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Latest revision as of 13:15, 14 October 2015

WMAT Exhibition: Rebound vs Brachio
Date of Scene: 12 October 2015
Location: WMAT Arena - Diablo Desert
Synopsis: WMAT Exhibition match between Rebound and Brachio.
Cast of Characters: 114, Corona Arclite, 750, 770

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
The roar of the crowd in the packed WMAT stadium has created an electrifying frenzy of energy throughout the tournament grounds. Being as both participants are from worlds that accommodate varying sizes of anthropomorphic races it's quite difficult to find a free seat or even standing room. The haphazard sizes and strengths of various dinosaurs and mutants, creates an uneven and rowdy audience. Quite a few of the fans who can fly are literally hanging from the rafters tonight!

Genghis Rex and his Tyranno brethren sit in their personal box, surrounded by thousands of Reptilonians who have come to see their hero, Brachio, in his first match since returning to his people and returning from the grave.

Rebound is not without her supporters. Sizable animal mutants push and shove for a glimpse of the MMA star, while Saurians argue with them regarding whose ticket seats them where. In the front row 4 familiar turtles sit next to their master, ready to cheer their friend on, although a surly pair of nearby mutants, one Rhinoceros and one Warthog, seem to keep the quartet of teenagers a tiny bit wary.

In the center of the stadium stands a menacing structure of black steel and mesh, seemingly birthed to contain the rage of two powerful combatants. In the middle of this cell stands a simple wrestling ring, scaled way up to accommodate its titanic occupants.

The lights dim, and music starts pumping through the loudspeaker.


The Reptilonians in the audience explode in roars of support, as the massive Brachio trudges forward into the arena. He swells with pride as he is showered in the cheers of his fans. He takes his time walking to the ring. He hasn't felt this in a LONG time and he's gonna enjoy every minute of it!

Rebound (750) has posed:
    With the crowd of supporters gathered, Rebound sits in the backstage of the arena, letting herself get pumped up for the fight. The roar of the crowd can be heard from anywhere nearby as she lets the sounds fill her. It's been a while since she's been able to hear that kind of noise.

    Once her opponent has made his entrance and she's able to make her way down, she gets up and heads for the entrance ramp. It'll be nice to see folks she doesn't get a chance to meet up with often enough. The lights dim, and her music hits.


    Pyro explodes on the stage and she jumps out from behind the curtain onto the ramp, holding both hands up to the roar of the crowd. She hops her way down to the ring, grabbing the sides of the cage and shaking it a few times to ensure the sturdiness, before she slides into the open door of the cage.

    Looking up at her opponent, the size difference is really evident. But she knows where her strengths lie, and she's taken down larger targets before. She slams both fists together, the pulsarium cores in the Impact Drivers kicking on, filling them with green energy.

Target Sparktail (770) has posed:
     Up in the commentator box, Target is on his feet and STANDING on the comentator desk! He had been looking forward to this fight for a while and was thrilled to be calling it! "And in amazing style for both of the competitors, music and pyro is going off everywhere! The crowd is going absolutley wild, showing support for either Brachio, who entered first, or Rebound, who came in after him! I can tell you one thing, folks, I wouldn't wanna be anywhere near that cage with either one of them inside. Heck, I don't think I'd want to be inside that cage at all! No rules?! Two fighters are going in, only one is gonna come out!"

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Brachio tilts his head at Rebound, smirking, then points out an announcer on the side, motioning for a mic. THe mic is comically small compared to the Tyranno titan, but he taps it a few times, creating a loud *thump*thump*thump* over the sound system.

He leans his head down and speaks into his fist, "Hey now, little roo. I think it's pretty obvious who d'ees folks are here t'a see!"

He spreads his arms wide and the Reptilonians in the crowd send another torrent of cheers in his direction.

When the crowd dies down he speaks into his fist again, "We ain't gots t'a do d'is. Why muss up d'at pretty face of yours? Tell ya whut. You curl on up and lie down for me right now, and later tonight we'll go back to my hotel room and I'll lay down for you."

Brachio grins widely and and hands the miniscule (to him) mic to Rebound.

Rebound (750) has posed:
    Looking at the offered microphone, Rebound reaches up and takes it into one of her gauntleted hands, looking up at Brachio as he offers something to her in exchange for her giving him an easy win. She looks at the microphone for a moment, and then looks up at the big guy.

    "You're not really my type." She says into the mic, "Plus a guy you size, best I can figure you're compensating for something.." She looks down his torso a bit, and then smirks.

    "So the answer is no." She tosses the mic down and then drops back, leaning against the ropes across from the ring from him, "Some come on big guy, let me see what you've got. Because I won't go easy on you." She motions for him to come at her from across the ring with her hand.

Target Sparktail (770) has posed:
    Some laughter erupts from the commentator booth. Source: Target! "HA! They're trading barbs back and forth and it's totally getting the crowd wound up. Heck! I'm getting wound up! Looks like these two have a bigger score to settle than I thought! Shots fired in both directions, and with Rebound not accepting Brachio's offer, I'm sure this fight is going to get goin' in just a sec!"

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Brachio's eyes narrow at Rebound's slight. He lifts a massive foot and slams it down on the mic, crushing it into sand. Circling around the ring, shaking off an early temper tantrum, tossing angry glares at Rebound, and muttering to nobody in particular, picking up speed, with each step, until he slams his massive tonnage onto the ropes opposite Rebound so hard that Rebound feels the ropes behind her pull her forwards slightly.

As the ropes snap backwards, they propel Brachio forward, head on towards the reclining Rebound, THUMP THUMP THUMP, go his cossasal feet as he bears down on her, attempting a wrestling classic, the clothesline.

Rebound (750) has posed:
    The weight of her opponent becomes rapidly evident when he pushes himself against the ropes and winds up pulling her forward. She winds up getting crashed into by him, his arm cracking into her and sending her flying through the air, doing a full loop and landing on her stomach from the impact.

    She's quick to get back to her feet but the impact has stunned her. She steps back again and then jumps up, landing on the ropes with both feet and pushing off of them with her powerful legs. She lowers her shoulder, trying to crash shoulder first into the large Tyranno, intent on using his own weight against him to bring him down.

Target Sparktail (770) has posed:
     DING! "The bell rings, the fight begins, and Brachio comes out swinging, literally! After building some momentum from moving around the ring, the saurian surges toward Rebound before turning her inside out nearly from the impact! Rebound's able to get up after it at least. After launching herself off the ropes she tries to shoulder check the big guy! I'm not really sure how well that worked though!" There will be no eating on duty during this fight! Too much hype!

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Brachio catches Rebound's attack in his sturdy chest and while he staggers backwards a little, his formidable size and strength absorb the majority of the impact. Rebound finds his thick scaly arms suddenly wrapped around her as he cradles her and swings her in a half circle.

"Shoulda taken me up on my offer, roo ..."

Brachio's legs kick out from under him and he drops straight down, intending to squash Rebound under himself with a "SIDEWALK SLAM"

Rebound (750) has posed:
    Another powerful slam after grabbing hold of her, Rebound feels the air driven out of her by the big Tyranno when she hits the mat. She manages to get her way out of the large dino's arms after hitting the mat, and she rolls out of the ring to the side of it. She pulls herself back to her feet using the cage, and then turns around to face her opponent.

    This is a no holds barred match, and she's going to take advantage of that fact. She slides down out of view for a moment, and then emerges from under the ring with a sledgehammer in her hands. It's not a normal sledgehammer, but one of the big pnumatic ones from Corona Arclite's world.

    She slides back into the ring and gives it a wide swing, bringing it around to try to slam the large weapon into the even larger dinosaur, intent on taking him out with the weapon.

Target Sparktail (770) has posed:
     "Looks like I was right! Brachio seems to shrug off Rebound's attack and wraps her up to deliver her right down to the matt! The roo scrambles away, probably trying to get some space between the two of them before she pulls out a - .. A sledge hammer?!" The kobold looks entirely confused, giving a skeptical look to the ring, then the rest of the arena. "Wait a sec, that's from brimsteel! The heck's goin on here?! C'rona are you hidin' under the ring or somethin?!"

Corona Arclite has posed:
Meanwhile in the commentator's box there is a bit of a kerfluffle, almost as soon as her name has been mentioned Corona practically crashes into the room. Literally, considering she ends up upside down against the console, wheels spinning and steam leaking from the rollerskate-like things she's wearing. "Sorry I'm late! Had a bit of a mishap with... well ya see for yourself."

With that she climbs up into a chair proper, only to blink a couple of times at the area. "Oh, -that's- where that steam-hammer went. I was wonderin' iffen I misplaced it again...."

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Brachio slowly rises to his feet, smugly brushing himself off and not really paying attention to Rebound. He probably should have as he suddenly realizes a pneumatic sledge hammer is bearing down on him.

His eyes go wide with shock, as Rebound buries the sledge into his gut,, driving the air out of his lungs, causing him to double over and fall to his knees.

As Rebound attempts to pull the sledge from Brachio's gut, she finds that he has wrapped one of his massive mitts around the sledgehammer.

Furthermore, here comes Brachio's armored tail, attempting to blindside his opponent with a crushing sweep.

Rebound (750) has posed:
    The tail comes around and hits her from behind, knocking her down and sending her against the ropes. She grabs the ropes, pulling herself over them, she allows them to reach full draw, and then is launched forward suddenly, turning over in midair and bringing both feet towards Brachio.

    Those powerful kangaroo legs are coiled and ready to strike as she comes in, intent on hitting him dead center mass and then kicking forward with both legs, full force and point blank. She's going to push herself off of him and launch herself to the top of the cage, but she's intent on knocking him down in the process.

Target Sparktail (770) has posed:
     A laugh, then the kobold just pats Corona on the shoulder, wherever it is. "Well well, C'rona! Better late'n never! Welcome to the show! As you kin see, Rebound down there just brought out an equalizer and applied it to Brachio's gut! Looks like hit'em good, though now the saur is bringing his tail'round while he's got a hold on the sledge! This can't be good for Rebound. Looks like Rebound has an idea, though! Once she backs away from the saur, she actually uses the ropes to shoot herself, feet first, at Brachio!"

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona gets herself upright and properly situated again. "Boy howdy, that's one big ornery fella Rebound is fightin' down there. But I've seen her punch some purdy big and ornery thin's already, so I hope he ain't expectin' this to be an easy fight... What'dya say his name was? Brachio? Sounds like somethin' outta a science fiction show or somethin'..."

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Brachio takes the kick deadcenter to the chest and topples over backwards, slamming hard backwards on the mat. He continues to gasp for air a bit from the sledgehammer strike, but watches Rebound rise in the air above him.

In a single moment of unimaginable physical prowess, the 2 ton dinosaur pulls his legs back and NIPS UP, back to his feet, then bounds upwards, in pursuit of Rebound, soaring past her and sinking his hulking hands into the ceiling of the cage above him, crunching steel and mesh in his powerful grip.

He hangs from the cage roof for several seconds, looking tremendously pleased with himself

"I'mma tear this cage down and wrap you in it ..." Brachio starts, when the roof panel he's holding onto suddenly gives way under his titanic weight, and he falls out of control to the mat. The roof panel of the cage topples on top of him. OWCH!

Rebound (750) has posed:
    With her opponent rising up next to her, she grabs a hold of the top of the cage. Brachio does too, and she looks straight at him. Then the whole pannel he's on collapses and sends him flying down into the ring.

    Rebound swings from the top of the cage like an Americna Gladiator until she can swing up and through the now open roof section. Standing on top of the cage, she takes a moment to look out at everyone in the crowd, before pointing down at Brachio.

    The kangaroo suddenly dives off of the top of the cage, dropping down the full distance to try to plant both of her feet into the cage on top of the Tyranno and send him through the mat itself.

Target Sparktail (770) has posed:
     Off mic, the kobold just laughs, "Sure is!", then back to the match, "Well that could be a problem! Looks like the big fella is tearing down the cage! Kinda ended up on his keister after tryin' to look like some kinda rodeo star hanging up there like a dope! Oops?! HA! This is Rebound's chance and she's takin' it! The crowd is goin' CRAZY! Rebound's actually jumping down on him from the TOP of the cage!" Coronoa may need to be warry of the kobold as he's up on the -desk- again when Rebound jumps from the top of the cell.

Corona Arclite has posed:
"That ain't what they mean by bringin' down the house! I mean, ya ain't suppose to bring it down on yerself." She's probably use to it to a degree, as Corona ducks an excited Kobold arm waving about without missing a beat. "Rebound uses the openin'.. and the openin' of her foe being clunked back on the ground... but not before playin' up the crowd beforehand, and they're just eatin' it up."

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
The cage panel is slammed into Brachio and the fallen Tyranno lets out a pain filled groan. While the opening was indeed well placed, Rebound doesn't quite have the mass to drive Brachio through the floor of the ring.

Perched atop the fallen cage panel, Rebound suddenly finds Brahcio's eyes locked with hers. He rises quickly, lifting the cage and Rebound and goes into a deadly charge, intent on crushing Rebound between the dislodged piece of roof and the side of the cage.

Rebound (750) has posed:
    Oh he does more than just knock her against the cage with the broken peice of cage. She gets blasted straight through the cage wall and out into the scrambling crowd. With a loud crashing sound the wreckage of the cage lands on what had been a bunch of seats.

    Rebound very slowly pulls herself out from under the twisted mass of metal, groaning and bleeding from her forehead and several other spots. She takes a moment to wipe her face off, and then the lights on the impact drivers kick on fully. "Finally."

    She hops through the broken out section of the cage, twisting in midair to punch Brachio in the face with one of those Impact Drivers. She'll follow up by landing and throwing out several body blows, and then end with an uppercut, the Impact Drivers powering each punch with a massive amount of kinetic energy behind each blow.

Target Sparktail (770) has posed:
     "Down she comes! With the cage smashed into Brachio's chest I'm surprised he's still gettin' up! Guy's made a sterner stuff than a deathscale! Sheish! Maybe that wasn't such a good idea cause now Rebound's gettin' sammiched between the torn down cage bits and the regular part of the cage! Heck, she's out in the crowd now! Looks like the roo had a plan, though. The gauntlets are lit! Time to proceed with the poundin! Oy, C'rona, you may be able to explain those gauntlets more'n me." Target motions at the mic. "You built'em!"

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona visibly cringes when Brachio slams Rebound between the cage sections, ears laying back against her head. "Looks like the snack cart on this pain train's servin' roo sammichs. Silly Brach'o, roos ain't made of vegemite." There's probably a lot of booing at her terrible australian joke. "I wonder if she'll... oh, I think she's gonna... YEEEAAAAH!" It's Corona's turn to be jumping up and thrusting a fist in the air when Rebound uses the Impact Drivers. "Rebound returns the favor with a KINETIC KNUCKLE SAMMICH of her own! And another! That's a smorgeshboard of whoopin' goin' on down there.. Whu? Oh, right! The Impact Drivers absorb kinetic energy as the wearer fights, an' when fully charged release it so BOOM." She slams her fist back on the controls for emphasis. "It's like punchin' someone. With explosions!"

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Beebop and Rocksteady leap out of the way as the side of the cage comes crashing down on their section. When Rebound is gone, they reconnoiter, eyeing the carnage of bodies that weren't so lucky.

"Gee, Rockysteady, we didn't get mashed for once." says Bebop.

"Oh no!" yells Rocksteady, "Our beers spilled!"

Bebop howls in anguish.

As Rebound hurls toward Brachio, he swings a mighty fist, but she's far too fast, dodging the attack and one of her own. He swings back, missing again, she catches him two more time. He staggers backwards, swatting desperately at her, until her final uppercut catches him straight on the jaw.

Brachio's legs wobble and he, momentarily is out of his feet, slumps to his knees, eyes losing focus and head snaking around lazily.

Brachio shakes his head and refocuses on Rebound. A snarl rubles from him as he suddenly slams both claws through the floor of the mat, and grip the wood floorboards beneath Rebound. He wrenches up, determined to rip the floor out from under the Roo and slam her backwards into what's left of the cage behind her.

Rebound (750) has posed:
    The world around her suddenly shifts as her feet are pulled out from under her, along with most of the ring being destroyed in the process as the massive Tyranno unleashes his move on her. She gets hauled through the air and crashes into the cage outside again, the door of it this time as she slams through it.

    Despite being outside of the cage for the third time this match, she quickly dives back in. It's clear she's hurting, bleeding from several places and looking like she needs a vacation, but she's not out of the fight yet.

    The Impact Drivers are brought to bear again, this time instead of a series of low powered punches, she's going to go for one big one. She leaps through the air, angling her body to unleash what's best described as a massive flying haymaker towards Brachio's dome. It's intent is simple, either knock him out with this punch or she might not make it out of here on her feet.

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona fist pounds the console a few more times in excitement. "And Brachio is down on his knees! He's lookin' a bit woozled, he might be.. oh no, he ain't goin' down, he's rippin' the floor up fer another weapon! Tarnation, there ain't gonna be nuttin' LEFT of this arena afterwards.... And despite havin' the stuffin' beat outta her a few times over Rebound is -right back in the ring- with the Drivers and one helluva punch flyin' fer Brach's noggin! Ah swear, that girl's meaner than a cactus cat when riled up 'nuff."

She pauses, the covers the mic with one hand as she leans over to Target. "Ya think folks'll even know what a cactus cat is? Mebbe I shoulda redone that reference."

Target Sparktail (770) has posed:
     "Oh Jeez! He's tearing the ring apart! You gotta have a ring for the match, idjit! *SIIIIGH* Honestly I'm really glad ta not be in that cage with'em, ripped apart as it is now. For all the destruction he's doin, looks like Rebound's gonna put them bracers ta use by puttin their juice into one nasty punch!" Off mic toward Corona, Target shrugs, "I mentioned deathscales earlier, they didn't seem to mind it much.

Corona Arclite has posed:
Corona raises a brow at that, then looks back down at the mangled arena. Wrinkles her nose a little. "He's too big, too chunky and ain't ugly 'nuff to be a deathscale."

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Already stunned from the last blow, Brachio takes all of Rebound's punch and his serpentine head snaps backwards painfully while he body pitches forward. He catches himself with a claw planted firmly on the mat, barely missing the hole he'd made himself.

The battered Tyranno pushes himself up with tremendous effort, his head bruised, and his right eye swelling up.

He glares at Rebound and swings his right hand *whiff*, then his left *whiff*, then pitches over and falls into the hole he tore in the floor of the ring.(Arn Anderson swing/fall)

There is a great silence for a long time, before Brachio's confused head pokes up from the abyss below and glances around in confusion.

Rebound (750) has posed:
    With Brachio's swings coming in, Rebound backs off, until she can see he's starting to swing wildly and miss. Soon enough he goes down into the pit that he himself made by tearing the ring up, and she stares down at him. She then suddenly jumps down into the ring, landing on top of his chest, "Count it, ref!" It appears that she's trying to pin him for the three count.

Genghis Rex (114) has posed:
Confused, swollen and very likely concussed, Brachio doesn't even know where he is right now, and suddenly Casey Jones is there in a referee's shirt and counts 1 ... 2 ... 3 on the destroyed mat.

Genghis Rex shakes his head in the audience, "Why does he do this? He ALWAYS loses!"

Ankylo pats Rex, "It's not about winning or losing Bossasaur. Brachio just wants to put on a good show for the crowd!"

Rex sighs.

Corona Arclite has posed:
"And despite him bein' least three times her size Rebound goes for the pin.. There's the count... and he's too dazed to get back up! Rebound wins!.. But listen to that crowd roarin', that's goin' out to both compet'tors fer one helluva show." Corona thrusts her hands overhead as she jumps up... except she's still got the rollerskate contraptions on, and ends up wiping out backwards with a yelp. "Crackin' all, fergot I was still wearin' those..."

Target Sparktail (770) has posed:
    And the moment that Casey's hand comes down for three, the kobold is on the desk, nearly dancing as he cheers! "Rebound wins! WOOOOOO! That was one HELUVA show folks and Rebound has come out on top! Good on her! I swear if I could make her an honorary ranger I'd do it! Good show!" Then over to Corona. "yer startin' to make me look good, C'rona. Can't be havin' that."

Rebound (750) has posed:
    With the match finally over, Rebound picks herself up out of the pit and raises her hands up above her head to show off to the crowd. The whole place is destroyed, but she's the victor. Of course the whole thing is for a great cause, any collected money going to help fund the reconstruction on Reptilon. Though she will get herself a nice championship belt to show off, just the same.