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WMAT A1 Metal Man vs Natasha
Date of Scene: 18 September 2015
Location: WMAT Arena - Yunzabit Heights
Synopsis: Steel meets fire as Metal Man and Natasha duke it out.
Thanks to: Thanks to Ferham for commentating
Cast of Characters: 11, 425, 516
Tinyplot: WMAT 2015

Metal Man (11) has posed:
Metal Man had been doing pretty well this year with the WMAT, he'd done well enough that there shouldn't be any heat form Wily if he doesn't advance further. Yet? He wants to see how far he can push things, after all winning here would show the people of his earth. He looks at teh cold natuer of the Yunzabit Heights and scans for where Natasha is going to be. He look to the nearby Camera crew and gives them a thumbs up also flagging them and any other crews as friendly to his HUD, to lessen the chance of an accident.

"So Natasha's her name? I wonder how well she'll fight

Natasha (425) has posed:
Speaking of heat, Natasha's wondering who's idea it was to have a fight in a place like this. She's at a bit of disadvantage fighting in this place but it shouldn't be too much of a problem unless it starts raining or snowing. Well, at least she wouldn't have to worry about hurting anyone here. The hoverplanes are some distance away so it would be hard to hit one of them accidently. It looks like she's fighting some kind of robot, but she figured that from his name. She wonders how effective fire is against him as she lets loose a small warning shot of flame.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     When Ferham heard that one of Wily's creations was going to be competing today in WMAT, she figured she had to take a fly down and go see if they needed an announcer. When she discovered they did, well, she was beyond amused to volunteer for the position. Ferham stands off to the side of the match perched on a high dias with a small trio of Pararoids flitting about on their dragon-fly wings emitting a localized forcefield around her. In case of stray metal blades or gunfire or energy blasts that go high and might hit the winged announcer.

     "Welcome to the World Martial Arts Tournament, our contestants today are: hailing from the Wily Numbers of Skull Fortress and beyond, built by Dr. Wily himself is Metal Man! His super-grip coated gloves allow him to throw those blades of his with remarkable speeds! And in the other corner... The young and energetic fire mage Natasha! No that's not Fatale, but we'll know if she is soon enough!" she floats off the tall dias with her wings sliding out, floating about now as she surveys the match.

Metal Man (11) has posed:
Metal Man is looking over Natasha for a moment. He's trying to size her up, even as she makes her first action? MEtal Man's already moving at high speed tearing across the desolate landscape.

"Humm curious."

He does not say more but he does pick up Ferham's announcing nad he can't help but grin under his faceplate. This was going to be a fun fight and a heck of a thing to watch later for Ferham's own part in this. He flips into into the air and then throws a lone blade at Natasha, testing the waters.

Natasha (425) has posed:
"Who's Natasha Fatale?" She can't help but to wonder now that Ferham brought that up. The fire elmental is distracted for a moment before she notices the blade being hurled at her. She tries to dodge it, but it ends up cutting her exposed lower chest leaving a small gash. "Ouch..." She reminded a bit of Alexandra with that attack but for now she needs to focus on the fight. The ground near Metal Man begins to burst into flame.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     As the battle takes place, the localized forcefield keeps any of the shrapnel and stray bits of fire from hitting Ferham as she hovers a good distance above the tournament field. "As I said previously those blades of Metal Man can be thrown by him from almost any angle and at subsonic speeds--ooh, that looked like it hurt," even Ferham has to cringe a little. "Though on the other hand it looks like Miss Natasha is a little spitfire herself, I am not sure if Metal Man's design ever had a weakness to fire but it looks like we're going to find out!" the metal-winged valkyrie banks back from the action just a bit so that she's not drowned out by the sound of the fighting.

Metal Man (11) has posed:
Metal Man is not quick enough this time to avioid the flames but he doesn't delay in them long. There's osme light damage but nothing that's breache his armored body. Well for the moment it may have left some of them a lot weaker. He starts making use of the terain bounding about and seeming to throw. Yet many of them are fake outs only several of the tosses are actually launching blades.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Natasha's paying attention this time and starts hurling fire everywhere to try and stop the blades from hitting her. She misses one though and it nicks her face. They both seem to be pretty good at avoiding getting hit with projectiles so she decides to get in close instead. A blade made of fire forms in her hands and she charges at the robot master with the weapon extended.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Wuh oh, looks like Metal Man may have met his match here folks, looks like that last hit barely grazed Miss Natasha and she's bringing some of the red heat down on this wily number," Ferham winced as the fireball collided with Metal, seeming to counter his metal blade. "Though it seems as if that wasn't the full brunt of the attack however, and Metal Man avoided the most of it. No trip to the smelter today for him, boys," Ferham gives a little wink at a nearby floating camera with a grin.

Metal Man (11) has posed:
Metal Man is getting the idea this lady's got a lot she can do with fire, he is however used to dealing with fire. He's hit but he's never quite caught directly with the flames. He now leaps again twists in the air as he goes, keeping up with his policy in combat. Do not sit still, never sit still. At the apex of his jump he throws a blade once more.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Well, there's going to be a lot of molten metal by the time this fight is done. The blades are less dangerous to her then they would be against a human opponent but that doesn't mean they don't hurt. Natasha's glad no else is present besides Ferham and the two of them. She jumps up into the air as well and tosses a firewball downwards at the robot master. He isn't the only one who can leap around.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Oh man, Metal Man keeps going easy on her and that last hit looked like it hit dead on, ow--I hope she doesn't need to be air-tight for anything because she's not anymore, folks," Ferham winced one eye shut at that, holding her free arm up to shield her face if any stray blood gets squirted her way. "And it looks like Natasha is making a comeback here with that last strike--ow, all this fire melting metal is starting to make me a little nervous, not gonna lie!"

Metal Man (11) has posed:
Metal Man can't dodge for ever and he's not known for his heavy armour either. The firebal does a good dela of damage leaving him scorched in a number of places and a number portions of his body glowing from how /hot/ they are. It's clearly doing internal damage to his systems. He is however in the fight still. Ferham is being a heck of a annoucer, he'll have to talk to her about it later. For now most of his processor power is focused on dealing with Natasha. He leaps into the ait throws a blade, then jumps again trying to keep distance from her.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Natasha certainly wants to win the fight but she wonders if she got a bit carried with the last attack. After all she's not quite sure how well he handles fire, she knows metal can melt easily but she knows it could also be shielded against flame too. Still robots can generally be fixed easier than organic beings so she doesn't feel too guilty about it. This kind of reminds her of watching knives being throw in the circus. "You're pretty good at that, was throwing blades what you were built for?" She tosses a few smaller fireballs, figuring he would have a harder time doding them.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Woah, and Metal Man barely connects this time again, who knew Wily used such cheap materials in these guy's construction, he definitely needs some new servos or a good round of lubrication!" Ferham blinks as the fire mage goes on what looks like a barrage attack. "By Dr. Cain's Beard! Natasha has just unleashed her fiery fury on Metal Man it seems, a total of three fire based hits and two out of three went right into him! Can he maybe turn this one around and get the LEAD out, rather than the tinfoil?"

Metal Man (11) has posed:
Metal Man knows where the focus of his budget went he can't help but smile though Ferham does know her stuff. He pulls back from Natasha for a moment he smirks a little bit at her.

"Industial overseeing."

He notes then he breaks into a run but Blasts of flames catch him but he keeps coming and he leaps up on to a rock formation. Snapping his fingers as he land and the ground under Natasha's feed explodes as small combat drones rise up out of the ground and will attemp to drive their drills into her.

"Also commanding scores of lesser mechanloids."

Natasha (425) has posed:
"Hey, I thought these fights were suppose to be one on one!" Natasha certainly wasn't expecting to bring help with him. It certainly did explain what he had been built for though. The drills spin around and are driven into her legs making her stumble a bit. Blood comes out of the newly open wounds making a bit of a hissing sound and melting everything it comes in contact with. Of course this might also include Metal Man.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "It looks like Metal Man has surprised Natasha with some of the mole drill units at his command, and yeesh, that looked like it hurt more than a bit--but Natasha is not taking that one simmering, apparently and her counter is staggering--it seems like her very bodily fluids are capable of melting right through metal! I guess this means she's a universal donor," Ferham swings back around to catch some footage of the melty blood being poured around, careful to stay above and downwind of the fumes.

Metal Man (11) has posed:
Metal Man says "They are a part of me, they are weapons. Other fighters do things like mine the arena before hand." The remote weapons, drones, mechanloids they don't last long at this point. The stuff from her blood gets a suprised cry as it starts melting into him he starts throwing it off as best she can using high speed movments to try and make the wind pick it off but one blade he has is enduring the heat afterall the material they made of can take the heat but now this thing is glowing from the heat and he throws it at Natasha as he breaks off from being up close.

Natasha (425) has posed:
"How could you do that without knowing where you're going to fight?!" Natasha's curious now, after all you could mine the wrong arena. Hopefully, they've managed to find someone who could provide her with medical attention without getting burned. Of course mining the arena wouldn't work too well against her unless there was aerial mines. "Really, so if someone damages them it hurts you as well?" She does her best to stay close to him and warms her body as she does, trying to melt the robot master.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Metal Man does have a point, those drones are connected to him very fundamentally, he likely wouldn't be the same bot without them!" Ferham nods a bit after Metal Man speaks, before adding, "It looks like those mole drones don't have a ghost of a chance surviving that stuff, and that entire metal blade just shattered in Natasha's face, ow--looks like Metal is doing his best to try and turn this around, but it's still looks to be fairly close, it could go either way at this point still!"

Metal Man (11) has posed:
Metal Man smirks, "I laid out a lot of drones near by and waited for you to come to me."

He Is not harmed by drones deaths, it's like a human having hair cut at worse. Either way still her heat is hurnting him directly so it's beside the point really.

"You'll just have to find out!"

MEtal Man calls out as he suddenly leaps into the air rising up high into the cloudy skies then dropping down like a dooms fighter jet. He's got one filts held out as he comes in for the impact hopefully into Natasha.


Natasha (425) has posed:
"So you picked this place on purpose?" Maybe he already knew something about Natasha in advance, or assumed that she was human. She tries to fly up to get out of the way but he still manages to make impact with his fist regardless. At this point her whole body bursts into flames, he was in for a nasty counter if he doesn't pull away in time.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "And Metal Man comes back with his fiery metal fisting--however it appears Natasha has taken his leather and given him some lace instead!" Ferham has to dodge out of the way as Natasha flies up, keeping herself out of harms way. "The fire magician appears to have burst into flame, and sent herself right into Metal Man! Yeowch, I don't think I've seen the like in quite a long time," she rubs the side of her head with the back of her gloved hand, as if the heat is getting to her too.

Metal Man (11) has posed:
Metal Man just knew it was a good spot to stage an ambush most organics have issues with the cold. Given most people fighting in the tournament were such how could he not make use of such an area?

"Know where your fighting, make use of the terrain, exploit a foe's weakness. This is basic tactics my dear. You were worth the time to make preperations for to fight."

He is caught with a punch and it does a heck of a lot of damage to him he reels back but he's not quite finished yet. He seems to be making ready with a large number of blades which he starts throwing.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Thankfully, natural cold doesn't do much to Natasha, she doesn't enjoy it but it's not a threat either. "I just usually use fire. I'm not a tactician or anything." It's got her this far, besides thinking too much about combat is just a distraction. The blades make impact, stabbing her even further. Still, she's not going to give up after all if she wins she can help a lot of people. She rushes in and punches him with her flaming hands, it's not like she has to worry about breaking bones or anything.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Well it looks like it's coming down to the wire folks, the battle is drawing to a close, Natasha and Metal Man have been subjected to some pretty terrible trauma so far, but who knows, maybe Metal Man will get lucky and some shrapnel will get in Natasha's eyes--though maybe her eyes are made of lava too," Fer sighs a little but she doesn't seem to be rooting for either in particular.

Metal Man (11) has posed:
Metal Man has a feeling this is about over but he's not about to let Natasha get off easy. He's never been one to go quietly or give up easily. He looks Natasha down he also knows he's got to make a show of all of this. HE thwos back his head and laughs.

"You still fight well enough now come do you think I will go quietly?!"

Metal Man now just unleashes a storm of blades they keep comming as he leaps about at high speed, even with his damaged body? He's not lost his balance once no matter how bad he's been hit.

Natasha (425) has posed:
There's simply too many blades for Natasha to try and dodge or melt them all. She finds herself getting lacerated by them. If she was a normal human this was certainly be lethal, she's somehow still standing but she's in a great deal of pain right now. She lets out a loud scream and exhales a large flame from her mouth as she does so. The blades promptly melt along with anything or anyone else caught in the vicnity.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Holy--woah, what a hit from Metal Man, that flurry of blades seems to have taken a chunk out of the plucky fire mage! Is the wily number making a comeback!? And that last hit from Natasha seems to have glanced off him, he looks only a bit scorched!" Ferham herself is getting excited now visibly, as this whole thing is coming to a head in a bit of a suspenseful way.

Metal Man (11) has posed:
Metal Man is able to just barely edoge the flame breath but he's caught in the wake and that does more damage to him. He's getting static in his field of view he staggers and throws another blade but it's weak he doesn't seem to be near the end of his rope.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Natasha manages to catch the blade as slow as it's moving. She's quite beat up as well at this point and wants to finish the fight. Of course her is hand is burning at this point and she's not able to hold onto the weapon for very long. She promptly tosses the heated blade back at Metal Man in an attempt to get rid of it.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "Well there we have it, Natasha turned one of Metal Man's blades back on him and I think he's down for this fight. Natasha wins this round!" Ferham lowers the forcefields around her and begins hovering around with the camera to showcase the area of the battle and the winner and loser. "Unfortunately in all contests where must be a loser, and that brings us to a close," Ferham fans her wings out and does a few passes around the arena before soaring off.

Metal Man (11) has posed:
Metal Man has just taken more than he could take. Natasha now has conrned him well at this point a stiff breeze would knock him over and the blade hits him and he just goes down /hard/.

Natasha (425) has posed:
Natasha's pretty cut up at this point but there's a smile on her face. She's never made it this far in any of the Multiversal tournaments before. She certainly plans to celebrate...right after she gets some medical attention. She leans over and offers Metal Man a hand up, "That certainly was close."