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WMAT 2015 Exhibition: Jinx vs. Toph
Date of Scene: 27 September 2015
Location: Papaya Island - Stadium
Synopsis: Jinx and Toph battle it out to see who is the best Sassy Combat Type Person
Cast of Characters: 20, 39, 626, 627

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Well, if you wanted a crowd, you've got it today. A early afternoon match on a Sunday means you cna fit a whole lot of people into the Stadium. And they are all here today. People from Alexander Academy. Hoity toity people from Runeterra. All those fancy folks from the Four Nations. Lookie loos who remember last year's match between Jinx and Allan.

    While there's been a promise of less blood this year, that doens't prevent the idea that this /is/ Jinx and that /is/ Toph. And they are two of the stronger fighters and gladiators out there.

    Jinx... She's her looking all festive herself. She's in a pretty red dress with a massive pony tail, and she's carrying... some very festive looking guns and weapons. And she's screaming up at the crowd, egging on the folks in the front rows as she makes her way up into the arena. "COME ON! THAT'S RIGHT! THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It won't be the first time they've fought, but when they did clash earlier it was always when they couldn't just focus on fighting. Today things are different.


    As always, Toph seems to have chosen rock music for her entrance, something with heavy drums and bass. At first the strings and drums plays, and it's only when the vocals start that the young earthbender enters the arena in quite a rush. Kicking off she's sent flying on a small earthen wave, making her way around the edge of the stadium, picking up speed as she suddenly kicks down into the earthen wave, shaping it into a pillar that launches her up and through the air. At the same time she brings her arms up, raising several stone walls in her way, only to crash through them unhurt as she leaves behind crumbling dust and rubble. Then she crashes into the ground with both feet, rising to her full height, which isn't all that impressive. Though she does look like she's healed up after her fight with Lute, and her brown and tan outfit made by Tomoyo is repaired. As well as the metal gauntlets, vambraces and rerebraces covering her arms. Even the ends of her blindfold get caught slightly in the wind.

    Of course Toph is all about showing off, it was part of the deal about fighting at Earth Rumble VI, after all.

    While Jinx did mention she was going to wear something new to this fight, it's sadly lost on her opponent who can't really tell. Then again, Toph never cared much for pretty dresses and only wears them when she has to. Her own WMAT outfit is practical, easy to move around in and made to be sturdy, not pretty.

    "I hope you're ready, Miss Triggerhappy!" Toph states, pointing her right index finger directly at Jinx, the metal gleaming in the sunlight.

Jinx (39) has posed:

    Jinx just... laughs and laughs at Toph shows up, crashing to her back and rolling around a bit, her braids going wild. "Yes yes yes THIS IS WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR." The gun and the motar... that must be Pow Pow and Fishbones, at least, clatter and clank against the stone of the arena, before she hops back up to her feet and advances.

    Like, walking right forward towards Toph, smiling broadly. The Loose Cannon snags one of her braids, twirling it as she waits for the call upstairs from the announcers to get started. "Mudbrain I am going to paste this arena with your shame, you know that? Just get it all messy with failure and bad." Her clanky boots stomp on the tone as she tries to get nose to nose with her opponent.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Typically Kyra provides some music for the entraces but it this case, at least Toph has brought her own! Seeing as one opponent can't have all the musical entrance fun, Kyra brings her own dubstep remix of 'In the Hall of the Mountain King' for Jinx.

    Kyra sits back, leaning her hands behind her head. Her hood is down and a headset with attached microphone remains comfortably on her head.

    "ATTENTION WMAT FAAAAAANS!" She calls out excitedly, "Today we bring a break from your regularly scheduled WMAT beatings for a special EXHIBITION MATCH! Or shall I say EXHIBITION GRUDGE MATCH?! TOPH BEIFONG, THE GREATEST EARTHBENDER EVER faces off against JINX, THE ONE WOMAN GUN SHOW! Tune in to WMAT channel 900.8 for the Papaya Island arena for the commentary or my Youtube channel for the live stream of the fight!"

    Satisfied, she leans back in her chair in the announcer's booth.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    When Jinx drops to the ground and rolls... Toph only stands there, still pointing at the older girl. "... seriously? I didn't hit you in the head yet." Man, Jinx really /is/ messed up in the head, isn't she?

    But she remains still as the league fighter gets back on her feet and advances, not backing down, resting her hands on her hips while Jinx twirls her braid around. "I thought about doing the same... until I realised you had no shame," she counters. Well, if Jinx wants to get nose to nose with Toph she will need to crouch down about four inches. "So instead I'll just settle for kicking your ass around the arena. I might be less violent than you, but it won't hold me back!"

    So it's Kyra who's announcing today, huh? "Good thing for you that there's a healer nearby."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
This is when the door to the announcer's booth opens, and a dark man walks into the recording area. Calmly, he surveys the room, his gaze settling upon Kyra. Upon his head is a headset of its own, technologically advanced and gleaming with lights. He purses his lips for a moment, and then simply sits down and reaches out to press a button, connecting his headset to the gear there.

"Additionally, the match will be broadcast across MCN and other local suports networks. Hello, WMAT fans, I am Souji Murasame and will be joining Kyra Hyral to commentate for this exhibition match. Kyra, both combatants today are bringing a great deal of combat spirit to the table. Do you have a favorite for tonight's match?"

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Jinx just sticks out her tongue, and whispers... well. Something to Toph.

    And then she's stepping backwards, smiling impishily. She swings a bit, letting both braids go twirling over Toph's head, and turns to walk away, looking up at Kyra.... and Souji. A little... blank look on her face and her lip twitches a bit. A hitch in her step before she recovers, looks to the audience and the stands and slings Dragon Pow-Pow from her hip. "ALRIGHT! LET'S GET IT ON!"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    A startled noise escapes Kyra as someone else joins her in the announcer booth. She teeters forward and swings her head to see...Souji. She gawks for a few seconds before it strikes her that, no, this isn't too unusual, not with Jinx here.

    She regains her composure quickly and answers: "Say what you want about biases, Souji, but I do lean towards Toph. I've seen her fight and her movements have definite /style/ to them that reminds me of...well, it's not exactly a martial art, I forget the name. That meditative thing with the movements. Not yoga, something more martial?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Whatever it is that Jinx whispers to Toph makes the younger girl snort as she mutters something back.

     While Jinx steps back and turns the earthbender remains in place, standing still as she senses every step that Jinx takes. As Souji enters the booth and declares his intent to commentate on the fight as well Toph arches an eyebrow. Well, at least the commentary will be interesting considering both of them are friends with one of the fighters. If Jinx has any friends, it's not like Toph knows what the weapons maniac does in her spare time. Probably blows more shit up.

    The moment Jinx turns and pulls out Pow-Pow, Toph shifts her stance, feet apart on the ground as she moves her arms in front of her torso, her senses alert as she waits and listens, her entire focus on Jinx.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji seems unflappable, looking down upon the fight and glancing at the zoom cameras with a level expression. While Kyra is the hypr train, you can tell what kind of commentator Souji is. "Her style reminds me more of some of the 'Mantis' styles that some Monks have created, Kyra. Nevertheless, Jinx bears the latest in high-caliber firepower and is more than capable of using it properly. I do not believe that she will be at a disadvantage in this conflict."

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Jinx... takes a deep breath, plants her feet, and rolls her neck. "LET'S GO. YOU AND ME, TOPH."

    The mini-gun revs up... and starts spewing out rounds. Only it's not bullets. She's shooting Roman candles at Toph. Lots and lots of Roman Candles. They aren't lethal, per say, but they hurt and they're hot and they're within the WMAT's provions on 'do not murder non-immortal opponents.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Well, at least Jinx has the courtesy to call her by her name for once.

    Toph hears the sound of the mini-gun revving up. Though as Toph gestures with her hands to raise a wall, it seems it's too late to keep up with Jinx's speedy attack. The fireworks also take Toph by surprise as she was perhaps hoping for some metal to bend, but fireworks? Even a firebender would have trouble with that! The exploding shells strike true, and Toph lets out a cry of both pain and surprise as they burn her skin. Oh damn, is she going to suffer burns from this fight as well? Her skin took days to heal completely after Lute's acid attacks.

    With part of her vest burnt Toph lashes out with her left hand, and a sizeable rock shoots out from the wall straight towards Jinx.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Never heard of it!" Kyra chirps loudly in regards to this 'Mantis' style thing that Souji seems apt to compare Toph's Earthbending to. Martial arts were clearly not her wheelhouse, what being a /back row/ person. "Anyway, can't say I'm surprised about your choice-oh, here we go!!"

    The contrast is pretty stark. Kyra is hype, completely excited for this match. She leans forward, hands pressed against the table as the fight starts. "The fireworks have started! Literally! Sure, fireworks can do some serious damage but Toph is built Toph tough so it's not slowing her down for long."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji looks over the response and smiles faintly. Despite his mostly reserved demeanor, it's clear to anyone who can see him up in the commentator's booth that he has a preference here. "Miss Jinx proves that she learns from her foes, by using fireworks to counter her opponent's infamous metalbending capabilities. As Beifong has no skill in manipulating flame, Miss Jinx seems poised to eliminate her opponent's advantages one by one. The counterattack is classic Toph Beifong, a hurled rock that strikes directly, but Miss Jinx seems to be coming out ahead in the early exchanges. Will her luck and skill hold, however?"

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Holy crap that actually worked. IT ACTUALLY WORKS. "AHAHAHAHAH IT ACTUALLY WO-"

    And Jinx is too busy looking down at Pow Pow to spot the rock that slams into the side of her head to do more than squawk and stammer and bleed, the hit ringing her bell a moment. She staggers back upright and rolls her neck, wiping the blood from her eye. "After the last time... I THOUGHT I'D MIX IT UP."

    A grumble voice. "Also I was told I can't kill you."

    Pow Pow barks some more, and she starts to track the earthbender, expecting more defenses this time around. The Roman Candles spatter and spark and cast light across the arena.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    "What, you did something without testing it first?" Toph asks, arching an eyebrow behind her blindfold. Seriously? As for her comment about being told not to kill her, Toph snorts. "You had to be TOLD not to kill somebody in a tournament..." Yes. She's bonkers.

    Though indeed, Toph is slightly more prepared for the fireworks this time around, kicking up another wall as the fireworks come raining. The rapid fire and explosive nature of the Roman Candles make it hard for Toph to keep it back, as suddenly the wall can't take it and Toph is struck again, letting out a loud stream of curses.


    At least it might be impolite words in her world.

    Okay, maybe Jinx needs to taste her own medicine. Even as Jinx fires, Toph kicks the ground, and an earthen spike shoots up right in front of Jinx, intending to knock pow-pow upwards as Jinx is firing. Hey, it might just make the fireworks rain down around her, or maybe it's enough to hit Jinx in the face with her own weapon. Either way would work for Toph.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji doesn't get super hype about this. He's the tactical announcer. It's Kyra who handles the hype and she is of course yelling away. "Miss Jinx decides to use what seems to be working, and continues to fire more flames. Will Beifong come up with a countermaneuver for the unexpected attack soon? She tries to stop it with a wall of earth, but the firepower of Pow-Pow Model F is too great, blasting through the wall. It sems like the explosive load in those fireworks is impressive. Despite this, Beifong hangs tough. She is known for her extreme willpower under duress after all, and despite her problems with the situation, Toph continues with her rocky playbook, firing a spike of stone up out of the ground towards Jinx, which is enough to take her in the side. She must not have seen that one coming."

It's about this point that he folds his hands, watching intently. What, it's actually interesting to him.

Jinx (39) has posed:
    "This is a DRY RUN, TOPH." Still using her name! An improvement! And then she's thumped.

    If you wanted to surprise the hell out of Jinx, that does it. It's been a while since she's had to fight Evelynn and 'Horrible Death Spikes Coming From The Ground' was not something she was expecting here. She's thumped in the gut, choking and coughing as the wind is knocked out of her. Hands grip at the rock protrusion as she wobbles and steps back, reaching to her belt and pulling her Stun Gun.

    "DONKEY CRAP!" Well, if Toph can swear in silly manners, she can too. The little blaster pistol is levered up at Toph, and the Cannon lets out a blast, aiming to disrupt and slow Toph's motions. "And..." Cough. "Sort of?"

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    It seems to buy her a second or two when her attack hits Jinx, and Toph swallows as she senses Jinx reaching for yet another weapon. It's harder to deal with firearms than some other weapons, though it won't stop the blind earthbender as she begins her advance on Jinx, kicking into the ground as she rushes forward on an earthen wave. She's a ranged fighter, isn't she? So it should be easier to fight her up close!

    The blast from the stun gun slows her down however, as Toph isn't successful in dodging the blast. It strikes her right in the chest, and Toph yelps as she nearly stumbles, wincing as her muscles lock up for a moment. Crud, that hurt! What more, the earthbender stumbles and nearly falls flat on her face, only barely managing to keep her upright as the earthen wave falls together underneath her. But as she often does Toph does her best to improvise.

    Throwing her right hand forward doesn't cause the ground to move, but instead something happens to the blindfold she's wearing. It flies off as the metal covered bangles move, rushing through the air towards Jinx, seeking to wrap the blindfold around /her/ eyes. Immediately after Toph lashes out with her left twice, and part of the rocks that was part of the earthen wave flies forward at Jinx.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji continues to announce while Kyra rolls hard on the hype train. "And there is another turn of events as Beifong is subjected to Miss Jinx's stun gun. The crackling lightning blaster is a model of electrical projection technology, allowing her to disorient her enemies at a distance and setting them up for the kill. Beifong does something unusual here, however, using her metalbending powers to try to force Miss Jinx to be blinded. However, Miss Jinx seems to have the Eye of the Couerl as she engages in the 'mad jukes' to mostly escape the inevitable rocky barrage. Today is not the day for Beifong." He looks to Kyra. "Do you think that is going to spell the end for Beifong, or will she be able to recover?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra cringes several times, especially between the stun gun move and the attempt to temporarily blind Jinx with an iron blindfold. "Well I'm actually pretty /shocked/ that worked! I heard somewhere that earth-types are immune against electric attacks but I guess this busts /that/ myth." She shakes her head, "I have to hand it to Toph, though, the metal blindfold thing is pretty clever. As for her being finished? Naaah. I think it's way too early in the fight to tell. Sure, Jinx might have the advantage /now/ but I've seen enough of these fights to know that a reversal of fortune can come outta nowhere!"

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Jinx smiles as she sees the Zapper land the hit, but the Earthbender is still riding a wave of rock at her, and she's got to dive roll out of the way to- Blindfold. No seeing. No landing hits.

    If you were to say Jinx is panicking at the blindfold, it would be putting it mildly. She does not like not being able to see and she squawks, flailing a bit with her guns, somehow ducking under the attacks with MAD JUKES and mostly stupid luck.

    She swings around a bit, feeling her brids swat Toph or her rocks or something and... and she levels her feet, constrained by the blindfold that's still bended to her face. She struggles a moment, tosses a handful of Chomper grenades in Toph's general direction, and then starts trying to get herself free.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Man, it looks like Jinx is better at dodging blind than she is without a blindfold.

    Though she can still fight, and well... grenades are pretty hard to dodge, Toph learns.

    A silent crud leaves her when Jinx tosses out the volatile weaponry, and even if Toph raises a thick wall in attempt to block the majority of the blast, it's not enough when there are just so many grenades.

    A series of blasts throw Toph and her wall back, and the blind girl tumbles along the ground, unable to keep her footing as the final grenade isn't blocked by anything. Blackened and bruised, Toph winces as she pushes herself up with a stubborn look on her face, heaving for breath.

    She's gotta be quick while Jinx is still blindfolded!

    Reaching out she gestures to the ground, and it responds as it bursts up, exploding underneath Jinx's feet and threatening to throw her up into the air.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    Kyra cringes a /lot/. "Damn! Jinx really is living up to her name today. As in Toph's attacks must have a jinx on them since they're /still/ getting dodged even though Jinx CANNOT SEE! Well, that, and grenades aren't really things you have to /aim/ that well. As long as, it's, you know, away from you it tends to work out fine. Though speaking of exploding..."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
"Your sense of humor is as predictable as ever, Kyra. Though I agree the metal-latched blindfold works well in Beifong's skillset. Miss Jinx might need to look out for more tricks like that in the near future, though at this rate all that seems to be required is for Miss Jinx to keep her distance."

He taps on the console for a moment in anticipation, and then adds, "It looks like blinding Miss Jinx is a good recipe to get her to simply switch to her other specialty: Wide area destructive tactics. The deployment of Chomper Grenades in this case is a wise decision. Toph tries to counter with more walls of earth, but we had learned already where that competition leads. Maybe the arena should invest in some harder stone for Toph's at a later date?" Souji fold his hands as he observes the continuing battle, having apparently decided to relax a bit.

"Beifong retaliates with her own wide area assault, causing the earth to spontaneously explode under Miss Jinx. An effective tactic for most targets, but this seems to be something Miss Jinx has learned how to handle. Perhaps she has learned the forbidden art of the 'rocket jump', Kyra?"

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Whatever, Souji. That was a great pun and you know it." Kyra huffs, "Oho, the rocket jump. Now no longer just for cars! Launch yourself skyward with the force of an explosion! Hey, if it works for those 'combustion engine' things, it works for /you/."

Jinx (39) has posed:
    The Cannon squeals a bit as she manages to wrench the band of metal from her face, screaming as it tears at her, reding a nasty gash in her forehead. She's bleeding now, blood running down her face as she snarls...

    And is tossed like a doll as a whole section of the arena flies up underneath her, jacking her lecks up, sending her sprawling, and generally being awful. She slides across the stones and nearly falls off, but manages to catch herself.
    There's an awful noise from the woman as he eyes flash red, and she hauls herself back up on the arena. Pow Pow is out again, and the Loose Cannon seems to have lost much of her good humor about this fight. Or at least, she's highly agitated now. Either way Pow Pow is revving up much higher than before, Jinx's raucous energy goading the gun to new speeds and power. "COME ON, TOPH. LAUGH WITH ME. I THOUGHT YOU WERE /GOOD AT THAT/."

    ...Oh dear.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    Her mind races as Jinx goes flying, trying to come up with strategies for dealing with the heavy firepower. Taking a deep breath she shifts her stance, closing her eyes where she stands. Unlike her agitated opponent Toph seems as levelheaded as she was at the beginning of the fight. Bending requires discipline after all, and earthbenders are as stable as they come.

    Rather than taking the advantage of rushing at Jinx as she falls and slides, Toph spreads her arms wide, then tears her arms up, at the same time tearing earth up from the ground as it flies up and towards the young earthbending master. It covers all of her except for her mouth, and due to the amount of earth she summons it's enough to make her look slightly bigger, earning nearly a foot in height.

    This time when Jinx fires at her, the Roman Candles won't have such an easy time. The explosions strike true, but it seems like Toph doesn't feel the strikes as much as the previous ones as the fireworks now only slow her down slightly as she advances. And no, she's not smiling nor laughing as her mouth is set in a thin line.

    One kick with her left foot sends the rocklike armour with the girl inside it racing forward, and Toph draws her right arm back as she draws closer, aiming to punch Jinx straight in the face.

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Jinx... Jinx can only keep shootign at Toph barrels on in at her, wearing parts of the arena. She squeals and shrieks and shoots harder. "You are NOT MALPHITE. YOU ARE /NOT/." But right now she totally is, and Jinx gets the worst of it. The armor flies at her and shatters into a blinding, covering screen of stone and rock and debris, which masks the real attack, that metal bounded punch to the face with those knuckledusters.

    The Cannon's jaw rocks with the blow, and she crumples a moment, falling to a knee as he bloodied face goes numb for a longer moment than she'd like. It keeps her from talking though as she comes back up, carrying not Pow Pow but Fishbones, the barrel of the Fireworks Mortar smoking ominously. Those red eyes are furious, a wash of anger and bloodlust and hatred and need. This /has to happen/. There is /no other outcome/. The Cannon advances, firing those rockets danger close to herself, trying to swat at Toph's gear and armor with MORE EXPLOSIONS.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "Yeah, see what I meant about reversal of fortune earlier? It looks like Toph has had just about enough of this 'getting hit with fireworks' shit and has locked it down. That firepower just doesn't have the power to crack that armor." Kyra points out, grinning. "Ouch. I doubt you've ever been punched in the face like that, Souji, but I sure have. I think that might've broke her jaw because I don't hear Jinx saying anything right now."

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
Souji looks less pleased at this turn of events, but continues to announce in a level tone. "Believe me, it takes more than a broken jaw to stop Miss Jinx. Beifong appears to have fashioned body armor of earth in order to defend against the incoming assault. Perhaps she used a compression method to increase its durability, but the explosive rounds are not harming Beifong nearly as much as they were before. Perhaps Jinx will need to change her tactics to deal with these new developments in order to regain the momentum before it is too late. Beifong is on a surprise comeback with her change of gears. We will see if it is enough."

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    She has no idea who Malphite is, nor does she really care. Though if Jinx is scared of this person or thing, then perhaps she will have to use her rock armour some more.

    There's no triumphant grin crossing Toph's lips as she punches Jinx, no, her mouth is set in a determined grimace as she braces herself for Fishbones. She knows well enough what that thing can do!

    The blind girl focuses on reshaping her armour, spreading her arms as more rock and stone is torn away from the floor around them, flying to Toph's aid with a focus on enforcing the front. And enforce it does, saving Toph from being utterly blasted by the blast from the cannon. Sure, parts of the rock peels away and the force is enough to knock Toph back with a pained grunt, but it's not as harmful as the earlier blasts was.

    While Toph can't see the anger and fury in Jinx's eyes, she does notice other things. Jinx's heartbeat and her breathing, quick but not because of fear. Because she doubts Jinx is ever scared like that.

    "I'm me, that's enough."

    Because Toph knows damn well who she is and what she can do. And right now she will show Jinx and the audience just what that is.

    One heavy rock foot raises, and behind Jinx several earthen walls shoot up behind her. Perhaps it can serve as a bit of a distraction as Toph throws her arms forward, but not to punch Jinx. Instead something bursts out from her rock covered arms... metal.

    The metal that previously covered her arms. The metal that she wrapped around Lute's head at the end of their fight, but this time the armour isn't aiming to wrap itself around somebody's head to stop them from breathing. Instead it reshapes itself as it flies forward, seeking to wrap itself around Jinx's arms and torso and yank her backwards. Except behind her are all those hard walls. But the metal is going to crash through it, seeking to drag Jinx with it for one hell of a rough ride.

Jinx (39) has posed:
    And the awful rock action continues for Jinx, as she's yanked by more metal, her arms getting slapped to her sides, bound tight, and she's just... yanked through rock walls. Into rock walls. Her poor body is swatted around and slapped and smashed an-

    But when those bands make it all the way back through the stone, Jinx is not in them. There's instead a sparkle of light and magical dust there, and a distinct absence of Jix.

    Which is filled a moment later by her sudden reappearance behind Toph, right out of her Flash. She... still isnt' talking. Still isn't screaming, isn't opening her mouth. Her jaw's looking pretty busted, actually, and the Cannon's face is a wash of blood and FURIOUS ANGER.

    But the sudden shift in the air is palpable, as she once again lifts Fishbones. There's an awful draw of energy, a lurching sensation as she gathers up mana and channels it all into the rocket launcher. And then it comes out.

    The Super Mega Death Rocket is now a giant ass firework, a papier mache bundle of gunpowder and flames that lurches a moment and then launches right for Toph's rocky form. Though, now there's a noise from Jinx. It's mostly incoherent screaming and laughing, but it's noise.

Toph Beifong (20) has posed:
    As the metal races through the earthen walls, Toph notices something, her eyes widening behind her rock armour. When her seismic sense picks up Jinx, it's too late. Sure, Toph is already moving, sweeping her arm as the earth shifts and moves, earthen spikes shooting up in attempt to block the incoming attack.

    Except the firepower unleashed from Fishbones tears the rock to pieces, including the rock that Toph is wearing. From this close the effects are devastating.

    The explosion sends the earthbender flying forwards with a scream, the rock torn off and adding to the damage as she crashes into the ground, rolling and tumbling along the ground. When she comes to a stop she doesn't move, bleeding and bruised all over. Not to mention obviously unable to continue fighting as she's knocked out, but fortunately breathing.

Kyra Hyral (626) has posed:
    "I think it's more than enough-wait, what's she doing? She's setting up a bunch of rock walls like...dominoes maybe? No wait-damn! Jinx has been bound by the metal Toph is packing and is now being dragged through every single one of those walls! Oh!" Kyra flinches. "OOh!!" Kyra flinches again, and again, every time Jinx gets dragged through another rock wall. "That's gonna leave a-hey, wait, where did she go?"

    Kyra slams her hands on the announcer table, double-taking. "Did Jinx just teleport? I did not know she could do that! Oh shit, look at the size of that thing! The magic parti-er, energy draw on it is incredible! This is going to be-"

    Explosions happen, cutting Kyra off.

    Kyra's quiet for a long moment, watching the dust, watching the prone form of Toph. There is no small amount of sadness in her voice. "Well, unfortunately, it looks like we've seen the end of the match. Toph is not getting up...meaning out victor for the fight is JINX!"

Jinx (39) has posed:
    Jinx... Well she's... just standing there a moment as she watches Toph fall. She wobbles slightly, breathing heavily through her nose as she digests this. She won. She won real good. Like all the way real good.

    Both hands, over her head. Fingers up. SHE'S NUMBER #1! Blood is still trickling down her face and she wipes it before starting to jump up and down... long enough for her knee to rember it's messed up and she crumples a little bit.

Souji Murasame (627) has posed:
It's when Toph breaks out the metal band in order to pull some more metalbending shenanigans that Souji is suddenly intent, watching the conflict carefully. When the detonation happens, Souji's glasses gleam in the reflection. "/Predictable/. Jinx used her Summoner Flash to reposition and break the combination strike, positioning herself to bring this to an explosive finish with her Super Mega Death Rocket. This battle has been brought to an end, with Beifong struck down by overwhelming firepower. Fire, today, has defeated Earth in a stunning match."