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(A report to a comrade-in-arms turns into attempting to help a comrade in arms with an issue.)
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Latest revision as of 12:17, 3 October 2015

Bitter's Way
Date of Scene: 03 October 2015
Location: Njorun Station - The Skygarden
Synopsis: Shadowed Aesthetic of Quicksilver, one of Bitter Medicine's comrades and fellow member of the Five Optimal Solutions, has come to report to his Soulsteel brother-in-arms about the condition of Autochthon after unification. Shadowed Aesthetic discovers his comrade has a bigger problem however, and does what he can to fix it.
Cast of Characters: 569, 872

Shadowed Aesthetic (872) has posed:
    It's difficult to find time between all the things that are going on, to locate one's allies. Particularly if one has been incommunicado for a while. While Shadowed Aesthetic hasn't been for a while, he's been unable to locate Bitter Medicine, an ally from Autochthonia. Fortunately there's a database of Union members, and Shadowed Aesthetic managed to find the Soulsteel Regulator in the database.

    He'd sent Bitter Medicine a message that he'd finally been cleared to enter the Multiverse. And he'd offered a meeting to catch up. Where else? In Njorun's Skygarden. If Bitter Medicine was unaware of Shadowed Aesthetic's liking of greenery, it's not likely to stay a secret much longer.

    Particularly because, when Bitter arrives in the Skygarden where the meeting is supposed to take place, the Moonsilver spy is sitting on the ground, taking a careful look at a flower growing nearby. What? Shadowed Aesthetic of Quicksilver CHOOSING to sit on the ground where he'd get dirty?! Can this be?! He's sitting with his legs folded under him tailor style in the robes he favors, one hand carefully holding the stem of a not-picked flower to examine it more carefully.

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     A long shadow falls over the flowers, darkening them. Behind Shadowed Aesthetic stands Bitter Medicine, every bit as tall as when the two of them were part of the Optimal Solutions. His arms are crossed, but not in disapproval. It's simply his way to look so imposing, much as it's Aesthetic's way to be elegant and proper. There is something different about him, though--where Aesthetic seems to have gained an appreciation for greenery, Bitter Medicine has finally found something to wear other than his Regulator outfit. Work boots, rough denim jeans, a baggy flannel shirt, and a canvas jacket. He... looks rather like a biker, if bikers were prone to having pallid flesh.

     "Comrade. I was not surprised to receive your message." His greeting is spoken flatly. "It is no secret that I have failed to live up to expectations on my own. Gulak no doubt wishes to replace me with a more suitable Champion." His eyes bear down on the sitting Moonsilver with their usual weight, peering at the flowers and observing Shadowed Aesthetic's interest in them. "Your missive didn't mention when I would be recalled."

Shadowed Aesthetic (872) has posed:
    If Shadowed Aesthetic had been paying attention he might have seen Bitter Medicine before the long shadow appeared. But he wasn't, and suddenly a shadow. It's not sundown yet, is it? Then again, he's actually inside a building, which the Moonsilver keeps having to remind himself of. Of course, he has a way to see what's going on without turning.

    As his hand comes away from the flower, one of the gems in the not-quite tiara that looks like it's fused to his skin gleams oddly. And he smiles. Easily he gets to his feet, dusting off his robes, and then turning. "It's good to see you again, comrade," he greets, that smile still on his face.

    And then Bitter Medicine mentions being replaced. The smile mutes a little, though it doesn't fade, and the Moonsilver tilts his head in confusion. "Not to worry, comrade. I wasn't given an order to recall or replace you, nor have I heard anything negative said of you in Gulak," he assures the Soulsteel.

    Though that brings another concern. Bitter Medicine didn't really open up about his feelings much, so it was usually pretty difficult to know what was going on in his head under most circumstances. This is a pretty blatant loss of self-confidence. So Shadowed Aesthetic thinks about what to say for a moment. It's just a momentary hesitation, "Has something happened? I actually came to report on what information I've gathered so far regarding the long-term consequences of the unification, but there really isn't much to report. If something's happened on this side of the Seal, that's likely a more pressing concern." Spinning it not as 'talk about your feelings of inadequacy' but as 'I'm concerned that something bad has happened'. that way Bitter Medicine will feel less like he's being put on the spot.

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     Upon hearing Shadowed Aesthetic's response, Bitter Medicine raises a brow, surprise playing across his severe features. "You've heard nothing?" Of course, the Moonsilver has no reason to lie. But, surely, Gulak must be displeased with his weakness. Why else would they send another Champion, if not because they felt he was inadequate? "Not even from the Populat? No... idle gossip during recreational hours? I know you don't often visit the factory cathedrals, unless it's official, but... surely you've heard something."

     He furrows his brow, his expression darkening. Perhaps there /is/ reason for the Moonsilver caste to lie. It's their speciality, their own version of the deeds the Soulsteel caste are called to perform. Perhaps it's not replacement he should fear, but recycling. Fear... fear isn't the right word. He should face it, and own up to his failure. Bitter Medicine turns his back on Shadowed Aesthetic, folding his arms behind his back. The uniform may not be there, but the posture betrays his honorary membership in the Regulators.

     "You don't have to hide it, comrade. I'll come peacefully. If Gulak believes my weakness to be a result of..." Gremlin Syndrome. It almost leaves his lips--out of habit, as if he were standing in Autochthonia, he silences himself. There are no Autochthonian ears here to hear the secret, to hear that even the Machine God's champions can succumb to the sickness. Ever loyal, Bitter Medicine still sidesteps it nonetheless. "It's better that my soulgem goes towards the creation of better, stronger Champions. After my long string of failures and my embarrassing performance in the World Martial Arts Tournament, I can only imagine Gulak's place among the Octet has suffered."

Shadowed Aesthetic (872) has posed:
    Shadowed Aesthetic shakes his head. "No, I've heard nothing of that sort, from anyone. If anything's been said in that direction, it's not been made known to me. All I've heard is how strange the rest of the Multiverse is." Though he pauses as Bitter turns his back. He tilts his head again, observing the Soulsteel carefully-- the set of his shoulders, the taut line his back makes. Whatever's bothering him, its really messing with him.

    And then it comes out. The WMAT. Shadowed Aesthetic hadn't been able to get free to see Bitter Medicine's performance in the tournament in person, unfortunately. But records of it exist. Still though, he'd heard nothing of the sort.

    The mention of recycling gets a wide-eyed blink, though Bitter may not see it since his back is turned. "Oh I've definitely heard no mention of anything like that. I'd have protested if I had," he notes. "Besides, do you see any other nation sending their Champions out to interact with this Multiverse? I've heard none of the rest even allowing theirs to leave Autochthonia."

    The smile comes back, and Shadowed Aesthetic crosses his arms as well, but over his midriff instead. "You worry too much, comrade. I actually asked to come here, to see how you were doing. Not well, from the sound of things. But I do understand your concern. Ever since setting foot outside the Seal I've seen things I could never have dreamed of, not in any life. With a near infinite number of worlds in existence already, and more coming in all the time, there's just no way a single Champion can conquer it all."

    Here he chuckles. "Besides, if there was any talk of replacing you, it wouldn't be with me," he teases. "You know I'm no match for you in a battle of strength. So don't worry so much. As far as I'm aware your only true failure was just now. You sound like you're giving up. Very unfortunate. So it's a very good thing that I keep secrets well." He gives a mock-conspiratorial wink.

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     The consolation isn't lost on Bitter Medicine. His posture seems to ease a bit, as if gradually, something inside him fled and left. It's not so severe a change that he seems outside of his usual grim demeanor, but the words have assuredly helped. He regards Shadowed Aesthetic with a look over his shoulder, measuring him, as is his way. "You've made your point," he says bluntly.

     With a rumble, he turns around fully, arms hanging at his side. "I just assumed everyone would be displeased. There are so many people out there stronger than me--perhaps there are some more clever than you. That doesn't... make you feel unable to serve? It makes me feel that way. It isn't just Gulak watching, or even Autochthonia."

     "People out there are watching. Enemies. If the Machine God's best are so easily dispatched, what of his charges? The mortals we're sworn to protect? Our land, our resources?"

Shadowed Aesthetic (872) has posed:
    Shadowed Aesthetic's easy smile returns, and he folds his hands before him again when Bitter Medicine seems to relax. The words would seem rude coming from anyone else. But he knows that's Bitter's way, to be blunt. If he'd meant for the Moonsilver to shut up he'd have said exactly that. Besides, the tension in Bitter's shoulders has eased, it's a clear enough sign that he's a little more at ease.

    Bitter Medicine's concerns are finally aired then, even if it's aimed more as 'aren't you worried' moreso than 'this is my problem'. The easy smile stays there while he listens quietly. But he does nod.

    "That is a frightening prospect," he admits. "One's tempted to ask 'if we can't stop them, then who can'? But it's a question we don't have to answer. We're still here, defending the Maker as well as we can. In the end, everyone contributes their best. No one does a job alone if they need help. It's in no one's best interests. If you did your best, no one can reasonably fault you."

    Unspoken is, of course, 'even yourself'.

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     The Soulsteel caste chuckles with a decidedly, well... bitter tone. "I don't agree." Indeed, if his best isn't good enough, it must mean he's not good enough. And if that's the case, it's simply a question of being better. "Maybe that works for Jade castes giving speeches on the factory floor, but we--the Razors and the Scourges--have to be self sufficient. There's no /team/ in the Reaches. There's no one beside you to pick up the slack on a deep cover mission. If I'm not good enough, the problem is with me, no matter what anyone says."

     "'You did your best' doesn't matter when people die. When someone dies, when someone's hurt because I wasn't good enough to save them? It's /my fault./" He raises a finger to elaborate on a further point, but lowers it. "I need upgrades," he says flatly. "I've tried to meditate and master my Essence, but the insight won't come. As expected." The dour Alchemical crosses his arms. "The one thing about our existence that can't be changed for something better within 25 hours."

     "It's... frustrating, comrade. When you try with all your might to surmount something, and watch as your Charms buckle and break under the strain--the very act of trying to match your enemy nearly tears you apart. How do mortals live every day of their lives like this? It makes me feel worse than inadequate. It makes me feel incomplete."

Shadowed Aesthetic (872) has posed:
    And still Shadowed Aesthetic smiles. "You sound like Voice now. Though with exactly the opposite intent, of which I'm glad," he notes, amused. But the amusement comes not of his friends discomfiture. He does listen, and he's agreeing with a lot of it. He pauses, thinking. A mortal would inhale and hold the breath while waiting for what to say. He doesn't, but only because he doesn't need to. He doesn't inhale until he's determined at least partially what he's going to say.

    "...It's hard," he admits. "Back home, when the Maker decided to put His foot down, so to speak, we came in the wake of the decision and assured that whatever it was, stopped. Out here in the Multiverse though... there are powers that are exactly that for other worlds. And exactly the opposite of that in other worlds too. We are not the authority here in the Multiverse. That in itself is hard to accept, that we are 'just like everyone else'."

    "Maybe that's the core of the problem," he muses. "Here in the Multiverse, we are as Mortals are within Autochthonia-- 'just like everyone else'. At least, among Elites. We are neither the strongest nor the weakest. Do you know, when I went to investigate that strength floating world where they saw the human figured in the clouds, I was amongst the weakest in the group? I was too polite to complain. The shift in thinking is so hard to adjust to."

    Shadowed Aesthetic is a talker, it seems, as he has more to say. "But be that as it may, remember... this isn't the Reaches. And you do have allies now, in this Multiversal Union. There are surely a few that would even go with you to the Elemental Poles themselves if required. So yes, here there /is/ the possibility of a team." He raises a hand, taps at his bottom lip thoughtfully. "But, even with that. It wouldn't hurt to learn more about this Multiverse. Maybe we could all do with a refit, once we learn more."

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     "You can recycle me if I ever sound like Voice of Authority with the same intent. But I see what you're getting at, Aesthetic." Perhaps it's better to experience loss and defeat now, rather than later, when much more valuable things may be at stake. "It's an uncomfortable thought, but necessary for our survival. Much like myself." It's never been unlike Bitter Medicine to make a joke--they're usualy just extremely dry.

     Has he ever accepted his allies? Has he treated any of them, save for Defiant, as equals? Probably not. "Just like everyone else... it'll take some getting used to. I'm glad you're here, comrade."

Shadowed Aesthetic (872) has posed:
    Shadowed Aesthetic actually chuckles quietly at Bitter's opinion of sounding like Voice of Authority. "Oh I don't know. You could do with a bit more arrogance, couldn't you?" He is absolutely teasing Bitter now. "Do need to worry, if you start sounding like that, I'll give you a few kicks to the backside before I send you for recycling, how's that?" Bitter's sense of humor can border on morbid sometimes, but Shadowed Aesthetic is willing to go down those dark paths for the sake of a joke, too!

    Though he sobers as the Soulsteel echoes his words, expresison returning to that easy smile. "It will. For all of us. I have some experience thanks to my training. I was taught to blend in, to at least pretend to be like everyone else," he notes. "But I do know this. Even those that are 'just like everyone else'... they're everything to at least one other. So it's not as though having others that are as strong as you will mean you aren't important. Strength is not everything to some."

    The smile takes on a fond, friendly note when Bitter acknowledges he's glad Shadowed Aesthetic is there. "So am I. I was worried that you might be having some trouble. I'm glad I can be here to help you out."

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     "I think my arrogance has gotten me into plenty of trouble already. The problem is that you don't always recognize it. It's like the common roaches back home--you'd be surprised all the places it can fit and not be seen." Much of his trials could have been lessened without his insistence on being better than others. "It will be good to have another Alchemical Exalted here. If you haven't already, I'd suggest speaking with Finna. She is a Chosen of Luna. Their organization is... strange, if it exists at all, but she has access to a wealth of information about Creation that could advance our relations considerably."

Shadowed Aesthetic (872) has posed:
    Another chuckle at the mention of Arrogance having gotten him in trouble. However, Shadowed Aesthetic is polite enough not to agree. But the mention of Finna gets an, "Oh?" But he does nod. "That sort of knowledge will do great things for Autochthonia, yes," he agrees. "What sort of information do you have on her? Is she with one of the superfactions? Or is she independent? If she's in the other, that could prove... awkward, at best. Painful-- probably physically-- at worst."

Bitter Medicine (569) has posed:
     "She is a member of the Union, although at one time she was independent. Her Charms are unusual, as are those of most other Exalted I have met. Evidently, theirs are learned--not implanted. They have no physical form, and we are the exception. When Finna learned that my Strength Augmentations were real and physical things, you'd think I told her to grow a second face... something she could probably do, now that I consider. But--we can talk more later, comrade. I'll send you a missive in Autochthonic with my personal radio frequency if you need me."

Shadowed Aesthetic (872) has posed:
    And there's the look Bitter knows from when his Moonsilver ally is picking up information-- very slightly tilted head, purple eyes trained on Bitter, brows raised with interest. The mention of Finna's Charms having no form gets a blink. "They just... are?" He's not sure how that's possible.

    But he nods at the mention of getting Bitter's personal radio frequency. "I'll have to give you mine as well. I only recently tuned to the Multiversal frequencies. There's so many." He smiles, though, a content smile. More quietly he offers, "But I'm glad you're all right. Call me if you need my help, or just want to talk." And then he teases gently, "I know the latter isn't exactly your purview, but the offer stands nonetheless."