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The Things You Find In Nar Shadaa
Date of Scene: 17 October 2015
Location: Faraway Galaxy <FG>
Synopsis: Jayale attempts to make a delivery of silks (and also smuggle some crystals) when she runs into a dangerous interloper who decides he wants more than just her secret stash...
Cast of Characters: Lezard Valeth, 892

Jayale (892) has posed:
    Nar Shaddaa, largest moon of Nal Hutta.

    Smuggler's moon.

    Filthy, polluted, corrupted, crime-infested and all considered a very good place for those who wanted to go somewhere, not be noticed, blend in and in general just have a place to store your wares and have them be generally safe so long as you have dealings with the right entities. Among those was an older Miralukan woman who was walking along through the storehouse districts with several droids with her operating hovertransports, carrying cargo and various trade supplies that she was seemingly going to store. Her attire, however, did have her stand out. A little. Then again those who stood out were far less conspicuous than those who were trying /too hard/ to blend in. Soft snow-white silks draped over her form, long blonde hair loosely tied back out of her way. Visually most of her stock that she was transporting was fabrics at the moment, various textiles, possibly even a few crafting materials, but it would take those of more keen senses or possibly some method of arcane, or Force-assisted methods, to know that within all of that she had something else entirely. She had several lightsaber crystals. Nothing too terribly rare, certainly, but very useful for those who had a use for them. Lightsabers, various machinery that could use them as well - or possibly some kind of focusing crystal in general. After all, that's what they were in a lightsaber.

Lezard Valeth has posed:
Nar Shaddaa, a wonderful place for a multitude of reasons.

Not the least of which is that Lezard doesn't particularly need to change his clothes. People in this region of the Multiverse have /fascinating/ fashion sense.

Similarly interesting are the kinds of materials that get shipped through the ports here. Illegal goods of all shapes and sizes, contraband, and exotic wares, all dedicated towards evading detection both to avoid problems with tarriffs as well as... more troublesome situations.

But the /most/ interesting thing is how easily a certain amount of credits will mysteriously cause that paper-thin aegis of corruption that ensures the safety of specific deliveries to vanish. Those sensitive to such things might understand immediately that there is a problem in the storehouses.

The Miraluka herself might have a more direct form of this feeling as the man in black rounds the corner. While to normal sight he might appear to be nothing more than a thin, bookish man in old-style garments, to the Force Sensitive it is considerably less pleasant. To the senstive Miraluka, seeing directly with the Force as they do, likely even less so as Lezard Valeth blocks the path between two buildings.

"Greetings, miss." Lezard says politely. "I cannot help but notice you are transporting some goods I find most interesting. Would you be interested in parting with them for a certain sum?" There is no mirth in his smile, as he flicks a credit chit between his hands with a snap of the wrist. "I would much prefer you to have some form of recompense for the trouble than to have some form of... terrible accident."

Jayale (892) has posed:
    Certainly the uneasy feeling caused Jayale to be just a bit more alert, but unfortunately, sometimes, that came with the territory. She didn't actually choose to stop, didn't choose to let whatever the source of the unease was know that she was aware. Just yet anyways. Instead when he came around the corner, she raised her hand a little and the droids that were carting her goods paused.

    With the blindfold on, it might appear she couldn't even see - though perhaps Lezard might know better. Those who were capable of sensing magical things might also be able to sense those who were actively using the force, in her case, she was feeling out a bit more, looking around a bit more to see if she was being pinned in... or if it was just him.

    But for the moment, it just seemed to be him. No matter how much of a feeling he left her with that she didn't want anything to do with him.

    "I am certainly a trader, as you can surmise." Her voice was soft, relaxed, almost as if she didn't really worry. A practiced tone taken courtesy of a trader who had experienced being approached before for less-than-savory reasons while transporting goods. "However, this particular order is already owned, for the most part, by a member of the Hutt Cartel." The phrase 'Hutt Cartel', if Lezard was aware of anything, was a relatively well-known and influential cartel. Not to mention this planet being part of Hutt Space. "If you let me know what you want I could certainly look into getting more of it for you, but it would be quite bad for my business if I sold someone elses wares to you and left them with nothing but credits and a promise for more. Though that does beg the question... what exactly is it that I am carrying that you want bad enough to approach me? Lasha Silk is certainly hard to come by but I imagine you could find it somewhere else on Nar Shaddaa."

Lezard Valeth has posed:
Lezard has been part of the Multiverse for some time, which might be why he doesn't show any confusion at the stress placed on the Hutt Cartel. He nods, arching his eyebrow. "Ah yes, the Hutt Cartel. It would certainly be most foolish to anger the Cartel, espcially on this... 'jewel' of a planet."

His pleasant tone suddenly cracks, becoming much darker. "However, I am no fool. I am also just as aware of how easily that anger can be assauaged. Anything can be bought or sold here, my dear. Even honor. This is you final chance. Take the money and leave the goods, or I will show you the folly of your ignorant resistance."

Jayale (892) has posed:
    Now, normally she might actually allow herself to be robbed simply to avoid any suspicion. After all, if someone was dumb enough to rob the Hutt Cartel, they're dumb enough to take the blame for such. However, she also had the crystals with her tucked away safely in the middle of her textiles. Crystals that had not been taken out of the hidden compartment on the container they were in since before she landed on the moons landing pad. Which meant he had either been tracking her for quite a while to know she had them...
    Or he had some way of knowing what she was carrying otherwise.

    Either way this left her in a very odd spot. For all she might be aware of in her own existence, the Multiverse wasn't something she knew, so for the moment she didn't quite realize he wasn't from this land. As Jayale opened her mouth to speak, her head shook a little and she sighed, realizing that he also couldn't possibly be Imperial or they would have simply started searching if they had suspicions. "You certainly seem sure of yourself that you can get away with this." They weren't even the rarest of lightsaber crystals, but her even /having/ them, and others having proof she had them, could put her in far more danger - for the moment - than saying no would. "Young man, I suppose now would be a good point to mention that I can tell you both seem to be alone, and also I cannot see any sort of arms about yourself. You threaten me with words, even though there is something rather unpleasant about your manner. I have no desire to fight you, I am quite the old woman," she doesn't actually LOOK that old. Good for her age perhaps. "and you are quite young yourself. Did you really plan to attack me with your bare hands? And all for what?" He still hadn't answered. Perhaps he really /was/ that hard out for the Silk and Textiles she had with her. Maybe it wasn't the crystals and was just a chance. Still, she actually raised her hand and said, "You really do not want to do this. The Hutts do not forget, nor forgive, so easily." She didn't like falling back on trying to nudge other beings minds with the Force, but this? Was a scenario in which she felt she might have to try.

Lezard Valeth has posed:
There is a small grin on Lezard's face as the woman replies. So conservative. So cautious. Perhaps the man could appreciate such reservation. There is a moment as he looks a little distracted, however, as he replies, "I really do not want to-"

And then there is a sudden snap, like a whiplash as the Miraluka feels the mind snap shut like a trap. The pleasant smile becomes a sneer as the credit chip explodes into violet flame, held in his hand and vanishing. "Oooooh, that was /clever/. You almost caught me that that. I will have to be paying closer attention. It is clear you do not understand just who you are dealing with. I do not fear the Hutts. They can only deal in death... And as you will know, I /understand/ death."

There is a sudden motion as a twisted black cane is brought out from his cloak. To the Miraluke, the object is repulsive. It practically drinks in the light around it, a seething Abyssal black against the brightness of of the world around it. "THROW OPEN THE CATES OF NIFLHEIM! More souls await!" The man laughs, adjusting his glasses as he thrusts the object forward. "Allow this to be my /introduction/ to you, woman!" Energy swirls and crackles around him, dark and terrible as he intones:

"I am he who hath entrusted his soul to the eternal vortex of time. Ye know me! And if ye do not, ye shall be MADE to know me! It shall be engraved on thy very soul... LEZARD VALETH! If ye shall accept the brand of Hel upon thee, thy sanctions shall in turn be lowered. I shall grant thee the deliverance of thy soul, and ye shall come now before me!"

As his resonant chant completes, purple-black holes open up, decayed horrors beginning to surge upwards into the alleyway. Shambling zombies, decrepit fampires, spirits, skeletons, and ghouls begin to crowd the alley as they rush the woman and droids.

"Take her alive. I find her... Interesting." Lezard states to the encroaching horde.

Jayale (892) has posed:

    The older woman stands there, still not really showing any typical signs of fear. There was some presence about her, a calmness, that nature about her not yet broken or pushed to react. She didn't pull back, or run. Not yet. Instead, she stood, she listened, and she watched. "You... are not of this world." She finally said. "In fact, I would wager that you are not of this Galaxy." She half spoke to herself as she allowed herself to recover mentally from the feedback that hit her rather heavily and this gave her a chance to say rather simply to the droids that were present, "Stay." There was a few responses articulated from them ranging from responses in binary/astromech-like language to a more common tone, but overall they did not act on their own.

    She could sense some of the locals around the area quickly getting the hell out of here, knew that soon enough rumors were going to be spreading, knew that it was going to be the buzz of the moon, this fellow chanting loudly as he was, almost sorcerous in his nature. And once his actions were finally felt...

    Finally realized in that they pushed up and began to rush forward, Jayale finally responded. "Thank you for making a commotion, Lezard Valeth." She didn't want anyone around to see her act. No one was sticking around for whatever was going on. They would come and try to clean up the debris, like carrion birds, but for the moment? None were watching. Which meant she didn't feel quite as uneasy raising her hands and slowly lifting them from her mid-section up. Lezard could see behind her the holocarts that her devices were on lift up and rearrange themselves, the cargo upon each being neatly dumped onto a single unit which groaned and sunk to the ground with a thud. Too much cargo for it, but the other two slabs with repulsors beneath them?

    They turned onto their side and pushed forward, blockading the path between herself and the encroaching swarm, attempting to push them back right on top of the one who called them up. "Cease this and leave." A defensive action, it seemed, as she probably could have simply thrown the transports right at him and attempted to crush him.
    Perhaps she just wasn't the type.

Lezard Valeth has posed:
Lezard doesn't seem to care at all that he's making a huge commotion. With an snap of his cloak that would seem almost theatrical were he not clearly preapring to summon up another blast, the Sorceror of Midgard gets momentarily interrupted by getting his undead shoved back towards him. He is forced to leap backwards, and the stymied Sorceror snarls for a moment. "Do you /mock/ me, woman? Such insolence is ill-becoming!" With a gesture of his hand, one of the holes suddenly gapes larger, and a hulking beast climbs from it. Massive and skeletal, a draconic skull gapes from between its shoulders, eye sockets burning bright with unholy flames that wash out behind it like a mane. Its shoulders and limbs are covered with heavy metal plating that could shrug off most normal weapons. Good thing Jayale is in a world with a lot of unusual ones. Each hand clutches a massive chopping blade ,cruel and showing signs of heavy use. Lezard points at the barricade. "CLEAR THE WAY!"

With that cry, the Dragon-Tooth Warrior charges the barricade, crushing lesser under beneath it as it smashes into the improptu barrier with an inhuman roar.

Jayale (892) has posed:
    Just who, or what, was this man? Jayale had no idea, and it worried her. She wanted to simply take her stuff and leave, possibly just abandon the silks and other things and take the crystals and do such. But if he wanted them that badly - if that was what he even wanted, to what lengths would he go through in following her and possibly hurting others in an attempt to get what he wanted.

    Though since it was obvious he was not part of this world... she could risk simply giving them to him. "I do not mock you young man, no, I simply have no desire to continue on this madness. You have yet to tell me what of mine you wish for so badly and..."

    Jayale shivered a little as she felt more beings, entities, /things/ appearing. She could sense some, not others, could see some. Things that seemed to be dead, or partially so, animated. Constructs. When the Dragon-Tooth Warrior did what it did, the transport it ran into pushed back and was knocked to the side, the older woman gasping a bit, the other one falling as well and leaving her to have them trampled over with the surge of undead now that they weren't blocking them off. Still, she shows no signs of weapons. Not yet.

    There was also simply the option of attempting to destroy her cargo. ...but would that make him leave, or simply make him angry enough to simply destroy the area, and continue after her, in revenge? "Tell me, what are you after? What do you want! Stop this madness while you have the chance and speak, you seem quite happy to do that!" Part of her felt like she should just give him the crystals. Chances were he wouldn't spill her identity to the Empire, but he'd already informed his crowd of /things/ to take her. Alive. Which left her to float out three cylinders of some kind, handle-sized metal tubes from behind her back, coming to float in various positions in front of her.

Lezard Valeth has posed:
At this point, Lezard is standing back, watching the proceedings intently. He seems to have decided not to strike personally, instead leaving that to his undead horde, led by his Dragon-Tooth Warrior. "At first I simply wanted to appropriate the crystals you have hidden in your shipment. They practically scream to anyone who knows how to look properly, you realize."

He seems almost relishing the response of the woman as he adjusts his glasses again, commenting as if there wasn't an undead horde besieging the woman. "But now, I am more interested in you. You seem to be possessed of some... unusual talents that I would love to study in more detail. I hope you survive the experience!" He chuckles for a moment. "After all, I can always use more valuable material for my Homunculi!"

It's at this point that the Dragon Tooth Warrior looms over Jayale. They might have orders to not kill her, but that doesn't mean it isn't going to use those huge swords. Not understanding what those cylinders are and why they're floating before the woman, the greater undead raises one of those blade and brings it down with a roar, slashing with speed and fury in a blow that would take a normal person's limbs off on that side.

Jayale (892) has posed:
    So, he /was/ after the crystals. And had some way to sense them. That means she would have to start being a bit more careful in the future about how she transported such things. "To those of this Galaxy... those who are capable of realizing such are few and far between. Which means..."

    Means she has to pay attention to the beast looming over her. Watching her would be like watching it try to cut water, the flow of the strike causing her to turn, silky attire being sliced into and causing a sliver of silk to float away as she pulled to the side and used the opportunity to dismiss her droids away with a whistle, causing them to abandon her and the cargo to the chaos that was going on.

    He wanted her, though? That was unfortunate. She didn't want him, and wasn't entirely sure what a Homonculi was, nor why she would be considered material. However, if these creatures were any evidence... perhaps he only wanted her /body/. The metallic cylinders moved with her as she spun backwards, hands moving freely of the weapons and causing an explosion of Lashaa Silk to flurry up from the pile she had, piles of the terribly expensive fabric spreading out, billowing through the air and attempting to block out the view. It certainly blocked out sight for those things that needed it, though she was among those who did not need such a thing to act. And with the fabric in the air, Jayale ripped the container that had the crystals in them out of the pile with the Force and dumped the crystals out, shooting the three crystals off in varying directions that would leave them sailing through the air and falling down the gaping pits that Nar Shaddaa had into the far reaches of things below, likely to shatter into nothing. Though heading the opposite direction from the crystals was Jayale, deciding to take the option to flee, the cylinders that she was trying to threaten with tucking away beneath her cloak again and clipping onto concealed spots along her upper back.
    This would provide him with a chance to choose. Try and go after the crystals he wanted so badly, or go after her instead.

Lezard Valeth has posed:
It's at this point that the Necromancer scowls, watching the explosion of crystals in all directions. As it happens, Lezard points and gestures, yelling out with a wordless order. Undead scatter in all directions, chasing the jewels, even going so far as to leap off of the walkways into the abyss to chase them.

It's not like he doesn't have more.

Meanwhile, the Dragon-Tooth Warrior is coated with fabric, tangled up uselessly with the clever deployment of the silk. The beast, hopelesly tangled, descends into the abyss which spawned it with a gesture of the Necromancer, even as many of the undead do similarly once they have acquired crystals.

As far as Lezard himself, a ring if light appears around him, drawing itself slowly around him as he fades away. Where did he go?

One of the things about being Lezard Valeth? You don't have to make that choice.

Jayale might just start feeling like she got away when a voice intrrupts her from atop a neon-lit building. "Leaving so soon? I would think such a thing after I have gone through all this trouble to extend an invitation would be... impolite." He says. even so, he extends that staff he holds, pointing it towards Jayale. "Enough games. Let us take your true measure. LIGHTNING BOLT!" And in classic Sith style, a torrent of lightning blasts from the staff he holds towards Jayale! Look out!

Jayale (892) has posed:

    He could simply appear in various locations? Just what was this being capable of?

    And then suddenly lightning. Thankfully for the most part others were still scattered and not watching, though since she had decided to try and flee there were a few more braver types who happened to be close enough to see the lightning bolts, wondering to themselves just what was going on, or if some long-dead Jedi were fighting. Could Jedi do that? They had no idea, all they knew was the Force was some hokey religion and that apparently they betrayed the Republic over it!

    Jayale was hardly a practicioner of Tutaminis, the art of absorbing energy either via the force or channeling it through a lightsaber. Which meant her movements, how she dodged, were purely instinct even as one of the lightning bolts clipped her outfit to the point she ripped the smoldering, on-fire fabric off her shoulders and left it to burn. Either she was incredibly dextrous to be able to dodge such, or she somehow knew where they were going to strike. Something allowed the woman to defend herself, but to what capacity is hard to say. She was able to dodge, but he was poking at her from afar, save the beast he had sent close which had almost cleaved her in two. Exhaustion was beginning to show upon her, however, being out of breath. She simply wasn't in shape and even that short run she had taken, and all of the effort that is going on, has left her a bit tired.

    He could either be in two places at once, or could simply move at will, but as of yet she noticed he was standing on surfaces. But the question was, could he fly?

    She couldn't, but what she /could/ do was use the force to lift herself, and by proxy, slow her own falling. Which is why she waved and then hopped back off of the edge of the platform she was on, seemingly falling into the abyss just like the crystals and his minions, that may have caught and possibly saved the crystals. But she? Would allow herself to plummet down unless stopped somehow and slow her descent until she found something to try and land on, or use the Force to pull towards herself so she can try and grab on it. Nar Shaddaa's upper most segments were what got the most traffic, however there /were/ lower segments. Hopefully he wouldn't follow.
    Knowing her luck, however, he would. And she was close to her limit at this point.

Lezard Valeth has posed:
The woman is exceedingly resourceful, Lezard will have to give her that. Each dodge causes that scowl to deepen a little more. His aim could surely not be at fault, could it?! Never!

However, the woman hurls herself into the abyss, trying to escape him even still. "Accursed woman, STAND STILL!" Lezard cries with an edge of frustration, his yell following her as she begins to plummet. It looks like she is about to get off scott free...

When there is a fluttering of black as Lezard whips past her, caught mid-air by a shirking, winged harpy-demon. "If you wished to commit suicide, woman, there are /more convenient ways/!" Lezard bited the words off as the pair whip down through the bowels of Nal Hutta, screaming vehicles roaring past them as they dart and dodge. One particularly large vhiecle hoves in front of the Sorceror, and he screams, "FIRE LANCE!", an array of piercing flames roaring out and punching through the vehicle, silhouetting his dark figure as he whips through the disintegrating remains. Over and over, he sweeps past, divebombing towards Jayale as they fall, trying to slam into her and knock her senseless!

Jayale (892) has posed:

    Once again Jayale is left unable to really say much, left to her own thoughts as to what she coucld possibly do about the man that was chasing her. At this point, she was pretty well pinned. Despite having NOTHING around her... she also had no real way to be mobile. This was a bit of a last-resort kind of thing and now? Well, it left her wondering if she /did/ have any outs.

    "N-no! Don't, there is no reason to...!" And the vehicle is destroyed, Jayale using the Force to grab the operater of it and eject him towards an area that /felt/ safe. He might still get hurt, but hopefully shouldn't die. That did, however, leave her unable to respond to the attack of he and the Harpy-demon in time and that meant it hit her, hard enough that she fell through the air, seemingly limp. Conscious or not was hard to say as she had her 'eyes' covered(not that she had any, period), but she wasn't responding any further at this point.

    Seems when he finally hit her properly, it hurt, and she was way too weak to resist.

Lezard Valeth has posed:
And Jayale makes a critical error: Trying to save someone else's life in the collateral damage. At least, that's an error to /him/. She'll probably feel good about it up until the point where she was blindsided (ha ha) with that big ugly stick Lezard carries. When she stops going responsive in the air, Lezard has the Harpy grapple the falling woman and slow their descent, arcing over to a side landing deep within Nal Hutta. The area smells terrible and has worse lightning, and the inhabitants are probably worse still.

However, Lezard has little to care about in that respect at this time. For now, he stands over Jayale, having the harpy let her go and stand back as he looks down over her. "You've led me on quite the chase. I am going to take my time with this upcoming examination, woman." He states, even as he raises his hands. Another magical circle begins to manifest at this point around them. If Jayale is going to escape going on a magical trip to a happy* place full of adventure** and wonder***, now is the time to do it.

* - happiness is not guaranteed and may be outlawed in 99 perent of the Galaxy.
** - The kind of adventuure that usually involves guys with nails driven into their head in grid patterns
*** - The kind of wonder you have when staring at a train wreck

Jayale (892) has posed:
    Indeed, he had smacked her hard enough that her head was even bleeding, racing with the pain of such. She wasn't quite unconscious, but close enough that she hadn't resisted the efforts. It gave her a chance to let him do the work for her, and in the process, let him reposition them to a safe place. She was entirely still, letting him speak, letting him raise his hands and begin to do something. Though what happens next might catch him off guard. Her hands twitch and the cylinders that had been upon her back, crumbled as she was, slip out from under her and between his legs only to fly up and attempt to surround him, igniting all at once.

    Unlike most Jedi, or Sith - she didn't ignite them and then swing, she didn't make a show of trying to get him to back off.

    Not this moment. No, the handles of the lightsabers floated into position, and then quite simply ignited, with the only place to go being into him. Depending on how he moved, or if he did at all, would depending on just how badly he would be injured, though the weapons were positioned to pierce one blade into each of his shoulders in an attempt to make him unable to use his arms and the third had went towards the harpy-demon in an effort to end it. A very, very quick on, and off again, to an unknowing observer the silver blades might simply look like an awkward blaster shots quickly being shot and gone in the same motion.

    But Lezard would feel it unless he was swift enough to react, swift enough to stop her from using everything she had to roll to the side and try to get herself out of the circle, whatever it was.

Lezard Valeth has posed:
He really should have expected that.

Even though he saw her do it a couple times, the sudden telekinesis catches him off guard. He had everything under control, but apparently underestimates Jayale's ability to fake unconsciousness. This results in a flash of silver pain as lightsabers cleave into his arms. The harpy shrieks, a hole ripped through it as it falls over to be consumed with stinking flame as it dissolves away.

Lezard, too, shrieks in pain, but he does not dissolve. He reels backwards, the surprise causing him to stumble backwards, tripping on the edge of the rail-less landing.

Nar Shaddaa does not obey OSHA standards, after all.

"This... ISN'T THE END, WOMAN!" Lezard screams, moments before he pitches over with a defiant howl, the Necromancer vanishing into the darkness below.

Jayale (892) has posed:
    Perhaps her only saving grace was him not knowing this city as well as her, because while she had originally fallen off the platforms on purpose... it seems he, otherwise, had not. Despite it all, she was left laying there, beyond dizzy from the blow to the head, the lightsaber handles falling back to the ground as she quickly grabbed them and sloppily went about stuffing them into her holster at her side since her cloak had been discarded and the otherwise less-obvious area she had them attached would be exposed.

    "Just what... or who, was he?" Sure, he gave his name. But even with his name, she had no idea about them. But indeed, she would remember the name as she slowly pushed herself upright and wobbled to a safer nook in the side of the platform she was on to wait and catch her breath before trying to leave. Hopefully she wouldn't draw too much attention.