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Revision as of 16:51, 9 September 2015

WMAT B1 Taylita vs Mako Mankanshoku
Date of Scene: 08 September 2015
Location: WMAT Arena - Gizard Wasteland
Synopsis: It's Taylita versus Mako Mankanshoku in the WMAT B Bracket!
Cast of Characters: 180, 191, 385
Tinyplot: WMAT 2015

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
Some days, Yuna wonders whether the battle 'arenas' for the World Martial Arts Tournament were picked because you honestly can't tell how much of the current arrangement of the landscape is from other fights and how much is naturally occuring. What she doesn't have to wonder - probably - is how much the current landscape will resemble the lay of the land after the fight ...

But that's beside the point for now; she has a match to announce, and she's already in her battlesuit's Flight Form for the purpose, the armor's thruster pack and wings letting her maneuver freely without the need to get too close to the action. She's got a microphone in hand and a camera drone tracking her movements, so it shouldn't be too hard.

The camera's light goes on, and Yuna smiles, speaking into her microphone as she addresses the camera. "Welcome to all our viewers! I'm here in the Gizard Wasteland for what's certain to be a lively, high-powered match between two talented fighters!"

She pauses, glancing away and down to see where the fighters are right now.

Taylita (180) has posed:
     As Yuna looks around for the fighters, one comes roaring in with an aura of blue energy surrounding and flowing behind her. It is the red-haired saiyan, Taylita! Probably not all that known, but she isn't in this for fame or fortune. She just enjoys the challenge of battle and the thrill a good victory brings.

     She rockets right past Yuna, grinning as she goes, the flies straight down to land on one of the rocky spires. Her aura disappates with a sound almost like a gunshot, then she looks around for her opponent. "I haven't even heard of this Mako. Wonder what she's like? I hope she's a good fighter." Taylita says, grinning at the prospect of a fight.

     She stretches a bit as she stands on the tip of her rocky spire, then looks up toward the camera and does a few muscle-flexing poses before winking.

Mako Mankanshoku (191) has posed:
    In the opposite corner of the demarked battlefield, there is ... no opponent!

    There is, however, a little three-wheeled truck zipping up from behind the observation stands, with a large man behind the wheel, a slender woman beside him, and a young boy hanging out the window with a pug in a hoodie. This vehicle pulls a hard turn, skidding to a two-wheeled stop in a cloud of dust. The driver turns around, hauling up a foot and kicking a figure out of the truck's bed, "Time for your fight, Mako! Do us proud!"

    The figure tumbles out of the truck and lands in a black and crimson heap with a snrt sort of sound, like someone just had a nap interrupted, and remains still while the truck putters away so the family can join the stands and watch.

    Snapping awake, Mako suddenly leaps to her feet and plants them down, "That's right! I had another fight today!" She smacks her fist into her opposing hand, scattering dust around her, "Honnouji Academy Fight Club President, Mankanshoku Mako, is ready to rumble!"


    The huge, stacked up red stone block letters erupting behind her crumble down one after the other. Lowering her hands, Mako quickly bows, "Nice to meet you!" And instantly the letters erupt up again, if briefly.


Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"And there's Taylita," Yuna says, "coming in hot and fast! Taylita's pretty well-established in the Multiverse, she's been in the Union for a number of years and she's seen other Saiyans come and go, but she's still here, still training, and still kicking butt!" She waves back to the red-haired Saiyan.

"And here comes Mako now, along with the Mankanshoku family!" continues the blonde idol as Mako gets dropped off - literally - by her father. "Looks like Mako's been resting up for this match ... she's going to need all her energy, because Taylita's certain to give Mako a challenge! But given the legacy of the Honnouji Fight Club, Taylita'd better not be expecting an easy match ..."

Yuna grins into the camera, although the feed is probably focused on the two fighters at this point. "So both competitors are here and ready, the match is about to start - !"

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita is left staring at how her opponent arrives, and again when those stone letters erupt and crumble behind her. She scratches her head a bit, then snickers. "Nice to meet you too, fight club President. I'm Taylita, no titles or anything. I could probably make some up, but...eh, titles are just for show. I want to see what you can do!"

     With that, Taylita is off like a shot, flying right toward Mako. "Think fast!" Taylita shouts before she fires a pair of small but intense ki bursts, trying to distracted Mako while she closes in to melee range. The ki bursts explode on impact, carrying with them the weight of a full power punch.

Mako Mankanshoku (191) has posed:
    "I agree!" Mako states with a smile, causing the clover in her teeth to bounce, "Why talk when you can fight! That's what the Fight Club is all about!" She straightens, tucking her hands into the pockets of her coat in a standard bancho's posture, "Though makin' it fun to watch matters, too!"

    Incoming energy balls! Mako pulls her hands from her pockets and raises them defensively. The first sphere strikes her crossed arms with a solid sound, though she suddenly draws back her right hand. The second ki sphere is not blocked normally-- rather, Mako slams her fist into it, guarded by the gold-colored starburst knuckleduster she wears. There's a metallic sound as energy and Life Fiber interact, hurling the ki blast right back at the incoming saiyen.

    "I don't think at all, sorry~!" the girl teases, "It kinda slows me down!"

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Taylita leaps right into action! She goes straight for Mako - tossing ki blasts ahead of her instead of waiting until she gets in close!" Yuna reports. "Mako takes them like a champ though, blocking -"

The 'clang' noise takes Yuna by surprise; the rebound counter, even moreso. "- AND RETURNING ONE! She just pegged Taylita with one of her own ki balls! Maybe fighting without thinking about it is going to work to the Fight Clubber's advantage!"

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita blinks in surprise as her second shot comes flying right back at her and explodes right against her face, sending the saiyan flipping through the air even as she moves forward. She lands on her feet sprinting, smirking at her opponent. "Thinking can slow the reflexes in combat, it's true." Taylita says even as she rushes in.

     She sees the glinting of that knuckleduster and goes for a feint rather than a direct attack. She charges like she is going to punch Mako in the face, but at the last second her form blurs and she appears above Mako in the middle of a downward kick. She definitely isn't holding back, aiming the heel of her foot at Mako's head.

Mako Mankanshoku (191) has posed:

    The sound of Taylita's heel striking Mako's head makes a resounding hollow noise, not unlike striking a coconut. The impact also knocks her into a bowing position, hands held up at either side, with a squawking sound more of surprise than anything else. The blow bashed in her hat, for sure, and there's a bump under it now.

    "I just do whatever--" Mako states from this position, rapidly straightening and kicking off at last. The simple act of moving at full force throws up debris beneath her, with Mako ascending right into Taylita's personal space.

    "Here I go!" Her fist draws back, golden knuckleduster glittering in the sunlight briefly before she throws out a vicious right cross with so much power that it throws her body into a spin. This spin is used to create a follow-up attack, as Mako brings up her leg to lash out using her spiked geta sandals in a roundhouse combo that ought to send the Z fighter sprawling.

Taylita (180) has posed:
     The first hit lands solidly, snapping Taylita's head to one side, but she manages to parry the kick and catches Mako's leg. "Nice try, but you'll have to do better!" Taylita says, even as blood runs from her mouth thanks to that heavy blow. She then spins, using Mako's leg to impart centripidal force onto her.

     Which naturally leads to her spinning Mako around by her foot a few times before throwing her toward the ground.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Getting a faceful of her own ki doesn't slow Taylita down; she just keeps on going - and a boot to Mako's head! I don't know how much protection a Goku Uniform gives Mako but that HAS to hurt even so ... but, Mako's not backing off either; she spins up and lashes out with a pair of kicks, trying to knock Taylita for a loop!"

Yuna shakes her head briefly, trying to remember to breathe when the chance presents itself. "We're still just getting started but both competitors are already going at each other like nobody's business ... Taylita takes those kicks like a trooper, grabbing Mako and taking HER for a spin, literally swinging her around by her leg and sending the Fight Clubber flying!"

Mako Mankanshoku (191) has posed:
    "Whoop!" Mako lets out that surprised noise when she's caught, spun, and hurled across Gizard. She bounces once, about fifty yards away, and then smashes into a rock formation with a blast of stone converted violently into graval. Before the dust has even settled, the girl comes charging right out again in a rushdown, her geta smashing small craters as she charges in.

    "Then I'll just do better!"

    Mid-run, Mako tucks a hand into her jacket, rummaging. Though the charge gives Taylita plenty of warning that an attack is coming, Mako's own bag of tricks includes more than feet and fists.

    Once she's in range, the girl snaps her hand out of her coat pocket in a high speed attempt to bash her foe upside the head with, of all things, a pipe wrench. It's plated in gold, glittering with Life Fiber enhancement, and as a result is much more durable than a regular wrench has any right to be.


Taylita (180) has posed:

     Taylita's head doesn't sound as hollow, but the resounding sound from the wrench makes it clear it was a solid hit. Taylita is sent tumbling head over heels before smashing into a rock formation similar to Mako's. But, she doesn't get up quite fast enough and the rocks fall all over her.

     It is quiet a moment, then there is a crashing sound and Taylita rises into the air, carrying a large boulder with her. "That was better!" Taylita says, grinning. This girl's spirit is infectious! "But, don't think I'm going to let a wrench to the head take me out. I'm a mechanic! A wrench to the head is just another day at the office!"

     She throws the boulder on the last word, and it goes rolling across the landscape like Taylita is trying to bowl for Mako. She is really hoping for a strike!

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Mako slams into a rock formation and *levels* it!" Yuna calls out, wincing. "She still doesn't let it slow her down, though, charging back at Taylita and whacking her with a golden pipe wrench ... where was Mako hiding that thing?" she wonders, wincing again. "Even a Saiyan's skull has limits ... Taylita's probably seeing stars - and I don't mean the two on Mako's uniform! - as she goes flying ...."

Another wince. "Right into another rock. Score one for Mako Mankanshoku - wait, Taylita's airborne, and she hurls a boulder, rolling it across the canyon at Mako! Can she dodge it - ?!"

Mako Mankanshoku (191) has posed:
    Following the hit, Mako teeters briefly on one foot before she can catch her balance, recovering and swinging the wrench up to her shoulder. With her other hand, she scratches at the side of her nose, "Hmm? You fix things?" She glances aside at the wrench itself, hefting it down again, "But don't plumbers use this?"

    In her moment of distraction, Mako is bowled over (!?) by a giant round boulder. She clings to it while it rolls, getting squished under it a few times until she kicks out her legs and digs in to stop it. One of her sleeves snaps out, producing an enormous white glove balled up into a fist which knocks the stone aside.

    "Okay!" the girl states, "Time to get serious!" Her feet dig in, than the girl leaps forward, forming a crater where she had been standing. One leg extends, striking the earth again, and the girl springs right back into Taylita's personal space. This time, she strikes with her knuckleduster, the wrench in her left hand, as well as the large white gloves emerging from her coat's errant sleeves which seem to maneuver entirely on their own. It's a common enough image for those who fight like Saiyens, but this girl is from a different world entirely..!

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita is caught off guard by the speed and strength and multi-limbed abilities of Mako! She gets punched, then wrenched, then comical-glove-smacked! The last one sends her spiraling away from Mako and toward the ground, where she crashes again. She gets up pretty quickly, coughing from the impacts and the injuries. "Are you from my world?" she asks Mako before she kicks off and heads right back to Mako. She leads with a strong right upper followed by a left for the ribs, and follows those up with a quick roundhouse kick!

     "Hey, wrenches can be used for other things! Maybe not that one, but...other wrenches!" Taylita exclaims as her profession is called into question.

Mako Mankanshoku (191) has posed:
    "Nope! I'm from Honnou Town!" A den of violence and insanity and crazy uniforms that make people superhuman. As Taylita sails away, Mako plants her feet and slams her wrench into her free hand. At the same time, her gloves smack fist into palm, scattering dust and pebbles around her, "I told you I was getting serious!"

    When the saiyen closes in again, Mako attempts to counter but is caught in the chin hard enough to knock her airborne, her wrench spinning off to who knows where. Recovering, she manages to twist away from the chest blow, though the kick sends her sailing head over heels with a "--Wah!" of surprise.

    Spreading her sleeves out, Mako arrests her tumbling upside-down, hands rummaging inside her jacket until she produces a length of chain with a weight. This is spun up rapidly and then hurled in an attempt to entangle Taylita, and then yanked on to wrench the saiyen towards the airborne Mako.

    She can't fly, really. This is just some impressive hang time.

    In yanking Taylita towards herself, Mako winds up her right sleeve's giant gloved fist, prepared to meet her foe's approach with a straight-armed punch, "--Ey~!"

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"And Mako takes the boulder head-on, *ow*!! I don't know what that uniform's made from, but that still had to leave a mark ..." Yuna shakes her head and keeps narrating, "Taylita's boulder actually took Mako off her feet and kept rolling! But - but Mako is out from under it, back on her feet, and leaping for Taylita; they're both going for close-combat combos now, no ki blasts or thrown rocks, just pure hand-to-hand martial arts!! Taylita takes some hard hits, but she still turns things to her advantage - at least I think she did, Mako got knocked flying again ... but she snares Taylita with a chain and starts trying to reel her in, ready to sock her!"

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita is wrapped up by a chain, but unlike Mako she really -can- fly. So, as she is dragged in toward Mako, she uses a bit of her aerial prowess to dart just enough that she is just skimmed by that gloved fist. It hurts, but it isn't anything too bad.

     This leaves her with plenty of momentum, which the saiyan somersaults into a double kick which she aims at Mako's belly. "Well, I'm getting serious, too! You have a lot of tricks, I'll give you that. But, my strength and training is sure to emerge victorious!"

Mako Mankanshoku (191) has posed:
    Oh, she can fly! Mako didn't even know that. And it's likely she'll forget at some point, too. When Taylita avoids her sleeve-fist and turns the yank into her own attack, Mako twists to defend herself, taking the blow with an arm crossed with her unoccupied sleeve-arm to disperse the impact. This sends her ground-ward, still trailing the golden Life Fiber-reinforced chain, but at a controlled enough rate that the girl can right herself and land on her feet.

    "S'not about training," Mako states, wrapping both hands around her chain, "It's about how much fun you have! Here I go~!" Though Taylita can fly, Mako yanks on the chain again. Finding it hard to overcome the saiyen's ki-powered lift, she reaches up with her sleeve-gloves and winds the chain around them, than yanks again-- with much greater strength-- in an attempt to slam Taylita into the ground.

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita blinks as Mako twists to defend. She still lands a blow, but it isn't as solid as Taylita would have liked. And Taylita is still wrapped in that chain! She tries to break it, but this is one tough chain. As Taylita is yanked toward the ground, she goes into a spin. The spin dishes off the chain by unwrapping it, but she still has quite a bit of momentum toward the ground.

     The saiyan crashes into the ground, but she is able to land on her hands and feet which reduces the damage considerably. "Whew! That could have been bad!" Taylita says as she stands up again, then leaps back into the air. She floats there, arms stretched out to her sides. Then, her body starts to glow. Gently at first, but steadily stronger. The light in a small radius around her dims while she glows more and more noticably with a yellow-white light. "Let's see how bright you are!" Taylita exclaims before she thrusts her hands forward. Her palms radiate brightly before firing a beam of pure light energy like some kind of super-concentrated laser beam.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Taylita puts her ability to fly to work, and makes Mako pay for trying to reel her in like a fish on a line!" Yuna grins briefly. "They're both going for it harder now, although Mako may be depending too much on that chain - she tries to slam Taylita into the ground, but the redheaded Saiyan slaps the ground and absorbs the hit, then --"

The flare of light from Taylita's hands elicits a yelp from Yuna, despite the commentator's supposedly-safe distance. "-- TOO BRIGHT! Taylita just shot some kind of ki flare-bomb from her hands, too bright to look at! Even if Mako comes back swinging from that, is she going to be able to see Taylita to hit her?"

Mako Mankanshoku (191) has posed:
    With a yank, Mako retracts her chain and shoves it into her jacket again. Clearly the chain isn't working, so she'll have to try something else! Taylita meanwhile turns on the lights, creating a flash that Mako shields her eyes from using the huge hands on her coat sleeves, "Whoa!" Since it's more than just a flash of light, though, Mako finds herself pushed on the defensive when the actual beam strikes, picking at her Goku Uniform and creating tears, through which the shifting crimson Life Fibers are visible just as they are on the inner linings of her Uniform.

    Taking a step back, Mako slams her foot down hard enough to create a spiderweb of cracks through the stoney soil of Gizard around herself. Knees bending, the girl launches herself skyward, swinging her sleeves back and trailing smoke. Her right hand draws back, knuckleduster glittering in the sun, "Folks always say I'm kinda dim, sorry!"

    With a shout of effort, Mako thrusts her hand forward. The reaction is immediate. Mako doesn't have much in the way of long ranged techniques, but this is one of them. The pressure of her punch impacts the ground around Taylita, blasting an impression into Gizard of the star-shaped handguard she wears. While the embossed text is impossible to read normally, the impression it stamps into the landscape is easily read in the center of the starburst design: MAKO

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita's glow slowly dims as she fires that beam, but despite the light show and the resulting impact Taylita is hit powerfully by Mako's attack, smashing her into the ground and causing the saiyan to cry out for a moment at the unexpected pain and bone-breaking force. Flattened by the attack, Taylita takes a few moments to get up. She is panting heavily from the effort of the battle and the injuries she has sustained, but she is still grinning. "Well, you might be dim, but you are a good fighter." Taylita says.

     She leaps into the air again, the charges in at Mako. She flies like a bullet, spiraling through the air at high speed. She comes in like she will punch high, but instead she flies by and sweeps Mako's legs, then frontflips with the intent of crushing Mako into the ground with a powerful downward kick. Powerful enough to crater the ground!

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"And it looks like Mako *is* still in the fight - and she's throwing some kind of ranged attack of her own ..." Yuna peers at the resulting 'crater,' and can't help but grin. "Well, if you're going to sign your name to the damage, that's one way to do it - Mako just stamped her name into that crater! Not sure how long her impression on the landscape will last, but she's sure made an impression on Taylita! The redheaded Saiyan is still giving as good as she gets, though - flying at Mako and trying to flatten her with a kick!"

Mako Mankanshoku (191) has posed:
    "Whoop--!" In midair there's nothing for Mako to brace on, and so Taylita's midair sweep spins the human girl around. Arms, legs, and sleeves struck out to try and regain her balance, she's an easy target for a ground-directed kick and sails downward, impacting with a blast of rock chips and powdery dust.

    A wind kicks up, blowing the dust away while Mako regains her feet, her Uniform torn in places. The shifting crimson Life Fibers within seem to move more energetically than before when the girl looks up, a determined look on her face that causes the clover in her teeth to angle down slightly. One hand reaches up and she grips the brim of her hat, tugging it to an angle such that the brim covers one eye.

    Both hands reach into her jacket, and then Mako hauls out two handfuls of weapons. The leftmost sleeve-fist hauls up a lamp-post, the light still glowing. The right sleeve wields a sink by the pipe that forms its drain. In either normal hand, Mako holds a baseball bat studded with nails and a crowbar. All of these artifacts glitter in the light, golden with their Life Fiber reinforcment.

    The determined frown becomes a smile, Mako's eyes closing to brighten the expression even further.

    Knees bend and then Mako hurls herself into the sky, sending a radius of cracks across the wasteland beneath her. Rocketing up into the sky through sheer strength, Mako aims to intercept Taylita in midair, where she quickly devolves into a flurry of improbable improvised weapons all swinging one after the other.

    "Ey-- Ey-- Ey-- EY~!"

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita's eyes widen as Mako seems to shrug off the cratering and leaps up at her with saiyan-like strength and speed. And again using multiple weapons! Taylita shows off her acrobatics as she parries each weapon and flips to avoid the brunt of the damage. After the last attack, she sideflips over the crowbar swing, taking a shot to the head for her trouble, then unleashes a flurry of kicks.

     The sideflip brings her perfectly into a powerful side kick. If that connects, it sends Mako flying. Taylita beats Mako to the next place in the air with a blur of speed, then she kicks Mako upward. Another burst of almost teleportation speed and Taylita kicks Mako back down. Then, just as Mako hits, Taylita lands on top of her with another kick.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"Mako hits hard the ground hard, but she gets right back to her feet!" Yuna calls out. "And it looks like she's pulling out all the stops and all the weapons - one in each hand, and her uniform's holding two more, don't ask me how! She lays into Taylita .. but the Saiyan sees it all coming, parries, opens Mako up and retaliates - I can't even SEE what she's doing, she's moving so fast!"

Mako Mankanshoku (191) has posed:
    Quite suddenly, airborne Mako is pushed onto the defensive. Being unable to fly under her own power, her ability to defend herself is much more limited and she merely attempts to place her weapons between herself and Taylita's flurry of kicks. Crimson motes of damaged Life Fiber flutter through the air around her and continue to drift even when the girl is knocked away, sailing down at an angle to strike the wasteland directly, bouncing a few times and then sliding to a stop.

    Through the flight and bouncing Mako has lost most of her weapons. The lamp rests at an oblique angle, the sink and pipe clattering to rest elsewhere. The nail-studded bat rolls to a stop inches from her fingers, and Mako reaches out to take it, using the bat to help herself stand. Reaching up, she wipes some blood from her face, "Wow, you hit pretty hard, don't you?" Her fingers tighten and she swings her bat upward, pointing it straight at Taylita, "Don't think I'm giving up yet-!"

    With a blasting sound the bat itself explodes apart, revealing the interior to be a missile painted with Mako's face. With a hiss, the rocket launches, promising a catastrophic explosion on impact!

Taylita (180) has posed:
     Taylita hees as Mako compliments her hitting ability. "Thanks. You are pretty tough yourself!" she says. She is just about to rush in again when that bat explodes and there is...a missile? A missle inside a bat? What kind of crazy girl is this Mako!

     Taylita is so stunned that she doesn't have time to move as the missile races toward her. She is in the center of that catastrophic explosion, and when the smoke clears she is lying on her back, much of her armor blown away and much of her skin singed. She is still conscious, but has no energy left to fight. "Nnng...d-dammit...who keeps a missile inside a bat...?" she gasps, eyes squeezed shut in pain.

Yuna Kagurazaka (385) has posed:
"And it looks like Taylita's got this wrapped up, but Mako's still got some fight left in her - wait, a MISSILE in her BAT?!" Yuna gapes as the Mako Missile thunders forth, straight at Taylita. "I don't .... holy cow. Mako pulled out one more trump card and blew Taylita away with a hidden missile! The referee's counting .... it's over, Taylita has lost and MAKO MANKANSHOKU ADVANCES IN THIS YEAR'S WORLD MARTIAL ARTS TOURNAMENT, BRACKET B!!! Congratulations to both fighters, you gave all of us a heck of a show!!"

She clamps the microphone in the crook of her elbow so she can applaud for both fighters, regardless (at least briefly) of whether anyone else is.

Mako Mankanshoku (191) has posed:
    Surrounded by smoke from her missile launch, Mako lets out a breath. Only when it becomes clear that Taylita is down for the count does she lower her smoldering bat handle and let out a breath, then slump down on the ground with a winded noise, "Phew!" Stretching out her legs, the girl leans back on her hands, eyes closed, "That was a close one! I was almost down for another forced nap, there!"

    When the cameras swing her way, though, the girl blinks and then closes her eyes with a bruise-faced smile, raising her free hand in a V-sign, "That's for you, Ryuko!"