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AToF - Smile for Me part 2
Date of Scene: 26 September 2015
Location: Soul Eater World
Synopsis: Sumia finds herself at the circus once more, and this time she meets someone new.
Cast of Characters: 22, 544
Tinyplot: A Taste of Fear

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Did Sumia miss the sounds and smells? The brilliant sights of the circus in the night fog? If so, fear not! For tonight the circus is back in town when she awakes with a start!

    Mood music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9-TDHt7Tco

    The ground is hard and cold when Sumia opens her eyes, and the music is already playing around her. Tonight there are far more lights around, and the nearby carousel is turning around and around, its half rotten horses going up and down and down in an eternal circle of never-ending torment. Some of the lamps that are lit around the area flicker now and then, casting long shadows across the dirty and littered ground, illuminating some rats and mice as they feast on leftover popcorn and treats. Other than that, Sumia will find herself alone once more. While she might recognize that she was in the exact same spot that she was in as she lost consciousness upon her first visit here, this time there's no sinister gaunt man to be seen.

    For the moment.

    Nearby is the large bell on the post in the middle of the square, and some meters away are the various tents and wagons, lined up to form what might be called streets in this place. Tonight there's less fog, so it might be easier to see things. The question is... is it safe?

Sumia (544) has posed:
    Sumia didn't miss the sounds and smells of this circus... but with the ambiance and the cold ground giving Sumia a rude awakening, eyes shooting open as she scrambles to her feet. "Wh.. where am I?!" she stammers out, looking around her surroundings with a uncertain gaze... "I.. this is the same place... why... why here?!" she bites her lip in nervousness. The only solace she has is that there's no gaunt teeth man near by.

    Sumia slowly takes breath, trying to calm herself down as she slowly approaches that bell, that one she wanted to look at earlier before that man came. A pause... she checks her throat... her face.. for any markings left behind... "I.. I hope he doesn't show up again." she whispered to no one around, as if there was anyone even around the place to speak to. "I... I don't think I'll be going to the festivals anymore..."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Indeed, why is she here? That is a good question to ask. But finding the answer to that might not be completely evident. The last time she had been here she hadn't been aware of just what kind of danger lingered here. But the second time she has a chance to do things differently, a chance to learn more about what's going on.

    Not a single mark nor blemish adorns Sumia's throat, it's unharmed, the skin unbruised and untouched. Likewise the rest of her body is as it should be.

    The bell on the pole is old, the metal shining slightly in the moonlight and reflecting it as well as the lights around the circus. Obviously it's been well used for many years, considering the many small cracks in the metal. As Sumia is now in the centre of the square she should get a decent look at her surroundings considering the fog is less heavy this time around. The tents and wagons surround the area, forming a square with a road heading in each celestial direction; north, west, east and south. To the north past the carousel lies a large tent, clearly the main attraction of most circuses. To the west burns a large bonfire, rising towards the night sky. To the south there are trees, a darker area. As for the east, it's hard to tell considering the amount of tents and wagons.

    For now all Sumia can hear is the music from the carousel and the sound of grasshoppers playing in the night...

Sumia (544) has posed:
    At least she's not been harmed, that's a good thing. For now, she attempts to collect herself and calm down, looking around. The bell seems fine and that puts her at ease, well used though. With a few deep breaths, Sumia takes a look around, the fog's light and there's light around. The east is where she came from, she remembers that much. She looks south, maybe... maybe next time. North and west...

    The large tent in the north and the bonfire to the west, both look to be somewhat safe but, as she experienced before, it was only a small time before that fog rolled in and... she ended up on the ground fearing for her life. With a small start, she heads west, "Okay Sumia, we will check out that bonfire first and if everything looks okay, we'll double back and head north." with a nod, she heads off, clenching her fists in her gauntlets... she doesn't know how to fist fight...

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    The fog is not quite here yet, so for now Sumia can take in her surroundings easier as she decides to head off west towards the bonfire. Though even with heavy fog that place should be relatively easy to explore compared the darker areas of the circus.

    The music from the carousel plays in the background, the main source of sound in the area. Thanks to that it's easier to sneak around in this place, with most foot steps not easily heard. Though there is still that litter on the pathways strewn about by careless patrons to this place. The tents and wagons are quite a sight, most of them clearly for the sake of amusement. At first Sumia will see a fortune teller's tent, a cracked crystal ball resting on a table. Next comes a wagon that used to sell candy, by the looks of it. A popcorn stand, a facepaint station... As she walks, she will see many places one could certainly purchase treats and little trinkets if one had come here sooner.

    When she's reached the middle of the 'street' leading to the bonfire however, Sumia will hear something however. Footsteps! Unfortunately she hears it too late, as a shadow is cast down the path from the area of the bonfire, and a familiar silhouette is seen, his hat and long coat marked against the fire burning behind him.

    The Gaunt Man.

    "... found you."

    Without further warning he begins making his way towards Sumia, dragging his left behind him as he did when Sumia met him the first time. While he isn't fast, surely not as fast as Sumia, he seems determined to reach her even as the white of his eyes can be seen just as well as the wide leer spread across his face.

    Where will Sumia go? Sure, she can run back towards the square and the bell, but where?

Sumia (544) has posed:
    "Perhaps this would have been a great carnival if it wasn't corrupted by everything... or abandoned." she shakes her head, Sumia's heavy boots hitting the ground, the nosie possibly echoing. She takes a look in the fortune tellers tent real quick, looking for anything of possible use before continuing on...

    When she gets to the bonfire, Sumia shivers... then that familiar shillouet shows... and 'Found You', is heard. Sumia double backs and runs, moving to knock a few of the stalls over to stall the gaunt man, "NO! Stay away from me!" and as she passes the fortune teller's tent, she grabs the crystal ball and lobs it at him, hoping to slow him down even more before shooting to the bell again and towards the north!

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Perhaps this place had many visitors at a time, as opposed to now... What made them all leave though? And how?

    The inside of the fortune teller's tent seems to be filled with some crates and boxes, though they are too heavy to lift around for one person. They also seem locked, so it will possibly be tough to unlock it. Besides the table and the cracked crystal ball there are some faded tarot cards and burnt incense.

    The stalls are heavy, but there are more than enough items and trash cans to knock over as Sumia flees. And as the Gaunt Man limps he will most likely not have an easy time jumping over the items. Sumia's quick thinking buys her several precious seconds as the man curses, forced to walk around the obstacles in his path. And perhaps he's so occupied, or maybe it's Sumia's true aim that ensures that the crystal ball hits him, causing him to stumble backwards with an angry yell.

    Off to the north Sumia runs, and she can still hear the Gaunt Man cursing up a storm behind her.

    "You will pay for that when I catch you!"

    More stalls and wagons line the path up towards the large circus tent, and this area seems to focus on games. Shooting ranges, tickets, balls to be thrown at tin cans, all old style games from ages past. Though as Sumia runs she might notice something else, a hushed and tiny sound from her right in between some of the stands.

    "Pssst! Over here...!"

    It's not the Gaunt Man, because he can be heard kicking some of the obstacles that Sumia made for him, and he's still not made it to the square.

    What will she do? Head on towards the tent or inspect the voice?

Sumia (544) has posed:
    Sumia's quick thinking was pretty good as she heads off and runs away, she may have to poke at those boxes if she can get there once more but for now, it's time to run for your life. "NO, No you won't catch me!" she shouts back and off to the north, she runs, but the voice catches her and she falls to a dead stop and trips on a rock, ending her run on her face.

    "E...eh?" she whispers, looking around, towards that noise.. "Who... who are you?" she whispered, looking around warily, "You're not that strange man but..." she slowly approaches a few of the stands, picking something up just in case... "What do you want? Who are you? Where am I?!"

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    It's hard to see something in the shadows between the stalls and wagons, though as Sumia peers into the space there she should be able to see a small shape.

    A young boy, not older than eight or nine years at most.

    As Sumia speaks he raises a finger to his lips, then waves his small hand at her, gesturing for her to slip in between the stalls. It appears he's afraid to say more, and his eyes turn nervously towards the noise that the Gaunt Man makes... and there's no doubt about it, he's coming closer.

Sumia (544) has posed:
    Sumia nods and looks around... the Gaunt Man is coming and she doesn't want to be anywhere close to him. She looks to the boy and nods once more before moving to slip between the stalls. Perhaps ... she shouldn't have wore her armor today. She slowly moves in and hopefully, allows her to hide from that Gaunt Man.. and hopefully ask this boy some questions.

    She pauses. Wait... this.. this was the boy he was looking for wasn't it....

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    As Sumia slips in between the stalls the boy reaches out to grab her hand and help pull her into hiding, and he bites down on his lower lip as the Gaunt Man can be heard nearing the square.

    "... you can run, I will catch you again!"

    The sound of his limping movement can be heard as it heads up on the north path...!

    Immediately the boy pulls up against the back wall of the stall, his eyes wide as he does his best to control his breathing, keeping his mouth open. Closer and closer, the steps grow louder and louder! Soon the man can be heard walking right past them, his pace as hurried as he can move with his left leg. His breathing is heavy, and the sound of his coat whirling about him can be heard. "... soon, you will never escape! Nobody escapes this place!"

    Then his foot steps gradually diminish in volume as he walks past and heads on down the path. But even so, the young boy remains quiet, though his big brown eyes glance at Sumia as he gestures for her to remain quiet.

    Minutes pass.

    Though they seem like an eternity before the boy dares pull away from the wall of the stall, glancing nervously around before he closes the distance... and hugs into Sumia, wrapping his arms around her waist and buries his face against her chest. "You... you came!"

Sumia (544) has posed:
    Following the boy's movements, she ducks up against the wall as well, shaking her head as she closes her eyes, is she... shivering? o O (I'll escape this place... And... never visit another carnival again...) goes through her head before those fateful minutes pass. Everything going silent. The Pegasus Knight is perfectly silent, the only light movements don't make a noise from her outfit.

    Then... she has the little boy around her waist and chest, giving her a bit of a start and her eyes shooting open. "Ah.. I.. I did? Where did I even come to, little one? One moment I fell asleep, the next I woke here. Again." she sighs some, "Who are you? And you were waiting for me I assume?"

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    At first the boy doesn't respond, only hugging into Sumia as if she's a long lost friend, a mother, or something equally important.

    "I... I have been here for so long, but he... he...!" the boy sobs as he raises his head and looks up at Sumia. Tears run down his cheeks, and he sniffles to clear up some snot from his nose. There's pain in his expression, and he shakes his head. "I... I don't know where this is, I tried to escape, but he always..."

    Give the boy some more seconds as he tries to quiet down and calm himself lest anybody but Sumia hears him.

    "You... you woke up, didn't you? You're going to leave again?" The question seems to leave him crestfallen, and his hands grab tighter onto Sumia's waist as if he's scared she will leave at this very moment. Though he focuses on her last question. "I... I'm Jordan. And I've waited for so long for somebody to help me... please...!"

Sumia (544) has posed:
    Sumia runs her hands down the boy's head, a soft smile, motherly smile upon her face. "It's okay, I'm here, little one." while she was a whiz at calming down animals, people were another story, "This is my second time here, that same man attacked me at first then I woke up." then the tighter cling to her waist leaves her a bit upset. "Jordan? It's a nice name and I'll do what I can to help you. We'll both leave this place, together."

    She looks around, "I did wake up... so this is a dream? It feels so real." she looks to Jordan and gives a soft smile, rubbing his head gently. "I'm Sumia, I'll help you."

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    Even if the boy is crying it seems he does take comfort in Sumia's presence. Though he does look worried when Sumia reveals that the Gaunt Man got to her the first time she was here. "He... he got you too?" he asks in hushed horror.

    When she makes her promise there is a faint glimmer of hope in his eyes though, and he nods, his lips quivering slightly. "I don't know what this is... I have been here for a long time, and... it's always the same! I wake up here, and he is here too! I try to get away, but he always finds me, and... and..." He stops himself, shaking his head, his dirty hair getting even more messed up.

    "Sumia..." Her smile is reassuring it seems, and he nods again. "Do you... do you know how we can leave?"

Sumia (544) has posed:
    "He did. I tripped and he sunk his teeth on me and... I woke up." she whispered, continuing to pet the boy's head, a light smile given but when the question is asked, Sumia's smile turns away.. "I.. I do not but I have not fully explored this place. I was running to the big tent over there to see what is in it and to escape Him but you made a noise and here I am."

    She moves a bit to peek outside between the stalls, looking to see how clear it is. "Tell me, do you know what may or may not be in that big tent? Or south of the bell?" she questions Jordan, "You've been here longer than me so we need to work together okay?"

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    "You woke up..." Jordan repeats softly, then his gaze drops to his feet and he's silent as Sumia pets him on the head. He does turn his head towards the tent though, looking at the large thing where it stands. "I often try to hide there..."

    For now he remains behind the stall, not daring to peek out yet. But as Sumia dares take a look, she will not see any sign of the Gaunt Man, and there is no sound to be heard except the carousel as it continues its neverending dance.

    Jordan will answer her question as best as he can though. "There's the ring inside there, and the seats, tightrope and ladders... A-and the south? That's the forest, I don't like that place, it..."

    Suddenly the boy shuts up, his eyes wide. Sumia should hear it too... foot steps!

Sumia (544) has posed:
    Sumia nods, "I woke up." she comments, a pulling back to behind the stalls. "You hide in there? So it's big inside then." a nod comes to her, an idea forumlating in her head, "He's gone... for now." she listens to the boy. "I see, We may have to go to the forest, but for now, we'll check out the big tent here soon, okay?" she gives a brief smile but as soon as he shuts up, Sumia does too and immediately, she pulls Jordan to her body...

    Those steps return...

Medusa Gorgon (22) has posed:
    The plan is made, and Jordan nods his head in agreement, though he does not look happy at the thought of having to go into the forest for some reason. But she did promise that they would escape!

    If only it were only them here, but no, it sounds like the Gaunt Man is returning, that telltale sound of his left limp becoming oddly familiar to Sumia at this point. Jordan stands still, trying to keep quiet as he doesn't dare move a muscle. But suddenly his eyes turn skyward... and he screams, just as a shadow falls over him and Sumia...

    Once more Sumia wakes up in the place where she got comfortable and ready for her rest. Gone is the circus, and gone are Jordan and the Gaunt Man. Even if Jordan's cry of terror still remains fresh in mind.

Sumia (544) has posed:
    Those steps, that left limp familiar. Her heart sinks into her chest as she holds onto Jordan, but when he turns his eyes skyward... the scream... the shadow... and.. suddenly its the barracks of home. Sumia's sweating buckets and she wakes to a start screaming "JORDAN!" her eyes shooting around the area, looking left... looking right.. as knights start to rush into the room... Sumia is sitting up on her bed, tears coming down her face.