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Latest revision as of 03:47, 23 September 2015

Attack of the Weddingbots!
Date of Scene: 17 September 2015
Location: Little Innsmouth
Synopsis: El protects Ferham...and misses a 'deadly' shot!
Cast of Characters: 516, 740

Elphelt Valentine (740) has posed:
Little Innsmouth! It's a lovely town, and has a lovelier beach! Thus it is that out weddingbot heroine is making her way down the beach. She has a camera on her, and she's snapping pictures of turtles, seagulls, and the occasional off-shore dolphin! All the while, Elphelt sings a tune!

"Never gonna give you up~"

She does a little spin and snaps a picture!

"Never gonna let you down~"

There's a little stretch from El onto her tiptoes, and she grins at the beautiful sky.

"Never gonna turn around, and huuuurt you~."

It should be noted that she's a fairly decent singer!

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham had heard there was another advanced AI in the area around here, so she had taken herself down to Little Innsmouth to search. The city had some shady and weird history to be sure, though it also seemed to have some definite underworld ties. She would have to keep her head down here, she realized--if she wanted to remain undetected by any sorts of thugs that showed up here. As Ferham made her way through the shadowy alleyways though, it soon becomes apparent she /has/ acquired some kind of unwanted attention, however, as she's picked up a tail in the form of two low-level medici-family related thugs are following her now. Where others might sigh, she's utterly silent as she turns to confront the two, likely leaving herself in view of Elphelt if she is passing by that way.

Elphelt Valentine (740) has posed:
Elphelt is hardly the kind to /not/ be friendly! And thus noting Ferham, and her two 'friends', the woman speaks up almost immediately.

"Hello! It's such a nice day out! This is really such a nice city, people said it was a little weird, but I have no idea what they're talking about! So many restaurants and things to see and people to meet! Oh, umm, I'm Elphelt by the way! Who're you Miss? Oh, oh, and introduce me to your friends!" The weddingbot, dressed oddly as she is, has a big goofy grin on her face as she blatantly stands behind the trio!

Can someone possibly be this oblivious!?

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham peered back over her shoulder at the sudden feminine and cheerful voice, though her gaze was a bit cold, as the pair of thugs--a large gorilla-figured one, along with a shorter but more wirey looking fellow approached, both wearing work pants, one in a dark shirt and another in a long sailor's oilskin. "I am not sure they're too glad to see me, maybe they'll like you better," Fer rolled her eyes at the display and stepped back a little, gesturing to the two men, who turn around and peer at Elphelt.

     "Woah, what the heck is this?" one mutters in a Scottish Brogue, the other pipes up, "It looks like some kind of... cat bride girl," of course, both are pre-occupied by Elphelt's well... frontal assets there, turning almost fully to see her, which gives Ferham time to flick out her whip.

     "Hmm, I might have to get a frontal spoiler kind of design, seems to come in handy."

Elphelt Valentine (740) has posed:
"Huh?" El kinda peers first at the two men checking her out, then at Ferham. Slowly, she gets it, and jumps back a little!

"H...hey! There's no need for this to get nasty! Can't we all be friends? I'm sure miss...uhhh...the nice lady here is, uh, real nice! So let's put away our weapons, and shake hands, okay? Live and let live?" Grin! She pours on the 'charm'.

She leans in, and openly /pouts/ at all three.

"I'd be real sad if anyone got hurt! You wouldn't make a cute girl like me cry, would you....I'm not a cat! I am a proper maiden! A picture of feminine beauty!" She proves this by throwing her hands in the air, and causing a pink heart made of magical sparkles to appear!

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham had wanted to strike at the men while they were distracted by Elphelt, though she was afraid she might accidentally hit El too in the process, so her efforts to take the thugs down a notch was stymied, stymied by magical pink heart sparkles!

     "You definitely are, love, what say you come and get a few drinks with us after we're done with this one over here--" the other one jerks to attention as he notices Ferham standing there with her whip raised, silently pulling a gun from his sailor's oilskin jacket. Ferham has just seconds to react as she bows her knees and drops just a bit so that the incoming bullet ZINGS past a fin of her helmet. Close call.

     "Alright, just put the squeeze on the cat and the bird lady, c'mon," what looks like an electrical prod is produced by the tougher one, a full out battle commencing as Mr. Shock Baton brings his weapon up, but is he aiming for Fer, or El!?

Elphelt Valentine (740) has posed:
The gunshot breaks Elphelt's aura of silliness quickly. Almost immediately, she's in action! She pulls out...is that a champagne bottle?

"Jerk! You could've killed her!" There's outright anger in her tone! Despite that, El aims her 'deadly' weapon!

Pop! Out goes the cork, aimed right for the man's weapon! No way is she going to let Ferham become tazed, bro! Oddly enough, the supersonice champagne bottle-cork somehow is completely non-deadly!

The impact, however, might throw him into a wall, literally. Magic is weird like that!

"Get behind me, Miss! I'll protect you!" Comes the weddingbot valiantly! Like some kind of knight in shining maidendom!

There's still the other guy however!

Ferham (516) has posed:
     The man with the oilskin jacket has what appears to be a derringer pistol in one hand, he is knocked aside as the man with the shock prod goes flying backwards, thanks to the bride-bot's cork missile. "Oy, she's got some kind of weapon that is!" he takes aim and fires. POP. POP. POP. Three rounds with a single one going high. Ferham thinks at this point it might be Elphelt that needs to hide behind her as she deflects one one of the shots with one of her armored bracer. "Watch out!" Ferham launches herself into the air and grabs the man with the gun in a sort of dive, knocking him down, hard. Meanwhile, the man with the shock baton rises up and is coming for Elphelt, for seconds, apparently. though, at the last second he swings around and raises that shock club of his high above his head, apparently trying to help his cohort Ferham was on.

     Fer straddles the man with the gun as she's wrestling with him for the gun--it's not a drawn out struggle, Fer is way stronger than the limey Medici thug. The derringer is pulled away and with a swift gesture, Fer has pulled the cylinder out--breaking it off. The man is of course quite displeased with her being ontop of him, such as it was.

Elphelt Valentine (740) has posed:
Elphelt gives a scream, shot at, jerking back! Thanks to the swift moves of Ferham, however, she's completely unharmed! She looks ready to bash the incoming shock-baton using ruffian with her big champagne bottle, but then he turns to Ferham, defenseles as she tears apart the other man's gun!

"Hey! Leave her alone! That's it, I don't have a choice!"

Reaching into her dress, she pulls out a single bullet! It has the odd heart-shaped symbol that adorns some of her dress, and she flicks it casually into the air!

Plucking a single red rose, the bullet lands and it transforms into a long rifle! Leaping back in a graceful flip, spinning the rifle in the air as she loads it, she lands on one knee and takes aim!

"This is for my....FIRST LOVE!"

BLAM! The heart-etched bullet rushes for the man. Oddly, unlike a normal bullet, this one just seems to dissipate and cause a little pink shimmer where it hits...should it strike its target!

Either way, she puts her gun to her side, and grins. There's suddenly a vast field of flowers around her and her target.

"Do you only have eyes for me?~"

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Wrestling with the formerly armed man against the street gets a little boring after a while, so once he's nice and tired she rises and is just in time to grab the man with the shock rod and smiles at him as she reaches up and grips his wrist he was holding the weapon in--her gloved hand tightening hard enough to make a few audible popping noises. "You shouldn't play with that honey, you might get hurt," she watches as the baton falls to the ground, and then the rest of him, her green eyes going wide just as that pink shimmer was coming right at her, the pink glow cast against her face and eyes.

     "Oh he--" Ferham doesn't have time to answer of course as it impacts into her chest and she's thrown back, thankfully she has the unconscious man just behind her to use as a cushion. Oops. Though it's odd, the impact of the projectile doesn't seem to have caused any damage, though it has visibly struck her, in her right side down the side of her chest. She lays there sprawled out for a few moments, still partly conscious. "Nnn..."

Elphelt Valentine (740) has posed:
Wince. Ow. Elphelt hears that pop of the man's hand...and then she realizes she's too late. She already fired.

"Get D..." Too slow. Down Ferham goes!

Making sure both men are out of the way, she's running over to the brave reploid! Kneeling down, she pulls Ferham to her lap, settling her head against the surprisingly soft material of her dress, and strokes her hair gently in utter worry!

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't mean it are you okay you're going to be okay right Thank God I used just the special bullet I'd hate to see what happened if I hit you with a concussion one should I get you some water or a bed or do you need a hug!?!?" She flows into her famous motormouth speech in her panic, eyes full of tears as she looks down at the poor woman!

Ferham (516) has posed:
     Ferham stirs a little as her face is pressed into Elphelt's dress, perhaps it's the healing power of chest bubbles? Either way, she opens her eyes wide, not blinking as she pulls herself right up and back to her feet, as if she has been possessed by something.

     "Oh, Miss Elphelt, I feel..." those big green eyes were still wide, though now they were seeming quite a bit more... sparkly, and moe-ish. In fact, they were practically glittering as she clasped her hands together and bent down a bit, sounding as if she was squealing in joy. "Like I need to find my one and only, right here, right now!" she nearly trips and stumbles over the poor unconscious men. "But err, not these poor guys, though, they're kind of hurt, and passed out," she said with a moment's look of caution or concern on her face, it was kind of hard to tell which!

Elphelt Valentine (740) has posed:
Elphelt is undeniably comfy!

Blink. Elphelt's worry vanishes as the magic words are spoken! She laughs, reaches out, and pulls Ferham to her feet! The waifubot squeels in pure delight, before pulling Ferham arm-to-arm!

"Okay! Let's do it, Miss...uhh, what was your name again?"

Then she's right in front of her, just after calling the police for the two men. Ferham's being dragged to a bridal shop.

"Ooh, ooh, tell me what you like in a husband...or wife, I don't judge! We'll find your special someone! I even have an extra marriage certificate!"

Yoink! A golden marriage certificate is handed to Ferham.

Ferham (516) has posed:
     "It's Ferham," Fer smiles a little as she points up at the sky. "I think I know where we need to go to find someone for us too," Ferham nod nods and is soon airlifting the Valentine to the nearest bridal shop. There after a quick make-over and trussing up, the femmebot is clad in a sparkly white gown herself, a bit not unlike Elphelt's, really.

     "Does this skirt make me look too fat down here? I gotta be perfect for my big day," Ferham is likely to snap out of this soon, however she does seem like this will take some of Elphelt's time and energy in the process. She created this monster herself, after all. It'll be a long afternoon and evening, to be sure.

Elphelt Valentine (740) has posed:
Elphelt stands in front of the newly remade femmebot, in that beautiful gown, grinning in pure fellow-maiden-pre-marital bliss! She wraps a friendly hug around the other girl, then steps back.

She asks the dreaded question. Her grin becomes wider, more awkward, and more goofy.

"Well, ummm, wellll..."

"Oh hey don't worry about it some people like that kind of thing OH LOOK A FLOWER SHOP LET'S GO GET YOU A PROPER BROACH!" Grab wrist! Zooooom! Off in a cloud of dresses, pink sparkles, and roses!