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Terry and Twilight Visiting a Tree
Date of Scene: 03 September 2015
Location: Njorun Station - Recreation Branch
Synopsis: Terry and Twilight Visiting a Tree
Cast of Characters: 411, 867

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis is in the rec area, well a much older Terry McGinnis, and heis busy working out on some gymnastic equipment. currently he is on a set of parallel bars and he currently doing a one handed hand stand as he works on keeping his balance.

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Althought it is a bit late in the day, Twilight Sparkle felt like doing a bit of exploring and possibly friend making. So, she has travelled here to the Recreation Branch. She is currently trotting about, a pleasant smile on her face. She blinks as she spots a video arcade with lost of flashing neon advertising fun and free games with enough tokens or wins.

     Since video games are something Twilight does not have a lot of experience with, the pastel purple pony trots her way toward the arcade. Games range from old world Pac-Man and such to new 3D shooters and even a few virtual reality and holographic game rooms are available. As she is heading toward it, she passes the gym area. Noticing Terry working out there, she smiles kindly and raises a forehoof to wave to him.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis holds his position as he nods his head to the horse... wait, a horse just waved... And he blinks at this as he looks and he then starts to fall, and he rolls and lands on his legs. Standing, up fromt he parallel bars, he rubs his head and shakes it as he looks at the horse.. er pony. "A waving pony..." he says to himself as he stands there.

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twilight giggles as Terry falls and rolls to his feet. She looks toward the arcade, then back toward Terry, then shrugs lightly and heads into the gym area. "Hello there. I am sorry for interrupting your workout. Are you injured? That was a skillful save, but still you did fall." She looks around, and Terry might notice that she is not just a horse, but a unicorn. Then, she smiles to him. "I am Twilight Sparkle. It is nice to meet you! And you are?"

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis looks and blinks, "I am fine," he comments as he smiles. "I tend to land on my feet and and very good at saves," he adds as he nods to her. "Terry McGinnis, nice to meet you Twilight Sparkle." Taking a towel, he wipes his face, "I take it your exploring the tree here?" he asks.

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twilight nods at the question. "I do not make it out here very often. I am usually in my own tree. Which also serves as a library." She steps back as Terry towels off. "I was about to visit the video arcade across the way, but you seemed so confused when you saw me I felt I should come over and introduce myself. Are you new to the Union?"

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis grins as she mentions Union, "You could say that," he says. "I was with the Union a while back, but left to work on my education and just recently returned," and he looks around. "Although I did not realize how much has changed since I was last here," he adds. Looking at the arcade he smiles, "They have some interesting games in there, a lot before my time," he comments. "Others are ok, but some as shway cool."

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twilight's ears perk at the mention of education. "Oh! How wonderful! An education is never a bad investment." she says, smiling brightly. "I am a studious pony myself. I have been studying hard to be the best with magic that I could be since I was very young."

     Twilight Sparkle nods in agreement about the video games, "I do not have much experience with video games, so I was going to go and try some out. Would you like to come along? None of my friends could make it, and it is always nice to make new friends." the little pony says, smiling warmly.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis thinks and nods, "Sure," he states as he grabs his bag. "Magic huh," he states. "I knew a few who did that. Looks hard to learn," he comments as he walks. "I am workign on becoming a physician, but I do other activites to keep myself in shape," he adds as he looks. "SO, where are you from? Never met a talkign pony before," he adds.

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     "I come from Ponyville in the land of Equestria." Twilight says as they walk. "Magic is rather abundant there. Just about everything has some level of magic to it. And ponies live as humans do on most other worlds. We care for the animals, live in houses, and ensure the weather is cycling appropriately."

     She waits for Terry to make sure he has everything, then walks with him across to the arcade. "Do they have games like this where you come from? I have never seen such a thing on my world."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis nods, "Yea, they have a lot of games," he states.. "I'm from Gothom City," he comments. "Well, Gothom City in the year 2039, so a lot of the stuff we have is similar to what is here, only not as woody," he mentions. "Gothom is still Gothom, and luckily we have a protector, although there are many protectors of cities and worlds where I am from," he adds.

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     "Oh! How coincidental!" Twilight Sparkle says, smiling cheerfully. "I am also a protector of my world. We have not had any major incidents in a while, but the Harmony Knights are always ready to defend the innocent ponies of Equestria." Once inside the arcade, Twilight Sparkle looks a bit overwhelmed by all the choices and noises. She is obviously not used to such hustle and bustle and electronic overload. "Oh my! It is so noisy! How can anyone tell what is happening on their game?"

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis grins as he litens, "Well, you get use to the noise, as each game has its own sound and setting or theme," he states as he gestures to one, "That's a shooting game, and it looks liek you shoot zombies, that's a racing game, where you race cars. Sport games, like basketball, baseball, bowling. Trivia or guessing games there. Older games that are at least 70 years old if not older," he mentions. "Each game is different, but the programming is the same, so its really just somethign you do and try to find the one you enjoy.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis grins as he litens, "Well, you get use to the noise, as each game has its own sound and setting or theme," he states as he gestures to one, "That's a shooting game, and it looks liek you shoot zombies, that's a racing game, where you race cars. Sport games, like basketball, baseball, bowling. Trivia or guessing games there. Older games that are at least 70 years old if not older," he mentions. "Each game is different, but the programming is the same, so its really just somethign you do and try to find the one you enjoy." <re>

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twilight listens to Terry, then considers what game to play. "Hmm...I am not one for violence, so...perhaps a racing game." she says, then she smiles to Terry before trotting toward a racing game. One of those where you sit in a seat and steer with a wheel. This one appears to be fairly advanced, graphics-wise. "Oh my! It almost looks like a real car!" she says as she hops up into the seat and sits with a remarkably human posture.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis walks over and nods, "Yea, a lot of the tech here is pretty advanced. Some are more virtual, where you area part of the game, but I am not a fan of those and do not get to the arcades much," he comments as he watches. "So you have no technology where you are from, Equestria." he asks.

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twilight raises a hoof and wobbles it in a 'sort of' fashion. "We have technology, but from what I know of other worlds it is only in the very early stages of industrial developement. We have computers, but they are nowhere near common place and are quite large. We have heavy construction equipment, but it isn't run by engines. Usually it is run by pony power."

     She watches the game running through its demo, her eyes wide in facination. "How do they make such images without magic? Technology is incredible!" she exclaims enthusiastically.

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis thinks, "The games are all designed on a computer and placed on chips. These chips or processors are attached to a circuit board and when electricity is provided, the game turns on and runs. all games are the same, but have different programs for that game," he mentions. " The graphics are designed to be as life like as possible and to put you int he game. The older games are basic, early versions, that lead into more advanced ones. And as time progressed from the late 1970s of Earth, to 2039 of earth, some 60 years, everythign changed and got more realistic," and he nods to the shooting game. "That game is one where you shoot game animals, dear, elk, moose. and the gun has an beam of light that is invisible to he eye. when you pull the trigger, the beam fires and if you hit the target you get points. This one, it based on cars, others are based on mobile suits, jets so it really depends on the game and what the people programming feel like doing." he mentions.

    "From the sound of it, Equestria sounds almost like early 20th Century, about 1910ish in on Earth."

Twilight Sparkle (411) has posed:
     Twilight seems facinated by the description of how the games work, but when the subject of hunting game animals comes up, she gasps softly and puts a hoof to her mouth. Her expression goes to one of sadness, but she shakes her head quickly. "S-sorry. With how peaceful our world is, I often forget that hunting is a necessity on many other worlds, even by the higher lifeforms which inhabit those worlds." She takes a deep breath, then lets it out slowly.

     She hops out of the chair after watching the demo again, then smiles up at Terry. "Thank you for accompanying me. I should return home. It is unwise to leave a baby dragon alone for too long." She giggles softly, then smiles again. "If you ever feel like it, Equestria welcomes visitors. Though, there is an ambient magic field that could turn you into a pony for the duration of your visit."

Terry McGinnis (867) has posed:
    Terry McGinnis nods and blinks, "Baby dragon?" he asks as he looks, "You have a baby dragon? But don't those grow big?" he asks as he nods, "Yea, I need to get going as well." and he looks, "Me a pony..... That would be interesting," he comments as he thinks what would happen if he was dressed as Batman.