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Revision as of 04:36, 3 October 2015

WMAT 2015 Exhibition: Ariel vs. The Black Knightmare
Date of Scene: 02 October 2015
Location: Papaya Island - Stadium
Synopsis: No... -I- am your father...
Cast of Characters: 219, 369, 395

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    The stage is set. The crowds have gathered. And the Black Knightmare waits.

    Weeks ticked todays, days to minutes, minutes to seconds... And then one of the stadium doors swings open, a cold mist floating along the ground, licking like chill fire spreading from the entryway as the black armored figure of the Black Knightmare slowly stomps onto the fighting grid, sword in hand, shield in the other, to a chorus of hisses and boos. Utterly uncaring.

    Taking position on their side of the arena, the dark armored knight remains ghostly silent, falling into place with an eerie, inhuman stillness as they wait...

Ariel (219) has posed:
And out from the other end trots... Ariel. She's in her usual cloak, looking both nervous and serious as she walks out onto the stadium floor. She's already out of the tournament, but she doesn't seem to care about that. Her burns have been healed by now, and she's ready for action! Mostly.

Well, she'd better do her usual, then.

"Ah, hello!" This is a little different, but she still tries to put on a pleasant face. "Please don't forget that this is for entertainment, but do your best, um... Knightmare."

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
Shizune Nakamura says, "It looks like the Black Knightmare has decided to be the one waiting this evening, stepping into the arena good and early- is that some sort of mist, or fire flooding out of the door? I can't tell, but it's certainly an eerie sight to see. Almost as eerie as the Black Knightmare, standing there in the arena, waiting - and the crowd certainly isn't happy, either! Not that the Knightmare is fazed by their disapproval... Ariel, on the other hand, seems to be trying to keep things friendly! It's a good show of sportsmanship on her part, her parents have to be proud right about now. I think they're just about ready to get started, here, though!"

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    Ariel's parents certainly have much to be proud for yes. The question though is, where are they? There's no chaos in the stands, no roped off cordon of at least six seats in every direction to keep Amalthea from lashing out at other spectators... No, in fact, Amalthea doesn't seem to be present at all, anywhere in the stadium.

    "Spare me your sweet words, child." Finally, the dark armored knight speaks, voice a low hissing rasp as they curl fingers around the hilt of that equally black sword. "For all who have come to watch in this stadium, you may as well be completely alone right now." Growled as they lift shield into a readied stance.

    Entertainment or not, this one seems -serious-. "Prepare yourself. I come for you, Ariel."

    Such is the Black Knightmare's warning. Before they surge forward, heavy armor clanking, boots thundering down the arena floor before that shield is swung outwards. Like violently opening a door, right at the tiny unicorn to open things up.

Ariel (219) has posed:
"Why does everyone seem so angry at me lately?" Ariel says with a flick of her tail, genuinely puzzled and perhaps a bit frustrated. Oh well. The sudden charge is something she isn't sure how she should deal with... there are a lot of options, after all.

In the end, as the Knightmare approaches she flings up a shimmering, brilliant barrier. It shatters under the charge, of course, being a quick and dirty casting, but it gives her a tiny amount of extra time to brac herself, arms crossing as she manages to catch the shield and blunt the blow. Instead of being smacked over, she just stumbles backward from the shock of the impact.

"Um, all right then," she says hurriedly, twisting suddenly to put her side toward the Knightmare. A short, probing jab with her hand is sent out, mostly to distract so she can do what she usually does: gather mana from the air around her with a crackling over her body.

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
Shizune Nakamura says, "And the Black Knightmare is having /none/ of her sportsmanship, how thoroughly distasteful. And even trying to bring her down with words before the match starts. -I'm sorry, the match HAS started, and the Black Knightmare is starting off with a fierce shield bash! Ariel seems pretty understandably frustrated about now, but she's got the presence of mind to toss up a barrier and take some force out of the shield and defend herself from the rest. And she retaliates with what looks like a simple punch, but it also looks like she's starting to draw in some kind of power, it's difficult to tell at a glance."

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    Swinging shield out like that means the Knightmare left themself fairly open for that jab. And with a dull CLANK, they take it full on, the small unicorn's fist impacting that solid metal. A grunt, and the dark knight shifts their weight. "My reasons are my own... You will learn them... IF you can beat them out of me."

    With that ultimatum give, the Knightmare doesn't break stride, a hiss of steam whistling from their chestplate before reprisal is given for that punch. It's a backhand swing, intending to use the weighted pommel of their sword as a bludgeon. "This is for more than entertainment, little one." Given in clear intent that there's going to be more to this fight than the amusement of the crowds.

Ariel (219) has posed:
Maybe Ariel's too confused to comprehend what's going on, because she doesn't really try to evade that backhand. It strikes her full across the face, and sends her stumbling back with the loud CRACK that comes with it! A few unsteady steps backward almost lands her on her rear, but Ariel ends up rubbing her head instead, blinking topaz eyes in confusion.

Shizune's observation will be a little easier this time, though. "I guess if that's how it has to be, then I will. Please tell me if you ever want to stop." She moves into a careful, guarded stance... amateur, but showing the basics of all the experience with fighting she has, with one hand forward and the other tucked back. A surge of energy rushes through her, electricity crackling, and the plating on the unicorn's back suddenly splits open to unleash a hiss of steam.

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
Shizune Nakamura says, "The jab hits, and Ariel is stronger than she looks, because I think I saw a little bit of recoil there even through the armor! But only a little, the Black Knightmare seems really sturdy - and /really/ intent on causing Ariel bodily harm, this time using the pommel of that sword to take a swing at Ariel, mentioning something about having reasons other than entertainment for being here - whatever the case might be, it's a solid hit, enough to put Ariel back a few paces and nearly off her feet. But she's not done yet; not done being a good sport, and not done fighting! It definitely looks like she's charging up somethong or other, she's taken a stance and I can see the electricity all over her, but this time she's not taking any swings at the Knightmare!"

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    A snort, and the dark armored figure cants their head to a bird-like inquisitive angle. "You did not even cry out." Pointed out at how well Ariel took the blow, despite it staggering her. "Impressive. But I will not stop. Let us continue."

    And continue they do as Ariel gathers energy and vents the black knight twirls their equally black blade. They haven't employed the blade just yet, but can at any time, what they do attempt is reaching out, trying to grab ahold of the Ariel to give her a sudden and violent jarring shake before simply try and slam her bodily to the ground. Naturally any action against the adorable unicorn earns an outcry from the stands of fury and disgust, yet still the knightmare cares so very little. "Hmph. Surrounded by thousands of strangers all cheering for you. But none of them will save you."

    How generically villainous.

    "Does it not go to your head, little one? Have you no ego for me to pop like an overinflated balloon?"

Ariel (219) has posed:
Almost, Ariel avoids that grab and shake and throw. Almost. She twists, yanking her arm back, but it staggers her and she ends up toppling, finally slamming hard downward. At last she lets out a cry, a shurt bleating one that she bites off swiftly, before she rolls to the side and skitters to all fours. She doesn't change to unicorn form, she just steadies herself long enough to answer her foe.

"If they want to cheer for me, that's great. It doesn't matter. My parents taught me to take pride in what I do for it being right, not for what others say," she tries to explain. "That's why I just want to understand you. But if you really won't listen without me proving what I'd do to protect others... okay."

Her hand whips up and out, the spell she's been working on let loose. It's a simple one, a short pulse, but it has a lot of power behind it. It's a surge of incredible raw gravity meant to fling the Black Knightmare backward.

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
Shizune Nakamura says, "At the very least, the Knightmare seems impressed by Ariel's fortitude. But this match isn't stopping any time soon, and it looks like- my goodness, I'm not sure how pleased I am about seeing Ariel grabbed and shaken like this, but her opponent is using that size difference for everything it's worth, trying to shake her around and slam her in both mind and body at the same time! Ariel does her best to get away, but it's still not stopping /her/, either. And she's got some good words for the Knightmare- my /GOODNESS/ that spell! I can feel the gravity surge all the way over here, she's definitely her parents' child!"

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    "Gahhh!" That's the Knightmare's reponse to that pulse, getting trapped in the center of the surging crush of the gravity well that forms right where they stand, armor crumpling visibly from the strain with a creaking steel groan, before they leap back out of the squeezing magic vice.

    With a grinding of metal on metal, the Knightmare lets loose another venting hiss of steam before that blade is raised. "How droll. The adulation of the crowd does nothing for you?" Ah, but they're already launching on the offensive again. Where they withheld the use of that sword before, after Ariel delivered such a punishing spell, they seem like they're not going to hold back anymore. That black blade sings as it cuts through the air, a chill howl as it flows smoothly in several quick strokes intent to draw blood. "I already know what you would do to protect others..." Grunted between swings before they hop back. This time, there's a hiss from the elbow as they retract, tension building visibly in their sword arm. "It's a pity you were knocked from the competition... I'm certain your mother would have loved to see you victorious... Ah, speaking of which... Where is she now? I do not even see her in the stands to cheer for her own daughter. Tsk tsk..."

Ariel (219) has posed:
"I don't really want cheering fans and fame," Ariel admits, skidding back and blocking the first few swings with flashes of energy, barriers summoned in her hands. Finally, the blade slices in enough to gash over her upper arm, drawing a welling of silvery fluid as she bleeds, and the unicorn winces sharply.

It's the other part that gets to her. "I'm sure she has something important to do," is all she says in reply. She DOES trust Amalthea, but the fact that she isn't here does seem to have rattled her. She's staggering back a few steps.

That's when her tail slaps into the ground, opening up suddenly, and a tremendous arc of electricity shoots toward the armored form of the Black Knightmare. "She'll be proud of me win or lose. I only want to know what you have against me."

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
Shizune Nakamura says, "It's probably terrible of me to say, but the Knightmare seems positively steamed right now! Especially with Ariel's response to this ongoing verbal assault. She just isn't having any of it, really, and that just seems to make our armored villain all the more displeased. Displeased enough to finally put that sword to work, in fact, swinging again and again, and- something peculiar is going on with the Knightmare's elbow, it's moving rather oddly. It's not something that seems to enhance those swings, though! If anything, Ariel seems to be having an easier time of it, though she doesn't get away without injury entirely. She's definitely bleeding- and she's definitely counterattacking, too! Some kind of electrical spell, and a demand on Ariel's part to know just what the Black Knightmare's problem is!"

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    The scoff is undeniable. The way shoulders rise and fall clearly in the hissing chuckle of laughter as that helmet shifts, a lone blue eye peering through the slatted visor. "Something important to do? Important enough to watch her own child take the beating I intend to give you?"

    That jolt slams the Knightmare dead on, and they jerk for a moment as it rattles armor and the body within. But when the jolt subsides, all Ariel has to show for it is the darker scorch on that black armor.

    "Oh no that is where you're wrong... I have -nothing- against you." Replied as steam finally stops whistling from that elbow. With a CLICK, that whole arm suddenly seems much more limber, twirling their blade in a deft diaplay, black steel flashing as it bears down again in a strike as quick as lightning. "My sole existence is to test you. Try not to fail, little one. It would be a grave disappointment for more than just the crowd."

Ariel (219) has posed:
This time, the slash that whips around bypasses Ariel's attempt to block, and it stabs right into her chitin, cracking it and sending a spurt of silver over the blade. Startled, the little unicorn stumbles backward and clutches her side, really hurt by that one... both physically and mentally. She does have plenty of faith though! "I don't know, saving the world! She does that sometimes."

Technically true.

Another warping of magic fluxes the air around Ariel as she staggers back, trying to get some space. Getting some space involves one of the slabs of the stadium tearing itself free and splintering, shattering into several rocks that immediately hurtle toward the Black Knightmare at high speed, providing a barrage of numerous small but hopefully effective impacts to keep her at bay.

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
Shizune Nakamura says, "-it looks like the Black Knightmare is fairly well insulated! That jolt hardly seems to have done much more than a lingering tingle, and Ariel's only reward for it is more harsh words and some strange trick with that elbow! It looks like the Knightmare was prepping something allowing for a quicker, smoother swing, because good grief, that looks like it hurt! -eh? The Black Knightmare is here to /test/ Ariel?! I think our entire audience knows how brave and able she is by now! You don't need a sword to test that! I don't think Ariel is very happy with this treatment either, because now she's using pieces of the arena floor itself as throwing implements thanks to her magic!"

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    Perhaps the Knightmare did not weather that jolt so well. Small acrs of lightning dance in the seams and plates of that black armor, and after that display with their blade the voltaic surge seems to linger, slowing them down once again. But only for a beat. More pertinent is the sudden slab of stone that rises to fend off the Knightmare for the small unicorn.

    That shield is raised against the barrage as the exploding hunk of stone batters the steel plate, forcing the dark knight to withdraw and try to come in at another angle.

    Dark cloak fluttering in the wind, the dark knight snarls. "IS she now? Is that what you think she is doing? Fine, I'll let you think that..." Chuckled hoarsely amid the dull clang of stones battering heavy plating. The knightmare trudges forward anyway. "You saved a world already have you not? Like mother like daughter they say..." Growled as one leg hikes up, snapping out in a sudden straight kick aimed for the unicorn's midsection. "I ask you one question then... If you had to fight her with all of your strength, could you win? Can you surpass her?"

Ariel (219) has posed:
Well it looks like Ariel really is demoralized, because that kick slams into Ariel's middle and sends her crashing backward, though she surprisingly stays on her feet. Barely. It's a solid impact, one that sends a loud CRACK through the stadium as her carapace is damaged. The little foal grabs her middle, wheezing briefly... then huffs.

"Surpass her?" She straightens up. "I don't want to. I don't want to be a great warrior. I just want to be me... to be her daughter." Her plating shifts, and a loud hissing sound rises from her, the bleeding stopping even if the wounds don't heal at all. The small arcs of electricity that were crawling over her fade at last. "But if you're asking if I had to, then yes of course. I couldn't show anything but my best."

It's just harmless dialogue, but there's a faint shimmer in the air, like something is being drawn /inward/

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
Shizune Nakamura says, "It looks like just carrying a shield isn't enough to save the Black Knightmare entirely - I'm not seeing too much damage, but all that stone Ariel's tossing seems to be forcing her opponent back! The verbal jabbing and probing just isn't stopping, though. And it looks like the Knightmare has decided to make things close and personal again, and I'm fairly sure that heavy boot will only hurt Ariel worse with a kick like that! And she took the worst of it there... but she's still on her feet! Her carapace isn't looking good, but she's absolutely determined, and to judge by the words she's got for the Black Knightmare, defeat's nowhere near just yet. I think... yes, there's some kind of shimmer around her, it's hard to see but it's definitely there! I think she's getting something ready again..."

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    Poor Ariel. Having to face such a brute. the crowd is having none of it, booing and hissing the Knightmare's callousness when that sharp impact is heard so clearly around the arena. But the dark knight seems unsurprised when their tiny foe picks herself up again and only prepares herself further.

    "If you had to...?"

    That earns another curious tilt of the head, before the Knightmare snorts. A visible puff of steam filtering through the grill of black helmet. "No Ariel, this is not a case of wether you had to."

    "You must."

    Heedless of the shimmering in the air, the dark knight surges forward. That shield is brought to bear again, swung in a blunt trajectory to try and bowl the girl over again. "I give you no other choice in this matter. Do you think I test you on a whim? Do you think I ask this of you for fancy of sport, or jest? Hahahaha... No way. Ariel you must defeat me, I say this now in front of the Multiverse for all to watch. Think you I am some simple villain?" There's a beats pause as that helmet turns, lone blue eye regarding the unicorn. "Show me. -Show- me!"

Ariel (219) has posed:
She's still 'charging up' so Ariel is somewhat easy pickings for the shield bash. She feels it slam into her and squeaks, tumbling backward onto her rear as it adds another bruise to her collection. Only once she thuds to a halt and looks upward does it click internally what's going on.

"If I had to, yes," she replies. She reaches out with her magical powers, making a gesture as she wheezes from the earlier hit. A small tweak, a twist of her wrist, and...

The slab that the Black Knightmare stands upon is the target. Ariel's goal is simple: a brief reverse gravity to fling her target and the stone upward, so that it will tumble atop her.

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
Shizune Nakamura says, "It looks like the Black Knightmare is at least smart enough not to let an opponent stand there and power up - it's another shield bash for Ariel, and some sharp words that- Wait, what is the Knightmare saying? It almost sounds like- but the moment's gone, and Ariel is flinging the hulking brute up into the air with another gravity spell, uprooting a slab of stone from /below/ this time!"

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    As Ariel is downed, the Knightmare looms. Staring down when topaz eyes glance up. Gaze locks for a beat, and it's enough of an opening. The only thing that breaks the eye contact is how the stone the Knightmare stands upon is launched skywards. Despite the sudden upward motion, the dark knight composes themself fairly well in the middle of the wholly uncontrolled flight, landing solidly in a crouch.

    Until the slab comes back DOWN on that armored back with a heavy CRUNCH of stone battering metal. The black knight is left on their knees for a beat. "Is that so..."

    That stamina must be inhuman. With a creaking wobble, they stand again. One gauntlet-clad hand reaches for the gorget of black armor and yanks at the fasteners, before hooking grip under helmet.

    With a CLANK, the black helmet, dented and battered, is tossed aside to the ground, rainbow hair spilling free. "I'm satisfied with your spirit, as ever, Ariel." Amalthea notes, letting her shield drop, sword embedding by the point into the ground at her side. One hand wipes a trickle of liquid silver from the corner of her lips before she gives her neck a pop. "And that's all I wanted to hear. So I give you the choice. Either we finish this. Or we call it here and now."

Ariel (219) has posed:
Ariel slowly gets to her feet and straightens herself, still showing glistening silver from numerous wounds and bruises. She pops her neck and huffs... then stops and stares as her opponent is revealed to be Amalthea. This makes loppy ears twitch and flick back before she lets out a vent of her own steam, though in a different manner than her mother.

As to the offer to continue? Ariel shakes her head. "I could keep fighting you, mom, if you wanted. But I won't. I think you don't want me to, anyway. I can fight, but I don't think my path is the path of the warrior, so I think I'm going to call it your victory. I still have a lot to learn, I guess... about how to fight and more."

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
Shizune Nakamura says, "-it's Amalthea! The Black Knightmare was Amalthea all along! I ought to have known no one could handle a sword and shield quite like that in full armor! No wonder she was trying to test Ariel's resolve! And now she's giving Ariel the choice to stop now or finish the fight. And... She's choosing to stop! She's ceding the match to Amalthea, so it looks as if we may be done here, everyone."

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    That's it then. The fight is over, much to the shock and bewilderment of the spectators. And Amalthea doesn't look disappointed in the least. But... She is shaking her head.

    One arm drapes over the tiny unicorn's shoulders once Ariel is back up and the elder is chuckling. A lot warmer than the feigned one during the match. "We don't have to keep at it, then. -I- officially forfeit." Amalthea declares, apparently ignoring the fact that Ariel just ceded the match to her. It would seem Ariel's mother is not having it.

    "You were always far gentler than I. And I know the path of war isn't for you, despite how many times you might get pushed onto it. But that doesn't make you any less a positive force in this universe. It doesn't matter how good you are at fighting or not, to me, you'll always be the tiny foal chasing butterflies around green fields. My victory is in being able to call you my daughter, and I need no more than that."

Ariel (219) has posed:
Let no one say that Ariel, as off-balance as she was from a lack of Amalthea in the stands, is not forgiving. She replies with a firm, clinging hug and a giggle. "Let's just call it a draw then. But next time maybe could you try a lesson and test a little less painful?"

She turns and waves to the crowd, though. She doesn't seek fans, but that's no reason not to give them a smile now and then and let them know she's okay! Especially if she can set a good example of sportsmanship. "Can we call it a draw, Shizune?"

Shizune Nakamura (369) has posed:
Shizune Nakamura says, "-wait, now /Amalthea/ is forfeiting? I'm not entirely sure how this should be handled, but- hmm? ...you know what, you're right Ariel, we should! I'm pretty sure this qualifies as an amicable draw if there ever was one, and both Ariel and Amalthea are looking fairly proud of each other right now. I think I speak for everyone when I say that's the most we could ever ask for, and I think it's a perfect note to end the exhibition on. Thank you, both of you, for your hard work! And thanks to everyone who came to watch, and everyone listening at home, as well. This is Shizune Nakamura, signing off."

Amalthea (395) has posed:
    Oh how that eye rolls when the match is decided as a draw. Still, Amalthea's hand comes down atop Ariel's head for a gentle ruffle when her daughter hugs right on. "Okay, okay. Next time I'll just stick to a philosophy lesson." Chuckled as she flashes a thumbs up to Shizune and then the crowds.

    Scootching down a bit, she then gives Ariel a hoist, right onto her armored back for a piggyback, in front of the whole crowd. "Your mom's probably going to give me an earful for this." Noted playfully. "Come on, let's go home and have a taco."