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Latest revision as of 23:33, 1 October 2015

Date of Scene: 24 September 2015
Location: Terra Majora <TM>
Synopsis: Confederates take over a city; Elliana gives it to Adelyn.
Cast of Characters: 92, 202, 234, 340, 380, 604

Elliana Fairchild (92) has posed:
    Since the war started, the Moonlight Academy has started bustling indeed. With the loss of most of the enemy army earlier, and the loss of two cities of varying importance, the Empire has dramatically scaled up its response and war effort. They're raising up more troops, conscripting farmers to train, not realizing that the deadline is very very soon.

    This includes the Academy, though! From far and wide, little shanties and the like have sprung up. Mostly abandoned in the first few days, they're now just a desolate little collection of tents and the like outside the walls of the city. And the city does have walls... tall, strong walls and a massive gate, which is closed right now. Troops appear to be lighter in number, but given the numerous towers in the midst of the city probably have mages, this is going to be a difficult one without some care taken.

    Elliana has ridden Veryx again, and can provide a ride, but she's setting down well out of the range of the air defenses. Veryx rumbles grumpily, but Elliana doesn't seem worried. "The usual by now. Try to keep it intact, as there are some valuable books and items here. I thought this would be good for Lady Lysen. I trust by now none of you need help with strategy, now that you know your opponents."

Adelyn Lysen (202) has posed:
    In contrast to the last few conquests, Adelyn Lysen has brought only a single ship. It's not even a warship, though it's certainly armed. It's more of a personal yacht, and while it does fly and it is quite well-defended with her and a few (inhuman) servants aboard, she's keeping it well back. In part, this is to gauge the correct moment to make a personal appearance on the field, if such is needed. In part, it is to make things harder on her general.

    General Lanza, rider of the dragon Iris, has recovered in most ways since the war to take the Nation of Towers--in which she fought against the Confederacy--but her honor has yet to be restored. The rest of her circumstances can be guessed.

    The air cavalry eschews slow and unmaneuverable airships for the different vulnerability of magical beasts. The dragon riders are the elite--merely very smart animals, in contrast to the dragons of some worlds, but still as strong as they look--with larger numbers of wyverns and pegasi. One rider to each, most armed and armored, and all of them magi of one stripe or another. While hovering is quite difficult for most, they've still formed up in ranks with noteworthy discipline. More than a few have a need to personally distinguish themselves, but in their homeland, that doesn't happen by looking sloppy.

    "Of course. If there's any value to their knowledge--and I'm sure there is--recovering it is a high priority." Adelyn uses the radio to keep in touch with both the other elites and her own officers. "Regrettable that no more of my armored cruisers were available in time. Mistakes in design that shall be remedied. In the meantime, I predict higher casualties, if the air defenses are in the upper projected range."

    "It will be handled." comes Lanza's response.

    Adelyn keys a more targeted query. "Madeline Vance. I don't suppose your sorcery would function in this case, as well?"

    Regardless, the cavalry must advance for the battle to begin.

Madeline Vance (380) has posed:
    This isn't a naval battle, thus Madeline has not brought any boats! She has exactly two large airships, and the Radiant Empress itself. She says as much, too. "This is not my area of expertise, so I will play a support role for now," she communicates. The Radiant Empress hangs back, but the mech does carry a large, long rifle of some kind, apparently intending to snipe if needed. "And to provide ground troops."

    Oh right, those. The two airships drop off a number of infantry, which support several larger mobile weapons platforms, which look like oversized armor. Warstriders, or mecha of an Exalted bent. These are not nearly as fancy or powerful as Madeline's own, but they do provide an instant, capable threat. And if they get destroyed, well... most of them use soulsteel so this is just a convenient way for Madeline to break them down into spare parts. As soon as the attack is called, they're going to start advancing on the walls.

    Since she's being asked for it, the mech begins to whine and glow a brilliant gold. <LOAD PROGRAM: DOLOROUS_REFLECTION.cel" A wall of magical power envelops Adelyn's air cavalry, providing a shield against physical missiles, similar to before. "I expect more of the attacks will be magical in nature, this time," she cautions. "That is your specialty, and I leave you to it, but that should keep any of the mundane projectiles off your back."

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     Raine opted to ride his bike to their destination again, keeping sight of Veryx to ascertain where to go roughly.

     With the city in sight, and the makeshift camp outside the gates, Raine slowed to a stop. A fair distance away from the beginnings of the shanty town. "Hmn..." He produced a set of binoculars and zoomed in, peering out across the collections of shacks and tents, as well as the city walls. "...Those towers look important." And then he eyed the gate. "...But how to get in..."


     Raine rubbed his chin thoughtfully, coming to a possible idea. "Better take this one slowly and subtly." He decided, foregoing his usual bold, upfront approach. Now was definitely not the time. It was time to sneak. That in mind, Raine got off of his bike, securing several potentially helpful items such as binoculars, lockpicks, and a few auxiliary weapons. Just to be safe.

     And he approached the seemingly abandoned outer town, avoiding walking straight down the main avenue, but rather, attempting to steal away into a more densely packed cluster of shacks and tents to use as cover. All the while, he kept an eye out, peering around corners, using his binoculars to scope out any suspicious details.

     If Fragarach was present, she hadn't made herself known quite yet.

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:

    That voice- that cheery, sultry, honeyed, voice means but one thing.

    Once again, Lu-Mey has shown up. Probably to incite chaos, cause havoc, and shed blood in her own special way, for the greater purposes of a Confederate operation. She probably took up an offer for a ride on Veryx, but right now, the Oni is wringing her hands, eyeing the academy thoughtfully as she... Lazily drapes herself all over Raine's shoulders.

    "Hello, I like slow and subtle." Purred as she flutters lashes and flashes a sweet, sharp-toothe smile.

    While something under the skin of her cheek crawls visibly.

Mir (340) has posed:
    Mir hasn't come out too much, but it's hardly the first time she's worked with Elliana. The Reyvateil has also worked with almost all of the others at various points in time. So it might be a surprise to see her here, settled next to her robotic dog, with Ayatane the swordsman standing nearby. Mir herself is just watching, looking rather bored as the spell of protection is cast and the air cavalry move out.

    "Hmmm..." While she's technically the ranking Confederate here, she doesn't seem to mind that this is Adelyn's operation, because that's who she speaks to next. "Would you prefer support in the form of enhancement, or in the form of raining fiery death upon your enemies?"

    It's not hard to guess which she'd prefer doing.

Elliana Fairchild (92) has posed:
    It's hard to ignore an army mustering outside the doors, isn't it? The Academy probably has some idea of what the enemy is capable of, by now... and shows it by the towers starting to glow, building up some kind of charged attacks. As the Warstriders approach, they're going to suffer a light spread of magical fire and arrows. The latter will be reflected easily, of course, but the former are going to be a problem. A minor problem, though, as they aren't sending out the big guns yet.

    It's a good thing, though, that the army advanced. This draws any attention away from Raine sneaking through the shanty town, much closer to the great walls than the Warstriders are. The place really is abandoned, which may be disappointing to Raine and Lu-Mey... or reassuring, given that it means there are no prospective mages hiding out there. It also gets them as close to the wall as they want, at least unless they do something stupid.

Mir (340) has posed:
    "Tower it is," Mir murmurs, stretching lazily. Ayatane sighs, readying his sword but staying nearby, and ELMA growls digitally as it stalks around in a circle. Looks like those are her bodyguards, not so much anything else.

    The slender Reyvateil takes a breath, then begins to sing. It's actually a fairly uplifting song, but full of some dissonant notes, some crashing booms in the background that hint at battle in the distance, like a rising murmur of discontent. Yes, this comes complete with instrumental accompaniment to the words, which convey a sense of smug superiority and a burning hatred that, while calmer than before, can't go away.

Adelyn Lysen (202) has posed:
    Mages though they be, the air cavalry is lacking in siege equipment. Some improvisation can overcome part of that difficulty, but for the most part, they just focus on different tactics.

    With Exaltech sorcery in place, they focus on their magical wards. They're no worse than the naval crews in that regard, but lacking large arcane reactors on pegasus-back, they make do by clumping in the air as close together as they can safely fly, and spreading shields of counteracting force that stack atop each other. It makes for an odd appearance in comparison to most air forces, forgoing greater evasion, but here it suffices to get them close without significant casualties, at least at first.

    Once close, the formations break apart. The wyvern-riders swoop low and try to fire their spells directly into the enemy fortifications. Their specific spells vary, but they wouldn't have the job if they didn't have aim-enhancing support magic. The handful of dragons are more direct, landing heavily if they think they've found a blind spot, and reaching down with menacing claws. Lanza's goes straight for the gate closest to the ground troops. Their riders act independently and, being the most elite of the troops, are more adept at maintaining both defense and offense. They have to, being targets as large as they are.

    Adelyn is bringing her ship in closer, but still at extreme range. They could probably fire on her at this point, while she isn't acting to do anything in return. Not yet, at least.

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     Raine was in the zone. From one shack to the next. Peering into the empty insides, past tents, leaning up against walls to wait, leaning out to scope out details.

     This was a sneaking mission.

     At least until Lu-Mey happened.

     Feeling arms drape themselves around him carelessly Raine's sneaking trance immediately broke, and he faltered comically at her weight. "....." He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but then closed it, thinking better of it. He looked aside slightly, at his sudden, 'totally subtle' companion.

     "Yeaaaaaaaah, hey Lu. You're totally not helping." And then a smirk formed. "But I get the sinking feeling you know that already." His eyes followed whatever the hell that was crawling under her cheek, blinking once, twice, and then casually looking back out. "Right then. If you're here, then let's do this, eh?"

     The magical warfare started right about then, the towers powering up and firing off volleys of magic projectiles. Good. They weren't noticed in the confusion. Didn't seem like anyone else was around. Raine snuck over past a few shacks, closer to the gates. "Okay, I've got an idea." He indicated where the towers were as he last saw. "Knowing our buddies out back, one or both of those towers are gonna get blown. We scale the wall in that moment and slip in during the confusion. Make sense?" He asked, not looking towards Lu-Mey as he asked.

     He had no idea if she was willing to actually follow a plan or just go YOLO, but hey, he'd try!

Madeline Vance (380) has posed:
    The Warstriders do take some hits, and one of them staggers, dropping to one knee. The other spread out, lowering their weapons and starting to dig hands into the wall, to climb upward at a slow but steady pace. These ones don't have flight modules, it seems. This will be the time when they're most vulnerable, but if they can manage to get into the city...

    Madeline covers for them, and for Adelyn's army, but not with sorcery this time. The mech's large autocannon levels off, and she starts firing single, precise shots at anything that looks like an anti-siege weapon or tower, the cannon rounds mundane but powerful. She's not spending more Essence after that large spell, at least not yet.

    "I wonder what surprise they'll have in for us this time?"

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    Subtle. So very very subtle. It's not exactly Lu-Mey's forte, that much is evident, as her smile only seems to brighten in response to Raine. "I have my moments." Replied brightly before detaching. To her credit though, she keeps up with Raine decently well, hunkering down and bobbing her head when he lays out the plan.


    With Adelyn's forces beginning their assault, the Oni ponders a moment, before tugging off her sandals. "Hold these for me please, Raine dear?"

    Regardless of wether he takes them or not her arm hooks around his middle, fingers and toes wrigling ebfore she just starts spider-manning her way up the wall. "Oh and hold on."

    It was the plan right?

Elliana Fairchild (92) has posed:
    The magical blasts that are slipping through Madeline's spell are easily-handled by the formation... so far. It's pretty obvious they haven't brought in their big guns yet, though. As the dragons come in for a landing, they're met with two defenses. One is the formation of lances that await them, charging forward for a mundane assault that Madeline's spell does nothing against. The second is the fact that three of the towers fire out a blazing power, summoning up three 'dragons' made of fire, ice, and lightning respectively. These elemental beings roar and set themselves upon the riders with surprising ferocity!

    The Warstriders begin to climb, and finally some battle mages make it to the walls and start sending down lances of magical energy. There are more Warstriders than Sorcerers though, so this is mainly a delaying action, especially as the towers come under fire. Mystical shields blunt, but don't fully deflect, the incoming shots, but that has to be taking energy away from the other defenses.

    The chaos means Lu and Raine can basically choose their entry point.

Mir (340) has posed:
    Mir's song reaches a high point, and the ball of energy that has begun to gather above her crackles with dangerous power. That vivid purple sphere wavers for a moment, then grows yet again, becoming a massive, pulsing source of power. It's not exactly magic, but close enough... and Mir is bringing her song to a close.

    With a smirk, she lifts her hand... then makes a FLINGING motion forward, sending that globe streaking toward one of the towers that summoned a dragon, roaring toward the city in a purple trail.

    Mir herself stumbles, arms windmilling... then she manages to straighten up, retaining her dignity for an instant before the overcompensation has her falling back to land on her ass. THUD!

    Blush. "No one saw that."

    She'll just hope the others were too busy doing their fighting thing to notice.

Adelyn Lysen (202) has posed:
    Adelyn is listening to the reports coming in with one ear, but she's too far off to actually see much of it. The elemental dragons have her attention for a moment, but Mir's song has more of it. A form of magic with which she cannot begin to work is both confounding and fascinating to her, and her studies have lacked reyvateil subjects, to date.

    She might see something in particular when the magic is cast, but it's from far off. And maybe not. The giant orb is rather distracting.

    Lanza makes an attempt to get the gate open, but it wouldn't be a good, fortified gate if it were something you could do quickly. She takes to the air again, aiming for the dragon of ice, fire pooling around her before splashing outward against it, trying to disrupt its form. One of her subordinates stays on the ground to deal with the spear charge, and proves that physical-enhancement magic onto an already formidable beast can, in fact, give it scales harder than steel. While focused on that, they aren't doing much more than clawing, biting, and tailswiping soldiers. The other dragon riders lift not to take on the fire and lightning dragons directly, but to swoop around on prowl for the summoners. Well-coordinated by their leader, they do toss varied attempts at opposing elements toward each.

    Now is the time when casualties do begin to mount in the chaos. The wyvern-riders, closest in but not well-shielded outside of their formations, are suffering as they try their best to support their officers. A few fall, though more only suffer such injuries as can be immediately healed by the pegasus-riders, who keep their less-aggressive beasts further from each threat.

    And still, Adelyn's ship makes only a slow approach. What surprises, indeed? She half-expects some arrogant challenge to a duel.

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     "Whuh-okay? But-BWAH!"

     Raine had taken Lu-Mey's sandals as requestion, about to ask WHY, but then he found himself grabbed as she skittered up the wall while carrying him. FFFFFFF NOT PART OF THE PLAN. ...But this is fine. It was a bit early, but thankfully, Mir's spell fired off, sailing over the walls by the time they reached the top.

     "Okay! They're targeting that tower there, let's veer off slightly away from it and steal in further ahead." He spoke quickly, pointing off slightly away from the direction of the tower. Approaching ground zero would have been a dumb idea. In the meantime, Raine took out his binoculars, scoping out across the city to get a general lay of the land and figure out what looked the most important...

Madeline Vance (380) has posed:
    Lances of magical energy pierce some of the Warstriders, and they tumble away to crash down at the ground. It's around this time that the troops surge forward, and begin peppering the walls with shots from rifles. They're covering for the Warstriders, which are... trying to climb over and assault the walls.

    "Hmm..." Madeline frowns. "This seems too easy." She sets down her cannon now that Mir is doing bombardment, though, and her own Warstrider reaches to its sides and draws two pistols. Levelling them at the city, Madeline begins a rapid fire series of shots, trying to lend cover to her own troops and the air cavalry that Adelyn has brought.

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    It was SO part of the plan! Everyone's already laying into the defenses! However, all it takes is a shift of her weight for Lu to start climbing in the indicated direction. It WOULD be pretty dumb to go running right into the epicenter of the assault. "Right right~."
    She will in fact veer off from the chaos to look for a better place to slip in while everyone is busy probably panicking.

Elliana Fairchild (92) has posed:
    The soldiers clash against the wyverns and dragons with... little effect, but they do keep them busy don't they? And the dragon of ice, though steaming and melting, does seem to have a breath weapon that sends out a blizzard of cold snow. It's the sort to immediately cake ice, but... ice is rather weak against fire manipulation, so this isn't going to be a hard fight so long as the other two are kept busy. That isn't the problem, though.

    The doors creak, but as they start to give, another event happens which is a little more concerning. As if from nowhere, the blur of a single Blooded warrior appears, somehow /flying/ through the air to crash down before the dragons. They carry a spear, and his body is posed in such a way that the impact has his full weight behind it, burrowing the tip into the ground... which suffers a few fractures and glows, before exploding violently upward. He 'rides' the debris upward, lashing violently toward the nearest target with uncanny speed and skill. This must be their surprise.

    Mir's spell slams into a tower, which... well, she's basically a glass cannon and one of the strongest beings in her world. That tower explodes without any problem, cutting off some of the support fire. For an instant, the lightning dragon flickers, then resumes motion as a slower, weaker version.

    Raine and Lu-Mey have managed to get inside by their combined ingenuity(?), and under cover from Madeline's Warstriders that are now tearing into the defenders atop the ramparts, they can get further in easily. They see something of more import, though, as they towers show pulses of energy moving toward the front gate, each one feeding a quick throb of power toward some unknown goal.

Adelyn Lysen (202) has posed:
    In most cases, the nearest target is a wyvern-rider, those being the more numerous. The unlucky target is struck and, lacking anything in the way of truly superhuman ability, quite certainly killed. Lanza defends herself and Iris, but her work is hardly perfect, nor overpowering, and her own mount is weakening even as she fights. She spares a look that makes it quite clear she would like to engage that champion, but tactically, it's not viable. Most of her officers are similarly engaged, trying to somehow disrupt the less-solid of the elemental dragons. If channeling earth, wind, or gusts of blizzard storm don't work, they can try their desummoning techniques to unravel the spells themselves, but on the scale of true elites they are still third-stringers, and it will at least take their full attention as they try to not die in the process.

    One officer is not so well-engaged. From the ground, his dragon gives one last slam to the infantry arrayed and then he makes for the Blooded, aiming the fiery breath he's been saving or this moment. Adelyn has doubts that any of her soldiers in this fight can last long against a city's trump card--if that's what he is--based on her previous experience with Blooded, but has some hope they'll keep busy while she advances her ship overhead. She's only leaving it once she's close enough to directly enter the fray, or (possibly) if it comes under sudden attack.

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     Raine eyed the towers, and then he eyed the direction of the front gate, noting the power being fed to it. "...You see that, Lu? Something ain't right about that." He lowered his binoculars and smirked. "Looks to me like we've found something that needs breaking."

     He glanced towards her, canting his head aside to indicate further into the city. "Let's have ourselves a little look. We don't have the time to destroy those things." A pause. "...Unless we get creative." A hand came to his chin, rubbing thoughtfully. "Let's move! Meanwhile...got any bright and/or insane ideas that just might work?" He seemed to be getting used to be manhandled now.

     It paid to adapt.

     "Like say...forcing them to aim at each other! Naw, too much effort. Plant explosives? None on hand." A sigh. "Maybe we should just find the big guy on top and force him to surrender."

Mir (340) has posed:
    Time for Mir to switch songs! Seeing the forces on her side starting to take losses, she stands up and brushers her skirt off. She's wearing a schoolgirl uniform, today, by the way. No particular reason other than she seems to like it. Or maybe she came here from school.

    More importantly she is now singing another song. This one is... peppy, upbeat, and more 'friendly' than the other. It's meant as a bolstering sort, and the power that gathers above her manifests into...

    Numerous little fairies with GIANT SYRINGES appear, buzzing off across the battlefield. Whenever they find someone wounded badly, they jab them with the needle and inject raw power that is meant to boost the healing a bit. It can't fully reverse anything, but it can certainly keep them hanging on and fighting longer.

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    Once beyond the defenses, Lu-Mey will take her sandals back, first and foremost, slipping them on and tapping toes at the ground to ensure they're good and snug. That's when scarlet eyes spot the pulses of energy, a quick little tug at Raine to make sure he's seeing them too. --Which he confirms!

    The whole time, she has an eye peeled to make sure they're alone though, or at least she's not being WHOLLY oblivious as she starts in that direction. "Now now, Raine, let's burn that bridge when we get to it."

    "... That's how that saying goes right?"

Madeline Vance (380) has posed:
    What to do now? Madeline looks on, amused by the proceedings. They seem to be doing rather well... until that trump card finally shows up, and she has something to handle. Namely, the support towers, in case they have something bigger planned.

    "Ah... well then..." She leans back in her chair and swaps back to the autocannon. "Let's see... ammunition select..." The power hums through her Exaltation as she pulls up the menu, then selects what she thinks will work.


    The front of the autocannon glows, and then with a thunderous explosion, the golden light streaks out toward the tower, its 'mundane' shell wrapped in a powerful sheath of Essence that explodes outward with a violent, structure-tearing blast! It does, curiously, no harm to any mages inside the tower... though they'll doubtless be a little preoccupied with the floor being blown out from under them if she can get through the mystical defenses.

Elliana Fairchild (92) has posed:
    With Mir's Song healing the troops, they actually CAN stand up to the Trump... somewhat. It's true though, that lance-wielder is able to tear into the troops, and with a surprisingly adept lift of an arm, some kind of mystical barrier weathers the blast of flame. Some of it does leak through, making the man grunt in pain... but only because of the spells working to pluck at the NUMEROUS protective enchantments winding around him. It does give Adelyn some information, though... because as she approaches and her troops are working to tear at the spells, she'll no doubt be able to understand what's going on.

    The man who whirls to face her is confident, and why shouldn't he be? He's carrying the combined power of about four different towers, foci letting the Sorcerers thread their power across the battlefield and city and reweave spells even as they're torn apart.

    "So you are the leader, eh? I suppose if I defeat you, this won't be a problem," he finally speaks, leaping away from another strike from one of Adelyn's troops. he's speaking mostly to the airship, though, and leaping up toward it-

    And right then is when... he doesn't notice it, but the protective enchantments ARE still there. They simply have lost their 'feed' to renew themselves, as Madeline blows up the tower and forces the sorcerers to use their pwoers to keep themselves from splattering. If the troops stop attacking him they can, with the Warstriders, mop up any remaining defenders pretty easily... the defenders are even surrendering at this point, in places.

Elliana Fairchild (92) has posed:
    Raine and Lu-Mey will have no trouble getting into a tower from the ground... because the tower has focused its protective magics on englobing itself, in case of another blast from Mir or Madeline. As a group, they might actually be able to withstand that, but it does leave a very, very distinctive hole in their defenses, in the form of a mismatched duo heading their way. After all, the mages inside only have some simple bodyguards, not true soldiers.

Adelyn Lysen (202) has posed:
    Apart from the impressive range, Adelyn is pleased to see Mir's fairy-creation--not a summon, exactly, she thinks, but... oh, analyze it later--save one of her officers from death, just as other casualties are brought back into the fight by that timely intervention. Really, there's so much to lift her mood right now, her grin is one totally inappropriate to a field of widening death, as she calls back to the man addressing her.

    He leaps for the airship, and rather than defend it, she takes for the air immediately, lifting on a swirling column of Air magic, her favored staff in one hand, and almost enjoying that rush that blows through her air and pulls off her hood. The ship has its own shielding, but without her to reinforce it, a man who can injure dragons can do some serious damage it. (The engines are in the rear interior, so she's not the most worried about it actually falling out of the sky, though that would be very annoying.)

    "Wrong!" She calls out cheerfully, her voice booming with trivial enhancement. "Your reasoning is half-correct, but your premises flawed. Still, try. You can always try again, until it kills you. Prepare for that, and you'll have some worth."

    Adelyn casts while she speaks, taking exactly as much time for her fingers to complete their tracing of the expanding web of interlocking symbols that continues to write itself even where her touch leaves it. And she does leave it, entirely, to continue a backward glide while the magic circle fires off a pulsing beam of disruptive Arcane flow, unpleasantly near-lethal for the unshielded and havoc to most shields. At its expenditure, the spell circle replaces itself with three more, if smaller, circles of similar function.

    On the one hand, that was needlessly elaborate. On the other, it was a chance to experiment.

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    No guards? No rigorous security? Not even anything to sneak around and pretend to play Navy SEALS with Raine while doing it?

    Lu would have even let him be Bill Paxton.

    But now the Oni is just annoyed and sour. Jaw clicking thoughtfully as she considers the group of mages and their guard, and she sighs and gives Raine a look. By now, after knowing her this short time, the meaning should be obvious.

    'Someone is going to die'.

    This might be why she's suddenly in among the mages. Raine can do as he likes right about now, but there's no warning as she just suddenly crunches her jaws down on a man's throat and brings him to the ground in full view. No subtlety- though a fair amount og finesse in the action, for all of its brutish gore, as she proceeds drinking deeply.

    It's on Raine now if he wants to cow them into submission or declare open season.

Mir (340) has posed:
    Mir lets her Song fade, then she just settles against ELMA to watch for a bit. "All right, Ayatane. Why don't you go help out with the cleanup. I'm sure they could use an experienced officer to whip them into shape. Maybe see if Raine and Lu-Mey need a little help."

    Ayatane nods his head, hand on one of the blades he carries. "Yes, Mother. I will get right on that."

Raine Arland (604) has posed:

     That was Raine's muttered question after thay reached the tower literally uncontested, and with even sparser security when they arrived. He was expecting to sneak his way through a heavily guarded tower and perhaps remember the basics of CQC! But this? This?

     ...Just a group off mages and some bodyguards?

     Raine looked aside, meeting Lu-Mey's glance.

     'Let's do it.'

     And then she was gone. Raine followed, swinging an arm out and conjuring a blade of black metal. "Heeeeeeey guys! Sorry but the party's over!" Crimson energy formed and he swung, sending a burst of raw magical energy hurtling towards the group. It split off into several parts, each shot actually pointedly weaving around Lu-Mey and avoiding hitting her. The mages were open season however.

     But he didn't expect to take down MAGES with MAGIC. He was already running straight ahead, sword at the ready following his initial blast.

Elliana Fairchild (92) has posed:
    This is an unusual situation. The Blooded can FLY. It doesn't appear to be his own spell though, nor is he a mage. He alters trajectory, darting to the side, but the blast slams into the protective wards he has and... doesn't penetrate. He's saved by the magics surrounding him!

    Those magics are pretty well devastated, though, and they're only slowly being rebuilt, not like the near-instant regeneration of before. And very soon even that halts, because Raine and Lu-Mey are busy in the last remaining tower.

    "Well, it's a start!" He shouts that out, seemingly oblivious that his super-powered mode is gone. Not that he's a total pushover, anyway. He's still a blooded... stronger and faster and tougher than most. Not to mention he seems to be able to make things that he manages to stab, explode. That's all he's trying to do... nick Adelyn on his next lunge.

    Unfortunately for him, he's pretty lacking in protection right now, and it's never a good idea to try and stick a lance in Adelyn without protection.

Elliana Fairchild (92) has posed:

    Slicing right through the guards, Lu-Mey and Raine burst in upon the seated circle of a dozen mages. They barely have time to realize someone is there before one of them is screaming, the oni getting a nice draw of blood to help fuel her talonfangs. They're still rising when Raine's shockwave slams into several of them. Unprotected by wards as they are, having devoted it all to 'not being blown the hell up' like they had, the mages are dying or being mauled pretty easily.

    "NO! Get away!" One of them manages to shout, sending a burst of flame roaring across the room. It actually catches one of his allies, a girl who goes up with a scream, never even seeing her attackers, but it does go in the vague direction of Lu-Mey and Raine.

Adelyn Lysen (202) has posed:
    The spawned magic circles continue blasting with weaker beams of Arcane disruption, but the primary work has completed, and neither combatant really need pay them any mind by this point. Adelyn is already working on her next spell, noting the mid-air changes in velocity with the mild interest of one updating physics models without really thinking about it. Her attention is primarily on the the spell in front of her, manifesting first as a perfect sphere in pitch black, devoid of the usual glowing symbols of her work in Arcane.

    "Hm, it would have been that."

    Before she can be reached, the sphere explodes, first into something like a cone, but then resolving the edges as whipping, grasping tendrils of Dark, Adelyn's /second/-favored element, surrounding both the Blooded and the entirety of his path, converging on him from every direction with a suddenness one might respond to if the practiced catching arrows, which she wouldn't put past some fighters.

    If that works, the again-spherical spell will prove surprisingly solid and resilient in its physical manifestation, as well as caustic and slowly but terminably inimical to all life. If not, she'll use any time gained for an alternate tack.

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    Still draining her prey of blood, Lu-Mey glances up in time.

    To see fire.

    With a terrified squeal, she drops the corpse and starts backpedallying in wild, uncontrolled fear.

    "A-ah! Go Raine! Fight in my name and honor!"

    Not that she has much honor.

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     Almost sighing at how unprotected this tower was, Raine carved a path through the mages.

     It was business as usual.

     By the tail end of it, Raine had taken notice of a mage that managed to get off a considerable fire spell. Shame he caught one of his allies in the blast. That was unfortunate. But it also saved him the effort.

     Lu-Mey backpedaled like a woman possessed and Raine arched a brow. But he didn't retreat.

     This was his specialty.

     he grinned and dove forward, sword held straight out. It made contact with the flames, most of it being drawn /into/ the blade. The rest of the flames licked at his clothes and skin, causing minor burns. A price to pay for hasty spell absorption. His blade took on a red and orange glow.

     "Hey! I heard you like fire, I took your fire, and..." With a swing, Raine sent the flame spell hurtling out of his blade, right back to the mage. "...and put more fire into it, so you can fire while you fire!"

Elliana Fairchild (92) has posed:
    If he'd just hurried up and confronted Adelyn a little earlier, this fight would not be quite so one-sided. He's actually pretty competent even without the spell wards, he's just not quite on Adelyn's level... and worse, he thinks he's still basically invincible, so is being a fair bit reckless right now.

    "HAh!" The lancer starts, and then... is swallowed up by darkness. The remaining fighters start to give up in a ripple after he doesn't immediately re-emerge. He's actually hanging on pretty good in there, but it looks like his 'stab and explode' thing doesn't work on purely magical constructs like that. It needs actual physical matter.

    And in the tower, the mage holds his hands up, a shield starting to form... but he's spent most of his power on the other protection, so he's slammed by the flame, toppling backward with a dramatic scream out of a conveniently-placed window, likely to never come up again in any way shape or form because surely that wasn't important.

Adelyn Lysen (202) has posed:
    Adelyn watches with another spell at her fingertips, to see if the Blooded has some way to escape her trap. When this proves to not quickly be the case, she discards her first spell and lowers through the air to work on a second, rather different one. It's slow-acting, and of a more difficult specialty, but sleep spells against immobilized targets are a fairly effective means of acquiring prisoners. That way, she won't have to let the manifestation of Darkness eat entirely through his body 'just to be safe.'

    A certain degree of caution is important.

Elliana Fairchild (92) has posed:
    The situation is basically under control now. While there are still holdouts and mages who could fight, the Sorcerers here tend to be pretty sharp. They know that with their trump card immobilized - and now starting to sleep, finally - they don't have the ability to stand up to the army that they're facing. Warstriders, dragon riders... hell, dragons in this world are mostly extinct.

    The white flags start to run up the various poles.

Lu-Mey (234) has posed:
    In the fracas involving fire wielding mages, Lu-Mey did a good job of making herself scared. But when the window shatters and the caster is launched out, the Oni is suddenly draping on Raine again, one leg hooking around him. "My ~HERO~."

    A beat.

    "Hopefully he won't come back, horribly scarred seeking revenge on you for ruining his life's work or something."

Raine Arland (604) has posed:
     "Yeah, yeah. I'm a god damn hero. I know." Raine drawled sarcastically and walked over to the CONVENIENTLY PLACED WINDOW and glanced out of it, following the poor mage's DRAMATIC FALL.


     A hand came to his chin.


     He abruptly commented.

     "Soooooooo what are the odds of that dude coming back covered in fire and-"

     Pause. "Ahaaaaa~!" And then he made fingerguns at her as she beat him to his own thought.