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WMAT B1 Dorotea Grahn vs Reina Kinney
Date of Scene: 09 September 2015
Location: WMAT Arena - Yunzabit Heights
Synopsis: A berserker and a Guardian walk into a mountain range. The punchline is punches.
Cast of Characters: Reina Kinney, 742
Tinyplot: WMAT 2015

Dorotea Grahn (742) has posed:
It's cold here! This pleases Dorotea.

She missed the chill. Having to do a fight in the desert was no fun at all. It's windy here, and chilly, and kind of dark; she can deal with these conditions. There's an awful lot of sheer ledges though; she'll have to watch out for that, because it'd be dangerous to fall off. She can't fly, after all!

There's no crowd here, which she is slightly less fond of, but Dorotea has to admit that it would be pretty hard to get them here. There's helicopters with cameras. Helicopters will have to do.

Dorotea actually got dropped off by one of those helicopters. She is currently on a particularly big piece of broken ground and is warming up by ... doing nothing at all. Well, if she's that confident, strolling casually around and looking off the sheer side probably can't hurt her.

Reina Kinney has posed:
    Cold weather doesn't affect Reina too much. Nor does hot weather either. The only elemental thing that really bothers Reina is lightning. And fortunately there doesn't seem to be any of that around here in this cold spot. It's perfect for fighting, though, as Reina loves having elemental challenges that don't overly hold her back against her opponents.

    Unlike Dorotea, who arrived via helicopter to this location, Reina teleports in from her ship, arriving in a nearby spot. She shivers a little as her body feels the cold around her, but as a member of GUARDIANS, she has learned to adapt to just about any sort of weather quickly. She jogs in place a little to get the blood flowing before doing a few arm and leg stretches to prepare herself.

    Then Reina spots Dorotea, and she smiles a little. "Looks like we're gonna have a real cool experience today," She says with a sly smirk. "I hope you're ready for a good battle, because I sure am!"

Dorotea Grahn (742) has posed:
No lightning here. It's windy, not stormy. (This suits Dorotea fine; she doesn't really want to get rained on. Or snowed on, for that matter.)

Dorotea seems completely insensible to the weather despite wearing an outfit that really isn't suited for it. Then again, she's a Shivan. She's lived in colder places than this, and without the promise of a trip somewhere warm afterwards.

She grins at Reina, broad. "Always!" Dorotea says, with good cheer. She walks away from the cliff's edge, rolling her neck a little bit. "I know there's nobody right here to watch, but I'm going to make it good for everyone who's going to see it anyway. And me!"

She waves up at the camera helicopter. Dorotea can't see if anyone in it waves back.

Reina Kinney has posed:
    Reina, meanwhile, rolls her neck around and cracks her knuckles. "Doesn't matter who's here right now, it's all about the two of us having one cool battle! And I can tell you it might be cold here, but down in THAT place, it's nowhere near cold, so don't expect me to lose that easily!" She stretches her legs one last time before assuming a fighting stance that is similar to a hybrid of traditional martial arts and possibly CQC styled combat.

    "You're going to see how I fight. Part street brawling, part CQC, part martial arts, and it's all coming out as one!" Reina slowly advances on her opponent, watching around her as the wind whips at her exposed neck, before attempting to open with a swift left hook.

Dorotea Grahn (742) has posed:
Dorotea takes a couple moments to try to parse that. "Wait, did you just tell me to go to hell?" she asks, a little confused. "Because I know I didn't tell /you/ to and that's what that sounded like!"

Fortunately, she's much better at combat. Even though... "I don't know what CQC /is/," Dorotea objects, as Reina comes in. Rather than even try to dodge the left hook, Dorotea brings up her arm to block it - she may not know the word but she certainly knows how to fight.

She feels the impact jar her arm and drive her back a step, but it barely slows her down as Dorotea takes a step forward, getting uncomfortably close to Reina, and... drives her head directly at the other woman's.

Sure, she could use magic. Or she could use finesse. But why bother? Hitting things real hard always works, right??

Reina Kinney has posed:
    A headbutt? Is this girl some relative of Zidane?!

    It doesn't matter who she's related to, a headbutt like that HURTS like hell. Reina is hit square on and stumbles backwards, gasping for air as she clasps her stomach and pants a few times, wincing as she realizes just how hard she was truly hit. Once she recovers, she straightens herself as best as she can. "Cheap shot, but you did get me there, I'll give you that." Reina's voice is slightly sarcastic as she speaks. "But I'm only warming up, so you better be ready."

    Reina starts towards Dorotea, then stops suddenly as she nearly loses her balance, having stopped very close to the edge of a cliff. She stumbles forwards and shakes her head. "That was just a blooper on my part. THIS time I'm ready for real!" She attempts to emphasize this point as she spins around and attempts to deliver a swift roundhouse kick.

Dorotea Grahn (742) has posed:
"That wasn't a cheap shot! It was after you punched me, that makes it fair." Dorotea is grinning - she's not actually annoyed. She wants to have some fun with this match.

The hesitation is noted. Dorotea doesn't mind fighting on the edge of a cliff, but she is slightly battle-crazed sometimes and she realizes not everyone is. She backs away from it, giving Reina more room to move.

The roundhouse kick isn't blocked like the hook. She takes it in the side, hard enough to stagger her several steps, but Dorotea can handle that. She tries to grab the offending foot with her gauntleted hands and heft Reina by it - and she's a /hell/ of a lot stronger than she looks, picking up someone the size and weight of a human is not too hard. "Hup!"

If she manages it, Dorotea goes through two full rotations to pick up speed, then throws Reina! She has aimed away from the edge - she'll land safely, if a little painfully because she's going to hit hard rocks when she does it.

Reina Kinney has posed:
    Safely, maybe. But not harmlessly. Reina hits the rocks and yelps a little as she hits them. Granted, it's more of an annoyance than anything, but it's still a noticeable pain. She gets up and rubs at the spot where she hurt herself then nods a little to her opponent. "Nice tactic. Grappling can be useful in close quarters if you know what you're doing."

    Reina approaches again and this time she attempts to grapple Dorothea as well. "I know a few tricks myself too. Let me show you one!" She attempts to grab Dorotea and trip her while throwing her to the ground in a traditional CQC takedown!

Dorotea Grahn (742) has posed:
Dorotea tends to prefer striking to grappling, but she certainly knows how to do both of them. As long as she can get her hands on her opponent, she's doing pretty well.

Unfortunately, a moment later, her opponent gets her hands on /her/, which isn't nearly as useful. Dorotea hits the ground without entirely realizing what Reina just did, and she rolls away rather than let Reina stomp on her, getting back to her feet... a little more slowly than before.

"Heh," she says. "If that's all you've got I'm not worried!" Dorotea lowers her shoulder, and her muscles tense. It's as if she was storing energy -

And then, suddenly, she charges, a crazy rush toward Reina! Dorotea literally just tries to trample over the other woman, knocking her down and charging past, possibly sending her flying with a shoulder-check! "Hraaaagh! Come on, keep fighting!"

Reina Kinney has posed:
    Whoa, Reina DEFINITELY was caught off-guard by that. If this had been GUARDIANS training, then Laia would've chewed Reina out good and made her run the De Rol Le Simulator ten times in a row! Although that's preferable to being knocked down like that. Reina uses a kippup to quickly return to her feet, and then rubs at where she got shoulder checked. "Damn, I really let my guard down there. I need to be more careful," She mutters to herself, silently cursing her lack of common sense.

    "Keep fighting? You got it!" Reina rushes in quickly, this time not caring about the potential consequences of doing such in a cliff area, before attempting to drop down and administer a foot sweep.

Dorotea Grahn (742) has posed:
Dorotea is currently so pumped that she's not actually paying a lot of attention to things like 'not getting hit back'. Reina comes in, fast, and Dorotea tries a straight punch to keep her away - but the low sweep means that the punch is well over Reina's head, and she misses entirely.

She also goes down like a ton of bricks. This time Dorotea rolls - right off the cliff.

Reina might think she wins because there is no way Dorotea can fly up from that. But she doesn't have to; she only fell about five feet before catching herself. Fingers dug into the side of the mountain, Dorotea literally flings herself up, launching herself about fifteen feet into the air.

Mid-jump, Dorotea shimmers with blue energy, sparks of it drifting away from her. "CATCH!" she yells, before flinging two things that just appeared in her hands at Reina - two objects that explode into woody shrapnel as soon as they hit the ground, chunks going everywhere after the sudden explosion. They leave a faint greenish haze behind which is blown away by the wind in about five seconds.

On the plus side, the battlefield is now pine fresh!

Dorotea lands about fifteen feet away from Reina after throwing the things. She's starting to look a little bruised and battered, but her expression suggests she's still not giving up any time soon.

Reina Kinney has posed:
    Getting caught way off-guard by that really stinks. Or it did until the pinecone bomb exploded, causing the air to smell more fresh, but hurting Reina all the same. "Ugh... what the hell? I'll never look at pine forests the same way again!" She snaps as she wipes the sticky pine tar off of her body. Then she looks at Dorotea and says, "That was a real cool trick, but it takes more than that to put me down! In fact, I'm surprised you were able to keep yourself from falling so far."

    Reina wipes the last of the tar off of her. "Talk about a sticky situation, hmm?" Then she attempts to go in with an uppercut.

Dorotea Grahn (742) has posed:
Most of what the pinecone bomb leaves behind is explosion. They /are/ magic. Smells good, though.

Dorotea lands after throwing the bombs, turns, and gets uppercut. Right on the chin. It's a picture-perfect uppercut and it sends Dorotea staggering, half-dazed from the impact. "Guh," she manages to get out, a little too stunned for much else.

Shaking her head, Dorotea slaps her own cheeks, which seems to revive her at least a little bit. "That's because I'm great!" Dorotea turns and runs - away from Reina. What is she doing?

There's a cliff behind her - one that goes /up/, not down, about ten feet. Dorotea leaps, pulling herself up and taking the high ground. From there, she picks up a particularly big chunk of rock (it's probably two feet across; she needs both hands to lift it overhead) and throws it down at Reina. "Come get me up here if you're as good as you think!"

She gives another half-salute to the camera helicopter while she's up there, post-throw.

Reina Kinney has posed:
    Thinking quickly, Reina takes off after Dorotea, climbing up the rock face quickly. She shifts to the side as the rock comes at her, and it barely even grazes her. "Come on, was that supposed to tease me or hit me?" She asks sarcastically before continuing her swift climb up the rock face, then pulls herself up to face Dorotea face to face again.

    "Well then, I think it's getting too cold. What say we heat things up a bit?" With that, Reina points at Dorotea and calls out, "FOIE!" A small blast of fire surges across the ground towards Dorotea!

Dorotea Grahn (742) has posed:
There's a lot less room up here overall. As you go higher, the flat regions get narrower. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.

Suits Dorotea fine.

At the taunt, Dorotea's expression shifts from enjoying-herself to anger. "What's that supposed to mean," she gets out, before a fireball jets across the ground at her. She tries to leap it, but it's just a little too high; it singes her feet.

Dorotea yelps. That hurt! But she doesn't let this stop her from landing next to Reina, already winding up for a punch. She draws her fist back and holds it there for a moment before driving it forward with sufficient force behind it to crack stone! "Would you rather have my fist than some rocks? Because I have tons of knuckles!"

She pauses, at least verbally. "I have ten knuckles!" she corrects, which is still not actually correct.

Reina Kinney has posed:
    Being a fighting specialist means you have to know how to defend as well as attack. Reina raises her arms and deflects the punch as best as she can. Well, that's also due to her shields popping up, but mostly because of her arms. It barely even fazes her, although it does remind her that this is a serious fight and not just a sparring match. "Most of us humans do," She replies to the comment about ten knuckles. "There are other beings out there who have more or less, but we ain't any of those."

    Reina tries to move but finds she's slipping a little in the snow. That causes an evil smirk to pop up on her face. She then uses the ice to slide towards Dorotea while attempting to deliver an elbow strike with the momentum given.

Dorotea Grahn (742) has posed:
Dorotea Grahn does not actually have ten knuckles. Seriously, go count them. Dorotea is, however, not an academic at all and can't be bothered to do that. She has ten /fingers/ and that's close enough. Right? Right.

Dorotea catches the sliding elbow. Unfortunately she catches it with her (unarmoured) chest hard enough that she too slides backwards, digging her feet against the rocky ground to avoid going down a level of cliff. Sure, the next tier of ground is only about ten feet down, here, but she doesn't want to fall ten feet anyway!

That one stung. Dorotea grunts rather than actually responding with words and, probably at the same time as Reina, starts to kick it up a notch. Seeing as Reina is right there, Dorotea tries to grab her; rather than go in for any particularly fancy hold, she swings her around, trying to slam her into the ground before tossing her down the ten-foot drop to the level they started on.

"I'M QUEEN OF THE MOUNTAIN!" Dorotea yells, while she's doing this. All she has to do is stand tall and make it true!

Reina Kinney has posed:
    "Aaaaaaah!" Reina can only cry out as she finds herself going down rather quickly. And a ten foot drop is not very pleasant. Especially in this situation! She finds herself hitting the ground hard and feeling like her ribs are trying to break free. She moans and curls up, trying not to let the pain get the best of her. "Damn it, why me?" She thinks as she forces herself up yet again. "So you really got me there. But this battle is NOT over yet!" She points at Dorotea and says, "Mark my words!"

    Reina attempts to grab Dorotea and pin her against a nearby cliff wall, before attempting to use her knee to drive her into the wall. "I mean it!"

Dorotea Grahn (742) has posed:
Dorotea jumps down after Reina after a brief moment of celebrating on top of the ridge. A ten-foot drop is fine if she's prepared for it.

That turns out to be a mistake.

Reina slams Dorotea right back into the cliffside she just jumped down. It's not fun. At least Dorotea escapes the pin before the knee hits her; she's already bruised enough without taking an additional slam.

She breaks the pin by raw strength, simply pushing back against Reina to hold her off. "Hrrrgh..." In Dorotea's life, she's learned she can get away with a lot by brute force alone, if only because she's so good at it.

Levering Reina off of her before she gets kneed hard, Dorotea follows it up with another flare of Blue Magic. Momentarily surrounded by a blue aura that radiates away from her in wisps and sparks, Dorotea starts whirling. She lashes out as she does, her fingers hooked into claws; she doesn't actually /have/ claws, but the magic lets her tear as if she does, slashing several times around her before coming to a slightly dizzy stop.

Reina Kinney has posed:
    The shields pop up again and Reina finds herself getting defenses against the incoming attack. It barely even fazes her, and she smirks as soon as the attack is finished. "Was that your best?" She hmmphs and shakes her head. "Come on, I thought that would be more capable of doing some real damage against me!" She runs a hand through her hair and chuckles, before doubling over as she remembers she's sustained quite a few injuries. "Damn it!" She curses softly.

    Then Reina looks up, albeit rather weakly. "Looks like the damage has been done, but I'm still not done though!" She raises a hand as she steps backwards and calls out, "ZONDE!" Surprisingly, lightning comes from her and at Dorotea. Kind of ironic given that she's weak against it.

Dorotea Grahn (742) has posed:
Dorotea Grahn is getting kind of annoyed by the shields. /She/ doesn't use shields! But this is the WMAT, so there's nothing wrong with using them; Dorotea just gets mad sometimes.

Actually, she's a berserker so she gets mad when she's fighting a lot of the time.

Right now she's more 'pumped' than 'furious', which is probably a better option for a tournament anyway. "That's not my best. You want my best?" Dorotea slams her fists together. "I'll get it to you! I - agh!"

The lightning bolt hit her while she was talking. Dorotea jerks backwards because of the electricity and actually falls on her rear, her hair frizzing up - the tails she normally keeps her hair in have puffed up to staticky balls, at least until she shakes her head rapidly. That hurt. A lot!

It's actually hard for Dorotea to get up quickly after that one. But get up she does. "Fine! You want it - check out what I learned in the desert! One... two..."

Dorotea is glowing blue again. That's a warning. The other warning is when she hunches over slightly, slamming her fists together one last time. "THOUSAND NEEDLES!"

Little spikes start spraying from Dorotea. In every direction. She isn't bothering to aim (if she even knows how) so some of them stick in the ground, the snow, the side of the mountain. They come in waves, giving Reina time to partially dodge if she's quick, but there's a /lot/ of them.

Obviously. It's in the name.

Reina Kinney has posed:
    Reina finds herself getting hit by a thousand needles. That's a lot worse than things she's been subjected to in her years as a member of GUARDIANS! She finds herself yelping as the needles pierce her body, leaving her down on the ground and in a hell of a lot of pain. She even feels like she's bleeding quite a bit. Which would explain why she's having trouble getting up now. In fact, the only thing that's allowing her to get up is her raccoon-fox like creature beside her bobbing up and down rapidly. It's Ryulikon, her MAG, which can sense when she's in danger, and provides her with a one time burst of power.

    Reina gets up and starts to glow. "I'll show you something of my own. My Photon Blast, which I use in situations like this!" Reina holds her hand out and a circular symbol appears in front of it. Lightning begins to crackle within it and it gets bigger and bigger. "You pushed me to the limits, now it's time to show what happens!" With that, numerous blasts of lightning shoot out and seek out their target!

Dorotea Grahn (742) has posed:
They're actually cactus needles, which probably makes it worse. On the plus side, they all vanish in a few moments, so Reina doesn't have to pick them out; magic is helpful that way.

This was not true when Dorotea poked a cactaur with a stick until it used it on her. Ow.

Dorotea straightens up as the blue energy ends. She's running low on magic - not out, but low enough that she doesn't really want to use much more and couldn't do that again even if she wanted to. "How about thaaaaoh crap - "

Dorotea can't outrun lightning. Running in a circle means that none of them actually hit her directly, but she keeps getting shocked as they explode on the ground and cliff walls around her. She kind of wishes she didn't have metal boots and gauntlets after a couple of those. "Agh! Too close, too close!"

Turning at the last bolt, Dorotea keeps running. But now she's running toward Reina, to do one of two things. One, 'accidentally' make the last bolt of the Photon Burst hit her instead, but that's unlikely. Much more likely is two: punch her in the stomach.

She follows that up with three through seven: more punching. Dorotea gets determined after nearly being fried by lightning, apparently.

Reina Kinney has posed:
    Sensing what's going to happen, Reina tightens her stomach as best as she can. The punches barely faze her, even though she's critically injured from the previous attacks. She's struggling to keep herself going though, and the will to fight is diminishing fast. But Laia's words of motivation still ring within her, that you never give up no matter how tough it might seem. And Reina's definitely not going to give up. Her willpower seems to act as a reserve tank of fuel to keep her within the fight just a little longer. "Mmmph... pretty good..."

    Reina struggles to get back into her fighting stance, but all she can do is double over a little as she struggles to breathe. "Not good here... unngh..." Reina slaps her face a couple of times before getting up and attempting to go in with a spinning elbow strike, although it's obvious she's having some trouble keeping herself steady as she does this.

Dorotea Grahn (742) has posed:
It's mutual. Dorotea has been battered around enough; she's run-down, barely on her feet, and being elbowed is not helping.

Dorotea doesn't really recover from that strike so much as struggle to push through it. She ends up with her hands on her knees for a moment as she braces herself. But if there's one thing Dorotea has - more than strength, more than her magic, definitely more than her intelligence - it's endurance. Endurance and determination; they go hand in hand.

"Still got a chance," she grunts, more to herself than Reina, as she shoves herself up straight. She's about to drop and she knows it - but before she does, she uses one last bit of magic. This one's an old standby. It was one of the first Blue Magic spells she learned. With a final surge of blue magic...

...Dorotea tries to punch Reina right in the face. The only magical effect is that it makes a burst of energy when she does it.

Reina Kinney has posed:
    The burst of energy barely even fazes Reina this time. Her shields pop up in the nick of time and she barely even feels it. But the lack of energy in her body makes it overwhelming to her. "Dammit, not now," She says aloud as she struggles to keep from doubling over. "Not gonna quit now!" She glares at Dorotea and says, "This fight has gone on long enough. One of us has to win and the other lose. Whoever it is... doesn't matter now..."

    Reina grunts a little as she tries to keep herself from passing out due to the injuries she's sustained. "I've been through worse than this! I can take it!" She lifts her leg and attempts a kicking attack at mid level.

Dorotea Grahn (742) has posed:
Apparently, Reina can take it.

Dorotea is surprised that her Goblin Punch did not, in fact, take Reina out. In fact, she looks, confused, at her own fist. It's always done the job before! Where did she go wrong??

The distraction is sufficient for Reina to plant a foot right in her stomach. It picks up Dorotea and throws her about ten feet; she hits the rocky ground, rolls, and ends up staring at the sky without a whole lot of understanding of how she got there.

Dorotea tries to get up. It fails. She ends up right back where she started but on her front this time. She tries a second time, but though she manages to get to one knee this time, she can't get any higher.

The helicopter up above is the one that makes a sound rather like a foghorn, indicating the end of the fight. Even as Dorotea keeps trying to get up, it's pretty clear /she's/ not in any shape to continue, even if Reina is.

Reina Kinney has posed:
    Reina is still hunched over, and can't believe she defeated her opponent. Still, she doesn't want to seem like a braggart or anything like that. She walks over, albeit very weakly, then kneels down and smiles a little. "That was a tough fight. I was really well challenged. You've got potential too." She gives a thumbs up. "Keep training and next time you'll do even better!"

    After the brief pep talk, Reina stands up and begins to walk away, limping heavily and still bleeding. She may have won, but there's no joy in victory for her for some reason.

Dorotea Grahn (742) has posed:
Dorotea Grahn does manage to get all the way up after that. Barely. She's still definitely not in any condition to keep fighting. Her everything hurts. She rubs her chin, where she took more than one rattling blow.

"I've got more than potential!" she yells after Reina as she walks off, before plopping right down on her rear. "Pfoo." Maybe she should have done more training, though she's in school so often....

...well, she'll just have to MAKE time, won't she?