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Revision as of 15:51, 11 September 2015

WMAT B1 Ryuko Matoi vs Satsuki Kiryuin
Date of Scene: 30 August 2015
Location: WMAT Arena - Gizard Wasteland
Synopsis: NO LOSING YOUR WAY. It's the Lucky 38 Match of the Week as Ryuko Matoi and Satsuki Kiyuin go head to head in Class B action in Gizzard Heights!
Cast of Characters: 32, 140, 430

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    For a desolate, awful, horrible barren wasteland, this place has managed to be packed as it can be for tonight's match. In addition to the usual hover stands, the camera crews floating around, and everything else, there's more fans out here in their own hover conveyances, there's space ships floating overhead and more.

    Part of that is the MASSIVE BETS being laid down on this fight in New Vegas, spurred on by the fact that this fight is getting spotlit by the Tourism Board and Mr. Tallbranch himself. Also the odds are edging in Satsuki's favor ever so slightly.

    The place is set, a pair of stone platforms with the symbols of Honnouji marking both Ryuko's and Satsuki's marks for the camera men for the start of the match. Up in one of the stands, sits a very composed Johnny Tallbranch. Expect that to change once the fight gets started.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    <<Alright sports fans, this is John Tallbranch getting you ready for Round of 32 Action here in Bracket B as we see Ryuko Matoi take on Satsuki Kiryuin here in the Gizzard Wastes. I can't say it's a pretty place for a fight but this will be a fight to remember either way. And while we wait for the action to get started, let me remind you that this fight is being brought to you tonight by Radio New Vegas and the New Vegas Board of Tourism. Come on out to Vegas, it'll be our secret. And by the Beifong Foundation, promoting sportsmanship across the Multiverse.>>

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
    It is most certainly not a terribly pretty place, by conventional standards, but a blazing hot desert canyon area like this still has its own sort of natural majesty. And far, far more importantly, it's away from structures that are easily damaged (here meaning 'made of anything less than steel') and has plenty of room between the combatants and the fans. For a battle between Kamui-users, that is absolutely, positively necessary.

    And as is her wont, Satsuki is taking every inch she can with what she's been given, her personal chopper swooping down out of the sky to make a wide, sweeping circle around the starting platforms. Showing off the REVOCS logo, the Honnouji Academy emblem. Putting on a show, letting each and every person in the audience, all the cameras in the sky, all the onlookers in their hovercars know. Satsuki Kiryuin has arrived.

    Only after that long circle does the chopper come around, stopping in just the right spot such that its ramp will open directly onto Satsuki's platform. No leap from high above, no mid-air transformation. The Queen of Honnouji simply strides right down the ramp, wind whipping her hair to one side, and plants Bakuzan on the stone platform, resting her palms atop the sword's pommel. Her expression today is stern, calm. She is content to wait.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    <<Ryuko's first match put her up against the Masked Knight who did an excellent job putting me out of the competition earlier this weekend, with the duelist ceding the fight over to Miss Matoi. Satsuki's had to fight through both rounds of Qualifiers after she got bested by Allenby Beardsley and then beat Bardock in the second round of Qualifiers. And she's looking mighty stern today as she makes her usual appearance.>>

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
    The last time these two fought, there were a couple months of repairs needed to Honnouji's main courtyard and some of the school building. So, someplace like this, with little to worry about in terms of collateral? It's ideal. The clash of two people wearing Kamui can be quite devastating, to the surroundings and anyone else nearby. Not long after Satsuki's arrival, Ryuko makes hers. The sound of a jet, flying out over the desert is heard, but there's no aircraft around. The source is Ryuko herself, making her approach in her Kamui's Shippu form.

    And, once she's over the battlefield, she does a half loop, and dives straight to the ground, flipping over again and shifting back to the Kamui's normal configuration, the girl landing quite neatly on her feet, her scissor blade held over one shoulder and her other hand on her hip. Maybe not as showy, as her opponent, but that's never been her style. She lets her fighting speak for itself.

    Rolling her shoulders and neck, popping some joint audibly, Ryuko lets out a sigh, as she preps mentally for the fight.


Courier Six (32) has posed:
    <<And there's Ryuko, much less pomp than Satsuki but that is of course how she rolls. Now, we're set to start here in the Gizzard Wastes, I hope you're ready for an explosive match because the camera crews are and we've already informed the tournament staff they might have to find another canyon to work out of for the next match because THIS ONE certainly WILL NOT BE HERE once we're done folks, so STRAP IN AND GET READY.">>

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
    That ability of Ryuko's to transform her Kamui... the more she sees it, the more it irritates some corner of Satsuki's mind. There's a little furrow of the brow. "At least you have learned some sense of decorum," the Queen of Honnouji declares.

    But without further comment, she reaches up to her left arm. Unlike Ryuko, she has not arrived transformed; for myriad reasons, it's a step she prefers not to take until ready to do battle. And so she is now; with a click-click-click, the catches on her left-bicep bangle snap into place, and the telltale crimson color radiates outward, flooding her uniform and initiating its transformation.

    Expanding fibers, soaring fire. Tightening fabric, reshaping and taking more ominous, flashy form. It takes only moments for that transformation to complete, leaving the Council President in a uniform fit to match her Drifter opponent.


    There's something different in her voice. Something in the way she steps off the platform. A focused willpower, a harshness of intent. Already, the dust around her begins to whip and shift in the wake of her sheer willpower as she walks forward.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    <<And there it is, Junketsu is brought out in full, Satsuki's ready to go too! I'm so excited I can't stand it folks. That's why I drink refreshing Sunset Sarsparilla. Sunset! I'll give you the pep to do what needs to be done. BUILD MASS WITH SASS!>>

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
    Ryuko just smirks a bit, at her opponent's little jab. She doesn't say anything in reply, just taking her scissor off her shoulder. "Wasn't talkin' to you, actually.." The 'eye' of her Kamui blinks once, as if to confirm whom Ryuko had been addressing. The red border of her garment pulses, glowing briefly, as Ryuko steps out on the sand. It parts beneath her feet, swirling around her legs, and around the rest of her body, kicking up in the wake of her own will, made manifest by the Kamui's power.

But, she only takes a few steps before she straight up vanishes from sight. Or, well. It might look that way to the casual observer. She's just pushed off with that last step, rushing straight up at her opponent with a blindingly fast thrust. Before anyone can trace where she is, she's in front of Satsuki, the sharp tip of her scissor thrusting out at her middle.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    <<Unsurprisingly, Ryuko strikes first, as is her HOT-BLOODED NATURE. Though I barely saw her move before she fluttered in like that. We're going to be using ample amounts of Slow-Mo replay here tonight folks!>>

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
    In the blink of an eye, Satsuki's next step becomes a charge, meeting Ryuko's clash in the middle, so to speak. Bakuzan whips around, a try at parrying the strike that doesn't quite accomplish what it set out to do. She's spared a direct stab, but the Scissor Blade still cuts a line across Satsuki's left bicep, giving first blood to her opponent indeed.

    And as no more than a side-effect of the relatively light blow, of their two colliding wills, the stone around them for a good twenty feet shatters into large chunks and a small gust of wind bursts outward from the two of them.

    It's a spectacle that the WMAT has not yet had a chance to see. Two Kamui-users doing battle.

    And this close to Ryuko, Satsuki has no options for a counterattack with Bakuzan. It's inside the minimum range for both their blades, and the first order of business for both of them is to correct that. So the Queen of Honnouji decides to take the initiative. Her fist comes up, swinging a quick punch for Ryuko's solar plexus - a 'quick punch' with enough pressure to crater the ground several feet away, just from the excess force.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    <<And that's what we came here to see, folks, two head-strong ladies getting stuck in. We've already got a clash of swords here and there's first blood to Ryuko, but Satsuki is working to try and get a bit of distance here. There's a punch and movemement but I didn't see how much that might have done to Ryuko.>>

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
    She went into the charge, expecting Satsuki to be ready for it. By the time Satsuki throws that punch at her, she's braced for it, her abs tightening up. It hurts, certainly, but she's not staggering back in pain. "Oof.." And, then there's the force behind the blow itself. It rocks through her body, with enough force to blow away anything behind her. Ryuko keeps herself in close, cocking her own fist back, and throwing it out at Satsuki, in reply.

    Rather than a jab to the midsection, this is a hook to the chin. If she lands it, it'll be a square blow to the jaw of her opponent. For all the swordplay, she seems pretty intent on dragging this into something she'll have more of an advantage in. A brawl.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    <<Well... some among you may have come here to see a swordfight or somethin' but that ain't happening just yet. We're still in close, inside of the proper range of them swords and now we're just going to keep punching each other. As much as I know Satsuki can throw a punch good and proper, I'm expecting if they stay in close like that, Ryuko's going to come out on top.>>

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
    The body blow may not have found the purchase on Ryuko's body that she'd like, but Satsuki succeeded in her main objective - giving herself some room. She pushes herself backwards a step as her opponent's hook swings upward, and knuckles clip her chin, but little more than that... though those listening might be able to hear the soft rush of air from the vertical pressure wave off Ryuko's fist.

    And with that room opened, the user of Junketsu capitalizes immediately. The range is still a bit too close to take a proper grip on Bakuzan, but Satsuki can at least whip it upward, a fast one-handed slash intended to let her take a step back at the same time as she strikes. And then it comes down again, seemingly just barely out of range of any hits on Ryuko - but the Transfer Student will almost certainly remember those razor-sharp pressure waves Satsuki loves to unleash.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    <<AND NOW WE GET INTO IT. That sword comes out and let me tell you folks, Bakuzan is NO JOKE. That thing's got a bite, whether it hits you or not. and the /not/ part seems to be coming into play here tonight, waves of pressure building up already!>>

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
    Ah, yes. There's that, too. Ryuko brings up her scissor, to try and block the first strike, but it's out too quickly. She takes a nice cut along her side, but nothing that should slow her down too much. As for that pressure wave, Ryuko manages to roll out of the way of it.. Mostly, anyway. It grazes her shoulder, and draws a little more blood in the process.

    Of course, she's now in optimal sword range, too. So, she goes for that play, as well. She lunges again, with an overhead attack that she leaps into a bit, her landing scatteriing sand in every direction, not to mention shattering rock. And there's the sheer strength behind the blow.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    <<And Ryuko's back into it, the Scissor Blade coming around to swat at Satsuki and we're already seeing the canyon starting to get lit up out here, folks! Camera guys, keep an eye out!>>

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
    In Satuki steps, swinging Bakuzan around and upward in a bid to meet the Scissor Blade head-on, but the edge comes down on the inside of Junketu's towering shoulder pauldron before she can fully meet it. A cut on her shoulder leaves Satsuki gritting her teeth, and the impact of the two blades sets off a shockwave like a small bomb going off. The Council Prez holds her blade up against Ryuko's for a moment, matching strength against strength - only to suddenly shove out of the block with all the force she can muster.

    It's a bid to push Ryuko's guard out of the way, to give Satsuki room for a proper strike. And that strike does come, a two-handed grip that brings her own blade down in a slash just a few degrees off vertical. But in the process of delivering that blow, Satsuki shifts her momentum and turns, darting off across the rubble towards a canyon lip, practically daring Ryuko to follow. It looks like a running battle is in order.

Courier Six (32) has posed:

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
    Ryuko's thrown back, just enough for Satsuki to do just that. And while she's off-balance, she doesn't have the time to try and mount a decent defense against her counter attack. She comes away bleeding, her shoulder hit again, though this time it's deeper. Her Kamui manages to take most of the damage, but boy.. That sure looks like it hurt. Sucking in a breath through her teeth, she watches as Satsuki dashes off. Perhaps the queen of Honnouji forgot, but.. Ryuko has some new tricks up her sleeve.

    Her legs vanish into the huge skirt that forms as she takes to the sky, shifting to her Shippu form. She gains some altitude, then dives straight down at Satsuki, sword drawn and ready to swing. She even breaks the sound barrier on the way down, the echoing boom sending a shockwave through the canyons.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    <<*lost in brief sonic boom*ee goes folks, I told you this would be a top notch match. Ryuko's bloody and hurt be she's /moving/, matching right along with Satsuki and I know you just heard that clap of boom behind me. Let's hear it for these two!>>

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
    There's only so much that Satsuki can do against that aerial mobility. It forces her to defend at an odd angle, and gives Ryuko enough strength coming in that even when Satsuki does get her defenses up in time, she's driven back several feet, and Bakuzan is pushed hard enough aside for the Scissor Blade to find purchase, cutting into her right side. The REVOCS heir can push out of that lock only just in time to avoid further injury, and the force sends her skidding across the stone surface of the mesa just far enough to stop on the edge of the canyon.

    But now Satsuki is smiling faintly. "Let us see how well your aerial mobility and speed suit you in a more enclosed space!"

    And backward she hops, letting herself fall down into the canyon. But on the way down, Bakuzan lashes out, carving into the stone on the edge of the canyon, followed by Satsuki's boot - firing off the sliced-off chunk of canyon wall like a shotgun blast, launching a swarm of sharp stone birdshot at the super-sonic bird that Ryuko has currently become.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    <<Dammit I missed what she said, no eyes on that but- Oh hey that's a NEAT TRICK. Satsuki just blasted a face full of canyon wall into Ryuko, and I think it's thrown her off balance. She's going to have to be careful not to get crap into her Kamui's intake... if she's even got that.>> Off mic a bit. <<Steve check to see if that thing is a turbine or not.>>

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
    Far be it from Ryuko to try the more defensive route, especially after she's committed to her plan of attack. She swipes at the rock with her scissor blade, and charges through. "Let's see how much that big mouth and smug grin help, when you're at the bottom of a canyon!" Pelted with sharp rock, she doesn't let it slow her down, despite the fact it hurts a ton. In fact, she might actually be speeding up. She aims to ram straight into Satsuki, and transfer a bit of that speed. No way she'll be able to stop herself, if she connects. As for Ryuko herself? Satsuki's assuming she doesn't have some seriously ridiculous control over how and where the Kamui moves in this form.

    The shoulder fins double as thusters, and tilt to the side, to give her the ability to change directions sharply, so that she's come to a complete stop, after landing the blow. Even if she misses, she can stop herself quickly enough to deal with a counter attack.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    <<Ryuko's lookin' a bit desperate here and I don't blame her. She really needs to land some big hit-AND THERE SHE GOES. A full on MACH SPEED BEAR HUG on Satsuki! That's gotta hurt even if you're in a skimpy-ass armored dress thing!>>

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
    Satsuki hasn't even managed to hit the canyon ground before Ryuko slams into her, and the impact alone drives the Queen of Honnouji across the canyon and right into the stone with a loud crack of shattering rock. The shee force knocks the wind from her and splinters stone in each direction for a good several meters, but it is only seconds before the side of the canyon wall simply erupts outward from the force of Satsuki planting her boots and leaping back out of her own impact hole.

    "Who's the one with a big mouth and a smug grin, Matoi? If you haven't realized your position just yet... THEN ALLOW ME TO SHOW YOU!"

    Satsuki takes Bakuzan up in a vertical position, and leaps straight towards Ryuko in a forceful launch... no, not quite straight at Ryuko. It's just slightly angled to one side, to carry her past. A delaying tactic to startle the Transfer Student. Satsuki hurtles all the way up to the edge of the canyon, plants her boots, and rebounds right off it to a large spire of rock, and THEN down towards Ryuko from above, slashing at her in passing. The canyon isn't just to restrict Ryuko's movement - it's to /improve/ Satsuki's, giving her a way to close the maneuverability gap and easily move in three dimensions.

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
    Ryuko snarls, as Satsuki chastises her again. She's not startled. She figured Satsuki had something up her sleeve. Dashing around her, and slashing at her. She's cut on her side again, and drops her transformation. "SENKETSU SENJIN!" And shifts to the other one. "You and your cunning bullshit.. 'If you haven't realized your position yet.. ALLOW ME TO SHOW YOU'!!" The outfit is lined with crimson blades, that quickly start to extend outwards, till they're quite long, indeed. Ryuko lets herself fall, and kicks off the bottom of the canyon and back up at Satsuki.

    She starts spinning as she does so, "Stop fuckin' talkin'.. flapping that jaw.. talkin' your shit.. and FIGHT!" It's not just all those sharp blades spinning, her sword slashing out at her, but it's the wind around her. All those sharp rock fragments, blasts of air, and even Ryuko's blood. All of it, turned into something that can cut at her oppponent.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    <<And now we're seeing some ricochet action! Satsuki's bouncing off the walls to get at the high flying Ryuko! There's plenty of hits flying now folks, just blood all over the place. Ryuko's... She's using that blood as a weapon! Senketsu is drawing on it to make blades! She's spinnin' like a top, trying to slice Satsuki in two! MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING. I TOLD YOU FOLKS THIS WOULD BE MATCH OF THE NIGHT.>>

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
    Fearlessly, Satsuki leaps into that clash again. Forward comes Bakuzan, holding off the words of the sharpened storm that is Ryuko. Sparks fly, however, and the whirling air around them alone is more than enough to open cut after cut along Satsuki's body, all of them small on their own and all of them adding up. Even the canyon around them begins to chip and fray from the sheer proximity of Senketsu's spinning blades. But Satsuki's face has taken on a determined scowl, save for the lips that have pulled into a vicious grin. "Are you so lacking in concentration that you can only accomplish one or the other, Matoi?!"

    There it is. A split-second opening. Satsuki brings Bakuzan around, putting all her strength into a block intended to exploit a gap in Ryuko's spin that's only there for just an instant. To halt that deadly spin outright, to give herself an opportunity to swing a vicious kick at Ryuko's abdomen, and so that they can separate themselves entirely. And as Satsuki goes falling back out of the air, she whips Bakuzan around again; two quick slashes, one right after the other, release another pair of those waves of razor-sharp air towards Ryuko.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    <<THIS IS GETTING SERIOUS FOLKS! Satsuki's got Ryuko at a disadvantage here. She's been landing a lot of hits and-AND THERE'S ANOTHER, She landed part of that combo but good, and I think Ryuko's feeling it now. How will she respond?>>

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
    Ryuko is, if anything, just getting angry. But unlike the last time they've fought, it's anger tempered by some serious concentration. Even Satsuki should realize that. She wants a win. She's not lacking in concentration. Far from it. She's got a laser focus going, right now. The kick lands, but it's only just pushed her away. The slashes of air manage to stop her, or at least slow her, but only briefly. "Boy, you don't get it, huh..?" She spits as she falls, after Satsuki. "Just shut up.. and fight me." Licking her lips, she swaps to her Shippu form.. flies forward and around Satsuki.. behind and below her. Then upwards, stright at her. Dropping the Shippu transformation, she has the momentum she wants. She grasps her scissor, which unfolds into it's Decapitation Mode, and swings it in several lighting-fast swipes at at her opponent. "The fight should be the only thing on your mind! Not all this shitty gloating! FIGHT ME!"

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    <<Ryuko's getting knocked around folks but she's not out y- And THERE IT IS FOLKS. DECAPITATION MODE! Ryuko's getting damn serious now as that Scissor Blade gets into it just as much as she is! That's a BIG DAMN SWORD and she's weaving her attacks like it was NOTHING. LOOK AT HER GO.>>

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
    In Decapitation Mode, the Scissor Blade is a match for Bakuzan in length - perhaps even longer. And having Ryuko come up at her from below, even though Satsuki began her fall first, really brings home to the Council President just how maneuverable Senketsu Shippu is. And there in mid-air, blades clash at last, a true and proper duel of swordswomen. Sparks fly again and again, as a slash is parried, a slice slips by, a stab glances away with little more than a nick, and a cut finds purchase. Blow by blow, small and large hits land, and the canyon around them is absolutely /shredded/. Shockwaves in all directions, cutting deep gouges in the stone, carving off chunks of canyon wall, bringing down showers of shattered rock.

    And no sooner do their boots touch the rubble than Satsuki plants her feet and locks blades with Ryuko, staring past their weapons into the Transfer Student's eyes. "...If nothing else, you've improved greatly in skill...! VERY WELL, /MATOI/!!"

    Satsuki puts her whole weight into a shove, and then goes from defense to offense in the blink of an eye. One slash after another, striking again and again with Bakuzan, each blow shredding the very ground around them. The full might of the two Kamui is brought to bear against each other at last, and the arena itself might just not survive.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    <<WHAT A HIT ON SATSUKI. I think Ryuko surprised her an- LOOK OUT GUYS. CAMERA CREW GET CLEAR, IT'S HAPPENING NOW. They're all the way at it now, and Satsuki just LAID INTO Ryuko they... there's some chatter down on the ground and I can't- I think there's some admiration going on from the Class President and now we're going in earnest. My god that's a lot of dirt out there. Someone get me a clearer shot!>>

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
    Ryuko just smiles faintly, "Naturally." She shoves right back, and her scissor meets Satsuki's Bakuzan, blow for blow. They might not be touching one another with their blades, but the sheer force and blasts of that razor-sharp air are enough to cut at them both, significantly. The red of Ryuko's Kamui glows, turning a brighter magenta, which soon spreads to the red of her hair. "Haaaa!!!"

    With one good clash, she pushes back a little bit further.. And grasping her blade in both hands, holds it behind her, before swinging it forward and horizontally in a wide arc. There's a loud rush of air, a hissing sound that carries on the wind. It carves a huge gash into the rock, cutting apart several of the nearby rocky plateaus, and cleaving apart anything unfortunate enough to be in the way.

    Satsuki and Bakuzan are, no doubt, tougher than rock. Still, it's a pretty good demonstration. Good thing there's plenty of barriers and other protections for the bystanders, because they're definitely going to get tested, before the fight is through.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    <<Ryuko's really getting into it now, that's a massive haymaker with the Scissor Blade, and that attack just cleaved the range in two. Back up folks, hover cars, please back up! It's getting awfully dangerous down there and I can't see a damn thing for all the debris. That's a mighty desperate attack on Ryuko's part though.>>

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
    It's an attack Satsuki has seen once before. It took effort, but she was able to cleanly avoid it the first time - this time, not so; despite having dealt with it once before, Satsuki is only just able to avoid a direct hit by bending herself over backwards and going right under the horizontal slash, and this time the sheer wind of its passage is enough to tear at the wounds she's already suffered. It's a testament to how much Ryuko's improved. This, Satsuki realizes, needs to be ended quickly. In a contest of long-term stamina, she will lose to Ryuko as Junketsu's harsh toll builds.

    So when Satsuki comes back up to a standing posture, rather than attack Ryuko with her sword, she goes for the surprise. Diving in with her left hand, trying to get a handful of Senketsu, and turning around with all the strength she has left, intending to throw Ryuko like a missile towards the nearest towering spire of rock... and then go running right after, intending to be there when the Transfer Student hits.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    <<YES. Yes Satsuki DID survive that one, folks and she looks determined now! There's blood again, but there's blood all over the field now, in the dirt on on the competitors. And- She just grabbed at what little there is of Ryuko's Kamui and BODY CHECKED her into what's left of the canyon. And she's MOVING, I think she's trying to follow up on that too!>>

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    <<I'm really not sure what's keping either of these women upright at this point folks, there has been SO MUCH energy thrown around here and these two just have such ANIMOSITY that this place is in SHAMBLES now. I can't imagine this going on much longer. One or the other is going to give out here.>>

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
    Ryuko gets tossed, and rather hard, at the pillar of rock. Hitting it knocks the wind out of her, but she sucks in a breath and quickly swaps to her Shippu form and goes straight at Satsuki. If there's one advantage that she has, it's speed. Ryuko isn't there for Satsuki to follow up. She's flying straight at her, head first. It's a real testament to Ryuko's character, and her overall style, and not just in combat. Meet your challenges, headfirst. Meet them with everything you have, even if it means giving everything you have left. And, well.. In this case, it's not too far off. She's lost a lot of blood, so she needs to end this quickly, too. And if it means slamming into her opponent head-first, well.. So be it.

She first tries to land a headbutt. And at that speed, who knows how bad that'll hurt? She follows it up, too, the shimmer of the life-fibers in her outfit making her stand out like a star in a dark sky. The glow along the red trim seems to light up like fire, and even her Scissor blade seems to glow, too. That sword is just so big, but it's moving so /fast/. Ryuko's using every ounce of speed that she has to her advantage, dashing after her opponent and slicing away with it, hoping she'll find the crippling strike she needs.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    <<RYUKO'S MOVING, FOLKS. SHE IS MOVING and MOVING FAST. She's burning bright now, clearly visible through the dirt and dust down there, a red star of vengance. That blade is... it's a blurr and I just can't keep up with it right now. Satsuki's on the defensive now, folks, and it looks like Ryuko's landing a LOT OF HITS here.>>

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
    'Head-on collision' has seldom been more literal than this. With force that would buckle steel, Satsuki and Ryuko's foreheads meet, and this time it really /is/ like a bomb going off. A shockwave of force explodes outward, flinging dust and debris, a thunderous sound. And yet the two of them with their Kamui are strong enough that it's just another blow, a hit that staggers Satsuki back but doesn't obliterate her, a hit that only begins Ryuko's attack rather than end it. Off her balance from such a dizzying hit, bleeding now from the forehead. Satsuki can't quite muster the defenses to weather that vicious, ongoing combo. Blood begins to paint the rubble around her in ghastly ribbons of red, Bakuzan and the Scissor Blade meet again and again, shockwave after shockwave rings out. Between all the new wounds Ryuko deals her and the sheer taxing drain of pushing Junketsu so hard, Satsuki is not in a good way now at all.

    And yet, with all that blood pouring down her body, Satsuki finds the single opening, the one chance she has to drop low, to launch herself to one side, to come up and adopt an aggressive kenjutsu stance with her sword held horizontally, right beside her head. There is no longer anything in her expression. No disdain, no grim enjoyment, no indignance. Nothing but a fierce, all-encompassing concentration, focused down to a fine point. And in that instant, standing to Ryuko's side, the Queen of Honnouji pushes Junketsu to the limits. Moving so quickly and forcefully that the tip of Bakuzan breaks the sound barrier with a resounding CRACK, Satsuki steps in, and unleashes a single, fierce slice that may well split the small plateau they're on in half.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    <<SATSUKI... Well she's survived that, weathered all that Ryuko threw at her, there's... Dear LORD that's a swing. I felt that all the way up here! The sheer force of that blow just rattled the announcer's booth, folks and that's saying something! I think... That defiantely landed but I can't see what sort of damage it did to Matoi. Satsuki looks pretty focused though, this is serious.>>

Ryuko Matoi (140) has posed:
    Ryuko tries to meet that blow, and meet it she does, but she's knocked off her feet by it. She doesn't stick the landing very well, either, tumbling over and coming to a stop face down. She doesn't get up, perhaps to Satsuki's relief, her scissor blade stuck in the ground nearby. Perhaps to signify the end of the fight, her Kamui's transformation drops entirely, leaving her wearing her normal school uniform. She's definitely out cold.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    <<AND THAT'S IT, THAT'S IT FOLKS. Medics, get in there, Ryuko's down for the count and this one is over. YOUR WINNER TONIGHT IS SASTUKI KIRYUIN! LET'S HEAR IT FOR BOTH OUR COMPETITORS FOLKS!>>

Satsuki Kiryuin (430) has posed:
    Breathing heavily, dripping blood from numerous wounds, Satsuki holds her posture after the blow lands, head tilted such that her bangs hide whatever look might be in her eyes. By the time she relaxes her stance, her face is a calm, neutral mask again - though just standing up straight proves to be an effort. Already the REVOCS chopper is circling in close to pick Satsuki up, and it's a good thing, because for once the cameras catch the young heir swaying on her feet briefly, fighting simply to stay conscious until they can pick her up. The entire time, however, her gaze remains on the unsconscious Ryuko, and it's hard to say what she's thinking.

Courier Six (32) has posed:
    <<I want to thank you ALL for listening in tonight folks! This was your MATCH OF THE WEEK with the Lucky 38. The best rotating Cocktail Lounge in ALL of New Vegas. VIPs only, check with your travel agent for booking. Also brought to you by the Ultra-Luxe. Live life in the lap of luxury. Thanks for tuneing in tonight folks. For the Fine folks at the World Martial Arts Tournament, I'm John Tallbranch signing off.>>