, at this rate. Just what else does that girl have in her bag of tricks? She doesn't want to give her a chance to dip any further into it, that's for sure. The moment Homura lands on the ground, Fiora is charging straight at her. But, she passes.. right through her? The attack, itself, comes from behind. She managed a burst of speed, just for a moment, as she came into sword range, that might fool the Puella Magi.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "It looks like Akemi finally found a blind spot!"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori sputters.
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "I don't think Laurent's having a very good day right now, but I get the sense this is about par for the course for her, she's taking it all in stride! Keeping a cool head even when she gets surprised like that... that's a pretty hefty advantage on its own!"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "It's certainly given her a chance to retaliate, and she's back to pressing the advantage, charging right in at Akemi-"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "No, the attack's coming from behind! A last-second burst of speed... at that range that's not easy to pull off!"

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    Another frontal attack that doesn't go as expected at all. Homura is quick to back away, thankfully to the side, or else she'd have impaled herself onto the sword straight up. The cut is nasty nonetheless, yet another red gash that adds itself to the-- what, ten, fifteen by this point? If that blade has even the slightest amount of bloodthirst it ought to be very satisfied right now.

    She spins to face Fiora, unhindered by the pain. Or perhaps, completely unaware of the wound. That's the issue with doing that-- you don't KNOW you've been injured unless you see it happening. And all she saw was Fiora behind her, and that was more instinct than anything.

    "If you are the one to win, I will not be surprised. You are aggressive and relentless, but not careless. Finding gaps in your defense is difficult."

    Compliments aside, the Puella lets loose another volley of arrows, these ones much larger, more like beams of purple light than arrows at this point. She doesn't intend to stop, either-- maybe if she can keep Fiora on the run by constantly firing at her, she won't be able to stab her for the nth time.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "Gotta agree with Akemi. Even with my Goku Uniform, I wouldn't take her lightly. She's the toughest kind of opponent."
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "You could say the same of Akemi herself. Despite facing such a powerful enemy, she remains cold and calm. Even able to praise her opponent for skilled fighting."
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "All the praise in the world won't win a match, but- those arrows, on the other hand, that's going to make Laurent's life difficult! Ahahaha, not a bad choice!"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "Barrage fire like that will make it hard for even someone as swift as Laurent is to close range. Akemi is definitely playing to her strengths now!"

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    Hm. Even /more/ arrows, this time. She can't dodge all of them, either.

Still, she can't sit there, and do nothing. The arrows almost seem faster, streaks of purple light that rain down like spears. She does what she can, as she dashes back and forth, moving quickly enough that by the time she's stepped on a mine, she's well enough away that the blast doesn't catch her. The sheer number of arrows, however.. Once she does come to a stop, she has a few more lodged in her, and she's definitely a bit more winded from the barrage.

"A dance. One opponent, trying to gain the advantage. Fighting to find that lead, that will let them set the tempo. I live for this sort of thing, don't you?"

    The woman manages to turn up the corners of her lips in a small smile, and she charges her opponent once more. Once more, a display not of sheer strength. But speed and precision. She dashes again, fast enough that she leaves behind another afterimage. But, more impressively, is that she keeps doing it. It's hard to tell if her feet ever touch the ground, blurs and flashes of silver, combined with the black of her outfit. And, undoubtedly, streaks of red. Fiora has always styled herself as an artist, as much as a fighter. Her blade is her brush, the blood of her enemies the paint.

And the field of battle, her canvas. For the crowd, it's almost beautiful to look at. Homura, on the other hand, might have a different opinion, as the duelist blinks back and forth around her, slashing with her sword as she does so.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
-<RADIO: GAM>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "Heh... hehehahaha... oh, Fiora Laurent, now there's a proper swordswoman. All about the duel itself, and damn anything else. That's the kind of spirit I like seeing!"
-<RADIO: GAM>- Ira Gamagoori says, "It's the sort of person this tournament was made for, and Laurent certainly seems to be thriving in it. She's displaying incredible speed and technical skill, and looks like she's enjoying every moment of-"
-<RADIO: GAM>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "Holy crap, look at her go! I don't know if she's even touching the ground at this point, I can barely follow it, but she's hitting again and again!"

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    If Homura could appreciate the art of a sword dance, she would certainly find it pretty, yes. It's rare the victim gets to appreciate being torn to shreds, though. Pain or no pain, she can tell each cut is draining her, and she can't outrun the fencer. Blood is drawn a dozen times, and eventually the Puella Magi just loses count. In desperation she burns more magic to blur and disappear, reappearing further away in front of Fiora, on one knee and still breathing heavily.

    It's not pain, it's exhaustion. Though boy everything will hurt when she turns the pain suppression back off. Clenching her bow, she struggles to rise, to aim the weapon at Fiora.

    "No. I do not enjoy battle. This was a whim last year; it's an obligation this time. Needless risk. Needless damage. Needless resource consumption."

    She jumps up, and aims down; due to the spectator stands she can't just aim at Fiora from the ground. Well, the barriers would probably hold, but why take the risk. The bowstring is pulled back, and a single massive arrow of light forms. Without any showmanship to it, she just unleashes it downward, and it blooms into a full column of purifying light.

    She'll be forced to land afterwards; not a pleasant thought.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama snorts. "If she doesn't want to be here, she should-"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori loudly clears his throat. "Akemi is looking extremely winded by this point, and I'm fairly certain she's looking to see this match to its conclusion one way or the other! Laurent's attacks have worn her down and injured her, but she's still got the energy left to fire off- wait, is that-?!"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "That's it! That's the attack that put Lady Satsuki out last year! I don't remember that arrow being so large, but that just adds to the danger for Laurent!"

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    "It's hard to say.. Battle itself, I do not enjoy.. But, the thrill of it? Hm.. Perhaps too introspective, for now." Fiora can't help but shrug, as she lands on her feet. As the girl leaps up and aims down at her, Fiora decides to go the patient route. Await what her enemy has in store for her, and see if she can't outplay it, somehow. Though, at this point, one has to expect some sort of trump card. And Fiora is not disappointed, in that respect. That arrow is.. big. Very big. "Very well, then. A fight to the finish. I would expect nothing less from a champion!"

And what does she do, in the face of that? She concentrates. The blast no doubt takes up a good portion of the arena, but, there's something that's definitely odd. Nothing from the competitor that attack was thrown at. No pained sounds, nor a cry of anguish. That definitely looks like it would hurt, after all. So.. what happened, exactly?

    Fiora launches herself to the edge of the arena, into one of the few corners that massive and powerful attack doesn't manage to scathe. And the moment it fades, she lunges once more. Her opponent, having used such a powerful attack, might not expect her to be in fighting form in the aftermath, let alone having dodged it. Rather than stabbing the girl, Fiora's sword hand pulls back, and she throws a punch at her, the solid construction of her weapon's basket hilt working much like a pair of brass knuckles might.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "She kept her cool even with that huge arrow coming at her, and at the last second she went to the furthest corner of the arena! She's not just fast, she's got sharp judgement under fire! If this is the kind of swordswoman Runterra produces, I need to see about a Honnouji Academy trip there some time soon!"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "But avoiding that attack means Akemi is wide open, and- IS SHE TRYING TO OUTRIGHT PUNCH AKEMI'S LIGHTS OUT?!"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "Oi, Gamagoori, you'll blow out the arena speakers."

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    "Living a life of unwanted fighting would change one's perspective. Perhaps otherwise I might enjoy this," Homura replies, flatly, between breaths. Fiora was too fast-- and she's right. She'd have expected the fencer to be caught in the blast, even the edges, and to not be able to counterattack immediatly afterwards. But she always prepares for the worst, too.

    A sidestep is all it takes to turn that blow to the face into something that nicks the side of her head; much better than being knocked out cold outright. She's still stuck in melee against an expert, and she doesn't have the magic to spare to really do anything about it anymore. She'll just have to stand her ground and do what she can.

    A metallic noise clicks in her sleeve, and a Hidden Blade pops out; the pitch black sword, evidently attached to her wrist, looks more like a Regisword than an instrument of assassination, and it expands beyond its original size to the actual length of a sword without much explanation. The MURDER OF KING CHARLES was a handy toy, Homura'll ever be thankful for her interactions with Vruasa and the other Fiora.

    She thrusts forward, as the blade expands, hoping to return the favor for all those wounds she's covered in.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "Well now, it looks like Akemi's at least been training since last year. She's learned how to handle a punch to the head really well!"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "Akemi has managed to avoid taking a solid hit, but that still leaves her within sword range of one of the finer swordswomen I've ever seen. But-"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "Where did she-?! ...a hidden blade! That seems just like Akemi, at this point, doesn't it!"
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "I don't know how in the world she hid a sword-sized blade in her sleeve, but if Laurent is as surprised as we are, she's going to be in trouble!"

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    Fiora lets out a grunt, as she feels that stab, into her side. She shudders, briefly, letting out a ragged breath. "Nngh.." A little blood trickles from the corner of her mouth, but she doesn't appear to be done, just yet. She keeps herself at that close range, and leans back a bit. Her off hand reaches behind her, and she draws her parrying dagger from the sheath on her back. Thus, she returns the favor, and thrusts it into her opponent. "One good turn.."

    The woman seems to falter a bit, after that. She, too, is just about at the limits of her endurance. Those arrows took their toll, and that blow with the sword isn't helping matters any.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "You know, it really says something about Akemi that even with this whole match having her on the ropes, she's got Laurent looking like she just went a few rounds with a champi- ...uh."
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Ira Gamagoori says, "But despite being stabbed, Laurent is pulling out a second blade of her own, and she's LUNGING IN FOR ANOTHER ATTACK-!"

Homura Akemi (2) has posed:
    A blow for a blow. Unfortunately, Homura won't be able to return that one. Fiora's blade tastes blood one last time, cutting a gash through one of the magical girl's shoulders, all the way through, as she moves to avoid it.

    She falls to one knee, remaining in place, and lifts the only hand she's able to anymore, to show she's unarmed and not attacking.

    "I yield. Further damage would threaten to be lethal, and this'll be painful enough when I stop suppressing pain. You've more than earned your pass to round two. Congratulations."

    She couldn't even stand straight if she wanted to, really. She might not be feeling pain, but her body's still refusing to obey commands too well right now. That's a flaw she overlooked, without Sayaka's regeneration to complement it.

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
-<RADIO: WMAT8>- Uzu Sanageyama says, "One hell of a show... I'm looking forward to seeing just how far Laurent gets!"

Fiora Laurent (824) has posed:
    Fiora is satisfied with that. "Very well. I must say, I'm pleased to know we are on the same side." She wipes clean her dagger and sheathes it again, and as she did at the beginning of the duel, raises her sword in a salute to her opponnent. "Thank you. You fought well. I can see why you were the champion of the previous year."

She cleans the sword, sheathes it as well, and bows to the girl. "A privalege, to have crossed swords. Go and rest. You have more than earned it."